Please Don’t Die Bunny - Part 2 - Flat line

Story by DarkSerpent on SoFurry

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#7 of Bunny Series, Season 1

Please Don't Die Bunny - Part 2 - Flat Line

By: DarkSerpent

Warning: This story is very sad.


My brakes came to a screeching halt. I stopped in a free spot and charged form my car. I ran; as fast as my hooves would take me. My heart pounded as I forced open the hospital door. "Where the emergency room!" I stopped at a desk breathing hard. "Um...sir your in the wrong side of the hospital," She told me and I growled. "Damnit just tell me where it is!" I growled and she jumped. "Um you go down the hall; take the first left then the second right; go down that hallway then you'll see the sign it'll take you the rest of the way," she stammered out I charged down the hall.

My hooves screeched on the hard tile floor as I slid to a halt. Each hallway just seemed longer. My nightmare was never ending. I felt like at each turn the hallways just got longer and longer. I ducked down the first right. My eyes glanced up seeing a big red sign. "Emergency à " Was all I needed to duck down the hall. I could see the big red doors at the end of the hall. It was a long run almost never ending. Soon I could hear the beeping sound of the heart monitors.

Those infernal deeps. Each one was the sign between life or death. Life or death of Adam. I burst through the doors seeing the people running from one side to another. I slowed looking into each room. The first room was Samantha. Stitches being put in her arm. Next was nick he was pretty badly banged up. Just small cuts and big bruises. A deep gash dug deep into his leg.

The next was empty. My heart sank hard hitting the floor. Was I to late? Did I take to long? Would I ever see...Please no. I kept going and saw the intensive care unit. "DREW!" I heard Adams mother yell and run up to me in her scrubs. Tears flowing form her eyes. "Where's Adam?" I asked and she pointed to a room her face buried in her hands.

I hurried to the room and saw something I hoped I would never see. Adam laid silent in his bed. A bandage around his head. His whole arm wrapped in a cast. His chest and legs having red spots along their bandages. I moved in and he opened his eyes a little. "Hi...Drewy," He muttered out only able one eye lightly open. "Hi Bunny," I lightly toke his hand. "How ya feelin," I started to cry. " as...I look," He smiles weakly and I got onto one knee and kissed his hand.

"Then you must feel great," I held his hand and he laughed weekly. "I'm sorry," He closed his eye tightly. I got worried and he relaxed. "Don't worry," He muttered. "Guess what baby; I told my parents; they didn't freak out," I tried to hold back my tears. He smiled and he raised his hand to my cheek.

He just stared at each other for a long time. I looked at his hand and he kissed my hand. His hand went rigid and his pace started to pound. The beeps sped up and he started to gasp. "Whats happening?" I grabbed his arm and the doctors rushed in. I was forced out and the beeps suddenly came to a long solid tone. "He's in shock!" They yelled pulled up the paddles and put them to his chest. With a loud thud he chest jumped. I force my way in pushing people apart.

He wasn't moving or breathing; He was silent. I feel to my knees his hand unmoving. Time seemed to stop as I toke his hand. My eyes watered and I don't know what possessed me to feel my pocket. Maybe it was the same force that made me open my pack the first day I met Adam. But I did and I felt the ring outlined by the cloth. I slowly reached into my pocket and pulled it up and out of my pocket. I stared at it for only a second before sliding it back onto his finger where it belonged.



"You can't die; you promised; you promised you be mine can't lie to me,"



"Please...please say it...Please,"












"Drew..." A soft whisper coursed from his lips and his chest lifted softly. I felt his hand close and grip my fingers.


Adam didn't really awake. Well not until the next morning. He opened his eyes and looked around. His bed was angled so he was sitting up a little. His mother was sleeping in the chair next to him. He moved his hand and hit a blunt point. He turned his head and smiled. He slowly ran his hands up along my horn till he touched my head. He sighed seeing the pink topaz glimmering on his finger.

I had fallen asleep with my head on his bed. I rubbed my fur softly looking down at me. "I didn't lie baby; I'm yours," He softly rubbed my head and I grumbled. I lifted up slowly and he giggled. "Hi Drewy," My ears perked and I look over. "Adam..."I move closer and he touches my face softly. I put my hand on his and nuzzled into it softly. "So this summer?" He said softly. "You can come over anytime you want," I leaned down kissing him. He kissed me back and he winced a little feeling his arm. I kiss the cast and he smiles. "I got lots of places that need to get kisses Drewy," He giggled and I kissed the bandage on his head.

His mother awoke a few moments later and hugged her son. She looked down and saw our hands clasped together. "Well; I gonna head home and clean myself up; Drew will you be here?" I nodded and she kissed Adams cheek. She steps out and shuts the door behind her. He clicked on the TV and turned it to cartoons. Adam wouldn't let go of my hand the entire time I sat next to him. That is until his belly growled. "Drewy!" He sang and gave me puppy dog eyes. "Let me guess; you want me to go check and see what you can drink and eat right?" I smirked and he nodded. I stood up gave him one last kiss and stepped out.

Unbeknownst to me as I went to get him something to eat my parents stopped by. My father pushed open the door and my parents walked in. "Drew? You can't be back so..." He stopped seeing my mother step around the corner. My dad stepped around after him. "Oh um..." He pulled the covers up embarrassed. "No don't be so frightened; Drew told us," My mother said and sat next to him. "oh, yeah he said something about that," Adam smiled and my dad just kinda stood there. "Mr. mills I...He...I know we lied to you but...Please I love him," He pleaded and my dad just sighed. "I know...I can't say I'm used to the idea...but the way he charged out the door last night; you must be something special to him," He smiled and Adam blushed looking down.

While they talked the nurses got me a tray of thing he can eat and told me he could only drink water for now. I nodded and when I headed back I saw my mom and dad walking out of the room. "Oh hey; what are you two doing here?" I asked. "We came to check on you and see how Adam is doing," My mother said and my dad handed me a change of cloths and my laptop pack. "You can at least keep studying while you're here," He smirked and they both walked out. I smiled knowing that it didn't matter what Adam was. I opened the door and walked in seeing Adam trying to stand up. I set everything on the desk and help him.

"What are you doing?" I asked and he blushed. "I gotta pee; and I'm not using a bed pan," I kissed his cheek and grabbed his IV stand. Slowly I walked him around the edge of the bed and helped into the bathroom. I toke a step towards the door and I heard him groan irritated. I looked back seeing him trying to push down his boxers with one hand unable to bed over really far, "Let me help," I came up and slid his boxers down. I stepped out and waited. "Drewy more help," He said and I came back in. I grabbed his boxers slowly lifting them up for him.

"I feel so helpless," He grumbled and I stood up and hugged him gently. "That's why I'm here bunny butt," I kissed his neck. "You've never called me that before; I like it," He giggled and I helped him back to bed. He laid back down slowly and I pulled his cover back up over him. I opened the tray I brought and he squealed at the big bowl of orange sherbet ice cream. I also opened the water bottle they gave me and handed it to him. He toke a drink and I toke a big spoonful of ice cream feeding it to him.

"Well now glad to see your awake," A weasel stepped up and sat next to him. He checked his pulse and stats. "Alright now; last night your car was hit by a truck; you were thrown from the car; It's a miracle your still alive; but we only had to stitch up your leg and you had a pretty bad bump on your head; your arm was broken in two places; your chest had a few bad cuts we had to stitch...and a piece of metal had lodged next to your spine," he explained and Adam swallowed the new spoonful of ice cream. "Is that why he went into shock last night and well...flat lined," I asked and he nodded. "What saved me?" Adam asked curiously. "Well it was a miracle actually; the piece of metal in your back was six inches long and we couldn't remove it at first; When you started talking you moved; it pushed it closer to your spine and you went into shock;" He looked at me. "When he put his hand on your arm he pulled you back into place and the piece returned to its first position and your brain could start sending your heart the order to beat again; basically he saved your life," He smiled and Adam looked at me.

The gorilla adjusted his medicine and told him he should be able to leave in a few days. When he left Adam looked at me with bright eyes. "What baby? Your looking at me like an owl?" I smiled and got a new spoonful of ice cream. "You saved my life; I'm indebted to you," He toke a small bit of ice cream onto his finger. He tapped it on my nose softly and I moved my nose huffing. He pushed himself up and leaned in licking it off slowly.

I smiled and leaned in and kissed him gently. My hands slowly coming to rest on his thigh. "hm...I have an idea," I said and he blushed. "You get out of your boxers and that hospital gown," I said going to the bathroom slowly. When I returned he had gotten undressed and I had gotten two towel and bowl of warm water. I moved him so he sat on the edge of the bed. "You gonna give me a bath daddy bull?" He asked and I nodded.

I dipped a towel into the water and rung it out. Slowly I put it against his foot and slowly washed up his legs. He groaned softly and I dried off his legs. I toke the towel up to his arms; I got all I could of the one in the cast. The other he held out of me and I wiped off the little bit of dried mud that was still on him. I wiped off his face and he nuzzled into the hand I placed on hit check for support.

I made sure to get his long ears and noticed he was missing an earring. I decided not to mention it to him. Once his face was nice and clean I dried it off and I kissed him gently. I moved behind him and did his back where ever there were no bandages. "Stand up bunny butt," I kissed his shoulder. He stood and leaned forward his hands on my chair. I ran the rag down along her pert butt. I pat it and smiled seeing its completely untouched. I ran the rag between his cheeks cleaning all of him. I could feel him gasping and his heart monitor started to beep faster and faster as his heart sped up.

I moved the wet rag between his legs and I washed over his little cotton balls. I slid my tongue between his ass and circled his pucker softly. Gently I moved my hands up feeling the tip of his tiny pink prick. I pushed my finger into his sheath and pulled slightly his whole three inches sliding out. My free hand grabbed his little prick and slowly paws him off. He gasps and I lick his tiny pucker making him shutter. He moans and groans and I feel his toes curl pushing his butt up a little. My hand flies faster and faster on him until he gasps and shots onto the floor.

I smile and kiss his ass gently. His heart monitor beating fast and I rub his back to calm him so the nurses don't charge in. He sits back on my lap and I carefully hold him. "I love you Daddy; He smiles and kisses me softly. "I love you to bunny butt," I pat his backside. He leaned back against me my arms around him. "You know I've been putting my money away for a little while," I kissed his back. "And when your all healed up I wanna go on a vacation with you," He got excited and looked at me. "Really?!" He smiled and kissed me. "Of course; I've got a thousand put away so we can go anywhere you want; as long as that will get us there," I nuzzled his back. "How about near the coast...I've always wanted to make love in the ocean," He whispered in my ear.

I smiled and kissed him gently. Nodding I held him in my arms. I love this boy more than anything else. If I had lost him last night I don't think I could have gone on. But I have no intention of letting him get away now. And I think he felt same about me. Oh for those who are wondering when Me and Adam went back to school. We both got all A's and B's in on our exams. I guess all that studying that kept us apart paid off.

The End