TMBL: Teenage Mutant Brother Lovers

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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Raphael deals with an overly flirtatious Donatello, and not very well.

Commissioned by TimidClef

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TMBL: Teenage Mutant Brother Lovers

for TimidClef

by Draconicon

Raphael was not keen on the constant flirting that Donatello was doing. Not only did it risk their disguises every time that they went up to street-level, but it was genuinely uncomfortable. He had a hard enough time keeping his temper under control as it was, and considering the purple-clad turtle was constantly pushing his boundaries, acting as if they were a couple when the humans were watching, it was a miracle that he hadn't decked Don just yet. The only reason he hadn't was the fact that the humans really didn't pay as much attention when they were walking together arm in arm, almost like they hated that crap as much as he did.

But today, it'd been too much. Don had leaned in under their hats and kissed him on the lips, and Raphael was left fuming. They'd finished the mission, but he'd already made the decision to tell Don to fuck off for the rest of the night.

They were just pulling open a manhole, Leo in the background talking about how the mission had gone, Mikey goofing off, when Don leaned in and started making kissy faces. Much as he'd tried his best, there was no holding back after that.


Don stumbled back, cupping his face, while Leo and Mikey went quiet. Raphael shook his head, wringing his hand out.

"Don't do that. Don't ever do that."

"Hey, I just -"

"And shut the hell up," he grunted, silencing Donatello before he could get another word in. "I'm sick of all the jokes. I ain't into that, so stop trying to push it on me."


"See you guys at home."

Raphael threw himself down the ladder before anyone could stop him, sliding down to the sewer level. A few boards waited for them down there, and he hopped on his and started riding it back to the lair. The fact that his brothers didn't try and call him back made him feel at least a little better. Maybe they were as sick of Don's shit as he was.

Master Splinter didn't stop him from heading to bed, though the rat gave him a nod of welcome that he'd calmed down enough to return. They didn't need to talk. He felt that the rat already knew that he was in a bad mood, and that Splinter was more than happy to give him the space that he needed to get his head on straight again.

He went to his part of the lair, a little corner that sunk in the wall with a stolen blanket for a bed. He tossed his pair of sais to the side, letting them clink against the stone, then hauled himself into bed. He closed his eyes, grumbling under his breath as the image of his brother popped into his head.

Dammit, Don...why do you gotta pull shit like this?

It was bad enough that Don was the most immature of the bunch. Even Mikey had the chance to actually grow up and be a little more serious about things, though he was still the joker. Leo had always been serious, focused and determined to get the job done right every time. That was good; he liked that, even if he and the blue-wrapped turtle didn't always agree on the right way to approach a mission. They still got the seriousness of it.

But as soon as Don got out of the workshop, it was like he couldn't think of anything but his dick. And he showed that dick off a lot, considering none of them wore pants.

Maybe he should get a pair so he can keep it in 'em...

It wouldn't even be that bad if his brother wasn't horny towards him. He'd thought that it was just a disguise for a while, but he'd started getting cues that it was more than that before tonight. The kissy faces and the constant pushing finally clinched it. The sick asshole wanted him, and that was bad for all kinds of reasons besides the fact that he wasn't interested in guys. He liked chicks. Not dudes. Chicks.

Hoping that his master would talk to Don before the morning, he clenched his eyes that much tighter and tried to force himself to fall asleep. It was a long way away, and he doubted that he'd get that much of it before morning, but he had to try.

Of course, even as he did, he could hear the rest of the group coming back...and for a moment, he was half-sure that someone had stepped into his little corner. However, before he could say anything, something touched his head, and he was out.


The word and the image popped into his mind at the same time. Not a human-hued rump, either, not pink or brown or any other color that were on the softer people on the street, but a green-skinned pair of cheeks. Emerald, dark green, something that had some heft to it, pushed out and swaying from side to side.

He didn't know what was going on. Some kind of sex dream? Hell, he didn't mind that. He hadn't had any action for too long, considering that they were always on missions and always trying to get things done. Raphael chuckled, starting to reach out -

But then he noticed something. Something off with the shape, something that made him feel a little bit...wrong. He didn't get it, didn't understand, but there was...something not quite right. Not the sort of curves that he usually fantasized about, not -

Ass...breed that ass...

There it was again. A voice, something off in the distance, something that sounded almost familiar in the foggy haze of this weird-ass dream. Raphael turned, but the floating pair of cheeks turned with him, keeping him looking at them rather than anywhere else in this strange dream. He turned left, right, left, right, but they kept following him.

Ass...breed that ass...gotta breed that love ass...

Raphael groaned, the imagery getting worse., not worse, because he didn't feel...wrong about it, just overwhelmed. As he looked around, more cheeks, more muscular asses popped out of thin air. There was no upper body attached to them, nothing that would have given him a clue as to whose it was. Just cheeks, cheeks with a tight little hole barely visible between them.

He felt pushed forward, but there was nothing pushing him. His legs moved, but he didn't choose to walk. The words, that voice -

Ass...Ass...Ass...You've always been obsessed with ass...

"Ass...obsessed with ass..."

You need that need HIS ass...


Raphael groaned, trying to clear his head, but the statement kept ringing through his mind and kept pulling him back to the pair of cheeks in front of him. 'His' ass? That meant -

He stared down, seeing a pair of testicles hanging not that far below the hole, and he groaned.

"I ain't...this ain't me...I'm not interested in dudes."

Ass is ass.

And it was a really hot ass, if he didn't look at the balls. It was big enough to really get a bounce going if he could get his cock in there, big enough to jiggle and shake once he got thrusting. One reason he liked the ladies. They were bouncier, softer, smoother than the guys.

Ass is ass...and you love ass...

He did. He always stared a bit as the ladies walked by on the streets above, and this was almost like that, except...except stronger. There was something to the bounce and sway as they moved that had him getting stiffer, harder, hornier. He groaned, trying to close his eyes, but it was a dream. There was no shutting out the thing he was dreaming about.




Ass. He had always loved ass, and there wasn't...there wasn't that much different to -

Raphael groaned, reaching out to try and shove the ass cheeks away, only to find himself groping one pair rather than shoving it away. It...felt good. Too good. It almost felt like there was something warm against his head, something zapping through his skull and hitting his brain with -



You love ass.

You crave ass._

"Crave ass," he repeated.

Breed that ass.

"Breed that ass."

Won't hurt to try.

"Won't hurt try..."

He was getting hard. Very hard, very hard indeed, impossibly hard for someone that was supposed to be straight. Raphael stepped forward, and the other asses disappeared, leaving only the green cheeks that he had been groping. Something was...he wasn't...

He was hard. So fucking hard.

As he pressed his cock between the cheeks, he could feel the difference between it and his other fantasies, his other...his other inclinations, but it wasn't enough to make him go soft again. No, not even close. Instead, he pulled closer still, his cock sliding between the cheeks as that voice whispered more to him.

Hump it. Love it. Enjoy it.

His hips moved. Every time he slid forward, his cock got that much harder, and more and more of the situation seemed...okay. Not good, but okay. This was a dream. There was nothing wrong with a dream being weird. Probably something about Don being an ass and wanting to -

Fuck Don...

For a moment, he saw his brother where the ass cheeks were, saw that purple mask, saw everything that was his brother. That was his.

He wanted to pull back, and he did, but not far enough. He barely pulled back an inch, his cock hovering a half-inch from his brother's asshole, just barely away from it, just barely above it as his shaft twitched like mad, spitting pre-cum across the green, muscular cheeks. His head spun, that voice coming back, whispering to him.

_It's fun to take your pleasure.

It's fun to teach him a lesson.

Fuck him.

Breed him.

Take him._

Raphael groaned, holding a hand to his head, trying to remember everything that he hated about how Don had been treating him, but nothing came. Nothing but the memories of his brother shaking his ass, nothing but that kiss, that kiss that he had hated, that he didn't want...

But something in him...

Something in him did. He threw his head back and screamed -

Only to roll out of bed. Raphael landed with the same ninja reflexes he always did, catching himself by fingertips and the tips of his toes rather than hitting the concrete. Gasping for breath, he rolled on his side, looking up at the ceiling.

"What the hell..."

He reached up to rub his head, only to find his fingers brushing against something new. Something metallic. Something pressed flush with his skin.

Something hot.

Raphael grunted as he pulled his hand back, a spark chasing his fingers away. Before he could reach for it again, however, Donatello chuckled. Of all his brothers, fucking Don.

"I wouldn't do that."

"Nnngh...what the hell kinda crap are you experimenting with this time?"

"Just something that'll give both of us what we want."

"You have ten seconds to take it off my head, or I swear -"

"What? You'll beat my ass?"

Raphael would have snorted and agreed, save for one little thing. As soon as Don said that, his cock lunged right up from between his legs, getting stiffer and harder with each passing second. He gasped at the feeling of pure stiffness between his thighs, knowing that he was getting the erection of a lifetime, and he looked down at it in shock, awe, and more than a little disgust.

What the hell?

"See? I knew you'd like that," Don said, stepping out of the shadows. He was, well, as naked as ever, though he was perverted enough to let his cock out and get hard, unlike Leo and Mikey. However, his purple headband looked surprisingly sinister tonight, and it didn't make him feel good when his brother knelt down at his side. "You're gonna like doing a lot of things for me tonight."

"What the hell are you doing to me?"

"Raph...don't you know?"

"I wouldn't be asking if -"

He saw it coming, and if he'd been more himself, he would have punched his brother back before he could get another kiss. However, he was too tired, and was completely unprepared for the sudden smooch. It came in and pecked him on the lips, and his eyes went wide as a shock went right down his spine.

Left gasping from a simple kiss, he was helpless as Donatello helped him to his feet. His breath came sharp and fast, and his heart felt like it was beating a hole through his chest. He'd...liked that, he realized. He liked getting kissed by a dude.

"What...what are you...doing to me?" he groaned.

"Oh, simple really. Just a little crown to start rewiring the way that some of your neurons fire, change out some of those memories, induce some new chemical releases when you think of certain things - whoa!"

Don ducked his punch, something else that never would have happened if he was himself. Raphael stumbled forward, feeling like his body was on fire, like everything was burning from the top of his head all the way down to his toes. Whatever the fucking thing was doing, it was messing with him, keeping him horned up, keeping him from thinking straight as his own cock slipped out of its hiding place under his shell.


"Don't worry,'ll get to teach me a lesson in a minute."

Teach me a lesson.

The words echoed through his head, rattling around and making him stiffer, harder. He groaned, whipping his head around.

"Teach you a deserve one!"

"Yeah, I do. Come on, Raph...teach your younger brother a lesson."

Like a trigger getting pulled, Raphael jumped from where he'd fallen. This time, he moved with speed, his foot cracking against Don's shell and taking him off his feet. The other turtle hit the floor, and Raphael...

Raphael couldn't bring himself to hit his brother. Something kept him from taking it any further, something that tingled and burned from the thing on his head. No harm, no foul, no pushing it that far. No, he had to teach Don a lesson, but he had to do it a different way, a way that -

That would humiliate him. He grinned, moving to stand on his brother's chest while slowly extending his other leg, grinding his toes against Don's cheeks.

"Alright,'re gonna learn what it means to poke me too far. Open up."

"R-Raph?" Don stuttered, blushing.

"Open up. Now."

His growled command was just enough to get Don to part his lips, and that was enough. He shoved his leg forward, forcing his toes past the other turtle's mouth. Just as soon as they went in, he could feel Don licking them.

This...doesn't feel like much of a -


Raphael cupped the side of his head as he received another shock, another 'reminder' of something or other. Of course this was a punishment. No normal brother would want to be on their back, sucking on their brother's toes. They weren't some kind of freak like this. Don needed to be put in his place. Raph needed to take his place. No more getting in the background. Move forward. Take control. Be Don's top and -


He was trying to hold back, but the longer that he stood there, grinding his foot back and forth across his brother's face, the harder it was to keep himself from feeling...feeling like he enjoyed this. He didn't have this kind of freaky taste, but here he was, standing over Donatello, grinding his sweaty sole across the other turtle's cheeks, lips, and tongue. Here he was, getting more and more turned on the longer that he tormented the smaller male, the longer that he put him in his place.

Finally, his cock popped out, hard, throbbing, twitching. The head was already wet with pre-cum, and Don looked up at him with a grin.

...This isn't...a punishment...

He tried to lift his foot back, only for Don to groan. Raphael grunted in annoyance, shoving his foot back down, pinning his brother's face against the ground.

"What was that, Don? You complaining?"

"Nnngh...only because I'm not getting enough."

"Not getting enough, huh? What's the matter, you like licking your brother's sweaty feet?"

Donatello actually blushed at that, but didn't deny it. After a short, sharp shock to the side of his head, Raphael grinned, almost finding that little burning red on his brother's green cheeks to No, not almost, actually kinda hot, the sorta hot that made his own cock harder still. He reached down, groped himself, and pressed his toes to his brother's nose, feeling a huff of warm air coming past them.

"Heh, you do like it, you little punk."

"Raph! Get...get off..."

"Oh, no. You're going to lick those clean."

"Come on, that's -"

"You started this, you little jerk. Get licking, or I'll keep you pinned here all night long."

Despite the threat, he could feel the hot, huffing breathing against the bottom of his foot, and he knew that Don wanted it. He just wanted to be forced, not just let off the hook. Raphael pressed down a bit harder, and just like that, the soft feeling of a tongue lapping between his toes and then further down his foot returned. The feeling sent a pleasurable thrill right through him, and his hand went back down to his cock.

There was something about the pleasure that made it easier not to think, to just submit to the joy that came from enjoying and indulging himself. Why question what was happening? He was just teaching Donatello a lesson. Not like there was anything bad or wrong or...or...

There was something, he realized, something that was buried down in his head, something that wanted to come out but was pinned way deep down by the occasional little hum from the thing around his head. Just a little something, a little thing that would make him feel so annoyed, so down, so he forgot about it. Instead, the turtle focused on punishing his perverted little brother, forcing his toes past Don's lips, making his little brother suck on them, lick them, cleaning between the toes and along his sole.

It didn't take long for his foot to get nice and wet, and less time before Donatello was shamelessly hard. The egghead was completely throbbing, as a matter of fact, cock spitting up against his belly-shell, panting against the underside of Raphael's foot. He smirked, dragging his foot back up, smearing the spit on the underside along his brother's face.

"Fucking pervert."


"You like that, don't you?"

"Oh, god...god, Raph..."

"You want it?"


" want -"

He groped his cock, and just like that, the world shattered again. The red-banded turtle groaned, stepping back, almost falling as he dismounted his brother and stumbled backwards. The reality of what he was doing, the pleasure, the realization of what Don wanted from him hit him hard. The fact that he was doing this...


"Oh come on..."

Donatello got to his feet as Raphael struggled to stay on his. He rubbed his head, feeling the shocks return, sending stimulation down his spine, making him think of his brother underfoot as a good thing. After all, wasn't he the stronger one? Wasn't he the one that was supposed to have all the fun? Wasn't he supposed to teach his brother a lesson, make him the bitch when he was being an ass about -

No, no, that was...that was fucking wrong...

Raphael struggled to keep his head on straight, even as Donatello muttered to himself. The other turtle took a step forward, and Raphael took a step back.

"Stay...stay away..."

"Seriously? You still don't want this?"

"I don't...I'm not..."

"You want this...and I want you."

"I don't want this!"

"You want this, though."

And with that, Don turned around, running his hand over his ass, and Raphael's cock throbbed right back up to full erection. More, it throbbed up and started pulsing, veiny and hard and twitching with the need for relief.

Ass is ass...

The conditioning hit him hard, the words from the dream coming through and begging him to take it further. That was the very ass that he had been dreaming about, the cheeks that he had been fondling, hot-dogging. It was right there, right in front of him, pleading with him, begging him to take it and make Donatello his own.

All he had to do was reach out and do it. He fumbled, stumbled as he stepped forward. Don leaned against a nearby wall, reaching back with one hand and spreading his cheeks, showing off his hole as it clenched and twitched. It looked like some kind of fleshlight puckering back at him, pleading with him to take it and use it as a little toy. All for him. All for his cock. All for the older brother to -

"Come on...teach me a lesson..."

"Stop...stop fucking..."

"I know that you want to fuck me."

"I don't!" Raphael insisted, even as his cock spat a string of pre-cum between the two of them, the splatter landing on the back of Donatello's legs.

"You say that now...but once you cum, this'll be fixed for good. You'll stop fighting it. You'll be mine, Raph...all mine."

Fixed...for good...

He took another step forward, then another, his hands already reaching out for his brother, already fondling at those muscular cheeks. They were hardly the same hard things as he had, or that Leo did, but that was part of the appeal. Even with the thing around his head warping his behavior, he was sure that he wouldn't have been tempted by something that manly, but these...

He spanked his brother, and Don moaned, and Raphael groaned. The feeling of power...

God, fuck, it was good. He stepped forward again, his cock sliding between the cheeks, and he had to grab them to pull them apart properly to get a better look at the hole between. It kept squeezing shut and opening wide again, showing how tight and how loose it could be. It was perfect for fucking.

An ass is an ass...

The phrase kept coming back, kept reminding him how much he'd been wanting to fuck an ass for the last few months, how bad he wanted to fuck anything. Here was someone that wanted it, that needed to be fucked -


The thought of leaving that pucker oozing his seed was both wrong and oh so right all at once, and he could feel his body pushing forward again, the head of his cock sliding up along that green taint right to the darker flesh between the cheeks. Unlike in the dream, he didn't just tap it. He pressed close, and Don pushed back, taking the head in all at once -


His smaller brother groaned, gripping the wall with both hands, fingers trying and failing to claw at the stone. It was clearly more than he had expected, but Raphael? Raphael needed more. The part of him that had been holding back, the part of him that had been trying so hard to resist, couldn't hold back any longer. His hips bucked forward, burying him inside that slutty hole, taking it to the brim right then and there, feeling it swallow him up to the hilt.

"AH! Raph!"


There was so much that he wanted to say, so much that he wanted to shout at his brother, but there was nothing that came from his mouth besides grunts and moans. That hole, that clenching, squeezing, milking hole was pulling all his thoughts and attention back to it, the rippling insides pulling at his cock and begging him to cum right then and there, to blow his load and lose his mind, to put himself completely in Donatello's command and domain from then on. It felt so fucking good.

His head felt like it was stuffed full, making it so hard to think, so hard to do anything but move his hips. Pleasure was pleasure, and an ass was an ass. All he had to do was keep moving to keep feeling good, and he did just that. In, out, in, out, each time feeling that ring clenching around his shaft better than his own hand ever had, pulling him closer and closer.

The fact that Don was grunting and moaning kept the part of him that would have complained and fought back quiet, too, making him feel like he was just teaching Don a good lesson, an overdue lesson for the price of pushing him too far. The other turtle wanted someone to take him and dominate him? He should have picked Leo, or someone else that would take it slower. He picked Raph, and Raph would make sure that the little dick got what was coming to him.

In, out, in, out, their shells clacking together, his cock throbbing all the harder as he felt his pleasure rising, his need coming closer and closer to the point of no return. He growled under his breath, picking up the pace, his hips bucking faster and harder, his eyes closing tight.

When you cum, this will be fixed for good.


When he came.

He had to...had to...

But he couldn't. Even as he tried in that moment to pull his hips back, to drag his cock free, it was as if he was on auto-pilot, his legs doing what they wanted and keeping him planted, his cock - so long denied - refusing to stop humping away, refusing to stop before they got their final satisfaction.

Raphael could feel his mind slipping, those last bits of resistance dying away as his balls rose higher and higher between his legs. As his orgasm loomed ahead of him, as Donatello moaned more and more as his hips got faster and faster, as his brother's hole clenched tight around him and Don sprayed the wall with his own seed, Raphael had a split-second where he still remembered how much he hated Don for this. In that moment, he fought, he screamed, he pushed against his brother's control. He told himself that he loved chicks, that he wasn't gay, that he wasn't even interested in cock and balls and everything that his brother was thrusting into his mind.

It wasn't enough.

It wasn't nearly enough.

Don pushed back one last time, and Raphael lost control. With a moan that came right from his core and rippled all the way up his body, he came and he came hard, his cock jerking and pulsing inside of that tight little fuck-tunnel. He leaned forward, his shell clicking against the back of Donatello's, and he shivered, twitching, jerking as he came. Every little micro-thrust reminded him of how hyper-sensitive he was post-orgasm, how good it felt to be buried up to the hilt in a tight hole that needed him so very badly.

And with each little thrust, each little clench, each little pulse through his cock, whatever it was that Don had slammed around his head pulsed, too. He felt it, reinforcing the pleasure that came from cumming in his brother's ass, making it better, stronger, all the more important to him.

_Don is the most important man in the world.

Don is the best male for you.

Don is your brother.

You love Don.

You need Don._

And as the whispers pressed into his head, he was helpless but to believe them, his mouth working silently as he emptied his balls into his little brother's hole.


Donatello panted as he leaned against the wall, feeling the throbbing, squirting feeling inside of him go on and on. He'd known that would be a possibility when he started this, but he hadn't quite expected it to be this filling. If this kept up for much longer, he'd need to run to the toilet to keep from dripping a mess all around the room. It was surprisingly hard to keep it all in.

But it worked. That was the important thing. The headband had worked, just as he had intended.


Looking over his shoulder, he almost wanted to laugh in triumph. The face that his brother was pulling made it abundantly clear that he was in the throes of pleasure, that this was all but a new addiction for him, and that was exactly what Donatello had wanted. For all that he had pushed himself to do it fairly at first, to flirt with his hard-headed brother rather than just take him the way that he'd been tempted to - and there were so many machines that he'd built that could have done the job besides the headband - he'd always known that it would come to this. Raphael was too much of a lady's man to ever be tempted by him, no matter how much he had tried to fool himself.

And besides, this way, he got exactly the best parts of his brother, and none of the bad ones. None of the temper that might get out of hand, just the bit that made it feel dangerous and sexy. None of the asshole behavior, just the sexy big-brother correctional behavior. None of his brother stomping off when he was angry, just hot and heavy sex.

And this was just one of his brothers...

...I wonder...

He'd always had the idea of having fun with all of them, though Raphael had always been his preference. Maybe he could make more of the headbands...maybe he could get all of them.

Now that was a thought....

The End

Summary: Raphael deals with an overly flirtatious Donatello, and not very well.

Tags: M/M, Mind Control, Corruption, Tech Control, TMNT, Raphael/Donatello, Raphael, Donatello, Rule 34, Foot Fetish, Orientation Play, Orientation Switch, Straight to Gay, Anal, Orgasm, Cum, Turtles,