The Norvogariam Records, Part Two: Spirit of the Wild

Story by werewolf_fiend on SoFurry

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#2 of The Norvogariam Records

Damian awakens to find himself in a strange new world that he knows literally nothing about, what's worse is he is stuck in his feral wolf form.

This story contains rough but consensual sex between two male feral wolves as well as cock absorption. There is no vore but it is mentioned more then once. If this bothers you or you are under 18, do not read this. All characters are my own please do not use them without permission.

Part 2 of Mesolithic will be out tomorrow.

Damian awakes to find himself laying on the ground in the middle of an unfamiliar forest. The smells of autumn fill the air. The leaves of the trees are arrayed before him in brilliant and exotic shades of red, orange, and yellow. He feels dazed and has a massive headache. He does not remember coming to this strange place, it certainly doesn't look like he is in Florida anymore. He attempts to rise to his two feet, but ends up losing his balance and falling onto his side. Confused, he looks back at himself and realizes that he is in his feral wolf form with its white fur and yellow eyes. He attempts to shapeshift to his hybrid form, but nothing happens. Now even more confused, he tries to shift to his human form, still nothing happens. At that point the pain in his head gets worse, his memories start to come back to him. First a confusing trickle, and then with a sharp intense pain all of his memories come flooding back in a torrent. He now remembers everything.

He had been deep in the Everglades, he had gone there to be alone, and for some self reflection. He had also wanted to experiment with his new hybrid werewolf body. A large female snake had surprised him out of nowhere after he had begun to masturbate. The serpent had taken advantage of his lust impaired mind. She had seduced him and tricked him. Before he had time to fully process what had happened, Damian had ended up as her meal. His failure had been so complete, that the god of wolves, Fenrir had spoken to him in his mind. Even as the snake had begun to digest the foolish werewolf's body. The wolf god had chastised Damian for his failures, however, Fenrir had also made him an offer. He had offered the devoured werewolf another chance at life. A new chance in a new strange world. Now, Damian lives again, not as a human or a werewolf, but as simply a wolf. Albeit a wolf with the mind of a human.

Damian has been through a lot in his life up to this point. From crushing debt, to being enslaved by a criminal organization, and then the subsequent murder of his parents. When he had become a werewolf he had hoped that his life was finally taking a turn for the better, but then he had been eaten alive. He could give up, curl up into a ball and die, but he had been given yet another chance. Most people don't get second chances, let along third or fourth chances. He is not going to waste this opportunity. He is not going to mess things up this time even if the whole of this world conspires against him. He is determined to succeed. He will fulfill the terms of his contract with Fenrir by finding a way back to earth and then devouring the snake that had devoured him.

Damian spends the next few days exploring the forest and the surrounding areas, trying to get a hold on the strange world that he finds himself in. Food hasn't been a problem. His werewolf pack back on Earth had taught him the basics of hunting in feral wolf form. He has no trouble catching rabbits and squirrels. There are also plenty of signs of other wolves all around the forest, he decides to avoid them for now, they would probably react poorly to an outsider.

Despite the presence of familiar animals, something about this alien forest seemed off to Damian. It had a sense of power about it, a sense of magic. Weird orbs of light drifted throughout the forest and some of the rocks gave off a warm glow. In addition not all of the creatures Damian had found were familiar. He had spotted what looked to him like a tribe of goblins, as well as what he had decided to call woodland sprites. Watching them zip through the air this way and that had made Damian wonder what other creatures of myth could exist in this world.

On his third day of exploration Damian finds his first signs of human civilization, a village. It turns out to be one of several small settlements scattered all around the edges of the forest. He is glad to see that there are in fact humans in this world, but knows that approaching them is out of the question. They would only see him as a threat. It would be even riskier to approach the goblin things, they are total unknown. Still the human trapped in the body of a wolf knew he had to try something. It looked like winter would soon be setting in, and he had no way of knowing how harsh it would be. He did not like his chances of surviving it alone. After putting a lot of thought into the matter, he decides his best bet is to try and integrate himself with the local wolf pack. After winter, once spring has come, he can come up with a better plan to reach his goals.

Damian watches the movements of the wild wolves for a few weeks. It is an unusually large pack of more then 30 individuals and with more then one breeding pair. This is good Damian figures. If it was just a small pack of just a single breeding pair and their offspring, with no hierarchy, then there would be no way they would accept him. Once he was confident that he knew their habits and movements, Damian sets his plan into motion. First he takes down a deer, he drags the carcass to an area that he knows the wolf pack will soon pass through. He then lays down next to his kill and simply waits, it does not take long. The scent of not only an intruder but of stolen prey as well, sends the wild wolves into a frenzy. Damian has anticipated this though, he has not fed on the deer carcass since killing it. As the pack approaches, he roles onto his back. Showing his belly in a sign of submission.

The wild wolves do not instantly attack him and seem to calm a bit upon seeing his submissive display. Damian lets out an inner sigh of relief, "So far so good." The largest of the wolves saunters up to Damian and begins to sniff him all over. "He must be the alpha," Damian thinks to himself. After awhile the alpha wolf nudges Damian on the side. Clearly telling him to roll over. Now on his stomach, Damian keeps his eyes forward and pointed towards the ground. The alpha wolf circles around to Damian's rear end. Feeling the feral wolf's breath against his tail, Damian raises it to allow the beast access. The alpha sniffs for a bit and then his tongue starts lapping at Damian's tail hole, tasting him. After about a minutes of this the wolf withdraws, seemingly satisfied. The alpha nudges Damian again, taking the hint and accepting what he expects may happen next, Damian gets to his 4 paws, tail still raised. His eyes still pointed downwards.

Damian risks a glance behind himself. He can see part of the alpha's partially erect member sticking out from its sheath. He sighs again, then closes his eyes and braces himself for the inevitable. The alpha wolf mounts Damian, but to his surprise, the beast does not penetrate him. The act of dominance does not take long. A few spurts of pre cum across the newcomers back and between his legs is all that is needed to mark Damian as the newest and lowest member of the pack. Dismounting, the alpha then walks over to the deer carcass and starts tearing into it, the other wolves then follow. Damian is the last wolf to feed.

With the support of his newfound pack, Damian easily survives the winter. Time passes mostly uneventfully, but before to long, Damian notices that there is something odd about the alpha of the pack. The dominate wolf seems to have the ability to teleport himself short distances. None of the other wolves display this ability. Not even ones that were sired by the alpha. This leaves Damian to wonder where this clearly magical ability has manifested from. Knowing almost nothing about this world at all, or magic for that matter, that is all he can do.

As winter begins to fade into spring, one day, the alpha gathers up the whole pack. He leads them up a low mountain at the edge of the forest. The pack runs parallel to a fast moving stream that is thundering down the mountainside. They follow it upstream until they reach its source, a small lake. The lake is fed by a spring, water visibly bubbles up from the ground before flowing down some rocks into the lake. Damian is confused, he knows that this place is well outside the pack's normal territory. On top of that things feel different here. The ever present feeling of magic in the air that seems to permeate this world is being overshadowed by another force.

Out of seemingly nowhere, a large jet black wolf with glowing ice blue eyes appears. This strange wolf is wreathed in a shimmering white glow, the lights surrounding him shift so rapidly that his form is somewhat distorted. Upon seeing the glowing wolf, the entire pack drops to their bellies in what looks to Damian like reverence. He wisely follows their lead. Damian watches as the black wolf's glowing eyes study each member of the pack in turn. It was almost as if he was judging the worth of each one. Eventually though, the glowing eyes settle on Damian, and then the wolf begins to speak in a strange language.

"You who are not fully a wolf, step forward and stand beside me. You do not belong with them. They know what they are, they are wild and free. You are something else entirely. Your presence here is both unwelcome and perplexing. After I have blessed the pack we will talk, and you will explain yourself."

Damian, shocked that he can understand the strange words that are coming out of this wolf's glowing mouth, attempts to respond. Instead of words all that comes out of his muzzle are a few growls and a whine. His body is fully that of a wolf, he can not speak. Giving up, he instead nods his head and gets to his paws. He pads over to stand next to the black wolf as instructed.

Damian watches as the mysterious glowing being walks over to each member of the wolf pack. He touches each one of them on the head with his nose. Leaving a small blue circle behind on each one that soon fades after a few moments. After this is done the ceremony apparently concludes, as the wild wolves begin to clear out of the area.

After they have all left, the strange glowing wolf turns back to Damian and says, "Now, strange one. On your life, you will tell me why a werewolf has come to my forest to live among wild wolves."

Damian, unsure of what else to do, attempts to speak again. The results are the same, just a few growls and a whine.

The strange wolf becomes visibly confused, "can you not speak, werewolf?"

Damian shakes his head no.

"Is this better?" A voice in Damian's head asks.

"Yes," Damian replies. "I do not recognize the language you are using, but I understand it anyway, why is that?"

"I may answer that question later, but right now you will answer mine! Who are you, where did you come from, and why are you here trying to live among the wild wolves that are under my protection?" The voice asks firmly, but not too harshly.

"Under his protection?" Damian wonders to himself.

"Know that I can hear you," the black wolf says.

"My name is Damian, I was reborn here, in this forest, I think."

"Reborn? You think? You had better start making some sense, and quickly." The black wolf replies, a slightly more threatening tone creeping into his words.

"I was a werewolf, I lived in a different place, a different world from this one. I was.... Uh defeated..... In truth I was eaten whole by a treacherous snake that I had been... er... mating with. As she was beginning to digest my body, just as I was running out of air, I was visited in my mind be an entity named Fenrir. He offered to be me another chance at life if I could prove myself to him. One of those conditions was for me to be reborn in this world instead of my own. I am in your forest simply because this is where I ended up," Damian explains.

The jet black wolf looks even more perplexed then before. He had seldom herd of mighty Fenrir giving someone a second chance. Let alone reincarnating someone who, by their own admission, had failed so completely. The great wolf god usually followed the rules of nature. The strong will always consume the weak, these rules do not leave much room for interpretation as one can imagine. The story this "Damian" had concocted was nothing short of bizarre, but if there was even a slight chance that it was true.... The spirit wolf has to know for sure.

"I am known as Raulfar of the spring. I am the guardian spirit of this mountain, the surrounding forest, and the wolf pack that you have been living with. While all us wolves, including you, are Fenrir's children, it is still part of my duties to ensure the balance of nature is maintained. Werewolves can upset this balance if left unchecked. That is why I pulled you away from our wild brethren. I will be blunt, I am not sure I believe your story. It is common for werewolves to integrate themselves with wild wolf packs, kill the alpha, and then lead the wild wolves on a rampage. The mindless destruction usually ending only after __the inevitable slaughter of the entire wolf pack. The ONLY reason I am entertaining the idea that your story might be true is because the alpha of the wild wolves IS still alive and well.Additionally, in your story you invoked the name of our shared god. If you are lying about that he will punish you far more harshly then I ever could. In any case, there is but one way for me to know if you are telling the truth. You must let me deeper into your mind so I may see the truth of your words for myself. If they do in fact ring true I may even help you."

"Yes, do it," Damian replies instantly with no hesitation. "I need help, I truly know nothing of this world, I have nothing to hide."

With permission given, Raulfar is able to push further into Damian's thoughts, accessing the strange werewolf's memories, what he sees shocks him. He sees another world, nearly devoid of magic. It is over-run with humans. In the absence of magic the humans had built machines instead. He sees Damian's life as a human, he sees the strange, dirty machines known as "cars". He sees the strange not-dens known as "office buildings". This is not what Raulfar is looking for though, and he is disgusted from having viewed this small slice of human civilization. Rushing forward to try and escape the jungle of concrete, he finally finds what he is looking for. He can see that Damian is one of the not-dens when it is suddenly attacked by a werewolf. Damian survives and becomes a werewolf himself. He wanders off on his own into a swamp. Raulfar watches as the lone werewolf is tricked and eaten by the snake, his own knot sealing his doom. He hears Fenrir's contract with the foolish werewolf. Then he sees the winter that Damian spent with Raulfar's chosen wolf pack. Now satisfied that the werewolf has in fact been telling the truth, Raulfar withdraws from Damian's mind.

Feeling somehow that Raulfar was done, Damian asks, "do you believe me now?"

Raulfar doesn't answer right away, the confused wolf spirit is still trying to sort through all he had witnessed in Damian's memories. Then there was the matter of his actions. On one paw he had in fact knotted a snake, such a stupid mistake was not a good indication of competence. On the other paw, Fenrir must see something in Damian, or he wouldn't have given the werewolf another chance. And far be it for Raulfar to hinder Fenrir's plans. In fact his god had probably planned for this very meeting, otherwise he wouldn't have placed Damian in Raulfar's forest.

Satisfied that he has thought of the correct course of action, Raulfar finally replies, "yes, I believe you. For whatever reason Fenrir has chosen you for.... Something. I don't understand what that something could be, but clearly that is not for me to know. I will however help you in any way I can."

Ecstatic at this response, Damian replies, "can you tell me of this world? You have seen into my mind, I truly know nothing. Anything you can tell me will be useful."

"I can and I will," Raulfar replies. "In fact, I can do even better. Using the same method I used to view your memories, I can impart some of my knowledge of this world into your mind."

For the rest of the day, the feral form werewolf and the spirit wolf silently sit across from one another as Raulfar instructs Damian, within his mind, on a basic overview of this world of mysteries and magic. As it turns out the world that Damian has found himself in is known as Norvogariam. It is an ancient realm and is, as Damian correctly guessed, permeated with magic. The region that Raulfar's forest occupies is within a human nation known as the Kingdom of Darfalloum. This kingdom is bordered to the north by a massive mountain range, it is completely overrun by hordes of violent orcs. To the east is another smaller mountain range. Past that is a nearly endless forest, it is home to many tribes of elves but is not a formalized nation itself. To the west is another human nation, this one ruled by an archmage. To the south are a collection of small squabbling human nation states that are constantly at war with one another. They also go over what plants and animals are dangerous and which can be useful. Lastly they cover all of the large potentially dangerous intelligent races, such as dragons and gryphons.

An afternoon is a short amount of time to learn that much information, even when communicating mind to mind. By the time the sun has set, Damian is thoroughly exhausted. He falls asleep in a grove of trees near the lake and sleeps more soundly then he has at any other time since coming to this world. The next morning he awakes to find Raulfar's glowing ice blue eyes staring down at him, a fish in his maw.

"Get up," the spirit wolf says in Damian's mind. He drops the fish in front of the werewolf's forepaws. "Y_ou have much you need to accomplish in this world and sleeping will not help. I still have yet to answer your first question from yesterday either._" With that said, Raulfar leaves Damian to eat the fish alone.

Never having been much of an early riser, Damian takes some time to wake up, wolfs down the fish, and quickly runs off to find where Raulfar has gone. He is eager to hear more of what the knowledgeable spirit has to say. He soon locates the jet black wolf, he is sitting on a rock near the edge of a cliff that overlooks the forest below.

"Thank you for the fish," Damian says as he walks up to the somewhat larger wolf.

"Do not mention it, I thought I would save you some time," Raulfar Replies. Despite knowing the many failures of this werewolf that has led to him being reborn in this world, Raulfar had started to like Damian over the course of their conversation the previous day. "Maybe Fenrir is actually onto something with this one," Raulfar thinks to himself.

"So how is it that I am able to understand you despite the fact that I had never heard the language you speak before the day I met you," Damian asks. "I mean, now that I know what you are and a bit about this world, I can probably guess, but I still want to know."

"As you know, I am a guardian spirit. I am tasked by our god Fenrir with maintain __ing the balance of nature within this p_ atch of wilderness on Norvogariam. While carrying out my duties, often violence is required, but not always. Sometimes talking is better, and so I was created with the ability to understand any language. In addition any who hear my words, even if they don't know them, always find that they can understand me all the same. When we first met I was speaking the most widely used human language, werewolves usually can speak it too. Of course you did not, being from a different world, but with my magic it did not matter. I did not tell you this yesterday, but when I was in your mind I made it so you can understand the most commonly used languages of this world. So going forward, communication at least should not be a problem for you._"

Damian hadn't realized until this moment, but found that he could in fact not only understand what Raulfar was saying like before, but that he could now understand the actual words, the meaning behind them, and the language as a whole. The human tongue of this world that he had thought sounded so strange the day before, now sounded perfectly normal to him. It was as if he had been speaking it his whole life.

"Thanks you," Damian replies."You have already done more for me then I could ever possibly repay, I am forever in your debt."

"You are welcome," Raulfar replies,"but I am only doing all this for you because I believe it is the will of Fenrir."

"Regardless, thank you," Damian says, "There is something else I wanted to ask you about though."

"Oh?" Says Raulfar, questioningly.

"You said your purpose is to preserve the balance of nature throughout your domain, right?"

"Yes, that is correct," Raulfar replies. "Why do you ask?"

"While I was living among the wild wolves, I notice __d_ something.... Odd about the alpha of the pack. He appears to have the ability to teleport himself short distance s. None of the other wolves seem to have that ability, it doesn't appear to be natural,_" Damian says carefully.

"You're right, it is not natural, I gifted him with that ability," Raulfar replies. "Wolves are essential for the health of the forest, they require a strong leader. This world is full of all kinds of magical beasts that could easily kill an ordinary wolf. Therefore I, and the other animal spirits like me sometimes gift our own abilities onto those we protect in order to give them an edge. It may seem contradictory to pervert nature in order to protect it, b __u_ t I must ensure the balance of the forest using any and all methods available to me. I am glad you notice_d though, because I was actually planning on offering my abilities to you. It could even give you back the ability to speak aloud, I am less sure about that part though"

"I think I understand," Damian replies, "besides, it is hardly my place to question your methods. But are you saying that you will give me the ability to teleport short distance __s? How does that work, and how would that allow me to speak aloud again?"

Raulfar nods, "Those are good questions. It has to do with how the biology of spirit animals, such as myself works. We do not reproduce sexually, or at all for that matter, but as I already explained we do sometime gift our abilities to those we protect. It is for that reason that my kind still have genitals, same as a normal animal would, though we are all male _. The process_ of gifting abilities itsel_ f_ is actually very similar to your werewolf turning ceremony."

"So if I understand you right, if I let you fuck me, I'll gain your abilities?" Damian asks.

"Yes,"Raulfar replies, "if I am correct this should also include the ability to speak aloud since I myself can do so naturally. I must warn you though, this will be far more then just a simple fucking. When one copulates with a spirit animal the characteristics of that being's genitals are temporarily absorbed by the spirit animal. Your member will diminish to nothing and mine will become much larger. Since we both have knots, I will end up having two. All of that means that my member will end up being entirely too big for your body to handle. In order for this to work though, you'll have to take all of it, my seed must reach every part of your body. I promise that you will not feel any pain from this and any internal damage will immediately reverse after I pull out. During the act you will also feel an irresistible need to be filled, you will not be fully in your right mind. You will want my dick all the way inside you more then anything else in this world or any other. I understand that this is probably off putting to you. I will not be insulted if you take a long time to consider or just straight up say no. The choice is fully yours."

Damian is sure he want this power and being able to talk out loud again is essential, yet he finds himself hesitating. The last time he had sex did not go well to say the least. He doesn't actually think Raulfar could or would eat him like the snake had of course, but all the same the hesitancy is there. He also isn't sure he is up for sex as violent as what Raulfar is describing. Despite the black wolf's assurances that it wouldn't hurt, it sure sounded as if it would.

On the other hand after taking a moment to consider it, he definitely does at least find Raulfar to be physically attractive. Prior to becoming a werewolf, Damian would have never been sexually attracted to any sort of canine. Afterwards though, that was another story. From the moment the alpha of his werewolf pack had emptied his immense balls into Damian, the former human had viewed the canine form in a new lust filled light.

He still had not wanted to have sex with the feral wolves he had been living with, but letting Raulfar fuck him is a whole different matter. The jet black spirit wolf isn't glowing nearly as brightly as he had yesterday. Allowing Damian to full take in and appreciate the perfectly proportioned quadruped standing in front of him. His sleek black fur falls wonderfully over his well defined muscle structure, From his beautifully formed snout, eyes, and pointed ears, to his powerful looking hind quarters and long fluffy tail. His forelegs are particularly muscular. Damian can vividly imagine having those legs locked around his hips while his tail hole is being relentlessly plowed by the larger male. Just imagining this sends a visible shudder of pleasure through Damian's entire white furred body.

"Shall I take your continued staring as a yes?" Asks Raulfar, with an audible chuckle. Clearly seeing Damian's positive reaction to his body, Raulfar moves to stand in from of Damian He puts his muscular forelegs up on a boulder and angles his body to put his large, furry, jet black package on full display for the small male to see, a red cock tip is already poking out.

Damian has seen enough. Without saying another word, he goes down under the somewhat larger wolf and takes the waiting flesh into his maw. He wraps his tongue around the tip and is instantly rewarded with a heft spurt of pre cum. He is surprised to find that Raulfar's pre doesn't taste like he has had before. It is less salty and more sweet, almost like a nectar. Eager to coax more out, he uses his tongue to press the rapidly enlarging member up against the roof of his maw. Applying pressure across the entirety of what has been exposed from Raulfar's mighty sheath so far. He is rewarded with a larger jet of pre, savoring the taste before greedily swallowing it down. Having grown too big to fit in his muzzle alone, the invading member finds the entrance to Damian's throat.

Feeling the warmth of the white wolf's throat around his cock, Raulfar suddenly takes the initiative. He rears up and grasps Damian's white furred neck with his strong forelegs, mounting Damian's head. The jet black wolf then starts thrusting, forcing the white wolf's jaws all the way open wedging them up against his black underbelly as he roughly fucks the submissive's throat. Before too long Raulfar has the rest of his 13 inch wolfhood, sans the knot, fully unsheathed, erect, and well lubricated. Pulling his canine flesh from Damian's throat, Raulfar dismounts him and then gestures to the smaller canine with a paw. Damian obediently turns away from the dominant male and raises his tail, presenting himself.

This is what Raulfar lives for. He of course has no drive to reproduce. All spirit animals are male, his seed can not impregnate any female of any species. His urges such as they are instead come from the desire to spread his abilities through his seed to as many worthy recipients as he can. Male or female, he does not care. He will spill his seed into anyone he believes has earned it. Damian is special though in Raulfar's mind. All wolves are Fenrir's children, but of course almost all are born in the natural manner, to two parents. Damian is a reincarnation though, his current body was created directly be Fenrir himself. The thought of emptying his balls into someone with such a body and passing on his abilities to them is driving the spirit wolf into a frenzy. Damian is going to be remembering this pairing for a good long while.

As excited as he is, Raulfar knows he must be patient, there is a process to these things. He doesn't simply mount the white wolf before him. He instead walks up to Damian's rear flank and lowers his maw all the way down to the smaller wolf's already partly erect cock. He takes it into his muzzle, instantly resulting in a burst of pre and a growling moan from the submissive wolf. Raulfar suckles on Damian's cock, greedily eating up all of the plentiful pre cum that is spurting from the white wolf's red spire. He does this until all 8 inches of feral form werewolf cock are standing at full attention. Then, gently, he takes his teeth and pulls Damian's sheath back the rest of the way, exposing his knot.

Now Raulfar moves to stand behind the white wolf's raised tail, he sniffs at Damian's hefty balls. He then takes each of the furry orbs into his muzzle in turn. Rolling them around in his mouth and probing them with his tongue.

Damian simply whines and growls under the attention, a few more jets of pre shoot from his cock and splatter onto the ground.

Seemingly done with the feral wolf's balls, Raulfar moves his tongue to where the main event will take place. His tongue greedily dives into Damian's exposed tail hole. He eagerly eats the smaller male out, his tongue penetrating quite far into the feral wolf's bowels. Raulfar also regurgitates some of the pre he had swallowed earlier, using the white wolf's own fluids to prepare his ass for the unprecedented pounding it is about to receive.

Damian is already in sensory overload, but he is feeling empty, he can't take it anymore. He needs to be filled, "Please just fuck me already, breed me like a bitch in heat!" He cries out in his mind.

the invading tongue is removed from his tail hole.

"I have no desire to breed you "like a bitch in heat," I am going to be splitting your insides open and spreading my seed throughout your entire body. I am going to be leaving a part of myself within you, it will be with you for the rest of your life."

"I don't care what you call it, do what you want, split me open, please just fuck me," Damian cries out.

"As you wish," Raulfar replies calmly.

Damian feels an immense weight crash onto his back as Raulfar mounts him. Strong, muscular, black furred legs lock around his hips. He feels Raulfar shuffle forward, getting into position. Finally, Damian lets out a sigh of relief as his anus is finally penetrated by a spear made of red flesh.

Raulfar lets out a content growl as he penetrates the smaller wolf below him. He shoves his cock in as far as it will go before pulling it back out and then roughly ramming it back in. This was never going to be a gentle pairing. At least with both his member and the hole he is fucking being well lubricated things are moving along. The black furred spirit beast is quickly able to build up a rapid pace. He pounds the tail hole of the feral wolf below him relentlessly, his desire to spread his seed building higher and higher even though this is still just the start.

Damian, desperate to be filled, pushes back into each and every one of Raulfar's rapid thrusts. Just barely managing to keep up, his feral wolf anus already being stretched to its very limit. He begins to feel an odd sensation coming from his own cock though. It almost felt like it was going flaccid. Looking down and back between his front legs, he can see that it is still very much fully erect. It isn't going flaccid, it along with his entire package is getting smaller with every thrust of Raulfar's hips. Part of Damian's mind says that this should bother him, but after awhile he decides that it does not. It was expected and at this point he just wants to be filled, nothing else matters to him anymore.

Raulfar's pace redoubles as he absorbs Damian's cock and balls into his own. His knot emerges from his sheath and he begins to relentlessly pound it against Damian's already overstretched entrance. His over sized ball sack, now covered with both black and white fur, swings rhythmically with every powerful thrust, swinging all the way up in-between Damian's legs and hitting where the white wolf's own ball sack use to be.

Damian is trying just as hard as Raulfar to get the knot inside his anus, grinding back as hard he can into the large black wolf's thrusts, finally with a wet pop, it goes in.

Raulfar roars out in satisfaction as his first knot enters the feral werewolf's tail hole, though that of course is no long where his cock ends. Another 8 inches of wolf flesh with a second knot at the end have emerged from his sheath. He plows his now, 21 inch double knotted member further and further into the now cock-less and ball-less submissive below him.

Damian, by this point is a wreck. The feral wolf feels like he is being split apart, and really that isn't far from the truth. He doesn't notice the absence of his cock and balls anymore. All sensation from those lost organs is gone. All he can feel now is the massive piece of canine meat that is currently ripping his insides asunder. He can feel the tip of the member as it breaks through barrier after barrier within his body. The one knot already within him stretches his bowels well past their limits as it is roughly pushed further and further into his ravaged body.

Even with all that, Damian does not feel any pain, there isn't even any blood. He is only receiving pleasure from this experience. The pleasure only being overshadowed by his seemingly ever present desire to be filled at any cost. "Please Raulfar, I need more, fuck me, break me, I want it all," he calls out desperately.

Raulfar doesn't bother responding and rolls his glowing eyes. He is already plowing his 21 inch cock through the relatively small feral wolf's insides as hard and as fast as he can. His very nature as a spirit animal allows him to break Damian's insides apart painlessly and without doing permanent damage, but it still takes time to do so. He can't simply force himself all the way in.

Damian squirms and clenches around Raulfar's cock, contorting his body to try and force it yet deeper inside him. He is pants and whines as the massive member within him pushes organ after troublesome organ out of the way. They don't matter, he doesn't need them anyway, all he needs is Raulfar's cock to fill him, it is all that matters.

Raulfar penetrates deeper and deeper with every thrust. Before too long he does finally manage to bottom out, his cock tip breaking through a final barrier and into Damian's stomach. The first knot lodges in the passage just outside the white wolf's stomach as his second knot finally reaches its destination. Damian's tail hole is so abused by this point that Raulfar's second knot enters without much resistance and with a wet slorp. The jet black spirit wolf finally hilts his entire extended member within the smaller canine. His over sized balls are wedged in-between his crotch and Damian's rear. Both knots quickly being to swell, Raulfar raises his head to the sky. His howls of satisfaction echo across the forest below them as he begins to pump his body altering seed into Damian.

Damian cries out in ecstasy as his greatest desire is finally fulfilled. He barely notices Raulfar's earth shaking howl as his battered insides are filled with cum. His stomach is soon filled to bursting with the liquid, then suddenly something within him gives way. A high pressure fountain of cum rushes up Damian's throat and erupts from his panting muzzle. He quickly snaps his jaws shut, desperate to stem the flow and keep all of Raulfar's delectable seed within him.

Raulfar chuckles as he watches the white furred wolf below him struggling to keep all of the seed within his body. He is not entirely successful and some of it even leaks out from Damian's nose. Everyone he fucks is always the same way after he is done with them. A nearly broken mess that is hungry for more of his seed. Some even ask for more, to have their insides fucked asunder all over again. What those people don't realize is that he no longer has any desire to "mate" with them. He has already fulfilled his purpose, he has passed on his abilities. However, even lacking that sort of sexual passion, he has to admit that fucking Damian had been as special as he thought it would be. The werewolf that is stuck as a feral wolf possesses a certain quality a certain spark that seems to be always drawing the spirit wolf's attention in. "Maybe this is what Fenrir sees in him," Raulfar thinks to himself. Both knots still fully engorged, Raulfar dismounts Damian so that he is standing ass to ass with the white wolf, his orgasm such as it is, is far from over.

The next 20 minutes are a blissful blur for Damian as the jet black wolf continues to pump him full of a seemingly endless amount of seed. The monstrous cock within him along with the two knots throb in time with the black wolf's heart. He can feel its steady beat throughout his entire body. With each throb another spurt of cum paints Damian's ravaged insides, causing the white wolf's body to shudder in pleasure. Despite the continued flow of cum Damian is feeling less and less bloated, his body seems to be beginning to absorb the cum. His whole body begins to grow, it does not take long and he doesn't grow much, but he is now the same size as Raulfar. Around 7 feet from nose to tail.

Raulfar can feel the expected changes happening to Damian's body as it jerks and twitches around the massive piece of wolf meat he still has lodged deep in the white wolf's rear. Once he is sure the changes are complete and his purpose is truly fulfilled, Raulfar begins to pull his cock from Damian's abused passage. The second knot is the first to pop free, causing a rush of trapped fluids to escape. He then pulls his entire cock all the way back through Damian's body. The first knot drives all excess fluid before it as it makes its exit, causing a waterfall of sexual fluids to flow down Damian's ass and onto the ground. By the time the retreating knot finds its way back to Damian's tail hole, the second borrowed knot and the extra 8 inches of length have left Raulfar's cock and have been re-absorbed by their rightful owner. His balls too shrink back down to their normal size, all traces of white fur gone from their jet black exterior. Raulfar is left with just his own knot and 13 inches and with a final tug and a wet pop, that too is pulled from Damian's abused tail hole.

As the amalgamated cock begins to withdraw from his body, Damian is met with the strangest sensation he has ever felt. A rapidtingling throughout his whole body as all of his punctured and ruptured organs knit themselves back together in the wake of the retreating member. At the same time his own lostmember and his balls return to his body, larger then they had before. He grunts one last time as Raulfar's member is at last tugged free. His now somewhat larger body is otherwise back to normal. Strangely though he doesn't feel empty without Raulfar'scock in him. He is no longer a needy mess, he feels fulfilled. He feels ready for whatever may come next.

To be continued.............