Nargo, anthro description
A toned, white furred creature with a long sinewy tail sat on a rocky outcropping looking out over a beach, the wind ruffling through his short but soft white fur gently, causing it to ripple and wave, much like the vast expanse of water that lie...
Nargo, feral description
The sun filtered through the leaves and branches of the large trees of the forest, the rays blinking in and out of existence as the wind played through the dense foliage, making it rustle and whisper, making it feel as if the forest were alive and...
The hunter at sunset
The sun sank low in west, setting the sky ablaze in fiery golden hues, the clouds undersides turning a deep shade of violet. The trees of the large forest grove swayed gently, their thick foliage casting dabbled shadows that swayed and danced as the...
City upon the waters
The sun was setting low to the west, the days heat finally waning after its terrible grip on the day, having been in the mid 90's, now settling to a nice cool 70's fairly swiftly as the entire forest was covered in shadow. The setting sun cast a deep...
Snows Story
The sun rose slowly over the gently sloping hills, the light touching everything in its gentle warm caress. The light soon reached a massive tree, taking a few moments to reach its soaring topmost branches. Along its trunk a large mess of morning...
The evening
It was 6 in the evening. Hindenburg's eco-system began their daily turn-over. The orange sky was fading fast, drew nearer and nearer to the half-rounded ruby red sun as time ticked by. The ever casting shadow expands far more from the horizon,...
Just Another Day For The Awesome, Tyler (#1)
Just an average day for young Tyler.(Last names removed to protect identities.) (Copy and pasted don't sue me for copyright, NotMycats (judging by the name obviously) is my alt account, whom I was going to write stories with. I had honestly just...
Just Another Day For The Awesome, Tyler
(Last names removed to protect identities.) Tyler was a very intelligent being, he had learned what most adults learn at the age of ten. Tyler rarely smiled. His father had left before his birth but his amazing, beautiful, caring and intelligent...
Amber Scenery
I await rediscovery, of former amber scenery.
A Change of Scenery
D: He grins devilishly. "I think I know just what you need." He rumbles bringing his tail forward and takes a little perfectly round silver ball from its coil, bringing it before your nose, still holding your chin. He wedges a clawtip between your...
A Change of Scenery
_All characters depicted in this work are purely fictional and over the age of consent. Any situation is meant as parody and does not represent any child, living or otherwise._ _..._ Myra's eyes darted along the field as she followed the movements of...
The union
Facing each other paw in paw, this joyous occasion perfect, without a flaw. The official stands there reading their vows everyone there their close friends, from past and from now. Each other they've got on this special day, tying the...