Marla Chapter 15 - Breeding

Story by SMWolf on SoFurry

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#18 of Marla


Chapter 15


S.M. Wolf

Marla and Kayla are copyrighted by Kittiara and used with her permission. Master David Wolf, Valentia, Todd, Mike, Sensei Tenchi. Zubin, other miscellaneous characters and this story are copyright 2010 by S.M. Wolf. This story may not be reproduced by any means in part or completely without prior written permission of the author. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

Together Marla and Kayla entered the master bedroom. Master David stood beside the bed waiting for them. He walked over to Marla and hugged her tightly.

"We never meant to exclude you, Marla," he told her softly. "You are a much beloved member of our pack, and anything that we can give you, we will."

"It's okay, Mas- David," Marla replied as she snuggled against her Master's chest. "I know that you and Kayla are mates."

"I am your mate as well, Marla," Master David quietly interjected. "I know that Mike was your first and foremost mate, and I wish that he had lived to be here with us, but you can always claim from me whatever a mate would give you, now or in the future."

"I know," Marla replied softly. She had to bury her muzzle in Master David's chest fur to hide her sudden tears. She felt otter paws stroke her back and hair.

Marla looked up at Master David.

"Do you think that Mike left behind any sperm?" she asked.

"Medical records are some of the most well protected information on the planet. It would be difficult for even the Government to find the answer quickly. He never said that he had to me or his alphas, but one can hope."

"Even after all that has happened, I still want to have his pups," Marla said introspectively.

"It's strange. We are on the eve of the battle to destroy everything we know, and I want a small, helpless pup to love unconditionally just as I loved his sire. It would mean the world to me to have a little bit of him still in my life even if he is gone. I've never felt like this before."

"I know," Kayla said quietly. "Why do you think I am insisting that David provide me with a pup? I am scared that I will never, ever see him again after he sends us away. If that happens I want some of him to live on with me.

"And, if you are willing, with you."

Marla looked at Kayla. The otteress was staring at her. Marla knew the meaning of the look in her eyes from their times together in the Academy even if most furs could not decipher it. It was fear. She was terrified of losing her beloved black wolf. Marla could understand her feelings completely from her recent experiences. She wondered briefly what it must be like for Kayla to see Mike killed and know that it could just as easily have been her mate instead of Marla's. Marla might have to deal with the actual loss of Mike, but there had to be countless nightmares playing through Kayla's mind as she dealt with the possible, perhaps even probable, loss of Master David. Marla knew from too much personal experience that the anticipation and the horrors that her own mind could evoke were often worse than reality.

There was also an entreaty in the otteress' eyes. Kayla honestly wanted Marla to bear Master David's pups. Marla knew that the otteress had wanted her to mate with Mike and bear his cubs. With that not an immediate possibility, she was offering Marla an option. It was not a perfect solution, but it was a good option, and Marla knew it.

Marla also realized there was another reason for Kayla to want her to breed with Master David. Kayla as an otter might not be able to conceive with Master David because of their different species, especially in the short time that remained for them together. A wolfess would have no problem doing so if she was fertile, and Marla would be in heat in a few hours at most. Marla knew that her cub would never be taken from her by Kayla as some alphas would do, but at the same time she knew that Kayla hoped to share Marla's pup if she conceived with Master David and the otteress did not.

The wolfess did not mind. Kayla had shared everything she had with Marla once they had been reunited, even Master David. The otteress would be a good second mother to Marla's pup regardless if she bred successfully or not. And if Kayla was successfully bred but Marla was not, the wolfess knew that she would still have a child, just not one of her body this time.

There really had not been any doubt in Marla's mind. She still had much to deal with regarding the loss of Mike and the pain it gave her. She had not really had a chance to grieve for him properly as events forced her to move forward swiftly against her will. It would be years before the edge came off her grief. However, she was a resilient fur used to sudden losses and changes in her life. She knew that she would be leaving Elysium with Kayla soon, perhaps in a day or two. She had to decide if she wanted to leave with a small cluster of cells that one day would be her son or daughter in her womb now.

Marla looked up at Master David. She said clearly, "If my alpha female will allow it, I wish to breed with you."

Marla received a double bear hug.

"Marla," Kayla said as she hugged Marla, "you never really were anything but an alpha. Now more than ever that holds true. I want you to consider yourself my equal in all things now, including David being our mate. He can never replace Mike, but hopefully he can provide you with some comfort."

Marla looked at Master David.

"I have and always will consider you to be Mike's mate," he said, "but I also have always loved you. It would be an honor to sire your cubs, but it also would be an act of love from me to you.

"Pack status and the controlling of the breeding of subordinate pack members have always been meaningless to me. I always expected you and Mike as the only same species pair in our pack to successfully breed first. I was looking forward to seeing the look of wonder on Mike's face the first time he held his pup.

"That cannot happen now, but I do hope to one day see you cradling Mike's newborn cub."

Master David took Marla's face between his paws and looked deep into her eyes.

"I will only do this if you truly want it."

Marla felt a warm, fuzzy feeling in her guts that had nothing to do with the sex that was sure to come soon. It was a feeling she had come to know well in the past few months. It was kindled and fed by the absolute love Master David, Kayla and the rest of her pack mates had for her. She knew that they would do absolutely anything for her out of the love that they held for her. Their love had sown and grown a great love within her for them.

Marla still wanted Mike's cubs if that was at all possible. In the meantime, Master David would do quite well for a surrogate sire.

Marla looked Master David in the eyes. Her somber but firm expression made it perfectly plain that she had made her decision.

"I want to do this. I want to do it for you, for Kayla, for my pack and for me. Mostly I want to do it for Mike. I know that he would have wanted it this way if he had known that he would... that he would not be here to do it himself."

Master David kissed her and let go. Kayla immediately pulled her into a hug and started crying on her shoulder in happiness.

"So how do we get the breeding started?" Marla asked with the hint of a leer in her voice. The mood had turned so somber and stodgy that she had to try to lighten it up.

Master David and Kayla both laughed at her open randiness. They were glad to see a little flash of her old self emerging. While she was coping well under the circumstances with the loss of Mike, Marla was obviously still grieving for him. The wolfess had withdrawn into herself which concerned both Master David and Kayla. Now perhaps she was opening up a bit.

Kayla replied, "I checked with the fertility experts at the clinic. Both of us will come into heat and be ready for breeding very quickly, probably in less than two hours and definitely by tomorrow morning. They had some suggestions for me that should help us."

Master David added, "They also provided me with some large purple pills."

Master David added drily, "After taking them, I suspect that I will not be able to wear pants for the next few days."

"What makes you think we would let you keep your pants on even of you didn't have the pills?" Kayla asked in an innocent voice. Her quip made all three furs laugh harder. Marla felt some of the tension in her guts easing at the easy word play and camaraderie. The edgy mood of the moment was beginning to thaw. They were still very much aware of their missing pack mates, but at least some of the happiness of the good times had returned if only briefly.

Kayla turned a bit more serious for a moment.

"We do need to pace our sex, but the more we can mate the higher are our chances of having cubs. That means that we should take advantage of every opportunity. Tonight may have a low probability for success, but we still should try."

Master David grinned and said mischievously, "How terrible! I have to spend the next few hours in bed sexing two horny femfurs who want to be the mothers of my cubs."

Master David opened his arms and drew Kayla and Marla into his embrace. He hugged both of the femfurs tightly. Marla noted that he gave just as much love to her as to his mate Kayla. While she had never doubted the older wolf's love of her, seeing it demonstrated like this under these circumstances helped ease some of the ache she felt inside.

"All kidding aside, I really am very happy right now. Kayla, you and I reached the decision that, like marriage, cubs would have to wait. The luxury of waiting has been taken from us, but I find that it does not matter. I am looking forward to being a father, and it makes what is to come in our war against the Government even more worthwhile and meaningful to me, regardless of the personal cost.

"I want our cubs to one day live on a free Elysium."

The three furs stood hugging each other for several minutes. Each was deep in their own thoughts about the meaning of parenthood and how it would affect them. It was a big step forward in their lives. Marla knew it would profoundly change her outlook on life. Carefree coupling and extreme sex play would become a thing of the past. She knew she would miss her time in the dungeon and the many other things she had done as a sex slave, but the idea of holding a small, helpless cub and knowing it was hers made such sacrifices seem trivial.

Master David finally broke his embrace. He looked at the two femfurs and asked, "Do you want to start now?"

Marla and Kayla looked at each other. Both were still somber, but each had a small twinkle in their eyes again. This was serious, but it also was fun. Something broke inside of Marla. She smiled at Kayla. The otteress returned her smile and started giggling mischievously. Marla found herself giggling as well as they took Master David's paws and led him to the bathroom.

The two femfurs placed Master David in the whirlpool bath and cleaned him thoroughly. Marla and Kayla enjoyed running their paws through his thick pelt. Physical contact with their male served to calm them and remind them that, despite all that had happened, they were still alive and had a future ahead of them.

This night the pair did not want to waste any opportunity to touch and feel their mate, so, when they were done cleansing Master David, they ignored the fur drier and grabbed several large towels. Together they toweled him dry. He stood quietly as the ministered to him, but the look that he gave each spoke volumes about his love of them that night.

Master David went to the sink and took out a pill bottle from the medicine cabinet. He opened it and shook out a single large, purple pill into his paw. Marla had seen these many times before. Males, particularly older males like Master David, had frequently taken them before using Marla. Master David had never needed their help before, but his capacity would be tested in the coming hours and days. A little help from modern medicine would not be a bad idea. She watched as he swallowed the pill with the help of a glass of water.

The three furs returned to the bedroom. Marla pulled Kayla down onto the bed and positioned her on the bed without a word. Her actions clearly signaled that Kayla was to have Master David first. Kayla pulled Marla's head down and kissed her deeply in appreciation. She did not stop her kissing even when Master David slipped between her thighs and began to lick and kiss her sex. Marla did feel her friend's moans of pleasure as she became steadily more aroused.

The otteress suddenly broke her French kiss with Marla and gave an otter bark of pleasure. Marla looked down and saw Master David's cock disappearing into Kayla's pussy. She reached out and grabbed Master David behind his neck. She pulled him close enough so that both femfurs could kiss him as he stood stud for the squirming otteress. Once he was firmly tied to Kayla, Master David returned their kisses with considerable ardor.

The pill must have done something for Master David. He had good stamina anyway, but this time he remained completely buried in Kayla for a good hour. Even with her clamping down on his knot with her vaginal muscles Kayla could not prevent some of his hot seed from leaking out. When he fully withdrew after his erection ended Kayla immediately curled up with her hips as high as possible.

Kayla looked at Marla and said, "One of the suggestions I got from the clinic was to let gravity help. That means after our mate pulls out we need to get our hips up in the air and hold them there for at least a half hour."

Marla nodded. She had been raped while suspended upside down many times. She had felt the male's jism dribble down her vagina on its way to her womb. At the time she could have cared less, but now she wanted to do everything she could to encourage Master David's seed to reach her womb and the eggs that would soon be waiting there.

"Your turn now," Kayla said firmly as she worked her way off to the side.

Marla was suddenly brought up against reality. She had mated with Master David while Mike was alive. She had never felt bad about doing so. Now she was facing the first time mating with him after Mike's passing. It was quite a jolt even if she had made the decision to do so.

Master David seemed to understand her hesitation. He took her paws and stroked them gently.

"It is still your choice Marla. If you want to wait until we find the sperm bank where Mike donated, we can. I will not force you now or ever to breed with me."

Marla ducked her muzzle away from her pack mates. She felt their gazes upon her. There was no judgment or condemnation of her, only a patient waiting for her to come to grips with what was happening. She knew that she was free to do whatever she wanted without fear of the consequences. It was both a heady and terrifying feeling to know that these two loved her so much that they would accept whatever she chose without question.

Marla took a deep breath to steady her nerves. She blinked away some tears that had come unbidden to her eyes. She looked up at Master David. He was smiling gentle encouragement at her. She returned his smile as she lay down on the bed and spread her legs wide.

The wolfess could not help but think about the similarities and differences between her two wolf lovers as Master David covered her. He was confident in his actions and gave her the physical pleasure she craved. Mike had been tentative and almost faltering at times, but his love for her had come through with every move he made. As she wrapped her legs around Master David as she had done the first time she had seduce Mike, Marla realized that both loved her deeply and were virtually two sides of the same coin. It did not make the loss of Mike any easier, but it helped dispel her sense of not belonging in her pack that had begun to subtly creep into her feelings after the loss of her lover.

The two wolves remained tied for well over an hour. The drug was taking hold of Master David and increasing his sexual performance. She cried out many times as she felt him cum and fill her vagina with his hot sperm. She could almost imagine the tiny packets of DNA swimming upstream to her womb and seeking out the eggs leaving her ovaries. Her male's individual spurts became more of a steady stream as he continued to fill her.

About halfway through Marla's mating Kayla rolled over onto her belly. She kept her back arched at an almost impossible angle to her hips elevated, but she returned her attention to her pack mates. Marla found her left breast under a sudden assault that lasted until Master David wilted and had to withdraw. The pleasure running from her breast to her brain helped stimulate Marla. She could swear that she felt an egg pop out of her ovary when the otteress gave her nipple a hard nip that sent her into a long orgasm.

Marla felt Kayla lifting her hips and placing several pillows underneath her. She rolled her hips forward and grabbed the back of her knees. She lay in a ball while the sperm so recently deposited in her vagina worked its way deeper into her waiting and willing body.

Master David reached out and fingered Marla's ass hole.

"You know," he said as he played with Marla's anus, "this position has some interesting possibilities..."

Kayla reached out and pulled Master David's muzzle around to look at her. She gave him a deep kiss before saying, "Not tonight. Someday in the future, but not tonight."

Kayla crawled around in front of Master David. She dropped her upper torso and raised her hips as high as she could. Master David received a splendid view of both her pussy and tail hole.

"In the meantime, you can at least enjoy the view before you do me again."

Master David responded with gusto. His muzzle went to work underneath the otteress' tail as he licked her back to the edge of an orgasm and held her there. Marla watched him play with her for several minutes before getting up onto his knees. He positioned his knob at the entrance to her cunt. He was panting hard and his cock was jerking up and down with every rapid beat of his heart, but he still entered Kayla slowly to draw out her pleasure. Marla was surprised that he had such self-control under the influence of the powerful aphrodisiac chemicals running through his veins. It spoke much of him that he forced his own arousal and desire down to pleasure his mate as much as possible.

There were limits to what Master David could do. His body was primed to explode. After only a few thrusts he groaned and buried his shaft completely into Kayla. A moment later he howled as he had another orgasm.

As she waited, Marla watched her alpha male. He was panting hard and sweating. She frowned a bit. The mating was obviously taking much more out of him than normal. She was not surprised given how much and how frequently he had orgasmed while covering her. She was a bit shaken by his determination to give the femfurs what they wanted so badly.

When the jism on her pussy was dry and the fluid within her as deep into her interior as Marla thought it would get for now, Marla rolled out of her curled up position and lay beside Kayla. She began to kiss her alpha female again. Kayla reached over and played with Marla's breasts to begin to arouse the wolfess again. She was surprised to feel a male paw on her pussy. Master David was giving her some of his attention as well.

The three played with each other until Master David went limp again. All three enjoyed the attentions of their mates. When he was done with Kayla, Master David turned to Marla.

"Next!" he said.

Marla was surprised. He looked ready to collapse, but he was offering her his body again.

"Um, perhaps a short break is in order," Marla temporized.

Master David looked at Marla in a mixture of appreciation and regret. She sensed that he felt badly for not being able to immediately give her what he knew she wanted. She did not care. He needed a break. The webbed paw covering hers in entreaty let her know that Kayla felt the same way.

Marla took charge of the situation. She got up and brought drinks and a light snack to the bed. She made sure that Master David rested, drank plenty of water, and had some food. His cock sprang to life again, but she ignored it. Only when he was breathing and acting normally again did she allow him to take her. Kayla made sure to show her appreciation of Marla's actions in a very physical, sexually satisfying way that set Marla off repeatedly even as she lay pressed to the bed by Master David's body.

Master David would have turned his attention back to Kayla, but she put her foot down.

"We are likely not even in estrus yet, and we do not want to you have a heart attack the first night!" she exclaimed as Master David tried to convince her that he was capable of going another round with the femfurs. "It is almost early morning. Go to sleep, rest, and tomorrow we can try again when you are stronger."

There was some more discussion, but both Kayla and Marla were adamant about stopping for the night. When they tucked him into bed, Master David complained, but he also fell asleep almost immediately. There was a large tent over his crotch that did not go down while Marla lay awake wondering about the evening.

As they lay on the bed in the dim light of the moons Kayla softly asked, "Marla, do you think we are being selfish? And am I being extra selfish for asking you to get pregnant so soon after losing Mike?"

Marla had been sharing some of the same questions and feelings. After seeing Master David pushing himself so hard to impregnate them on a night when it was unlikely, she was wondering if it was worth it. There was also the matter of Mike's death and her turning to be in the arms of another male so soon. Marla was not sure if she had the answers to those questions yet, but she did at least have the answer to Kayla's second question.

"I made the choice. I could have said no, but I wanted this as well. Did you pressure me? To some extent yes, but I understand why, and I approve of your reasons."

Marla fell silent for some time as she thought about Mike and what she was doing here in this bed tonight.

"I'm not sure if I am being selfish or not," Marla said finally. "We have no time. That is the problem. If we had the rest of our lives to decide what we wanted to do, then neither of us even contemplates what we are doing now. I think you and Master David might start to try to conceive, but not like this. Not with drugs. Not with an almost production line mentality.

"I know you love him. I do too. You and perhaps I would conceive, but only as an act of love done as the ultimate consummation of our bond to one another.


Marla's voice faltered for a moment.

"Mike's death has left a huge void in me. Master David helps fill it. Not completely, but he does help keep the worst of the sadness and depression away."

Marla turned to look at Kayla. She could see the otteress' eyes boring into her own.

"You do too. Asking me to bear a cub for you and Master David helps me remember that I am alive and that I have a future. I am not sure where that future will lead me, and I am scared at times, but it does give me purpose. That is why I do not think you are selfish. It is a big thing to ask, but we are, in the end, sisters and mates. Sometimes we have to do big things for each other."

Marla looked at Master David.

"I think our other mate feels the same way. He wants to give us the best that he can. Our safety is his biggest concern. That is why he is sending us away, even if he hates the idea of our leaving. We asked him for cubs. To make us happy, and yes, to make himself happy, he said yes.

"It was a bit selfish on all our parts, but it was also done out of love of each other, and the desire for a future for us all, even if it is only through our descendents."

Marla felt a certain amount of calmness descend upon her.

"I think what we are doing is worthwhile even if we are hurrying it terribly."

The pair of femfurs remained silent for some time.

Marla felt a webbed paw slip over her own and hold her paw gently.

"Do you feel up to talking about how you feel about the loss of Mike yet?" Kayla asked quietly.

Marla closed her eyes. The mere mention of her lover's name was still very painful.

"I don't know if I will ever be ready," Marla said. "Every time I think about his death, I just want to curl up into a ball and cry my eyes out. For some reason, it is worse than when my parents died. It seems so much more personal and deep."

"If you need a shoulder or a bosom to cry on, you know where to find me," Kayla replied.

"Yes, I do. And I know that Master David would do the same. That knowledge is one of the reasons I can keep going.

"Last time everything was pulled out from underneath me. My own pack could care less about my loss, only status within the pack. By the time that they sold me, I was no longer really even part of that pack.

"This time, I have not one but two packs supporting me and giving me their love. I could go crazy in my grief, rage through the penthouse, maybe even attack you in mindless anger over what happened, and still you would hold me tight, calm me, and tell me that you love me.

"And you would mean it."

Marla stared at the ceiling for some time. She felt the paw on hers gently rub her.

"I am not going to forget him, ever. I am going to grieve for Mike every day for the rest of my life. There will always be a void where he should be.

"Right now, I just have too much else to do to collapse into an incoherent pile of fur and let my depression take over."

Kayla rolled over and got off the bed. She came around to Marla's side of the bed and slipped onto the bed beside the wolfess. She pulled Marla tight against her and held her.

"When you do," Kayla told Marla fervently, "I'll be there for you for as long as you need me."

Marla returned the otteress' hug. She cried a little bit at the unconditional love that her friend was giving her.

The two femfurs fell asleep in each other's arms that night. Together they found some level of serenity.

The next day the three furs rose early and saw to their needs. Marla watched as Master David took another large purple pill from the bottle. She was almost happy when Kayla placed a paw over his before he could swallow it.

"I don't think you need that," Kayla said.

"Because of last night?" Master David asked.

"Yes. Killing yourself to give us cubs does no fur any good."

"I talked with the doctors. They did a full battery of tests on me. I can take six pills, one every twelve hours, and not hurt my body. They said that the first one would be the hardest on me because my body would not be accustomed to the drug. After that, it should be easier."

Marla could see Kayla's will wavering. She knew that their alpha male was taking a calculated risk. Both femfurs wanted a cub, but not at the cost of the death of another of their males.

Kayla removed her paw.

"I think you can do fine without the drug. You've always been plenty good and strong in the past, and I've never complained about your stamina."

Master David calmly replied, "But you must admit that I did better and came longer last night after taking the drug. If we want to conceive cubs in the few days that remain, the extra sperm I produce may well make all the difference."

Both Kayla and Marla knew the validity of his argument.

"I will," Master David continued, "make one promise. If you think I am physically unable to continue mating you after taking the drug, I will not take another pill, and we will try it the old fashioned way."

Marla sighed softly. At least Master David was acknowledging the problem and giving them a chance to stop him.

Kayla nodded her head up and down once. Master David turned back to the mirror and downed his pill.

"So, who's next?" he asked cheerfully.

Marla was certain that all three knew it was Kayla, so she was shocked when the otteress grabbed her and thrust her at Master David.

"Marla," Kayla said firmly.

Both wolves raised an eyebrow at her declaration. They were ignored as Kayla told them, "I am going to get some breakfast ready for you. Come downstairs when you are ready."

Kayla turned and walked out the door leaving Master David and Marla alone in the master suite. Marla was almost glad to see the confusion on Master David's face. She was sure it mirrored her own look.

Finally Master David shrugged his shoulders and said, "I guess she knows what she wants."

"What do you think she wants?" Marla asked in some confusion.

"Me to have an heir of my body, regardless of who the mother is.

"Not that I think she does not feel some very special emotions about that other mother being you, Marla," Master David added. "If there is anyone else she would want to be my cub's mother, it is you. Even more than Valentia, and that is saying a lot given their love of each other."

Master David took Marla to their bed. They kissed for awhile while waiting for the drug in Master David's veins to reach its full potency. As they coupled, Marla thought of Kayla's actions and what they meant. She also thought back to last night's conversation. She realized there was another reason for Kayla's action. She wanted Marla to be happy and not to dwell for the rest of her life on Mike's death. A pup for which to care, raise and, above all else, love would do that. Kayla was willing to sacrifice her own pregnancy to ensure that happened. As she felt her interior filled with her mate's seed, she knew that she was still loved even if Mike was no longer with her.

Master David lasted an hour and a quarter this time. He did not seem as drained when he was done either. After he pulled out Marla ended up with her shoulders on the mattress and her lower back and hips against the headboard. Master David remained with her. They talked a little and kissed much more. Marla could not say in honesty that her mood was light, but the worst of her depression was being kept at bay by her pack mates.

After a half hour the pair of wolves went downstairs. Kayla had a large breakfast waiting for them.

"I figure we can all use plenty of protein!" she chirped as she deposited more bacon and sausage links onto the dining room table. Marla just grinned as she took several sausage links and popped them onto Master David's plate.

After breakfast, Marla and Kayla started to clear the table. Master David took Kayla's plates and set them aside. He bent her over the end of the table. As she lay face down on the table with her hips hanging over the edge he took her forcefully from behind. Her chirps of pleasure filled the dining room and travelled into the kitchen where Marla was putting the dishes into the ultrasonic dishwasher as well. Out of sight of the mating pair, Marla had to smile. Kayla sounded so happy. She was glad for her friend.

Afterwards Marla went upstairs to bathe. Master David was tied to Kayla, and the expression on both furs' faces made it clear that they were in sexual ecstasy. Master David was pawing Kayla as she lay beneath him on the table. Briefly Marla wished she was there with Mike, and her good mood dimmed. A look and a grin from her pack mates restored her good mood though she still wanted for Mike.

After a long, relaxing bath Mara dressed and started back downstairs. Halfway down the upstairs hallway she met Kayla heading for her own bath. The otteress' inner thighs were coated with sperm, she was bow-legged, and she walked with exaggerated swaying of her hips and tail. She had a huge grin on her face as well.

Kayla lifted her right paw and tapped Marla on her right shoulder.

"Tag! You're it!" Kayla said happily as she continued down the hall a bit unsteadily. "He's in the office making some calls. You can bug him there."

The wolfess watched the otteress head to the bathroom to take care of her needs. After she was out of sight Marla headed downstairs to find Master David. She was wondering what calls could be so important that he would be making them in the nude.

Marla found Master David in his office. He was eating and drinking to replenish his energy while he talked to a caller icon of a German Sheppard floating above his desk.

Frederick! I gave your museum twenty-five million credits in the last capital improvement campaign with the only stipulation being that you had to build and keep empty a storage room for two years in case I needed to send you my art collection.

"What do you mean it's full?!"

"Well, we were not using it, and we had new collections coming in..."

Marla barely paid attention to the whining dog. Her eyes were on Master David. He had finished his large snack. More importantly, the pink tip of his shaft was starting to show past the slit of his sheath. The wolfess felt something stirring inside of her that she had been certain died with Mike.

Marla caught the attention of Master David and tapped her head beside her right eye socket to ask if there was any visual with the call. He mouthed back No video, confirming her suspicion.

The wolfess had always had a strong, kinky exhibitionist streak. The Academy had removed the few inhibitions that she had and enhanced her extroverted sexual nature. Deep inside her Marla felt her inner exhibitionist stir. Marla gave a small smile, the first real smile since Canaria Pack had left the penthouse.

Marla walked over to the desk and stood beside it. Master David raised an eyebrow as he cut into the German Sheppard's incessant speech.

"Frederick, I do not have time for this! I made an agreement with your museum. The Government is going to be here looking for me in the next few days. They are going to take everything that is not nailed down and a good many things that are. You can kiss my art collection goodbye forever if it is not in your museum when they get her."

"What?! Why would the Government want you?"

Marla almost laughed at Frederick's question. Instead she smiled and undid the buttons of her blouse. Master David's right eyebrow headed up high on his forehead. He looked at her in some shock as she pulled open her blouse to expose the frilly red lace bra underneath. That did not stop her from tossing the blouse into the corner and following it a few moments later with her jeans.

Master David did not miss a beat in his conversation even as he quizzically watched Marla disrobe.

"Frederick, the Government has been behind all the attacks on me. They want a scapegoat, and I am a convenient target that can yield a large amount of credit for their personal bank accounts. If they can get their paws on me and make anything stick for even a day all of my artwork is going to be gone by the time I get out of jail."

Master David's voice turned harder.

"I'm not going to play around Frederick. I put a clause in the fine print of the gift that says if you do not provide me with the storage facility on demand your museum loses the artwork to Johan, must give Capital Art Museum the full twenty-five million credits and foot the bill for the move!

:Now are you going to let your brother get the artwork, or are you going to clean out that storage space and get your tail over here later today?!"

Master David was grinning at Marla. She saw a twinkle in his eyes that was only half from her semi-nude presence.

There was a long silence from the communicator. Marla took advantage of the moment to turn away from Master David. She lifted her right leg and put her calf on the edge of the desk with her foot hanging over the side. She leaned forward and placed both paws palm-down on the desk. She turned her head to look back over her right shoulder and gave Master David one of her best "come hither" looks. He responded as she anticipated. He pulled down her dental floss thong and tossed it on the desk. She lifted her tail, and he slid in behind her.

There was a deep, dejected sigh from the communicator. Marla barely paid Frederick any mind. Master David was slowly sliding his hard shaft into her wet cunny in one long, slow fluid thrust. She had to bite her lower lip to stop from howling as he filled her aching sexual need.

"You had to bring up Johan. That pup would take our own mother's artwork from me if he had a chance!"

"That's probably why they are doing so much better right now," Master David said in a verbal dig as he forced Marla's labia wide with his knot. He leaned forward and removed Marla's bra. It joined her blouse and jeans in the corner. He leaned forward, pressed his belly against Marla's back and reached around to play with her breasts.

There was another sigh from the communicator.

"Very well," Frederick said dejectedly. "We will clean out the storage facility and come take your artwork.

"When do you want us there?"

"Today at three," Master David replied, but his attention was far more on squeezing Marla's hanging breasts.

"WHAT?! Three o'clock today? That's-"

"-When Johan will be here if you are not," Master David interjected coldly.

Marla heard something that sounded like a book hitting a wall on the other end of the communicator.

"Three o'clock it is," Frederick said and abruptly terminated the call.

Master David gave a little laugh.

"It's a good thing that Metropolitan can stand up to the Government or, more properly, its officials better, or I would have sent Capital everything from my collection," Master David confided in Marla as he came for the first time. She felt his seed begin to fill her again. She raised her muzzle and started panting as she mounted towards her own orgasm.

"Hold on for just two minutes while I make one more call," Master David said as he punched in a number. Marla nearly screamed in frustration. She wanted to cum now!

A blue mist filled ball very similar to the one that had appeared many months ago when Master David had called for a pickup of the other slaves in Marla's coffle appeared above the desk. A pleasant female voice said, "We're sorry, but the number you are trying to reach does not exist. Please hang-up and try again. If you need assistance, hang-up and call the operator."

The message repeated once more. Marla expected Master David to hang-up, but he just waited. There was a barely audible click.

"Property Disposal, one room, total destruction, fifteen thirty. Dirty Pool, Package Confusion P, same," the black wolf covering Marla said before disconnecting even before there was an acknowledgement.

"Master David-"

"Just David, Marla. Rememebr, we are done with the charade of being master and slave now.

"David," Marla said with some hesitation at addressing him without the honorific drilled into her for so many years, "what was that about?"

"We need to get rid of the dungeon. If the Government were to find it, they would twist it into a propaganda coup."

Master David sounded sad, and Marla found herself regretting the impending loss of the dungeon. She had always wanted to take Mike there once they started mating in earnest. It still held many very special memories of nights with her pack mates.

"Not that we are going to leave the Government with an empty paw when they come knocking!" the older wolf said cryptically before turning his full attention to Marla. Whatever she might have asked or said disappeared as he brought her off. The delayed orgasm ripped through her body and vanquished all rational thought. For the next hour she was bred by the strong black wolf on top of the desk. When he withdrew she went down onto her breasts and knees to keep her hips high in the air to aid his sperm in their journey into her body.

As Marla basked in the afterglow of their mating, Master David gently petted her. Neither said anything to break Marla's good mood until Marla turned over onto her back after several minutes. Master David cupped her face in his paws and asked, "Are you starting to feel better?"

It was a hard question for Marla to answer. She was still conflicted. Her head told her that she was doing the right thing and the necessary thing. Her heart still cried out for Mike. Still, as much as she wanted Mike to be breeding her, it had felt both good and right to have Master David doing it.

"I think so. It is going to take a long time for me to sort things out. Hopefully the months between now and my pup's birth will be quiet enough for me to do so. But for the moment, yes, I am a bit happier."

"Does your heat have anything to do with it?"

Marla suddenly realized that there was still gentle warmth in her loins and a distinct smell in the air. She had come into full heat while so distracted by her other problems that she had not realized it. Master David had to have smelled it as soon as she had entered the room. No wonder he had been so willing to mate with her that he had not even waited until the end of his call. Her scent would be a powerful aphrodisiac to any male wolf.

"I am not sure," Marla confessed.

Master David stroked Marla's face with his right paw and said, "I know this is hard. If you ever decide you made a wrong decision, just tell me to stop. This is and always has been your choice, not mine and not Kayla's."

Marla reached up and placed her right paw on her mate's face.

"I know," the wolfess said quietly. "That is why I am willing to do this. It is too soon in many ways, but I may never see you or Todd again. I had to make my decision, and I stand by it. I do want your pup, and I want Kayla to have one too."

"If you do," a new voice said cheerfully, "I will need the loan of my mate for an hour or so of humping!"

Marla looked over to the open door of the office. Kayla was leaning against the door frame. She wore nothing but the proverbial smile. Marla smelled a new scent in the room. It was a very pungent, musky scent. Kayla had come into full heat as well.

Marla rolled off the desk and stood. She walked out of the office. As she passed Kayla she raised her paw. Kayla tapped it in a high five.

"Tag! You're it!" Marla said cheerfully as she headed upstairs and a bath.

Even before she reached the stairs Marla could hear excited otter chirps and barks as Master David covered his mate. Kayla's estrus cycle was apparently causing her to become more vocal.

Marla slipped into the whirlpool and took a quick bath. She thought about her exchange with Master David a bit, but she thought about her future more. It was going to be hard without Mike, but she found herself wanting to live for it and the small life that might already have been conceived deep in her womb. For the first time Marla found herself actually glad that she had survived the ambush and her ordeal afterwards.

After her bath Marla dressed again, went downstairs and made a large platter of sandwiches. She did not have to stick her head into the office to know that her two mates were still going at it. Both were extremely vocal. She waited until the howls and barks stopped before taking both of them energy drinks. The pair grinned at her choice of beverage, but both also quickly downed them as they headed upstairs to get a bath and dress before the museum personnel arrived.

Master David and Kayla returned after a quick bath and donning some casual clothes. They wolfed down several sandwiches each and followed them with large amounts of sugary soda. Marla ate as much as they did even though she had snuck a sandwich while they were dressing.

Just after they cleared the table Master David's communicator activated. He took one quick look at is and hit the tiny RECEIVE button. The head and shoulders of a German Sheppard appeared above his wrist.

"Good afternoon Frederick!" Master David said cheerfully. Frederick's dour expression soured even more at the black wolf's cheerful greeting.

Marla caught Kayla covering a quick smile and raised a paw to hide her own. She wondered what Frederick had done to Master David to make him want to yank his leash, but she was enjoying the show for now.

"As promised," Frederick said, "we are here to pick up your art collection. I need a pass code for the elevator so that we may come up and start crating the pieces."

Master David brought up an app and punched in some numbers to set a pass code for Frederick.

"Use 12345678. It will be good until you leave.

"See you shortly, Frederick!"

Master David turned off the communicator. Kayla actually laughed.

"You," the otteress laughingly told the black wolf, "are being very bad!"

"Eh. He gets about thirty million credits a year from me and has trouble finding time to return my calls. A little chain jerking when he is not doing good donor relations and deserved praise when he is might yet cure him of that problem.

"For now, we need to keep an eye on them. I want all of the art, even the Katt pieces, to go. Anything left is going to get stolen by the Government, so make sure we leave nothing for them!"

Both femfurs nodded. Neither of them wanted Government officials to get anything of theirs.

"Kayla, there is going to be a special pickup and delivery. I want you to oversee them.

"As much as I love our dungeon, we have to get rid of it. You can grab some small items from it, but nothing that will result in serious problems when the Government finds them. Anything used for punishment, bondage, etc., needs to go."

Kayla seemed to be as disappointed as Marla with the impending loss of the dungeon and its contents. That was yet another sign of the changes that she had undergone in the years since the Academy.

"They are also going to make a delivery. I want the Government to find something when they break into our secret command center."

Kayla perked up and positively beamed. Marla had no idea what was going to happen, but the otteress' reaction indicated it was going to be something really good.

"Marla, are you armed?" Master David asked the wolfess.

Marla just raised an eyebrow. In fact she had several small arms, knives and other deadly devices hidden on her body.

Master David laughed a bit.

"Just checking.

"You have the elevator. Keep an eye on things and try to make sure nothing comes in or goes out that should not. Keep an eye on the foyer and middle level as well. We'll scan for unwanted devices when our guests leave, but I am nearly certain that they are not going to be interested in intrigue.

"Okay, places everyone!"

Marla and Master David arrived at the elevator just as it opened and a dozen furs including Frederick entered the penthouse. Marla looked over each of them and memorized their faces and work clothes. She saw nothing untoward, but she kept alert.

"Okay, Mr. Wolf. As you wanted, I have a large crew here to start crating your works. There are more furs downstairs to move them, and we have five trucks waiting to take everything back to the museum.

"Are you satisfied?"

"Very," Master David replied. Marla could hear the sincerity in his voice. Apparently so could Frederick because he blinked.

After a moment Frederick asked, "So, what do you want us to take?"

"Everything including the donation papers that outright give everything to the museum."

That stopped Frederick dead in his tracks.

"Everything is ours?" he asked in a voice a full octave higher than before. He had to cough twice to lower his voice again before adding, "That is a considerable gift."

"Well, you earned it, even if your fur skills still need work, Frederick.

"Start by clearing out the foyer and moving through the first floor. There is nothing in the 'basement', so ignore the lower level. Once you finish here move into the stairwell and up to the upstairs hallway. There are a few minor pieces in the library, but nothing in the rest of the upstairs."

The crew got to work. Marla kept station in the foyer overseeing the taking down and crating of the artwork. She knew that they were expensive, but from the way that the museum furs were treating them she suspected she needed to add one or two more zeroes to the value she thought that they had.

When the first crates were ready Frederick called down to a moving crew. Several more furs joined the museum crew, and the crated artwork began to disappear downstairs.

When the elevator returned Marla involuntarily dropped her paw to a concealed blaster. There was a strange fur in the elevator, and she could tell that he was carrying several weapons under his coveralls.

A paw on her arm stopped Marla from drawing.

"Ours," Master David whispered into her ear.

Indeed, the next fur out of the elevator was Zubin. The wolverine was wearing oversized coveralls and had a delivery company cap pulled down over his head until she could barely see his eyes. He was chewing on an unlit cigar. He wheeled in what appeared to be an empty crate.

"Where y' want dis?" he asked in a heavy fake accent. Marla almost laughed at his disguise and very bad acting.

Frederick directed the movement of the crates. Marla noted Master David redirecting several of the new furs upstairs. They disappeared with him. Marla presumed that they would soon be tearing apart the dungeon. She wondered how they could get so much equipment out quickly.

Fortunately Master David had foreseen the need for several hours of uninterrupted work. The artwork had to be carefully cataloged, protected, crated, and taken downstairs. A sizable work force was snuck in under cover of retrieving the artwork for the museum. Marla counted twenty of the special furs working upstairs. After the first half hour a steady stream of crates and boxes started coming downstairs and into the elevator.

After a couple of hours Marla sidled up to Zubin as he leaned against his hand cart and complained about how slow things were going even as he did his best to subtly slow the pace.

"Are there supposed to be cartons going upstairs?" she asked.

Zubin stopped his verbal bitching long enough to give her a lewd look that resulted in the museum fur turning away in disgust.

"Nervous, filly?" he said fairly loudly as he leered at her. Marla took no offense as she saw the other furs tune out their conversation.

"Yes," Marla replied.

"Dontcha' be!" the wolverine replied with a wink.

In a whisper Zubin added, "Everything is good. Don't raise a fuss."

Marla did as Zubin instructed. She saw at least a hundred obviously heavy cartons taken upstairs along with some office furniture. Her curiosity grew steadily, but she maintained her station as the crews worked with only one short break for a quick delivered dinner.

Near ten o'clock the crews headed back downstairs. Frederick and Zubin were the last two furs to leave. Before they did, they took a quick look through the penthouse to see that everything had been taken. Kayla distracted Frederick while Master David and Marla went with Zubin. He walked with his cigar held out in front of him. He waved it from side to side as he walked quickly through the rooms.

"Bug detector," the wolverine said to Marla when he saw her looking at him quizzically. "The end glows like I'm puffing on it if we detect a transmitter. It's not as good as a full spectrum detector with activation capability, but it will do for a quick check."

Marla decided to take a chance and ask a question that had been bothering her.

"How is Sensei Tenchi doing?"

Zubin laughed heartily.

"That liger is walking a foot off the ground. They found his parents, and they are on their way back. They should be here tonight.

"I've never seen him so nervous. He can't stop pacing."

Marla heard the joy beneath Zubin's words. She was not quite sure of the two weapon masters' personal relationship, but she knew that they had considerable respect for each other. From the way Zubin was talking, she suspected it went much deeper into real personal friendship.

The three furs came to the library entrance to the dungeon. Zubin opened the door and entered. Marla did not find herself surprised in the least that he knew where the secret latch was located.

The dungeon was gone. In its place was a small office area, a couple of computer terminals, and stacks of boxes piled high.

"Master David, what are in these?" Marla asked as she pointed to the box nearest her.


"Lots and lots of paper.

"All covered with gibberish."

"I don't understand. Why leave all of this here?"

"Two reasons.

"First, the Government agents will need to go through all of this to find out if there is anything hidden in it. That means they cannot be working on finding us or cracking our new codes.

"Second, here are a fairly large number of secrets here. All of them pertain to furs that I do not like in the Government, industry and academia. The press even got a special section. Many of the secrets are true. The best ones are not, but that will not stop the Government from using them in their secret trials."

Master David grinned maliciously.

"These should cause quite a stir and many problems once they come to light!"

Zubin cleared his throat.

"Lady Marla, there was something for you here as well," Zubin said in the most respectful voice she had ever heard him address her.

"What is it, Zubin?"

Zubin gestured for her to follow him. They went to one of the desks. He pointed to what she had assumed was a paper weight. Looking at it closer she realized it was a rail gun slug.

"This was delivered two days after Mi- you disappeared. It was from a disreputable type of fur.

"We checked carefully. It is identical in isotopic composition to the slug the policefurs pulled out of the pavement."

Marla touched the depleted uranium slug. It was the twin to the one that had taken her lover's life.

"What does it mean, Zubin?"

"The fur that brought it to us.. He didn't say anything. He just handed it over and left.

"But we know him. He worked with jonwI' in the past.

"I think jonwI' took care of a loose end for us."

Marla closed her eyes. Tears streamed down her face.

"Sorry you didn't get to do it yourself. I would have liked to watch personally. But at least it was done."

"It's okay. I can live with this," Marla said before the sobs got too bad. Master David took her into his arms and held her while she cried. Dimly the wolfess was aware of Zubin disappearing to scan the rest of the penthouse.

Silently Marla thanked the old gun master. She had no idea how he had found the sniper or what he had done, but she was certain that the fur that had killed her mate would never ruin another fur's life.

Knowing that Frederick was nearby and that they needed to rejoin him very soon, Marla pulled herself together quickly. She found herself smiling. Briefly she wondered about her happiness knowing that a fur had almost certainly been killed in her name, but, with her loss, she could not find herself to be anything but satisfied by the knowledge.

"Are you okay?" Master David asked quietly. He was always so calm. He provided a steady emotional pillar for her.

"Yes. I was a little bit overwhelmed, but I'm okay now."

"Can you hold it together for another ten minutes?"


The wolves left the dungeon and headed out into the hallway where they found the other three furs. Together they walked down to the elevator. Master David and Frederick made small talk. Marla found Kayla's paw squeezing hers. She realized that the otteress had been overseeing the dungeon work and had known about jonwI's gift. It did not matter. Her support helped keep Marla's emotions in check.

At the elevator Frederick paused to talk with Master David as Zubin waited in the elevator car. The German Sheppard thanked Master David profusely for his princely gift while Master David quietly accepted his heartfelt thanks.

Just when Marla thought it would never end, Zubin growled, "Are we goin' or not? I get paid by the hour here, and I go on double-time in ten minutes!"

Frederick came to his senses suddenly and took his leave. Marla silently thanked her wolverine trainer.

The three furs ate a late dinner in the media room. Master David disappeared upstairs briefly. When he returned Marla could see his erection slowly growing. It was not hard to figure out that he had taken another pill.

The pizzas were rapidly consumed by the starved furs. Marla found herself enjoying the company of her mates as they ate and watched some television. The movie ended, and the news came on. The opening story was more arrests by the Government of dissidents and suspected terrorists. As the next story dealt with the aftermath of the warehouse firefight and the efforts of the Government to find the terrorist group responsible for the lies broadcast across Elysium.

"Damage control," Master David commented gruffly. It was easy to tell that he was upset with the newscast.

"It's what we expected," Kayla said quietly. "At this point the Government is going to clamp down on dissent and do their best to control the media. We use the uncontrolled channels of communication to get the truth and our message out,"

"I know, but I do not have to like it," the wolf replied dourly.

Marla saw Kayla's paw slip into Master David's. He looked at her and sighed.

Marla did not want to see her mate unhappy. Almost without thinking she half turned in her seat and slipped her left paw over his crotch. She could feel his fully erect cock throbbing underneath his pants.

"I think," Marla said as she gently squeezed his shaft, "that someone needs a little distraction."

Master David laughed and asked, "And what did you have in mind?"

Seeing that Master David's mood had improved and that he was open to some fun, Marla slid from her seat and into Master David's lap. She straddled his hips while facing him.

"Hey, you're blocking the view!" he said jokingly.

Marla popped her top off. The bra she was wearing followed her top to the floor.

"Don't you like this view better?" she said as she cupped her breasts and jiggled them provocatively.

"I can see those any time," Master David replied in a deadpan voice. Marla noted that he was smiling and that his gaze was fixed on her bosom.

"Oh, now you're going to get it!" Kayla chirped happily from her seat beside the pair of wolves.

Marla leaned forward and grabbed Master David's shirt. As she pulled it off, she said, "He most certainly is!"

It took some doing and more than a bit of help from Kayla, but Master David was slowly stripped naked, and Marla got down to just her crotchless panties. She raised her hips high in the air before slowly lowering herself onto Master David's long pole. She took the time to tease him into a couple of spurts of cum as she made her way down to his knot.

Once Marla was tied to Master David Kayla slipped under the wolfess' tail and found Master David's balls. As Marla ran her paws through his chest fur and kidded him about his view, Kayla began to lick and suck on his testicles. The otteress drove him to cum several times in rapid succession.

Kayla shifted her attention to Marla's tail hole. She knew that the wolfess loved anal penetration, so she worked her fingers deep into Marla's tail hole. That set Marla off on one long, slow motion orgasm of her own.

Over an hour later Master David began to wilt. He grasped Marla's hips, stood with her, and lowered her down onto a waiting ottoman. She placed her feet on the arms of his chair and held her hips high as he withdrew. She still felt a stream of jism trail down over her ass hole and onto the base of her tail. He had been truly prolific in his production of jism this time.

While Marla rested and waited for the sperm in her vagina to work its way to her womb Kayla got cold drinks for all three. The wolfess enjoyed the cool, tart fruit juice.

After the drinks were done, Master David reached for Kayla. There was a decided sexual leer on his muzzle.

Kayla reached out and gently batted his questing paw away.

"Not here. Upstairs."

Master David cocked an eyebrow in surprise and question.

"I don't want Marla and me to have to carry you upstairs after mating with me!"

Master David laughed heartily and said, "Promises! Promises!"

The three made their way up to the master bedroom. Kayla slipped onto the bed and spread her arms and legs wide. Master David followed her onto the bed and covered her in a single motion. She enveloped him in her arms and legs. Marla could see his again erect dick slide into the otteress'waiting snatch without any resistance. She tied herself to him, and they were off.

Marla crawled onto the bed behind the mating couple and worked her way under Master David's tail. She returned Kayla's favor with plenty of licking and fingering of her own. She could tell that both of her mates were having repeated orgasms as Master David filled Kayla with his hot jism. She could even taste the overflowing sperm as it dribbled out of Kayla's cunt.

When Master David finally rolled off of Kayla he was panting hard. That did not stop him from reaching for Marla to have another go.

Marla was trying to figure out how to gently deflect his amorous intentions when Kayla intervened.

"Enough for tonight. It's nearly 1:30 AM. More fun can wait until tomorrow."

"But we don't know what tomorrow is going to bring! I need to breed you both as frequently as I can."

"It can wait. Now go to sleep!"

Master David seemed ready to fight Kayla, so Marla lied by saying, "I'm tired. Why not wait for tomorrow morning?"

Master David looked at her through slitted eyes.

"I'm still capable of performing," he growled.

Kayla cuddled up against her mate's chest and said, "We know. But right now we want sleep, not sex."

To emphasize her point, Kayla yawned.

Master David continued to grumble, but he did settle in for sleep. In a few minutes he was out. Uncharacteristically he snored fairly loudly.

"Is he okay?" Marla asked in a muted voice.

"His heart is pounding so hard I thought it would explode if he tried to mate with you!" Kayla replied in a whisper. She placed her left paw on his chest and added, "It has barely slowed down!"

Marla leaned over her alpha male's chest and placed her left ear against his chest. She could hear his pounding heart. She frowned.

"He's got an irregular heartbeat," the wolfess declared.

"I don't care what those doctors said. Those pills are going to kill him!" the otteress hissed.

Kayla was silent for many seconds.

"Marla," Kayla asked, "Do you think you are pregnant yet?"

Marla rolled onto her back and looked down at her tummy. She ran her paws over her belly. It did not feel any different, but at the same time she knew that there was a good chance that she was now carrying a pup.

"If I'm not, it's not from lack of trying or production. He's been producing like an equine, not a canine."

"Agreed. I don't know if the nanobots have been able to whip up some suitable changes to me to get me pregnant, but I think or at least hope I am if it is even possible.

"I want my pups to know their sire. What about you, Marla?"

Marla did not hesitate.

"I do too. If we are not pregnant now, let's use the natural way for the rest of our time here."

Kayla stood and went to the bathroom. Marla could hear her open the medicine cabinet. A few seconds later she heard the faint sound of the toilet flushing followed by something being dropped into the waste basket.

Kayla had a contented grin on her face when she returned to the bed. Marla found herself echoing it. They snuggled together with their mate. In his sleep he sighed and smiled. Marla and Kayla gently moved several stray strands of hair from his face before cuddling with him.

As she drifted off to sleep, Marla was happy to know that her mate and alpha male would not be endangering his health and life to give her a pup.