Chapter 1: New Beginnings

Story by Scarwing on SoFurry

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#1 of Canid Chronicles

So, this is the first chapter of my new story. Contains gay M/M sex, and an adult with his adopted father in a Master/Pet relationship.Tell me what you guys think.

"No Armond, you must sidestep! If you only step back your opponent will catch on!"

The fur on both males was sweaty and slightly matted. Shirts and footwear were cast aside. The both wore nothing but their pants to duel comfortably in the hot summer sun.

The younger, more well kept fox was Prince Armond Jestalt Rivings III. He was a short, lithe fox, but a youthful energy built a slight muscle to his frame. A standard red fox, mask of black fur around his sapphire eyes. He had black ears, black hair, black chest, torso, groin and inner thighs. Black forearms and forelegs, and a black ring of fur separating the rust fur from the white tip. He wore only a pair of white pants, trimmed with gold. They did not constrict, loose to allow movement during combat.

This was completely opposite from his personal guard Gearalt Rayt. The male was an impressive seven feet, even the tallest canines looked short to him. His height was chalked up to his unknown origins. He was a mutt, which was assumed to be a Labrottie. He had black fur, but a light brown muzzle, around his eyes, on his chest and stomach, groin and inner thighs, and between his ass cheeks. His eyes were dark brown. His ears were trimmed up, as all guards were required to have, and his entire body was built well from his training as a guard. He had defined pectorals, powerful biceps, and strong, bulging legs. However, guarding the prince was simple, and he often ate his lavish meals with him, leading to a round, bulky gut. However, his strength kept it from weighing him down at all. He was currently wearing a worn, dull green pair of sack cloth pants that held the same loose property as the other male's clothes.

Gearalt was orphaned at ten years of age. The prince, only six at the time, quickly befriended the male when he saw him in the gardens. The bishop had planned to dump the boy back outside the gates, while the chancellor suggested just putting him in the orphanage. The bishop insisted it was already full, and a nearby guard joked that they could just kill and bury him. Armond came with the Guard Captain Kale Rayt being pulled by his paw. The abnormally tall husky was always happy to babysit the young prince, and when the two happened upon the situation, Armond immediately assaulted the other young male with questions.

After only minutes of getting to know the soft spoken boy, he begged the adults to keep him around. The captain saw something in him, and enthusiastically offered to adopt the boy. Gearalt would not mention a word about himself, even his name, so the captain named him on the spot. He quickly took to the new identity, and in only a few months it was as if he had never had any other life. Gearalt still will not talk of anything before he was found at the castle gates, not even to Armond. The prince respects this reluctance. He says he only cares about the friend he knows now.

"Once more!" Gearalt yelled, he lunged forwards, swiping at Armond's head with the wooden practice blade. This time the fox parried to the side, away from the blade. His weapon was a wooden rapier, with a flat end instead of a tip, so it was more like a cylinder. He thrust forwards, at a slightly downward angle just under the ribs. Gearalt then hit the prince on the side of his head with the blunt side of his sword, knocking him over onto his side.

"Fucking gods!" The prince cried out, rubbing the side of his head. "You always beat me Gearalt. How did you get so good? You don't even practice with your sword much, you like spears!"

The mutt laughed loudly, his bulky frame boasting an impressively deep tone. "It's not that I'm better than you Sir, I just have trained longer. Ever since I was a boy the Captain has...well trained my endurance and more. He has made me skilled, you will become just as so someday. You simply need persistence Milord." He offered a paw, and helped the fox back to his feet. He kept going though, leaning into the other male's powerful body. He ran his fingers through his chest fur, growling softly.

"Mmhhh...Gear...I'm feeling-"

"Armond! Gearalt! Are the two of you out here training?!?"

The two males pushed away from each other, Armond blushed lightly under his fur. A tall, stocky husky walked out onto the field. He was clad in a heavy, pure white plate-mail, but he walked in it effortlessly. His blazing blue eyes made you feel like nothing to him. Armond shied away, but Gearalt ran over to the even larger male immediately, bowing on one knee in front of him.

"Captain! What do you need Sir?"

The husky smiled, putting his paw on the back of the mutt's head, scratching his ears like a dog. "I need you to come with me boy. Your Captain needs you, now."

Armond swore he saw a blush creep on the other male's face, but the both of them left quickly. He sighed and picked up all the left behind equipment. He saw the other male's shirt, and picked up the rough tank top, and whiffed it hard, groaning lightly and groping himself through his pants. "Fuck, he got me all worked up..."

Gearalt followed the other male faithfully, close behind like a trained dog. They walked up to the cabin that the two of them shared, and the husky opened the door, gesturing the other male inside. The mutt walked inside, and gave a soft bark when he was patted on the ass. The husky walked inside, and closed the door, latching the door shut, and even pushing a solid metal brace on the door, so it could not be opened at all. There was a reason the cabin was on the outskirts in the castle, but unknown to Kale and Gearalt, it was within earshot of the prince's room, in fact his room was the only room in the entire castle that was close enough.

The husky turned around, grinning. "The rule is now in effect boy."

The other canine knew right away what he meant. He grabbed the waist of his loose pants, dropping them down to the floor. He kicked the pants away onto the unused bed in the corner. He walked around the husky, and unbelted his armor, murring softly. He slid it off of the other canine, and the husky removed the gauntlets himself. His rock hard, gray and white furred torso was exposed. His black nipples contrasted the white fur intensely enough to show. The mutt hugged him briefly, growling and wagging his stub tail. A black cock tip was exposed from his sheath. "Mmhrrr...oh Captain, you're looking particularly beefy today."

The other canine laughed, "Damn right I am slut." Then the mutt continued, unstrapping his greaves, and sliding them down, the other canine helping by stepping out of them one at a time. The husky then sat down on the edge of the very large bed. Gearalt knelt at the end of the bed, sliding off his boosts one at a time. As the second paw slid out, the husky flexed and stretched his four big toes. Gearalt then shoved his nostrils under those reeking toes, taking a deep whiff and moaning out loud.

"Oh gods, you have such smelly toes Daddy. I can't even contain how bad I need you Sir."

Kale laughed loudly, grinding his sole into his face. "Well I said your Captain needs YOU boy, pull yourself away from my feet and get me hard like a good dog."

Gearalt pulled himself away from the husky's feet slowly, whimpering softly. "Oh of course Sir. I can't help myself sometimes." He let the male put his paw back down on the floor. The bigger male spread his legs, and Gearalt slid up between his legs. He looked at the white, furry balls resting on the bed. He nosed his sheath gently, licking at it slowly. Kale's dick slid out of his sheath slowly, limply flopping against the mutt's face. "Oh gods Captain...I need this inside me so badly..."

"Hehheh. Then suck it boy, soon as it's wet and hard I'll give it to ya good." The mutt growled excitedly and slid his tongue along the length, letting the girth bounce on it. He slid it along his tongue, into his maw and started suckling on it like a needy slut. He nurtured the erection in his mouth until it started throbbing, and the husky pulled him off. "That's a good dog. Now get up in my lap."

He patted his lap, and the mutt crawled up into it, getting on his knees, rubbing back so the black cock tip of the husky pressed between his cheeks, rubbing it on his hole. He moaned with a heavy lust for more. "Mhrrr...please fuck me Captain. You know I need your big shaft in my body. I need you to ravage me like the pathetic dog I am!" Gearalt was usually very polite and formal by nature, but something about Kale brought out a violently submissive and sexual side in him. The husky indulged his lust, placing his paws on the male's hips, thrusting hard into his body. Gearalt cried out in a powerful need for more. Kale didn't stop at all, over the years the male had loosened plenty to take his impressive girth. He rode it all the way down to the knot, bumping on it roughly.

"Oh fuck, you love to take my fucking prick, don't ya dog?" He then slid back up to the tip, then all the way back down, knowing just how to ride the whole thing with such efficiency to go hard and fast. Gearalt cried out, pressing his face into the husky's chest. His dick twitched and shot all over the strong male's gut. It was part of the reason Gearalt had a gut too, because Kale encouraged such a body type, and as was obvious the mutt was eager to please his adopted father. He kept riding up and down that girthy dick, really slamming his hole against the other male's knot, his body shaking lustfully.

"Oh fucking yes Captain! You have the greatest cock...I think about you pounding my butt every single day...I need it bad!" He kept riding him up and down, riding him like crazy. He whimpered out more. "Please...cum inside me!" The husky kept bucking his hips like crazy, pounding up that hole over and over again. Then he flipped him over, missionary position, standing on the edge of the bed. He hugged the mutt, pounding away as hard as he could, making the bed slide along the ground. He forced forwards, his knot popping into his ass hard, swelling painfully large inside the canine's ass as he came. His cock twitched and tensed, emptying his large, hefty balls into Gearalt. He groaned, letting his orgasm subside before crawling up in the bed. He laid next to the other male, still completely tied into him. He embraced him close, and the mutt leaned into it happily. They both murred.

"I love you boy."

"I love you too, Captain."

Meanwhile, Armond was reclined in his bed, the door latched. He held Gearalt's shirt in his left paw, which was limply laid next to his side. His right paw was still cupping his pink cock under his knot, white streaks of cum all over his chest and stomach. The canine was panting heavily in his afterglow, still only half awake. It didn't take anymore than a minute or two for him to drift off, sleeping in his own mess. Suddenly, Armond was shook awake violently. He gasped and then coughed hard. He opened his eyes but the hot air made them burn so he could only squint through almost-tears. He started to understand the sound he was hearing, it was Gearalt's voice. ".......Mond! Armond! Wake up! Gods dammit get up! We have to go NOW!" Armond shook himself awake, and felt a slap across the face. He got off his bed, stumbling to stand.

"Gear? What's going on?" He started to be able to see, and could see the fire licking at the walls. He was suddenly jolted awake.

"NO TIME! Just grab anything you need to take and let's go NOW!"

Armond nodded and stumbled over to his nightstand. He pulled it open, grabbing a silver rapier and a gold locket. He slid it over his head. He went to get some clothes but Gearalt grabbed him by the shoulder and tugged him away. He tried to open his mouth to protest, but the look of urgency in his face silenced him. The quickly climbed down a rope from the prince's window, which had been bashed open, probably by the spear the mutt had strapped to his back. As soon as they hit the ground, the ran towards the cabin, but went right past it. Armond looked back at the burning castle, chocking back a tear and then gripped the rapier with both paws as they fled the scene.