Alone Time... [Story]

Story by ShadowYiffWing on SoFurry

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Alone Time...

A mindless yiffy story to accompany my picture I'm uploading. I suppose I should warn you that I am in no way a writer, and this may not be good.

Warning! If you don't like homosexual acts or find sexual content offensive, or are under 18, you may wish to turn back; this is a VERY short story of a male dragon having some fun with a dildo...

That said, enjoy!

If you guys really enjoy this, I may start doing more stories.


Shadow waited in bed, not to sleep, but to stay awake. The perfect time was midnight, and he had a new "friend" that he had bought recently.

He had to restrain himself from jumping up out of bed. Despite the time, he was wide awake. He couldn't help it. He crouched and pulled a box

out from under his bed, a box that he himself had hidden there in the first place. He was careful to remove the tape quietly, and opened the box.

Inside the box was a pink dildo he had ordered days ago, and it was finally time to try it out.

The dildo was modeled after... something. He didn't really remember, nor did he care. All he cared about at the time was how perfect and smooth it

looked. Sexy, even.

The dildo stood on a base about 4 inches wide (He never dared get a dildo without a base). It extended upwards, about a foot or so in length. Shadow

was surprised, he did not expect it to be so big. Still... he liked the idea of the challenge. The dildo started at a tip, about an inch wide. The

dildo widened slowly, reaching a bulge that was about 2.5 inches wide. Along the way down there were three "rings" around the dildo; ridges that were

wider than the rest. Each ring was about 2 inches wide, save for the first one, which, coming right after the tip, was about 1.5 inches.

Just looking at the beast, he couldn't keep his cock in its slit, and it slid out. As he continued studying his "friend", one of his hands already

started working his cock, and he had to stop himself when he noticed.

He realised that there was no way to use the dildo without lube of some kind, and he had stupidly forgotten to buy some. He smiled, not intimidated

by his mistake, and instead viewing it as an obstacle to get past. He lifted the dildo out of it's place in the box, finding it a lot lighter than

he had expected, and moved it up to his mouth.

He started licking the tip of the dildo, and after a little while wrapped his tounge around it. He took it in his mouth, getting it as wet as possible.

He tried to see how deep he could get it into his mouth, but quickly found that he wasn't anywhere near used to its girth. so he decided to go for simply

wetting it. Besides, it was his intention to make it further than just sucking. He wanted it in him, he wanted it badly. It just looked so good...

Removing it from his mouth, he gave it one last lick, before changing his position on the bed. He lifted both legs into the air, knees bent. he positioned

the tip just in front of his tailhole. Gently, he began pushing at his entrance. It slid in with relative ease, and already the dragon wanted more.

He began sliding it in, up to the first ring. He slid it back and forth from the tip to the ring for a little while, before deciding to try to get past

the first ring. He had to push fairly hard to get it in him, and instantly after it slipped in, he had an intense wave of pleasure. he pushed it even

further, with care, to the second ring. After trying several times to get past, he gave up. He slid the dildo between the two rings a few times, feeling

the change in the width. He began sliding from the tip to the second ring, over the first ring. He moaned a low moan, and stopped... No one seemed to hear

him. He slid the dildo back up to the second ring. As he pushed the ring into his tailhole, he felt his climax coming... He pushed harder. When that failed

he pushed harder still, feeling the ring, slowly but surely, slide into his anus. The intense wave of pleasure sent him over the edge. His cock throbbed as

his own cum shot with a force he had never seen before. One shot hit him right between the eyes, and as it shot again and again, the cum landed lower and

lower. It hit his mouth, it hit his neck. He felt his ass tighten around the dildo, throbbing around it as wave after wave of seed exploded on his chest.

He suddenly found himself without energy.[This is where the picture takes place.] He had an urge just to leave the pink cock in his ass, and sleep with his

own cum all over his face, but he was able to fight the urge to clean himself off, and remove the dildo. After cleaning it, he put it back in the box,

and put the box under his bed. He used a towel to clean himself up, and finally went to bed.

And he slept... deeply and happily.

The End