project wolfsoul: chpt 6: prostituted pt3

Story by Caesar the Dog on SoFurry

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#6 of project wolfsoul

Prostituted pt3.

I felt some one slapping my side "wake up you useless bastard!" I opened my eyes groggily surprisingly enough it was the scientist who was calling me a useless bastard. He never did that. I rolled my eyes as I stood and jumped out of the box.

My surroundings confused me momentarily as I looked around. There was a field... some buildings...

"ready to meet the girls?" the scientist asked. We both looked at each other then nodded excitedly.

our leashes were handed to the German farmer. We were then taken into a barn where six German shepherd bitches looked at us and giggled "guten morgen!" I looked at John and I smiled at him and he smiled at me.

"well things are looking up for us John!"

"too right ma... er buddy" he smiled as he was led towards one of the German shepherds by the German farmer

the german shepherd giggled "spiel mit mir!" john smiled as he jumped up onto her back and started humping. I wondered how he knew how canines mated... I eventually came to the consensus that I really didn't want to know.

I too was led up to a bitch I smiled and used some of my German vocabulary "ich will ficken!" by the incredibly dirty look she gave me I could tell she didn't want pups. I was sorry. But I still had to do this. I couldn't let Arctic down.

I licked her mound trying as hard as I could to prevent her any discomfort as I mounted her, I could tell she was a virgin.. the look in her eye. It was a look of fear.

I jumped on her back, I could feel her squirming beneath me. "ganz ruhig" calm, calm I whispered into her ear "Ich werde sanft sein" I will be gentle. She stopped squirming but she still whimpered. I slowly humped her. Soon the tip was poking out of my sheath and poking her.

My glans was now slipping in and out of her. "Aufhören! Bitte!" she cried out as I took her virginity. I felt like the biggest asshole in the world. I'm just some english wolf coming over to her country and taking her... for all I know she could have been saving herself for someone.

I humped her harder. Soon we would be tied. And then she would have my pup making juice in her... is this rape? Here I was fucking some German bitch and I'm being philosophical... I guess it is rape... she doesn't want it... oh god... I'm a rapist.

I then tied her and came in her. If there was any doubt that I was a rapist it was now destroyed. I am defiantly a rapist.