A brother's welcome home surprise

Story by Rabidotter on SoFurry

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My first submission please don't be too harsh, though criticism is welcomed.

Roan was home from college for the first time in months and he wasn't doing anything special. He just sat in his room playing video games and listening to some music. A knock on his door got him to stand up and walk over casually and stick his head out. His sister Rae was standing outside, she was in her first year of high school and had always been overly attached to him, "What is it Rae?" he asked in a growl.

Rae looked up at her brother, he was a good eight inches taller than him but she was annoyed at his tone and didn't ever back down from him, "Mom wants you to come get dinner" she said unaffected by his tone and pulling the door towards her causing it to hit him in the back of the head. Rae giggled and ran down the hall towards the dining room.

Roan cursed and swung the door open running out after her, "What the hell Rae!" he yelled running down the hall and stopping suddenly as he turned the corner and she was hiding behind his father. His father, though a little shorter was much more muscular, "Now now leave your sister alone" he said, Rae who was hiding behind him stuck her tongue out and a smirk was on her face. Their mother who was watching them both with a smile spoke up, "Now dear, they are just having fun, and Rae honey, can you put the plates on the table"

Rae, never denying her parents took the plates and headed to the table setting the plates in the appropriate spots and sitting in her seat which was directly across from Roan's. After she sat down the rest of the family came taking their seats and her mother began passing food out along the table. Rae took the basket of rolls and took one for her and then Roan asked her for one. She handed him the basket and her hand touched his making her blush a bit, "Stupid brother just take them" she said tossing the basket at him.

"What the hell" Roan said as he was hit in the chest with the rolls and hardly catching it. He took one out and sat it on the table, the whole time thinking that Rae was acting weird and it was annoying him. He quickly ate his dinner and stood from the table, "I am going back to my room" he said still annoyed with how his sister had been treating him and decided to confront her later. Roan walked away and back into his room waiting awhile just playing games. An hour later he left his room and went to his sister's which was just across the hall. He knocked on the door a few times and heard music playing and assumed his sister just couldn't hear him. He slowly opened the door and stepped in closing it behind him. When he turned he saw his sister with her back to him, she was squirming around a bit and her breathing sounded irregular. When Roan walked up he figured out what she was doing, she was touching herself and the irregular breathing was her moaning in pleasure. "Rae!" Roan said with a surprised tone.

Rae's eyes widened and she looked up at her brother, "Why are you in here?" she asked him in a frantic tone. She pulled her panties up and then quickly sat up. He face had turned an intense red color which could be seen even through her fur. "Get out!" she said after she regained composure and began hitting him with pillows as he stood there with his mouth wide open and his eyes glued to her.

Roan pulled himself together and took a sniff of the air, it was a heavy and strong scent and he could tell she had reached her first heat. "So you, the perfect daughter... finally I have something to ruin your image" he said smirking. "I wonder what dad would say if I told him about what happened here. Rae grabbed his arm with her paws and began begging, "Don't tell dad, please I will do anything, your laundry, anything!" she pleaded. The only reason they hadn't been heard was the music and the fact that their parents were probably already asleep downstairs and Roan took advantage of this. "Anything?" he asked the smell of her heat making him hard.

Roan had always loved his little sister a little more than a normal brother should, that is actually the reason he moved out for college. "Fine, I will keep quiet about this, but only if you do a little favor for me." Roan moved his hand down and dropped his pants and then slipping off his underwear. His member had hardened and was almost out at full length from the heat smell alone. "All you have to do it get me off and I forget all about what I saw." He said moving a bit closer to Rae.

Rae's eyes went down to Roan's member and her a look of shock appeared on her face, it was almost 8 inches and it wasn't even all the way out yet. "But you're my brother, this isn't right" she complained, secretly she had been fingering herself to an image of him, his deep black fur, his muscular build, and she wanted it all. Even if this were the case she would never admit it out of embarrassment and moved away from him her back hitting the wall.

Roan wanted to take her, the scent she was giving off and her beautiful body both made him crazy. As she shifted away Roan lunged forward and pinned her to the wall, "Oh dear sister, I don't think that is a problem, it isn't like anyone will know what we did" he said licking the side of her face and purring as the scent of her filled his nostrils. "At first I just wanted to get off but now I may want more" his said taking both of her hands by the wrist and moving his other hand down entering her virgin sex with one finger letting it go in to the knuckle.

Rae winced a bit when he pinned her to the wall. Roan was much stronger than she thought he would be and now that he was closer she could see the tone muscles on his arms. "But you're my broth---" she was cut off when his finger entered her and she let out a loud moan her sex tightening around his finger and trying to suck it in. Her heat had just come on and she didn't understand it yet. She was a late bloomer and had never even masturbated until that night, which served as a warm up to what Roan was doing to her.

"You want it so bad that your trying to suck my finger in" Roan taunted her and then without warning he went in kissing her deeply pushing his tongue inside. At first she seemed to struggle against it but the more he used his tongue to massage hers the more she seemed to loosen and respond to him. Roan began to move his finger in and out of her sex, some of her fluid began pouring out and she let out a loud moan which he quickly silenced with one of the pillows, "Be quite of dad will find out." He said in a growl and took the pillow away kissing her again.

Rae tried to deny the claims Roan made about her wanting it but before she could something inside her built up and exploded causing her to scream out in what she could only describe as ecstasy. Roan silenced her moan and began kissing her again which she could no longer deny felt wonderful and she kissed him back with equal passion. After a rather long kiss Roan pulled away to breath and Rae took the chance to slip her hands out of his grip which had become weaker. Yet instead of trying to run away like her mind was telling her, her body grabbed him around the neck and went back into another long and deep kiss after which she said, "Take me brother, I can't stand this feeling." Rae's sex was hot and her juices were pouring out awaiting something to satisfy its needs.

Roan was surprised but extremely happy when Rae kissed him back. "I can't hold myself back any longer" he said to her his member had extended to full length now and he aligned his hips with her sex pushing himself into her slowly until he reached her hymn. "Wait, you're a virgin?" he asked surprised. When she nodded he kissed her again, "Don't worry it won't hurt for long" he assured her before pulling back a bit and shoving as deep as he could breaking the hymn and causing her to scream out which he silenced with his mouth.

Rae couldn't stop her body from begging for it as he slid in but before she knew what he meant by it won't hurt long he had already shoved himself into her followed by a sharp pain deep within her. She would alarmed their parents with her loud scream if it wasn't for Roan's deep kiss which was to keep her silent. "Brother, it hurts..." she complained after he stopped the kiss and a few tears were falling from her eyes. Despite the pain soon it was all washed away by a feeling of pleasure and her body yearned for more.

Roan licked the tears from Rae's eyes and then began pumping his hips into her letting the sound from her sex reach his ears making him even hornier. Roan kissed Rae again trying to silence her now constant moans as he wildly pushed into her with all the force he could muster. "I am going to make your have my children" he said suddenly the heat and his parental instincts kicking in as he approached his limit and began to moan, his hips bucking automatically into her.

Rae was moaning and couldn't stop herself, she wanted him so bad now and she had a few more orgasms before she heard him talk about children. "Wait brother, mom and dad will definitely find out" she said. Her mind was telling her to push him away but her body and more importantly her heart yearned to make children with her brothers seed and she began to move against him trying to make him peak faster.

Roan kept going and disregarded Rae's protests and didn't care about their parents finding out at this point. The only thing he wanted was to release his seed inside of his sister and make her pregnant with his children. Roan let out a loud and powerful growling sound which was followed by him releasing his seed all within her, it took almost a whole minute before his hips stopped shaking and he was able to pull out of her. "Sis that was amazing" he said his breath heavy as he fell down onto the bed.

Rae came again before her brother finished and when his hot seed shot into her she felt happy and a smile formed on her face. "You know brother... I was playing with myself to an image of you" she said her mind only on being a mother and how much she loved him. She had forgotten all of her protests and the problems that would come next.

Roan looked down at Rae and stroked her fur, "You were?" he asked confused and then smiled, "I masturbate to you all the time actually" he said. As they lay next to each other he felt like for the first time in his life he had what he wanted and he didn't have to lie to himself anymore. "I love you..." he said.

Little did they know that their mother was passing by as they were talking and overheard part of it even through the music...