Sound and Silence 4: Lights Show

Story by Clear Rays on SoFurry

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#5 of Sound and Silence

A cat goes to the club and does club things. Also pretty lights.

Another First-Person chapter, this time featuring Clair. Rave Night~!

Oh, a text from Ray, that's not something you see every day.

"At arcade, want to come?"

Aww, how sweet of him.

"Already at the club today, mb. Thanks for the invite! Let's go together next time =D"

Aaaand, reply sent.

"Heey, you made it!"

"Clair! Wassup!"

"Trev! Chris! Good to see ya! Where's Alex?"

"Oh, he said he wasn't feeling well, but knowing him, I bet he already has a hook-up for tonight and wanted an excuse to flake, ya'know?"

"Haha, sounds just like him! Well, we can still party hard with just 3 gay boiz!"

"Hell yeah!", the thumping of the music in here always gets me going. Plenty of eye candy today as well~

"So Clair, when are you bringing your boyfriend over?"

"Huh? What are you talking about, Trev?"

"You know, that roommate you keep telling us about!"

"Oh, OH! I don't know, man, Ray isn't really the type to go clubbing."

"Hey, you don't know that, Maybe he just hasn't awakened his inner party animal! I know a bunch of my other wolf friends love to get down! Maybe he just needs some encouragement, you know?"

"Or maybe, you can encourage another part of him... if you know what I mean."

"Chris, not you too!"

"Well you said he's gay! You just need to stir him up a bit!"

"Yeah, tell us! Is he hot?"

"I-I don't know! He's... endearing?"

"Booooring! Give us the juicy deetz, bro! Is he packing down there? You two have definitely fucked, right?"

"Yeah, you obviously love the guy, you literally never shut up about him and talk about him every time you get the chance to! We know you're hiding the naughty gossip~"

"You numbskulls...I'm going to go get a drink."

"Alright! But make sure you bring Rayray over one of these days, alright?"

...I can still hear them giggling... I know I'm a slut, but those two really got dicks for brains.



...Always feels cozy to be vibing on the dance floor. With all the lights and noise, I can let out a bit of my power here too, which is always refreshing. It's outlets like these that are really liberating.

Clair continued dancing to himself near the center of the dance stage surrounded by other handsome beastmen. As if reflecting his good vibes, cyan and lime green trails of light pulsed gently from his hands and feet as he moved about on the dance floor, though everyone else was too caught up doing their own thing to notice or care. Suddenly, all the lights and music went out. Everyone around tried looking around in confusion in the darkness, wondering if this was some new trick that the club managers had cooked up.

After some murmurs among the crowd, a voice rang out from a club employee, amplified by a megaphone.

"Uhh, Sorry everyone! We were just informed that there's a blackout that happens to be affecting this area! We were told that the power will be back up in just a few minutes. We're very sorry for the inconvenience, but if you can just be patient, things will be up and running very soon and you all can get back to partying!"

There were more whispers, and even a few loud grumbles among the crowd-mostly that of general disappointment that there was no big surprise in store. People continued standing around, waiting for the power to come back, and some were contemplating just leaving. Since it was pitch black inside, however, people generally weren't moving around, for fear of tripping or bumping into each other.

Clair kneeled down into a cat-like squat for a moment, twiddling his thumbs as he listened to the complaints of the crowd, particularly difficult for Clair himself to tune out due to his own sharp listening skills. However, pair of voices stood out to him among the crowd of voices:

"Clair! Now's your chance, do the thing!"

"Yeah Clair, show everyone the thing! They'll love it! It's the perfect opportunity!"

Clair's head sharply turned in some random direction of the club. He couldn't see very well, and the voices weren't talking that much louder than anyone else, but he knew for a fact that it was Trevor and Chris talking to him-they were aware of his acute sense of hearing, after all.

A swarm of emotions-that of embarrassment, uncertainty, and doubt-flooded his mind as he registered their words and thought about their request.

"I.. but that... what if..." He muttered to himself anxiously among the crowd of increasingly restless club attendees.

Suddenly, he vividly recalled something Reyson said to him a long time ago.

"Be proud of your power; It's going to make a lot of people happy someday!"

"Reyson... I-" The cat hesitated, but eventually stood up with conviction.

He held up his right hand in a L shape. Suddenly, a prismatic light prism in the shape of a speaker phone appeared above his hands, it's blue-ish green tint illuminating himself and the area immediately around him. Those who were in range of the luminosity looked over to see the cat standing at the center of the light, clearly nervous, despite his usual charisma. He spoke with a bit of a stutter as the light prism projected his voice throughout the entire club.

"H-hey everyone! Do y'all want to keep on grooving!?"

There were some confused mutters among the crowd, but 'yes's and and the occasional hollers of encouragement slowly trickled in from among the people present. Over in the distance, two pairs of voices rang out distinctly, shouting "YEAH!!!! DO IT CLAIR!"

"A-Awesome! It's uh, my first time doing this, but I'll put on a special little show for you all, so keep your eyes and ears peeled and move your feet to the beat, okay!?" Whoops and cheers of excitement started ringing out from the crowd, spurned on by the energy and fervor of Trevor and Chris's cry of support.

Clair dispelled the light prism, the dance hall suddenly dipping into complete darkness yet again. The cat took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and clapped his hands together. Upon thrusting his hands out, a gigantic sound bubble pulsed out which covered the entirety of the building, shimmering with warm sky blue and faint neon green tinges of color. The audience looked around in awe as Clair took off his shoes. His hands and feet began to glow as he pressed one finger from his right hand against his temple.

After a beat, he moved his finger away from his head, with a blue thread of light following his movements as a small orb was extracted seemingly from within his mind. It seemed to be pulsating feverishly at a steady rhythm as though some sort of muffled sound was trying to escape from it.

He held the ball of light close to his chest before raising it up. Opening his eyes with a suave grin, he finally let out a shout from the heart:

"Here comes the music!"

Music: Love 2 Shuffle: Sota F. Feat. Starbitz

The orb shattered and dispersed all throughout the barrier, releasing a kaleidoscope of color as suddenly, the beginnings of a song started reverberating throughout the club. Clair started dancing flawlessly to the track, his hands, feet, and body moving in tandem to the rhythm of the song. With every wave of his hands, flickers of color would spring forth that would also affect the song with all sorts of vivid and wonderful audio effects. With every stamp of his feet, pools of color would bloom forth along with a bass kick that reverberated throughout the walls, and deep in the souls of everyone present. The feline moved about with grace and precision as natural as breathing as strands and flurries of sounds and colors pulsed from within his core.

As the intro to the song finished, he produced another prism similar to the one he used to project his voice earlier. With a smooth wave of his hands around his mouth, the prism coalesced into a digital looking mouthpiece that covered his muzzle as he began to sing. With his confidence growing, his brilliant singing voice echoed loud and clear against the sound bubble he had created, stunning those around him. At every mention of dancing, lights would flash all around the club as though there were a disco ball present. At each mention of flying, crystalline wings would sprout forth from his back, and erupt into a burst of feathers that filled the air... All this and more as the music continued to come forth louder and stronger.

The club-goers stood dumbstruck as a sudden flurry of lights and a powerful rhythm enveloped them in a way that they had never before experienced, and the management of the establishment desperately attempted to radio employees and the DJ to figure out what in the hell was even going on.

However, it didn't take long before everyone was completely enraptured by the resounding pulse laid bare before them, and dancing along to the impromptu light show. Clair himself was having the time of his life, never having felt so free up until that point in his life. He danced and sang his heart out, remixing the music without a care in the world, and to everyone's enjoyment and satisfaction as the beat of the music continued pounding forth from within him.

At the end of the song, he struck a pose as the last note rang forth with fervent intensity. The crowd went wild and cheered for the young cat as he struggled to catch his breath. He was having trouble maintaining his sound barrier, as he had never used it in such a large space for such a long period of time. Eventually, he lost control of it and it dispersed, leaving the room in darkness once more. It was not for long though, as just seconds thereafter, all of the lights came back on.

"The power has just come back to the building! We'll be getting the music back up in just a few moments, so please hold on just a little longer!"

"Haa.... haa.... Dang... I didn't think... I could do that... That was-"

"Yo, that was awesome! How did you do that!?"

"You were so cool out there! Can you do that again!?"

"You're so hot... Can I touch you, please?~"

"Hey dude, you were looking pretty good out there-call me sometime, alright?"

Oh, god, I wasn't ready for all this attention... It's starting to get too noisy, I need to step outside.




Phew.. that's better.



Oh no, did they chase me-Wait, that's-

"Trev! Chris!... You saw everything, huh."

"Hell yeah man! That was lit! LITERALLY! Chris was recording the whole thing! We're going to put it up online!"

"W-wait, hold on-"

"Too late, already up, broski!"

Oh... oh... noooo....... Well, maybe this is for the better...?

"Excuse me, are you the one that made the music earlier?"

..Huh? Is this another new fan? Well, actually, he looks like he works here?

"Y-yeah, that was me. Oh, oh no- did I do something wrong? I won't do it again, so please don't ban me!" This place is really important to me!.. All the hot guys are here!

"Oh, no, NO, we wouldn't dream of banning you. We're not sure what in the world you did or how you did it, but we are very impressed with what you pulled off out there. You brought plenty of joy and entertainment to our guests. As such, we were wondering if you would like to work here as a DJ or dancer."


Oh my god, am I being offered a job as a DJ for a club? That sounds awesome! But...

"W-wow, that's a really nice offer, but I don't think I can accept. The power I used to make that music was only strong enough to hold up for the length of one song- I think I'd pass out if I had to use it in this large space for more than 5 minutes. And plus... I think I'd rather be a customer here than an employee, you know?"

"Ah- I see, I understand. However, it would be a waste to lose such talent. Perhaps we can negotiate to pay you per performance, rather than on an hourly basis?"

"Oh! Well... maybe...?"

"Fantastic! It would be swell if you would consider my offer. Here is my business card. Please call me if you change your mind or make a decision."


"Hey! We're his friends, do we also get a job offer?"

"Oh-can you two also do the thing with the music and the colors?"

"E-erm. No...."

"Ah, well- good day then."

"Darn! It was worth a shot. But yo, Clair! Nice! You got a chance to have a gig here! That's so awesome! Ya gonna take it?"

"I-I don't know!"

"Well, ya got plenty of time to think about it- c'mon, let's head back in, the night's just getting started!

"..yeah, yeah! Let's live it up!"