Twilight's Harem Havoc: Spike’s Kitchen Spatula Surprise

Story by TheCrimsonDM on SoFurry

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#11 of Twilight's Harem Havoc

Spike and Rarity haven't had time to enjoy each other in sometime, today though is all about Spike, Rarity, and the kitchen spatula.

Well it was another beautiful, sunny, and slutty day for Castle Twilight. Spike couldn't be less pleased though after discovering the mess someone had made in the hallway. A large puddle of vicious fluids and urine. At least he hoped that was all it was. It was another day where he was left to clean up the mess himself, normally he'd ask Twilight to snap her fingers and clean it but she was currently MIA with the other princesses. He didn't want to know where they'd gone, or why, he was content being ignorant sometimes.

Spike let out a sigh as he got to work. Another dreadful day of cleaning after the messes the others made. Still, it was worth it when he got to be part of the harem. Speaking of which, ever since this new situation began he hadn't been given much time to spend with Rarity. There was a part of him that missed her, but he was sure that would be fixed soon.

Once finished mopping the floor he put the mop and bucket away so he could go wash up. His mind still stuck on Rarity. She was more than just a sex friend to him, she was something altogether special. He'd have to go and find her soon. Going to the nearest restroom he paused as Rarity walked out of the restroom. She was wearing a red bathrobe, her hair covered by a towel-hat and for once her make up missing. Yet, she was as beautiful as ever, perhaps more so without her make up on. She looked down at him. "Oh, Spike!"

He smiled. "Sup?"

"Just the dragon I wanted to see."

"Oh," he raised an eyebrow. "Seeing other dragons are we?"

She gasped. "Of course not. You're the only dragon, and perhaps the only man for me." She reached out and pet his cheek. "You know that."

"Yeah, I do."

She shook her head. "No, I just need help with something and your expertise are the only worthy enough to aide me."

He smiled. "What can I do for you?"

She licked her lips. "Well, you know, there are lots of things you can do for me. Perhaps some hotter than others."

"Yeah there are."

She swished her tail. "For now, I am simply starved. You and Pinkie are the best cooks in the castle, and I'm afraid Pinkie is out making a mess of things, so I would rather ask you to help fulfill my desires for food. Would you be so kind?"

"Sure, I'm hungry too after all. Just let me wash up real quick and I'll meet you in the kitchen."

She giggled. "I'll prepare the spatula."

"What's the spatula for?"

"Not for cooking if that's what you're asking." She walked away letting her hips sway back and forth, just enough to make sure he knew she was doing it on purpose. By Celestia's massive rump, he was in love with her. For now though, he really needed to get cleaned. Before he even thought about getting dirty.

Once nice and clean he made his way downstairs to the kitchen proper. There were a few kitchens in the castle in fact, but the main one was located on the first floor for some reason. Then again so was the grand hall. The crystal tree castle was actually a nightmare layout in retrospect but it was fine. It was their home.

Once inside the kitchen he found Rarity, now dressed in a purple dress that hugged her giant breasts tightly revealing only a little cleavage. She still wasn't wearing makeup though. He really didn't mind as it was so rare to get to see her natural beauty but it was an oddity. He wasn't going to say anything though. Well anything other than, "You're beautiful."

She smiled at him. "Thank you, Spike. You're quite handsome yourself."

He walked past her to go to the fridge. Something smacked his ass, and hard. He jumped forward and turned around to see Rarity holding a spatula in her hand. She smiled playfully at him. "Told you it wasn't for cooking."

He rolled his eyes. "Rarity. I'm going to have to use that on you now."

"I'm looking forward to it. Of course, I want you to cook for me first."

"I could just say no."

"Yes, but that would be rude wouldn't it?"

He shrugged and opened the fridge door. "Rude or not, I could still do it. You're just lucky I actually like cooking for you."

"Oh," She inquired. "Do you not like cooking for the others?"

Inside the fridge he found all the vegetables, fruits, pudding, cupcakes, and even shushi he could want. "I don't mind that much, but it's just not as nice when people don't appreciate how hard I work on it."

"You know... it's true. I don't think Rainbow Dash has the ability to truly appreciate how much work you put into your meals. This is exactly why I prefer you're cooking over even Pinkie's though. I can taste her friendship in her meals, but I can taste your deep, devoted love in yours."

He pulled his head out of the fridge for a moment. "Love you too."

She smiled as she nibbled on the edge of the spatula. "I loved you first."

"I loved you most."

"I loved you deeper."

"I loved you... more... purple."

She choked and laughed. "You loved me more purple?"

"Uh, I dunno. Cus I have purple scales or something?"

She shook her head. "You dork... I love you."

"I love you too."

He went back to the fridge. "How's pudding sound? I made it last night."

"Oh is it chocolate?"


"Let's save that for desert. I want an actual meal first, darling."

He was kind of stumped until he saw that the sushi was in fact new. "How about sushi?"

"Hmmm, salted fish on rice. That actually sounds really good right about now. I have some mints for after too."

"What will need mints for?"

"So that we don't taste fish when making out."

"Oh," He pulled the sushi platter out of the fridge. It took him until he set it on the table and took a seat next to Rarity before he realized what she was planning. "Oh, wait, is this a date?"

"I think that could be a word to describe this, yes."

"We haven't had one of those in awhile." He didn't mean to, but he accidentally let a little of his sadness through his voice.

She wrapped an arm around his back and pulled him close into her side. "I know. That's why I'm putting all my effort into you. I missed you."

He held her back. "I missed you too."

"Now let's eat!"

For the next while they sat next to each other, eating sushi and talking. It felt much like the old days, days where he and Rarity would spend countless hours together, just talking, chatting away, and enjoying one another's company. It wasn't until he had turned eighteen and the disaster that turned out to be, that afterward he was given the most precious gift from Rarity. They had made love that night, without Twilight ever finding out, and from then on they were sealed. Of course Rarity put up the appearance of looking for other men well to disguise her and Spike's relationship, but soon she began to allow others to enjoy Spike's natural gifts and talents.

Still Rarity was special to him and he wouldn't trade her, or the experiences they shared for anything in the world. Even this quiet moment between them, enjoying a meal and talking away about the useless trifles of life. From her new very adult themed clothing line, to their mutual interests in how Twilight and the Princesses were going, or furthermore how that new twist might affect them both. He hadn't thought for a moment that Celestia and Luna might actually want to try him out but after talking to Rarity he was now excited and terrified that this might become a very real scenario eventually.

But eventually was not now. No, now it was just him and Rarity. The way she smelled like marshmallows, the sly half-closed looks she gave him, the way she stuck her rump out and swished her tail. The cadence of her voice. All of it was as amazing as the day he first met her. The fact that she still focused so much on him told him she must have felt much the same. At some point they ended up holding hands, just looking at one another, lost in each other's eyes and the world around them ignored for the only two people who mattered were each other. The rest could burn away and so long as they stayed together, it would be alright.

She was his gemstone, as he was her dragon. They were inseparable, and even the distance between them created by this harem was quickly brought back together by just a few private minutes and each other's loving company. He realized there was no need to worry, she would always be there for him, and he would always be there for her.

She pulled her hand away and slid it up his arm going to his shoulder before tugging on the collar of his t-shirt. "Hey."

He swallowed. "Hey."

She nodded down toward his pants. "Hey?"

He nodded. "Hey."

She got up, pushed her chair away and then climbed underneath the table. Only the table clothing hiding her from sight. Spike felt it as his chair was pulled in under the table and greedy hands went up to his pants to unbutton and unzip them. Slowly his pants were opened and a warm and friendly hand reached out to grab hold of his swiftly growing rod. Well he wasn't expecting quite this to happen, but oh well, he wasn't going to argue with it.

Spike's member slid out from his boxers, and that hand gave him a few playful strokes. He couldn't see her from under the table, but he sure felt it as hot breath landed against his vulnerable flesh. His hands grabbed at the table cloth and had to surprise an urge to moan as a hot, wet tongue ran the length of his shaft. Soon his tip was swallowed whole by that warmth, followed by the rest of his shaft. This time he did groan.

Getting head in the kitchen, this wasn't something he had expected. He wasn't going to argue with it one bit though. Rarity's mouth felt way too good for that.

He did his best to relax in the chair as Rarity worked her mouth up and down his shaft. Her tongue rubbing against his tip, and the sucking motions threatening to drive him insane. His breathing was rapid, his body twitching as the heated pleasure rose through him. His world was melting into the pleasures of Rarity's lips.

The door opened and Applejack walked in. She gave Spike a nod. "Howdy."

He did his best to not look like he was currently receiving oral sex under the table. "H-hi."

She raised an eyebrow. "You okay? You look a mite feverish."

"Yep, n-never better. Just uh, tired that's all."

Rarity did something with her tongue that he'd never felt before and had to clamp a hand over his mouth to stop himself from moaning out loud. Applejack was still looking at him weird. She shrugged and went to the coffee pot. "Let me get you a cup of coffee."

Oh, great, so she wasn't leaving either. He could only watch her, his eyes trailing down toward Applejack's rump as she bent over to check the coffee pot. He already knew it was still half full, so when she reached up to the cupboards to get a mug and then began pouring a cup for each of them he wasn't surprised. Though there was something deliciously vile about enjoying the sight of another mare's rump while receiving a blowjob in secret.

He really hoped that Rarity didn't realize what he was looking at. Though with her mouth preoccupied in giving him intense oral pleasure he couldn't think she was too aware of much. In fact Rarity only got better at this once Applejack had entered.

Applejack returned to the table and took a seat opposite of him before setting a mug of coffee down in front of him and one in front of herself. She took a sip of it. "It's warm."

He reached out with a shaky hand and steadied himself as he grabbed the mug and took a drink. Yep, the coffee was black, bitter, and warm. "Yep."

Applejack leaned back in her chair. Her shirt was revealing a bit more cleavage than usual and Spike's eyes couldn't help but to linger on it as he was in the throes of pleasure. He accidentally let out a grunt, and with the way Applejack looked at him, he felt a bit more ashamed than he expected. He looked down at his cup of coffee and did his best to ignore the hot wet warmth surrounding his member and worked up and down it in a rhythm that made him feel like he was ready to explode.

Applejack let out a sigh. "Yer sick ain't cha?"


"Don't lie to me. Yer sick, and yer horny."

His claws dug into the table cloth. Rarity's mouth somehow felt hotter, and one of her hands managed to reach down to his balls to cradle them sending a shiver of delight so pure though his body he had to bite his tongue to not moan. He wasn't clear-headed enough to argue so he just said, "Yeah, p-probably."

Applejack rolled her eyes. "Well, having sex does raise the white blood cell count, so it might be healthy fer ya." She adjusted her top but instead of hiding her cleavage, she ended up showing more of it. Spike's eyes couldn't resist the orange furry breasts. "Like what you see."

Spike grunted. "Y-yeah."

Rarity's mouth stopped for a moment. Oh, shit, was that the wrong answer? Was Rarity upset now? Rarity moved her head up a little, her mouth still around his tip, but her hand went around his shaft and began pumping it up and down as she sucked and licked his tip. Oh gods, she was trying to make him cum now.

Applejack smirked. "You know, if'n Ah couldn't see yer hands, Ah'd assume you were touching yerself while you look... which, you know, you could do that." She grabbed her shirt from the bottom and lifted it up and over her breasts revealing that she was in fact not wearing a bra. Her orange fur and pink nipples stood out before him and she met his eyes. "Go ahead."

He couldn't move his hands, he couldn't move his anything. His body was on the edge of exploding and he couldn't hold it back much longer. One more push and he was about to give Rarity the kind of drink she didn't ask for. He was about to move one his hands down to where Rarity's head was to hopefully stop her in time but Applejack moved a hand to her own breast and gave it a playful squeeze. That was it, that was the trigger to his gun, the dam holding back his floodgates burst open and He lost it. His shaft throbbed as it pumped hard and hot into Rarity's mouth. For her part she kept on sucking, swallowing every last bit of his love as it plastered the insides of her mouth and throat. He relaxed after a minute or so of this.

Applejack laughed. "Yer hand's been down there fer only a minute, and yer done already?"

Rarity pulled away from Spike's sticky shaft and then crawled out from under the table and stood up. She turned to face Applejack with a smile, white sticky cum stuck to her chin. "Oh, you're still here."

Applejack looked at her. "Rares?"

Rarity admired Applejack's exposed chest for a minute. "Hmm no wonder he fed me so well." She wiped a hand at her lips. "I'd have enjoyed that sight just as much... in fact I'm enjoying it now."

Applejack quickly brought her shirt down back over her chest and stood up. "RARITY!"

Rarity went to the fridge and pulled out the chocolate pudding. It was a large bowl of the stuff and she set it down on the table. "You're welcome to join us if you want. We're about to enjoy some desert."

Applejack swallowed, took her cup of coffee and then walked to the door. "Ah think Ah might um... leave. Ah'll see you two later?"

Rarity smiled. 'You can see us now darling, but if you prefer later we can do that as well."

Applejack seemed to hesitate for a minute. She then made her decision. "Yeah, later. I have things to do. Ah can't sit around her enjoying yer company all day... damn it, wish Ah could though."

Rarity put her finger into the chocolate pudding and scooped some up to her lips where she licked it. "You were enjoying it just a moment ago, what's changed?"

Applejack froze. She looked at the door, and then back to the table, and then back at Rarity. "Ah... Ah guess not as much as Ah thought."

Rarity reached up to the top of her dress and tugged on it to let it slide off of her and onto the floor around her feet. As it turned out she was stark ass naked under there, and Spike could already feel himself getting hard again. This was turning out to be an interesting date, that was for sure. He licked his lips as he picked up his coffee mug and took another drink from it.

Applejack let out a sigh of defeat. "Fine, Ah'll stay..." She walked back to the chair but before sitting down she undid the button on her pants and slid it them down. She was wearing a pair of red panties. "Ah'm not planning t' join ya, just watch."

Rarity smiled playfully. "Join or watch, I care not, so long as you get to enjoy me and Spike."

With that said Rarity glanced at Spike. "Darling, could you..."

He stood up, and now everyone's eyes were on his full length. He quickly undressed letting himself become as naked as Rarity seemed to desire. As he did so she grabbed him and pushed him back onto the chair. She then pushed the chair back far enough that Applejack was sure to get an excellent view of the action. Rarity clicked her tongue a few times. "Spike, Spike, Spike, we have an audience now. Sit there and let me show her how it's done."

She handed Spike the spatula. He held it by its wooden handle and gave it an odd stare. "Um, what's this for?"

Rarity bent over in front of him, allowing her well-rounded alabaster ass cheeks to be exposed, vulnerable right in front of him. "Oh I think you know exactly what to do with that tool."

Spike swallowed, his member twitched as his mind suddenly understood just how hot this was about to get. Well she was literally asking for it. So he pulled the spatula back and then swung it forward slapping Rarity on the ass with it. She made a small noise and jerked from the action, but otherwise stood still. He repeated it once more. She let out a sigh and looked back at him. "Spike, I'm a big girl, and need big girl spankings. Please do put some force into it."

Well shit, she was really asking for it. He pulled his arm back once more and this time swung the spatula hard enough to make her ass cheeks jiggle and to make Rarity grunt as the slap echoed in the room. Spike could see that Applejack had slid her chair back and was busy with one hand on her breast, the other was rubbing her lower lips through her panties, they were already stained wet with her juices.

Spike slapped Rarity's ass again with the spatula she grunted and threw her head up. She took in a sharp intake of air. For a moment he thought he'd gone too far but she wiggled her ass as if asking for more. He swung the spatula again, and again. Each slap making her grunt, each slap making her ass jiggle, and each slap making a loud sound to fill the room. After a couple of minutes her ass cheeks were sore and red, and only then did she grab the spatula from him and throw it away.

She looked half-crazed and lustful as she grabbed the bowl of chocolate pudding. Using the large spoon inside it she dribbled the cold chocolate contents over her sore red ass cheeks and in between them. Letting the chocolate run down her cheeks and legs. "Spike, clean me."

He didn't need any more provocation than that. He got off his chair and down to his knees. He grabbed her firmly by the hips making her gasp. A small laugh escaped his lips as he realized just how much she needed him, just as he needed her. His lips met with her lower back and he planted a single kiss before allowing his tongue to run down to her ass cheeks and he licked systematically at that ass. Each lick came with the delicious taste of pudding and made her gasp as her cheeks were still sore. He started with the ass cheeks, cleaning them from the outside and going steadily closer to rarity's crack. Only once they were firmly clean did he use his tongue to dig deep into her ass cheeks, taste her vulnerable body, rub against her pucker, and then teasing her labia. Rarity let out a deep and unhindered moan.

Once finished with that, Spike couldn't take it anymore. He stood up and held her by the waist as he pulled her in close. "I'm going to start now."

She groaned. "Spike. I love you."

He moved his lips to hers and grabbed at one of her breasts giving it a squeeze as they kissed. His lips were still covered in chocolate and she licked them clean between kisses. It was only after a moment of kissing he replied, "And I love you."

She turned around. "We have an audience."

He nodded. "And?"

"Sit on the chair?"

He followed where she was going with this. He took a seat on the chair and she climbed up on top of his lap. She spread her legs wide over him, and brought herself down so that his tip would meet with her entrance. She gasped as the tip poked it's head inside. Slowly she slid herself down, her soaking wet juices lubricating him and making the transition easy as he spread her insides open with his length. She bit her lip and threw her head up as her hands grabbed hard onto his shoulders.

"Ffffuuuuck!" She cried as the last few inches slid inside her to the base. "G-goddess, that's good."

Applejack was rubbing herself furiously at this point and panting as she watched them. Yet she was mostly just a background element as Rarity and Spike kissed once more. Their tongues met and played with each other as she began to move her hips riding him up and down. Her insides squeezed tight, and were hot, almost too hot for him as felt her try to move in gentle motions. His hands grabbed each one of her ass cheeks and spread them wide as he squeezed that soft, well-rounded ass. Applejack's eyes widened and she let out a moan of her own as she saw more of Rarity than perhaps intended.

Rarity reached out to the counter and grabbed the spatula. "Mommy needs more!"

Before Spike could even offer to help she had turned the spatula around in her hand and brought its handle to her asshole. She shoved it in unceremoniously past the point of the handle and so it got stuck inside her ass as she rode him up and down. He could feel the spatula rubbing against his member through her body. It was a surprisingly good feeling and he wanted more. His hands still on her ass cheeks he began moving her hips for her. Faster, and harder still.

She was letting out a dirty panting sound with the occasional grunt. He wasn't much better as he grunted. The smells of their sex met in the air with the chocolate's sweet scent driving him into an ever-increasing frenzy of sex and lust as he thrust up ward with his hips against the rhythm of her hips moving. The spatula rubbed against his member. With both of her holes filled to the brim, she was losing it, moans and wet sticky slaps filled the air as he grunted and rut her even harder.

Rarity's eyes rolled into the back of her head as she loosed a powerful final scream. He kept going on as he felt himself growing close to the end. It wasn't long before he himself felt it, his body erupting like a volcano and he gave one last powerful thrust, so hard it forced the spatula out of her ass and onto the floor with a clang. His member poured forth all of its remaining seed, caking her insides and filling her womb with his spunk.

Rarity fell against him limp and asleep. He held her gently not letting her fall over. Gently he kissed her neck and looked over at Applejack who must have finished because she was leaning back in her chair, red-faced and her arms limp at her side. She gave a whistle and said, "Now that was hot."

Spike smiled. "Thanks, I think Trixie would appreciate the idea of a good show."

Applejack grinned. "Now ain't that the truth. Of course, Ah think it's mah turn now big boy."

His eyes widened. He wasn't entirely positive he had anything left in him, but as he was about to find out, he most certainly did, not that Applejack was going to give him much of a choice. He was pretty sure the three of them were going to destroy the kitchen.