Chapter 1

Story by Courgus on SoFurry

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#1 of Spinebreak Valley: Tales of the Wasteland

Jackal is a young wolf that live outside a small settlement called Ailerians Stead all alone.

For some years he went by a group of bandits that did anything for their suitable reputation.

Forced to leave the group due to a sickness that damages his organs, he went on.

Now something comes up as the sheriff reached out for him.

(In the further parts of the storie it will contain: sex, strong language, violence, use of drugs and alcohol.)

The new day's dawning was almost up ahead as the young wolf opened his eyes and stared at the ceiling of his room. Now the night was at his darkest point. Slowly the wolf got up and looked out of his window. His eye was caught by the mountains nearby. Overnight a snow storm hit the mountains and so the giants were covered in snow all over.

He sighted slightly and gasped for air. Soon after he started to cough heavily. It took a moment for him until this attack was gone and he finally came to rest once more.

"Damn it." he thought to himself while he was looking at his paw. Even though they were completely black he had no problems seeing them in the dark of his room. And so he could easily see what was on his paw.

"At least there is no blood on my paw. For now everything seems to be fine. I'll hope my luck lasts for longer."

With his thoughts wandering around his physical health he looked outside the window once more. But suddenly he came back from his dream to his room once more and decided to get up. Hardly the wolf got out of his bed and stood in front of it. His fur was brown on his back almost close to his tummy. While his fur at the belly was hazelnut brown and the paws and feet were black. Fine lined stripes covered his back also. It was hard to really see those stripes even in daylight.

Slowly the wolf stepped to the door and opened it. In the main room of the building there was a fireplace and alongside the fireplace there was the kitchen. A table and four chairs to sit on. Next to his room there was a huge Wardrobe and a mirror next to it which stood on top of a smaller dresser. Also a bench stood there.

The wolf started to smile slightly while he got over to the kitchen area in the house. He reached out his paw for a small jewel case and took it. With the case in his paws he got over to the chair next to the fireplace and placed the jewel case on the table. The fire was long since dead but the outside weather was cozy enough that he would not need the warmth of the fire right now. With his mind focused on the jewel case he slowly opened it and took a look into it. The smile on his muzzle grows bigger and without hesitation he grabs some of the herbs that were stored in this jewel case.

With his other paw the wolf opened a small bag he was wearing at his right side next to the holster of his revolver and inside this bag he carried a pipe. The wolf gently stuffed the pipe with the herbs and left the house. Once he was out he noticed that the new day was almost about to dawn. And so he took a seat on the bench which stood next to the door he just passed. Right after he had taken the seat he lit the fire in the pipe and started to smoke while the first rays of sunlight reached out for him and started to warm his fur.

While the sun rose behind the horizon and climbed up the hills and mountains the young wolf smoked the herbs in his pipe until she was empty again. With a certain smiley on his muzzle he leaned back against the wall of the house. The house of the wolf stood a bit outside of the small settlement which was named Ailerians Stead.

In front of his house was a small street which ended there. On the left side of the house is a small pond. This pond was served by a tiny river that came right of the mountains nearby which were to be found behind his house. The air was always fresh and clean and also slightly cool. Even if life wasn't easy for the young wolf he always tried to make the best out of everything he had. But sometimes life goes in strange and even more dangerous ways than we think. It was almost noon as his attention was drawn by a horse and his rider which drew near. As he raised his head and looked at the unintended guest he was slightly surprised.

The rider unmounted before the house and stood in front of the young wolf.

>>Howdy. How you are doing, Jackal?<<

Jackal raised his head more to look into the eyes of his guest. The young wolf already does know who this guest was. He nodded and said to him:

>>Good morning, Ethan. How's doing?<<

Ethan nodded and started to smile.

>>Well I can not moan about anything right now.<<

It took a moment before Jackal started to ask him:

>>So you did not come out all the way just to say hello, didn't you? What is the very reason for your visit here? Just wanna see a young sick wolf who is about to die more sooner than later?<<

Ethan started to laugh slightly and shaked his head.

>>No. That is not the reason for my visit here. It is more complicated than you might think.<<

Now that Ethan got the attention of Jackal he explained why he was visiting him.

>>Jackal, I've got a problem and I am certain you are the only one who can help me out.<<

Once more Jackal raised his head and looked into his eyes.

>>A problem that only I can solve? That sounds weird to me.<<

>>Oh indeed I am not joking at all.<<

While Ethan said these words to Jackal his smile vanished into thin air and was no longer to be seen. Jackal knew this look in his eyes and he was aware that this wasn't a good sign at all.

>>What the hell's your problem, Sheriff?<<

Ethan was quiet for a moment and waited. Suddenly he said to him:

>>Your old friends. Where are they?<<

Jackal knew who the sheriff was looking for. The smart wolf was once a member of a group of bandits here in Sprinebreak Valley. They took whatever they wanted but nobody ever was able to put their doing to an end. Also no one of the bandits were taken into custody because they left no witnesses behind. That's why it was impossible to stop this group of bandits.

>>Sheriff. I really have no clue where they are. The last thing is they did not tell me a thing. I simply can not help you.<<

Ethan took his hat and focused on Jackal.

"Does he really speak the truth? I doubt that. He must know something."

>>Look, why should they tell me where they are heading? I am a risk for them. They simply did not kill me because my illness will do the job soon enough. That is the only reason I am still alive.<<

The sheriff looked down as he examined the words of Jackal. He was aware of the illness Jackal had. Everybody in Ailerians Stead did.

>>So what do you want to do now? I might be sick and will die soon but I will also fight if you force me to do so.<<

A flash seemed to flicker in his eyes while he stared at the sheriff in front of him. He still looked down to the floor of the house and did not seem to reply in any way.

Another moment later the sheriff looked up to Jackal again and said:

>>My apologies. I did not think about your illness. I will leave now and I hope you will stay healthy. We will see us, Jackal. Goodbye.<<

The wolf turned around and placed his hat on his head again. When he reached his horse he took a look back to Jackal and thought once more.

"Does he really have no idea where his friends are? Or does he know more than he tells me?"

Curious, he mounted his horse and left the house of Jackal behind. Jackal stared after the sheriff until he left his line of sight again.

"What have they done?" Jackal started to think.

Jackal would have lied if he had told himself that it wouldn't bother him nor that he was curious. His thoughts started to wander around and slip back to the old times when he was alongside his old friends.

When his thoughts came back to reality once more he finally stood up and entered the house again. But he was still engaged with the things the sheriff said.

"Ailerians Stead is a small settlement out in the middle of nowhere. How many people do life here? If there were twenty people we would have many of them, I guess. So why should they come here for nothing? They know that I have settled down here after I was forced to leave."

Jackal entered his house again and walked straight to the fireplace. He looked at the fire that was long since dead and thought about all the things that happened when he was alongside his friends. The good old times were also dead like the fire he was staring at right now.

While his thoughts have gone heavy on himself and his illness he tried to push it all away again.

"I left so many when I was forced to leave the group, my friends. This damn illness took away so many and left me nothing I can hold on. I have nothing left except the time until I will succumb to this fucked up sickness!"

Jackal was now totally upset due the frustration he now felt so badly. He punched his paw against the wall of the chimney above the fireplace in anger.

"Fucked up sickness!" he yelled in his mind over and over again.

It took a moment for Jackal to calm down once more and sort out his thoughts. When he was calm again he looked around and thought about the things he could do now.

"I simply have no clue where they could be."

Suddenly a thought came to his mind and Jackal walked into his room. He opened his chest and took a map from and rolled her out.

The map showed the whole valley but also the old hideouts for the bandits were marked on the map.

"The sheriff seems to tell me that my old friends are close to our place for some reason. Where could they hide around here?" he thought.

Minute by minute passed by while he still stared at the map. He was so focused on his task that the intruder, who entered the house, was sure he would not be noticed by the wolf. The small otter which now peaked through the door in Jackals room was sure he could finish him without any problems.

"The boss said that the wolf, even if he is young, is very sick and won't be able to stop me. I will enjoy this." the otter thought to himself.

The door to the room where Jackal stood wasn't completely closed and slowly the otter pushed the door open so he could enter the room. While he did so he dragged his knife out of his sheath and grabbed hold of it. Sure and ready to fulfill his task he draws nearer to Jackal.

"Just stand still you sickly wolf. I will end your torment right now." the otter thought.

As he jumped off the ground to stab the wolf he suddenly was hit by the paw of his victim. Jackal punched his attacker right in his face. Without any hesitation and doubts he struck another time while his opponent hit the ground.

>>So what do we have here? An overzealous otter, I guess?<< Jackal said while he grabbed him.

Jackal nearly squeezed the life out of the otter and did not leave him any chance.

With an evil smile on his muzzle he asked him:

>>Now tell me you little scum... Who sent you after me? What do you want?<<

The otter had serious trouble even taking a single breath. He floundered to break free of the grip. But the wolf was still so strong that his grip did not lose his strength.

"I have to break free... somehow!"

The otter still struggled and floundered as much as he could. Suddenly his knife fell down on the ground.

"Why is he still so strong...?" the otter thought.

>>Tell me who is your fucking boss! Who sent you?<<

The rage grew even more while the otter still didn' talk. So the wolf started to shake the little otter and punched him on the ground.

>>Tell me everything!<< he said with this evil smile on his face while he yelled at him.

The otter almost lost his consciousness while the wolf still grabbed hold of him. Jackal shaked him once more to get the answers he desired.

>>Tell me!<< Jackal yelled at him once more as suddenly he started to cough.

Almost instantly his grip got loose and he lost control over his enemy. The otter fell to the ground and Jackal stood before him while he coughed more heavily.

The otter put his paws on his throat. The pain he felt was worse and he still had issues taking a breath.

"Damn... this fucking wolf almost killed me. That was close. I need to finish him now!"

While Jackal still coughed, the otter finally could get back on his feet. Even though he was still a bit dizzy and had serious trouble standing on his feet, the otter looked on the ground while he looked for his knife he had dropped before.

"Where is... it..." he thought and finally saw the knife.

"There you are!" he thought and tried to take it while his head started to shake and headaches suddenly appeared. The otter started to stagger as he tried to pick up the knife that lay on the ground. So he could not pick up the knife so easily. Meanwhile Jackal still coughed and also had his problems to focus on his enemy.

"Damn it... Not now..." he thought.

While he tried to regain his breath and take on his enemy the otter finally catched his knife and got back on his feet.

>>I have enough of you. You stinky wolf I will end you now!<< the otter yelled and attacked Jackal again.

The wolf tried to defend himself and the knife impaled his right arm. He yelled in pain as the knife hit him but the otter missed the spot he would like to hit.

Jackal moans while the knife impaled his arm and he pushed the otter off him with his other arm. Now Jackal was into rage due to the pain he suffered from right now. His eyes were wide open and his pupils focused on the otter.

The otter began to gulp as he looked into the eyes of the wolf knowing that he missed his chance to fulfill his task which was given to him. And now he looked into the eyes of an enemy that would likely kill him.

While Jackal was upset and full of rage he grabbed the pommel of the knife while his rage grew more and more as the pain shaked his body.

>>You son of a bitch. I will slit your belly you goddamn bastard!<<

With these words he pulled the knife out of his arm and grabbed hold of it. Now the wolf was ready to kill his enemy without any doubts. Jackal never had any problems killing an enemy. And so the otter was likely to die.

The otter still looked into the eyes of the wolf and he moved towards him while his enemy tried to retreat as fast as he could. So he managed to enter the main room of the house but suddenly he fell to the ground. He tried to get back on his feets while the wolf was right behind him. The eyes of the wolf was still a terrifying sight for the otter.

"I have to get away from here! He will kill me if I do not get away!"

Before the otter could finish his very thoughts the wolf jumped off the ground and hit him into his left feet. The knife he held impaled his feet and Jackal was pleased. In pain, the otter started to yell and the blood dripped to the floor. Driven by the smell of fresh blood the wolf got even further into his rage as before. Now that he smelled the fresh blood of his enemy he couldn't hold back any more. So he grabbed the otter which was still laying on the ground. His paw grabbed him once more at his throat and so he took him up to his face and looked into his eyes.

The bare fear in the eyes of the otter was clearly to be seen for the wolf. While Jackal was excited about the look in his eyes of his enemy, the otter looked once more into the eyes of the wolf. His fear grew even more as he did and so he started to flounder.

All the otter wanted now was to break free of the hold by the wolf.

Jackal started to smile evil and suddenly he said:

>>Yes... flounder as much as you can. I like to see the fear in your eyes and the more you flounder the more I like it. Fear me! I will swallow you!<<

Now the fear of the otter hit his maximum and he started to flounder more and more.

>>Get off me!<< he yelled and grabbed hold of a small case which stood on a sideboard close to him.

Without a single thought he hit the wolf right on his temple and Jackal started to yell in pain once more. His grip got weaker and so the otter was able to break free.

In fear the otter reached out for the nearest cupboard and pulled the drawer.

"There must be something I can use!" he thought in fear.

While Jackal held his head the blood flowed out of the wound. He could feel the warmth of his own blood that ran over his paw down his arm.

Slightly he started to stagger and his view got blurred. Now that he could not see clearly anymore he knew that he had to be much more aware.

The otter now turns on Jackal and runs towards him while his paws grab hold of the knife he found. As he almost reached out for the wolf he got hit by the feet of him, right into his tummy. The impact was hard and so the otter was thrown back against the cupboard. It took a moment for the otter to recover from this attack but he was unable to get back on his feets right now. He tried so hard but Jackal was almost close to him. While the otter still had the knife in his paw and the wolf drew near Jackal only had one single thought right now.

"I will stab him..."

So the otter raised his arm with the knife in his paw but suddenly he got hit by the feet of Jackal once more. Again the otter yelled as the feet hit him. And Jackal hit him four times more before he was finished.

Once more he grabbed the otter which laid on the ground with his blood covered paw. Now the otter smelled the blood that was all over the paw of the wolf and the eyes of Jackal drove the fear of the otter more and more over the edge.

>>You smelly little bastard... << Jackal said and suddenly the otter tore his eyes wide open.

The otter spilled blood out of his mouth after Jackal impaled his body and ripped his belly.

His prey shook one last time and once life was gone he dropped the dead body to the ground.

Suddenly Jackal dropped the otter's knife and took a seat next to him.

While his rage left him, his mind got clear.

It took another moment for Jackal to focus on what to do now but as he managed to decide he got up from the seat. He got over to the cupboard where the body of the otter laid and opened the cupboard. Jackal took some bandages and covered his arm and his head. Once done he took everything he needed out of his house and left it.

As he left the house his vision got blurred again due to the rays of the sunlight. After a brief moment his vision was clear once more and so he walked around the house to its back. There was a small stable where his steed stood. The horse was a little upset due to the noise that came out of the house moments before.

Jackal drew near the steed and laid his paw upon her. Now he started to calm her down.

>>Shhhh... everything is fine my beauty. Everything is fine now.<<

It took less time to calm his steed down and mount her once he placed the saddle. Slowly they moved out of the stable and stopped in front of the house.

Jackal dismounted and got back into the house. Once he got there he started to light the fire in the fireplace. The fire started burning and he took a large stick out of the fire and dropped it before the cupboard where the body of the otter lay.

Jackal left his house while the fire started to burn the witness to ashes. Jackal mounted his steed and left his house behind while his way led him north into the mountains.