Daily Catch - Teaser

Story by rozulolz on SoFurry

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#1 of Daily Catch

Hey! If you like my stories you can see a lot of them turned into comics in my www.patreon.com/rozuscripts, Now working with 4 artists at the same time to deliver my stories as comics!

Also only for the real fans I'll publish my full stories in the same Patreon.

All funds will be used to commission even more comics!


The sun is bright with intensity at White Beach, and white sands form with almost no waves where swimmers gather to enjoy the summer.

In a place far away from people, under a tree, there's Leo Curtis (18), a white and brown, young cat. He wears a t-shirt, shorts, and a straw hat. He has a fishing rod and a bucket, and he is preparing his fishing hook and throws it with all his strength into the deep ocean. After that he sits on the ground, leaning on a rock that resembles a chair. From the bucket he takes a beer, he leaves his fishing rod supported between two rocks and observes the ocean. He's at peace.


Several hours have gone by, and the bucket that previously held only beers now has the many diverse fish. And just alongside Leo there are empty bottles. Leo is a little drunk now.

Leo stands up, he puts the garbage in a bag and suddenly the fishing rog starts moving with strength, jingling the bells it had attached. Leo is surprised, and takes it, immediately he is shocked by the strength of what he has caught.

After struggling with what he had caught, he manages to get it closer.

He then falls to his back when he sees a big, gray hand that's holding the fish hook. As this unknown being comes out of the water, Leo tries to crawl backwards.

The creature comes out of the water, it's a shark. Leo is afraid, however, he then gets confused when the shark shows him the fish hook, which is embedded into his hand.

Leo stands up, scared, and pulls the fish hook out of the shark's hand, and leaves a band-aid in its place.


A-are you ok?

The shark looks at Leo, confused.


You don't speak english, do you?

The shark speaks in a language Leo doesn't understand.


I see.

Then Leo starts looking at the shark's penises. Which are fully erect and aiming towards him. He is surprised, and blushes.

The shark is staring at Leo's eyes while he licks his lips.

Leo tries to escape, thinking the shark wants to devour him, but the shark grabs him with ease.


No! Don't eat me please!

The shark grabs Leo's head and leans him toward his dicks. Leo reacts with surprise.


What?, you don't want to eat me?

The shark pushes Leo's head into his penises in a comic manner, Leo's head is being crushed between the shark's hand and his genitals.



The shark stops pushing Leo towards him, and now he's facing the shark's penises. He starts little by little, a little ashamed, to suck one of his dicks and masturbate another. While one of the shark's penises slides into Leo's mouth, the shark shows of his teeth and plays with his tongue.

Suddenly the shark pushes Leo's head towards him, who swallows all the shark's length. In this position the shark cums inside Leo's throat, who swallows a portion of the cum, but a big part flows out of his mouth and before he could recover, the shark aims his other dick to Leo's face and cums, which leaves Leo's hair aiming backwards and his face full of cum.

Leo is mad now, and squints.


Look how you left me!

The shark is now sad and with regret.


What I'm supposed to tell my mother?

The shark babbles.


Sure, since you're clean.

The shark shrugs.

Leo is pissed in a cute manner, inflating one cheek.


I'll better clean myself a little.

Leo takes out his clothes, the shark stares surprised Leo's body, which is thin, with very big hips and a tight ass.

Leo jumps to the water and cleans his face.


At least give me a heads up next time, I got cum in my eyes, you don't know how that burns.

The shark is sitting in the ground observing Leo, who after a few minutes gets on the ground again, staying just in front of the shark.


Now I'm wet, you see?

The shark seems to be looking nowhere



He says that as he shows his arm, which is dripping water. The shark shows him his muscles, and Leo blushes.


What I'm going to do with you?

A butterfly flies over the shark and lays on his nose. The shark sees the butterfly and in one quick movement he eats it.

Leo reacts with fear.


My oh my, you'd really create some chaos in the city if you wanted.

He then starts thinking. A thinking cloud appears just by his side. The two cocks of the shark appear, a plus sign and a male sign representing him. After the equals sign the male sign is filled by the two shark cocks. The male sign appears to be completely filled, as it reached its maximum extension.

Leo thinks this is good for him, he blushes and gets near to the shark to talk to him.


I know, take this. You'll follow all my instructions, Ok?

The shark looks at him without understanding a word. He stands, and Leo uses his shirt to cover his cocks.


Come here, help me with this.

Leo gives him the bucket filled with fish to the shark, who takes it instinctively, and stares at its contents.


From the first corner of the house, appears Leo, who makes sure there's noone nearby so he runs to hide in a tree. He then gives the shark a signal, who walks carelesly, while grabbing one fish out of the bucket, he throws it to the air and eats it.


Hey! I told you to be stealthy!

Leo hears someone's coming.


Someone's coming! quickly, hide!

The shark stays still and sticks his back to the stone wall, which has shark drawings on it. Two people pass through talking, without noticing the shark's there.

Leo is relieved, then he runs towards the shark and drags him inside his house.


Leo's house is dark, except for the kitchen. Leo looks at the shark.



They both walk a little bit, and the shark hits a lamp with his head.

Immediately Opal (45), Leo's mother, a tricolor white cream and brown cat, realizes Leo is home.


(From the kitchen)

Leo, is that you?

Leo is mad at the shark, while he yells to answer his mother.


Y-yeah mom I'm home!


Leave the daily catch here in the kitchen please!

Leo grabs the bucket that the shark had and looks inside. There's one fish left.



Really?! You ruined the entire daily catch!

The shark is playing with the lamp he hit.

Leo facepalms.


Come here.


The kitchen is a wide room, Opal is cutting fishes with her back pointing to the door. Leo appears through the door, and leaves the bucket alonside the kitchen entrance. Just behind him, the shark passes through slowly, and just when the shark is out of the scene Opal turns around.


I hope you brought plenty of fishes, as you promised.



Opal stares at Leo angrily.


And you didn't eat them

Leo puts his hand on the back of his head.


He-he, well I should go

Leo leaves and his mom shrugs.


Leo pushes the shark through the stairs with both hands in the shark's butt, who climbs the stair slowly.


Come on! You... big... fish!