Me and My Bull Go to the Beach - Part 2 - Competition

Story by DarkSerpent on SoFurry

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#9 of Bunny Series, Season 1

Me and My Bull Go to the Beach - Part 2 - Competition

By: DarkSerpent


Ah our landing and checking in went great. We were in our hotel in Hawaii. The sun raising and shinning in our window. I laid on top of drew his hand resting on my back. I stretched slowly and looked up half expecting to see my room. But much better; I ended up seeing the gorges palm trees and blooming flowers of the forest.

No cars driving by, no alarm beeping, no having to get up and run off to work at a place where I get looks because of my orientation. Just me, the silence, and Drew. He stirred under me and playfully turned over pinning me under him. "Hey!" I grumbled into his chest. "You comfy," He sighed in contentment. He got onto his knees and lifted up. "Your silly," I kissed his nose.

"Someone else is up to I see," He smirked and I felt his belly rubbing against my little pink prick. I blushed and he pushed down rubbing his furry gut against me. I groaned softly and wrapped my arms around his neck. "Well we got everything finished yesterday; all the cloths unpacked and had a good night sleep; now I wanna go to the beach," He kissed me neck roughly. "Alright," I smirked and we got up. "To bad nude beaches are illegal," I sighed and watched him pull up his swimming trunks.

I grabbed a Speedo and slid it on softly. Sliding a long shirt I grabbed my beach towel. I looked at Drew seeing him having trouble getting his tail out through the hole. I walked up grabbing his butt and grabbed his tail. I slid it through the hole and pulled them up. "there you go baby," I hugged him and he grabbed his towel. He suddenly lifted up putting me on his shoulders.

He ducked down and we stepped out of our private little cabin in the woods. I sat on his shoulder my hands using his horns like a steering wheel. He walked down the sand path through the rainforest. "Wow its beautiful," I smiled and he nodded. The thick lush trees and beautiful flower truly made this place a tropical paradise. I sighed smelling the sea air the trees thinned out. We stepped out onto the gorges yellow sand feeling the warm sun hit us.

Suddenly under me I felt Drews head turn. To the right of us was a large group of girls wearing bikinis. I turned his head back. "No wandering eyes," I tapped his nose and we walked down to a nice spot. I slid off his shoulders and laid out our towels. "Baby I'm gonna go get a cooler and some drinks," He smiled and made his way back to the trees.

I sat there waiting watching people wander by. Suddenly I felt a cold coke push against my neck making me squeal. I jumped and looked up seeing Drew smiling at me. "Jerk!" I laughed and swiped it from his hand. I giggled and opened it taking a nice long drink. "AH! Lets go," I grabbed his arm and drug him down to the water. I pulled him out into the water with me till it was chest deep. We laughed and I splashed him.

He splashed me back and I dove under the water. I whipped around him as he looked for me. I jumped up grabbing his horns and pulling him back down with me. We both went under and he turned around kissing me. I held onto him and bubbled ran across his face from my nose. We both came up and we both toke a big breath.

I laid back with his hand on my back holding me up. I giggled and heard him say something. Opening my eyes I noticed him talking to a guy who swam out to us. He was a shark. Grey from his head to his tail and white along his belly. No ears but thin gills along his neck. This thin boy wearing skin tight black swim trunks. I glared at him seeing him blushing as he talked to Drew. His big tail swishing through the water. I stood up and hugged Drew. "Oh Adam this is Derik," He said and Derik held out his hand. "Oh...pleasure," I reached out and briefly shook his hand.

"He invited us to a club later on tonight," He said and I narrowed my eyes. "That would be...Great," I gritted my teeth and growled. "Great! It's the only club in town I'll see you both there; Especially you big guy," The prissy shark winked and I felt him pat his ass. My eye twitched in anger and my tail twitched. "He was a nice guy," Drew said not having a bad thing to say about anyone. "Yeah...Real nice," I grabbed his ass. "Do I have a sexy butt or what?" He asked and I nodded.

"your never gonna fuck me," He grunted thinking that's what I was leading to. "I know baby; I'm to little to really fuck you anyway," He kissed his back and he went down below the water. I look around me seeing his horns along the top of the water. I grabbed at them only for him to pull my Speedo off under the water. I blush and quickly cover myself as he comes up holding them in his hands.

I sunk down till the top of my head was above the water. "You know what to do if you want them back," He smirked and I dove under moving up kissing his member through his swim trunks. While he was adjusting I pulled his off tripping him. As he came back up and I held up his trunks. "You know what to do if you want them back," He blushed deeply and sunk down. He held up my Speedos and we switched. We both slid them back on and I giggled helping him with his tail again. He still blushed and I splashed him. He dove down and I held onto my bottoms. He didn't come near me and I saw him swimming further out to sea. Frankly I felt exposed standing here all I could hear was the word shark bait in my head.

He suddenly splashed up in front of me and I screamed a little. He smiled and opened his hands showing all sorts of things. Shells, bits of coral, a baby starfish, a sand dollar, and black shark teeth. I looked at it amazed; he was a bit of an amateur biologist. I poked at the tings in his hands before he let them go. "Wanna go look for yourself?" He asked and I shook my head no.

We headed back in and I laid out on the towel. Now with fur its hard to get burnt but not impossible so I handed him some sun block. "Need some Drewy," I squirted some in my hands and he nodded yes. I rubbed the lotion into his back all the way down to the top of his trunks. I laid him down and down and rubbed his powerful legs from the hooves up. I made sure to get his arms and ran my hands along his face. He sneezed a little when I got his nose.

Now I moved to his chest and belly. He's not fat but he does have a chubby belly so I had to get a little more lotion. "There all lathered up," I smiled and he sat up. "My turn," I whispered and he grabbed the lotion. He put some in his hand and did my face and ears. My arms and legs were quick. He started on my chest and I felt his fingers twisting my nipples gently. I bit my lower lip as he teased my pink buds of flesh. He stopped suddenly and made me groan as he moved down my belly. Surprisingly he reached under my swimsuit and grabbed my sheath. "Can't have this getting burnt," He grunted and rubbed my soft pink cock inside.

Again he stopped abruptly making me squirm. "Flip over," he ordered and I did. He ran his strong his hands along my back massaging in the lotion. " down...further," I begged and pressed my cock into the towel making a dip in the sand. I felt his hands suddenly grab my butt sliding his fingers under the fabric. His slick fingers circled my entrance and I bit the towel trying not to arouse suspicion. His finger slid into me and I gasped as he pulled out and just laid down.

He was so torturous sometimes. I could feel my hips moving a little humping the sand. "You horny baby?" He whispered into my ear and I nodded yes. He kissed my neck and helped my up. We made our way up into the forest and found a clearing surrounded by trees. The ground was soft grass and only small rays of sunlight peaked through the trees. He forced me to my hands and knees then he pulled off my Speedos. I shook my but softly enticing him.

I felt his strong hands play with my butt only making me harder. Suddenly I felt his muzzle slid between my cheeks and his tongue circle my pucker. I gripped the grass moaning softly as that amazing tongue teased me. His hot breath coursed down hitting my tiny balls. I bit the sand begging for release; my tiny cock twitching wanting to cum. Suddenly he pulled away and his hand grabbed me. Without warning he was rubbing me hard. I fucked his hand like a bunny; my hips a blur as they moved. I suddenly let out a loud gasp and released my cum onto the grass. I jerked and his hand gripped me gently.

I felt him as he moved up behind me. That godly cock resting on my ass as hard as stone. "GIve it to me daddy...Fuck you bunny butt," I groaned out and he forced the head in on the first thrust. I jumped up and clamped down on me. Suddenly his arms wrapped around me. "Relax baby,'ve taken it hard before...don't act so girly," He teased and I pushed down forcing more in. "I' you...who's girly," I forced in more and more till he was buried inside me. I fell forward my face in the grass as the last inch disappeared up my ass. God I was so full that I felt like a pig on a roasting spit. He leaned over me kissing my back. "You ok?" He asked and I nodded.

I reached back and grabbed his big balls. So big and full of my daddies seed. God sometimes I wished I was a women just so I feel my womb fill with his cum. That and I would have no problem having his baby. Unfortunately I couldn't but I could still have all of this thick hot sperm fill me up. I toyed with them till he pulled back and they moved with him. I braced for impact and suddenly he slammed into me. We both let out long groans. "Shit your such a good fuck baby," He whispered into my ear. "Only because you such a good fucker daddy bull," I moaned not able to think strait. My mind was in a million places but my body was attached to his.

I could have been freezing on top of a mountain or dying of thirst in the desert and I wouldn't care. As long as I was with him and he was buried inside me nothing else mattered. His pace quickened as he grabbed my hips and forced me back onto him roughly. "Damn...Daddy bull...I'm coming...I'm coming again; tell me...tell me what a whore I am!" I begged and he grunted. "You my disgusting little...filthy...bunny whore," He slammed into me with enough force to launch a rocket. We both suddenly started cumming. My cum joining that which already covered the grass.

His cock throbbed and slammed into me. I could almost feel his sperm swimming around in me. I loved his cum; I think I'm the perfect example of a cum dumpster. I love the feel, taste, smell, everything about it but I loved my daddies more than anyone else I've had. For only two reasons; he came a lot and his was thick as jelly on a good day. Slowly he started to pull out and I clamped down squeezing out every drop. Once he was out he laid it between my ass. He let the last of it drip down onto my back .

"MMM that felt great daddy bull," I licked my lips and he laughed. "Only because you have this amazing fat ass," He smacked my butt. I will admit I had my mother hips and a nice bubble butt. He slid on my Speedos and he carried me. I noticed the shark boy Davis standing behind a tree both of his cocks out. I narrowed my eyes seeing him shaking his cum staining the tree in front of him. I knew then he wanted my daddy bull but there was no way he was going to have him.

We walked back to the towels and watched the clouds roll by. Our hands interlocked as we sat silently. "Well baby lets get back and clean up so we can have some dinner then go to that club," He said and I nodded. We rolled up our stuff and we walked back. "We're did you get that cooler anyway," I asked as he carried it. "Oh it complimentary with the room," He smiled and I wrapped my arm around his.

Once we got back to the cabin we stripped off. We shared a nice long bath together along with another fuck session. When we went to that club I wasn't letting Drew out of my sight. The shark boy wasn't gonna sink his teeth into any part of my bull!