Chapter 3

Story by Courgus on SoFurry

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#3 of Spinebreak Valley: Tales of the Wasteland

The snow storm still hits the mountains hard but Jackal and Sara are safe for now.

Slowly the young wolf came back to life warmed by a near by fire.

(In the further parts of the storie it will contain: sex, strong language, violence, use of drugs and alcohol.)

The heat of the nearby fire warmed the fur of Jackal. Even if he was still unconscious he could feel it.

Slowly the young wolf came back to life and stared at the ceiling of a wooden hut. Now he could feel the warmth that the fire in the nearby pit emits.

While he moved his head slowly to check out where he was he noticed that many blankets lay on top of him.

"What the... Where am I?" he asked himself.

It only took a moment when the voice of the other person got to his ears.

>>So you are finally awake?<< the person asked him and stepped closer to the bed.

A certain smile graced the muzzle of the person. A brief moment later, Jackal noticed what kind of race he was.

>>You have had a heavy fight out there. Fighting against nature is harder than fighting the law, isn't it?<<

The smile the fox wore was still there and suited him well. Jackal did not have a single clou what happened after he lost consciousness.

>>You surely ask yourself what happened out there, aren't you?<<

Jackal gulped and nearly stared at the fox which still stands in front of him.

>>Yeah I do.<<

>>Fine. Then let me tell ya what I've found out there.<<

>>I have lived in these mountains for a couple of years now and so I have faced many things. To learn how to live in this natural environment was the first task I had to face once I've settled here. Don't get me wrong, I made my peace with nature. And I was totally surprised that someone really tried to get through this rough storm. You were already unconscious when I found you.<<

Jackal was upset because right now his thoughts went out for his steed Sara. So the wolf was about to get up when the fox pushed him down gently.

>>Just lay down. Your steed is well too. I've taken her to the stall where my stallion is. She is a tough one and she is fine.<<

Jackal gets calmer once he heared these words. It was a great relief for him that his steed was fine too. It took another moment and he said to the fox:

>>Thank you, Mister. I owe you one.<<

>>Shhh it's alright. Just calm down and rest. You need to get healthy first. You seem to be exhausted all over. So I've prepared this tea for you. This should help you come over it.<<

Jackal took the tea once he got up. Slowly he drank the tea the foreigner gave to him. Despite the fact that he trusted nobody he did not know, this fox made him feel relaxed somehow.

"Strange. I can not say that I ever felt like that. Nobody has given me this kind of feeling."

Once the cup was empty he lay down once more and quickly fell asleep. But even if he felt that way he does, his sleep was still very unpleasant and agitated. Once again he saw the moments of the fight in his house. Again and again he fought against the otter which tried to kill him.

When the dreams got heavier he suddenly jolted out of his sleep.

Jackal breathed hard and fast while his heartbeat was also agitated. He looked around the house and suddenly noticed that the fox sat on a chair next to the bed.

"He is asleep. Looks uncomfortable to me."

A moment passed by while Jackal thought about what to do now. His breath and heartbeat slowly returned to a normal pace but his mind was still anxious.

"This dream... was so real... at least it feels like it was. I could swear that I was there once again."

Jackal looked up at the fox again and thought about his options. The fire in the pit was already dead and he did not have a clou where the tinder might be anyway. So he lifted the blankets and got up. Slowly was his movement but he was alive at least.

"Thanks to him I am still breathing."

A certain smile graced his muzzle while he looked at the fox and so he grabbed hold of him and laid him down on the bed. A moment later he joined the fox and cuddled up against him. Something in the mind of the wolf told him that the fox is a very important person for him.