"Happy Anniversary"

Story by MCaesar on SoFurry

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Disclaimer: This is a adult story and contains graphic sexual content. If you shouldn't or don't want to be reading it, go away. The events, characters and locations are not based on reality, and any similarities are coincidental.

This story, like my last (and likely many more) did not start as a furry piece. This one was an idea I started to try and get down some of my biggest hypnosis-related fantasies. Something of a hypnofetish manifesto. It had largely foundered for want of motivation until the beginning of this month. I joined the monthly writing contest in "The Arena" over at the EMCSA's forum, and used the deadline (tonight) to kick myself into gear. Just try to ignore the seams where I grafted on the appropriate content, and feel free to point out any tags I missed.

Contains: FD, FF, MC, MD, MF

"Happy Anniversary"

By MCaesar

Chapter 1: His

To say I had an interesting weekend would be, some might say, an understatement. But not interesting in a bad way, mind you. You see, it was a pretty special anniversary for my girlfriend and me. It was a year since our very first date.

I met Elizabeth at the University. We did some Graduate work in the same department, so she was a vaguely familiar face around the building. She was a black cat, with the sleekest coat of silky fur, round and firm C-cups, and smooth, graceful legs that don't quit. I didn't know she had any of these at first glance. I always saw her bundled up under sweats and jackets, but with the weather here up north, so did everyone else. What she couldn't hide, though, were her bright, golden eyes and dazzling, toothy smile.

We remained acquaintances for a while, and I was too busy to find a reason to change that. A few days a week I would see her reading leisurely in the common lounge, the same place I had grown accustomed to taking breaks to catch up on my e-mails and unwind. Smiles were often exchanged, as well as obligatory greetings, and occasional chit-chat. It wasn't until spring, and its loosened dress code, that I started to notice Elizabeth in a biblical sense. It was a sunny afternoon in April when I made the first move.

"So, Elizabeth, I wa-"

"C'mon, Mitch," she said cheerfully "call me Liz. A big, bad wolf like you doesn't need to be intimidated by little ole me."

I wasn't really intimidated, but the idea made chuckle a bit, and her cheery attitude put me even more at ease. "So anyway, Liz. Would you maybe... want to go out some time."

Her smile turned coy. "Hmm, I don't know. What did you have in mind?"

The next night I took her out to a local Chinese place. It might sound hopelessly romantic to say that we sat there talking until closing time, but we did. We hit it off and have been an item ever since.

Over the next year, we both finished school, got jobs and even got a place together. It was soon after we had settled in comfortably together that a strange and fateful topic came up.

"Say babe," she said on the couch that evening, "what do you know about hypnosis?"

I was caught a little off guard. "Huh? Hypnosis? Uh, not much, I guess... Why do you ask?"

"Well we're starting a study on it at work, and, well..." She said a little timidly. "I was wondering if you would let me try it out on you."

Well, I supposed that made sense, given that Liz still did research for the University's psychology department, though she didn't usually bring her work home with her... that I knew of. So lucky me, I got to be her personal guinea pig. I'd seen a few stage shows before, but I'd never really given much thought to being on the receiving end of what I had previously considered a parlor trick. I was about to voice my skepticism when I looked at her face. Just by the look in her eyes, I could tell my participation was more important to her than she was willing to admit. So I let her give it a try. And wouldn't you know, she turned out to be pretty good at it!

It took some practice, but I got better and better at being hypnotized. At first I had a little trouble "just letting go," as she would put it, as I was still a little skeptical about the whole thing. But Liz seemed quite knowledgeable about it, even during her first attempts. I finally decided to trust her, and things took off.

Since I wasn't one of the official test subjects in her study, her experiments on me were... of less than scientific merit. I'll admit, nothing beats coming home to a woman who can make a short back rub feel like a deep tissue massage with a few soft words. And when it was my turn to pick up milk, even though I'd forgotten, as usual, I found myself parked at the supermarket instead of home that night.

For a while, that was about the full of it. We'd be unwinding after a hard day, watching TV on the couch together, or I'd be reading in my chair, chatting idly, and she would strike. Without me even noticing, she'd make some seemingly innocuous remark, and I'd space out a little. Another clandestine phrase and my thoughts would lose all momentum, grinding slowly to a halt under the weight of her hidden triggers. By the time I usually figured out what was going on, Liz would be standing over me, smiling like the cat she was, right before my eyes closed and I slipped, floated or sank into oblivion.

And that mischievous grin was always the next thing I was aware of when she brought me back up. From there it was a waiting game, just a matter of time until something set off the latest programming. If I could guess correctly what the trigger was, she'd even let me decide if I wanted to keep it. It's always been in good fun, and it's kept me on my toes these past couple months.

Then, about a week ago, I was checking my calendar and suddenly realized. "Say, Liz? You know what next weekend is?" I asked, double-checking in my head to be sure.

"What? I don't remember anything coming up." She thought for a moment. "Is it your brother's birthday?"

"No, that's Tuesday," I said. "It'll be a year since our first date. Remember, back at Imperial Wok?"

Her eyes lit up. "Oh my gosh, Mitch! That's right! I can't believe you remember that. What are we going to do to celebrate?"

"Let me handle that, baby," I said in my playful, exaggerated suave voice. "Let me handle everything."

That got her to giggle, though she looked like she was thinking about something else. I didn't notice it, already preoccupied with planning for the big night. It might have saved me some grief later if I had.

The next week seemed pretty normal, aside from my laying the groundwork for a romantic evening on Friday, though looking back, it was probably anything but. Liz seemed to have a lot of work to bring home each night, I assumed so that we could have the weekend to ourselves. While she worked, I caught up on my reading; magazines, the paper, library books, articles online. I was content merely to not distract her while she worked. We hardly even talked like we usually did, just when we ate supper together and when we got ready for bed.

It seems strange now, though not at the time, to say that for all the time I spent reading, I didn't really get much read. I'd often find myself starting the same articles over and over, before realizing I already had read them. An entire evening might disappear before I'd finished more than a few pages. Normally, such a lack of progress and attention span, even during leisure time, would be upsetting. As it was, I barely spared it a thought, and moved on with my routine.

The other thing out of the ordinary, a thing I did notice, was how horny I was all week. Being a healthy canine in the prime of his life, I still have a pretty strong libido. Hell, the hormonal frenzies of high school and college are still too close for comfort. But for the most part, these days I... had a pretty good handle on it. In an overly suggestive manner of speaking. Liz treats me right when I need it, and I was always happy to reciprocate. But she was occupied with her work all night, so it would hardly have been appropriate to bring it up.

That week though, more than a few times I found myself idly rubbing a surprise in my pants. Every little thing seemed sexier, more exciting, and would launch me into an erotic daydream whenever I lost even a little focus. It had been years since I popped that many spontaneous erections for no reason.

However, it never occurred to me that there was any reason for my agitated state, other than perhaps anticipation of some post-date fun in a few days. I also never gave a thought to giving myself some relief. My arousal slowly became more frequent and insistent, like my boner knew something I didn't. I should probably listen to him more often. Even so, I decided just enjoy it while it lasted, maybe help it along a little if I was alone, but never thinking to finish.

Finally the big day arrived. Since I usually get home first, I took care of all the menial daily chores, so that there was nothing for us to worry about later. A potentially mood-killing pile of dirty dishes was replaced by a modest, tasteful bouquet of roses I ordered and picked up. Fortunately, Liz got home a little later than normal, so I had the time to get the place and myself cleaned and dressed up for the occasion. My chronic arousal grew even worse the closer the appointed hour approached. Somehow, it was less distracting than it should have been, motivating even.

The front door opened right after I finished. She walked in and spotted the roses just as I came to greet her.

"Aww, Mitch. I love them."

That was never in doubt, but it was still nice to hear. "I'm glad you do, milady. Happy anniversary." I gave her a smooch. "Are you ready for a night out?"

She gave me that smile and said, "Just a minute. Let me get myself freshened up."

Moments after she left the room, I heard the bedroom door close, so I had a seat on the couch. Everything was already taken care of, so I sorta just zoned out, for what seemed like only a second. I was slightly startled by the sound of the bedroom door opening again. I looked down and, much to my surprise, my hand was down my pants, stroking another unsolicited erection. I barely managed to extract it before Liz strolled into the room.

Her stride was confident and sultry, traits that she undeniably deserved. She was wearing her "little black dress," that matched her fur in color and texture and that went down to her knees, a belt with a chrome buckle around her waist. Her black, heeled boots almost met the dress, going up to just below her knees. There was a gold bracelet on each wrist, the crystal butterfly pendant I got her for Valentine's, and sapphire earrings that sparkled just a bit with every step.

"So, Honey Buns, how do I look?"

We haven't really had occasion to, so I'd never seen Liz so dressed to the nines. And for that reason, I submit that I should be forgiven a little incoherent babbling before I picked my jaw up off the floor.

She winked. "You flatterer." With that, we headed out.

Our destination was the local Chinese place, the very same one I'd taken her to a year before. What can I say? I'm a hopeless romantic. I had not been idle the last week, though. When we arrived, we were immediately lead to a secluded table in corner. All the lights were dimmed, and candles were lit in the middle of our table.

I was friendly enough with the old tiger couple that ran the restaurant and it wasn't too busy that night anyway, so they happily agreed to play "classy joint" for the evening. We were served small courses of all our favorite dishes, and brought a bottle of wine I had picked up earlier. And true to form, we were there until closing again.

By the time we got home, I was feeling satisfied and perhaps a little buzzed from the wine. Elizabeth walked in ahead of me, turned and said "Thank you, Honey Buns. This evening was wonderful." Then she kissed me. It was a long, delicate, lingering kiss, and one that hinted at an encore.

I was about to say something, when she put her finger on my lips. "And it's not over yet," she said, and led me by the collar toward the bedroom.

Chapter 2: Hers

As we got to the door, she stopped me. "I just need one second. You can wait that long for me can't you?" she said coyly, before going inside and closing the door. What seemed only a moment later I heard her voice call out. "Come on in Honey Buns!"

I opened the door and entered into her love nest. Several candles were lit, placed on dressers and chairs around the room. Many were scented, leaving a variety of stimulating odors that varied as I passed across the room.

From through the door to the adjoining bathroom I heard her again. "Go sit down on the bed, and close your eyes." I proceeded to do so, the latter with considerably more effort than the former. The door creaked open. My anticipation was palpable, and I wouldn't have been surprised if she could have heard my heart beating from across the room.

"Now I'll ask again; how do I look?"

I opened my eyes again, and what I saw, I could barely comprehend. She stood, hands on cocked hips, wearing lace lingerie, bra, panties, stockings and a garter, in a vibrant shade of red that contrasted starkly against her dark pelt. Every curve, every inch of smooth, soft fur was perfectly accentuated, wrapped like a present.

"Well?" she asked.

I gasped for air, only then realizing I'd been holding my breath. "Wow," was all I could manage. I'm aware that wasn't the sexiest comeback, but given the circumstances, I was just glad it was something in the dictionary. Any dictionary, for that matter.

She smirked at me with smoldering eyes. "You went to so much trouble tonight, I think I'd like to return the favor." She sauntered over to the bed, slowly, with a sway in her hips and a lazy swish of her tail. Here we go, I thought, blissfully unaware of how right I truly was.

First, she unbuttoned my shirt, pulling it over my head. Before it even landed in a pile on the floor, Liz was planting kisses all the way down my chest, holding my hands at my sides. Lower and lower, kiss after kiss, teasing her way down, just... about...

And then she stopped. I looked down at her in time to see her grab my belt buckle, and with a flick of her hand faster than I could follow, my belt was off. Her fingers slowly and deliberately unbuttoned, then unzipped my slacks. Pausing, she glanced up, meeting my stupefied gaze, desire clearly burning in her eyes. My pants joined the shirt on the floor in a pile. There I was, with the woman I loved hovering over my acutely tented boxers. They didn't last much longer, unleashing a cock so hard, I half-expected to hear a cartoon *Boing!* I laid my head back, and closed my eyes, waiting for the next step with bated breath.

"Enjoying yourself, Honey Buns?" said a voice softly in my ear. My eyes snapped back open and my head wretched to the side. I saw Liz, in her lingerie, sitting on the edge of the bed beside me. I could still feel the weight of someone over me, and my bewildered face slowly turned back down. The woman who had just been Liz stared back, giggling like a schoolgirl.

She was snow-white rabbit, her long, perky ears at attention. Might have been a bit shorter than Liz, and her frame was very lean and lithe; not quite so curvy as my girlfriend. A perky B-cup, taut, smooth stomach, and strong, slender legs were packaged in an ensemble identical to Liz's, only black instead of red.

Liz got up and walked around the bed, stopping beside the stranger. "Honey, I'd like you to meet Jenny Robinson."

"Hi," said the bunny girl, giving a cheerful wave, "nice to meet you."

I'd not yet recovered from the shock of having someone unexpectedly appear in my bedroom, someone I'd thought was my woman only seconds ago, someone who had undressed me in a very intimate way. Returning pleasantries was not a priority.

"Don't be rude, Honey. The poor girl was trying so hard to show you a good time, the least you could do is talk to her." Seeing I was still unable to form words, Liz continued. "Well perhaps I should introduce her. You see dear, Jenny is an undergrad at the University in a class I TA for sometimes. She saw a flier for the hypnosis study and came in asking all sorts of questions about it. How it works, if I could teacher her, if it could help her with relationships. She was so interested, I went and asked her if she wanted to do some 'experimenting' of our own."

My expression must have been at least skeptical of, if not mortified by, her revelation, because she said, "Oh don't give me that look, Honey. It wasn't like that. Not at first anyway." Her reminiscent smile was less than reassuring. "I've known hypnosis for years. It just never came up until we started doing it at work, I guess. And Jenny here is almost as good a subject as you are. She's a quick learner, too."

The beaming Jenny piped in with a voice that was filled with an infectious enthusiasm. "Lizzy says I've got the most potential she's ever seen. After herself, of course."

Despite the surreal situation I found myself in, or perhaps because of it, I chuckled. "Lizzy?" I'd only called her that once before, and she had not liked it. Not at all.

"Anyway," Liz continued with a hint of irritation, "when you started planning for tonight, I made a few arrangements of my own, and I asked Jenny here if she wanted to help. A bit of an 'extra curricular.'"

I was still struggling with... well everything. The magical seductress, Liz's strange story, none of it made any sense. And I told them as much.

"Oh," said Liz, "it completely slipped my mind." She walked back around, leaned over to me and tapped her finger on my forehead. I felt a wave radiate out from that point, a fuzzy, warm feeling that washed across my whole body and drained me of my strength. My eyes drooped shut and my limp form slumped back on the bed. For a moment, I laid there, unaware of anything but the profoundly relaxed sensations surrounding me. Then I heard a voice.

"Remember." And I did. The entire week, Liz had been putting me under. Every evening, when I thought she was busy working and I was reading, she had actually been hypnotizing me. She had been preparing me for tonight, filling my malleable mind with a wide variety of triggers and responses. And after every session, she then had me forget what had happened. It seemed pretty obvious now, thinking back to my fruitless hours spent skimming over my literature. But I was not meant to know about my surprise beforehand, she had told me, I wasn't supposed to suspect anything of the sort.

I had her to thank for my persistent and insistent arousal all week, too. I was to work myself into a frenzy, but I was forced to save it for the big event. The result was that I was still sporting a hard-on even after this entire ordeal, and still had half a mind to use it. I also still had a vague feeling that there were more memories I was yet denied access to, more hidden traps for Liz to spring on me. If they were anything like the illusory disguise Jenny had been wearing, I'd never see them coming.

I heard the voice say "Awake!" My eyes flew open, and the ladies came back into focus. Jenny was watching like a child opening a Christmas present, and Liz was the mother who wrote the note from Santa. I blinked a few times and stretched.

"Sit up" Liz said. Instantly, my body did just that. It actually took my brain a second to catch up. It was like I was a passenger, passively observing through half-lidded eyes. "Just get comfy and enjoy the show." My back pressed against the headboard, and my gaze locked on the two women. They stared back, undisguised want written across their faces.

Liz took her place behind Jenny, her head over the younger girl's shoulder. She whispered something I couldn't hear into Jenny's ear. Jenny's eyes rolled up, ears folding back, and eyelids fluttering for a moment before closing altogether. She leaned gently back into Liz, who was already supporting her. I had seen a few people go under, on TV and on stage, but seeing my girlfriend exert the same influence over someone else as she had over me was, quite honestly, the hottest thing I'd ever seen.

Another soft word from Liz, and Jenny's body started to move. The two started a striptease duet, their hands sensuously roaming each other's bodies. Liz, body hidden behind the sleep-stripping Jenny, removed her bra and dropped it. Gyrating with increasing urgency against the woman behind her, Jenny didn't seem to notice when Liz unclasped her own, but ever the unrepentant tease, Liz covered her partner's pert breasts with her arm.

Both set a foot up on the edge of the bed, slipping the different-colored stockings off of the other's leg. They repeated the move for their other legs. Still covering Jenny's rack with one arm, Liz's other hand crept down the girl's stomach, lightly caressing until she reached fabric. She slid her hand into the dampening panties, whispering once more, and Jenny's whole body twitched. She let out a long, throaty moan, and her own arm reached behind, I assume, to fondle my beloved, as Liz let out a purr of her own.

After about a minute of this, Liz spun Jenny around to face her, and the two kissed passionately. Slowly sinking down Jenny's body, planting kisses along the way, Liz turned the both them around. I finally got to see the student's tits, and the wait had been worth it. Whatever advantage Liz had in size, Jenny made up for in shape, with round half-globes that stood firmly out from her chest. As Liz finally got to the last article on her entranced pupil, she peeled it off, tantalizingly slowly. Jenny's dripping, clean-shaven mound came into view, but no sooner had I glimpsed it, Liz's head got in my way. The response from Jenny was immediate and inarguably positive. She threw her head back and ran her fingers through Liz's hair. After a few whimpers, she let out a cry of ecstasy.

After Jenny came down from her orgasm, Liz stood up and snapped her fingers. Jenny blinked a few times, and when she realized what just happened, she turned a bit red, but broke a wide grin.

"Come on, Honey." Liz said, finally reminding everyone that I was still there. "We've got something to take care of."

My legs swung off the bed all by themselves. When I stood, I again became acutely aware of my boner, which was standing almost straight up, throbbing its approval of the show. Unable to stop myself, I followed Liz into the adjoining bathroom. When she stopped, I simply stood there, arms hanging at my sides, body immobile and waiting for orders. "Good boy," she said, the words sending a shiver of intense contentment down my spine. "It feels so good to obey, doesn't it?"

"Yesss." That was odd, I thought disconnectedly. That sounded like me.

She picked up my can of shaving gel off the counter. "Jenny, would you be a dear?"

"Sure thing, Lizzy." The excited girl retrieved two brand-new razors from a cupboard.

"Thanks doll, you're a lifesaver." Liz gave a knowing wink.

The two lathered up my aching tool, with care and relish. Having four feminine hands working the cool, smooth foam over every inch of my sensitive skin was unlike anything I'd ever experienced. My head lolled back a little as the pleasure washed across me.

"No need to worry babe," said Liz, knowing I normally might have jumped a little at feeling a razor applied to my business, "Just let every stroke of the blade whisk away your thoughts and resistance." In tandem, the two shaved me, repeating reassurances and reinforcement, the sensitivity of my skin and brain broth increasing the more fur and foam they removed. By the time they were finished, my package and mind were both smooth, clean and ready for what was to come.

Liz's voice pierced the hypnotic haze. "Well Jenny was good enough to come prepared, but I wouldn't mind you returning the favor, dear." There was no longer any lag between action and thought. My mind now obeyed as immediately as my body. I knelt before her, first sliding her panties to the floor, then working some gel into a foam with my hands. She leaned against the counter and spread her legs to give me access. I spread the lather on thin fur on her labia and with the steady hand of a surgeon and the care of a lover, I shaved her. By the time I was done, her heady musk permeated the space around me, adding a growing desire to the pleasant fog already soothing and softening my brain.

"I think we're about ready to move this back to the bed, aren't we?" I heard Jenny say, as though from a great distance.

"Agreed. Come along dear." My enchantress led me out and pushed me back onto the bed. "Since she's been such a good girl," praise that made Jenny visibly shudder, "why don't you obey her for a while."

Jenny got that Christmas morning look again, and hopped onto the bed next to me. "Eat me, stud. Pick up where Lizzy left off."

She spread her legs, all the invitation I needed. Stopping short of diving right in, I slid a couple fingers across her wetness, feeling her hot, swollen lips. Then I lowered my muzzle and put my long, wide tongue to work. I liked to think that I'm pretty good at giving oral under normal circumstances. But in hindsight, this was probably some of my finest work. There were no distractions, no pressure to perform, nothing but me and that pussy. I was "in the zone," able to read her reactions with what seemed like supernatural clarity. In no time, her firm thighs were clamping around my head as she screamed. I didn't let up, either, driving her climax up to higher peaks, determined to make it a memorable one. Just when it didn't seem like she could take it anymore, she managed to squeak out a "Stop!" between gasps and I was forced to halt my assault.

"You're going to give the poor thing a heart attack, dear." Liz chided. "Well, while Jenny catches her breath, I think I might want a piece of that action." She rolled me over onto my back. Leaning right up to my expressionless face, she slowly and lovingly licked Jenny's juicy mess off of it with her rough tongue. When she'd finished, she gave me a kiss just as slow and loving. She broke away, saying "Time to take you for a ride, babe."

Liz deftly gripped the steel rod between our legs and gave it a couple appreciated, if no longer entirely necessary, strokes, which spread across it the heretofore undisturbed stream of precum drooling from it. Satisfied I was ready, she straddled my crotch, and guided my cock to her slit. For a moment, she paused. My cockhead was just barely poking at her boiling entrance, pressing ever so slightly more with each of our labored breaths. She looked me up and down, her lusty gaze saturating my entire consciousness.

"Fuck me."

It was all I needed to hear. The words were like a lightning bolt of sexual electricity in my mind, making my hips buck instinctively. At the same time, Liz eased down, and I thrust into her, all the way. Then I pulled out, until just the head remained, before my full length penetrated again, and then again. She rested her chest against mine and clutched my shoulders, so I grabbed a soft buttock in each hand to better leverage my desperate humping.

We rutted there for a while, both grunting and groaning in exertion and pleasure. The act was somehow as intimate as it was animalistic. Any part of me that even could have held back, would have prevented me from giving everything I had to her, was buried deep down under these feelings. I had no control, so I gave uncontrollably; I showed my love without restraint. Looking back, I don't believe that this was something that Liz had planted in my head beforehand. She had merely given me the opportunity to express it fully, purely.

"Aww," said a recovered Jenny, "you two are really going at it. It's so... sweet."

"Ohh," was all Liz could manage to reply at first. "He is doing... ahh... rather we-well. I'm think I'm going to... going to..."

A second later she came. I could tell even without hearing the husky moan she made that cracked a little whenever she came. I could tell because of the way that her cunt squeezed real hard on my cock whenever she came. Most times I'd managed to make her orgasm, it was this reaction that usually put me over too, so we would often climax together. But not that time. That time I just kept on going. I was way past my normal threshold, but I just... couldn't...

Jenny chimed in from the sidelines. "Take it easy on her, big boy," she teased. "I think he's about ready to pop, don't you, Lizzy?"

Liz pushed me down into the bed, climbed off and flopped beside me. "Oooh, not until I say so," she cooed, confirming what my prescient dick already knew. I needed her permission to cum, I would have realized, had I been thinking. "But," she paused, thoughtfully. "Maybe he's earned it. Over there, Honey Buns."

I got up and stood at the foot of the bed, where she had indicated. At attention, in more ways than one. Jenny and Liz sat on the edge, in rapt attention and demure authority, respectively.

"Get hard for me." I hadn't had a chance to lose it, but my awareness of my erection suddenly eclipsed the rest of my body. I twitched with every heartbeat, the slightest brush of air sending thrills throughout me.

"Would you do the honors?" Liz asked Jenny, without looking away from me.

Jenny replied with a mischievous smirk. "No, you can. As long as I get to catch it."

"Ooh, a little dirty girl, eh? This'll be fun." Liz gently nudged the young rabbit onto the floor between us. "Look at her." The entire universe shrank, until it contained just the two of us and the space in between, which itself contained my aggressively pulsing member. And a voice from somewhere else.

"Doesn't she just look so sweet? So hot and tight?"

My gaze roamed her kneeling form; taking in every creamy square inch, every tone muscle, and it got me really fucking hot. Before, I had been hard, but that had been physical. Now it was psychological, candy for the eye and the mind.

Jenny was clearly enjoying the attention. I could make out her skin flushing even through the fur, and her nipples stood out almost a half inch. She was breathing almost as heavy as I was, in expectant, ragged breaths. Throughout it all, she had put on a face of innocence, but her eyes further belied the raw lust raging behind them. I'm not sure who would have wanted this more, had I been able to want things I hadn't been told to want yet.

"You got big, hot load for me, stud?" Jenny teased. Oh, did I ever. "You wanna shoot it all over me?" Again, decidedly in the affirmative. But the block from Liz held me back.

All of a sudden, I could smell Liz right beside me. I felt her hot breath on my neck. I heard her voice in my ear.

"Happy anniversary, Honey Buns."

I don't remember exactly what my response was, but it was something along the lines of "Happy annNNGGHH!" With the word given, the dam burst. My whole body clenched, sending the first of many jets of my hot seed flying onto the kneeling Jenny before me. As soon as it impacted her, she threw her head back, gasping.

I spurted over and over again, working off a week's worth of backlog. And given the week that it was, there was plenty to go around. Jenny, for her part, was just trying to keep up. True to her word, she managed to catch a few in her mouth, but the majority landed somewhere on her supple body, mostly her chest. Before I was even finished, she had already started to spread my cum into her even whiter fur. The erotic sight made me cum even harder.

When it finally started to trail off, I felt a tap on my forehead. The powerful wave of hypnosis, combined with the catharsis, the physical and emotional release of my orgasm, swept me into unconsciousness.

Chapter 3: Theirs

I awoke the next morning, feeling like I'd slept for a year. Blinking the sleep from my eyes, I looked around the room. I was in our bedroom, the scene of the crime, and my alarm clock informed me that it was quarter after ten. There was no sign of the girls, which was fine with me. I wanted to sort through just what had happened last night a bit on my own. It all seemed like a crazy, half-remembered wet dream.

I shambled out of the bedroom toward the kitchen, looking for something to eat. A night of crazy hypnosis-fuelled sex can really work up an appetite, let me tell you. Apparently that was expected, because I found a note on the fridge.

"Jenny and I are going to be gone all day," it read in Liz's handwriting, "so you'll be on your own. Hope you enjoyed your first present! I have another surprise for you tonight..."

Reading the note gave me faint twinge of apprehension. Sure, I'd liked what they had done for me and to me last night, but it had been just plain surreal. Was I ready for more, so soon?

There was another twinge too, a familiar one down below. Apparently my dick was privy to intel about tonight's festivities. Well if he was excited, I reasoned, then whatever was coming up was probably alright with me. I'd just have to wait and see.

Trying to use my Saturday for its intended purpose, I made myself an omelet, and flopped onto the couch. I considered picking up a book, but the thought of what they'd been covering up all week made me hesitant. Instead, I opted to turn on the TV, without really watching anything in particular. My thoughts wandered back to last night again, adding a lot of the hindsight I've already shared.

A late afternoon jog, and a supper of leftover Chinese food later, and I wound up back on the couch. Again, I wasn't really paying attention to the quiet television in front of me, but trying futilely to maybe remember a clue of what I had coming. Lost in thought, I kinda just dozed off. As I strained to remember, sexual memories and fantasies kept popping into my head, and they made me even drowsier. I guess the rigors of last night couldn't be slept off in one night, so I took a nap.

I woke up not much later, feeling reinvigorated. And despite the workout he'd put us both through, so was my little friend. I looked down at the tent he'd pitched himself during my nap, and was surprised to find a new note sitting in my lap.

"We're back, Sleepyhead. Come into the bedroom for your other surprise..."

Oh boy, I thought, now I'm in for it. Who knew what kinky things my girlfriend and her apprentice were going to have me do. But I decided not to look a gift horse in the mouth, and hesitantly made my way down the hall. I put my ear up to the door. Nothing. My hand wrapped slowly and tentatively around the doorknob. I realized then that I wasn't actually hiding from them, so I opened the door and stepped inside. None of the scenarios I'd been running through my head all day, each one making me more apprehensive than the last, had prepared me for what I discovered.

Liz and Jenny were both kneeling, side by side, naked, in the middle of the floor. They stared ahead blankly, not even acknowledging my entrance. Well, that piqued my interest.

"Umm, Liz? What's going on?"

"We are hypnotized."

The monotonous tone of her voice reminded me of how I'd sounded last night, and a sympathetic fog of relaxation passed across my mind for a moment. Already having an inkling, I asked anyway. "Why, exactly, are you hypnotized?"

"It is your gift," she said flatly, as if repeating the words. "We will obey you."

Well if that thought didn't just put a big, stupid smile on my face. A faint trickle of memories also came to me with this realization. Memories from a few of Liz's prep sessions, where she had given me tips and suggestions for dealing with hypnotized subjects. They gave me the sense of being a bit more comfortable and confident with this development.

I thought of one piece of advice she'd given me, one she'd told me might help me get into the right mood. "Both of you address me as 'Master' from now on."

"Yes Master," came the response, immediately and in unison. It sent a powerful shiver of arousal down my spine. Now I was the kid on Christmas. I had to decide what to do with my toys first...

"Girls, undress me," seemed like a logical first step.

"Yes Master," they said again. I don't think that would ever lose its appeal. Both girls stood up simultaneously and with a fluid grace. I hadn't really put much on to lounge around all day so it would be a trifle for them to take it off. Jenny grabbed the bottom of my shirt, while Liz put her hands in the elastic waists of both my shorts and underwear. One pulled up, the other down, and I was as naked as they were.

"You girls got me nice and dirty last night. How about we all go clean up together?" They confirmed, and all three of us stepped into the bathroom. The shower was big enough to fit two pretty comfortably, so I had them start with each other.

I told them to wash each other "in a sexy way," hoping they'd still be somewhat creative. I needn't have worried, as they passed the body wash, and started soaping each other up. The efficiency of their hypnotized movements gradually gave way to very sensual touches. They took turns washing each other, from head, to breasts, to back, then back to breasts, to pussy, up and down the legs, and up to the pussy again for a while. It was a show that any man, and a few kinds of women, would have given anything to watch. By the time they were "clean," they had more or less just started making out, which was fine with me. An impatient twitch down below reminded me that some appendages aren't content to watch. It was time to participate.

Adding a third person didn't leave much room to move around, but I wasn't really planning on doing much of the moving myself. I just stood in between them, Jenny in front, Liz in back. They sponged me, still in sexy mode, getting the grime from last night off in preparation for making some more tonight. Both left lingering kisses and caresses across surface of my body as they washed me, until I couldn't take much more anticipation.

I plucked my shampoo from the rack and passed it back to Liz. "Wash my hair, dear," I said, and striking upon an idea I added, "Whatever your hands do on my head, you will feel on your tits." She complied with a "Yes Master" and noticeable enthusiasm. I closed my eyes, tilted my head back, and let the water beat down on my chest as Liz's fingers worked into my scalp. Jenny was just coming up again, so I put my hand on her head. "Suck me off, and whatever you do to my cock, you feel on your pussy."

Gently pushing her head down to my crotch, I felt her warm, wet mouth engulf me. One hand wrapped around the base of my cock, and the other cupped my hanging balls, giving her more control and adding to the sensations. Up and down, lick and suck. This girl was a pro.

I didn't think I would last very long under this kind of well motivated treatment, being so expertly fellated, plus the scalp massage was pretty good on its own. I was wrong. Minutes went by, both girls moaning as they pleased me, pleasing themselves at the same time. Jenny might have cum once already, and Liz sounded really close. That turned me on even more, but I still kept going. I'd never lasted this long before. Except...

Except when I'd been hypnotized not to orgasm until commanded. Hmm, this was an interesting development. By accident or design, Liz had left that suggestion firmly in place. Well, that could be useful, but right now, I really just wanted to blow my load in the hot mouth around me.

As if she sensed it, Liz, unbidden, at least by me, whispered something to me. I couldn't understand or remember in that instant, at least consciously, what she said, but I remember what it meant. It was the same surge that had overwhelmed me last night, for the grand finale. The hand on Jenny's head drew her farther down onto my shaft, not too forcefully, but enough to make my point known. Taking it as a command, she accepted it deep into her throat. And it wasn't all she accepted there. I erupted with a grunt, shooting several jets of jizz hotter than the shower down her gullet. My head swam for a moment and my knees buckled, making me lean backward on Liz. The last few shots went into Jenny's mouth, before I popped out of it completely.

"Holy shit," I groaned as soon as the spots cleared from my vision and the strength returned to my knees. For a few more moments I panted, and I noticed that Jenny and Liz were doing the same. My orgasm had been so strong, that they had cum empathetically, and I hadn't even noticed. What I did notice was that Jenny still had her mouth open, and it was still full of my semen.

"Jenny, be a good girl and share some of that with Liz." I turned off the water and stepped out of the shower. "Oh, and it tastes like a chocolate milkshake, too," I threw over my shoulder as I toweled off. Behind me came the sounds of heated frenching, followed by lips smacking and I chuckled. "Dry each other off. You've got more work to do."

Clean and dry, I sat down on the edge of the bed. "Liz, go get that bottle of massage oil you have." She walked back into the bathroom, retrieving a small bottle of a fruity-scented mixture. We'd given each other a couple massages, once even to put me under when she wanted to see if she could. "Oil each other's tits up," I told them, "I want them soft and slick."

"Yes Master," replied the pair. Liz poured a little on Jenny's bosoms, and then some on her own. At first the two used their hands, spreading oil over each other's curvy chests. But as the spreading became petting, their slippery hands pulled each other together and they ground their sensitive breasts against one another.

"Hey hey, don't forget whose present this is," I said with mock indignation. "Bring those over here." Without even separating from each other, Liz and Jenny brought their jumbled mass of titflesh and hovered just above my res-erected cock. I laid myself back on the bed, and they lowered themselves around me. The feeling of four soft, sleek tits around my cock was as unbelievable as it was indescribable. I couldn't tell where one ended and another began, only reminded that it wasn't a single, continuous surface of pleasure by the occasional nipple grazing my manhood.

Confident in Liz's orgasm block, I was content to bask in their ministrations for a while. I might have felt bad, making them do all the work, but it was clear they were both having almost as good a time as I was. Besides, it wasn't much different than what they had subjected me to. I wondered if that was the point, giving me a chance for payback, or maybe they'd been counting on the sex slave role really being the better deal. Well either way, I was making it count.

A stray gasp brought me out of my musings and back to the matter at hand. "Okay girls, it's about time for some new positions. Jenny, up here." I had her take my place, bent over the bed's edge, facing away from me. Liz took her place by Jenny's face, on her back, legs spread and ready for the younger woman. I stood behind the brunette and brought my face down to her pussy, taking in the sight, the scent, even the heat that radiated from it. But this time my face wasn't staying there.

I gripped her hips, savoring the feel of taut muscle under her soft skin in my fingers. My cock throbbed its desire, as eager to try her out as I was. I pushed forward. "Sooo tight!" were the first words out of my mouth, and I meant them. It was amazing. Liz had good muscular control, but the squeeze Jenny put on me rendered me almost incoherent. My entire being was enveloped, safe and warm, inside that pussy. A pussy I fucked doggystyle for all I was worth.

I'd noticed, from observation and experience, that hypnosis gave a certain clarity to the mind, that allowed one to multitask mentally much better. Jenny was likely using this fact to eat out Liz with a skill that I inferred rivaled my own, and to wallow in overpowering pleasure at the same time. At least that was the impression the two were giving off.

Despite the edge taken off by the two earth-shaking orgasms I'd already had in the past twenty-four hours, I eventually felt another one bumping into Liz's roadblock. And I knew who was getting it. Making sure Jenny got off before I got off of her, just to be fair, I withdrew my member from of her. Easier said than done, as she had the same quality as a warm blanket on a cold day, where it just felt too good to leave. Determined to make the transition quickly, I nudged Jenny out of my way.

Liz, for her part, didn't seem to see me coming. She was still writhing from Jenny's touch, probably thinking this was only a momentary break. I was about to dispel that illusion in a way that I knew she wouldn't mind. I hovered above her, drinking in her helpless form. Now I was the one who got to do the whispering.

"You know what I want you to do now, Lizzy?"

"What, Master?" she asked, trembling in anticipation.

"Fuck me."

Turnabout is fair play. I penetrated her and she cried out in joy, pushing into me with each heave. I pounded her, drawing the last of my strength for this one final effort. In and out, faster and faster. I usually make a distinction between "fucking" and "making love." But this was somehow both, like when I had been under her the night before. Now she was the one giving herself to me, and I took her gladly.

I could feel her starting to tense, about to climax. "Ah, ah, ah. You can't cum until I do," I said hotly. My revenge was now complete.

Her eyes pleaded, but she could only say "yes Master." Her moans turned to squeals, which shrank into squeaks as I continued to fuck her relentlessly. The feelings were so intense it was all she could do just to breath.

Uh oh, I thought. I realized that I couldn't cum without the trigger from her, but I didn't want to spoil the moment by stopping long enough to ask what it was. At that rate, neither of us would ever finish, something both of us were quite eager to do. I searched my mind, trying to pick through the memories I was allowed into, desperately looking for the key to my metaphorical lock.

I thought back to last night. When she was on top of me. How could I have forgotten?

"Happy anniversary, Honey."

"Ha-Happy annivAAAAHHH!" The reaction was explosive. Her pussy got me in its orgasmic grip as she came. Hearing her say as much of the trigger as she could, I was allowed to cut loose. Our arms wrapped around one other in a tight embrace, her legs around my waist as well. With one last thrust, I plunged deeper into her than I ever had before, and I released every last drop of cum I had left.

For what seemed like several minutes, we laid there, panting. Then at last the silence was broken.

"That was even sweeter to watch the second time."

I rolled onto my side to find Jenny's dazzling smile had returned. I looked back down at Liz, discovering a loving glow on the face of my other former hypno-slave.

"Did you enjoy your present?" she asked, already knowing the answer.

"You're never allowed to surprise me with anything ever again," I said.

"Aww, c'mon, Honey Buns. You seemed to enjoy yourself. If you want, I'll teach you how to do it to me. How to really hypnotize someone." A trace of mischief flashed across her eyes. "You can even practice on Jenny."

"Speaking if whom," I said, looking back to the satisfied student, "I'm glad Liz invited you, and that you agreed to come, but I don't know how I can repay you. You know, for helping her. For being part of her present to me."

"Well..." she said. The word hung for a moment as she thought. "My birthday is next month. Maybe I could have you over to the Sorority house. You can help me with 'entertainment' for the girls, among other things..."

I looked at Liz, who rolled her eyes, and said "You've created a monster."

"That's okay," she purred, "she's our monster." She gave me one last smooch and turned out the light.