Love, Life and Everything in Between: Chapter 1- Headed Toward Summer School

Story by TJ Dyrewolfe on SoFurry

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#1 of Love, Life and Everything in Between(Revised)

Summer school, and a lot of new beginnings. Self discovery can be good, and bad.

Disclaimer Thingy:

Warning: this story contains material of adult nature, which include homosexual relations and graphic sexual encounters, and is not suited for anyone under 18. If you are under 18 and still choose to read this, or you're not into yiff, you've been warned. This is my first yiffy story I've ever written so please be gentle, but not too gentle. Anywho, to those who are into these kinds of stories, I hope you all enjoy it, and please, constructive criticism is always welcome.

Chapter 1: Headed Toward Summer School

The morning light broke into the room as Tyler's door opened. The voice of his mother caught his ear. "Hey pup, get up you're running late."

Tyler just rolled over and murred at the thought of summer vacation being only a week away. Minutes later the door opened again, this time his mother entered the room and walked over to his bed. The female wolf sat down on the edge of the bed and started lightly shaking him. "Ty come on, if you don't get up now, you're going to miss your train. If you get another detention for being tardy, that's going to be eight this year."

The young wolf threw his sheets off, but just waved his mother out of the room. Tyler wasn't really a delinquent but, earlier in the year, he had some issues.

This was the end of his freshman year at Wyatt Tech. He wanted to go to this school since the sixth grade but, private schools were expensive. His mother was a single parent and didn't have the best paying job at the time. She told him though, that if he could get at least a partial scholarship, there was a possibility that he could go there. During his eighth-grade year, he, and some of the boys in his class had finally gotten the opportunity to take a scholarship test for Wyatt. He was one of only a few that passed the test. He rushed home after the exam and told his mom about it. A few weeks later, he received the phone call. He was accepted with a partial scholarship.

(Year's start)

Tyler's freshman year at Wyatt was one of the most screwed up years in his life, at least that's how he felt about. At the year's start it was okay, but towards the end of the year, that was a whole different situation for him. He had the standard high school freshman classes, but he didn't really want to do anything extra-curricular. He was more prone to take a study hall period over an elective. Ty always felt that it was better to be alone then to interact with the others around him, he was always a lone wolf because, he was always alone.

The year went on and classes got harder, all except for his "still arts" class. He always enjoyed drawing and reading comic books. His least favorite classes were algebra and world history. His algebra instructor was a short skinny pug named Mr. Fue. It wasn't that this instructor was a bad guy. It was that he wasn't very good at explaining the math so Tyler could understand it. Ty always lost his train of thought when equations got longer than five or six lines, he constantly felt annoyed. On top of the difficulty he felt with algebra, Mr. Fue had given the class the ability to turn in work for half-credit for writing just the questions down without the answers, if they had a problem completing their homework. Naturally, he wasn't going to do more than he had to.

History class was another class where, he wanted to learn but, it was hard to keep his attention. His history instructor was an older bruin by the name of Coach Mueller. He was probably in his fifties, and he always slouched, appearing much shorter than he really was. He had thick bottle-cap glasses, which made his eyes look very large and beady. Ty knew that going into Mueller's class he would be getting a fifty-minute nap. The bear never made class interesting for anybody, his method of teaching involved putting outlines on an over-head projector and having the class copy them down for the entire period. This was what drove Tyler nuts about this class.

Of all the classes Ty did have, beside art, he loved computer literacy. The class was easy, and on days where assignments were finished early, he could chill out and play a little Halo. The Computer Literacy class was taught by a rather large Bulldog by the name of Kehoe. Besides being a computer instructor, he was also the varsity football coach. Kehoe also had a bad temper but, he was also cool of you didn't manage to piss him off.

Ty realized halfway through the school year that this school wasn't what it was cracked up to be, and that deeply bothered him. He felt kind of sold short, especially after all the hype the recruiters spewed out about it. But then again, they were just salespeople making a pitch. For a school that was supposed to be so great, Ty saw many things that kids shouldn't have had to see. He was walking down the hall one day and watched two humans get into a knife fight because one of them, a very tall freshman, knocked the books out of the shorter student's hands. The freshman didn't know the other kid was a junior, and just assumed that he was younger because of his height. This prompted the junior to chase him down the hall and jump on the freshman's back. Ty watched this along with everyone else in the hallway. Eventually the junior got the freshman down on the floor and pulled out a pocketknife, stabbing the freshman in the chest twice.

Later in the year, Tyler was in detention himself for having a flashlight on his keychain. "Of all the stupid things" he felt. During that detention, he had to go to the restroom. As he was walking in, there were two boys standing at the urinals. As Ty walked past them, it was easy to see that they were doing more than taking a leak. There was a fox in the left urinal and a skunk at the right. The skunk had his paw gripped firmly around the fox's penis, squeezing his knot and causing the fox to moan in quite a loud manner. Ty had seen this behavior before all year round, but not quite to this extent. Seeing this didn't bother him too much, but he felt, the two of them shouldn't be doing this here. He just moved to a stall and finished his business. As he walked out of the restroom, he felt he needed to voice his opinion with the dean about his disciplinary warning he had gotten for such a stupid reason. He walked down the hall into the main office and asked to see the dean. "Uh, excuse me, is Mr. Morris in?"

The elderly woman sitting behind the desk replied to him, "Yes, he's in his office, go ahead back there hun".

Ty walked to the back of the office and poked his head through the door. As he entered the office, he could see the mule drowning in paperwork. Financial documents, disciplinary documents, newsletters, were all strewn about his desk. "Excuse me, Mr. Morris? I kinda need to speak with you".

"You need to speak with me about what Tyler?"

"I uh, think this detention was unfair, you can't just give out a detention because you don't like what's on a keychain".

"Tyler listen to me, it says in your manual for codes and compliance for this school, that there are to be no high-beam flashlights in, or on the premises. You brought one to school, and you violated regulations, end of discussion".

The young wolf was still upset and was hell-bent on talking his way out of the infraction. "Mr. Morris, did you even look at the keychain? It said right on the side, low beam-projected clock".

The mule went into one of his desk drawers and pulled out Tyler's keychain, he then looked at the side of the keychain, and saw that the lettering was scratched off. The wolf just stood there looking at the mule, waiting for a response from him. Morris just kept looking at the keychain and playing with its functions, checking to see if it really was worth the detention. After a few long breathes, the mule looked back up at Tyler, "Well, I guess I can waive the detention, it looks like someone was trying to get you in trouble. What did you do to Mueller to get him to do this to you"?

The young wolf just shrugged his shoulders and said, "I don't know, I guess I don't pay the best attention in his class".

As Ty was giving his explanation, Mr. Morris was writing a note for the bruin down in the detention hall. "Here, give this to Mueller, and then you can go home."

The wolf grabbed the slip of paper and walked out of the office. As he walked down the hall his curiosity was peaked, he wanted to find out if the two boys in the restroom were still going at it. As he got to the end of the hallway, he took a right, back into the restroom. The two boys were no longer at the urinals but rather moved into one of the stalls. At this point they had moved way beyond pawing off. Ty could only see one set of feet, so he assumed the other had to be kneeling on the toilet lid. He could see the fox's legs rocking back and forth. "He's gotta be mounting that skunk but, here, in the restroom at school?"

Ty started to walk out of the restroom but before he left, he turned and spoke a quick comment to the two frolicking in the stall. "You two are brave, don't get caught." As he walked out of the restroom, he could hear the two furs scramble a bit but then there was silence.

Ty made his way back to the room just in time to find a thoroughly disgruntled grizzly bear. "What took you so long Tyler? Did you get lost on the way to, or from the toilet?"

He walked up to the desk and handed the bruin the note, he then went back to his desk to pick up his book bag. "Where do you think you're going?"

Tyler looked back to the bear and responded, "Did you read the note?"

The bear stood up and walked closer to him, "Yes I did but, you're not leaving".

Ty just shrugged and started walking out the door anyway. "Young man I told you you're not leaving!"

"I think I am. That note says so." With that, the lupine left the classroom. As he started walking down the hall, the bruin stuck his head out of the room.

"I'm going to be talking with Morris about this."

The young, and this time, cocky pup turned around and replied. "Actually Mr. M. I think he's gonna be talking with you," and then continued down the hallway.

As he made his way to the main hall of the school, he walked past the restroom he had been in earlier, but this time when he passed it, he heard someone yelling. He popped back in the restroom to find Mr. Morris yelling at the two boys that had been breeding each other in the stall.

"You two get outta there right now!!!! Are you insane?!!! What the hell were you thinking?!!! You are so outta here, you're lucky I'm not calling police!!! Your parents are going to be informed of this and they will be notified of your expulsion."

As the two hobbled out of the stall, Tyler could see that they were stuck together at the waist. "Oh no, they didn't do it, did they?" he thought to himself.

The mule just fumed, "You don't even have the decency to come out with your pants up?"

Scared to death the little fox turned to the mule and nervously replied, "S-s-sorry s-sir, we c-can't."

"Well, why the hell not?!" The mule stood frozen, waiting for a response.

"S-sir, I-I'm tied with him, I-if I try to pull out, I'll hurt him." The mule finally dropped his tone down a notch, it was apparent that these two were more to each other than just mere playmates.

"Go back in the stall, get yourself separated from him, and then we are all going to my office to have a chat."

As the mule turned around, he saw Tyler standing there. "Catching the show, were you?" he spit out with an annoyed voice.

"N-no sir, I just heard you screaming, I needed to come back and see you again about something anyways, so since you were here, I thought I would try to talk now."

The mule took a deep breathe, full of anxiety. "What did you need to see me for son?"

The wolf walked closer to discuss his issue. "It's Mueller, I handed him the note you gave me, but he refused to let me leave anyway. I don't know what his problem is with me lately, but I'm getting fed with it."

"Alright, when I'm done with these boys here, I'll go have a chat with him, now go on, go home." With that, the wolf walked out into the hall and out the doors on his way to the corner to catch a bus to his train.

(Present Day)

"7:15 AM" flashed on Ty's alarm clock, as he opened his groggy eyes. "Ty,

I'm not telling you again," his mom growled.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm up, I'm up, hey ma, I'm gonna need bus money today."

His mom looked at him with a sarcastic expression. "Well, you should have thought about that while you were lying in bed. Poor planning on your part doesn't necessitate an emergency on mine."

The little wolf scratched his head fur. "Yeah, okay ma fine, stop using all the big words huh? I'm getting a headache already, just, are you gonna give it to me or not?"

"What if I say no?" "Then I can't take a shower this morning and I really need to."

"Why didn't you take one last night?"

"I did."

"Then why do you need to take one now?"

"Because mom, I'm matted down."

"I don't know, you look pretty fuzzy to me." His mother, Zeta, just giggled.

"No mom, I'm matted.......... down there." The young wolf pointed his muzzle in the direction of his pelvis.

"Poor pup, puberty's hell on you isn't it."

Ty just stood in his place slowly rocking, embarrassed that he had to tell his mother of his situation. "It's okay sweetie, this happens to all young males your age. Some of them are worse off than you, you know, you could be humping someone's leg, you horny little mutt you."

"I don't need this right now mom, I have enough problems in school with it, I don't need you messing with me at home too!"

Zeta pet Ty's head and gave him a hug. "Do the kids at school bother you or does "it" just bother you?"

Ty shrugged his shoulders and walked to the bathroom. "I guess it's a little bit of both."

Right before he turned on the shower, he popped his head out of the bathroom door and called to Zeta. "Ma, I overslept, I'm sorry, but I really do need the money."

"That's okay, but that's why I got you the bike, so I could try and save money. I'll give it to you this time, but tomorrow."

"I know, I'll be up on time, I was cramming for finals last night."

Ty turned the water on in the shower and stepped in. He started to close his eyes as the water ran down his fur. He started to yawn and give his back a nice long stretch. He put his arms up to stretch them, and then he raised each leg one at a time to stretch out his foot paws. As he enjoyed the feeling of the mildly warm water running through his fur, and over his skin, he felt an all too familiar feeling coming from his groin. "Not again, this is bullshit!" he thought to himself.

Wet dreams and adolescence were two of his biggest enemies. He felt embarrassed that from the sixth grade to the present, he would have to walk around with sporadic erections that took forever to go away, and he couldn't do anything to get rid of them. Now that he's in high school, he's a little older, he grew a little bigger, and these "moments" were more noticeable.

As the warm water flowed over his sheathe, he looked back down at his steadily swelling erection. The more he swelled, the more his wolf hood exposed itself, the tender flesh being teased by the steady flow of heat and water. He tried to resist the feeling he was getting to play with himself. He grabbed a washcloth and his bottle of shampoo. He started lathering up the washcloth and closed the cap. He wiped down his arms, and then raised them up so he could wipe down his underarms and his back. He moved down to his legs and finally his pads.

As he stood there full of soap, he continued to fight his uncontrollable arousal, he just turned around and let the water flow heavy down is back. He stood in the shower trying to wake up, trying to put other thoughts in his mind. He turned back around to let the water run over his chest again, he slowly rubbed the soap out of his fur matting it down, showing every curve and shape in his physique.

Ty loved his fur, he loved the color, and he was proud of how full his coat was at such a young age. His fur was a deep, deep grey, almost black, but not quite. He had a dark and medium mixed patch of brown that lined the middle of his chest, starting under his jaw, going all the way down to, and covering part of his sheathe. He stood himself, at only fifteen years old, about six feet, and about 237 pounds. He had a tremendous growth spurt during the year. At the year's start, he was five-foot-ten. He had an athletic build but was large framed. He liked to lift weights and exercise, determined not to be picked on in high school. His classmates picked on him in elementary school because he was chubby, but then he got active, and the puppy fat turned solid, and instead of thinning out, he got massive.

Ty wiped all the loose water and soap from his fur, but he couldn't shake the agony of this feeling anymore. His rock-hard erection throbbing so hard, it was starting to get painful. Every time a drop of water hit his flesh, he grits his teeth in pain, until finally the time had come, he had to satisfy his urge. He grabbed the tip of his shaft and started sliding his sheathe down, exposing the thick dark red shaft. His thickness was almost two inches in diameter. His length was almost eight inches to the knot. The top of his shaft was almost perfectly straight, with just a slight upward contour behind the flair. The bottom of the shaft rounded downward, with a heavy contour, and the pointed tip had a slightly large flair. He was doing well for his age, but he was still young, and there was more room to grow.

He pushed his shaft down toward the shower floor, so that he could free his slowly swelling knot. With his cock fully freed, he started to gently squeeze it as he held it under the water. He slid his fingers slowly up, and then down his shaft, exploring every vein, and every curve. He lightly ran a claw down the underside of his erection, right down to his knot, which had completely swelled. He lightly scratched at his knot, teasing himself. As he fondled himself, he stuck the point of his claw just inside his urethra and lightly scratched there as well. The light scratching intensified his pleasure, and started to make him drip small slick waves of pre-cum.

He gripped his cock tight this time, squeezing his roughly ten, thick inches. He started to moan, and then he started to slowly stroke. As he pleasured himself, he started humping his waist to the rhythm of his strokes. He started picking up speed with every stroke. As he masturbated, he could feel pre-cum start to flow from the tip of his member, at a much faster rate this time, saturating his paw. Heated up, he wanted to make this sensation even greater.

He let go of his knot and put his left paw on one of his butt cheeks. He raised his tail, and then put two of his fingers on his tail ring. Ty started massaging the soft sensitive flesh. The faster he stroked himself, the faster he rubbed his hole, occasionally putting on a little extra pressure, and penetrating the hole with his fingers. The faster he humped, the closer he could feel his climax coming. He squeezed harder now, hoping to finish quickly. He reached back further so he could insert his finger deeper. He shifted his body slightly sideways pushing his finger further inside.

Moving his finger around inside himself, Ty finally reached his prostate and began to put some pressure on it. He could feel the underside of his shaft starting to throb and contract. He decided to do more now, so he slowly started pulling and pushing his finger in and out of his hole, gently massaging his prostate. Ty opened his eyes widely as he finally felt it, the moment he was waiting for. He quickly grabbed his knot, and began squeezing it, sending a nerve-wracking ecstasy throughout his entire body. Then it came, the massive creamy load, violently blowing out of the tip of his cock, hitting the shower wall, spilling out over his paw, and falling to his feet. As his orgasm finished, he looked down, breathing hard, and watched his seed slowly float down the shower drain.

He gave his cock one final squeeze to empty out any cum that might still be inside, giving his prostate a few more rubs until he couldn't move any more. The tension in his muscles started to slowly relax and fade away. He slowly pulled his finger out of his backside, and let go of his cock, letting his erection slowly fade back down into his sheathe. He grabbed the soap again and lathered up his paws to clean himself off once more. He rinsed off quickly and then shut the water off and stepped out of the shower.

As he wrapped a towel around himself, Tyler rushed to his room to get dried of and dressed for school. When he got into his room, he saw the clock, now reading 7:45 A.M. "Shit, I'm gonna be late again, I gotta get outta here, stupid frickin' hard-on" was all that was running through his head after he saw the clock.

He dried off as quickly as he could and started throwing his uniform on. If he could get to the train station before eight, he'd still be on time for class. He finished dressing and grabbed his keys. He went back into the kitchen to look for the money his mom left him. He looked up by the microwave to find a five-dollar bill and a note that read, "Tyler, here is five bucks for the train, make sure you get home as soon as possible after school, we have to go to your cousin's birthday party".

Ty grabbed the money and his keys, and then flew out of the house. He rushed to the back of the building he lived in, and out into the alley. He ran down the alley and cut through another gangway to the next street over. He ran as fast as he could to get to the Division Street subway.

Tyler lived in the Near North area of Chicago Illinois, it was a bustling area of the city, lots of stores, lots of traffic and lots of things to do, plus good food at every other corner.

He checked his watch as he was running down the stairs. The watch read 7:59 A.M. giving him just enough time to get down the stairs. He threw his money in the card machine quickly, and pulled out his transit card, running to the gate. He put his card in the gate and ran through. As he was running down the stairs, he could hear the train approaching. As he got to the bottom of the stairs, he saw the lights reflecting off the tunnel walls. Finally, the train stopped, and the doors opened, he was well on his way to getting to school on time.

As Ty sat on the train waiting for his stop, he thought about finals and other meaningless issues that other students would be nervous or upset about. A voice came over the loudspeaker of the train. "Addison Avenue is the next stop, Addison Avenue."

Ty got up and approached the doors, waiting for the train to stop. There was a "ding", and the doors opened. Tyler moved off the train and onto the platform, making his way to the main level staircase. He started walking up the stairs to the street just in time to see his bus pulling up. "Please turn red, please turn red" is what he thought as he walked to the corner to cross the street.

He could see people still loading and unloading from the bus. Then, he heard the doors close, and the bus started to move. "No!!" he screamed, as he watched the bus pull away, but right before it got to the corner, the light turned red. Ty ran across the street and up to the bus doors. (tchkkk) the bus doors opened, and he hopped on. "Almost late again" the driver joked as he went to put his transit card in the machine.

"If that light didn't turn red, I would be" Tyler replied. Ty knew the driver, well, sort of anyway. That had been the same bus he had gotten on for the last nine months. He walked over to the nearest free seat and sat down, looking out the window in an up-too-late-studying sort of daze. The intersecting streets seemed to just whiz past him as he waited for his street to be called. He just watched cars drive by, or people walking down the sidewalks.

"California, next stop, California" was all he heard, and he jumped out of his seat.

"See ya!"

"Yeah, have a good one" the wolf and the driver said to each other as he jumped off the bus, and ran across the street.

As he started to approach the doors, a loud, high-pitched voice came from behind him, almost right in his ears. "Kehoe's got our test today!!!"

The wolf's ears pressed back against his head, and he gritted his teeth. "Terry, what've I told you about doing that to me? I swear one of these days, I'm gonna hit you."

"No, no, it's cool. I don't want any D-Wolf action, not after seeing what you did to that jock for puttin' his strap on your muzzle. So, uh, do you think it'll be hard?"

Ty looked at Terry and shrugged his head, "Are any of Kehoe's tests hard?" Ty replied back with a sarcastic tone. "It's probably data entry, so all you have to do is type what you see on paper and print it out."

"You say that but, I heard he's flunking a guy recently for taking someone else' file and copying it to his own."

The wolf just shrugged again. "That's sad, if a guy's gotta do that, he shouldn't even be playing videogames."

The little Shepard just nodded in agreement. "Okay, well, I'll see ya Third P then, huh?"

"Yeah, see ya."

Terry was a short, skinny, very high-strung German Shepard pup. A bit smaller than average, but his bite was worse than his bark. Earlier in the year, he punched a senior in the mouth and knocked his canines out, just for calling him a fag. Ty didn't know if he was really pissed off about being called a fag, or if he was just having a bad day. Tyler knew him for a long time and never saw him with any females, he never talked about females, but neither did Ty, so he felt no reason to ever ask. He has been by Tyler's side ever since they were in the second grade. Both of their parents joked about them, saying that they were connected at the hips. They were best friends though, and that's all that mattered.

Ty walked into his first period English class. As he walked in, his teacher Ms. Fey a young female jaguar, stopped him. "Hello Tyler, is your paper finished?"

Ty put his bag on the desk and opened it to fish around for his folder. He opened the folder and pulled out a stapled group of paper. "Sure is", he simply replied as he handed the booklet to her and walked to his desk.

The bell rang, as the jaguar got out of her seat to close the door. "Good morning guys, for the rest of the week, we're going to be watching "Julius Cesar" on DVD. I expect everyone to take notes, your finals on this movie."

How hard can this be?" whispered a raccoon by the name of Jim, sitting next to Ty.

"Well Jim, how hard was the last test she gave us?"

"It wasn't hard, I should've.... just.......paid attention."

As the raccoon finished his explanation, his voice got lower and lower until Ty couldn't hear him anymore. Ty then added, "No arguments there, and you're not getting me in trouble again trying to get answers from me."

"Dude, it was just one question, just one!"

"I don't care. I get into enough trouble without your help."

Jim just shrugged and looked down at his desk in a depressed manor. He then put a twisted grin on his face and looked back at the wolf. "Hey Ty, have you ever seen someone light their farts on fire? It's totally funny!"

The annoyed wolf just looked at him. "No, I can honestly say I haven't."

The jaguar started to load up the DVD player, "Alright class, no more talking."

Jim was persistent in his attempt to get Ty to watch this humorous event. "Come on dude. Just watch this, just for a second."

The wolf being annoyed, turned to him growling, "No, she said be quiet, so be quiet."

Just as Ty finished his sentence, Ms. Fey turned around and looked directly at them both. "Tyler, James, what part of quiet do you not understand?"

The wolf replied, with a burning feeling in his ears, "Ms. Fey I asked him to, but he won't listen to me."

The raccoon's ears fell back against his head, as he looked at Tyler in disappointment. "Not cool dude, not cool at all."

Tyler wasted no time in returning the response. "I told you to shut up. I told you that I wasn't getting in trouble for you again!"

Ms. Fey was tired of dealing with the ring-tailed disturbance in her classroom, she had dealt with him all year, and she was fed up. "James, I want you to take your desk out in the hall and sit out there. I guess you get to miss the day's credit.

Jim looked back at Ty once more. "So not cool", was all he could say before he walked out of the room. Jim left the room, but it didn't stop his antics though. While he stood outside the door, he was constantly waving or motioning to others in the class, trying to get their attention.

The only attention he got though, was from an enraged female jaguar. "James!!! Turn your desk around and move away from the door!!!" She hissed as she sprinted towards the door to close it, this still didn't stop him. He proceeded to tap lightly on the window, still trying to get Ty's attention.

"Apparently, lighting a fart is just a must see" Ty thought to himself as he finally gave in and looked up. As he looked towards the door, Tyler could see the goofy grin on Jim's face, and as Ms. Fey jumped out of her seat to yell at him one more time. Jim lit the lighter and put it under his tail, lighting his fart, and setting his tail up in flames. Ty started laughing in amusement, along with the rest of the class.

As Ms. Fey tried to put Jim out, Ty turned to a little red fox by the name of Jay. "I guess he was right, that was pretty funny."

Still giggling Jay replied, "What? The green flame, or Ms. Fey beating him?"

After about five minutes of screaming and yelling from out in the hall, the jaguar came back into the classroom, brushing down her blouse and trying to regain her composure. "I do apologize for the disruption, now, back to the movie."

The bell rang for the end of the period. Everybody ran to catch their next class. Time went by, and soon it was lunch time. Ty had been waiting all morning. He didn't eat before he left the house. This school was kind of different as far as cafeterias go. It was set up more like a college campus, than a high school. There was a galley off to the side of the cafeteria, where Ty usually went for food. He felt that the junk food there, was better than what the others were standing in the lunch line for. As he got to the register, the woman behind it smiled. "Hey Sheila", Tyler greeted the woman.

"What can I get ya?"

"Oh, just my usual thanks."

"You got it kiddo, one pizza puff and an Oreo shake comin' up."

Ty walked away from the line and into the cafeteria looking for his friends. He saw the little German Shepard sitting with some humans. Ty walked up behind the little dog and gave him a pat on the shoulders. "Hey, Terry, where have you been?"

He then looked at the two humans sitting across from the little dog. "Tony, Brian, what's up?"

The two of them looked back at the lupine. "Not much wolfie, what's up with you?"

Terry looked back at the two humans shaking his head. "Come on guys, you know he hates it when you call him that."

Ty sat down next to Terry. The little dog was so anxious to talk with him, his tail started wagging really fast, smacking Tyler in the back. "Hey, hey, calm down Pup. You're gonna hurt someone with that thing."

The little dog put his head down as if his feelings were hurt, but only for a second. He perked up his ears and looked back to his lupine friend. "So, did you catch that movie this weekend?"

The wolf just shook his head. "No, I wound up finishing that thesis for Ms. Fey. I'm already failing algebra. Don't need to fail English Lit too."

Tony got tired of listening to the conversation and wanted to get in on it. "So, hey wolfie, you hear about that guy Kehoe supposedly caught liftin other people's work?"

"Yeah, Terry told me this morning. I wondered who it was. You know?"

"Well, don't know for sure yet but rumor has it, he's in your class. Well, I gotta go, peep ya later."

"Yeah. Later."

Ty just looked at Brian, the only one at the table who hasn't said anything yet. "Brian, why do you hang out with that dick? It's been almost a year and he still doesn't know my name?"

"He just does it because it pisses you off. Don't get pissed, he won't do it anymore."

"Yeah right, that asshole would sell his mom on the black market for pot if he could."

Terry just giggled, "Harsh buddy, true, but seriously harsh. But hey, don't worry, next year you get to be an upper-classmen, and then you get to pick on the new guys."

Ty just shook his head, "No, that's not my thing."

Brian started to get up, "Okay. Well, I gotta get going. I'll see you guys later." Then he made his way out of the hall.

Terry got up and moved to the other side of the table. He had a question he wanted to ask his friend but didn't want people to overhear him talk about this personal matter, and Ty knew this. "You heard what Tony said right? About that guy supposedly being in our class?"

"Yeah, so, why are you bothered by it?"

The little dog just shrugged and sighed. "Well, did you ever think it could be you? I mean, what if it was you? Then how would you feel about it?"

"Terry! Why would you even say that? Why would you think it's me? Did you hear something?! Did someone say something?! I've aced that class all year, why would I start cheating weeks before the school is out?"

The little dog nervously started to shake. He wasn't used to his best friend being angry with him. Terry just put his head down and looked at the table. Ty tried to calm himself. He then put a paw on the little dog's shoulder. "Terry, Pup, I'm not mad at you, but, if you know something, you should tell me."

"Ty, I want to but if I do,"

Ty cut him off, "You're gonna get jumped outside of school?" The little Shepard just shook his head.

"Who is it?" The wolf asked.

The little dog looked up at him weakly. "He was sitting right here with us, the one that asked you about it in the first place."

"I get it Terry, no names. I didn't hear it from you. I have to ask you though, how do you know for sure?" Terry crossed his arms. "I overheard him telling Nolan about it. He said that he found this paper on the hard drive that wasn't due yet, and when he checked the name, it was yours. He said he figured that he'd turn it in because he didn't feel like having to do his own, especially if he could get a free hand out."

"Terry, what did Nolan say?"

"He said that it was a stupid move, that someone was gonna get into serious trouble if they got caught. But Tony didn't care, long as it wasn't him. He played you good Ty, his class is before ours. All he had to do is change the name and print it out. You hand in the same paper, and it looks like you stole it."

Ty started going from worried to pissed. He knew this guy didn't like him that much, but they were both friends of Brian, so they coped with each other. He sat there for a minute, trying to figure out what to do, or even what to say. His Comp. class was right after lunch, and now he knew what he was going to be walking into. Then a thought popped into his head, "Terry can back me up", the only problem was convincing him to do it.

"Terry could fight, but he'd be no match for Tony, Tony was a jock, and abused steroids, he could really hurt him, or even worse." This was the only thing Ty could think about, but he knew he had to ask.

"Terry, you know what I'm gonna ask you right?"


"How do you feel about it?"

"Do you really need to ask that question?"

"Yeah, I do. If you're that worried about getting beat, I've got your back, I always have, we're best buds, right?"

The little dog looked back down at his half-eaten corndog and shrugged. "Are you really gonna make me spend the summer in summer school because you don't want to get your butt kicked?"

The little dog nodded his head as if to say "No" but couldn't get up the nerve to say it.

"Then I really need you to help me out here pup, I'll protect you, you know I will, I've done it before."

The Shepherd looked at him again, with a little more confidence in his face this time. "I know will, you better, or I'll haunt you from beyond the grave, for the rest of your life."

The two boys giggled at the little joke and the air was lightened. Then, there it was, the bell that told them to move on. As they started to get up from the table, Ty realized that he hadn't eaten any of his food. He grabbed a napkin and wrapped it around his pizza puff, sliding it into his pocket. "You're gonna eat that in Kehoe's class?"

"Yeah, trust me. If he doesn't believe us when we talk to him about this, eating in his class is gonna be the least of my worries."

The two furs padded their way up to the computer lab. Standing outside the doors was the man himself, already glaring at Tyler. "Well, this is it" were the words that spewed from the wolf's mouth before he approached his teacher.

"Coach I know we need to talk; rumors travel fast around here. I need to tell you the truth about what happened, believe me or not, it's your decision."

The bulldog's ears perked up, a twisted grin grew across his muzzle. "Okay kid, humor me, tell me what I already know. Tell me that you stole the work, and it'll be much easier on the both of us. I get to fail you, you get to spend the summer with me, and we'll all get to have a grand old time."

Ty went to speak but Terry cut him off. "S-sir, uh? Coach? C-can I say something?"

"What is it?"

"I saw the whole thing."

The bulldog looked at him cocking his head to the side in a curious manner. "Are you gonna rat on your friend here?"

"No, I'm gonna rat on........"

Just as he was about to start his explanation, Terry saw Tony walking past them and shut up. Tony gave the Shepard a sinister deep glare, a look that gave him a serious warning, without saying a word. The fear choked him up in his throat, and he started having second thoughts. (Snap, snap, snap!!!) Kehoe started snapping his fingers in Terry's ear, trying to get his attention. "Come on boy, I don't have all day to watch you stare at a wall."

Terry gulped, and then took a deep breath. He then looked over at Ty. "You so better be right about what you told me."

He looked back at Kehoe and opened his mouth. "Ty didn't steal any work, his work was stolen." The bulldog being thrown through a loop, now had completely lost look on his face.

"He finished that work for you a day ahead of time but, he left his floppy disk at home that morning. I know this because he was upset about it when we met up in the morning."

The bulldog just crossed his arms with an annoyed look on his face and started tapping his foot paw on the ground. "Coach I'm not lying to you. Monday while I was in the locker room after gym, I overheard Tony talking about, in full detail. If you don't believe me talk to your star quarter-back, because that's who he told."

The bulldog just sighed and then he asked, "Are you finished?"

The two boys shook their heads. Kehoe closed the classroom door. He pulled the two boys closer to him to talk more quietly. "This is what's going to happen, Terry, I believe you, I shouldn't, but I do, only because I know how scared you are of me. You wouldn't lie to me, because you think I'll shred you apart. Unfortunately for you two, I can't just take your word for it, so, I'm going to have a talk with Nolan before I finish this business. So, you're not off the hook yet, but you're not in the fryer either, not in less I find out you two are yankin' my chain, and in that case, you're gonna be a couple new throw rugs on my living room floor."

The three furs walked back into the classroom, and the two boys sat down at their desks. Kehoe walked up to his desk to grab a stack of papers. He started walking from one end of the room to the other, putting pamphlets in front of his students. "This is test day, I love test day, the reason for being is that you guys get to be quiet the entire time you're in here, so I get some peace and quiet."

The bulldog continued walking around the room making sure that everyone got a pile of paper. "I won't accept talking or cheating. If I catch any of you doing either, your outta here, and I'll see you this summer."

Everybody started working on their exam, some were into it, and others were clueless. Thirty minutes later, Ty had finished his work. He double-checked everything making sure he didn't leave anything out. After making sure his paper was top-notch, he hit the print button and walked over to the printer. His exam printed out, he grabbed it, and walked over to his instructor. He tapped the bulldog on the shoulder and waited for him to turn around.

As Kehoe turned around, the wolf extended his paw and gave him his test. "Here you go" the little wolf said lightly.

"Wait a minute, don't leave yet." The bulldog mowed over Ty's paper, testing his worth, looking for proof that he really was telling the truth with the story out in the hall. He grabbed a pen and started reading the paper, checking every line, every word and every piece of punctuation.

After several moments, the dog just looked at his impatient student. "Perfect, everything is perfect. But if you knew what was going on, then why didn't you come to me earlier?"

Ty took his paper from Kehoe's hands to look at it. There wasn't one correction made to his work. "Terry wanted to tell me, he wanted to tell you, but Tony put a serious threat against him, and he was terrified to say anything. The first I heard about this was two days after I wrote that article. The rumors started to fly, and then, by the time it got to me, you were probably ready to flunk me."

The dog shook his head in agreement. "You know Tyler, I'm still gonna have to talk with Nolan, and see what he knows. He does know though, not to lie to me. That's the cardinal rule with me. You tell the truth, I'm fine with you, but if you lie to me, I'm gonna make every day as miserable for you as I can."

Time was running out for the rest of the students, and class was almost over. Slowly, one by one, students started getting up, and moving to the printer. Ty saw Terry walking up towards him. Ty just gave him a pat on the shoulder in a manner as if to say, "it's okay". The bell rang, and the kids started rushing to grab their work, so that they could leave.

Terry turned in his paper to Kehoe and walked over to Ty's side. "Hey, you two, hold on a minute."

Terry and Ty turned to walk back to their instructor. Kehoe waited until all the other students left the class.

"I don't want you to worry about being late for your next class. I'll give you a pass. I want you to see me tomorrow, so I can tell you what Nolan said. I trust he's going to tell me the same deal but none the less, I must ask. Now, I only have one grievance about all of this. Terry, why didn't you come to me as soon as you heard this? Your friend could have been in big trouble, I believe you two, about not forging that paper. For one, Tyler's been one of my top students all year, but at the same time, you should have told me the day you forgot your disk. I gotta tell ya, I feel like I let you kids down. I'm, we, us, the staff, are supposed to be protecting you kids, and making sure this is a safe environment for you to be in. I can't do that though, if you don't talk to me, or any of the other faculty members for that matter. Terry, I can't guarantee out of school you'll be safe from him, but in school, I can watch Tony and make sure he doesn't get any ideas."

Terry started to freak out. "No coach, you can't mention me, what if, you just let him think Ty is in trouble and leave it at that. I don't want to cause any trouble for anyone."

"Because kid, staying quiet doesn't solve the problem, and if he knows he can get away with it, manipulating you, he's gonna try doing it to others."

The boys met after class, Terry was worried now, so bad that, he just couldn't shake the feeling that something bad was going to happen to him. His best friend promised that he would protect him, but what if he wasn't there to do it? "Terry, pup, what's wrong? I promise you, that I'll be there for you if Tony tries anything."

"I know you're saying that now but, what if you're not there, what if he does find out, and what if he does come after me, then what?"

The wolf just stood there, looking for the right words to say to his friend. He wished that there was an easy answer to give the Shepard, but he knew there wasn't. The little dog just stood there, looking at the wolf, hoping for some kind of solace. Ty couldn't find anything to say to the little dog so, instead, he put his hands on Terry's shoulders and gave him a sullen smile, and a wink. "I think you'll be fine buddy." The two of them went on to their next class and were separated once again, until the dismissal bell rang.

Three O'clock came, and the bell rang. Everybody shuffled about trying to get to their lockers so they could leave. The two boys met up at their lockers. Terry was excited to get out of school for the day, so was Tyler. "So uh, Ty, how'd everything go? Did you make it?"

Ty shook his head with a disheartened look. "Everything but algebra." The little Shepard was eager to know about Kehoe but, he didn't want to bring it up.

"Something wrong Terry? You look like you want to say something."

"Well, I was going to ask you about Computer Lit but, I didn't want to push the topic."

As Tyler was about to answer Terry's question, he saw Nolan walking past him. The dobie walked past him with a smirk on his face and nodded at Ty. The wolf returned the nod, with a mirrored expression.

"Let's just say my summer opened up a bit and leave it at that."

"So, how long are you gonna be in school for?"

"Probably just a few hours in the morning." The Shepard was satisfied with the answer, winking at the wolf, and giving him a thumbs-up. Shortly after, the two Canids finished packing their belongings, and left the school.

On the way home from school, Ty sat quietly pondering what his mom would say about having to go to summer school. Although it was only one class, he was pretty sure his mom would be reluctant to pay for another year of school for him just to flunk another class on her dime. "She's gonna make me go to Shedd High", he thought to himself.

As he sat back in his seat, he closed his eyes, trying to think of anything else, other than what his mom might do.

"Are you alright buddy? You look upset." The Shepard sat there watching his friend as he waited for a response.

Ty sat in front of the dog, staring at him blank-faced. Not really wanting to say anything, Ty slouched back in his seat, closing his eyes once again. Terry was hurt about this gesture, he was the same age as Tyler but, he was a little more immature than him. He couldn't understand why his best friend shunned him like he did. "Fine, don't talk to me then."

Ty sat back up slowly opening his eyes and putting a paw on Terry's leg. "I'm sorry, I'm not upset with you pup, I, I'm just worried about next school year and where I'm probably going to wind up going."

Now the little dog had a bewildered look on his face. He sat, thinking for a moment and then it clicked. He knew now why his friend was worried. He wanted to make the most of a bad situation, so he jumped on Ty, trying to cheer him up. "You're not gonna go to Shedd, your mom doesn't hate you that much. She knows that you'd probably get killed at that school."

"Well, where else do you think I'd possibly go? It's the only public school in this area, in this part of town, and she probably won't pay for private school again next year, not this one anyway."

The energetic little dog kept the good energy flowing. "Well, maybe things aren't as bad as you think, I mean summer school doesn't cost money, and she might not be that mad." The little dog's enthusiasm didn't seem to faze Ty though, he still felt down, and he was still extremely worried.

The bell dinged on the train for Ty and Terry's upcoming exit. He slowly opened his eyes and got up. He grabbed his book bag and padded for the doors. The train came to a halt and the two boys got off. The subway was loud like it always was, but now the sound was ear shattering to Ty. He put his paws over his ears to try and muffle this sound, but it didn't seem to help. Tears started to flow from his Hazel colored eyes as they walked up the stairs.

He made his way down Division Street, like he did every afternoon, with the little Shepherd right by his side. Every step he took closer to his house, his stomach tied itself in knots. His chest started to feel heavier and heavier, and he started to feel out of breath. Terry looked at the wolf as he started to slouch over in pain. "This is really getting to you, isn't it? Do you want me to come by your house? Are you okay?!"

The wolf held his stomach still hobbling down the big city street. "If you want to come to my cousin's house, you can come with me."

Terry shrugged and kept walking by his side. "I just want to make sure you get home okay."

The two furs approached Ty's street. As they turned the corner Ty stopped and sat down on top of a bright colored mosaic sculpture. All he could think about was what his mom was going to do to him when she got the call from Wyatt Tech. "What's wrong now Tyler?" Terry asked.

"If I go home, I'm probably gonna get my ass kicked, but if I don't go home, I'll probably get it worse."

Ty's mom was a good parent but, she was rough, it was rough being a single mom. She threw her mate out of the house when he was just a few months old. She couldn't deal with his father's drunken stupors. She had told Ty one time that his father had brought in over two thousand dollars one week for a paycheck. He went to the bar buying rounds all night and had spent every penny he earned. She was angry with the fact that, he couldn't afford to buy diapers but, he could afford thousand-dollar bar tabs. This was added stress that a young mother with two pups just didn't need. Ty's sister Zoa wound up moving with their father when she was five. Ty's mom didn't want them to grow up not knowing who their father was.

Ty walked down the stairs and to his side door. The two furs went into the house like they always did. They threw their backpacks in Ty's room, and then went into the living room and turned on the T.V. As he sat there, he thought to himself, "Humph, I can't believe I actually made it through the day without a boner".

He continued to joke to himself, "If I'd a known that, I would have taken a shower every morning, on second thought, I must be really pathetic."

About an hour went by since the two furs had walked through the door. As he heard the door open, his ears flattened down against his head. "Hey honey, hey Terry. So, boys, how was school?"

There was a long pause. Ty was trying to sniff out his mom's mood. She didn't seem to be angry with him but, he wasn't sure. "Mom, I have news."

His mother looked at him and tossed an ear to the side in a casual manner. "I know, the school called me yesterday. I've already enrolled you in summer school. It starts the week after schools out. It's only two and a half weeks. Just be sure you pass this time, otherwise you'll have to repeat your freshman year."

The pup looked up at his mom, "You mean you're not mad, I thought you were gonna kill me."

Zeta looked back at her son, "I'm not happy but, I did meet your Algebra teacher and he was an idiot. I'm not paying that kind of money for that school again next year though. There's too much bullshit going on there, for what they want me to pay. Nu-uh, no sir, it's just not happening."

Ty's stomach ended up in his throat once again, this time the pain was far worse. He felt like he was being stabbed in the gut with a dull knife, and it was being twisted with every plunge. Ty fell to his knees holding his waist. As soon as his knees hit the floor, he puked.

"Oh my God Tyler, are you alright?!!!"

Concerned for his friend, the little Shepard intervened. "Zeta, he was like this after he got off the train this afternoon."

"I think we're going to stay home. If you're sick, we're not going anywhere."

Ty got up off the ground and wiped the bile off his muzzle. Terry ran to grab a towel. "It's just nerves Mom."

Terry ran back from the bathroom, "I can stay with him while you're gone, my parents won't mind, and you can see your nephew."

Zeta was worried about her son now, but she knew Terry would call her if something bad were to happen. She sighed and looked at the two boys for a moment. "Okay, I don't know when I'll be back Terry, so I'm going to call your mom and let her know you might be staying here tonight, okay sweetie?"

The energetic pup's tail started wagging so fast against the sofa, it sounded like he was playing the drums. "I'm going to go make that call, and then I'll leave."

Zeta went into the kitchen to call Terry's parents. Meanwhile, Terry helped Tyler clean his mess off the living room floor.

"You don't have to stay here bud, I'll be okay." The wolf suggested to his friend, but the little dog wasn't having any of it. Terry grabbed Tyler by his muzzle and smacked him in the nose.

"Ouch! Why'd you do that?!" Ty grabbed his nose and tried to rub the pain away.

"You're obviously too dumb to figure it out. Your mom wants to make sure you're okay. It's your cousin's birthday today, she wants to see him, but she can't go with you like this, especially alone. Don't be selfish Ty, if you kick me outta here, she's not gonna leave."

Ty let go of his nose and looked at the mess on the floor. It's not that he didn't want Terry there. He just wanted some time to himself to think things over, to prepare himself for where he'd go for next school year. His mom already just told him that she wasn't going to pay for another year's tuition at Wyatt, and he knew that meant public school.

"I'm sorry Terry, I just needed some time to think. I can't get any of this off my mind. I don't know why it bothers me so much. Maybe, it's because I never had to go to summer school before. I've never sloughed off so much during the school year. Or maybe it's because I'm scared to death about going to Shedd."

Terry could see that his friend needed comfort now, and he felt he should return the favor. "Ty come on, you know she isn't going to send you there. My parents were talking about sending me to Near North next year. The tuitions' supposed to be less expensive, and its right at the end of the block, you could even sleep in. I'm sure my parents would talk with her and let her know."

Zeta came back into the living room. "How are you feeling Pup?"

Ty gave her a weak smile and a shrug. "Alright, I suppose."

Zeta ruffled her son's head fur. "Okay boys, Terry your parents are okay with you staying here. Ty sweetie, I hope you feel better. Oh, and I don't want you to worry, I heard your conversation. I'm not going to send you to Shedd. I know that's why you threw up. I'm not angry with you failing Algebra, I know you tried. Some people just don't get it. I was the same way, but then again, I had a teacher that gave a damn about her students. Terry, take care of my boy, okay?"

The little Shepherd gave her a confident nod. Zeta went back into the kitchen and grabbed her keys and purse off the dryer. She walked to the door and called to the boys one last time. "I'll see you boys later, behave yourselves, and don't stay up too late." The boys waved, and the she-wolf padded out of the house.

The clock read Ten-Thirty in the evening. Ty and Terry had been watching television for the last four hours. Tyler was feeling a bit tired, utterly exhausted from the day. "Hey Pup, I think I'm gonna go lay down. You should probably do the same, I don't want mom to yell at you for being up when she comes home."

Terry got off the couch and followed Tyler to his room. "Do you need a change of clothes for tomorrow?"

"If you have one, otherwise I can just where what I got on."

Ty gave the little dog a spare uniform for the next school day and a pair of PJs to sleep in. "Do you want the floor or the bed?"

The Shepherd replied, "Where do you want to sleep?"

"The bed I guess."

Tyler crawled into his bed and set his alarm clock. He heard some shuffling behind him, Terry was changing and getting ready for bed. "When you're done, could you shut the light off?"

"Sure, no problem." Terry finished getting ready for bed and then walked over to the light switch, shutting it off. Ty could feel the blankets moving. He could feel the small-framed dog sliding under the sheets with him.

"Uh-Terry, what are you doing?" Terry was surprised at Tyler's reaction.

"I've laid with you before, what's the matter?"

Ty couldn't find a good answer to the question, so he rolled over and faced the wall once more. As he lay in the bed, he felt a little paw reach over him and wrap around his waist. "Terry?"

The little Shepherd got scared, scared that his friend was going to be angry, scared that he was going to be hit. "Ty, I-I need to talk with you, I want to talk to you about some things."

"Terry, can this wait till morning? I'm really tired now, I mean, I don't wanna be rude, or push you away but, I need rest."

The little dog was disheartened but determined to get his feelings out. He grabbed his friend tightly by the waist and hugged him strongly. Ty's eyeballs opened wide, but shortly after, began to relax. "I get it Terry. This is what you wanted to talk with me about, isn't it?"

"Y-yeah, I didn't know how to talk to you about this, or even how to get it out, the only thing I could think of was this. I couldn't wait till tomorrow, Ty. This feeling is eating me up inside. I don't know if it's you. Or boys in general but...."

Ty cut him off, "Are you trying to tell me that you have feelings for me? Like as in intimate feelings?"

The little dog was choked up. He couldn't find the words to say. He didn't want his best friend to be mad at him, he didn't want to lose a friendship, or a bond like the two of them shared, but the truth had to come out.

"Yes, I do. I bet you probably hate me right now and think I'm a freak, don't you?"

Ty rolled over and faced the Shepard. He grabbed the little dog by the paws softly. "No, no I don't hate you, and no, I don't think you're a freak. We're friends, best buddies. Even if you like boys, nothing's gonna change that."

"Not even knowing that I like you?"

Ty brushed the little dog's head fur and then returned the hug that Terry gave him. "Nope, not even that. I just have one question for you, how long? How long have you felt this way Terry?"

The Shepherd lied in the bed, trying to think about it. "I guess, about two summers ago, when you and I went to that water park. I saw you, your soaked fur, the way you looked, and it made me feel, I don't know, weird. I had these strange feelings that I couldn't describe. I'm still not sure what they are, but I only seem to get them around you. Does this mean that I'm gay? Or does this mean that I love you?"

Tyler gave Terry another hug. He could smell Terry's scent. Tyler could smell the arousal from the Shepherd just from touching him. As Ty held the dog closer, he could feel Terry's sheathe swelling against his hips. "I don't know Pup, only you know what you really want, I can't make that decision for you. I think you already know what you want though, don't you?"

Ty reached down and gently grabbed Terry's sheathe. "I think you're afraid to ask though."

Terry had a bewildered look on his face now and he couldn't believe what he was hearing. "Tyler, are you? Are you into boys too?"

The wolf replied, "I never really thought about it, but you're my best friend and you really seem to be hurting, even worse than me right now, and if I can help you out, I'd be glad to."

The Shepherd looked at the wolf with concern in his face. "Um....... Ty? Have you ever done......this sort of thing before?"

Ty looked softly into Terry's eyes and placed his muzzle over his ear and whispered, "No, no I haven't, just do what feels right, I'll go along with it."

Terry pressed his maw against Tyler's, slowly slipping his tongue into the wolf's mouth. Tyler felt awkward for a moment, but only a moment, thinking about what was happening right now. "Am I really going to mate my best friend? Am I really going to mate a male? Is this really happening? What is our friendship going to become after this? Will he want to date me? Will I want to date him? Do I really like boys or, am I just experimenting? Is he experimenting?"

These were all questions running through his mind as Terry's muzzle was locked to his. Terry was starting to become extremely aroused; he reached down into Ty's bottoms and grabbed his sheathe. The little dog pulled the wolf's sheath downward, exposing the tip of the wolf's thick shaft.

"Wow Ty,"

"What's that about?"

"I didn't realize how big you were."

"Does it bother you?"

"A little but, I want to do this though, I have to be sure of myself, what I am."

Terry fully exposed Tyler's steadily growing erection. He held it in his paw feeling it throb and swell. Tyler did likewise to the Shepard. He grabbed the little dog's sheath and unleashed the member from its furry entrapment. "Ohhh" came from the dog as Tyler squeezed his shaft as if it was his own.

Terry's erection started growing further, with a modest eight inches of length from the tip to the end of his knot. Holding Terry's cock in his hand the wolf replied back." You're not doing too bad yourself Pup."

Terry lifted himself off the bed and sat down on top of Tyler's legs. Terry pulled the sheets down off Tyler exposing all his furry goodness. He grabbed Tyler's wolf hood once again and brought it to his muzzle. Terry breathed deeply for only a moment, to inhale Ty's strong, earthy scent.

"You okay Pup? " The wolf asked. The Shepherd only responded back with a short "Yep".

Terry slowly opened his mouth and inserted just the tip of the thick wolf shaft, closing his lips around the swollen tip. Terry teased the wolf, swirling his tongue around the tip in a playful manner. Ty moaned in pleasure; he had never been with anyone before let alone to do this kind of activity. Terry started moving further down on Ty's shaft, still playing it with his tongue. He slid his muzzle down over the wolf's member until he hit the knot.

Terry didn't pull back up like Ty would have expected. He kept his muzzle sealed tight around his shaft, but very slowly licked over the curvature of his penis, examining every vein, this drove Ty into a fit of ecstasy, causing him to shoot a small burst of pre-cum down Terry's throat. Terry pulled off a little, trying to swallow the sweet and salty liquid the wolf had just introduced him to.

"Everything okay Terry?" the wolf asked. Terry pulled himself off the wolf licking the sides of his muzzle clean.

"Yeah, I just got a mouthful I think." Ty leaned up and brought his face toward Terry, licking the side of his face.

"It doesn't taste that bad. Does it?" Terry gave Tyler a lick on the nose and pushed him back down.

"It's your turn to try something to me now."

Tyler waited to see where Terry was going with this. The Shepherd turned himself around and exposed a tight, pink hole to the wolf. Ty decided to try what the little dog had done to him, he pulled the Shepard's member back, between his legs and inserted the dog cock into his muzzle. Ty proceeded to give the little dog the same tongue treatment he received, licking wildly over every inch of Terry's member. The little dog started shaking as he stood on his knees.

"I want to make him feel right, so I need to do this right" was the only thing running through the wolf's mind at this point. Ty wanted to take his actions up a notch. The wolf used his lips to create some suction around the dog's penis, and began slowly pumping his head, thrusting the shaft in and out of his mouth. Terry quivered and moaned,

"Ohhhhh........ are you sure you've never done this before.......? I've never felt this good."

Ty just kept moving at his set pace. He felt the furry pouch resting on the top of his muzzle start to contract, and he stopped momentarily. "What's wrong Ty?"

The wolf replied, "Nothing's wrong, I just don't want you firing off too early."

Ty put the penis back in his mouth and started back up, a little slower this time. After a few minutes of pumping, Terry contracted again, but Ty didn't stop. As he sucked on the dog's member, he felt the tube filling up on the bottom of the shaft. The wolf squeezed the dog cock once again with his lips, releasing a stream of pre-cum. Terry felt weak from the pleasure and leaned over onto a pillow. Ty pulled the shaft out of his mouth, and with a tongue full of the dog's own spunk, started licking the dog's tail ring.

"Oh Ty, please don't stop....... Please don't stop......" was all the Shepard could say before he felt the wolf's long wide tongue enter his anal passage. Ty licked the dog's tail hole thoroughly, lubricating the little pooch. Occasionally, the wolf pushed his tongue through, penetrating Terry, causing the dog to push back. Terry thoroughly enjoyed the experience he was having, but so did Tyler. The wolf was trying to shun out the things scrolling through his mind and stay focused on his little dog. He wanted to do so much more to the Shepard but was afraid to ask.

Ty stopped licking Terry's tail hole and moved down to the soft furry pouch just below. He started with long, hard licks and moved on to soft little nibbles. Terry once again started pushing himself backwards. "OH! That's cold!" Terry had pushed too hard, and Ty's cold wet nose had ended up kissing Terry's sphincter.

"Sorry Pup,"

"It's not your fault."

Terry pulled himself away from the wolf, repositioning himself one more time. He was still on top of the wolf, but this time he was much lower, the position of his buttocks was much lower. Ty had looked at Terry and thought to himself, "Does he really...... Is he serious?"

Ty moved out of the bed and got back in, positioning himself on his knees. He leaned over the Shepard and hugged him once again. The wolf placed his shaft just under the dog's pouch, and slowly dry humped him a little. As he did this, he pulled the dog up to him so, he was leaning against his chest. Terry reached between his legs and grabbed both of their swollen members, massaging and squeezing them as Ty humped. A few minutes went by before Ty stopped. "Terry, are you sure this is what you want to do?"

The dog grabbed his muzzle and licked him. "I want to do it with you, but ....... only if you want to."

"I want to.... I want to do it with you.......Damn!!!! What did you do to me Terry? I.....I never saw myself in this situation before and........ now I'm here with you.........How ...why-why didn't you tell me before this?!!"

Terry was scared again but this time he was held by the wolf, feeling completely vulnerable, and naked. "I... I ...don't know what to say to you Ty, I'm sorry, I'm so......sorry. I... we shouldn't have done this."

" .... It's okay Terry, as long as it's you. It's just that, if we go all the way tonight...... That's a special thing, you know that right?"

"I really .......really, want you to mate me. I've never felt about you this way before, and I really want to.......feel you inside me."

Tyler laid the dog back down in the pillow gently and licked the back of his neck.

"You're absolutely sure Puppy?"

The dog made no sound but shook his head. Tyler positioned himself one more time behind the dog, grabbing his tail gently, and pulling it out of the way. He grabbed his cock and squeezed it hard, trying to milk any more pre-cum that might come out. He positioned his cock, right at the tender pink entrance into Terry's insides. As the pre-cum dripped out of the end of Tyler's shaft, he pressed it against the dog's anus. Terry quivered, anxiously waiting for his lover to penetrate him.

The thick pointed shaft slowly pressed inward pushing against and stretching the tight, sensitive muscles. As Ty pushed deeper, Terry clenched his hole, squeezing it with some pain from Tyler.

"Do you want me to stop?"

"No, you're a bit bigger than I thought you'd be, just go slow."

The wolf continued to make his way to the depths of Terry's belly, slowly pushing just a few centimeters at a time. He continued pushing until he felt his knot stop against the ring. Terry pulled himself back up against Ty's chest, rubbing his stomach. He could actually feel the wolf's cock inside of him, making him feel even more connected to Tyler. Terry pulled himself off Ty's cock, just a little bit. Ty caringly grabbed Terry by the waste and started thrusting slowly into the dog's tight moist abyss.

Terry moaned, and Tyler panted as the both of them got used to the feeling of their intimate encounter. Ty kept his pace of slow upward thrusts into the dog, and when Ty pushed up into him, Terry pushed down. Tyler tightened his grip on the dog, and Terry submitted to his actions, falling limp into the stronger Canid's arms.

Ty thrusted deeper inside of Terry now, pushing at a faster rate, massaging the dog's prostate. The wolf was a tight squeeze as it was inside the dog, this drove Terry insane. The faster the wolf humped, the harder the dog pushed against the wolf's knot, bringing them both close to the end.

Tyler felt so good inside his dog. He needed to increase his thrusting. The wolf pushed the little Shepard back down on the pillow and lay on top of his back, giving himself more room to push and pull out of the dog. Finally, Ty could feel his release coming and so could Terry. They began pushing in and onto each other at an extremely fast pace now, and then they felt it, Tyler's knot had forced its way into the little dog's sanctuary, and Terry had felt the extreme pressure on his prostate from the very large knot that invaded him.

"I'm gonna cum Pup" The wolf howled, as he emptied his massive load into the dog. Terry yelped and moaned from the force that the knot entered him. It hurt so bad but, felt so good at the same time. The pressure on his prostate made him release all over the bed sheets uncontrollably, putting him in a weary state.

"Me too" Came from the now exhausted dog.

Ty grabbed the pooch by the waist again and nuzzled into his neck. Get comfortable, were gonna be here for a while. The wolf adjusted his legs so that he was able to sit on his butt once again. Terry sat down in Ty's lap inadvertently pushing against the sheath, pushing the knot further in.

"Oh Gods Ty, you're so damn big, you're so deep in me."

He then pulled his head back toward the wolf and whispered in his ear. "Don't ever let go." The wolf leaned into the dog, gently caressing and nuzzling the little German Shepard. An hour had passed with the two of them connected, and the wolf was still knot-deep in the dog.

"Can we stay like this all night Ty? I'd really love it if we could." The wolf gave the Shepard another lick on the back of his head.

"I'd like that too" The wolf said, as the two of them finally said "goodbye" to the day and drifted off to sleep in each other's arms.

The last day of school had finally arrived. The morning light crept into Tyler's room as usual. The two furs heard the alarm clock and reluctantly awoke. Terry tried to move but realized that Ty was still inside him.

"Good morning Puppy" came from the wolf as he stretched and threw his arms around Terry.

"Hey there Stud Puppy" returned the dog.

"So, how'd you sleep Terry?"

"I had the best dreams; you and I were together, and it lasted all night."

"Uh...... technically we still are together" the wolf jested as he made their connection apparent. (giggles)

"Oh, yeah" (giggles).

"Well, I suppose we should get up huh?"

Tyler helped Terry slide off his penis, and then re-sheathed himself. Terry put his underwear on and went to the bathroom to hop in the shower. Ty got out of his bed and clothed himself as well. He reached for the top of his dresser o bring the change of clothes for Terry. He padded to the bathroom and knocked on the door.

"Terry, hey Pup, I got you those clothes."

Terry grabbed the folded garments from his hands.

"Thanks a lot."

Tyler went back into his room and Terry jumped in the shower. Tyler's mom went into work earlier that morning. She left a note and some money on the table. Ty grabbed a change of clothes as well. He went back to the bathroom and knocked on the door again.

"Terry...... can I come in?"

A muffled voice came from behind the door. "Sure" Ty entered the bathroom.

"Do you mind if I jump in with you? The clocks ticking, we gotta get out of here soon."

"No problem, come on in." Ty took off his bottoms and jumped in the shower.

"Thanks for an absolutely wonderful night last night" Terry spoke, as he hugged the wolf.

"It was my pleasure Pup" the wolf replied as he hugged him back.

The two furs stepped out of the shower, all cleaned off and now feeling and smelling fresh. Ty looked at the clock, it read quarter to eight.

"Oh shit, we're running late again."

Ty ran into his room to grab his keys and wallet. Terry was right behind him launching for his book bag,

"We gotta go" The wolf said as he pulled the little Shepard out of the house with him.

They ran down the street as fast as they could, the wolf still pulling the German Shepard behind him, said to the little dog "We have to make this train".

The two made it to the train station just in time, once again almost missing it by the skin of their teeth. They put their money in the machines and ran down to the platform reaching the bottom just as the train stopped. The two furs got on and found themselves a seat as they headed to school for their last day.

Ty and Terry got to school surprisingly on time. Ty was happy today; he knew that today was only a two-hour day. As he walked down the hall to his locker with Terry, he was silent. He padded the hallway with his ears pressed against his head, while the energetic Shepard next to him was so excited he was smacking the wolf in the leg with his tail.

"Ty, what's wrong? You were fine on the train and now you're depressed again." The wolf looked at him through the corner of his eye with a hurt that the little dog couldn't figure out.

"Can we talk about this later? I don't want to deal with it here."

"Aww.... Come on man, it's the last day of school!!!!!!!!"

Tyler just smirked and giggled at the little dog's enthusiasm, and that helped brighten up his day just a little bit. Terry couldn't figure out what was wrong with his friend, it was such a twist of moods that had happened so fast he didn't know what had happened. Ty on the other hand knew exactly why he was feeling like he did. Everything that had happened last night was catching up to him and emotionally overwhelming him.

The wolf grit his teeth, he didn't want to think about this anymore but, the images kept washing over his mind like a violent tidal wave over the sand on a beach. Terry could see this anguish in Ty's face as plain as day, grabbing him by the arm. "What?" the wolf barked. The little Shepard so full of energy, was shot down where he stood, turning his manic energy into a hurt that tore through him like a knife.

Ty saw the look on Terry's face and felt ashamed of what he'd done. The little dog only wanted to make sure his friend was okay, and he lashed out at him in a fit of misplaced anger,

"I'm........ so...... Sorry Terry, I really am."

The little dog was about to run off, but the wolf caught him by the tail.

"Wait Pup, please? I really am sorry, it's just that....... I....... we need to talk but, it's got to wait till after class."

Still feeling down, Terry looked at him and nodded, while the wolf put his arm around his neck and gave him a quick lick behind the ear.

"So, let's get this clean up started huh?"

The wolf spoke, Terry agreed and feeling better about the situation that just occurred, went right back into his energetic tail wagging.

The two furs went into their homeroom. Their homeroom teacher Ms. Yenkee, a super-thin border collie was sitting at her desk. As soon as the morning bell rang, she jumped out of her seat.

"Guys, I got to tell ya, it's been great being with you this year. I know you don't want to hear the riot act so, let's make this quick. The sooner you guys get this room and your lockers cleared out, the sooner you go home."

Everyone in the class jumped up and started organizing the room, putting books on shelves, wiping off desks, cleaning the chalkboards down, all within the hour.

"Great job guys, now go clear out your lockers. When you're done, come back to me so I can give you your grades and then, have a great summer."

Ty and Terry sat down at their desks waiting for everyone to clear out of the room so they could walk up and get their report cards.

"Shouldn't you two be out there?" The Border collie asked.

"No, we're here to get our grades, we cleaned out our lockers yesterday" the little Shepard replied.

"Oh? Okay then here you go."

Ms. Yenkee shuffled through the stack of report cards looking for the two boys. She had gone through half the stack before she found them and handed them over.

"Here you go boys, now get outta here and enjoy your summer." The furs grabbed their cards and walked out of the room.

"So, what do you want to do now?" asked the Shepard.

"I think we should go back to my place for a while."

"I think we can do that, you needed to talk with me anyway, right?"

"Yeah, I do, let's get outta here."

The boys made their way down the hallway, as they turned the corner to the main lobby, a couple jocks walked up beside them. The first to approach them was Nolan.

"Hey buddies, gonna be hangin' with the honeys this summer?"

Another jock, a rather well-built Rottweiler named Kenny, cut them off, "Probably not these two...... Fags!!!"

Ty and Terry both got pissed off.

"You call us fags? We're not the ones smacking each other in the ass when we walk down the halls."

"Aww, what's the matter gay wolf? Spending time here this summer?"

"Yeah, probably stuck right next to you"

Nolan got pissed off with Kenny giving his other friends a hard time. "Ken! Give it a rest already would Ya? You talk way too much shit."

"What? Can't they take a joke? I'm only messin' with them."

"It's okay Nolan, I can take it. He's too stupid to come up with anything else."

The dog fumed, knuckling up to throw a swing at the wolf, when the Doberman stopped him.

"Nu-uh, that ain't happenin', not his time. You really need ta chill out Ken."

The dog tried to calm his teammate down while the other two walked away.

"Hey, before I forget" the wolf turned back to Nolan, "thanks for talking to the coach."

The Dobie nodded back, "Not a problem, Tony could've burned you bad, and I couldn't let that happen. I don't know what beef he's got with you but, watch out, kay?"

The wolf raised a paw to wave and walked away.

Terry and Tyler walked out of the school and down the street to the corner to catch the bus. While they walked, Terry brought up the question.

"Uh.... Hey. Ty? What did you want to talk about huh?"

The wolf put his arm on the dog's shoulder. "It's about last night."

The little dog looked confused but perked up an ear to listen.

"I know what happened last night but, at the same time I don't know. I mean, I felt a lot of things I never felt before and I gotta be honest. To tell the truth, I'm a little scared and worried. I'm worried about losing you as a friend and, I'm scared to tell my mom that I might like boys."

Terry had a concern in his eyes, he kind of felt the same way, but when Ty mentioned their friendship, his stomach landed in his throat.

"W-what do you mean, losing me as a friend?"

The wolf tried to find a way to make his reasoning, make sense.

"Well Pup, Last night was awesome, I got to do a very special thing with a very special friend. Now I don't know if this is supposed to get serious between us, or if we were just going through a discovery phase. What I do know is, I was tied to you last night and I feel like we share this strong bond. Basically, I need to know, do you feel the same?"

Terry tried to find the words to appease his friend.

"I do...... I do feel the way you do but, I don't think this should be more than a casual thing."

The wolf couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"How could you just say that to me?!"

The wolf steamed, he didn't expect the dog to come up with such a casual answer.

"Whoa, whoa, just hear my reasoning for a second. What we did last night was special, I feel the same way you do, and we'll always have that with us but, we're kids Ty, no, we're not little kids but, we're not really old enough to know what we want for sure. Last night was great, and who knows, if we did it again, it might be better, but can you honestly say that with all your heart, you love me and you want to be with me forever? Unless you can, you can't be angry with me for what I said."

Ty was even more confused now, his anxiety starting to turn into anger. Terry tried to think of something else to lessen this unpredicted blow that Tyler took, but he was drawing a blank. The little dog raised a paw up on his arm and started rubbing it, upset that his best friend was angry at him once again. Tears started to flow from Terry's eyes. He gave up trying to resolve his friend's anger.

"I never should have told you", came from the Shepard under his breath, "then this never would've happened".

Tyler's anger ceased to a halt, and his jaw hit the floor, he was too busy thinking about himself that he didn't notice the conflicts being fought within Terry.

"Wait......... maybe I overreacted.......a lot. It's just that, what we had last night, what we did.......... It didn't feel casual to me. I feel connected to you now, and I know you feel the same, why are you saying that this can't be, if you're not even sure yourself? Why are you shying from me, when you started it all? Please Puppy, please help me understand this."

Tyler's head was spinning, and he started feeling like he did the afternoon before.

"Ty.......I.....I do love you. I always have, ever since we were just little pups, and it wasn't a brotherly love either. It was much more than that, so much more. Last night was a dream come true, you made love to me exactly how I imagined it in my mind, every detail, every hug, and every kiss. I'm so stupid though, because at first, I was afraid to tell you how I felt about you because I feared rejection. But now I have you and you actually want me, and I'm pushing you away from me, how fucked up is that? What the Hell is wrong with me?"

Tyler grabbed the little dog and pulled him close to him. He gave Terry a few licks on his head and held him in a warm embrace.

"So....... What do You want to do about all this then?"

The Shepherd just stood there, latched on to his friend, spilling a river of tears down his shirt.

"I don't know...... You probably hate me now, don't you? You're upset because, you think I'm playing games with you.... don't you?"

Ty grabbed Terry from under the neck and pulled his face out of his chest and brought him towards his own. Tyler simply looked down into the little dog's tear-soaked eyes and kissed him on the lips.

"I know we're both confused right now but......let's just take this one day at a time. We're still friends, and if, you do happen to meet someone else.... I just want you to be happy, you're My little pup and I gotta take care of you, don't I?"

Terry's tail started to wag just a little bit, "would you really be okay...... if I did find someone else? You wouldn't be mad?"

The wolf squeezed him again, "No, I won't get angry. It's like you said. We are still young, our true loves might not be each other...... but I do know one thing, right now, I'm just really enjoying the present with my best friend, and possibly mate."

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Tyler finally found the words to bring the little dog at ease. Terry's tail started wagging again with its usual eager speed. The two furs had finally made it to the bus stop, not much longer afterwards, so did the bus. They hopped on the bus and found a seat.

Ty sat down next to the window, and Terry sat next to him. The little dog laid his head down on his wolf's shoulder. Ty wrapped his arm around Terry's neck and pulled him in toward him once again. As the bus drove off, Tyler sat there with Terry halfway in his lap, fondling the dog's head-fur. He was back on his way home with his best friend, and School was out.

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