Snows Story

Story by Kisu Composer on SoFurry

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The sun rose slowly over the gently sloping hills, the light touching everything in its gentle warm caress. The light soon reached a massive tree, taking a few moments to reach its soaring topmost branches. Along its trunk a large mess of morning glories wound up, the petite blossoms opening in the early morning light, small beads of dew hanging from a few of them sparkling in the light. The morning glories vines parted around a two large opening in the tree. Inlaid in the ancient trees bark was a small door, ornately decorated. The other whole was inlaid with glass, paned into sections.

The sun streamed in, illuminating the inside of the tree, which had been hollowed out. Inside was a warm looking little home. A little fireplace had been built into one of the walls, cold and clean since the weather was warm, and no cooking had been done since the day before. The walls were lined with bookshelves and all manner of magical implements. The functions of some seemed simple, while others one could only guess at. A small lantern hang from the ceiling, a bright blue ball of flame glowing inside, although the light was diminished by the light streaming in through the window. It swayed gently from side to side on its chain, making a soft tinkling sound.

Despite the early hour, the tree houses sole occupant was far from sleep, sitting up

in his bed, night cap askew as he leafed through one of his favorite story books, bright blue eyes darting from one line of text to the next. As a single ray of sunlight touched the page of his of his book, he looked out the window with a start, wondering where the hours had gone. His long tattered ears twitched slightly as he closed the volume, giving a slight yawn and jumping out of his bed, landing nimbly on all fours, tossing the little night cap up on the bed. He made his way to the door and opened it, squinting his eyes against the bright light.

He walked out into the bright morning light, his creamy white fur glowing in the light. A gentle breeze blew across his soft fur, ruffling it gently. He opened his bright blue eyes wide, the light making them glow as he took in the sprawling hills before him, lifting his muzzle to the gentle breeze, his tattered ears swaying in the soft breeze.. He bounded out into the tall grass, rolling in it happily, murring to himself, then lay on his back, watching the clouds gently.

He was a very quiet sort, only speaking when absolutely necessary. He worked with various magics in his free time, reading other times. He was a gentle soul though, often devising ways to make entertaining arts with his magic. He lived on his own, living off of what he could found out there in nature, enjoying the feel of the freedom he had.