Chapter 7: Lightning Succubi

Story by Ultamastallion on SoFurry

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#8 of Monstergirl Waifu: Book Of Lilium

Monster girls poured into the dungeon the second we unlocked the mansion's door. From centaurs, minotaurs, and driders to the more powerful hellhounds, lamias, and vampires, the dungeon was flooded. The dungeon's response was decisive. Ghosts charged into their advance, and the living battled the dead. As the two forces clashed, we fled inside and closed the door.

The mansion shook as powerful ghostly presences made themselves known. A door leading deeper into the mansion shut under the force of heavy iron gears. On the wall in bloody handwriting were clear instructions.

"The way deeper into the mansion is sealed without power. Go up the stairs, to the attic, and activate the power generator to open the door." Vraley read.

"So, this dungeon doesn't like exploration, or does it only rail us in the mansion. You would think this place would encourage the most exploration." I said and knocked on the iron door.

"You're wasting your time; the dungeon empowered that door with runes. I've never seen a dungeon use electricity for anything. Or is it just a dead switch?" Molly asked.

"We're in for a long fight. Up in the attic, a boss roams free that can slip through walls. If we aren't careful, it could take us out before we get close to the switch." Vraley said.

I didn't want to get my hopes up. The theme was definitely here, and my dick was hard for it. While the others seemed to get nervous, I felt better about the situation. Why wouldn't I? This was a spirit dungeon? I had all the advantages here, and the dungeon was nice enough to color coat the spirits I needed as bosses. There was only one fly in the ointment.

Dungeons were supposed to be fucking smart. It might be trying to test how good I was at fighting ghosts by directing us towards a boss. That was definitely a possibility. The second I started absorbing spirit cores, it was on. It would know I was after the bosses, and it wouldn't give them to me easily.

With that in mind, I had a few options. I could go right for it and damn the consequences or play it sneaky.

"The stairs are this way; we should hurry before the villagers get here," Kale said.

Blessed was Kale and her sexy centaur ass in my time of need. Even if her centaur form made stair climbing a nightmare, speed was critical. She still hadn't transformed back, and I needed to get up and check out the boss. So I decided to do something to occupy my time.

I watched her climb the stairs and stared at her ass the whole way. She climbed more carefully than when she had taken her first step on two legs. All the while, her tail curled up, whipping back and forth, revealing her marehood and ponut for me to see. It was the worst kind of distraction. Pushing her wouldn't do me any good, and my balls were already aching. This world had already turned me into a pervert.

I didn't immediately start licking her ass and pussy, for the record. Climbing stairs was a tedious experience slowed down by being behind a centauress's sweet-smelling pussy. Yes, it was beyond wrong and perverted, but I was stuck here for the foreseeable future. She clomped up the stairs like we had all day, and I couldn't help myself after a while.

"Red, what are you doing back there," Kale screamed.

By that point, I had already scooped up her back legs and focused on licking her large winking centaur cunny and plump third eye. It was ridiculous, and we were in danger, but not really. I didn't feel endangered by fucking weak ghosts.

Not one had bothered us since I ripped the low-class ones apart. The higher we climbed, the denser the qi felt, but from what I could sense, nothing was in a hurry to try itself against me. That could mean a lot of things. Either the dungeon was too busy battling the villagers and claiming the lion's share of its feeding potential, or it couldn't regen the spirits I destroyed. Both options could be possible. Of course, those options weren't the end of possibilities, but I didn't really care.

To me, this felt like a cash grab, and I was also a little nervous. We were about to fight a lightning-type spirit. If I was a betting man, I would say it's at least high-class, which I needed. While that is excellent news for my cultivation, it's terrible for my health. My battle form is weak against lightning. That weakness could fuck up my cultivation.

Kale had such a lovely ass, and I damn was I frustrated so, I started tongue fucking it while she ambled up the stairs.

"This isn't the time or place for this; stairs are dangerous," Kale said.

This had nothing to do with the dungeon; she was scared of stairs. I didn't blame her; if she broke a leg, that might be it for her. She wasn't like a deer; she needed to put her whole weight on her hooves all the time. It's not like she would fall with my carrying her heavy back end.

"I don't know what you're talking about. This seems like the perfect time and place to do this. When will we have a chance like this again?" I asked, and the morale took a hit.

The answer to that question was every day. I wasn't going to let such a weak dungeon make a fool of me. It could try and fight me as much as it liked, but spirits were my specialty. This dungeon had already played its hand, and now it was time to play mind. While it was distracted reaping the villagers, I would reap my own harvest. First, the lightning spirit, then earth, metal, and water would complete the set of seven. Then, if I wanted to go all out, I could get a light and dark for a set of nine. Finally, if I wanted to go all out, I could get a high conceptual spirit and do a set of ten.

I pulled my drenched face away from Kale's cunny when we reached the door to the attic. This was it either I would suffer utter disappointment or finally wipe a weakness of mine out of existence. But, on the other hand, today might be the best day ever if Vraley could be believed.

We crossed into a room filled with sparking wires and dead batteries. Ghostly succubi of copper swarmed us giggling and attacking with lightning-covered claws. Kale charged forward and ran over dozens with steel-shod hooves. Their copper bodies were no match for the density of steel.

I joined the fight brandishing my wooden spear. Their bodies were softer than I was used to. It took decades for spirits to acclimatize materials to form bodies like they originally had. The stronger the spirit, the faster they acclimatized. A low spirit could take centuries, while a high spirit could take decades.

My body seemed to vanish from my perspective as I began my own assault. Lashes of my aura peeled off, ripping their frail bodies apart. The wind spirit I absorbed into my cultivation had changed how my aura reacted. My aura lashed out like a surging wind blasting the nearby copper succubi with blistering heat.

The bodies of the copper succubi melted when I neared them. Even possessing materials to protect their weakness, low-level spirits couldn't withstand much spiritual punishment. Those that avoided my aura had their spirit cores pierced by my spear.

Moments after the fight broke out, it was over. Kale trotted back as I collected the red, white, blue, and black pills from dungeon rewards. The copper coins gave way to a few silver pennies. We weren't exactly getting rich from this, but we were less poor.

"These guys are fragile; I hope the boss is a little stronger." Vraley smacked me on the back of the head.

"You will jinx us if you say things like that. Dungeons are very perceptive. If the dungeon thinks we're having too easy of a time, they have ways to up the difficulty." Vraley said.

"That's what I want. I could kill these trash mobs all day and never feel tired." I said and tossed one of their spirit cores in my mouth.

Some of my qi replenished immediately though most of it was wasted. Lightning cores didn't give much to my cultivation. Still eating them would replenish my strength. If only I could eat enough of them to count for a high-class core. Unfortunately, that wasn't how that worked.

A large copper succubus slammed down on all fours, spade tail whipping about and cunny winking. She was a mid-class lightning-type spirit. I skated over and kicked her in the crotch. The succubi screamed as her body disintegrated. I already had three high-class spirit cores added to my cultivation. What was a mid-class possession type going to do to me?

Lightning shot through a hole in the wall and blasted me in the chest. I felt real pain and screamed out as it punched through my barrier. The damn thing took advantage of my dragon weakness. I fell to a knee as Molly threw a fireball in the hole. My muscles spasmed, and I knew I had been too cocky, but nothing should be a match for me. If not for my damn dragon skill, I would be invincible here. The lightning didn't pierce my defenses because it was stronger than them.

Slowly I stood up, leaning heavily on my spear. Even if I transformed, that would only increase my weakness. Worse now, they knew they could hurt me. If the dungeon was smart, it would be coordinating with its units right now. We were about to walk into the boss's chamber, where all the wires led.

Three mid-class succubi joined their hands and pointed at me. I moved faster than they could direct their combined power. My hands pointed at their chest, and flames blasted from my palms in a cone directed by qi. It was a dirty, poorly crafted, and qi intensive technique, but they were melted puddles of copper when I stopped.

We found some centaur armor from the drops with lightning bolts on it. Between fitting it on Kale or Vraley, I chose Kale. She looked good in the gold and steel armor. I hoped it would keep her safe.

Kale stopped cold on my left in the next room. I smelled the burnt scent of horsehair and knew she had taken a hit for me. Despite her claims about draining me dry, she had taken a heavy hit for me. I skated around her and pulverized the succubi who zapped her in slag. The neat golden helmet that dropped was an excellent addition to Kale's armor set.

A final door blocked out entrance from the boss chamber. We weren't in the best shape, and Kale had the worst electrical burns. She had chosen to shield me from a few attacks with her own body.

"Before we go in, you could take some of the red pills. They will increase your durability." Molly promised.

"He'll also be angrier than a bull during estrus. They will make him tough and horny as hell. I don't think that will help us at all in there." Vraley said.

"If anything happens, I'll run interference. I have the armor for it." Kale said.

"We could leave; we have lots of pills already," Molly suggested.

"I didn't come here for pills. The boss can drop an item that could permanently remove or at least lessen my weakness of lightning." I said.

Kale nodded, stood tall, and limped towards the door. Several runes appeared around use while Molly cast a spell. Suddenly Kale's burns began to heal, and I felt refreshed.

"I can't do that very often, so make it count," Molly said.

"Maybe with this, we have a chance. But this boss is powerful." Vraley warned.

I opened the door to see a very humanlike succubus sitting in a beanbag chair listening to some music through AirPods. She looked like a teenager who stepped out of the first world.

"Hey, guys, give me a second. I didn't expect any visitors for a while. My name is Dani; I like music, cum baths, and the dungeon core. Before we begin, can you give me your names and likes? I like to collect adventurer profiles." Dani said.

She was exactly what I needed. I sensed her high-class spirit core immediately and knew I had to have it. Holding back wasn't an option against her, not when a high-class spirit core was on the table.

"Red, I like cultivating, building fortresses, and fighting powerful opponents. About the dungeon core, did you know it has an interesting fixation on cum plantations?" I said.

"Oh, you have no idea, little boy toy. You could say he's intimately familiar with them and how they operated. But that's enough about you. Cotton candy hair, it's your turn." Dani said.

"Molly Molestia, I like deep pussy, taurs, and studying magic. However, you seem very odd, even for a dungeon boss. I don't think you're the original boss of this floor." Molly said.

"That wasn't a question, but I will answer it anyway. Depending on how you explore this place, you can have different bosses. If you had looked around and found some of the secret messages scattered around, you might have run into someone else. If you don't find any messages, you fight me as a punishment; sorry, guy but none of you are leaving. Big titty taur is your turn." Dani said.

"Kale, I like getting my holes filled, snuggling with my lovers, and my herd; that's not all, but it's all I'm willing to say out loud. So um, is there anything we can do to get past you besides fight." Kale asked.

"Sorry, but no, I'm here because you didn't play the game. So Itty bitty deertuar titties, it's your turn." Dani said.

"Vraley, I like solving mysteries, helping people, and getting railed by our magical girl. So I don't think we're going to lose to you." Vraley said.

"That's an interesting belief," Dani said.

I skated forward and caught her in the gut, and my hand phased through her. My momentum twisted around as she lifted her hands and formed a green ball of lightning. I pushed my hand forward and unleashed a cone of flame. She vanished, leaving the ball of lightning in the air. It quickly destabilized, and lightning blasted through the room.

A blow struck me in the back of the head. If it had even a bit of lightning in it, that would have been it for me. But, instead, I fell with the blow as she followed up by moving to my side to kick me in the ribs. Before the blow struck, I grabbed her foot and twisted. She hit the ground hard, and I forced myself on top of her.

"You're getting kind of rapey." Dani snarked as she phased through the floor.

She shot up superman style with both hands forward. Lightning crackled as she struck my ribs. I felt them break as I took the blow. Kale took two lightning bolts from the still firing lightning ball and rammed into Dani. The girl flailed and spun as I pushed my hand out and blasted her with a tongue of flames.

I threw myself forward through my own attack as she shielded herself. "Any other enemy, and I would have already destroyed you." Our hands clasped together, and I crushed her. She cried out as my flames burned her hands.

Dani tried to pull away or use her lightning, but I was too close. When she pulled at her spirit core, I pulled on her qi. Dani might have beaten me if she had used hit-and-run tactics. The second she decided to fight close range, I had already won.

My qi invaded her body as I isolated her spirit core. "Wait, don't you want to learn more about the dungeon core? He was a man just like you and from another world." My hand encased in qi ripped through her chest and grasped the lightning spirit core. I absorbed it into my cultivation immediately. Dani threw herself back as I pulled the spirit core free.

Somehow even without the core, she still lived. It was fascinating. Her power had instantly plummeted to that of a low-rank spirit. I felt lightning qi course through my cultivation base and balance out with the wind qi. My power rose, and I was confident that I could reach the nascent realm with just a few more spirits.

"You almost killed me for good. If I wasn't attached to the dungeon core, then I don't know what I would do." I held out my hands, and lightning flared between them. My weakness to lightning had been solved for the most part. I wasn't anymore weak against lightning no than any other human. My qi could hold it back, but I wasn't getting any special treatment from the element.

"Don't worry, I'm done with you. All I wanted was your lightning core." I said.

"You should know I used to be the daughter of the owner of this plantation. I accidentally summoned Francis from another world, and we became friends. We went back and forth to his world until my mother and sisters drained him dry. Out of revenge, I killed them and pickled his corpse in their blood. When the authority found out, I was executed, and this land was claimed by a neighboring farm."

While the story behind this place was interesting, the mystery of why she still existed had begun to make itself known. She had a mid-class metal spirit core.

A powerful hand ripped through the wall revealing the form of a beast of a zombie. "Get out of here, Dani. I'll take care of this." The zombie said.

I skated forward and punched the zombie in the face.

Blood flowed down my busted knuckle, and pain flew up my arm.

The zombie narrowed its eyes and hit back. His blow felt like a truck to the ribs.

The ground ripped up as I used qi to keep myself from flying into the girls. When I stopped, I spat out a mouthful of blood and gasped for breath.

chapter 8: Let's Give A dungeon An Identity Crisis

The zombie was fast, durable, and overwhelming powerful; it moved like a whirlwind. First, it smashed into Kale's leg with a sickening crunch. Kale screamed and fell under her own weight. Molly screamed and rushed forward, wand-waving. Magic circles...

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Chapter 6: Naked Dungeon Run

We had to get ready in a hurry the following day. Mobsters checked the inn's rooms across from us, knocking on doors and searching. A drider held back while three lizard-girls and a club-wielding ogre intimidated the guests. The innkeeper, a cat-girl...

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Chapter 5: Molly's Fetish

I stared down at the ruffled pink dress Molly stuck me in. A frilly pink wig covered my bald head, and a mask hid my face for now. I looked like the worst drag queen of all time. My arms rippled with muscle, and I smelled like a week on the road. The...

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