An Extremely Goofy Summer Break (A Disney Jeeves Prompt, posted with permission)

Story by FerretFyre on SoFurry

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#73 of Smut I Commissioned

Roxanne and Max reunite during summer break, while Goofy and Sylvia get it on... and soon all four of them join together. Written by Jeeves, posted with permission.

  • Our first Roxanne and Max lewd, which is also an achievement, and with equal parts gay incest, lewd Goofy, lewd Sylvia, and all four of them together. Debauchery is fun. As always, this is written by the legendary Jeeves, so follow him on SoFurry or FurAffinity, and maybe donate to his Patreon.

An Extremely Goofy Summer Break

"Oh my god... Max, I... fuck... I missed this..."

Max's first year of college had been difficult for many reasons, but although certain circumstances like his father's unexpected arrival on campus had certainly been more at the forefront of his mind for parts of the past year, it was an absence that had weighed most heavily on his heart. He and Roxanne had both agreed not to compromise on their own college plans for one another, and indeed his high-school sweetheart had gotten a scholarship at a prestigious university all the way across the country. Thus, while they hadn't broken up and certainly had chatted regularly and intimately throughout the year, they had agreed to see how things went between them as the year went on. Not to commit to doing things long distance, and to be understanding if either one of them found romance or simple sexual gratification from someone else, or indeed many other people, while they were so physically separated.

And yet, now that the first year of college was over and they were both back home for summer break...

"Ohhhmygod, Max. I'm gonna cum. I.... hhhhhahhhyes, please... oh god! Eat me! Eat m-m-hhhhhhhohhgodfuck! _Fuck, Max! Cumming! _"

As Roxanne's scream of ecstasy echoed across the upper floor of the Goof family home, two more figures grinned at one another as they crept up the stairs. Goofy hadn't been sure whether his son would be home or not, but now that he heard Roxanne's orgasmic wailing, he chuckled to himself and wondered how he'd ever thought there might be anything else that those two lovebirds would rather be doing. Looking back over his shoulder, his already broad smile grew wider still at the sight of the woman following him up the stairs. Sylvia had her glasses perched atop her forehead, and with her single free hand she was already in the midst of unbuttoning her blouse, her breasts on display from within the confines of a rather revealing lace bra that only just seemed fit for purpose. She winked at her own boyfriend, and they hurried more swiftly up the remaining stairs, the door to Goofy's bedroom clicking shut behind them soon after.

Back in Max's room, Roxanne was still trembling as the dark furred, now soaking wet face of her boyfriend rose from between her thighs with the most glorious, satisfied grin spread across his muzzle. The female dog blushed and whimpered, her toes curling as Max's bare body began to crawl up hers.

"Max, I... I haven't squirted like that all year. I... god, I missed you so much."

Max beamed. Lips still glistening with Roxanne's own abundant arousal brushed against hers, and even though she had only just finished cumming he saw the lustful glaze return to her eyes as he laid himself down flat against her, and she felt the sizeable length of his cock resting against her pubic mound, its underside throbbing against her swollen clitoris.

"You missed me, or just my tongue and cock?"

He teased. Roxanne giggled, and playfully turned her eyes up as though genuinely thinking about the answer. Max snorted with laughter, drew his hips back, and in one smooth, fluid motion sank his cock deep into Roxanne as her already flushed face contorted into a fresh wild, blissful scream. Max didn't rush, of course, once he was inside her. He wanted to cum too. He wanted it so badly. But, as powerful as the allure of orgasm might have been, just being inside Roxanne was the true goal. Thus, he moved slowly, rhythmically, watching her features twist and listening to her grunts and mindless gurglings of rapture with such pride and joy that he was able to make her feel such things. Before long though, his ears twitched. His eyes widened as he heard a sound that while similar in the most basic sense to what he could hear from Roxanne, were definitely sounds of pleasure coming from a different person. A different source.

For a moment, his eyes flitted to the bedroom window, and he was consumed by thoughts of his senior year in high school. Mere weeks after his eighteenth birthday hearing sounds as he sat in his room avoiding some chore that probably needed doing, and padding over to that window. Seeing his neighbor, Peg, lying out by her pool over the garden fence. Seeing her naked body. The cordless massage wand clamped between her legs. Hearing her cries that she clearly had no idea were carrying so far.

But, no. They didn't sound like her. And, the building whimpers and yelps didn't sound like they were coming from outside the house. They sounded like they were coming from elsewhere on this very floor. Almost like...

"Ohhgod... mmhh... Max? Is that... is that your dad and t-the college librarian you told me about?"

Fighting to string a sentence together through her own lust and pleasure, Roxanne whispered to her boyfriend as she too heard the sounds. Building, swiftly but steadily swelling whines, barks and howls of undeniable ecstasy.

"Nnnhhhhahhhhplease! Right there! Oh, Goofy! That tongue! H-how are you so... oh, yes! Yes! Don't stop!"

For a moment, Max's face twisted with humiliation. With frustration that even now his father was finding new ways to embarrass him. But, then he heard another of Sylvia's blissful cries, and his expression softened. He needed to remember that his father was his own man, and that he had dedicated so much of his life and energy to raising Max despite all his teenage belligerence and so, so much irony that pushed back against Goofy's optimism and straightforwardness. After all that, and after so many years without much in the way of romantic prospects, he was happy for his dad. Happy that he had found someone who was as weird and awesome as he was, and that apparently his own instinctive grasp of how to please a pussy had persisted in the prior generation of his family, too.


Roxanne whispered, and Max's face flushed scarlet as he realised that though his cock was twitching and throbbing wildly, he was just lying there astride his girlfriend, having fallen totally motionless as he listened to and thought about his father. When he looked apologetically into Roxanne's face though, he saw warmth and understanding alongside her obvious desire to continue fucking. She giggled and craned her neck up to kiss him on the tip of his nose. A caterwauling shriek of wordless orgasmic ecstasy echoed through the house, and Roxanne whimpered and giggled as Max's cock lurched.

"Max... make me scream like that. Let your dad know that he's not the only one under this roof who can make a bitch yelp like they're in heat."

The younger Goof's eyes widened. He grinned down at his girlfriend, and leaned forward to kiss her deeply as his hips engaged once more. He saw her eyes cross at the very first renewed stroke of his cock to the hilt inside her. He heard her grunt through their tangling tongues, and it wasn't long before her screams were echoing across the upper floor of his family home once again, intermingling with Sylvia's own as she begged and howled to Goofy in the same way. Both women screamed and shrieked for their men to fuck them harder, faster, and as orgasm after orgasm wracked each of the ladies while Max and Goofy worked themselves towards their own release, both father and son were grinning not just with pride at the pleasure they were bringing their partner, not just with elation at how good they felt themselves, but with utter delight at the sounds of the other couple's fun alongside their own.


Unintentionally, but almost simultaneously, two bedroom doors opened and two bodies stepped out of them. Max and Goofy blinked at one another from along the hall, the bathroom equidistant between their two rooms, and blushed. Both men were naked, and both their faces and a substantial amount of fur on and around their dark furred loins were matted and still visibly sodden with their lover's eruptive, multi-orgasmic juices. Their cocks glistened just as vibrantly in the late afternoon sunlight streaming in through the windows at either end of the hall, hanging down, still mostly swollen if not fully engorged and throbbing any longer. Both men's faces reddened, but they smiled bashfully at one another rather than ducking for cover behind their respective bedroom doors. Slowly, carefully, Goofy pulled his bedroom door shut, and Max did the same a moment later. They stepped closer to one another.

"Hey dad."

Max murmured, his face growing redder as almost involuntarily his eyes kept darting back down from his father's face to Goofy's exceptionally long, thick cock, frankly making him seem a little small by comparison, though Max knew in reality he was himself several inches above average.

"Hi, Maxie."

Goofy chuckled, rubbing a hand over the back of his neck as he looked with pride... at least, it was mostly just pride, though there were definitely hints of some other feelings in there too... at his handsome, grown-up son.

"Just... uh, I just need to, y'know... pee. After."

Max explained, feeling dumber by the second for feeling like he had to explain himself at all. To his relief though, Goofy just grinned and nodded.

"Me too. Betcha you know all about the science of why folks need to pee after sex, huh, smart guy?"

Goofy reached out and ruffled Max's hair. Max snorted with amusement and playfully began to brush his dad's hand away. Half way through the gesture though, he made himself stop. He made a conscious effort not to reject that sincere affection from his father, and in doing so just kinda ended up... holding Goofy's hand. Their eyes met. Both men blushed, but didn't pull away from the contact. Max shrugged.

"Actually, I dunno. I could look it up later. Maybe it's about flushing the system? Making sure nothing from your... your cum ends up, y'know, stuck in there? Or, maybe you just loosen your bladder muscles a little when you're thinking about other things during?"

Goofy chuckled.

"Could be."

Silence fell over the two men as they stood there in the hall, holding one another's hands and still naked, still with their faces and crotches bearing the ample evidence of their lovers' apparently shared penchant for uncontrollable ejaculation. Their faces glowed hotter, and without a word they moved to the bathroom together. They stood almost side by side as they emptied their bladders, and stood similarly as they washed their hands, limbs finally parting as they washed and then dried their hands off while making no effort to clean up any other portion of their matted, slowly drying bodies.

By the time they reached the bathroom door again, both men's cocks were beginning to rise a little. To stiffen back to a state of actual, purposeful arousal. They both knew it, and as they stood outside the bathroom doorway, ready to part ways and return to their respective bedrooms, father and son looked at one another with bashful but beaming pride.

"Hey, uh... dad? I just... I wanted to say... and, sorry if this is weird but... I'm really happy for you and Sylvia."

Max's cheeks glowed scarlet, but when he saw his father's beaming and almost emotional smile, he was glad he'd said what he had.

"Aw, gawrsh... that's real sweet of you, Maxie. And, I'm real glad that you and Roxanne are still on good terms after being apart all year. You always seem so happy when she's around, and... well, your ol' dad likes it when you're happy."

The two men looked at one another, red faced and beaming with mutual gratitude and affection. Max shifted, but blushed brighter and looked down at his crotch.

"I, uh... I kinda feel like I should be hugging you now. But..."

He gestured down. His cock jumped of its own accord. Goofy smirked, and leaned in conspiratorially to his son.

"I won't tell, if you won't tell."

It was meant playfully, innocently, but even as Goofy said it he heard how it actually sounded. He opened his muzzle to clarify, to say that he really had meant it in the sense of he wouldn't embarrass Max by talking about a naked hug they had shared. Before he could though, Max stepped forward and flung his arms around his father. Not in a delicate cuddle or a momentary squeeze and a manly clap on the back, but in a full bodied embrace that pulled their entire torsos close together, and sandwiched their cocks shaft to shaft between them. The two men hugged tightly. Their cocks throbbed.

"Oh, Maxie..."

Goofy whispered to his son.


Max murmured simply back to his father, feeling Goofy's hands gently resting upon his ass, and letting his own slide down his dad's lower back to match.

How long they stood there, feeling their excitement build even in that simple, almost motionless embrace, neither man knew. The moment, however drawn out, only came to an end when they heard a door-handle turning, followed by a gasp, then a giggle. Goofy's eyes opened first, and he blushed as he saw Roxanne standing naked in the doorway of Max's room, the matted fur of her inner thighs a perfect match to the wetness he had seen on his son's own body.

"Hiya, Roxanne!"

Goofy chuckled, and just as he and Max parted, the younger dog turning and thereby exposing both his own and his father's rigid erections, not to mention the glistening pre-cum that had been dribbling between them for the last little while, they heard a second door swinging open.

"I wondered where you'd gotten to..."

Sylvia giggled as she peered out at the scene which greeted her, her hair now flowing free and her glasses absent, alongside all the rest of her clothes. She padded out into the hall without shame, as on the other side Roxanne did the same. The two women moved to join their men, embracing them, kissing them, and letting hands slide approvingly over their renewed, dripping erections. Before they knew it, both pairs were making out feverishly in the hallway, pressing up against the same wall with the two ladies pinned with their backs to it, allowing them to dart glances over at the other pair, and indeed directly at one another as their two lovers held them and kissed them and began to grind passionately up against them. Sylvia and Roxanne shared a moment of silent communication in the wake of what they had seen when they emerged from their rooms; the closeness, the shamelessness, the arousal quite literally present between the two men. They trembled. They winked at one another, and before long Roxanne whispered to her boyfriend, setting the stage for what she hoped that Sylvia wanted just as much as herself.

"Max... I need you again. Inside me."

At the same time, Sylvia moaned to Goofy.

"Take me back to bed, Goofy. I need your cum in my muzzle. In my belly."

The two women waited with baited breath as the two men beamed at them, but then glanced over at the other couple, at one another with nervous excitement. Max looked like he was going to say something, but faltered at the last instant. Goofy however saved the day by having no such qualms.

"Hey, Maxie... Roxanne... that bed of Max's is awfully small, don'tcha think? We really should get him a new one. But... until then, if you want a little more space, and you don't mind sharing?"

Max's eyes widened, but both Roxanne and Sylvia simply began to giggle with absolute glee. The younger male dog looked to his girlfriend, and when she nodded eagerly he couldn't help but grin himself. He looked back at his father, and his eyes darted down to Goofy's straining cock once more as Sylvia playfully ran her fingertips up and down its pulsing shaft, pre-cum dribbling in abundance all over her fingers.

"Thanks, dad. I... w-we, I mean... we'd really appreciate that."

A few moments later, not two but four bodies were hurrying back into Goofy's bedroom. The door swung shut. Giggles, gasps and a few gleeful yelps escaped as bed-springs creaked with the sudden presence of four bodies tumbling down upon them in near unison. It took less than thirty seconds for the first shriek of pleasure to ring out, intensified by two new pairs of eyes watching the actions which provoked it. Before much longer, the whole upper floor of the Goof household was ringing with the sounds of shared pleasure from four sources once again. As the afternoon turned to evening though, and the nature of those cries grew increasingly wild and obscene...

"Y-your dad's cock... its in me, Max!"

"Fuck me! Fuck me like your daddy!!"

"O-oh, dad. Right there..." wasn't just pleasure being shared between the lustful quartet of dogs. It was the boundless, wild enthusiasm of a whole new dynamic, a whole new relationship beginning. Not a couple, not a pair of couples, but one family. One big, shameless, unabashedly happy family, starting out their summer break exactly as they meant it to continue.

By Jeeves.