Mitriaria (chapter 28)

Story by Daigarus on SoFurry

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#29 of Stories

They climbed the stony hills, walked for almost six hours and finally reached the base of the famous

mountain. The wind was blowing and it was very cold. The sun was absent most of the year in that site

and white clouds covered the sky. The only sound was the distant caw of gulls and the whistling of the


'I'm shivering,' Dersaco whined. 'I should've brought a coat.'

'Stop whining about the weather!' Yeran asked him. 'We've just arrived and you can't keep your

muzzle shut for a second.'

'I complain of whatever I want, fucking bitch!'

'You behave like a poof.'

'Shut the fuck up!'

'You should've stayed with the oracle.'

'You should've stayed with the oracle,' he mimicked her. 'I should've let that whopping minotaur

tore you in half.'

'You were supposed to kill him and you didn't,' she reminded him it was his obligation to defeat

him. 'You're a sore loser!'

'You were the one who defied me so don't fuck me now.'

'Thank me that at least I saved your life.'

'I didn't ask you to save me, bitch.'

'Querulous puppy.'

'Wretched tart!'

The harmonious conversation went on until they stopped in front of the spiral path that led to the

summit. Once they saw their way up, they climbed the mountain in a steady manner so as not to fall.

The pathway was frozen and it had started to snow. Jakso, who was trailing along behind them, saw

snowflakes coming down from the top, and harked back to his homeland in which winter was

extremely cold and snow blocked all the roads.

At a snail's pace, the three canines headed towards a humid cave awash with stalactites, stalagmites

and sleeping bats. Right inwards, offbeat graphemes engraved on a round black stone called Yeran's

attention, who had already started to peruse them. Even making a great effort to fathom the message,

the wolfess found no meaning whatsoever. Dersaco insisted it was a waste of time trying to figure out

what those symbols meant.

'I've seen these symbols before. There must be some secret message hidden,' she affirmed.

'You're always trying to find meaning to everything.'

'At least I do something... unlike you who only moan like a faggot.'

'I dare you to say that again!'

'Once is enough.'

'Can you ever stop arguing, please?' Jakso asked them in a polite way. He was fed up of hearing

them quarrel.

'I can't guess this riddle with this whinger behind me,' --she pointed at the coyote and growled. She

was not in a good mood that day.

Yeran tried to remember everything she knew about ancient languages. Northern dialects from that

region were a pain in the neck, mainly because natives used a different alphabet and unique allophonic

variations, making the speech uncomprehending for foreigners and linguistics scholars. As she was

fixated on language, she could not accept having an indecipherable message behind her eyes.

Pronouncing the phonemes in a correct way helped her to remember how to construct grammatical

structures, both morphologically and syntactically.

In a couple of minutes, she discovered the secret message by reading backwards, omitting

unnecessary vowels. The rounded stone moved to the right, leaving a narrow hole to cross beyond.

'Was it a waste of time?' she asked Dersaco with a sneer.

'Go fuck yourself!' he told her annoyed.

Before she made a sarcastic remark, two rats crossed under her feet and she bounded like a

frightened cat, making her hair stand on end. The only thing that made her feel really scared was rats.

'What's wrong with you?' Dersaco asked her.

'There are... rats inside that hole. I won't get in there.'

'You can't be serious!'

'I'll continue on my own,' she said and went out quickly.

'I don't understand that crazy bitch.'

'The mice must've scared her,' Jakso supposed.

'And I thought she was lion-hearted.'

The wolf penetrated through the hole and went into the humid tunnel that led to the other side of

the mountain. He noticed the interior was completely empty.

'Will you come with me?'

'I will,' Dersaco crossed the entrance and kept walking by his side. 'I have to make sure you don't go


'Why would I go away? I made a promise to Yeran.'


'I always keep my promises.'

'Of course,' he spoke with irony.

'I do.'

'Do you think she'll give you affection cos you came with us? She's cold like an ice lump.'

'I certainly think so.'

'She doesn't give a fuck about anybody.'

'That's not true. She's sweet and kind.'

'Here we go again with the inaccurate description of Yeran.'

'She lacks love.'

'Or a real heart.'

'What she really needs is a drop-dead gorgeous well-endowed alpha male like me.'

'Does she?'

'Of course she does. Females always need a male to have fun with. Well, most of them.'

'Most of them?'

'Some don't like males.'

'Don't they?'

'Casoile, for example, is known to be very fond of other females. Yeran told me she once touched

her while she was sleeping.'

'That proves nothing.'

'It was harassment. She's a pervert.'

'Lizaru never talked bad about her.'

'She never talks bad about anybody.'

'Yeran likes manipulating others with her baloney. Don't let her coax you.'

'I'm not stupid, mongrel. I've got something better for her than a mere promise.'

'What is it?'

'I've got her silver bangle, the one she lost when the kratsuke attacked you.'

'You were there when that fierce minotaur attacked us?' he asked him surprised.

'I wasn't. I got closer when I felt his presence. He had killed two gryphons on the coast. I found

their flyblown corpses on the road,' he told him. 'The oracle and her servants found you first. You had

fainted before I got there. I gave her my energy so that she wouldn't die. Why do you think she got well

sooner than you?'

'You didn't do that with me.'

'I had run out of energy, my dear.'

'You're lovesick for that catty wolfess, aren't you?'

'I am. She's my raison d'être.'

'You chose the worst bitch to fall in love with.'

'You don't choose who you'll fall for.'

'There were plenty of other fish in the sea and you opted for Yeran. You must be masochistic.'

'As a matter of fact, there was someone else before her.'

'Who was the luckless female?'

'You know her.'

'Do I?'

'She killed herself cos of you,' he muttered and looked down.

'Hold your horses!' he stopped walking. 'You were in love of Grud?'

'I loved her, but I never got enough value to tell her what I felt for her,' he stopped and turned

around. 'When I tried to tell her the truth, someone else had already taken her.'

'Why didn't you say that before? You could've prevented a tragedy.'

'I preferred to stay away from her. You took my love and guided to her doom.'

'You're also responsible for her death.'

'A little bit,' he shrank.

'I can't believe this. Now I see reality from a clearer standpoint. You made light of it and then

blamed me for everything.'

'I just wanted to get rid of you. I was obsessed with her and so was my desire to get my own back

for it.'

'Now everything makes sense. You were jealous and that's why I got your abhorrence.'

'I hate to admit it, but you're right.'

'Why didn't you tell me you loved her?'

'I thought it would be worthless, especially knowing you're stubborn as a mule.'

'If she had stayed with you, things would've been much different. She could still be alive.'

'I wish I could go back through time to tell her the truth,' he bemoaned.

'Lizaru thinks it was my fault.'

'You should've told her about your affair with her.'

'She would've let me if I had told her that.'

'We have much in common,' he told him and put his right hand on his left shoulder.

'We both put our foot in it,' he admitted with a long face.

'There's still time to fix things.'

'Will you propose to Yeran?'

'I'm her betrothed. She already knows my intentions.'

'What are you gonna do in the meantime?'

'I'll be waiting in the wings.'

'I never liked the idea of wedlock. It makes me feel like stuck to someone else permanently with a

very limited freedom.'

'It's a union between two loving souls. If the result doesn't convince you, you can divorce whenever

you want, as many times as possible,' he told him and made a pause. 'Our ignorant and superstitious

ancestors considered wedlock a hallowed everlasting ritual.'

'See loving couples together makes me sick.'

'Like Kam and Raffen?'

'Yes,' he affirmed. 'By the way, I'm glad you got rid of Raffen. He was a fucking arsehole.'

'I could stand neither him nor his boyfriend. Both were unbearable.'

'Kam was just a sissyfag kitten,' he touched upon. 'Lizaru liked them cos they wanted to adopt an

orphan cub.'

'I didn't know that,' he whispered, thinking that having let them die was not a good idea after all. 'I

guess they weren't as bad as I thought.'

'They were maudlin.'

Dersaco and Jakso found uneven stairs, went up and traversed another hole at the end that led to

the exterior, then they continued climbing the mountain for the next four hours, trying not to slip on

the snow-covered edge. Yeran appeared behind them when they stopped to rest. They sat down by a

cold rock and stretched their extremities.

'My legs are cramped. I can't keep walking,' Jakso said.

'If only there was some food right here,' Dersaco wished.

'You expect to find food in a snowy mountain?' Yeran asked him.

'I just want to get to the pick. This mission isn't even part of our journey.'

'It's a promise we made. We can't give in now.'

'I miss my home.'

'You're not the only one homesick here,' Jakso told him.

Jakso settled down beside Yeran and gave her heat. He soon fell asleep and began to snore. She

stroked his lank hair and yawned. None of them were in proper conditions to carry on, they had

climbed enough for the day. They spent the night together under a snow storm.

The following day, as soon as it was clear again, they got up and kept on walking. She opted to

overtake and explore the area by herself. The males were left behind and found a good area to have a

friendly encounter like those they used to have in Arkadia.

'Mongrel, look at this place. It looks like a platform.'


'It's perfect for a fight.'

'A fight?' he asked. 'What are you talking about?'

'It's been decades since we don't fight,' --he drew his sword. 'Wouldn't you like to have an

encounter here?'

'It's cold as fuck and you want to fight?'

'To stay in shape.'

'You sound like a fucking ding-dong, but I accept the challenge,' he said and prepared his sword to


'I've been waiting for this since long. I hope you don't mind the wind.'

'Fuck the wind! It's time to have fun.'

'I hope you're ready.'

'I am.'

The swords clashed against each other, generating a harsh sound. The battle was brutal, neither of

them lowered their defence, their strikes were synchronised and their evasive manoeuvres were

extraordinary. Fast and deft were their movements, careful were their steps and focused were their eyes.

'Not bad for a beginner,' Jakso said.

'This is just a warm-up, wolfie.'

'Is it really? You look fatigued.'

'Bluff all you want. You're just a loser.'

'So are you, mongrel.'

They continued fighting with their swords and exchanging all sorts of underestimation remarks, as

well as bragging about their toughness. Dersaco swore all the time and belittled his opponent's abilities,

not knowing the wolf was, in reality, stronger than him.

'A bum like you could never defeat me.'

'You're a bum too.'

Jakso used his inner energy to release his fury, increasing his speed and nimbleness. He soon pushed

his opponent back and kicked him in the groin to make him fall. The strength used was more than

necessary, Dersaco slipped on the icy ground and almost tumbled. The wolf took his hand on time

preventing a certain death, pulled him up and settled him down on the slippery edge.

'You saved my life,' he was impressed.

'Cos I love you.'

'Don't start again!'

'Want to go on?'

'I'd like to, but this is not the proper site to fight.'

'As soon as we go down, we'll have another encounter.'

'I can hardly breathe at this height.'

Yeran reappeared and found his companions sitting on the frosty ground, talking serenely.

'What are you doing here?'

'Resting,' Dersaco replied.

'Stop messing around! We still have a lot to climb.'

'We were just having fun. Don't lose your head, my dear!' Jakso said.

'There's no time for stupid games.'

'What's your hurry?' Dersaco asked her.

'The oracle is waiting for us.'

Without saying a word, the males followed her to the summit. Night got them again and they were

forced to seek a cave where to rest. The extreme low temperature obliged them to sleep together, very

close to each other. The wolfess settled down betwixt them and let them embraced her.

At dawn, she awakened her companions and told them to go on before it got dark again. Jakso

asked her to go on her own, he had to talk to Dersaco in private. As the wolf was bashful, he needed to

rehearse some scenes with him.

'It'll be just a couple of minutes,' he promised.

'You're up to something, aren't you?' she looked askance at them.

'It's something personal. I don't want you to get involved in this.'

'What is it exactly?'

'I can't tell you. It's... male stuff.'

'Sure! "Male stuff"... ' --she marked the inverted commas with her fingers.

'Get knotted, bitch!' Dersaco told her and she went out. 'So what's that male stuff you were talking


'I need your help to win her heart.'

'I already told you, you won't get it. She has an ice lump in her chest.'

'I'm too coy to approach her. I need to rehearse some scenes with you.'

'Why with me?'

'You're a seducer. You sowed your wild oats before you met Lizaru,' he reminded him. 'Besides, I

can't rehearse with her.'

'I do nothing,' he acknowledged. 'I just pretend to be mawkish and caring. Females are easy to


'I can't even do that. I don't know how to turn her on or make her feel loved,' he admitted in a

pitiable way.

'Are you really that pathetic?'

'I am.'

'I can't believe you.'

'Will you teach me anything?'

Upon seeing there was no other option, Dersaco sighed and prepared for the ridiculous upcoming


'Okay, let's do this.'

Jakso addressed him with lovey-dovey manners, trying to gain his trust with formal terms and poetic

phrases. With a posh accent and gent's attitude, he talked to him as though they were in a romantic

play. Dersaco was disappointed by his inability to create basic pickup lines and behave in a sensual way

like a real seducer.

'You're terrible for this. I pity you.'

'I suck. I know.'

'I'll teach you some tricks.'

He taught him some of his best chat up tricks to be seen as an appealing sexy wolf, not the

disgraceful also-ran he was.

'The fact that those things had worked with you, doesn't mean they'll work with me. Bear in mind

Yeran is delicate.'

'There's something she won't be able to resist.'

'A massage?'

'A passionate kiss, blockhead.'


'You know how to do that, right?'

'I think so.'

'Try with me.'

'I truly understand you've been away from Lizaru since a long time, but it's not for you to get randy

with me.'

'Stop mucking around and do what I ask you.'

'I hope nobody see this.'

Dersaco closed his eyes and tried to think of something else, waiting for the wolf to kiss him. As

expected, he ended up let down. Jakso was lousy to show affection even when rehearsing.

'Was that a real kiss?'

'There's no case. I'm a fiasco.'

'I'll show you how to do it.'

He held the wolf against the wall so that he would not move and gave him a passionate kiss like

those that he gave to his tigress when were in Arkadia.

'That was exciting!' Jakso said. 'You're really good at this.'

'Don't tell anyone what I've just done,' he spat on the ground. 'If you do so, I'll bite your face off.'

'You should participate in the scene. Would you like to make a threesome?'

'Don't fuck me with your bullshit!'

'I thought so.'

Jakso was grateful and pleased to have rehearsed with him. He gave him a dazzling gold necklace

with a gleaming red diamond so that he gave it to Lizaru when he met her again. With that beautiful

gift, she would love him for life. It was the best way to make it up to him for his help.

'Where did you get this?'

'My dad used to steal things. I have plenty of diamonds and gold at home.'

'Now I see where you learnt those horrible manners from.'

'I wish I had had a better father.'

'You'll be a good father someday... as long as Yeran accepts your proposal.'

'Don't say that! It makes me blush.'

'As far as Yeran, I can't imagine her as a mother.'

'I can,' he affirmed with gladness. 'We'll have many cubs and one of them will be named after you.'

'That would be nice.'

They went to seek Yeran and walked all together. In a couple of hours, before dusk, the canines

arrived at the summit. An electrified force field made it impossible for them to cross beyond so Jakso

had to use his powers to take the electricity out.

Once they crossed the force field, they went into the hidden dimension where shatokers lived. It was

cool, windy and the sky was dark, very different from the place they had been before. The enclosure,

adorned with a stone floor, was nine hectares. At each corner, they saw a tower with a red flag that had

a white triangle and a circle inside. In the centre, erected was the main temple of the shatokers,

decorated with awkward symbols and strips of silk of different colours. On top of it, an azure ball

gleamed like a polished gem. The newcomers recognised Kolumppus ball straight away.

'What the hell is this place?'

'It looks like we've finally got to the shatokers' den. They must be inside that temple,' Jakso said.

'Did they create this dimension?' Yeran asked.

'It's the only way to be safe from the invaders.'

'At least it's not cold here,' Dersaco opined.

'Kolumppus wall is right over there,' --Jakso pointed with his index finger. 'Why don't you go take

it, mongrel?'

'Me? She was desperate to get here, not me.'

'I always have to do everything,' Yeran murmured unwillingly and walked forwards.

'Hold on!' Jakso stopped her. 'Somebody's coming.'

The ten shatokers, about two metres tall, came out of the entrance door, already aware of the

intruders' presence, and marched on them. They had a wolverine-like appearance, donkey ears, long

whiskers, prominent fangs, brown eyes, sharp claws, lion tails and thin legs. All of them were wearing

black overcoats, gloves, boots and hoods.

'Those fuckwits must be the ones who stole the ball,' Dersaco guessed. 'I think it's time to have fun,'

--he drew his sword.

'Can you ever shut your mouth?' Yeran asked him.

'Try to shut me up if you can, bitch.'

'Be quiet!'

The leader of the group, the one with a scar in the snout, stepped forwards and approached them.

He looked at them with uncertainty and mistrust.

'We're in peace here. We ask you to go away,' he warned them.

'Is he threatening us?' Dersaco laughed.

'We've come here to take Kolumppus ball back where it belongs,' Yeran told them with a firm tone.

'The ball is ours now.'

'It belongs to the yolumpas. You stole it from them.'

'Leave us alone and go away.'

'Give us the ball or die, fuckface!' Dersaco barked with his sword pointing at him.

'The ball stays here,' the shatoker pronounced in an obstreperous way.

The coyote threw himself at him in a nippy attempt to slice him up, the shatoker disappeared and

reappeared several metres back. He signalled his companions to start fighting to defend their territory

from the intruders. Yeran and Jakso prepared their weapons for the imminent battle.