Evil Rises- Chapter Eighteen

Story by Furry Sith Lord on SoFurry

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#20 of Evil Rises

Chapter Eighteen

"Welcome To The Jungle"


Furry Sith Lord

Father and I stopped speaking and as we went through the rest of the Comic Con we tried to remain civil with each other. The rest of the group had a great time and the after event party was a blast. We got to walk around and talk and hang out with the actors as if they were normal species like us.

Lyon was a hit because he drew pictures of each cast member and gave them as gifts. He had set aside time to draw them at home and brought them with him when we stood in line for the autographs. He is a really exceptional artist and his drawings look so life-like. Each actor autographed their picture and shared it on social media. I never saw Lyon beam with such pride.

Dash tried getting dates with the female actresses but he was sadly shot down. Ben and I actually felt sorry for him but he seemed unphased by it. Dad and Uncle Jon were busy acting like puppies and had a great time making the actors laugh at their antics. Ben was busy keeping an eye on everyone to make sure no one got into trouble as father and I had our silent battle of wills.

Father and the actor that does the voice of The Evil Emperor spoke at great lengths and since they were both deers, they had a lot in common. The closest I came to was talking to The White Fur Ranger actor because even though he is a house cat, he is a feline like I am.

Once we returned home I was dragged to my father's office for a discussion. While the rest unpacked.

"Tyger, there is no way you are coming with me." Father said and I folded my arms across my chest. "We have 2 weeks until the next semester starts and I really can't guarantee you'll be back in time."

"How much time do you need to assemble that strike team of yours?" I asked calmly and I saw him glare then he folded his arms across his chest and it showed that our battle of wills had begun.

Lyon pressed his ear against the door to Lou's home office. He suddenly felt a presence and looked up to see Leggo doing the same, then he locked down to see Dash was below him.

"Hey this was my idea," he whined as Dash shushed him and his dad petted his head but put his finger to his lips. All three returned to trying to listen in on the conversation.

Ben rolled his eyes as he stood off to the side watching as he continued to drag in luggage while the others tried listening in.

"Ah, a little help here!" He finally announced getting annoyed at having to do all the work.

"Let the servants do it, that's what they're paid for." Dash said to him and Ben just let the bags drop. He watched them for a few moments then he crept over to listen in as they were.

"Think about this logically, We have a little less than 14 days until school starts back up. I need 3 days to get the strike team ready and also when I go in I'll need servants or they may suspect something. This may prove a problem because whoever I pick their lives may be in danger." Father explained but I was only half listening as I kept hearing Dash talking through the door. I turned to face it and I saw father observing me then I gestured so that he'd understand I was hearing something.

Father nodded knowingly but dismissed it because he wanted to stay focused on our discussion. I shrugged and turned to continue knowing full well that our 'family' was listening in on us.

"Then the timing is perfect if you follow my plan. First off you set up the strike team ASAP. Second, you and I will helicopter in to the city and make our way in just the two of us. We will be less threatening and my white color will hold the apes at bay because I'm the same color as BH.

We go in and request an audience to find out what he wants then we quickly leave to give them a chance to think the proposal over. We get back and I'll be off to school as you wait on BH to see how things play out." I explained and father used his hoof to rub his chin. I know he saw the logic in my proposal but he was pondering a way to circumvent my reasoning.

"Like bloody hell!!!" We both heard Ben loudly yell and the door was kicked open as he stormed in while Lyon, Dash, and dad fell to the floor when the door opened. They scrambled off trying to appear as if they were not listening in.

"Is there a problem?" Father calmly asked Ben.

"As your future son in law,"

"Don't give me that! You will be everybit my son as Tyger and Lyon are! None of this son in law nonsense. Just so we understand each other." Father interrupted and it silenced Ben as if father had slapped him. Ben was then confused on how to continue because my father's response was so unexpected he completely set him off balance. I smirked because it was a good example of how great a negotiator my father is.

"Ben," I interjected to try and get him back on track. "Were you going to say something?"

"Just that... I won't let my father and my one-day-to-be-husband walk off into danger." he said weakly.

"Yeah," Dad said as he was helping the others up off the floor. He saw us turn to look at him and he tried hiding behind my brother and Dash.

"For the most part I agree with all of you. I don't want Tyger to come with me because it is too dangerous. I am also forced to see reason and his connection to BH and his coloring may be the key to success in this mission. I am open to any suggestions that will help me keep Tyger here. Please give me some, otherwise I may be forced to give in." Father replied and I turned to look at the others.

The helicopter ride was thrilling and I don't think I've ever been in one before. I looked out the side and saw how high up we were. It was higher than any tree I had ever climbed! Father seemed bored as if used to this and he lightly slapped my behind as I was on my paws and knees looking out of the window to see how high we were.

"We do not behave like that," he scolded and I sat upright back in my seat. Although it was loud with the propellers twirling loudly over our heads I thought he made a comment of my acting like a cub.

We landed in a private airfield and when we got out I instinctively held my head as the blades were still spinning and the wind was kicking up the dirt around us. Father nonchalantly exited and walked over to Will as he was dressed in camo gear.

"Son of a bitch," I replied and Will looked down at me and smiled.

"Did you really think your father would trust anyone but me?" He asked as he grinned. I took out my cell phone and called Lyon.

"Yeah bro," he answered.

"Will is here and I thought you might like to say hi." I replied and set the phone on speaker.

"Hey you orange fur ball! You're not dead yet?" Lyon mocked.

"Ha, ha." Will replied sarcastically.

"Lyon!" Father said sternly.

"Sorry," Lyon replied weakly.

"We'll talk about this when I get home." Father said and I heard Lyon swallow fearfully.

"It's alright. It's how he wishes me luck. Besides when you start playing again I'm gonna be there to watch you fall on your ass you little weakling." Will said and Lyon roared as if he was an adult lion. All three of us stood there stunned and even our father was surprised.

"You bring them back safe or you'll have me to deal with." Lyon ordered.

"Yes sir!" Will replied.

"Oh shit, noooo! Dash run! He uses tickles as weapons!" The call abruptly ended and father chuckled.

"Seems my husband has things under control." He remarked and while Will was clueless as both me and father knew the boys were being mercilessly tickled by dad.

"Everything is in place, so if BH tries anything then we charge in and get you both outta there. I brought my sniper rifle and filled it with tranks, as you requested." Will stated as he left the airfield.

"Hopefully we won't need any of this. I prefer to keep the hairless ones as safe as possible." Father said and Will nodded but he smelled of skepticism.

We were led to the entrance of the forest and it looked exactly like that television show I watched. I was trying to remember the name of it then as we stepped in, I suddenly recalled it. The name of the show was Never Found and I suddenly hoped that that would not be us. I had brought the dildo with me hoping it might shake BH up as it did when I showed it to him when he tried to cubnap me.

I kept it in my pocket and I was sure that father knew about it but he said nothing. I had wanted to explain but felt too embarrassed to explain why I was carrying a dildo with me. I tried to think of a way to explain that BH had bought me it but everytime I wanted to mention it I just kept losing my nerve. I was afraid of how my father would take it.

Every so often father would check his GPS tracker as he was making sure we were on track to the last known coordinates we had on file. We approached the entrance to a village and I could feel the presence of eyes watching us. My father grabbed me and pulled me behind him as if to hide me as we entered. I saw numerous hairless apes involved in various activities like cleaning laundry and preparing food while a small group of males stood ready with their spears as they watched the intruders enter their home.

A dais was erected next to the center of the village with the central firepit in the exact center and the dais was right behind it. A whiyte hairless ape and BH sat in chairs that were placed side by side on the dais. BH looked bored but as he saw father approach he suddenly sat upright and the hunters and the small white hairless ape looked at him then glared at us.

Father stopped as he stood at the opposite side from them with the firepit separating us from them. He released me and I moved to stand next to him and I saw two of the hunters, ones that tried to capture me before with BH, and BH looked at me.

"We have guests," BH said and I watched as the villages crowded around us to block our escape, if we tried, with the hunters moving in to guard the dais.

"Hello papa." I said meekly and both BH and father flinched then looked at me.

"What this word? Papa... what do it mean?" Hueman asked and BH rubbed his head. BH said something in another language to him and the boy seemed to understand as his expression changed from confusion to opening his eyes wide and his mouth slightly. From what I could guess the language sounded like an apes language.

The white hairless ape then began to glare at me for some reason and I felt a little bit nervous not understanding why he seemed upset.

"I believe you wanted to speak to me BH." Father said and there were shocked cries from the villagers. Father looked around trying to understand why they were reacting this way.

"You dare profane the name of Reverend Lord?!" One of the hunters said as he raised his spear and pointed it at us then the others did the same.

"Wait!" BH declared and the hunters held still but still pointed their spears at us.

"Is there a problem?" Father asked, keeping his voice soft and nonthreatening.

"My name is now called Reverend Lord and it is held sacred among my people." he replied and father bowed politely.

"Our apologies, we did not know this... Reverend Lord. You wanted an audience, well here I am. My son wanted to pay you a visit since your meeting at his school was interrupted. Was there something you needed to discuss with him?" Father asked. BH rose and approached us.

"Come into my hut where we will not be disturbed." He said and he motioned towards the hut we were to enter. We entered carefully as the crowd broke and went back to their tasks but they still occasionally glared at us as we made our way inside the hut. As I started to enter the boy ran in front of me pushing me out of his way as he entered before me.

Father angrily walked inside and turned to face the boy. Father's eyes were full of rage and he grabbed him by his arm and pulled him close.

"Is there a problem?" He asked him. The lad tried to pull his arm free but father was not budging.

"Well?" Father asked again and as the lad kept refusing to say anything father scruffed him.

"That doesn't work, you have to hold them by the ear." BH replied as he watched all this unfold and father grabbed the boy by his ear and led him outside as BH and I stuck our heads out to see what was going to happen.

Father led the boy over to the chair he had sat on and in front of everyone he placed the boy over his lap and administered a spanking to him. The group watched with amazement that the deer would ever do such a thing. I heard BH chuckle as his head was above mine.

"Wish I had done that sooner, the little brat deserves it." BH replied.

"No one has the right to be disrespectful to visitors when the visitors have been as polite as they can be." Father then released the lad and rose as the people just glared at him. He ignored it and turned his attention back on the boy.

"Are you going to behave better?" Father asked softly yet keeping his voice firm. The boy wiped tears from his eyes and nodded.

"That's better." Father said and he put his hoof on the boy's shoulder and ushered him back inside. The lad stood apart from us and I made the first move as I went over to him and tried to make peace between us.

"He does that to me all the time." I said and he wiped the last of the tears from his eyes as he looked at me.

"My name's Tyger, what's your name?" I leaned my arm on one of his shoulders and relaxed without putting any pressure on it. I wanted him to become comfortable with me.

"Hueman," he replied finally after waiting to make sure my father wasn't going to give him another spank. I gave him a brief hug and then let the adults get on with their business.

"Isn't that touching," BH said and father eyed him skeptically.

"You wanted to speak with me, well here I am." Father said with his voice carrying a bit of annoyance.

"You two are practically brothers," BH continued as he ignored father.

"Well then if business is concluded," Father snapped his fingers and I jumped then went over to his side. We had set this up previously to throw a curveball in the wolf's plans if he started to play games. Two can play games and my father doesn't like to lose.

"What makes you think I'll allow you to leave?" BH asked and Father smiled at him. Everything was going according to his plans as usual.

Father took out a clear glass object that was shaped to look like a rose. He carefully looked around and held it up and waited a few seconds then the glass flower was shattered as a bullet struck it.

"Do you really think I came alone?" Father asked smuggly. I saw the look on BH's face but Hueman seemed amazed as if it broke by magic.

"Fine. I need you to make a deal for us." BH said.

"What kind of deal?" Father asked.

"In the city next to us there is a mining company. I need their expertise to mine all the ore here so I can help modernize my people. You've seen the squallow way they live and disease is rampant among us. I want to help move them into the modern century so they can live better, healthier, and more productive lives.

Unfortunately, I'm not good at negotiations and I fear the mining company will take advantage of us and steal all the ore for themselves. After careful consideration I realized that you were a better negotiator than I'll ever be. I was hoping that with your son," BH explained.

"You'd have leverage to force me to make this deal for you." Father interrupted sourly.

"I need as big a yield as possible so I can begin to train these people in sciences and help move them past their primitive superstitions." BH said.

"Better their lives and make them into an army?!" Father accused. BH calmly looked at him as they both locked eyes. They each seemed to know what the other was thinking.

"These people are about two thousand years behind to ever catch up to modern infantry. They die of diseases that we have cured ages ago or have means to treat. I, myself, watched a cub... er boy die from diabetes because no one here knows about insulin or even basic first aid."

"You're trying to give the proverbial child a loaded handgun and hoping for the best. Imagine your surprise when that child kills another or even himself! They are not ready for this and it's dangerous to try and force them.

At best if we were to shuttle their cubs to school then we can begin to integrate them with modern knowledge. They can teach their parents and when the next generation takes over it will be better equipped to advance themselves. This kind of thing cannot be done overnight." Father warned but BH seemed as if he was not listening.

"Oh really?! Well why don't you try living here for a week and you watch their children starve and their bellies get swollen up. You try living here without your fancy cooks and waitstaff. You go without clean water to drink and then you can lecture me about how wrong it is to give them a better life." BH retorted.

"Then you need to watch Furry Trek because this is exactly like their Primal Directive. Pushing a civilization to evolve faster than they are capable of, leads to dire consequences. If you really want tro help them then open the village to missionary work where professionals can come in. They can bring clean water and fresh food and vets to help the sick.

Remember the saying? Give a fur a fish and they eat for a day but teach them how to fish and they can eat for a lifetime."

"That's exactly what I'm trying to do. Teaching them to fish but I need the materials to build a fishing pole because they don't know how to make one." BH countered.

"We both know you're lying. You want an army for some reason. You don't care a whiff about these people only that they can fight for you for whatever you're trying to accomplish. You'll kill every last one of them just to get your way.

What is it you're after? Rebuild The White Citadel? Capture Bear? Or are you trying to fulfill that fake prophecy in the cub's book?" Father asked.

"I gave up on Bear long ago when all his faithful abandoned him. I and the only one that stayed true when everyone fled. Now I have a new family and a new home," BH lied. "I won't let a greedy millionaire,"

"Billionaire actually." Lou interjected.

"Try to make my people become extinct because they don't care about your money like others do. You're afraid you'll lose your power, so you need to get rid of them." BH said frantically adding fake emotions to his words.

"There is no truth at all in that! I am actually on your side or rather on their side. I never approved of the doctor's methods concerning Hueman. I feel that he, like you, want to push them into something that they are not ready to become yet." Father replied.

"Then I guess you are correct, our business is concluded." BH said and he moved to the door of the hut and opened it. Father shook his head then took my paw as we walked out and again saw them staring at us.

"We will be having a ritual dinner this evening. You are welcome to join us to experience life here.

"Thank you. I believe we will take you up on your offer of hospitality." Father replied and we left to get ready for the meal that evening.

A couple of seats had been placed on the dais next to the ones that Hueman and BH used. Evening had since set in and the center of the village was illuminated by torchlight and a large campfire blazing in the center of the firepit.

A couple of the villagers sat at large drums and used their hands to bang on them in a systematic rhythm. When we took our seats as Hueman and BH led us to them, a hairless ape approached the fire. He was wearing painted plants that loosely covered him and he wore a mask that looked sort of like a wolf mask.

"If that you?" Father politely asked BH as he smirked and laughed. Hueman sat on the side of me separating me from BH and he spoke of various stuff as the villages took their places.

The drums suddenly got louder causing the chatter tro end and a small group of hunters approached the fire as the one dressed as BH danced wildly.

"The one dressed as me is named Rowlf. They are very proud of their floorshow so please applaud them once it's finished." BH instructed.

"If The lions wanna fight, we're gonna slaughter them." The hunters chanted and the villagers began to dance as if possessed by something. They sang in the common language.

"Zav Hu Chabar, Sheli hu nal-cham eyti." Rowlf chanted in the ape language as the crowd cheered. He moved to dance in front of the crowd and they began to follow his lead. I looked at father but he calmly watched though I could smell fear on him as well as the smoke from the fire.

"If the?tigers?come, we'll wear their skin and then." The hunters continued.

"Am ha cha-fe-sa, An-Cha-nin echad." Rowlf chanted and the crowd shouted. Hueman rose from his seat and began to dance like the crowd. He looked at me and pulled on my paw and I joined him as I tried to awkwardly copy his moves.

"When the elephants come, they're gonna be slain by my brethren." The hunters yelled.

"Zar-an lecha-binra, shaham arch-nehu." Rowlf continued.

"Lock 'em in a cage, parade them all around and then." The hunters said and the dancing began to stop and everyone stood still as if waiting.

"Zav Hu Chabar, sheli hu nal-cham eyti, am ha cha-fe-sa, an-Cha-nin echad,zar-an lecha-binra, zhaham arch-nehu." Rowlf chanted as everyone stood solemnly. The whole group howled loudly like wolves as they all sang together and everyone joined in except BH, my father, and myself as they screamed and shouted the words simultaneously.

"I got eyes like the moon, claws like a dragon, we run hard, we run as one, we once were lost, we once were cold, we were saved by our Reverend Lord, he lifts us up, glory of old, we were saved by our Reverend Lord." They all chanted then they whole group began to chant the word Woof over and over again.

I could smell my father begin to panic even though he tried to keep his composure. I saw that BH had noticed it too and he was enjoying it.

"Hueman," I asked as I interrupted him chanting with the others and he looked at me surprised that I would do such a thing. "What was Rowlf chanting?"

"The wolf is my friend, he fights for me, run with the pack, we are one, call the pack, they're our brethren." He said translating the hairless ape language.

To Be Continued...