Kaiju ga Gotoku 6.8 - Banquet of Death

Story by Z-JAM-C on SoFurry

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#8 of Kaiju ga Gotoku, Act 6 - The Depths of his Soul

Far from the streets of Issincho, there lies a fabled restaurant where only the creme de la creme of society engage. The Sha-Wujing has its doors closed to almost everyone...but tonight, an intruder steps into the worst den of iniquity.

And that is all for Part 6! Hope you all been enjoying the story so far, this was a fun chapter to work through, though I had to rejig the ending part a few times. It was especially fun showing another side to some certain brothers here.

Godzilla and co. copyrighted to TOHO Co. Ltd, Gamera to Daiei Film Co. Ltd, and Yakuza/Ryu ga Gotoku to SEGA

Sha-Wujing remained a fortress to those who came close, the Chinese estate on the outskirts of Issincho with its lush gardens, wooden walls of paper doors and dark ponds beneath stone lanterns. The grand steel gate at its front opened slowly for food trucks to arrive, rumbling down to park in the back away from the classical front.

Creatures carried crates and wheeled them out on trolleys, stacked full of the freshest ingredients for the lavish desserts and richest dinners. Prawns plucked still-living from the sea, fruits and vegetables grown in peak-perfect natural conditions, all sourced from a French establishment that paid a fraction of the delivery cost, through various shell accounts.

One of those boxes was being carried by a familiar-looking kaiju, a dark-scaled saurian with flinted eyes and dorsal fins down his back. Kiryu looked somehow more bland and featureless in a dull blue outfit, with hat covering his eyes as he rolled the crate to the kitchen entrance of Sha-Wujing.

"Alright," a pale squid with four little eyes stood beside him, "this is where you get off."

"Thanks for the help," Kiryu muttered bowing, "tell Kiyo-san I appreciate everything she's done."

"Won't mean nothing if you don't finish it."

"How did you even get in Le Cheval Blanc?"

"I didn't," Orama shrugged, "they source local delivery to cut down on costs, it's pretty easy to outsource this shit."

The old cephalopod opened his crate to bring out a robe, a tube scarf and a surgical mask.

"Your name's Dr. Kyohei Yamane, your face was disfigured after a hydrogen bomb experiment, and it hurts like shit to talk."

"The real one isn't here?" Kiryu asked.

"He got delayed and won't be coming...but now you arrived, your invite's in the robe, use only single-word responses and you'll be fine."

"What if anyone recognises me?"

"Nobody talks to Dr. Yamane, he's very private and anti-social, something of a recluse in the science world."

"Got it. Thank you, Orama-san."

"Good luck...Yamane-san."

The jellyfish smiled with his eyes as he pushed the crate through to the kitchen, Kiryu heading out to the gardens to find the darkest place to sit. Past the babbling brooks of stone ponds and the occasional bamboo tree, a cluster of stones served to hide him as he took off his delivery clothes, his white suit still underneath, and slipped on a black hinagashi robe with patterns of mushrooms clouds.

"Bit miserable this," he muttered, "oh well."

He slipped on the mask and tube scarf that covered half his face and neck, his eyes barely exposed as he headed back to Sha-Wujing's main entrance. The varnished floors and straightened chairs seemed both familiar and different to that of Toho HQ, a brown fox in a pink robe taking off his shoes and washing his feet.

"Welcome, welcome!" cried a rabbit with red swirls at the front desk. "May I have your invite?"

Kiryu handed over the card in his sleeve as the receptionist gasped.

"OH, Dr. Yamane! I thought your flight had been delayed."

"Transfer," seethed Kiryu.

"Oh well that's very fortunate, airplanes are such nonsense to deal with aren't they?"

"Mmm," he nodded.

The fox cleaned off his feet to a shimmering gleam, dried and scoured before he walked through to find folding screens of heavenly warriors braced in lightning. Long halls of mahogany and ash gave a two-tone splendour to the wood with warm colours, the walls showing constellations that ancient travellers would follow.

Without any sliding doors the place felt both private and open, with curtains drawn across rooms where shadows danced. The sounds of pouring tea and guffaws from wealthy entrepreneurs came amongst practiced laughs from the geishas in every room. Sometimes he heard the sounds of rough sex pretending to be cultured, but still as savage as anywhere else with gasping snarls and heaving breaths.

The voices twisted through the passages as servants hurried back and forth, overwhelming Kiryu's senses as he slipped into an empty room and took a seat to himself. The mask was annoying, his breath fogging up against his nostrils as he waited for a servant.

"Good evening sir," a white lioness with horns bowed to him, "what would you like to have?"


He gestured her to hand over the menu as he read over the choices. He chose chicken chow mein with a green tea, before she bowed and left him be. In the muffled silence of his room, Kiryu pored over the plan in his head. Find Aosukawa, help her escape, but with no real means to ask around, he had to think of more inventive ways. Ten minutes later the lioness returned, offering a sumptuous plate of chow mein with boiling hot tea.

"Is there anything else you require sir?"

"Hm...bird." He gestured to his robe in a filthy manner. "Company."

"Ah. Yes, the auction will start soon, if you want I can take you there when it's ready."

"Mmm. Bird?"



Kiryu rubbed his fingers then made a kissy face in his mask.

"O-oh," the servant shifted turning uncomfortable, "I, I do not know if we have any avians in auction today, would you like me to check?"

"Mmm. Yamane."

She bowed before leaving, the saurian quickly eating his food with the mask off before anyone could see him. Clearing up his plate of meaty thighs, celery, garlic, and oyster sauce with sugar, he savoured his tea and took a moment to relax his thoughts.

Sorry ma'am, I don't want to be like...these creatures, but a lady's life is in danger. Maybe I should leave a tip.

He fished out his wallet as she returned a few minutes later.

"Sir," the lioness bowed, "we do have one avian in the auction today, I am pleased to report."

"Good." Kiryu offered a crisp yen bill. "Tip."

"O-oh...thank you sir." The geisha sat down beside him and slipped her hand to his robe. "How would you like me to start?"

"Mm?! What?"

"Your...service, sir, how should I please you?"

"MMM, no!" He pushed her away politely with bill in hand. "Tip. Not...sex."

"What?" She cocked her head. "You don't want my service?"

"No. Tip. Thank-you."

The look on her face was like a child tasting chocolate for the first time. Confused but happy, she took the money and bowed to him.

"Th-thank you, Yamane-san you are...you are too kind."

"Mmm." Kiryu nodded severe. "Auction?"

"It should be starting soon. Would you like me to take you now?"


He offered his hand as she took it, leading him through the halls to a larger set of curtains that spread the length of an entire room. Beyond it was an enormous theatre with three levels of seating, from the ground-floor restaurant tables to balcony views overlooking. The centre of the room was a large traditional Chinese stage where dances occurred, on a square platform that resembled a boxing ring with wooden barriers. More curtains stood at the back, past a walkway to the stage itself.

Some creatures were already waiting, drinking champagne and muttering tales to each other as servants hurried around to refill their drinks. The lioness seated Kiryu on the ground floor, as she bowed and took her leave. Some of the faces he saw were vaguely familiar from the news, at least three politicians, a couple of celebrities, a boyband idol and a children's entertainer. Had Goji been more up-to-date in his pop culture, he would have been mortified at those attending.

"Good evening, creatures and patrons."

The spotlight flickered onto the stage, a sharp-dressed leopard with one eye stood beneath in an immaculate suit.

"Thank you all for coming," he said to the mic, "I hope your appetites have been whetted, before the true feast is about to begin."

A droll chuckle rippled through the crowd as some muzak came over the speakers. Kiryu briefly recalled a 1980s song about dancing in the moonlight, wondering if the artist got royalties for this.

"Our first for tonight was a track athlete in college. She had exceptional grades in chemistry, but also very naive and easy to train with a high pain tolerance for those who want a strong mare with extended warranty."

The first of the slaves came out on stage, led by a bull who dragged her forwards with a rope that bound her hands and mouth. A horse of sultry brown in her early twenties shivered naked before the buyers, her body unblemished with strong muscular thighs. Her tail whipped frantic in fear, a hopeful look in her eyes that struggled to hide her tears.

My gods, Kiryu thought, this...is this what Gihei does?

"We'll start the bidding at two million," said the leopard compere, "for this fine mare of strength, intelligence, and not a single shred of confidence, an easy mark already trained for one's satisfaction. Do I hear two million twenty? I see two-million thirty, can we push that to forty?"

Gojirama slumped in his chair with a sickening clench in his stomach. The horse was terrified, but still pleading with her eyes for some kindly soul to take her in for a more wholesome need. But that was not to be. The boyband idol raised his paddle with a look he never had on stage. In front of his fans he was a beautiful silver wolf with the eyes of a big brother. But now he had the face of a killer.

The worst experience of Kiryu's life was watching ladies come and go paraded as meat, none of whom he could help. He wanted desperately to stand up and object, to tear this place down and punch every single creature who wasn't bound by the hands but he had his mission. Hundreds of eyes feasted upon the females with predatory grins, a murderous aura seething off of every creature in the room.

There was a lobster who was once a schoolteacher, almost 30 with a beautiful pink body and weeping stalks; then there was the kappa with a missing arm, the cheapest of the lot and called "damaged goods" by the leopard every time; then came a young grey dog, whose age was never spoken, but everyone knew how young she was. Especially the children's entertainer who bought her, and then sat her on his lap.

With each new girl in passing, a gavel sounded with their selling. Kiryu struggled to hide his rage as he thought of Gihei, grinning smugly from the cafe with his forked tongue and cruel gleam. The table almost shook with his fists, and it was there and then he decided that the next time he ever saw Gihei, he would ensure the dragon would be crippled for life.

"Now, next we have a rarity," said the compere, "an avian, well, legally speaking, for those who would like something more flighty to chase after the heels of."

Kiryu sat up in hope at the announcement, eyes piercing towards the stage as the curtains parted. His heart sank immediately on seeing the black wings pushed through, the struggling lady trying to pull at the rope with muffled screams before her handler pulled out a stun gun. A sharp electrical jab made her shriek and stumble, a ripple of laughter from the cruel surveyors.

"Apologies for the disturbance," said the leopard with one eye, "our most recent addition is something of a wild card. She was once the manager of a cafe, formerly married and exceptionally strong. Some breaking in will be required for those who enjoy a challenge, a reckless disobedient bitch."

Wait...a cafe manager?

Goji leaned closer at the slave being brought to light. The black hookbill and deep red eyes struck sharp in his memory, a large stocky lady with sharp angular wings tied up behind her back. Her arms were long and dangling to her knees, showing a pot-bellied pouch for an abdomen. But her face was almost exact to that of her husband.

That...that's Jira Mutokami! So he was right, she WAS kidnapped!

"We'll start the bidding at two million, normally would be higher but, for the short notice this one had been taken in, there was less costage, for the hostage."

A simpering chuckle came through the crowd as Kiryu watched and waited for his chance.

"I see we have two-million five already. Two-million seven...two-million-eight OH three-million, some of you are playing hard to get like this one here! Three-million-four...three-million-six."

Mutokami struggled harder, her wings fidgeting behind her until she was shocked again with a hard scream causing her to fall on the stage.

"Three-million-eight...four-million. Anyone else? No? Going once...goooooing twice-OH!"

A paddle raised up from Kiryu's table.

"Four-million-two, my good sir?"

He shook his head and raised his hand higher.



"Four-million SEVEN?"

There was a small gasp as Goji went even higher with his hand.

"Five...million?! Well, SOMEONE is invested in this rabble-rouser, anyone else wish to take on this offer? No? Going once...gooooooing twice......SOLD, to our friend whom his account has already been registered!"

The gavel came down and a smattering of applause came politely from the audience. The handler bull came down to Kiryu's table and offered Mutokami's rope, that Goji took as he dragged her off. She would kick and scream relentless through the hall, the saurian heading straight for the nearest exit to the gardens.


"SHH, it's alright," he muttered when it was safe, "I'm here to help-"


"HEY!" He grabbed her beak. "I'm undercover, your husband Jan Mutokami sent me."

"Mmhh?! Mm-mmmhhh?!"

Outside in the gardens all was still and quiet, the banter of the upper class a faint memory as Goji dragged her towards the kitchen parking. He found Orama still unloading, the squid in his delivery clothes almost dropping one from the sight.

"Wh-what the-"

"I have her," said Kiryu, "hurry, get her out."

"Hold up, this ain't Aosukawa-"

"She's not here."

"Wait, what?"

"They only had one creature listed as avian, and this is her."

"Gods...dammit," Dogu sighed rubbing his pale face, "you know where she is?"

"No," Kiryu shook his head, "but I'll find out, and once we're done I'll leave, but you need to get this lady out of here."

He turned towards Mutokami whose eyes stung deeply red into his.

"I'm going to take the ropes off. But you NEED to be quiet, if they hear us, we're all dead, you understand?"

She nodded as he pulled off her restraints, a deep sigh coming from Jira as she stiffly flexed her wings.

"F-fuck...fucking fuck all of this, who are you?"

"My name's Kiryu, I'm with the Toho Clan, your husband searched me out and I offered to help rescue you."

"But...you're looking for an Aosukawa, not me?"

"Have you seen her?" Dogu asked stretching his four arms. "She's a pale heron, sorta pinkish tips?"

"I...yeah," Jira sighed, "Gihei brought her out in front of us, told us this was what happened to those who disrespect him."

"Was she alright?"

"...no." She shook her head. "She's going to need a lot of help, if you manage to save her."

"Where'd she go?" Kiryu clasped her hands. "Mutokami, please, I need to find her, she's a good friend of mine, I can't leave without her."

"She's not here, like you said. Gihei took her off somewhere, back to his private place for...ugh, personal time."

"Any idea where that is?"

"No idea," the jellyfish shrugged, "it's not their old office in Chinatown, Kiyo-san tells me he takes girls to another place."

"So we're back to square one." Goji looked towards Jira. "How are your wings, can you fly?"

"N-no," she snarled flapping them weak, "they put some kinda drug in them, stiffened all my membranes like shit."

"I'll take you back," said Dogu nodding, "might as well rescue someone, just wish we could get everyone."

"Thank you," the hookbill took Kiryu's hands, "I...I'm sorry, I hope you find your friend but...thank you for coming."

"It's fine," said Kiryu bowing, "your husband is back in Kaijurocho, he's in the apartments on West Taihei."

"You coming back now then?" asked Dogu.

"I need information, and this is the best place. I'll snoop around and see if I can't learn more about Gihei's whereabouts."

"Alright, but be careful. If trouble starts brewing, I ain't staying, I already seen one heist go south and friends die before."

"Take Mutokami back safe, make sure she gets back home."

"You got it," the squid saluted, "c'mon ma'am, let's get you someplace."

"Thank you again," said Jira bowing, "you...you're a real brave bastard, you know that?"

"Hm...I try."

Kiryu smiled with a sad look as he headed back into the gardens. Searching for the exit he used, he took a long walk to try and avoid suspicion as Dogu boxed Mutokami away in one of the old crates to the truck. For a moment things seemed peaceful, as the Toho lieutenant tried to shake off his fury from the auction whilst traipsing through paths of stone.

"Excuse me."

He stiffened up as a voice came from his side.

"I hope I am not disturbing, but...are you not Kyohei Yamane?"


Kiryu turned towards the stranger and struggled not to flinch. A long jade kimono shimmered in the moonlight, wrapped round the body of a golden dragon. It was not Gihei however, his eyes much too soft with gentle red pupils in a white sclera, and horns cresting like the ocean waves rising to meet the cliffs.

"My name is Rai Tanaka," said the stranger, "I am the head of Eight-Point Industries, are you familiar with my work?"

"Mmm." Kiryu nodded. "Robots."

"I have read your work in several periodicals, and I was most fascinated with your arguments against strontium-90 in medicine."

"Mmm. Precise."

"Would you care to join me and my brother? We were discussing medicine ourselves and your wisdom would be greatly appreciated."

I can't believe this, Kiryu thought, Gihei's here?! His own brother doesn't know me, makes sense but this is the chance I've been waiting for! But why is his name Rai Tanaka? Shouldn't his family name be Ighorashi?

Following the dragon back inside, Gojirama kept his head down as they wandered through the halls, watching Rai slip between servants with an expert grace, almost flowing in his movements. Kiryu lumbered behind rather awkward in comparison, until they reached a larger room with a wider table.

"Ahhhh, brother!" said another voice. "Thank you for leaving me with your assistant, he was most...enlightening, who's your friend?"

"This is Dr. Kyohei Yamane," Rai bowed before them, "an infamous scientist who reclused himself from society."

"Really? What a perfect find, I thought his flight had been delayed."

"Transfer." Kiryu muttered.

"Rather lucky indeed, please do have a seat Dr. Yamane."

Goji nodded politely, sitting beside another golden dragon who was not Gihei. Instead he realised this was Doi Ighorashi, from his purple robe and long piercing dual horns. His smile was confident, rich with pride beneath his eyes of crimson pupils so similar to Rai, but with dark sclera instead.

But the more immediate presence Kiryu felt was from Battram Ojha sitting directly opposite, the moth in a black sari formed from his wings with scarlet compound eyes and three yellow horns on his head. He stared deep into Kiryu with an odd look, horns pulsing lightly with suspicion. The table still had some food left, along with bottles of wine.

"I am not familiar with your work," said Ojha, "what science do you practice?"

"Medic." Kiryu snarled. "Strontium."

"Yamane-san is a legend," said Rai sitting beside him, "about his protest against Strontium cores in medicine."

"Is that so?" Doi leaned in. "And why, pray tell would that be?"

"Dangerous." Goji clenched his eyes. "Throat. Sorry."

"Ahh, apologies," Tanaka bowed, "of course your accident, would you allow me to explain your thesis on behalf? You can correct me if I commit any errors."

"Mmm," Kiryu nodded with relief.

"Essentially, Yamane's thesis divulges on how strontium cores, that feed such into our skeletons, can make bone density tests inaccurate due to their similarity with calcium. While it is commonly used in cases of osteoporosis, research from Europe indicates the far-reaching effects could inadvertently increase the chances of cancer."

"Why not use calcium?" Ojha raised his brow. "It is a natural mineral."

"Are you suggesting we all drink milk?" Doi smirked sipping his wine. "Like foppish little children at the school lunch counter?"

"Oranges have calcium, as do shrimp, boned fish, kale, soybeans, figs, cereals, cheese-"

"Yes yes, you're not my nutritionist," the dragon waved his hand, "it's pitiful creatures need to install some sort of miniature cooling rod in their bodies just because they're bones are a little weak. We might as well all be drinking beer and wine like Rai's machines do every day."

"That is different," Rai shook his head, "my robots process ethanol as an efficient source of fuel, not as a means to reinforce their exoskeleton."

"It's practically the same thing-"

"It is not, they are two different sections of anatomy, whether by machine or living flesh."

"You are hardly one to tell me what is flesh or machine...dear brother."

His eyes pierced through Rai who kept a stern unflinching look. Kiryu coughed politely, diverting their attention with a firm nod to Ojha.

"Calcium. Better."

"I am glad you agree, doctor," the moth bowed to him, "in the end there is no better cure than what nature provides."

"Oh spare me," Doi sneered, "next you'll be telling me that vaccines are filled with poison."

"I am NOT that ignorant," Ojha seethed, "I am speaking purely on nutrition, not with medicine."

"Ohhh so it's perfectly alright to have unnatural chemicals when it's a medicine?"

"Because nutrition is an everyday value, medicine is not. Medicine is in times of need that require stronger aid from a refined quantity."

"So why would you protest at a strontium core for those with weak bones?"

"Because as Rai-sama said," Battram gestured to him, "long-term effects are being made apparent that cause greater problems in future."

"In fact," Tanaka raised a finger, "Yamane-san provided an interesting thesis of what he calls a 'calcium timebomb' that can be implanted in the bone, to slowly activate over time when it detects irregular density."


"Oh look," Doi grinned, "something right up your alley!"

"THAT was your brother's work, not mine!" seethed Battram.

"You delivered it, you're complicit!"

"I was providing a gift to my Brahmana, a gift that your brother DEFILED like he does this earth every waking day!"

"But he can take that defilement off the streets...back into the sewers, where they belong."


Ojha stood up with burning scowl as his horns turned a brilliant ruby gleam. Rai did not move from his seat, watching Doi who kept eating from his dim sum.

"You promised I would have the temple, you said NOTHING about harming Shoji-sama!"

"Ojha sit down," the drake rolled his eyes, "you;re embarrassing yourself in front of our esteemed guest."

"I DO NOT CARE! I only obey your brothers at the behest of Rai-sama, because we are working towards a similar goal of cleansing the city, no, the country of degenerate whores!"

"He says as he dines in Sha-Wujing-"

"THESE HARLOTS CAN BURN AS WELL!" Battram slammed his four hands on the table. "You and your brother sicken me with your auctions, your backroom deals that deprive local businesses of equal opportunity!"

"Are you going to lecture me about money? You?" Doi stood up with frustrated sigh. "A charlatan who despises his country so much he pretends to be Indian with a false name, because he thinks he's better than the lady residing at the head of the temple?"

"You accuse me of pride, YOU of all creatures?!"

"If the robe fits, Imagawa-kun," the dragon smiled, "I don't give a damn about your temple, but I understand how vital it is to the community. That is why I tolerate you, because you are an asset who will aid us in reforming Japan."

"On the backs of whores," snarled Ojha.

"Who shall be buried beneath progress...is that not what you wish? You can't get rid of them entirely, try as you might, the pleasures of the flesh shall always exist since time began. The best you can do, is either homogenize it to an acceptable business we can commercialise...or make it so unviable that only the most desperate of criminals can commit."

The dragon in purple robe clasped his hands stepping closer to the moth. Battram stood his ground as Kiryu looked to Rai who shook his head and stayed his hand.

"When our plan has been achieved," continued Doi, "I will make certain the streets are paved clean of all those malingerers you so disapprove."

"And your brother's work?" Ojha twitched his eye. "Will that go too?"

"Ohoh absolutely, there won't be any need for it after. But I must have you on my side, Ojha. If we are to make certain the creatures of Tokyo follow us, they need a strong spiritual leader who understands what we hope to achieve...and it will not be Shoji."

"What are you saying?"

"You have two choices. Either Shoji remains, and the temple is gone in our conquest...or Shoji dies, and the temple remains as a paradigm of a new Japan."

"Y-you...you would dare suggest-"

"Who do you think told Gihei to rig your little present?" Doi grinned even wider. "My brother may be proactive, but he's not that clever, his idea was to keep throwing hapless goons at the gates."

"You...you wished for the death of Shoji-sama?!"


Before the moth could react, Doi's left hand suddenly grabbed Ojha's throat to slam him against the wall. Kiryu gripped the table expecting a fight, as Ojha tried to kick against the dragon before sparks came sizzling out of Doi's fingers. The moth gave a violent scream when thousands of volts ripped through his body, unfurling his wings to splay back against the wall in curls of black with flaming tongues underneath.

The savage arcs burning through Doi's hand made Battram twitch and convulse for five seconds of unspeakable anguish. Rai stood up with during this and tried to pull Doi away from his disciple when the lightning stopped.

"What are you doing?!" said Tanaka.

"Twenty million volts," said Doi, "at a rate of two-hundred milliamps for ten seconds, will kill the average kaiju. If you die, I will destroy both the temple AND your dear Shoji. But I am not unreasonable. I will spare you...if you choose one."

"Y-you..." coughed Ojha, "y-y-you disgraceful contemptuous-GAAA-A-AA-A-A-A-ARGH!"

Another two seconds of bolts made him spasm, shivering with deep burns through his arms and an uncomfortable heat in his thorax.

"Now choose," said the purple drake. "The temple, or the priestess."

"I-i...I cannot, the Brahmana, th-the temple needs-"

"You can BECOME a Brahmana you hapless quarter-wit. Think for a moment...which is more worth to you? A thousand-year-old temple, or one fluffy little moth who will die the same as you?"

"N-no...no, I will not...y-you bastar-_A-AA-A-A-A-AA AAAAARGH! _"


Vile shrieks rent the air as Kiryu grimaced from the sight, crackling bolts of gold shimmering through Doi's arm who lifted Ojha high off his feet and kept shocking him for longer than five seconds. Rai kept shouting at him to cease, but made no motion to touch his electrified body as each second passed felt closer to hell for Ojha.

"Four, five, six-"


"Seven, eight, niiiine-"


The volts would stop. Doi pulled back smoothing over his sleeves as Battram crumpled to the ground. Tears streamed from his eyes with a gasping shudder as the dragon returned to his seat. Rai walked over to his disciple and picked him up, dusting him off to examine his wounds of deep stress lines from the bolts that ravaged his form.

"I-i...Rai-sama...what did I-"

"Ojha-san." Rai gripped his shoulders. "Accept your decision. Stand firm to your beliefs, even if they expose an uncomfortable truth."


"It is regrettable, but necessary. Even you in your moment of expecting death, agreed the temple was more important than her."

"...I understand. Forgive me."

A servant was summoned to take Ojha away, the moth hobbling down the hall to receive medical attention as Rai returned to his seat. All whilst Doi smiled with a look Kiryu had seen from the auction, a self-serving sycophantic glee that came from a mild amusement at how the masses beneath would stir and object feebly to his values. They went back to eating their food, except for Tanaka who kept drinking wine.

"Have you been served?" asked Doi to Kiryu. "Please, have some dim sum, the prawns are especially fresh today."

"Mmm," the saurian shook his head, "eaten."

"Ahh, what did you have?"


"Mmmm, very nice, the oyster sauce is especially delectable."


"Ohoh but of course, where are my manners!" The dragon shook his hand. "Doi Ighorashi, King Financial, pleasure to meet you."

"Kyohei. Yamane." Kiryu looked to the door. "Ojha. Help?"

"Oh he's fine don't worry about him, the services here are exceptional."

"Mmm. Gihei? Brother?"

"Ohhh yes," the head of King Financial grinned, "he's not here, we were just discussing the auction last time he was, have you partaken in it?"

"Yes. Fun."

"I did not expect you to join it," Rai looked to Kiryu oddly, "considering you are a recluse."


"Aaaah. Did you find one?"

"Mmm. Bird."

"Ohhh you like birds do you?" sai Doi chewing more shrimp. "Gihei loves birds too, tis why all that palaver happened at the temple in Kaijurocho."

"Temple?" Kiryu rubbed his head. "Ojha?"

"Yeeees his temple, the one he has chosen over the priestess, goodness I must be drinking more than usual. My tongue's become rather loose in front of you."

"Yamane-san has no contact with the outside world," Rai shook his head, "he is privy to many things, and has no desire to share them."

"Ahhh, now I see why you invited him. Anyways Ojha-san did an accidental bit of terrorism, but it worked out plenty fine! Gihei even got his bird back from the temple, he always was a rather jealous type you see. Wanted to play with Rai's toys as a child even when he had his own."

"In child psychology that is a sign of admiration," said Tanaka pouring a glass, "younger siblings wanting to emulate their elders."

"But we are triplets, what does that say about Gihei?"

"That he is mentally younger than us."

"PFFFT, HAH!" Doi thumped the table with a snort. "Haaaah, ohohh thank gods X-san did not take your sense of humour."

"Who?" Kiryu asked. "Ecks?"

"Ohhh just a small incident when we were young, pay no heed."

"I suffered a grievous injury," explained Rai, "an assassin sent after our family."

"Really?" gasped Goji. "Why?"

"Our family has many enemies. As a result I had to change my name, to further dissociate from my brothers' dealings due to the fact I was seen as vulnerable."

"A vile insult," Doi sneered waving his hand, "after the death of our father, other groups came to collect the pickings of our dynasty. They did not expect the three sons of Ighorashi to fight back."

"Mmm." Kiryu bowed closing his eyes. "Strong."

"In fact, do you know what happened to the assassin that so deeply wounded my brother? We hired him, after all if you want to catch a thief, you hire one."

"An agreeable sort," Rai nodded, "once he is on your payroll, speaks very little...but better company than Gihei's choice."

"Ahhh yes," Doi tented his fingers, "speaking of that...friend of Gihei, has he returned from Kankoran?"

"He will arrive for our meeting, along with Mr. X to discuss our plans for the Toho."


Kiryu's eyes betrayed him, a sudden inflection in his voice making Doi and Rai look at him. Before he could slip back into his disguise, the dragon in green suddenly grabbed his face, and ripped the mask free from his snout.

"Wha-...who the bloody hell are you?!" gasped Doi.

"Gojirama Kiryu," Rai leaned back, "lieutenant of the Toho Clan's Obakimura family."

"Wh-what, TOHO?!" The purple drake stood up in a flash. "What in FATHER'S NAME ARE YOU DOING HERE?!"

"Because of your friend Ojha-san."

Standing up with a sudden sweep, Gojirama threw his robe off and across the table. Rai stood up in turn with Doi seething in an outrage.

"How...h-how did...ohhh you Toho bastards are much craftier than I expected."

"I had my suspicions," Rai slit his eyes, "after mentioning you were searching for an assistant."

"I'm sorry to disappoint," Kiryu cracked his knuckles, "I didn't come to eavesdrop on your plans, I came here for Aosukawa."

"Who?" Doi sneered.

"The heron that Ojha-san kidnapped from the temple, on Gihei's orders."

"And just how in the bloody hell did you learn that?!"

"Shoji-sama saw him. She knows what he did, and I'm here to bring her back."

"You...WHAT?!" Doi clutched his horns in disbelief. "You dare intrude in our domain, knowing your presence would incite a full-scale war between our clans, just to rescue one SODDING LITTLE GIRL?!"

"My clan has nothing to do with this," Kiryu crossed his arms, "I was personally asked by Shoji-sama to rescue her, and as a citizen of Kaijurocho that's what I'll do."

"Ohhhh how NOBLE of you!" sneered the dragon in purple. "A brave soul standing at the demon's gate, delving into the pits of darkness to rescue some welfare-scrounging harlot who never worked an honest day in her life!"

"I don't care what you think. You're going to tell me where Gihei's put her, or else."

"Or else WHAT?!" Doi clenched his fist that soon crackled with bolts. "Not only are you a lackey in a cheap suit, but you think you can waltz in here, sampling OUR food, drinking OUR tea, at MY expense, and expect me to cooperate!?"


The drake suddenly laughed. It was not a pleasant laugh, but rather like someone smashing a bell against the pavement with its mocking ring.

"Ohohohhh that is rich! Now I see why Gihei never stops whining about you, I've only known your true face for two minutes before I'm SICK of it! You, who would DARE to insult me with this charade, th-this, pathetic attempt to deceive me!"

"It worked on you," Goji smirked with anger, "for the president of a finance company, you're awful easy to trick."

"I AM A CEO, YOU ROT-HEADED FILTH!" he slammed his fist on the table. "What godforsaken arrogance you have, thinking the world owes you a favour because you don't understand business!?"

"What business justifies sex trafficking?!" snarled Kiryu tightening his fists. "I don't care what numbers you throw at me, you're an abomination!"

"And YOU are a footsucking pet to that sanctimonious bitch in a crumbling ruin! Ojha was pathetic but at least he had enough a spine to stand up to her addlebrained sputum she passes off as-GUH!"

Doi was shocked by the sudden slap across his face, the backhand of Kiryu making him stagger as he clutched his burning cheek.

"You...you dare strike me?" hissed Doi.

"You disrespect Shoji-sama again," warned Kiryu, "I'll put you in a coma right next to your brothers."

"You...you utter miserable bastard."

Very few had ever seen Doi in this state, his teeth bared and his eyes thinning to a reptilian slit. His jaw shook with a fury he struggled to contain, his shoulders hunched and his left hand crackled with a ball of lightning. The plates from the table started to levitate, the glasses and chairs before the table itself would float off the ground. The walls shuddered bending towards Doi as Kiryu felt his own suit pulling towards his seething aura.

"Brother." Rai stepped behind with a gentle touch. "Do not waste your strength on him."

" What?" Doi hissed looking back.

"Your mind and influence is too precious to waste. Let me defend your honour instead."

" You...yes."

The dragon in purple took a deep breath and swallowed his fury, the chair, table and plates falling back down safely.

"You are right. This common thug is beneath staining my hands with. That is why I have you, to deal with the public."

"Indeed." The dragon in green stepped in front. "Kiryu. You have trespassed in our domain. You shall be punished for this."

"I don't care," Kiryu braced himself for the fight, "one of you is going to tell me where Gihei is, so here's my choice for you. Tell me now, I spare one of you with all your limbs intact. Don't tell me, and I'll break your skulls in half."

"A crude ultimatum. Here is my response."

He never saw his fist coming. Gojirama's mind exploded with a sharp sudden pain as Rai became a golden shadow, that in less than a second drove his punch through Kiryu's stomach, then sent him crashing through three walls of wood and paper.

The staff of the Sha-Wujing cried in panic at the white-suited projectile, crunching into a table before a yellow blur appeared before them. The Toho lieutenant staggered up covered in dust, sucking in his breath with a burning throb twitching through his gut

"N-not...bad," he coughed.

"The first attack is the most important," said Rai stepping through the holes in the walls, "a phrase considered highly in war, chess, and even fighting games at the arcade."

"Hmph...so you're not just some lab-dwelling nerd."

"I do not dwell, Kiryu-san. But I am a nerd."

The dragon in jade kimono swept his hands into a kung-fu pose, one hand facing Kiryu with claws outstretched, the other pressed against his abdomen. As the customers fled with the staff, Gojirama put up his fists and rolled his neck waiting for the next move when Rai tried to grab his wrist and punch for his gut.

Kiryu blocked with a raised knee before pulling Rai close and headbutting him. His forehead was like a steel vault, causing more pain to Kiryu than the dragon who simply stared dead at him. He countered with a backhand to the face that turned Kiryu's whole body, a thrusting knee slamming in his waist to send him crashing through another wall.

Rolling through a tea room where a tiger and a pig fled in fright, Gojirama grabbed a steel tray and waited for Rai to come through. He dodged the first punch of the dragon to splash his face with hot tea, Rai simply closing his eyes and nearly hitting Kiryu with a hard elbow to his side. Goji slammed the tray on his face, spilling cups all over the robe now steaming with hot water, before walloping Tanaka with the tray again.

When the dragon pulled back slightly, Kiryu swung a giant kick to the stomach with his bare foot. Rai grabbed his sole with one hand and made a roundhouse kick to Kiryu's face, throwing the saurian through another paper door. When Rai came marching with a driving punch, Kiryu blocked with the tray that suddenly dented with a fist-shape through the centre.

"What...what, ARE you?" gasped Kiryu.

"Your opponent," answered Rai, "a dangerous one you should not take lightly."

Grabbing the steel tray the dragon ripped it off his fist, bending like cardboard as he tossed it away and lunged with savage claws that Kiryu swerved past. With an elbow into Rai's head, he forced the dragon back and stomped his knee to try and knock him to the floor. Tanaka countered instead with his own elbow, cracking Kiryu's jaw before turning with a hard punch that the saurian blocked barely, driving his hard into Rai's snout that felt as hard as his temple.

Kiryu trying to aim for the side of Rai's head, who deftly swerved his neck and backfisted Goji hard across the jaw again, forcing him to stumble against the wall. The Toho lieutenant grabbed a chair from a table and smashed it through Rai's belly, the dragon blocking with both arms before the second swing broke the chair into pieces. Kiryu charged before Rai could recover, throwing him out the door with his entire weight and through the set of curtains into the grand auction hall.

Gasps of shock came from the patrons still there, the microphone screeching from the leopard who barked at the bull handler to take back the girls on display. The customers fled in every direction, not wanting to get anywhere near the golden dragon who rolled down the stairs and blocked Kiryu's lunging fist from above.

Palming the saurian's face to stun him, Rai battered Kiryu's head in a windmill strike with both arms sweeping down from above. A powerful rising kick launched Goji upwards, the stunned lieutenant falling back on the stairs when Rai's leg went fully vertical. Tanaka came down with a brutal axe kick that Kiryu dodged, the golden leg splitting the steps in half with a vicious crack.

"I hope you understand, this was a silent auction," said Rai.

"This place should BE silenced," Kiryu put up his fists, "instead of the girls you're selling off here like meat."

"I hold no claim to the practices lying within."

"You're damn complicit in feeding all of this, just like your BROTHERS!"

When the Toho lieutenant charged, the dragon spun his body in a tornado kick with both legs sweeping high, Kiryu blocking both with a stinging shove before he grabbed one of the legs and hurled Rai in a circle. Tanaka crashed through the tables, lifting himself up with an expression that never changed, other than the slight grimace of exertion when he dusted splinters off his robe.

Sweeping his hands into a martial stance, he rushed with a lightning speed that Kiryu barely dodged, a powerful punch that blew chairs to the side and blasted the curtains open behind him. Grabbing a broken chair leg, Gojirama came swinging for the back of Rai's head, but the dragon ducked with a long stretch of his leg then vertical-kicked the block of wood straight out of Kiryu's hand.

Startled from being disarmed, Goji was assaulted by a dozen golden fists that hammered his belly and chest into one gigantic bruise, blood spitting out his mouth before the dragon swung his body low with a wide sweeping kick that knocked Kiryu down on his back. Grabbing a tablecloth as he fell, the Toho member threw it over Rai's head to briefly disorient him, dragging himself up when the dragon pulled back.

When Kiryu tried to charge him, Rai suddenly turned in his direction and blasted both palms in his stomach, launching the Toho member through the wooden barrier of the stage with a hard crunch in his spine. The microphone was still on the ground as he grabbed it, hearing the feedback whine from the speakers causing Rai to suddenly clutch his head.

"Do not...play with that." Tanaka pulled the cloth free from his head. "That is not a toy."

"Neither were...the ladies being forced up here," Kiryu panted with taunting fingers, "now get ready to rumble. You're round one, your brothers are two and three."

"How droll. Are your fists as fast as your wit?"

Flexing his arms, the dragon came marching up to the stage, Kiryu tossing the mic hard at his feet so it bounced towards Rai who grabbed it soon as he could despite the stinging scream of its feedback. It was enough a distraction for Kiryu to slug him twice across the face before kicking the chest, causing Rai to almost fall off the side when he grabbed the wooden bannister.

He swung for Kiryu with mic in hand, the reptile grabbing his fist to suddenly roar into the piece, blasting the speakers with a devastating screech that caused a horrid agony to cross briefly over Rai's face. His eyes clenched shut and his head shook with gritted teeth before Kiryu backhanded him hard, elbowed his stomach, then grabbed him with both arms and threw him as far as he could across the hall.

Tables and chairs were thrown aside by the dragon's body, crumpling through wood before he stopped himself with a hard stomp and threw the microphone with such deadly accuracy, that even 20 feet away it cracked Kiryu's skull with a deafening headache. Clutching his face, Goji staggered off the stage grabbing a chunk of wood.

His weapon was parried by the dragon, a hand beneath Kiryu's wrist before the other punched his liver with stinging gasp. Tanaka pushed him back with a snapkick to the gut and a clawed punch to the saurian's face, blood spilling from Kiryu's cheeks as he cried out and grabbed a table to swing with all his might. Suddenly the table was ripped from his hands, a crackling burst of lightning flitting past his ears with a bright blinding light in front of him.

"NNNNGH! Y-you...what?!"

Rai Tanaka stood before him, his hands shining with gold to form a barrier of electric bolts that sent the table through the air and crashing into the wall behind.

"It appears...I must apply more force than I thought necessary."

"Heh...same," Kiryu smiled, "so it's that kind of fight now?"

"That is your choice...Kiryu-san. Do you dare stand against me now?"

"I always have. I despise bullies, no matter how big their paycheck is."

Kiryu watched for a break in the field as Rai approached him with hands forward, the barrier kept aloft before him as a golden fleece of tongues across his vision. He pushed the Toho member back towards the wall as Kiryu grabbed another chair, but it bounced off the shield harmlessly as the saurian hurled another.

Rai put down his shield only once to launch forwards with a devastating punch, breaking two of Kiryu's ribs in a wretched cough of bloody spit. Then the wall behind him fell in an explosion of wood, the night air cold and sharp from the salted sea as he fell into the gardens. The dragon stepped out with his face unflinching despite the bruises forming on his golden skin, now tarnished to a burnt silver.

Clutching his stomach with a wheezing gasp, Kiryu felt something pop as he forced himself to stand, his spine withering and his ribs deflating as he put up his fists once again. Rai did not turn off his shield, waiting to see what Kiryu would do as the lieutenant grabbed two stones, one in each fist, and came rushing with a desperate swing.

The dragon was surprised to see the rock bash through his shield, not enough to break, but hard enough it wouldn't deflect as Kiryu punched with reckless abandon. The bolts twisted and bent against his might as his fingers scraped the electro-barrier, the sharpest of burns digging in his nails. Kiryu became relentless, his teeth fully out as he struck seven times before the eighth blow finally broke through enough to crack Tanaka's horn.


The golden kaiju fell into the pond, his own electric volts backfiring in a violent seizure throughout his body as he gritted his fangs in immense agony. Once he stopped shuddering, he was grabbed by the horns and slammed into the rock by the pond, Kiryu lunging over to punch him harder in the back of the head, and stomped on his neck for good measure.

Every breath in Goji's lungs felt like tasting glass, a fracture that heaved from his broken ribs as he roared pulling back his fist for one more punch. Rai Tanaka suddenly threw himself back, slamming into Kiryu before twisting round to pummel his face four times with devastating speed. For a moment Gojirama's brain shut off in confusion, his eyes blacked out with a heaving gasp unable to protect himself from the brief frenzy of Rai Tanaka.

Two more punches crunched his stomach, a hoarse scream from Kiryu as he bowed with blood dripping thicker between his teeth, before he met a rising kick that caught his jaw and threw him back. Rai turned sharp to his side and drove a thrusting kick with the force a sledgehammer through Kiryu's waist, sending the lieutenant straight into another pond.

"Im...impressive," Rai shuddered with a limp, "your rank is...befitting for a creature with such tenacity."


"But now I must finish this." The dragon crackled his knuckles together. "Your body shall be delivered back to your clan."

But Kiryu would not fall. Pushing himself up from the depths, the water rushing off his bloodied damp suit, his face began to burn with a thickening snarl of something hot from his throat. The blood that dripped between his teeth would sizzle and pop, a crimson smoke that was lost amongst the sharp blue flames that filled his mouth.

Rai Tanaka put up his shield expecting the worst, crossing his arms in an extra guard to thicken the electrical force as he stood his ground in waiting. The grass flattened beneath him as the volts increased, charging his barrier to against the most devastating move in Kiryu's arsenal.


A shining beam of azure ripped through the garden, lighting up the waters in cyan gleam and charring the stones with polished black from those in its path. Rai stood against the full might of the nuclear beam, a roaring screech that tore at his barrier with almost physical weight from such devastating pressure.

Then he saw it. The lightning would part, very slightly bending towards himself, buckling like old wet paper as the crackling bolts were devoured by Gojirama's beam. Sparks flew in every direction as Rai's barrier was ripped apart, throwing the dragon back 40 feet across the garden, his robe burnt to cinders.

Kiryu gasped at the scene of destruction. A black scorching path led directly to the body of Rai Tanaka, left face down in the centre of the garden. Hot flames flickered off his teeth, the blue breath from his lungs completely gone as he gave a simple smile before he collapsed. Face down on the garden path, his legs remained in the water that turned red like the wine.


Doi's voice shrieked out from the hole in the wall.



A voice called out from across the garden.

"I am...here."

The dragon lifted himself from the smouldering path of burnt cinders. Without his verdant robe, Rai looked strangely meek with his slender body now covered in burnt bruises. A pair of slacks charred with blackened stains, as he hobbled towards his brother in the purple robe.

"I have...detained Kiryu."

"Good...gods." Doi stared at Kiryu's body. "What sort of bastards do they have in the Toho?"

"Formidable ones. I suggest...we call Gihei. He shall be pleased to know of...Kiryu's presence."

"I quite agree. Remarkable, to face you down in battle and still live."

"Indeed," Rai hissed dragging his foot, "I...I underestimated him."

"What?" his brother gasped. "YOU underestimated him, did I hear that right?"

"I was careless. It will not happen again."

"Well, I shall go make the call, do you need any help?"

"No, thank you," said Tanaka sitting far from Kiryu, "I shall recuperate...and meditate on my grievous errors."

"Not as grievous as the one he made," Doi gestured to the fallen kaiju, "rest assured Gihei shall make an example of him. The Toho shall never exist again, after our plans are fulfilled."

Heading off with his sweeping indigo cloak, Doi brought out his phone to call their remaining brother. Once he was out of earshot, Rai made his own call by tapping into his ear.

"We have him," he began, "your intel was greatly appreciated."

"No problem, Rai-sama," said the other end, "that was crazy, I can't believe he wrecked you like that!"

"You understand now why I must obtain data on Kiryu's limits, if I am to ascertain his usefulness."

"I guess...still seems pretty complicated, a lot could go wrong."

"That will be up to him," Rai walked over to Kiryu, "Gihei shall interrogate him, I will forward you his place of internment."

"I could tell you everything you want about Kiryu now, do we really gotta do this?"

"Observation matters more than hearsay," the dragon bent down and searched Goji's pockets, "it will also allow me time with Kiryu personally, without my brothers interfering."

"Ehhh..." the voice sighed through the feed, "this is going to cost me, Kiryu's going to be real pissed."

"That is the point," Rai took both of Kiryu's phones, "it is by logic, not malice, that I shall estimate his chances of survival within the proper conditions. Return to your post and wait for my signal."


Looking up towards the roof, Rai noticed a kaiju's shadow in the moonlight. He nodded before he limped back inside, a pair of wings taking flight back to Issincho.

In the dark depths of Issincho itself, the sound of chemicals brewed with toil and trouble. The smell of roses mixed with acid, a warm rotting stench, that turned heavy in the stomach in the room of red walls and pastel flowers.


The voice of Myobi flitted through the darkness, broken only by the glowing neon tubes and the sharp flame of burners.

"Kiryu's been captured at Sha-Wujing!"

"I see." An androgynous voice drifted between the lights. "Time for phase two."

"Wh-what?!" the kitsune gasped. "But we have to help him-"

"We shall begin phase two." A long white coat turned in his direction. "Remember the plan."

"B-but...no, no Biyante-sama you don't understand, Gihei has him now-"

"ENOUGH!" A jade fist slammed on the table, causing beakers to rattle. "You will be ready, when I tell you to be ready."

"Wh-what about my sister?" The fox rubbed his arm. "Kiryu promised to save her, I can't leave her-"

"Aosukawa was well aware of the risks when she took this on. She is braver than you think in the midst of battle."

"That's not the point! You know what Gihei will do to her!"

"It's unfortunate, but Kiryu comes first-"


The fox tried to grab the white coat. A long green tentacle wrapped round his throat and held him aloft, the sound of rustling leaves as the vine tightened on his neck.

"You work for me, Myobi. NOT your sister. Our future depends on Kiryu's survival. I wish we could help her...but we've done all we can."

The tendril put him back down on the floor, the fox choking up with tears as he stepped back against the door.

"Y-you make this...sound like this was all planned."

"Aosukawa's kidnapping was not," said the white coat, "but it was foreseen as a result. A scientist always prepares for every outcome."

"Will this plan even work?" asked Myobi. "Why is Kiryu so important?"

"Because Shoji-sama said so." The shape walked towards him. "I trust her words, as a dear friend and faithful ally to our kind, who will be cast back into the shadows if the government have their way."

"But, but this, Gihei's not with the government-"

"His brothers control enough of the government through their companies. They'll all pay, both the Ighorashis and their lackeys in office who care more about the status quo. And if Shoji-sama said that Kiryu is the one who can help us...then I shall trust her with my life."

"I thought you were a scientist," the kitsune smirked half-hearted.

"A little faith in the divine doesn't hurt," the white coat grinned in the dark, "you trusted her with your sister's life, didn't you?"

"That's...yes." Myobi bowed. "I will trust her words."

"Remember, Shoji-sama has done a great debt to us...now we must do the same for her. For if we cannot save Kiryu..."

A long green snout with pale eyes gleamed at him.

"The future of Japan shall never recover, from the Cold Death that is to come."

Kaiju ga Gotoku 6.7 - The Taste of Victory

After their thrilling match and their passionate kiss beneath the spotlight, Gen and Meiji felt more liberated than before as they walked hand in hand back to their apartment. Once inside Gen slammed his friend onto the bed, the sound of creaking...

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Kaiju ga Gotoku 6.6 - A New Challenger

The day after he first met Gojirama Kiryu, Gen stepped off the bus into the Yokohama docks readying himself for a day at the circuit. He had time before his rounds would start, taking a casual stroll towards the warehouse where Zillatopoulos was...

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Kaiju ga Gotoku 6.5 - Black and White

_"Hey bro, you alright?!"_ Meiji asked on the phone. "Yeah I'm good," Gen nodded, "sorry I didn't get your call before, I was helping somebody out." _"Oh okay,...

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