The Wolf Clans Chapter 2 Hidden Powers

Story by darkcanine on SoFurry

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For chapter two I had a story line written out that I was going to follow and it would make my job as an author easy. Funny thing is I didn't even look at it the easiest way to do is right out of your head onto the computer. If you read the story could you please take the time to comment at the end because all comments are appreciated. I have to give my apologies to everyone who was waiting for this chapter and I can promise I will never take this long again. I would to thank the people who put me on their watch list so this story is pretty much for you guys. Thanks for keeping a watch on me.

We left off with Kass and Amora walking in the forest below the castle. Since none of them had never set foot outside the palace they were unfamiliar with the surrounding area. They knew that they have been outside of the palace for about a week now because the sun was starting to set. Yet they had this feeling of concern. It wasn't hunger or dehydration they were worried about because they knew that they could go for a month without food or water.

What they were worried about was the king's rage. He was a kind and gentle king. That was when he was in good mood but if you pissed him off he will kill you first and think about second. They knew if the king figured out they left the palace it would mean instant death for Kass and if Amora got off lucky she would be sentenced life in prison. The sun is setting fast and Kass is the first to speak.

"Amora don't you think we should try to find our way back now. I love the idea of an adventure but this has gone far enough. We didn't even bring any supplies along so lets head back now."

"Kass if you know the way by all means lead the way because I have no idea where the hell we are!" After that outburst she could see the hurt in Kass's eyes. Amora did not want to hurt her feelings its just that she was so frustrated she wasn't thinking anymore. "Listen I'm sorry I didn't mean to yell at you its just that this damn forest looks the same in every direction. I will say it we are lost and I have no idea how far we have traveled. All I know is that we are still in our kingdom because we have not crossed the Sanctanum. Which is the river that runs all the way north and south separating us from the white kingdom."

"Well it looks like were fucked then but if we never find our way back at least I can be glad about one thing." said Kass

"Tell me what is this one thing that you can be glad about. Please tell me because we may never find our way out of this God forsaken forest and yet you have this one thing that keeps your spirit up. Go on tell me what it is." she asked showing no attempt to hide her rage.

"I will tell you the one thing that I have to keep my spirit up is that I'm lost with you. I know we may not be in the palace right now but at least we have each other and I can sense the reason your pissed off is the knowing fact of your farther finding out. For if he finds out he will kill me and imprison you for life if your lucky."

" If he does find out I will beg for the death penalty for I can not think of a life without you and thank you for opening my eyes to what my rage was clouding. It was clouding the fact that I could not live without you." Amora said her rage gone in an instant. She wrapped her into a hug and gave her a compassionate kiss on the lips. Kass returned her compassion by slipping her hand through Amora's cloak and started rubbing her right breast. She could feel the nipple starting to rise and get rough so she moved her hand to the left one. Where she applied the same motion until she had the same result as the right side. Just as Amora started getting into it Kass pulled out her hand and broke the kiss leaving a trail of saliva between them that fell ever so gracefully down slopes of their breast.

She then stared into Amora's eyes and said "Well if we are going to spend another evening out here then we better find a place to bed down for the upcoming week of darkness." Amora just nodded her head and with hands locked together they walked off. Not knowing that their lives were about to change forever and the pair of red eyes that were watching them from the shadows.

Meanwhile back at the palace the king was wondering if he had been too harsh on his daughter. He was so deep in the thought that he didn't even hear what Tyler said.


"I'm sorry Tyler I just have a lot on my mind at the moment. What were you saying?"

"I understand perfectly my lord. Now like I was saying we need to find a way to end this war. This war has been going on for almost six months now and if it goes on any longer we may have to draft. Do you understand what I'm saying sir that means that means the children of the clan will witness the war with their own eyes."

"Listen Tyler I know the danger of this war continuing but the day has been so long and the planet is about to go into week hibernation. We need to sleep this upcoming week for if we don't their will be know one left to fight for us. I know you will agree because if do not get this one week of sleep we will all pass on and into the after life. You know the rules of our species better then anyone and the one major rule is that we need to regenerate our life supply by resting. For when the week is up the planet will not go into hibernation until the end of the next month. I wish nothing more then to sound the bell and then return to my chambers. I suggest you do the same and we will continue this conversation a week from now for the whole planet lives by that one rule."

" Yes my lord it seems that the war has caught up with me and I forgot the one rule. I will return to my chambers as well and I will see you in a week from now. Pleasant dreams my king."

"The same to you Tyler" and with that said Marcus shut the door and started walking down the hall to his chamber. As he was walking down the hall he passed Amora's room and he thought about knocking but he was so tired that he couldn't even process the thought of lifting his hand. So he just shook his head and continued the zombie like walk down to his chamber.

"Amora are you getting the feeling that we are being watched?" Kass asked stopping with a worried look on her face.

"Yes Kass I feel the same thing." Her eyes scanning the surrounding area looking for the source of this uncomfortable feeling. Then her eyes saw something that wasn't part of the forest. They were another set of eyes but they weren't yellow like hers instead they were like a bright red color. As soon as she saw them she let out a warning grow and took a menacing stance much like the one her farther uses when he gets upset. Kass hearing the growl turned around and quickly took up the same stance as her.

The stranger quickly came out of his hiding place. As he came forward Amora gave him a quick look over and noticed he wore nothing except for a skimpy loin cloth with a hole in the back that allowed his tail to poke through. "Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Keith" saying this he extended his paw expecting to get handshake in return. They didn't even break eye contact. It was clear to Keith that their friendship would not be easily won over. "Okay I guess you guys don't like shaking hands. If I have your permission I would like to tell you about myself and also take a shot at guessing who you fine young ladies are."

"You have it." Amora growled

"Well then I will start by saying I am your common black panther. I have lived in the forest my whole life. Now I will guess you guys are. I will start with the princess Amora. I know who you are I can tell by way you walk that you come from royalty. Now your friend is most likely your palace servant I can tell by the way she follows you around. I also just happen know that you guys have no idea where you are." He generously offered his hand again hoping he broke the ice.

Amora taking his hand said " Well you already know you I am and let me introduce my friend Kass. Now I have a question I would like to ask you. Since I have never been outside the palace maybe you can tell us what has been happing out here since the war started?"

"It would be an honor to tell you everything that has been going on out here. It all started about five months ago when the ruler of the white kingdom's wife went missing. Zack figured out that his wife had left through a secret tunnel. He sent out his best tracker to hunt her down and bring her back. When the tracker came back empty handed Zack was furious and demanded an explanation or he would rot in the dungeon forever. The explanation the tracker gave was like the king taking a knife to the back.

He said "I tracked her all the way to the black palace and she was welcomed at the gates by Marcus himself."

The king was furious that his loyal wife that he vowed his love to betrayed him like he was nothing. He swore he would stop at nothing to get her back and he has been at war with the black clan ever since. Now the forest is pretty much divided up as a result to this war. The white clan has the loyalty of the vampires, and the griffins. The black clan has the loyalty of the werewolves, and the centaurs. The rest of us are allies with the red clan who has chosen to take no action in this war. Now there was a piece of news floating around the forest that she had died giving birth to a girl who would be about the age of eighteen years.

"I never knew that my mother died giving birth to me." Amora said with tears forming in her eyes. "All I know is that my farther said that her fur was white as snow."

"Wait that can't be. That means you where born only five months ago!" said Keith with a shocked look on his face.

"There is something about are species that you don't know about Keith. We only take a week before we are ready to be born. That explains why we can reproduce so quickly. Once we are born we age almost by the day until the age of eighteen. Then we pretty much stop and take on a werewolf's aging gene. So you are saying that my mother was the queen of the White kingdom?"

"Yes but there is no way that Zack would see you as his flesh and blood. In his eyes you are the daughter of a traitor and he would kill you on sight. Listen do you hear that?"

"I don't hear anything."

"How about you Kass do you hear anything."

"No I don't hear nothing." she whispered.

" Well I do and it sounds like the beating wings of griffins and the whispering wind of the vampires. It has to be a patrol because I can only hear two griffins and three running vampires. It won't be long before they catch up to us I now recommend you two follow me to my place."

With that said Keith got on all fours and looked back to see the girls staring at him. "What you never seen a creature run on four legs?"

"No we haven't in the palace everyone walks and runs on two." stated Amora with a puzzled look upon her face.

"Well have you ever tried it." he said standing back up.


"Well then let me give you the quick tutorial since were still in a state of danger. First clear your mind and just think about the muscles you are using. I want you to get down on all fours now but first you will have to take off your cloaks and give them to me."

"What absolutely not!" said Amora and she looked over to see Kass who already had her cloak off and folded. Then she started lowering herself to the forest floor. "What are you doing!" she cried.

"Look right now is not the time for modesty Amora we are this close to getting caught and if Keith needs us to take off our cloaks then so be it. I'm not going to get caught."

"Can't I just run with mine on?"

"No your front legs might be free but your back legs will get tangled up so often you won't be getting any place fast."

"Okay" she said with a look of defeat on her face. As she started lifting up her cloak she saw Keith staring intently at her. "Do you mind" she said with a agitated tone in her voice.

"Look I'm going to see you no matter what so lets get on with it because every second you waste is another second they close the gap."

Knowing what he said was true she instantly forgot about her modesty and quickly took off her cloak and folded it up.

"Now what?" she asked

"Give the cloaks to me"

As he took the cloaks he removed a backpack that was the same color as his fur. Which explains why Amora didn't see it before. With the cloaks safely stored and the pack back in place. He started circling them and taking in every detail from the round slopes of their breasts, to their beautiful vaginas, and their sweet puckered butt holes. He could feel his member starting to get hard real quick and he discharge a little bit of pre cum. Thank god I have this loin cloth on he thought but the girls did notice his new distinctive shape of his cloth.

"Enjoying yourself" said Kass with a smirk on her face.

Coughs " um yes lets see what was I talking about oh yes. All animals have a feral side in order to out run our friends you need to tap into it. Start by flexing all your muscles, feel the wind on your face, feel the earth underneath your paws and feel the energy. The key to tapping into quickly is to think of the angriest thought you ever had and then you should feel heat or adrenaline running through your veins. I suggest you hurry up with that thought ladies because they will be on us in five minutes and I would like get going."

Amora's thought was the memory of when her father kept her in the palace and she was under lock and key. As soon as the thought ended she could feel the energy that Keith was talking about.

"I feel it." she cried out

"Good Kass how about you?"

Kassandra's memory was the time when she was just a pup and she had the name that her farther had given her. He had named her Sam which was short for Samantha named after her mother. She remembered it being a beautiful day and yet she was playing in the cave. Then her farther was the first to arrive home from the hunt. She knew her brothers and mother where still out hunting for it was not unusual for her farther to finish first.

"Lets go take a walk in the woods" he said and being a pup she instantly obeyed to follow her farther. When they reached a secluded spot at the top of a cliff with a wonderful view he walked around to the back of her and took a long sniff under her tail.

"What are you doing farther?"

"I'm just amazed on how fast you are maturing and you look so much like your mother." as he said this Sam blushed slightly. When she raised her head she then noticed that her dad's paws where on each side of her.

"Dad what are you do....." but that was all she could say before her breath was stolen from her as his swollen member squeezed into her virgin folds. She could her him grunting and pushing with all his might trying to get every inch. The more he put into her the harder she cried. Tears were flowing down her face as he broke though the hymen and he kept pushing.

She was crying "" but he kept going with the only thought of lust in his head. Finally he came to the knot and with one big push that lifted all four of Sam's feet off the ground he forced his knot in and broke though her cervix and into her womb. As his cum painted her virgin walls and empty womb Sam felt a little pleasurable feeling in the mix of all this horror. With his knot swollen inside her he took a moment to catch his breath then he pulled hard regardless of the pain he was causing to himself and his daughter.

As his knot forcefully pulled out. Sam screamed in pain as the rest of his cock pulled out of her followed by a pouring of semen and blood. As she was crying her farther stayed behind her and readjusted himself and came forward again. This time his cock was lined up with her virgin ass. As she kept on crying her farther kept on pushing until he came to his knot. Then with another big push he forced his knot into her tiny but stretched ass and as she howled with pain his cock started painting her anal walls white. Then he threw himself backwards and with a popping sound out came his knot. After he fully got his cock out he glanced at his daughter who now was in a shock like stare. He could see that both of her holes had retained the opening his cock had made and still leaked his semen.

With both of her holes spent he came up next to her his cock still glistening with fluids. He picked her up by her neck hide and threw her over the edge of the cliff and when she landed she lost conscious. When she woke she was in a nice bed and not on the rock floor of the cave. She later found out that it was Marcus that found her when he was out patrolling his land. It was in the palace where she met Amora and they instantly became best friends for life.

When she got older she abandoned her old name that her bastard of a farther had given to her. For you see she had a new name in mind and it was Kassandra for it stood for the rebirth of a new soul that had emerged from the nightmare of the past. She realized that a new name could not hide the horrible fact that she could never become a mother. Not only did her farther ruin her to the point of beyond healing but her new perspective on life took it to the next level by swearing off the opposite sex forever. She could feel her blood rushing and her heart pumping faster then ever before.

"I'm ready"

"All right lets get moving then"

Keith got down on all fours ahead of the girls and took of running with them right on his tail. Just before they bounded through the bush Amora looked back and she could see the wings of a griffin. She turned her head back as they cleared the bush and ran through the forest. With her head straight forward she realized she could see Keith's furry scrotum his balls swaying slightly as he ran. Even though she knew it was wrong she still continued enjoying the view for the whole two hours that they ran. She was so into her wonderland that when Keith suddenly stopped she ran right into him and they went tumbling down to the ground. With Keith ending up on top of her he said " Sorry should have yelled out first before I stopped. The reason I stopped is that this is my home."

"I'm sorry I ran into you and thank you so much for your help. Is their anyway that we can thank you."

"Well I can think of something" he replied raising one eyebrow and giving a sly grin."