Persuading the Arcanine

Story by ookitsu on SoFurry

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#3 of Pokemon Voreventure

After thinking about your options carefully you decide it would be best to try and talk it out.

Persuade won with 45% on both polls.

Read first if you want to avoid spoilers for the rolls for persuasion.

So the first roll was a one and as hilarious as that would be I gave a recovery roll which ended up being a nine.

Public poll:

Patreon poll:

You only had a split second to make a decision and with the others seeming unlikely you decided to try and talk it out. Looking at the squirming bulge in the arcanine's belly, you fumble to find the right words until you yell out, "Eat me!" A look of horror came over your face as your words echoed in your ears. You meant to say, please don't eat me but failed to get the first two words out.

The arcanine was completely caught off guard by your words however and tilted his head slightly. Realizing you might be able to recover from your blunder, you stood tall in an attempt to regain your dignity. "Please don't eat me, I promise I'm not all that filling and really not worth all the trouble. I can even be of some use to you in another way." You felt better about that attempt at least but that wasn't a high bar to surpass.

A small toothy grin from the arcanine sent a shiver through your body as you thought about what if you ended up like the rattata that you ate. "Alright, I won't stuff you into my jaws as long as you suck my dick." The arcanine replied with his deep voice.

It was better than ending up as food for the large fire pokemon you thought but you doubted you could even suck their dick given the size difference. Taking a peak past his fore legs, you'd spot the arcanine's crotch just past the squirming belly. His balls were at least the size of your head and you could only imagine what his dick must be like. Turning your attention back to his face, you'd see him yawn and stretch his jaws wide open. There was no doubt in your mind that he could easily scarf you down with little to no issues. Your legs were shaking a little from how nervous you were as you took a deep breath before giving your answer. "Fine, I'll do it."

He then stepped forward, causing you to take a step back though given your size difference his singular step forward brought him much closer to you. "That's a good boy." Another few steps and he'd be looming over you as you practically froze in place. From up close you got an even better idea of the size difference as you realized you could practically walk through his legs without ducking at all. Well that would be try if his belly wasn't stuffed full with whatever pokemon was squirming around inside of it.

Tensing up as the arcanine's paw went over your body and placed it on your rump. A firm shove from the paw then sent you sliding beneath the arcanine with your head quickly bumping into his belly. The squirming form of whatever pokemon was trapped inside pushed at your head as you were smothered against it. You could feel the intense heat of the fire pokemon's belly against your head and quickly radiating throughout the rest of your body.

His next push forces you to duck a little as you are shoved beneath the swollen gut until your muzzle sinks into his sheath. You'd try to pull your head back and shake it free but between the pressure on your back from the belly and his paw on your rump you were unable to. The arcanine's scent flooded your nose all while your muzzle was trapped inside of his sheath, feeling his hot flesh all around your face. Then his shaft came in contact with your muzzle and you'd wiggle your nose against it.

Opening your muzzle as best you could, you felt the tip of the massive shaft force its way into your jaws as it started to emerge from the sheath. Your jaws strained from the girth of the shaft as you felt the tip start to enter your throat. On the bright side your muzzle was finally dislodged from the sheath as not of the arcanine's shaft forces itself down into you. The big problem was that you weren't sure how much more of the arcanine you could even handle. Even now you were surprised with how much of his shaft you had been able to fit down your throat.

He'd pull back slightly, giving your throat a sense of relief very briefly before thrusting even deeper than he was before. A muffled groan escaped your muzzle around his shaft as you felt it press down into your chest. The thrust also had the added effect of making his prey squirm more, pushing against your head and back with all their might. Your legs shaking as you struggled to stay standing from the weight of the arcanine's belly on your back and each squirm just made it that much harder.

With each thrust you'd feel the shaft inch its way deeper inside of you until you could feel your stomach stretch from the bulge it was making. Shakely moving one of your fore paws to your belly to feel over the bulge after one such thrust. Part of you worried the large pokemon was destroying your insides. Your stomach also swelled slightly from the pre flowing out of the tip and you groaned again from how stretched your body felt. Putting your paw back down on the ground as you nearly lost your footing from his next thrust.

You were too small to take his entire dick, especially the knot and the arcanine seemed to be well aware of that fact. His paw pushed on your rump as much as he could to try and force at least a few more inches inside of you before getting off. Holding you firmly in place when he did, flossing your stomach with his seed with some spurting back out your mouth as your belly couldn't swell fast enough to fit it all. He then let go, letting you pull off while his orgasm continued and the sheer force of his climax practically pushed you off of his dick. The remainder of his load getting on your face, legs and whatever else was in the line of fire.

Unable to hold yourself up anymore, you'd collapse into your belly and rub at the rounded gut with your fore paws. Groaning from how overly stuffed you were, feeling like you had eaten an entire feast by yourself. You weren't even sure if you'd be able to walk all that far with how full your belly was. Licking over your muzzle, you'd taste his seed and could only imagine how messed up your fur was. At least you hopefully got out of being arcanine chow and could find someplace safe.

Unfortunately for you it would seem the arcanine wasn't done with you yet as he pushed the tip of his shaft against your muzzle. "Clean it." He ordered and you begrudgingly obeyed, giving the tip of the massive shaft a few licks. Your tongue then got stuck inside of his urethra as you striped over it. Unable to tug free before he thrusted at your muzzle, enveloping it in one swift motion. "I only promised that you wouldn't go into my jaws." While you couldn't see his face, you could practically hear the grin he had on his muzzle.

His next thrust took in the rest of your head, blocking out all light and muffling all outside noise. Pre flowed out against your already cum coated face with some ending up in your jaws and nose while the rest forces its way around you. Too weak to really resist the much larger pokemon as his paw pushed down on your rump while he thrusted. Your forelegs got tucked in against your belly as the shaft started to go over them. What little you could wiggle only seemed to make the arcanine more excited and go harder with his thrusts.

When the shaft passed over your swollen belly, you could feel the seed get forced up your throat from how tightly his shaft squeezed over you. Swallowing each time you could feel it start to go up your throat in a struggle to keep it down despite the force being applied to your belly. Part of you was starting to like it and even though you knew it was wrong, couldn't help but to get hard yourself. When his shaft finally claimed your hind quarters, you'd grind against the inside of his shaft and moan a little from the feeling of grinding against him. Figuring you might as well enjoy yourself before whatever happened to you once his shaft was finished consuming you.

Moments later your head would squeeze through the tight base of his shaft and emerge in a slightly more open space. The intense heat of his flesh could be felt around nearly every inch of your body as the last of your legs and tail were being taken in. Your head got dunked in a pool of cum, forcing you to hold your breath while the rest of your body was deposited into the arcanine's balls. It felt like a hot tub within the arcanine's orbs as the hot fluid soaked into every strand of your fur. Gasping for air once you were able to turn yourself around and get your head back above the surface. A bit of cum getting sloshed into your jaws while you did, forcing you to swallow it down.

It was hard for you to believe the arcanine's dick was capable of devouring you and that you'd end up in his balls. Yet here you were and every little movement of yours only seemed to make him groan in pleasure. Part of you wondered if you'd be able to escape by getting him off and got to work by rubbing with all four paws. You'd likely smell like the arcanine's crotch for weeks even after cleaning yourself thoroughly but at least you'd be free. Grinding against the inside of his balls as you got really into it yourself even though you knew the danger you were in.

When his orgasm came, you felt the space around you get extra tight and you got off at the same time. Initially you were hopeful that you'd be pulled out along with his load but the way out remained shut too firmly for you to squeeze back out. With his orgasm coming to a close your situation fully sunk in and you'd squirm as much as physically possible in protest. You could hear him say something but it was far too muffled for you to make out the words. Followed by one of his hind legs bumping against your fleshy prison causing the remaining load to slosh around you.

For a few minutes you'd continue to squirm and voice your complaints but it had no effect on the arcanine. Then your body started to feel less solid and much weaker overall, causing your movements to slow. With each step the pool of cum seemed to get higher while your body lost more of its form. It wouldn't be long until you couldn't feel your legs and tail anymore and you'd be pulled along with the cum as it sloshed around. Starting to fall unconscious with it being a struggle to keep your eyes open before finally succumbing to sleep and sinking beneath the cum.

You'd then wake up in a bed, staring up at a ceiling that wasn't yours. Was everything that happened with the arcanine a dream, you wondered. Looking at your paws, they were still definitely that of an eevees and so something must have happened while you were asleep. Rolling out of bed and onto the floor, you pressed a forepaw against your belly and while it was larger than when you first looked at it but not arcanine load big. Looking around the room, you'd open drawers and inspect them out of curiosity. They were all empty and so there was nothing all that exciting to look at.

Going to the door, you'd open it only to be greeted by the arcanine from before making you jump and take a step back. He looked a lot friendlier now but your previous encounter made you a bit cautious. "Morning, sorry to startle you but the next training session is about to begin after everyone is finished eating."

"Training?" You asked a bit confused about what was going on.

"Yeah aren't you the eevee that signed up to join an adventure and/or rescue team? Must admit I was a bit caught off guard by your choice of words yesterday. I did have fun though and felt like you did too once you relaxed some." The arcanine then noticed the confusion on your face. "Oh no." He then had a look of dread on his face. "I am so sorry, I have to go. The cafeteria is just down the hall to the left." The arcanine then scrambled to turn around and ran out of the building before you could get a word out.

Following the arcanine's instructions, you'd find the cafeteria with a large variety of pokemon sitting at various tables. You weren't too hungry but it wouldn't hurt to grab something. Standing in line behind a few larger pokemon until finally you were able to get a pokepuff from the chansey. With the pokepuff in your muzzle you looked around for somewhere to sit. The evolved pokemon all had full tables and it was safe to assume they were a team. That left the unevolved pokemon with open spots at their tables who had yet to form a full team.