Chapter 2: Apparent Desires

Story by Scarwing on SoFurry

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#2 of Canid Chronicles

Here's chapter 2. Hope you guys enjoy the M/M bar scene.

Armond and Gearalt fled through the woods. Armond could hear the sounds of people shouting, pain and anguish. It all made him feel sick to his stomach. He couldn't help but visualize the horrible things that must be happening, and tripped over a gnarled root. He fell into the ground, grunting as he felt himself slide in the mud. His white fur got all muddy and faded, and as he started to get back up, Gearalt helped him to his paws.

"C'mon my Lord, we don't have a second to spare, we have to keep moving until we reach the glade."

Armond shook his head, feeling tears start to well up in his eyes. "Please Gear...just...a second-"

"No! You don't understand. If we don't keep going..." He pulled on Armond's wrist, trying to force him to move, "You are going to die. I can't let that happen, now let's go. I'll explain everything I know when we're safe."

Armond whimpered but obeyed. He ran close behind his guard, still firmly gripping the silver rapier in his paws. The sounds of burning and death slowly faded, as did the moonlight, until they were enveloped in darkness. However, it was only a matter of seconds before they emerged in a large clearing. The full moon was aligned perfectly with the large pond in the middle. It was directly in the center of the pond at the moment, creating an otherworldly haze over the mirror surface. It was if they had emerged away from the chaos, into this perfect haven. Armond felt his entire body relax.

"...It's...beautiful." He managed to choke out. The fox's ears twitched and he snapped to reality again as the sound of armor knocking into each other. The toned mutt walked past, now completely nude. Armond blushed and rubbed the back of his head.

"It sure is. I always liked to come here with the Captain. But seldom we's so deep in the forest. In the middle of nowhere. He needed to stay near the castle, to be wary of attack. The few times we did come, I could sense the worry in him. In fact, he always did a little...I don't think he's every put his guard down." The mutt rested on a large stone, back to the fox, his paws treading lightly in the water. He patted the seat next to him. "Come, sit with me Sir. I will answer any questions you have. I warn you, the news isn't good."

Armond was suddenly very aware of his own nudity. He strayed slowly next to his guard, sitting next to him. "O-okay. I just...what happened?"

Gearalt sighed. "It was the Skskardii."

Armond turned his head and stared at the mutt. "The who?"

Gearalt grunted. "Wow, you are sheltered. Your mind. Okay. Here's how it is. You need to learn something about the world. It isn't peaceful and just as your tutor has taught you. The royalty are lied to and raised by the wishes of the Parliament, to keep them unaware of how the world really works, to keep them disinterested in politics so the council can run without resistance. The royal guard is employed to stop the violence from reaching within the castle, and to cover up anything that does happen to keep you unaware. I had to keep it a secret from even you, or they'd execute me. In fact, the whole of the Canis Kingdom is enveloped in a war that's been raging for centuries. So long that nobody lives who remembers why it began."

Armond put his face in his paws. " so much to take in. I can't even believe it's true. It seems impossible. I mean, I knew the world wasn't perfect. But you're telling me that wars were raging just outside the city?

"Yea. Pretty much. Things going on that you wouldn't believe. Things that I still think about when I close my eyes." He suddenly put his arm over the fox. Armond blushed as the male's musky aroma wafted from his armpit. "But yea. There is a lot of pain in the world. In fact, I probably was orphaned all because of the war. But the Skskardii are a shadow society. A race of assassins and other covert operations. Their entire culture is to take down the monarchy and the Parliament of the Canis Empire, as they believe it will bring an end to the wars. Part of the duty of the Royal Guard, actually our entire real purpose, is to protect you from them. But they attacked the castle. There was so many of them. They started to burn down everything everywhere they went through the castle. The smashed what wouldn't burn. They slaughtered everyone they came across. I don't know who survived. The only reason the Captain and I were fine was because we have our own cabin, they didn't attack us because we weren't part of the castle. I saw a couple of them setting up to sneak into your room through your window. The captain and I killed them all. I was hoping he'd still be there when I got back down. He told me to bring you here...and to take you to White Wolf Castle at sunrise."

"Wait wait wait. A race? What are they? Some breed of dog? Or are they purebloods?"

Gearalt grunted. "Okay Armond, something else you need to know if we're going to live in the real world. There are species beyond canines. I could explain them all to you, but you have to see them to believe them. In the whole of the world, the people as a whole are known as mammals. But, the Skskardii are...something else. Their bodies don't have hair, but some kind of hard plate. We in the royal guard have come to call them scales. I...don't think I should tell you about the origins. I don't think you'd understand. Just know they want you dead."

The fox whimpered, looking at his paws. He let them sway side to side in the clear water of the pond. He took a deep breath. "Gearalt, please tell me more about them. I need to know what you know. I know you've been trained to protect me from knowledge, but now that I know that I don't know, I must learn more. I can't stay sheltered anymore."

Gearalt winced hard. He bit his bottom lip and looked away. "I suppose the rules no longer apply. I will tell you then. I don't know much, but I know more than I should for my position. Okay, you are aware of magic, various spells and such exist, but only in certain people. But there are three schools of magic. There is neutral magic, like elemental spells, light magic, which I know nothing about, just its existence, and dark magic. It's also sometimes called blood magic, but that's simply one subsection of dark magic. A long time ago, nobody knows for sure how long, a dark mage took power and formed a kingdom. He was defeated by the ten lords of the pure canine races, all of which were profuse in light magic. Even though he was killed that day, his blood spilled on top of that hill, and dissolved into the soil before vanishing completely. In a matter of mere hours, a vast forest of black thorns grew, taking up an entire region. That forest still stands there today, with the Skskardii base in the center. It is still there today. Nobody has ever entered and returned. That is the main reason we can't stop them directly. The vines envelop you..and...they produce a seed. It's a spiky black sphere. But it doesn't plant in the ground. You plant it in mammal."

Armond gasped. "What? You's a plant that grows inside people?"

Gearalt grunted gently. "No. Not exactly. It infects people. It physically changes them. So many different ways. Usually it grows people, makes them powerful and mindless. But it seems to be able to do anything. But these mutated mammals, they. Well they sometimes expel these oval shaped containers. Like eggs you get from a chicken, but much larger. These hatch into the Skskardii race. We still don't know why or what makes this happen but it does. All Skskardii have black, acidic blood, but mammals who have been infected show no sign. The only way to tell is knowing them beforehand and noticing the changes in their behavior. It takes over their mind and erases what they once were."

Armond shook his head softly in disbelief. "This is insane. All this information. I hate that I have been sheltered all my life. This is horrid that there is such suffering in the world and I was kept in my little box. I just...I need to do something."

Gearalt shook his head. "There's nothing you can do Armond. It's a war that predates anyone alive. Nothing you do will solve this."

The fox stood up on the stone, and growled. "No damnit! I will do something. I don't care if I die trying. I might be naive and weak, but my ancestors started this. I will, sometime in my life, end this war." He gripped his rapier, and pressed the tip to the rock, holding his left arm across his chest, pointed towards his shoulder. "I, Armond Jestalt Rivings III, swear on my honor that I will do all I can to find a way to bring peace to the world, to create the world I thought existed. A world where all races can co-exist."

Gearalt sighed. "Armond. That's not realistic. You can't single handedly end a war."

He smiled and grabbed the mutt's paws, pulling him to stand up on the stone as well. "I know that Gear. I'm not going to do this alone. You're going to help me. I will recruit an army. I will form an alliance of individuals to work together to find a solution to all the problems of this world. Please Gear. I need you to trust me. Please don't tell me I can't. We're on the outside now, we can do such amazing things if we just try."

Gearalt sighed, looking away from the other male. Then he looked back with a stern visage. "Okay Armond. I will support you in this, if only to keep you from trying alone. But since you're serious about this, I won't let you change your mind."

Armond cried out happily and hugged the mutt around his waist, lying his head into his chest with loud murrs. "Oh Gear! Thank you so much! I'll never forget this." He bumped his rapier with his footpaw, making it roll into the pond. He gasped worriedly. "My rapier!" He dove into the pool, vanishing under it's mirror surface as it quickly settled. He emerged moments later, gasping for air as he walked up to the shore. He set the silver blade down on the grass, then lifted his arms, grimacing at his soaked body. Gearalt walked up with a thick cloth, laughing. He draped the cloth over the fox, but then started drying him off with his own hands. Armond enjoyed the dry down, but then blushed hard, looking away as the mutt even rubbed down his groin and ass. He blushed harder when he surrounded him in his powerful arms. His paws reach over him, rubbing over his belly and groin. He gasped and felt his pink cock start to slip from his sheath. He then bent over hard, pressing back on the male. "Gnn...Gear...I feel...strange. I feel like I want-"

Gearalt then let the male go. Armond whimpered slightly as he realized his fur was dry already. "Yes Armond?"

He suddenly felt quite nervous and blushed hard. He shook his head. "Never mind Gear. It's gone now."

The mutt shrugged and nodded. "Okay, well. We need to do something. We're going to have to travel out in the open, and we need to disguise your heritage. We'll sleep now, and in the morning we'll get you dressed and ready to go." Gearalt walked over to the large bag he had brought. He pulled out two rolled, cotton stuffed cushions. He lied down on one, his furry armpits exposed. Armond blushed again and walked over to the smaller one, lying down on his side, facing away from the other male as he knew he would just stare at his body all night.

"Goodnight Gear..."

The mutt gave a loud, deep yawn, "Goodnight Sir."

The sun finally rose high enough to pierce light into the clearing. It was sometime around ten am. Gearalt rose from his slumber, murring and stretching as he stood to his paws. He ruffled through his bag, and pulled out some clothing. He slipped on a pair of worn, tan, cloth pants that were torn up at the legs, which widened naturally on the way down. He also slipped on a dull white cloth tank top, that was nice and tight to his body. His stomach was uncovered, and his pectorals peeked just barely from the sides. He then finished the ensemble with an akubra hat. It was unassuming and cool. The hat also covered his clipped ears, to hide his status in the royal guard.

Armond slowly rose from his bed. He yawned and stretched, then gasped and eyed over the toned mutt. He was astounded by the raw sexuality his attire gave off. He couldn't help but feel his sheath strain from a stiffening member within, but held it in as he was still quite nude. "G-Gear?"

He turned around, grinning wide. It made Armond feel so, stimulated deep inside to see him like this. "Oh good! You're up too. We can get you dressed too." He put the fox to his footpaws, and eyed him over. Armond again felt so energized being eyed over like this. It was this odd feeling of right that just kept building. "Okay, we're going to dress you simple. Your fur color is a bit drawing, so your clothes need to not draw too much attention as an outsider.

"Wh-what do you have in mind?"

Gearalt pulled out some shorts, or rather ripped pants, and slipped them over the fox onto his hips. They were a dull white color, like something made out of undyed cotton and old. They were a little small on the male though, so only went about halfway down his thigh. He then ripped a piece of red cloth, so it was ragged and tied it around the fox's forehead, making a tattered headband.

"There, if that doesn't make you look like a commoner, nothing will."

Armond blushed. "But Gear, I'm not even wearing a shirt."

"Exactly. You look like you're just some drifter. So down on your luck you can't even afford clothes, and this is all you've got left. Your outgoing personality will feed this and nobody will suspect you're Prince Armond, especially because few have ever been to the Fox Kingdom. They'll think you're just some foreign specie of mutt, like me."

Armond nodded. Gearalt rubbed his chin. "But we need new names. It doesn't need to be a drastic change, keep it something close though so it's easy to start using."

Armond thought for a few minutes and then nodded. "Call me Andrew, Andrew Rivers."

He laughed. "Okay Andrew, and I'll be just Gear. Gear Dirge."

The fox laughed. "Andrew and Gear? We do sound like tramps."

Gear patted Andrew on the back. "Now never use our real names unless we're around someone you know. If there's someone who already knows who you are. But otherwise, in no occasion are you supposed to unless I tell you you can, understood?"

Andrew nodded. "Yes Gear. I understand."

"And I won't be so formal around you. We need to pass as commoners. So I won't be calling you Sir or such anymore. I'll be calling you common terms. I'm sure you'll catch on. If anyone ever comments on your odd speech patterns, say you're from somewhere else. Try to learn how to talk like the common folk though. We can't let anyone find out who we are."

Andrew nodded again. "I understand Gear. Can we go now? I want to see what a city is like. This is my first time outside the castle walls, and I want to experience the real world, the good and the bad."

Both males packed up and immediately set off in the direction of the nearest city. The emerged from the trees several hours later. Andrew gasped as he saw the endless horizon. He'd never seen so much sky.

"It-It's beautiful. Why is a world so war torn still have so much beauty?"

Gear laughed. "You treasure everything man. It's crazy how much everything I take for granted is the greatest thing you've ever seen. Well there's much more. Maybe you'll get to see it all someday."

Andrew headed out into the field, his paws padding the ground as he ran. He inhaled deep, crying out to the gods that he could not believe such perfection existed and he had missed it all his life. He finally felt free.

Gear put his arm around the fox, and kept walking with him. The White Wolf Kingdom was right on the other side of the forest of the Fox Kingdom. In fact, the forest was in the center of all the Canid Kingdoms, and was neutral land. The White Wolf Kingdom bordered the Fox Kingdom, but they fled into the forest to cross the borderline without being seen.

Soon Gear and Andrew entered the great city. Gear tensed up noticeably when they crossed into, but sighed in relief when they weren't stopped by the guards. Andrew was impressed by everything.

"My gods! They have fresh bread, but it's different. The flour is lower quality, but somehow it's still even better. It's like they know some secret. Oh! Fresh meat! But it's just hanging there. Do they not store it? It must have been caught just today! OH! They have many little trinkets here. A little gold butterfly. They have a fox figurine too!"

Gear looked around nervously, shaking the fox on the shoulder, "Arm-I mean Andrew. You are getting a little overexcited, don't you-"

But it was too late. The fox broke away from the other canine's paw, and ran off into the crowd. Gear tried to follow him, but the small fox was lost quickly in the crowd. He cried out for him, but no answer.

Andrew laughed, using his small size to slip through the crowd. He was so excited he didn't even notice Gear had been unable to keep up. Andrew stopped as he saw a small, unassuming building. He was curious of what possibly could be in the strange building. The only identifier was a small sign with small print that said, "The Musky Lover".

"Wow.." Was all Andrew said as he entered the dark room. Ale and some stronger drinks sloshed all over the room as males guzzled and laughed. The entire place made Andrew's nose twitch. He felt a strange, powerful sensation rise up in his stomach, then sink to his nether regions. It made his genitals warm up and his tailhole tingle oddly. It was the same feeling he sometimes felt around Gear. But he still wasn't sure. It was different from just being horny. It was some deeper sensation.

"Can I help you boy?" Andrew snapped out of his thoughts. He stumbled back a bit and looked up. His eyes explored over the body of a tall, bulky polar bear. Andrew gasped and was astounded. He had never seen a non-canine before. It was surreal. How different he looked. His dingy, white fur looked abused. His giant gut seemed to stick out in his face. All the male was wearing were severely tattered cloth pants, and there was an obvious tent in them. Andrew's nose twitched as he inhaled the obvious musk. He whimpered and felt that feeling deep inside intensify. He could barely stand it.

"Oh gods" He muttered. The bear grinned wide.

"Oh I get it. You're that type. Then just come with me boy. I'll help you sort all this out."

Andrew just obeyed, or rather didn't resit. The polar bear's paw pressed on his back, pushing him back to a room. He was lead inside, then stood in the center of the room, awkwardly. The bear put a sign on the door, and then shut it. He looked over at the fox and grinned.

"You ready for this boy?"

"I-I guess? And my name-"

The bear shook his head. "No no, no names."

Andrew gave the bear a puzzled look, but shrugged it off. He walked past the smaller fox and slid off his pants. Andrew blushed and eyed the tubby rear end. He spun around, and sat on the bed, legs spread, leaning back slightly so his hard, black, uncut cock extended forwards. His big, furry gut moving out of the way. Andrew was dumbfounded. He'd never seen a non-canine member before. Only his own and sometimes other males around the castle.

"Well don't just sit there boy. Go ahead, touch it, lick it, nuzzle it. Whatever you want to do, but only a minute or two. I have more important concerns. I just assume you've never been with another guy before, so get acquainted with dick for a bit."

Andrew was shocked but couldn't stop himself from getting down on his knees. He slowly reached out and grabbed the bear's cock with both paws. He was so huge, bigger than himself by so much. He squeezed and tugged upwards, letting the foreskin roll and bunch up, then pulled it back down, letting the head expose slightly from the skin. The bear grunted at the sensation of the air. Andrew inhaled deeply, and felt himself engulfed in a sea of that same feeling from the rough, masculine odor. He moaned out quite loud."

"Fuck! You smell like fucking...I don't even a fucking male!" The polar bear laughed and Andrew nuzzled all the way down his shaft, then licked his tip, tasting his raunchy precum. He whimpered and closed his maw around the tip, shoving his tongue down there. He wriggled it around, then arched it and pulled it back into his mouth. He sloshed saliva around in his muzzle and gulped. He felt that rank, filthy taste of cum and sweat. He moaned as his pink dick slipped out of his sheath to full length, and he needily pulled off his shorts to let it free. This masculine taste and aroma made that strange tingling become a dull coat of ecstasy and made his body feel alive. The fur on his entire body felt bristled and his tail lifted, and felt so good that way. A hefty heat rising off his pink pucker. He whimpered and nuzzled into the entire length again, gripping it in both paws and beating him off swiftly, just the base so he could rub his face into the tip and get precum all over it.

The bear laughed again and pulled him off. "As much as I enjoy seeing a budding slut, I want to show you something you'll love if you liked how my dick cheese tasted." He inched up on the bed and lifted one of his oversized paws. Andrew was confused but the felt it press into his face. The fox felt a spark through his entire body. He grabbed the paw the by the sides, holding it right in front of his face. He turned his face, nuzzling into the dingy sole. He could feel the sweat on his face, and it was really dirty too. He then, by seemingly reflex, he let out his tongue. It slide between the toes, cupping the mess and filthy from between. It was so dirty, who knows what he had walked in, but he then swallowed it all, and felt his urges grow. He felt so fucking good though. Andrew couldn't stop, this made him feel more right than anything.

"Why the fuck are you so hot stud?" He closed his maw around the big toe, suckling on it heavily, his tongue swirling and rubbing into it. He savored the potent taste. His nose twitched repeatedly as he inhaled all that musk. He nuzzled into the sole again, letting the bear's sweat and dirty paw make his facefur dingy and smelly. That odor made his cock start leaking on the wood floor. It was really moist, as Andrew preed like a fountain. He kissed up the male's sole, then rubbed his nose under the bear's toes, letting it get all in his nose. Every breath he took was nothing but that gruff musky aroma that made his entire body swell with that energy. He felt amazing. This was easily the greatest feeling he'd ever had.

The polar bear's big paw left his body and Andrew was lifted off the ground, forced roughly to be bent over the bed, his footpaws unable to reach the ground from the mattress. He tried to roll but was pinned still. He felt that preing beartip press between his cheeks. He gasped and struggled, though it made him feel incredible just feeling it tease him. He was just not sure he could take it.

"Be still boy. You had all your fun, now you're gonna take my dick and like it." Andrew's protests were silenced right away. He gripped the sheets, lying his head on his side. He could still smell the male's aroma on his face. He yelped loudly as he felt the bear push forwards. A pained groan escaped his lips as his hole spread wide open around such a girth. The bear wasn't being gentle, and it made him start to tear up and cry out.

"Be...Be gentle please!" He cried.

"No fucking way boy. You're a fucking slut to the core and you gotta learn to take dick rough because that's your damn place." Andrew felt a large paw connect with his ass, making a loud slap. He yelled out as he was spanked so hard, and still being thrust into. His hole spread to accept every inch though. He gripped the sheets harder, and before he knew it, the male reached a point where it just plugged him right. He groaned and spread his legs, squeezing on the cock. He felt the urge well up in him again, but now it was more and hunger. He needed more and more. He desired so strongly that it engulfed him.

"Fuck! Please! Fuck my ass as hard as you can!"

The polar bear chuckled in his baritone. "Now that's more like it boy! Take that meat!"

The chubby male started to pound hard and fast, forcing his girth all the way to the hilt. It filled Andrew up so good. It made his hole strain and squeeze on that prick. He cried out as the male started to push and pull very fast, making his ass make a fapping noise as the groin slapped his ass cheeks again and again. The bear didn't hold back even an ounce. He grunted as he roughly forced himself in and out of the fox's hole, and Andrew already could feel nothing but lust. He cried out, again and again.

"Harder! Harder please! Fuck me raw!"

"Yea! Take it you cock hungry fuckhole!" He spanked the fox again, leaving a red imprint on his ass cheek. He kept fucking away like crazy. His cock drooled all in the male's rump, slickening his passage with his own precum, making the fuck smooth and fast, but still real filling. He didn't stop fucking Andrew for even a second. Every thrust slapped his ass and made a lewd slapping noise.

He pulled out of the fox, and flipped him over. Then he forced himself back into the fox in one hard thrust. Andrew cried out as he was penetrated at a completely different angle. The bear grabbed a drink off the nearby dresser, and guzzled it messily. Then he poured the strong drink all over the fox's body, letting it soak into his fur and then even poured it on his face. Andrew, in his half-awake sexual stupor lapped it eagerly, swallowing the potent brew, feeling his head spin as he took off. The bear tossed the container away, then grabbed the fox's hips with both paws. He started to put all his energy and focus into fucking him. He used his entire length, pulling out so far that his last inch of cock was all that was left inside, then forcing it all the way in until his groin slapped the fox's ass. He did this over and over and over, a rapid speed so his hips were a thrusting blur. He grunted as his thrusts got rougher and his toes curled. His angles became odd and unsure.

He pulled out again, but this time started beating himself off hard and fast. He tilted back his head and groaned, rolling his foreskin back as he peaked. His cock spasmed in his paw, a hefty load of thick bear cum shot all over the fox's groin and stomach. He really coated the fox. Then he put his paw on his stomach, rubbing it through the fur all over his front end, letting it fade away and soak into his fur. Then he fondled the fox's junk with one big paw. The other paw smeared cum down his taint and his rump, arching two of his thick digits and shoving them in Andrew's ass. The fox gasped and began to pant and moan out loud. The bear roughly fingered his ass with his cum and jerked the fox off hard with his paw. Andrew could only hold it for a few seconds before he yelled out.

"Oh gods! I'm going to..!" Then he went. His own fox seed spraying all over himself. His shots dwarfed the other male's just making his belly wet. But the bear smeared his all over his stomach just the same, and then he moved his paw to his face, wiping it off in his facefur. He laughed loudly.

"There we go. Nice and marked like a good cumslut. Now when men smell you coming, they'll know you're to be used like the fucking toy you are." The bear pulled out his fingers, and grabbed his pants. He slipped them on, and opened the door. He walked out, vanishing into the tavern.

Andrew panted heavily, rubbing his forehead with a groan. "Fuck...that" He stumbled to his feet, his legs wouldn't stop shaking. He grabbed his shorts, slipping them on. He felt so filthy and objectified, and so right. He stumbled out of the room into the tavern. He glanced about for the polar bear, but didn't see him. Andrew then stumbled for the door. He opened it slowly, and stumbled out into the streets. The sun had set while he was in that tavern, and he just realized Gear was not, in fact, anywhere around him. He called out worriedly.

"Gear!?! Gear!?! Where are you?" The fox jumped a foot into the air as a palm landed on his shoulder. He was turned around and relieved to see his guard. "Oh, Gear. There you are."

Gear held his paw up to his face, grunting. "You smell like alcohol and sex and...well cum." Andrew blushed harder than ever and looked away, but Gear turned him back to look at him. "It's fine if you had some fun. Actually, it's even better, now you don't smell like perfume and royalty. Nobody would think you're regal now. You look like some kind of drunk street whore actually."

Andrew coughed. "I..I am a little lightheaded. Kinda."

Gear laughed. "I knew it, you are drunk. Well c'mon. Let's find an inn and sleep for the night. We'll find the castle in the morning, but you gotta stay next to me Andrew. I can't slip through the crowds like you and I can't have you getting drunk and unruly when we go to meet the king in the morning."

The fox nodded, "Of course Gear! I promise not to run off again. You can just come with me next time." and they both laughed.