The Zombie Apoc-Fur-Lypse, Group 4, Scene 6a

Story by comidacomida on SoFurry

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The Zombie Apoc-Fur-Lypse

Group 4, Scene 6a

copyright 2010 comidacomida

"I don't care-- there's no way I'm goin in the vent." Jeff asserted with a tone of finality.

"Relax Jeff... relax... nobody is going to make you." Andy explained. He took a seat on a table

and sighed, "It might make things easier, but nobody's gonna make you."

"Good." the young husky stated, "I wanna 'elp, but that kinda thing'll just get someone killed."

"Then the central office is going to be our best bet." the medic gestured toward the door, "Come

on... the faster we do this the safer it'll be."

"No! Wait!" the bull quickly stood and moved to the door, "There's nothing you can do. Our

best chance is to stay here and wait for help. The more of us here the more eyes we have to

stay on guard."

"Headmaster," the squirrel stood, speaking, "Having more eyes IS a good thing, but staying

here'll only end up getting us killed. We don't have any food and almost no water..."

"That's enough, young lady!" Gerald the bulldog stood up, speaking critically "The Headmaster is

in charge here and--"

"And maybe I don't want to be here anymore, so I don't 'give a tuppence' about what he thinks."

she countered, doing a very good impression of the bull's speech pattern.

"Becca..." the panda spoke up, wringing her paws, "They plan on going out into the hall... that

can't be safe."

"Better than staying here where we're sure to die if we don't do anything." the squirrel

countered, "Rosie," the squirrel looked at the ewe, "What about you?"

"Are you calling a Professor by her FIRST NAME?" the bulldog demanded. The squirrel just rolled

her eyes.

"My mum taught me to follow the flock, Rebecca..." the sheep responded, "you should consider

doing the same; we're safe here."

"This room isn't safe... it's a death sentence." Becca countered.

"Follow the flock, Ms Davison." the Headmaster repeated the sheep's earlier statement.

"Well pardon the impertinence, Headmaster... but 'flock' you." the squirrel stood up and moved

over to the group, "At least THEY have a gun."

"Even if it IS almost out of ammo." Jeff whispered quietly to Andy.

"If you're coming with, you'd better find something to make yourself useful." Steve suggested,

idly tapping his bloody pipe against an adjacent table, "These things don't stop if you speak

rudely at em." he explained to the squirrel.

Becca picked up a chair and threw it against the floor. She delivered a swift kick to the seat

and a leg broke cleanly off. The squirrel picked up the chair leg and hefted the makeshift club

over one shoulder. She turned and raised an eyebrow, shooting Steve a 'good enough?' look.

"Are you destroying university property, young lady?!?" the bulldog demanded.

"Yea, 'Gerald', I guess I am." the squirrel acknowledged, "It'll cost less than having to pay

out a death lawsuit... and I get to live... so everyone wins." she looked back to the group,

"Ready when you are."

"Ooookay then..." Thomas paused, moving to the door, "You can really feel the love in this room.

I'm ready to go."

"The zombies are almost civil in comparison." Steve murmured, "They must've gone stir crazy."

"Alright... here's the plan--" Andy paused, paw on the lock.

"Get to the central office as fast as we can, keep the noise down, an' 'ope we don't attract

attention." Jeff butted in.

"Sounds good to me." Steve nodded.

"No complaints here." Sam agreed.

"Just stick together." Thomas added.

"Alright... on the count of--" Andy began, but a loud crunch quickly drowned him out. A wall

exploded inward as a roaring wave of zombies rushed the room, busting right through a shelf of


"Sweet merciful heave--" the bulldog exclaimed, but he didn't have a chance to finish as a

zombie terrier was on him in moments and messily separated Gerald's windpipe from the rest of

his body.

Soo screamed something in Chinese, quickly leaping up from her seat and racing toward the group.

The Headmaster had already got to his hooves and flipped the table he was at up and at the

closest zombies, forcing them back. "The flock is moving!" Rosie pointed out to no one in

particular, quickly falling away from her chair and crawling toward the survivors at the door.

Andy quickly flipped the lock and forced the door open, "Go! Go! Go!" he urged, running out

into the hallway... coming face to face with another line of zombies. He quickly backpedaled,

and Sam came out right after him, shovel at the ready. The zombies were upon them just as Steve

was making his exit.

Sam stepped past Andy. The paramedic fell back, fumbling the trophy he had readied as a weapon.

Wasting no time, the raccoon swung his shovel. The hallway was not wide enough for a powerful

swing, but it did the job as its blade cleaved into the first zombie's skull. Sam swung

backhand at the next zombie, chopping it in the neck. A loud crack and a collapsing body later,

and Sam was facing yet another. The coon grabbed the handle of the shovel and the shaft right

beneath the blade and shoved the body of the weapon into the zombie, forcing it back. It fell,

and he stepped forward, driving the blade right down into its neck. The zombie struggled for

only a second before Sam put his weight to it, completely severing its spine.

Steve, facing the other way, held off the zombies coming from the other side of the hall.

"Which way?!?" he shouted, his pipe blurring as it slammed repeatedly against torn flesh. One

zombie dropped, then another... and another, before he gained enough room for Thomas to make it

through the doorway.

"Left!" the fox stated, pointing toward Andy and Sam. Jeff slipped out into the hallway quickly

after him.

"Alright... then--" *SLAM* Steve buried the tip of his pipe into another zombie's eye socket,

"Start moving... can't keep this up forever." The German shepherd extracted his pipe and

another zombie stepped up to take the fallen one's place.

It stumbled back, however as a thick chair leg impacted against its forehead. Steve turned to

regard the punk squirrel girl standing next to him. She cast him a casual glance, then struck

again, forcing the zombie to its knees. A third attack finished the job.

"Go!" the Headmaster exclaimed, pushing out through the door with the ewe following quickly

after. The panda was the last to reach the door but, with a loud scream, and a spray of blood,

she was pulled back inside.

Becca, who was the closest to the door at that point, winced... and quickly pulled the door

shut. "You heard him." she said of the bull's comment, "GO!" and everyone ran.

Andy and Sam remained at the front of the group with Thomas and Jeff hot on their tails. The

Headmaster and Rosie followed shortly thereafter while Steve and Becca remained at the rear,

keeping watch behind. The party navigated the halls at a quick pace, Thomas pointing out each

turn, only needing to be corrected once by the Headmaster. They arrived at the central office

in good order, somehow managing to avoid further zombie encounters.

Regardless, the sound of restless undead moving about the building out of view was more than

enough to keep everyone on edge. "Damn it... we're all but exposed here." the Headmaster

explained, moving to stand beside a pillar. The central office was little more than an enormous

three sided oak counter surrounded by glass.

"Not much cover... but at least we'll see em coming." Tommy offered optimistically.

"I'd prefer the cover." the ewe commented, moving behind the counter.

"Well... come on." Jeff motioned, heading behind the counter after Rosie "If this place does

'ave one of those speakers we'd better find it 'fore those things find us 'idin' 'ere." Sam,

Steve, and Becca moved to join Jeff behind the counter.

The four of them searched around the work space that, despite being relatively simple, was very

cluttered. Everyone else kept watch, gazing down the four hallways that intersected at the

central office. Everyone jumped in surprise when Steve spoke up, "Got it." and he dragged a

massive tangle of wires and electronics out from inside an open shelf.

"Alright... now what?" Tommy asked, moving to the side of the counter opposite from Steve.

"Now, we get it working." Sam spoke up, untangling the mass of wires, "I used to mess with

broadcast equipment back when I was a kit."

"Heh... think it'll make that much of a difference, Sam?" Andy asked, "That thing looks like

it's from the 40s."

"Actually, yes." the raccoon acknowledged, deftly reorganizing the wires and unplugging several

cords, "My dad was in the army during World War II... he was really interested in communication

equipment..." as Sam spoke, he continued rearranging the wires, cords, and plugs, "...just so

happens, he brought an old PA system home once... got it working, and I watched everything he--"

the raccoon flipped a switch and a loud, clear screech echoed across the PA system throughout

the halls for a split second, "--did."

"Brilliant!" Steve acknowledged.

"Awesome." Thomas agreed.

"Magic." noted Andy.

"That may as well have been a dinner bell." Rosie murmured, cowering down behind the counter.

"Stow it." Andy stated, taking the offered microphone from Sam. He cleared his throat, pausing

for a moment. The wolf swallowed, letting out a breath... and nodded. Sam flipped the switch

again, and the paramedic started talking into the mic.

"Anyone still alive... my name is Andy Silverhair, and I'm here in the building... with others.

Right now we're at the central office and we're trying to find any other survivors... and I'm

looking for my girlfriend, Mandy O'Conner... Mandy... if you're here, please find a way to get

to us... I love you... and... and... well..." the wolf paused, choking up slightly as he wiped

tears away from his eyes, "I was really hoping for a better time to say this but... I got a ring

earlier this week... and I want you to--"

"GET DOWN!" screamed Jeff, leaping to the ground. As one, the group looked up, gazing to a huge

line of overhead lights falling toward them.

"TOMMY!" Steve shouted, grabbing hold of the fox and hauling him across the desk. Andy dived

for cover, the PA system echoing its screeching tone up until it was smashed by the heavy

lighting. The sound of electrical arcs and faint, popping and crackling of small fires were all

anyone could hear for a moment. Smoke, dust, and wood powder rose up from the wreckage of the

central office.

"Everyone alright?" Andy called, coughing as he rose from beneath a section of desk.

"I'm alright." Jeff called.

"Here." Sam spoke up.

"The Headmaster didn't make it..." Becca called from the side, kneeling next to the bull, who

was crumpled so completely that his pelvis was gored by one of his own horns, "god... neither

did Ms. Lockwell." she gazed at the ewe, whose body was completely covered by wreckage, head a

short distance, completely separated.

"STEVE!" Tommy howled. The fox was standing beside a section of desk, pulling on a hunk of the

lighting fixture that had fallen. The German shepherd was sprawled across the desk, literally

stapled to it by a section of torn metal. "STEVE! Oh god, STEVE!" he cried, pulling in vain at

the metal. Sam and Andy moved quickly to help the fox free the impaled dog. They set him on

the ground and Andy quickly pulled out his medical kit.

"Hold still, Steve... Andy's gonna help you." Thomas whimpered, grasping the shepherd's paw,

"he's gonna help you."

Steve blinked several times, looking at Thomas. His muzzle moved, but no words came out... just

a wet burbling, and blood. The dog's paw gave Tommy's a weak squeeze... then went slack. The

burbling stopped.

"I..." Andy spoke quietly.

"Guys!" Jeff shouted, pointing. Following his finger, the group watched as a shadow detached

itself from the ceiling. Hanging upside down, a rabbit slowly let its feet slip free and it

dangled for a moment before falling, landing right atop the desk. The rabbit was missing half

its face and one of its ears; its ribs were showing through a torn shirt and flesh on the

opposite side.

"It did this?" Thomas asked, voice near-silent, looking from Steve to it to Steve to it.

Letting out a feral roar, the fox launched himself at the zombie, snarling muzzle dripping with

pure rage, paws aiming for the rabbit's neck... but they didn't connect.

The weakened desk gave way beneath the rabbit's feet and its legs fell through the wood just as

Thomas sailed overhead. The zombie reached up and grabbed hold of the fox's hind leg, yanking

him out of mid-air and slamming him bodily into the broken desk. Thomas screamed as a wet,

fleshy snap sounded out more loudly than his impact. His scream only got louder as the rabbit

descended upon him, teeth glistening red and bloody in the dim-light.

"Quick!" shouted Jeff, "Get it!" and he rushed the rabbit, beating at it with a piece of broken

wood. Sam rushed it as well, swinging his shovel, but it nimbly ducked both attacks. Andy threw

the trophy he'd picked up, and the thing hopped off of Thomas with a hiss, but made to leap at

the group-- right until Becca slammed its head with her chair leg. The club, unfortunately

broke... but the rabbit's head did not.

The squirrel took a powerful kick to the sternum and was knocked back into the rest of the

party; they were all sent flying into the remains of the desk. It turned, and leapt upon

Thomas, who was trying in vain to get to his feet. The rabbit pinned him, and he had just

enough time to get his arm up to block its bite, which had been aimed for his throat. Thomas

cried out in pain as the zombie's sharp teeth pierced his forearm, and blood began to pour out

of the wound. Still screaming, Thomas gnashed at the rabbit, apparently unwilling to give up

the thought that he could still try to hurt it, despite its jaw-lock on his bleeding arm.

"DIE!" Thomas roared, "DIEDIEDIEDIEDIE!" and he began kicking and elbowing at it with all his

might. The rabbit bit deeper, and Thomas cried out again, but it only increased his savagery in

trying to fight back. The rest of the party was just starting to untangle themselves when the

fox finally pulled his arm down against his body and, howling out, forced his head up to meet

its. Their two skulls collided, and the rabbit actually reeled back for a moment... and a

cricket bat took its head clean off.

"Oh my GOD... that's a LOT of blood." the bat-bearer announced. A pure-white fennec fox girl

stood aghast, flawless fur disrupted by several large streaks of blood. Her fine clothing was

ripped and torn in places, and what appeared to have once been well-kept hair was loose and

wild, dirty and frazzled. By then, the rest of the party had got their bearings.

"MANDY!" Jeff shouted.

"Mandy?" Andy gasped.

"Oh god... Andy! Andy!" the fox girl dropped the bat and ran to the waiting paramedic. She

leapt into his arms, and they embraced, both crying.

"I 'ate to break up the tender moment..." Jeff spoke, kneeling down next to Thomas, who had a

firm hold of the rabbit's head and was repeatedly beating it into the ground, "But... I think

our fox is broken."

"Woah, Tommy..." Sam spoke, kneeling down next to the fox, "relax... calm down... take yer foot

off the gas there, mate." the raccoon rested a paw on Tommy's shoulder.

"What's going on?" Mandy asked Andy, looking at the American.

"That... that THING just killed... well... a lot of us." the paramedic explained, "including

someone he cared about... a lot." the wolf paused, sniffling, "Oh god, Mandy... I'm so happy to

see you... you're alive... thank god..." Andy gave her another tight hug.

Mandy slowly slipped his grasp, "Me too, Andy... but we're not safe yet, and your friend

here..." she glanced at Thomas, "I..." she paused, her voice stalling due to emotion, "I thought

I lost you... and I know how much THAT hurt..." she moved quickly over to Thomas; Sam and Jeff

made room, returning to Andy.

"We found 'er, mate." Jeff announced.

"Yea... yea, we did." Andy's smile was bitter-sweet as he watched Mandy speak softly to Tommy,

"Damn... what he's going through..." he said quietly.

"We've all lost someone, Andy... shite... some of us've lost more'n one... but we 'ave ta keep

movin'..." Jeff explained.

"Or we could end up losing more." Sam nodded.

"Alright?" Mandy asked calmly of Tommy.

"Yea..." he nodded, head bowed, "You're right." he nodded more, slowly moving to stand. The fox

let out a yelp as he tried to put pressure on his foot, "Fuck... fuck-oh-fuck... not now... not

now... not this..." he whined.

"What?" asked Mandy, "What's wrong?"

"Tendon." Andy spoke up quickly, moving to their side, "It must have snapped."

"Fuck... god damn... fuck... FUCK!" Thomas cursed, "It's a problem I had before... god damn

it... FUCK!"

"Language please... there's a lady present, Tommy." Jeff noted. The fox turned and glared at

him, and the young husky took a step back, cowed.

Mandy put a paw on Thomas' shoulder, "Relax... there's enough of us... we'll help."

"We'd better move fast," noted Sam, "There's no telling how long until the zombies come looking

for us again."

"Yea... the lorrie's right outside... just gotta get back down the 'all." Jeff noted, pointing.

"Right... except it's that one." Thomas pointed down a different one. The group shared a

laugh... it was forced, but decidedly needed. Still, it did little to raise the spirits. In

fact, all it really accomplished was to hide the sound Steve's body made as it rose from the

floor, and mask the faint scratching grate of a horn being removed from a pelvis as the

Headmaster's corpse unfolded itself. The group moved to help Thomas stand, oblivious to the

newest zombies who were more than ready to make themselves known.


It was bound to happen. Another member of Group 4 is out of Plot Points and it is time for the

survivors to suffer another Harrowing Event. So Furry readers will have to take a stand; more

members of this group are at risk of dying than not.

The group is going to try and reach the central office and, with luck, they'll be able to get

some of the other survivors to go with them; thankfully, two of them may yet act as shields and

hopefully help some of our protagonists survive.

The rolls are as follows, showing in exact numbers just how bad things got. Now's your chance

to see just how dire the situation is-- time to help, because they need it.

Exactly how bad is the Harrowing Event this time?

Roll 4d10 to determine the number of zombies the group must face in the halls.

Roll of 2 + 6 + 1 + 2. A group of 11 zombies comes to attack the party.

Only 11 zombies? Preposterous! Face a special zombie too, Group 4!

A roll on the 'special' zombie encounter index is made.

Result of 1d10 = 7.

The party encounters a LUCK zombie in addition to the mere 11 standard zombies.

Will any of the other survivors help in combat?

Each secondary survivor gets a single dice to roll. A roll of 8 or 9 results in them helping.

Roll of 2, 6, 8, 3, 5.

Gerald, the Headmaster, the panda, and the sheep will do nothing. Becca the squirrel will help.

The group has a chance to disable as many zombies as possible before they're overcome.

Agility (12) to hit with a melee attack, (13) to hit if unarmed. Roll must be +1 over difficulty

to kill. Each character may continue their attack until they fail to hit or kill a zombie.

Sam 8 + trait of 5 = 13 SUCCESS-KILL

Sam 7 + trait of 5 = 12 SUCCESS-HIT

Sam 9 + trait of 5 = 14 SUCCESS-KILL

Sam 9 + trait of 5 = 14 SUCCESS-KILL

Sam 4 + trait of 5 = 13 FAILURE

Jeff 1 + trait of 6 = 7 FAILURE

Steve 6 + trait of 8 = 14 SUCCESS-KILL

Steve 8 + trait of 8 = 16 SUCCESS-KILL

Steve 7 + trait of 8 = 15 SUCCESS-KILL

Steve 8 + trait of 8 = 16 SUCCESS-KILL

Steve 1 + trait of 8 = 9 FAILURE

Andy 5 + trait of 4 = 9 FAILURE

Thomas 2 + trait of 8 = 10 FAILURE

Becca 7 + trait of 5 = 12 SUCCESS-HIT

Becca 7 + trait of 5 = 12 SUCCESS-HIT

Becca 8 + trait of 5 = 13 SUCCESS-KILL

Becca 2 + trait of 5 = 7 FAILURE

The party successfully kills 8 zombies. 3 remain.

Can everyone manage to escape the zombies without being torn apart?

Agility or Awareness (10 +1 for every 2 zombies) to avoid DEATH while holding them off. Target # is 12.

Sam 1 + trait of 5 = 6 FAILURE

Jeff 6 + trait of 6 = 12 SUCCESS

Steve 9 + trait of 8 = 17 SUCCESS

Andy 2 + trait of 4 = 6 FAILURE

Thomas 4 + trait of 9 = 13 SUCCESS

The group breaks and runs, though everyone gets pretty split-up. Gerald and Soo are unable to keep up.

Can the group find the central office?

Survival (11) to find the fastest/safest route.

Sam 3 + trait of 6 = 9 FAILURE

Jeff 4 + trait of 6 = 10 FAILURE

Steve 2 + trait of 4 = 6 FAILURE

Andy 1 + trait of 7 = 8 FAILURE

Thomas 6 + trait of 8 = 14 SUCCESS

Tommy remembers exactly where to find the central office.

Can anyone get the PA system working?

Ingenuity (12) to get the intercom to function.

Sam 9 + trait of 6 = 15 SUCCESS

Jeff 7 + trait of 7 = 11 FAILURE

Steve 6 + trait of 6 = 12 SUCCESS

Andy 3 + trait of 8 = 11 FAILURE

Thomas 1 + trait of 4 = 5 FAILURE

Steve connects the system and Sam gets it working.

Remember that darn LUCK Zombie running around? Time to deal with it.

Luck (12) to avoid being harmed by the LUCK Zombie. Remaining university survivors must roll a 9.

Sam 6 + trait of 6 = 12 SUCCESS

Jeff 9 + trait of 4 = 13 SUCCESS

Steve 7 + trait of 6 = 13 SUCCESS

Andy 5 + trait of 6 = 11 FAILURE

Thomas 4 + trait of 0 = 4 FAILURE




Sam, Steve, and Becca manage to avoid being hurt. The Headmaster and the Composition teacher

die. Andy and Thomas may be seriously harmed.

How hurt are they?

Vitality (10 + amount the prior roll missed the target #) to to avoid taking a serious wound.

Andy 8 + trait of 4 = 12 SUCCESS

Thomas 1 + trait of 8 = 9 FAILURE

Andy manages to get cover but Thomas is hit for 9 points of Vitality damage.

Steve will try to save Thomas by taking the hit instead.

Agility (12) to take the killing blow.

Steve 7 + trait of 8 = 15 SUCCESS

Steve pushes Thomas to safety and sacrifices himself instead.

How does everyone respond to Steve dying?

Endurance (13) to keep a level head. Thomas is at -3 on the roll due to the emotional connection.

Sam 6 + trait of 7 = 13 SUCCESS

Jeff 3 + trait of 5 = 8 FAILURE

Andy 4 + trait of 9 = 13 SUCCESS

Thomas 1 + trait of 2 = 3-3 FAILURE

Sam and Andy keep their heads but Jeff starts to break down-- Thomas completely loses it.

Can Thomas kill the LUCK Zombie?

Thomas must make a successfully contested roll of his Luck Vs the Zombie's roll +10.

Zombie 1 + 10 = 11

Thomas 5 + trait of 0 = 5

Thomas loses 6 Vitality.

How is Thomas' heel?

Vitality (16) to avoid having his tendon snap.

Thomas cannot roll a 16.

Thomas is lamed.

Will everyone else help save Thomas?

Tenacity (8) to bugger out while the time is right.

Sam 1 + trait of 3 = 4 FAILURE

Jeff 0 + trait of 4 = 4 FAILURE

Andy 3 + trait of 0 = 3 FAILURE

Nobody is leaving Thomas.

The group will have to kill the LUCK zombie.

Agility (14) to kill it with a melee attack, (15) to kill it if unarmed. Each character only

gets one chance, and the first successful roll of the party is automatically negated.

Sam 7 + trait of 5 = 12 FAILURE

Jeff 6 + trait of 6 = 12 FAILURE

Andy 5 + trait of 4 = 9 FAILURE

Becca 8 + trait of 5 = 13 FAILURE

Mandy 3 + trait of 5 = 8 FAILURE

Nobody manages to kill the zombie.

The LUCK Zombie will take the opportunity to try and finish off Thomas.

Contested roll of Thomas' Vitality VS the Zombie's roll +10

Zombie 3 + 10 = 13

Thomas 8 + trait of 2 = 10

Thomas takes 3 points of Vitality Damage. He must spend a plot point to avoid dying. Damage is reduced to 0.

The group will have to kill the LUCK zombie.

Agility (14) to kill it with a melee attack, (15) to kill it if unarmed. Each character only

gets one chance, and the first successful roll of the party is automatically negated.

Sam 5 + trait of 5 = 10 FAILURE

Jeff 2 + trait of 6 = 8 FAILURE

Andy 7 + trait of 4 = 13 FAILURE

Becca 6 + trait of 5 = 11 FAILURE

Mandy 9 + trait of 5 = 14 SUCCESS

Mandy kills the Luck zombie.

Can anyone console Thomas?

Influence (23) to calm the fox down. Thomas must spend 2 Plot Points to reduce the difficulty to 17.

Sam 6 + trait of 8 = 14 FAILURE

Jeff 1 + trait of 4 = 5 FAILURE

Andy 2 + trait of 6 = 8 FAILURE

Becca 9 + trait of 5 = 14 FAILURE

Mandy 8 + trait of 9 = 17 SUCCESS

Mandy manages to talk Thomas down.

Does anyone hear Steve and the Headmaster rise again?

Awareness (13) to notice Steve.

Sam 3 + trait of 5 = 8 FAILURE

Jeff 4 + trait of 5 = 9 FAILURE

Andy 9 + trait of 3 = 12 FAILURE

Thomas 0 + trait of 9 = 9 FAILURE

Becca 1 + trait of 5 = 6 FAILURE

Mandy 1 + trait of 3 = 4 FAILURE

No... no they don't.

No one in this chapter loses a Plot Point because there is a Harrowing Event taking place.

Sadly, that does nothing to save Steve, who gave his life to save Thomas (nice coincidence that

he was out of Plot Points, of course). on the other hand, Thomas is not really in that much

better a condition. The party still consists of 3 survivors and two guest characters.

During this Harrowing Event, rolls will help a character survive but what it really comes down

to are Plot Points. The more Plot Points a character has the better chance they will have to

survive. Since no plot points are lost this story, everyone has at least 0... but they will

probably want more than that. This is where readers come in.

Non-contributing readers may still provide a single vote for the character of their choice they

would like to survive; the character with the most votes will automatically gain 1 plot point.

But wait-- there's more! Characters now have the capacity to recharge Plot Points. Contributing and Non-contributing readers may provide bonus plot points for any character by providing fan art (with a cap of up to 5 bonus Plot Points per contributor).

You heard me: FAN ART! Post a link to your fan art on this story page. You could have done it

yourself or it could be commissioned. Fan art may be of any character or might be a snapshot

from one of the scenes thus far... it maybe it could be a fake movie poster for the

Apoc-Fur-Lypse, a la something from Left 4 Dead. Make it creative, make it fun, make it

meaningful-- just make it! And you may want to make it quickly because the results of the

Harrowing Event will be up next week! You have one week from the date this story posts.

Contributing readers also have an opportunity to earn 1 bonus Plot Point for their character

either by submitting their own art, or do a write-up of events from the character's point of

view (2-5 pages), either in the form of a journal entry, train-of-thought, or personal

narrative. Providing a link in a comment to this post is the way to go! Heck... you may want

to advertise it on your page to encourage others to come vote for you too! Once all Plot Points are tabulated we'll be able to see if anyone is left standing. Among the remaining characters, bad rolls and low Plot Point scores may result in even more deaths so snap to it folks... you don't have much time!

With any luck, as many characters as possible will survive part B-- there may yet be a chance

for one or more of them to join the party. We'll have to see how that goes, but first: survival.