Sweet Little Devon

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A story about me and another furry I know. No, he's not really ten. Calm down.

Beyond my bedroom window, I could see him and his friends playing. From what I could tell, they were playing a game of "Hide-and-Seek", but then I wasn't really paying attention to the activity. I felt somewhat disgusted that I was so aroused by this kid, but I couldn't help myself. He's so beautiful, I just want to run outside, pick him up and kiss him.

His name's Devon Masieniec, and he's a ten-year-old foxkit. He's the prettiest little fox I've ever seen. He has soft yellow-orange fur and the most luminous blue eyes, a lithe body (he and his friends always stretch before they play a game), and a pretty white muzzle that i want badly to shove my wolfy cock into. I fantasize about him sucking me off all the time. And when I see him running around outside, getting sweaty, I finger myself and smell my fingers, pretending the scent is his.

For the longest time, I've wanted to do so many things to him. All in all, I'd give anything to mate with him. I think it's safe to say that I've fallen in love with him. The age difference isn't so bad in my opinion. Seven years. But then, I suppose my love for him is making me say crazy things. Any other person would think seven years is too much. But damn it, I just want him so bad...

Well, I'm tired of waiting. Today, I'm going to do something. After they're all done playing, I'll get him to come into my house. I have to today. My parents are going to be working late, and my sister's at a friend's house, so I HAVE to do it!


Seven o'clock. The sun's almost completely set, and some of his friends have gone home. I kept watching though. I've pawed three time since they started, every time thinking about Devon. God damn it, I love that little fox!

There were three of them left. I bolted out of my room and ran for the front door. I snatched it open and called for him.


I could see his little muzzle turn in my direction. I turned on the porchlight so he could see me, and then waved for him to come over. When I did, his two friends said something that sounded like, "See ya tomorrow!" before heading back to their homes. Devon ran over to me. My heart began racing as he approached me. He ran up the stoop, right to me. Too easy!

"Yeah?" he said, his voice like an angel's, pure and innocent.

I quickly thought of something he might like to do. "You wanna come in and play with my PS3?"

His tail began wagging, "Yeah!" but then it stopped. "But...I gotta go home..."

"That's fine, I'll just call your mom," I lied. I didn't even know his number, so I lied again. "My mom knows your mom. I'm sure it'll be fine."

Devon looked back in the direction of his house, then looked back at me. I love his eyes. "Okay," he said, and walked right inside. I murred a little and shut the door.

I led him up to my room, and told him to sit on the bed. I then shut and locked my door, and without saying a word, I pounced him and kissed him deeply. As soon as I did, I could smell his musk. I murred at his scent as I slid my tongue in his mouth.

He was squirming and trying to talk, but I grabbed his muzzle and held it still.

The kiss lasted for a few more moments when I finally broke it. I was breathing hard, and my shorts were really tight.

"What was that?" Devon asked. His face had an expression all its own, but his tone sounded a little excited.

"We're gonna have some fun..." I growled in pleasure, then ripped off his shorts. He gasped when he felt my hot breath on his little sheath, which was a little swolen. I stuck my nose under his balls and inhaled deeply. As I exhaled, I let out a soft moan. I then began licking his sheath, eliciting some moans from him. As I licked him, his sheath swelled more, and his cock began to rise out of it.

I then lifted his legs and sniffed his tailhole. "Fuck, you smell so good..." I began to lick his little hole, and he moaned at that too.

"Wuffie..." he said in a lusty tone.

I growled in pleasure and shoved my tongue inside him. He meeped loudly as I licked around inside him. He tasted just as good as I imagined he would, and I'd imagined it so many times...

He moaned again, and I stopped. "You like that?"

He was panting, and he nodded. "I...My dog did this to me once..."

I murred at the image. "What breed is he?"

"Husky..." he wagged his tail a little. "You...you kind of look like him..." he murred. His knot was small, but completely formed.

"Yeah?" I said as I pulled my shorts down and revealed my huge wolfy cock. "Well, did your husky ever do this to you?" I growled again and rammed my length into him as hard as I could. My moan was overshadowed by his scream. He was so tight, I thought i might cum right then. But I held it in. I wanted to fuck him for a little bit first.

"No..." he said, holding in another scream. "It...hurts..."

I began humping him at a steady pace, and he grunted with each thrust. His fingers were digging into my bed. He was in pain.

I lowered myself to him as I fucked him and whispered in his little foxxy ear. "I love you, Devon..."

His breathing picked up with the speed of my humps.

"I always have..." I said weakly, nearing my climax. "I want...to be your wolf..."

I began panting with him, only faster. I barked a few times as my huge knot kissed his tight entrance.

A tear streamed down his cheek, and at first I thought I'd overdone it. He was in pain, there was no way he'd love me back now. For a moment, I'd lost hope. Until he spoke.

"My...wolf..." He reached down and squeezed his knot and barked happily as he came all over his chest and muzzle.

His ass became tighter, and seeing him covered in his own cum sent me over the edge. Quickly, I shoved my knot into his ass and howled, showing my dominance, as I blasted my huge load inside him.

He moaned loudly and reached up to wrap his arms around my neck, as I then bit his.

I finally stopped cumming, but I couldn't bring myself to let go of his neck. I could've fallen asleep right there if I wanted to. But then I remembered. Devon has to get home.

I released him, my eyes closed, and spoke into his ear. "Devon, you need to get home." I opened my eyes to look into his, but he was asleep himself.

I didn't want to wake him. He looked so content. Instead, I picked him up, still tied to him, and brought him to the head of the bed. I turned him on his side so that I could lay next to him without my knot popping out. I sniffed the back of his head and murred. He still smelled like sweat. I licked him and murred at his taste as well. "I love you, Devon," I said again, in a lower, softer voice. I then wrapped my arm around him and fell asleep.