Dream Come True

Story by Der Doberman on SoFurry

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Dream Come True

Please Note: I do not own, or claim to own, the characters used herein. The rights to said characters belongs solely to their creators, and I mean no harm in writing this story. That said and my tail semi-covered, this is one of my first erotic works, and is meant to simply be a somewhat romantic story between Colleen and Hunter of Road Rovers, so, if you do not know who they are, I suggest you research a bit first. I think, at least, that it will heighten the experience of the story. Anyways, please comment/constructively criticize. I'm all ears for helpful suggestions!

Hunter's gaze trailed down her naked form, perfectly crafted from her stunning blue eyes to her bushy tail. Hunter realized how lucky he was to be in the presence of someone who he considered a gift from heaven; he had been waiting for this moment since the first time he'd been transdogmafied and had met the radiant collie from England. As his eyes roamed over her gorgeous body, hers did the same.

Colleen had likewise sought after Hunter since the day they met. The golden retriever's status as pack leader, however, had gotten in the way of their romance beginning. They had always exchanged witty quips and hinted at their feelings for each other, but neither had ever acted on them in order to maintain the integrity of the team. Here they sat, naked, facing one another on Hunter's bed, finally able to express their love. Now Colleen's eyes followed his golden fur from the tip of his nose down past his soft chest and his chiseled abs, down to his savory jewels. Her wandering gaze passed even those to his cream colored thighs, which the collie instinctively reached out to lay a paw on as she scooted closer to Hunter.

"I've waited so long for this, it's like a dream come true," the retriever said as he brought his amber eyes up to meet hers. He smiled softly, wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her into his chest, shifting his weight so she was resting virtually in his lap. His voice was soft and low, almost inaudible, as he whispered, "I love you Colleen."

The collie was almost in tears as Hunter's paws played up her exposed back and came to rest behind her head. She could barely manage a smile without tearing up. She knew how out of character it was to let her emotions get the better of her like this, but here was her prince sweeping her off her feet; her dreams were coming true before her very eyes. "Hunter," she managed, "I..."

She was cut off abruptly as the retriever gently pressed his mouth to hers, kissing her softly. His sudden action drew the breath from Colleen's lungs. As he pulled away, she breathed the first deep, truly fulfilling breath she'd had since becoming a rover. She finally found her voice, filling all that Hunter was listening to, "I love you too."

Hunter came in once more, their lips locking tight. He slowly brought her down on the bed so that he was half on top of her, his chest pressing against her naked breasts. As they broke the kiss and their eyes met once again, Hunter thought he saw a new kind of fire in Colleen's eyes that wasn't there before. She smiled mischievously at him before rolling over so that their positions were reversed, with the collie on top.

Colleen kissed him on the tip of his nose and slowly traced her own nose down his neck, stopping deliberately to nibble at his throat teasingly. The cold feeling ran down past his chest and over his washboard stomach, until it reached its target: the two furry orbs and slight pink that was now poking out of his sheath. Her nose softly nudged his balls, causing his doghood to slip further from its protective casing.

Colleen could hear Hunter's breathing increase as she opened her mouth to suckle on one of the orbs. She massaged it carefully with her tongue until the retriever's member was almost fully erect. She lifted her head from his crotch to see him lying, spine arched; head splayed back and tongue lolling from the side of his mouth. She quickly went back to the task and licked from the base of his maleness to the tip, making it finally stand on end.

"Ohh, Colleen, keep doing that," Hunter moaned, adding to the collie's own growing excitement as she slipped one of her paws down to the opening between her legs and began gently working herself, rolling onto her side so that she rested on her other elbow. She brought her head back to the retriever's now throbbing member and pressed the tip of it between her lips, squeezing gently. Her efforts were met by another low moan from her companion.

Colleen began to take more and more of his meat into her mouth, increasing Hunter's ecstasy. He lifted himself onto his elbows and watched as the collie bobbed up and down on him, her tongue working along the underside of his penis. He could barely restrain himself from pumping his hips into Colleen's hungry mouth, his paws gripping the bed sheet tightly as he gasped, "Colleen. This isn't fair."

Colleen lifted her head from his groin, a small trail of his precum and her saliva tracing its way back to his genitals. "What, Huntie?"

Hunter smirked. He usually hated it when she called him that, but it turned him on more than ever now, "Swing around. You're not the only one who should get to have some fun right now."

It took a moment for the collie to understand what he had said, but as it dawned on her it brought a knowing grin to her face. She had never been with a guy who was so concerned with her needs. She crawled around until she was fully on top of the retriever, her thighs wrapped loosely around his head and her own face now facing Hunter's erection dead on.

Hunter brought his nose up until it rested just inches away from the collie's wet pussy lips. He let his tongue snake out to taste her, and was met with an expected gasp from the woman on top of him. Bringing both of his hands around her legs, he spread her opening with his forefingers and let his instincts take over; his tongue went to work seeking Colleen's sexual center.

Colleen went back to work as she felt Hunter's tongue and hot breath on her backside. She took to tip of his member into her mouth once more and wrapped her tongue around it as best she could. Resting once again on her elbows, she used her paws to gently massage the base of Hunter's maleness. He was harder than ever now, and she doubted he would last much longer.

It was a good thing that he wouldn't, because Hunter's tongue found her clitoris and began prodding and rubbing against it. Colleen could feel her orgasm coming as she bobbed her head up and down on the retriever's shaft. She moaned around Hunter's aroused cock, the vibrations sending him into throws of ecstasy.

Without warning, the walls of Colleen's pussy began contracting around Hunter's tongue and nose, and her juices leaked out uncontrolled onto his face. Her orgasm caused Hunter's cock to begin throbbing wildly, and he shot jet after jet of warm salty cum into her mouth, which she gobbled down greedily. What she couldn't swallow leaked out of her lips and formed a small puddle at the base of his doghood.

As both orgasms subsided, Colleen rolled off of her companion and turned slowly until she was snuggled up next to him. He turned to meet her and smiled into her eyes. Their lips met and they each got a taste of their own juices, which combined for the first time in their mouths.

When they broke the kiss, Colleen was smiling ear to ear, and she was pleased to see that the retriever was doing the same. She snuggled her nose into his chest as he wrapped his arms around her and held her close. "That was amazing," she said quietly, barely believing that it had really happened.

"Colleen, you mean the world to me," Hunter responded, "I'm glad you enjoyed it. I sure did."

"I love you, Hunter."

"I love you too, Colleen. Let's try to get some sleep now. We have a big day tomorrow."

Their lives were finally intertwined, and certainly not for the last time as they drifted off to dreamland slowly, wrapped in each other's arms, a simple act that both the collie and the golden retriever had wished for as long as they had known each other.