An Interesting Question

Story by TyrsBackalley on SoFurry

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A demonic bartender works his usual shift before being figured out by a hot grizzly bear. As always read the tags before reading and have fun.

It was an interesting question that got me started. "If you could have any specied sub for you, what would it be?" I was working that night at the Core. I was one of the first bartender's there and everyone assumes with me looking all demonic with glowing horns and dark fleshy bat wings that I was a torturer or some shit. This one was a tiger. Tiny thing with no ass to speak of and a quick whippy tail. His stripes were kind of hot under that thick fishnet top but other than the stripes he didn't do shit for me.

"Don't really have a preference." I told him which was true. This was going on as I was pouring drinks free handed 3 and 4 at a time. I wasn't just hired for my looks because behind my back I was telekinetically pouring another 6 drinks even while chatting my customers up. "We all look the same in some leather anyway." I flirt a little with the pussy even if he's not my type running a finger up his pants over the bar.

The only problem is cats sometimes just don't know when to give up even if I'm flirting with every sub that comes up here. They all come up to me for drinks. Something about how I rub them the right way I think. I just naturally look like the type of guy they want. I can dress in a neon pink top and fishnet stockings and I still come off looking like a subs wet dream. It is kind of fun I've got to admit but some kids just won't get off my bar. "Yeah but come on, everyone has a preference. I mean you must be into cats to keep talking to me. So how about it?"

I can't help the snort even if the cat can't hear it over the music. Leaning in real close like I'm just about to kiss him I bypass his lips and go right to his ear. "I don't go for pushy kids. Now scram kitten." I was in hell for a very long time before hitting the surface. There is a certain quality one can develop down there that literally just chills someone's soul. It comes in handy in situations like this where his attitude is scaring off some of my other customers.

He doesn't even pick up his change or the drink he was halfway through. Tail rigid, with every hair standing on end he flees like I've set the hellhounds on him. Not that I would. Those girls are just here to enjoy the music. If they get a little frisky some desperate soul will offer them release no doubt.

Thankfully everyone seems to get a whole lot cheerier after the little pansy tiger leaves. A few girls are buying rounds of drinks and a couple of little subs are coming up shyly and I nod them along to someone else. My eyes tense however when a bear of all things comes up for a second drink. He came up while the tiger was there but I expected him to go find another bartender after the first quick hit. "I'll take another Mojito thanks." It's odd because I swear this bear is flirting. With the way he leans over the bar and his smile, it all certainly makes me think he is. It still has me confused as he just doesn't fit the usual type to flirt with me.

Most of the guys and girls I get flirting with me are submissive things. Shy or looking for a bit of rough play. The shy ones makes having bat like hearing a real handy thing and the ones looking for some rough play, well they're easy to handle. This bear isn't either of those. He's calm and confident yet with no sense of forwardness to him as if he expects me to chase him. Subs generally only like being chased when they're shy.

Making the drink in record time I have it sitting on the bar at the same moment he has produced his card. "Anything else I can get for you Sir?" I ask even as I'm punching in the amount for the drink.

Leaning over he taps his card down to the machine on the bar with a smirk. "You could tell me what species you actually do like." He was there. He heard me say it to the pretty little tiger before but when I just go to say it again he cuts me off. "Your leather is nice by the way boy and you make a damn fine drink."

He walks away without me answering, then just before he disappears into the crowd of dancers he holds his drink up. Right on the edge he puts his brown arm up above that crowd in a toast. Looking directly at me, the bear winks and takes a sip before slipping out of sight.

Behind my back six bottles slip from my minds grasp and smash into the ground as I lose control. Breathing hard I grasp the bench before apologizing quickly to the girls that I was making drinks for. Shaking myself free, my shoulders and wings feel tight against my leather vest.

Picking up the broom I sweep chips of glass up quick smart before returning to the bar. My smile has lost a little of its previously forced edge as I go from order to order snapping along the bar in an orderly manner. But every time I get a free moment my thoughts drift back to that grizzly bear. He asked me what species I actually liked. Not what species I liked to have sub for me. It was different to the tigers question but I didn't realize. Did he realize?

Each time the bear comes back he orders a different cocktail. Most of them are rum based but a couple are with bourbon which I've never been particularly partial to myself. Smokey flavours just remind me of the bright side of Hell. Rum is nice though. Much sweeter. Each time he comes up he does so with a smile and some flattery for the last drink I made him. But that's it. Through the night I've seen a couple of girls try to get with him at the bar but he's pushed them off quickly.

It isn't until the end of the night when things quieten down that he leans against my bar again. The music has even developed the quality for looming arousal which just makes me chuckle. The DJ we have on tonight is really, really good at manipulating emotions. Start of the night he had them dancing, now he's getting them all to the fucking. Which makes me question why the bear is back at my bar.

"Should I guess what drink you'd like this time or did you have something else on your mind?" I ask as the bear leans there waiting for me. To his credit, he doesn't appear all that drunk despite the amount of alcohol I've poured for him.

"How about a golden shower?"

"Did you seriously just order a golden shower?" I ask shaking my head. "I think that would be a little sweet for you and I haven't seen you touch tequila all night."

"Oh no, not for me." The bear protests smiling as he does. "I've had enough to drink. Anymore and I won't be able to get it up to fuck this guy I have been eyeing off all night. No you misunderstand. I really need to piss very soon and I was seeing if you'd like a golden shower? Then maybe after that we can go downstairs and find a room to play in for a little while. Afterall, we both know you don't want a sub as a playmate."

If I had have a second order, I would have dropped all my bottles all over again. Eyes wide I can feel the heat in my glowing horns rising. "H-how'd you know?" I ask the big brown bear even as he leans in, flaunting his biceps over the counter.

"Just a feeling after seeing you make that pussy cat run off. You flirted with everyone the same but there was no you in it." Playfully he adds, "Oh, and you called me Sir."

The few guys that come up to me that don't feel like subs I call that. But I didn't think he had noticed the little tidbit. "I'm not meant to finish for thirty more minutes." I tell the bear even as I look for another white winged one. "I can ask if I can finish a little earlier however. Give me a minute." I say just as I find the one I'm searching for. "Oh and my preference is big guys. Bears are nice."

I got off work pretty easy. Byriel literally laughed, slapped me on the back and said, "Sure get out of here. You're the only one who hasn't spent half his shift getting some kiddo. You deserve a good fuck." and that was that. Helping myself back over to the bar, the big grizzly is standing there looking pleased as fuck with himself even if his foot taps a little. Its not nerves that has his foot tapping though. "My apartment or downstairs Sir?"

"Downstairs." He says with gusto as he pats me on the shoulder careful of the horns. It's kind of an issue with a guy like me. Sharper than a porcupine but thicker from a whole bunch of different angles. The only safe spot is in front of me which makes the tender touch all the more special. "I'd rather show everyone how a good sub like you should behave. That should get you some attention."

His remark has me blushing as I'm not used to this sort of thing. "Just take it easy please Sir. I don't have a chance to do this much and I don't want you hurting yourself on my horns."

"Are they hot to the touch?" The bear asks probably because of how they glow and worse they get redder as I walk with him embarrassed.

"Not to touch no. They're just tied with my mood Sir. Hence the glowing red right now." I tell him as they pick up even further around the base.

"Oh. So they glow red when you're horny do they?" Shit. They must be getting warm to the touch now. I'm more embarrassed than ever as I turn away even as he leads us downstairs. "Or is it humiliation that turns them red?"

That's a new word. I've always used embarrassed but humiliated works for the description to, as it is part of my embarrassment. "Both." I whisper and halfway down the stairs, the music doesn't quite cover it up enough for the grizzly to hear it.

"Well I think they're sexy as hell. Pun totally intended boy, as are you. Now did you want to drop your leathers off before we get down to this? It's sex on premises as I'm sure you know working here and all."

I gulp. I knew it was, but I haven't actually been down here. The bar upstairs is bad enough with every sub flocking to me and trying to sub for the big buff bat demon with the horns and scales. I'm a curiosity up there and down here I just don't know what I'll be. "Is that normal?" I ask shyly even as the bear laughs, thinking me being funny.

"Yeah. I'll grab us a key and we can put our gear in a locker. That way you can take care of what I've been saving up with all those tasty drinks easier. We can also make a mess and keep most of the other guys off you long enough for me to have first dibs at your ass." Grabbing a locker key off the front desk with a smile he holds up two fingers for a second as he gestures to me. Its all so quick, before he pulls me over to the changing rooms.

"This is all so strange." I state not thinking about what I'm saying. So many guys stripping down to nothing around me yet half of them are looking over at me even as the bear growls them away.

"How so?"

"Sorry, just really not used to being around so many people. It's one thing behind a bar but like this is a new experience for me." I tell the bear even as he undoes his locker and starts to unbutton his shirt.

"Oh never been down here before? I thought you would have checked it out at the very least."

"Too many subs thinking... well thinking what they do." I tell him as I copy his actions. Undoing my own locker and pulling my vest off. I have to do it carefully as the horns along my arms tend to rip clothes if I rush. There's only two on each arm but they're still quite a nuisance.

Paw to my arm, the bear strokes over one and I moan lightly at his soft touch. "I bet they do. Manly and looking like a horror movie monster, you're some ladies wet dreams and guys to boot I bet. Must be a shame to them when they find out you just aren't that guy."

"Must be." I agree with him not having anything else to add. Then I lose track of myself as the bear next to me just pulls down his pants before shoving them in the locker. Taking the towel out of it, he wraps it around himself but not before I got one hell of a look. A look that went right to my own undergarments region.

"Well off with them." The bear says as he shuts his locker and leans against it to watch. My horns glow red again and it takes me a second to adjust. I can't adjust something even as I pop the buttons on my pants and pull down. Leather sticks for a second before ripping free and I try to stuff them in the locker fast as I can so I can get my towel around me.

My plan gets ruined as seconds after I shove them in a paw claps around my arm and shuts my locker, locking it as he takes the key. "B-but my towel."

"You don't get a towel. Let everyone see the goods I'm gonna be playing with." Holding up the key the bear states. "You can have this back after I'm done with your ass boy. Now heel like a good hound."

Flicking his fingers the bear walks off leaving me standing embarrassed for a few seconds. He didn't leave me much choice however as I take one quick glance at my locker. With no key I can't just get dressed and leave unless I want to risk ripping them all off the wall. But everyone is staring at me as I stand here and that only has my horns glowing again. The grizzly bear is almost at the end of the locker room when I jog to catch up, my dick slapping my thigh audibly as I try not to think about it.

I'm not very successful as I'm following a hulking bear through a sex club completely naked. Only adding to my embarrassment, every set of eyes we pass turn and stare as I am led through the club. From the way the bear navigates the place, he has to have been down here before. Thankfully it isn't anything too extreme happening out in the halls. Nothing that I haven't seen before anyway. A girl in a sling with a horse rutting her. A couple just making out and a few tamer blowjobs as we walk along.

I don't take much of that in however as my eyes glue themselves to the bears back and the way his muscles flex under all that fur. I don't get sights like this every day as he's the only one in the whole club who doesn't turn to stare right at me. If only it weren't for these damn glowing horns. But the deeper we go, the more I realize it isn't just my horns grabbing attention. A lot of eyes are focused lower than they go. Right, no towel. That just leaves my cock and balls to swing about.

I almost run into the bear when he stops smack dab in the centre of the new room. I was trying to count how many furs were here when he stopped and only just caught myself. Over 20 of them are all staring as I try to cower behind the grizzly. Spinning about, his large paw claps down on my shoulder. "Get down on your knees and sit right back boy." I have to look deep into the bears eyes to see his old smile as he switches before my eyes. Gone is that good natured laughter, replaced with something far sexier. Dominance and authority.

I've never had a guy order me around so easily, and as if they were made from jelly, my legs fold letting me hit the floor audibly. "Mmm, so eager to follow orders. You even sit like a sub naturally should, boy. Gotta say you look sexy as fuck kneeling, just waiting for something to happen."

He knows just what having my horns glowing like they are means. The others may not but just knowing he does has them glowing even more now. "Thank you Sir."

"Don't mention it boy." The grizzly tells me as his paw starts to work from my shoulder over my chest. He's not feeling me up exactly, instead he's using a claw to just deliver a slight tingle through me and then up along my throat as I moan and lean back for him. Footpaw in between my knees to keep me down, the grizzly starts teasing along my chin before the other paw joins in. Sweaty palms hold my face and he rubs everywhere. My cheeks, my nose, my eyes and over the two horns that curl back from my snout.

He doesn't give a shit as others start talking in the room. He just goes about what he's doing as he feels up my face and palms it until I'm a moaning mess under him. I know I'm being judged as some sort of toy or something and its degrading as fuck, but I don't care. Having paws actually caressing my demonic face has me willing to submit to literally anything.

My moans get shut down as two fingers get shoved in my maw only to start digging around at my tongue. "I half expected a demonic bat like you to have vampire fangs. Instead what do I find but a soft tongue and a warm cocksucking throat." Gagged with fingers I try to mumble my thanks but it gets lost in translation. "Yeah that's it boy. Work my fingers just like a cock. Show everyone what that maw was truly made for."

Mmm, fuck I want to. Slurping, my tongue wraps around those fingers and I suck down on them. Bobbing, corkscrewing and tonguing them until the fur is matted with saliva and even then I keep going as the bear plays with my face. Two fingers from his other paw hook into my nose and pull me down onto his paw as he adds a third finger. Thick and bloated those fingers fill my mouth up until I'm on the very verge of gagging but I won't pull back. I want to please the grizzly in any way he wants and sucking his fingers is just one step on a long road I hope.

"Shit look at the slut work those fingers."

"Holy fuck, I thought demons were total tops. But just look at him."

"What a faggot. Only hard with the promise of cock."

I can hear the guys and girls mumbling shit all around me and my horns glow with the humiliation of being called a slut and a faggot. Not that it stops me sucking on those fat fingers as they finger fuck my muzzle. "Yeah, boy. Gonna suck my cock real good with a snout like that. Do you want to see it boy? Want to see the cock that's gonna be claiming you real soon boy?" I nod which prompts a gag as he shoves those fingers right to the back of my throat.

"Aw, cute. Slutty demon still has a gag reflex. Well I'll try to break you of that shortly boy." The grizzly bear taunts before removing those fingers and hooking them into the waistband of his towel. "But you want to see my cock do you boy? Well I want to see you beg. So how about it? You gonna beg to see and suck on my bear cock boy?"

Oh shit, I can feel my shaft throbbing with a load of precum as it lines his footpaw under me. I can't help it. The bear is just pressing all my buttons that never get pressed. Toying with me, dominating me and forcing me to beg just to see his cock. "Please Sir, honour me with the sight of your glorious cock and allow me to taste you Sir. I'll do anything you want if you'll privilege me with being your cocksucking toy Sir."

If there's one thing I know how to do from watching a million souls do the same, it's beg. My choice of words doesn't just stun the bear. The entire room gasps in surprise as I kneel there and some even hurry off to drag others back with them to watch. Red light tinges the otherwise darkened room as I blush with the humiliation from what I just did. But if it gets the bear to go wild on me I'd do anything.

"Shit boy. You want to see my cock so bad and suck on it maybe I'll just have to keep you. Or better yet just make sure every guy here knows what a little bitch you are. Since you begged for it, let's give you a looksie pup." RIP! Goes the towel as he tears it from around his waist and chucks it to the floor to be forgotten about. And there, revealed in twice the glory of what I saw in that locker room is his thick slab of bear meat and those heavy musky apple sized nuts.

"Oh, thank you Sir. Thank you." I grovel shamelessly even as I drool over the sight of such a magnificent uncut bear cock. "Please Sir, please can I suck on your gorgeous cock. It just appears to need a good toy to get off in Sir. Please can I be that for you Sir?"

"Didn't I say I needed to piss before we played boy?" The grizzly asks and I sink to the floor completely crestfallen. Having had that cock shoved right in front of my face only to be denied so quickly hits me harder than a brick to the jaw. "Aww look how sad you get at being denied a cock to suck. I bet half the guys here would leap at the chance to breed that throat of yours if you begged them to right now."

No that's not what I want. Well maybe later but right now I just want the bear. Two huge paws grasp the horns at the back of my head then and pull me until my nose is touching that dripping length of foreskin. I can't stop myself. Breathing in the musk of pure masculine sweaty bear I moan as I get lightheaded. Dripping, the salt of his precum mixes into that scent and over it all I can smell that unmistakable scent of urine.

"We both know it's my cock you want right now though boy." The bear taunts as he holds me back, mere inches away from what I'd die to have in me right now. Nodding best, I can I sniff and moan until I'm blue in the face and my horns start to turn purple. Lust is overwhelming even the sharpness of my humiliation then and I burn with it. My cock slaps as it spurts line after line of precum onto the footpaw below me and I do my best to hold back from just grabbing onto the bears balls and swallowing his cock to the hilt.

It's not easy.

"We both know it so say it. Say you want me to mark you like the cocksucking toy you are boy. Actually why don't you beg for me to piss with my cock right where it is now."

"Mmhmm!" I groan upon realizing just what he has been leading up to with all this. "Do it. Please do it Sir. I said I'd do anything for you and I meant it Sir. Feed it to me and mark me with your piss just please Sir, please let me please you however you want."

I'm way, way too overeager for this to happen but I don't care. I'm completely lost staring at that leaky foreskin that's lined up right with my snout. "Kinky fucking demon. Feed it to you eh? Well open that maw wide and I'll give you just what you want boy." Shit. No getting out of this.

Opening wide my tongue sticks down and out as I await just what the bears getting ready to do. Both paws gripping my skull, he pushes me back just so the kinky Dom can watch. The foreskin of his dick swells before my eyes and I clench them shut before getting a blast of stinking hot piss right over my snout. In my nose and over my ears, the bear groans as he lets his bladder rush out to mark me with his base scent.

It runs, burning hot lines over my skin, as it winds its way down my chest to my own throbbing manhood before the bear readjusts. Up til then he was happy coating my face but I had to say I wanted him to feed it to me. Thicker than I expected, the piss tastes like a sweaty bear should and I have to stop myself from gagging on the thick taste. Salt and musk overwhelm my tastebuds as he spurts right to the back of my throat only for it to run down and cover the rest of my front.

"Such a dirty pig. Guys are gonna smell this for days boy. Longer if you don't shower." Fuck he's not wrong. I had to breath and with my mouth full of piss only my nose could suck some oxygen in and Pew! For a guy that had been drinking all night he is rank. That only makes me love it more as I suck more of that piss sodden air in to my lungs.

When that stream starts to die down I come out of it panting like I've run a marathon only for him to coat my dick and balls with the last spattering. It would be so humiliating if I could think clearly but all I can smell is the bear now. Two dozen voices, guys and girls getting off to the sight and all I have eyes for is the bear as he holds my snout close to that piss soaked dick of his.

"Kiss it and get to work boy. I won't give you a second chance."

"Thank you Sir." Having permission I dive in and make out with that heavy hanging foreskin before slurping that thing right into my mouth. The bears grunt is all the affirmation I need that I'm doing a good job then as I try to take half his dick in one go. Head pressed into my throat I swallow around it to keep from gagging. The sweat that has built up around his shaft over the night is saltier than the piss that hit my tongue and I love it. Tongue grinding along his underside I circle his head on the pullout just to swipe more of that sweat off to fill my stomach.

"Fuck that's good. Lads you all really missed out on a nice toy here sorry to say." The bear comments waving off everyone as they all grumble. "I still haven't tested the poor boys throat. Let's see if we can't get rid of that pesky gag reflex shall we?" Damn. I thought I was doing well enough not to have to display my ineptitude. But with two hands on my horns all I can do is take it at this point. Not that I'd be complaining.

Pulled down, my throat massages his tip just like before only for it to spread me wider than I'm able to take. Eyes bug out and I choke a little but remembering to keep swallowing I try to allow more cock in. 'Damn is he thick', is my first rational thought as I keep trying to swallow and breath. But the further he pushes in, the harder that gets until I gurgle around his shaft. I don't think anyone but the bear and I heard it. Pausing he teases one nipple with a paw as he holds himself for me to get used to him, swiveling little by little with his hips.

It's agonizing and so fucking hot having him this deep in me but I want more. I want to get to his base but it seems like a real stretch at this point. Thinking about my throat I realize the truth of that in so many ways as I try not to chuckle and gag.

"Damn, boy I could just sit with my dick stuck in your throat all day long. Bet you'd fucking love it if I did, being such a kinky slut. Come on, play with my nuts if you think you'd like that boy. Give them a little rub with those soft hands of yours. Yeah, that's right. Knew you were a horny little shit." So glad for the mercy he shows, I rub the bears balls as if it were the hottest thing I've ever gotten to do. Which it is. Throat full of cock and hands full with nuts the size of my palms. This would be my heaven... you know if I weren't a demon.

Little rolls of the bears hips, get bigger as I adjust and when that tip leaves my throat the first time I suck up a great glob of juice before having it thrust back in. He's so good at this, the way he just holds me there and stretches me out to his size. By now I expected to have been gagging but the bear doesn't push too fast. He's forcing me to adjust perfectly and each time I try to gag he holds himself back before pushing past it. I'm loving sucking on him and with all the furs around me muttering, it only makes it hotter.

"That's it boy. Suck it all down like a good cocksucker. I'm close boy, Oh, I'm real close." The bear moans as his hips pull back. Getting erratic his thrusts just stay to my mouth and only push against the back of my throat. How he picks up speed, no way could I stop gagging if he fucked my throat now.

"Suck it harder boy. Fuck yeah, that's it." His moans pick up turning to grunts as he pistons that cock into my sucking maw. "Fuck yeah. Oh, O fuck boy I'mmmm Gahhhhrr!" Shit. That first pulse of cum stuffs my maw full only to explode back past the bears cock. Gagging, I try to swallow but I just can't keep up with the blasting of cum the bear pumps into me.

That salty sweetness gets wasted as it dribbles from my chin only to have the bear pull out and pump away at his spurting cock right in front of my face. Like a cannon he aims and fires right over my snout. "FFuuuckk yeahh boyy!" I don't know why the bears grunting like that. No longer in my mouth that cum just keeps exploding however painting my face and after a while I feel it drip down onto my chest. I've still got his balls in my hands so I pump away at those which has the bear perking up more and more cum until my face is covered.

"Damn boy, your face looks real good painted in cum." The bear laughs which has me blushing again, turning the room red once more as my horns betray me. "To think I thought you looked hot without a cum facial. You're positively glowing now and you look like the slut you are."

Two paws return to my face then only to massage through that cum making me moan up at the bear even as he grins and dirty talks with me. "Gonna be a hot minute til I can pump a second load into that ass of yours boy and I think we've given everyone enough of a free show. How bout we get a room so I can bend that ass over and give you a real good hard fucking boy?"

I can barely think with those paws rubbing into my face like they are but it hits me how soft my cock has gotten as my tip rests now in a wet puddle of fur. Shit I didn't even notice blowing my wad while giving the bear a blowjob. He sure as hell did because he's rubbing my balls with that paw and smirking down at me while he does it. "First I think you better clean up the mess you made of my paw. So I don't slip. What do you think boy?"

Pushed down, that paw settles right in front of my eyes. Kneeling on all fours like this I look up just once to say, "Anything for you Master." Before leaning in and sucking my cum out of his fur. Tongue meets toes and I lick until every drop of cum is clean from that paw and even after that I keep going while the bear pats me. He pats me and I moan, my wings fluttering against the floor.

"That's a good boy. That's a good demon slut." Mouth full of fur and foot all I can do is moan a muffled agreement. Until he pulls back, making me whine at having his paw ripped out of reach. "Come on. Heel." Purple turns red again as I blush and I jump to follow this time. Cum dripping from my face and a dick as hard as steel to guide my way.

The room behind bursts out laughing at that only to return to their own fuck buddies. Not that I'm complaining as I follow the bear down the hall. Right into an open room where he shuts the door behind us.

Lips meet mine and two paws grab hold of my ass, growling as he makes out with me. "You're in so much trouble now boy."

God I hope so. "I can't believe this is happening." I mutter even as I kiss the bear back, his soft lips melding into mine and it isn't long after his tongue licks along them. I go from breathless to heady until all that matters are those lips and the bear in front of me. Cum gets sucked up and pushed into my muzzle only for me to swallow it down greedily.

I end up having to break the kiss when I get dizzy and fall back a little having forgotten to breath. "Hmm, you aren't a bad kisser boy. But fuck me you're eager. Never seen a guy rise so fast after blowing just giving someone a blowjob. Kinda feels like a longneck's getting pushed into my gut right now."

"S-sorry about that." I say trying to adjust but it's hard because he isn't letting go of my ass. He just kneads those cheeks as if they were bread dough.

"I didn't say it felt bad boy. Just, you seem to be really nervous. I expected a demon like you would have been all blasé about sex. You took to getting a golden shower easy but now that I've sobered up a little I can see you look really nervous. You sure you're okay?"

Fucking horns, betraying me now of all times as they light up red again. They were purple before from the kiss but once more they go red. "I'm really excited but yeah I'm nervous too."

"Well we're alone now boy. That should make you feel a little better right? Even if you are covered from head to toe in my piss and cum. Makes you smell and look really fucking hot I might add. But seriously what's got you so nervous? I thought you liked big guys?"

"I do like big guys. I've just well never been able to blend in topside so..." I leave that last pretty vacant.

"So what? You never had sex or something?" God damned fucking horns. The room lights up, they glow that much. "What seriously?" The bears reaction would be priceless for being so caught off-guard.

"I've never been topside before okay? Despite popular opinion that I've found over the last four days demons don't really get along down in Hell. Only thing I've ever done anything with was a hellhound and they can't mount me because of my horns." I admit before going deadly silent. I really didn't need to say that last. What the fuck was I thinking?

"Wow." The bear says even as I pull away from him and his magical paws. "That's just... wow."

"Damn it, I really didn't want to screw this up." I groan even as I carefully try to find some way in which to lean or sit that doesn't have my horns tearing the mats up.

"Screw this up?" The grizzly's completely stunned as he watches me sit on the raised mattress in the room. "Boy you just let me fuck your muzzle and mark you as a bitch in public. No way did letting me know you were basically a virgin screw this up so loosen up a little or that might. Just means I may have to be more careful than I was planning to be."

"All I wanted was for you to be careful of was my horns." I tell the bear as I sit there with a cock harder than a rock. "Being marked like that felt incredibly freeing even with all the furs watching and getting off to it."

"Yeah, what can I say? I have a thing for doing it in public too and it ain't everyday a guy gets to mark a hot as all fuck demon. I mean the way my piss just rolled over your chest was a sight to behold... shit I don't even know your name boy."

"Ha, I've just been calling you Sir and The Bear in my head. Names Malarcharna?"

"Mal-a-char-na? How about I just call you Mally?" I couldn't care less what he calls me so I just nod. "Mines actually Jonathon. Most of my friends just call me Jon though. Now that I know your name Mally, do you mind if I have another play with that ass of yours? My paws are already feeling left out having their toy taken away from them."

"Sir John, you can do anything you want with me." I tell the bear with a smile even as I try to relax. That is made pretty easy as two big paws stroke over my chest bringing vibrations up as I moan to the stone ceiling. "Oh, damn you don't know how good that feels."

"You're a sensitive one that's for sure. I like that in a guy. How about your nipples? How do they like it?"

"Oh Shit!" I grunt when those blunted claws trace circles over my hard little knobs of flesh. My nerve endings seem to be on fire which sends me thrashing, my wings hitting the wall to keep me upright. "Fuuuu- I like that a lot Sir." I tell him once he lets them go long enough for me to get some words out.

"I could tell. You leak pre like you're taking a piss boy. Never seen a guy get so into being touched and played with." Still rubbing me down, those magical soft paws of his trace down my core before thumbing over my thighs. "I really want to have this all to myself one day boy but I promised you an ass fucking and if I touch your cock right now I think it'd be all over. So tell me, what did you want? Want me to just bend you right over and hike that thick tail up or you want me to play with you a bit more?"

"Grrr!" I can barely think with those fingers running circles on my inner thighs and even when he rubs out and just plays with my legs I throb. "Fuck me. Please Sir just fuck me." I growl passionately as I try to adjust to being touched by so much fur.

It isn't something I can just come to terms with as it feels way too good. "Thought so." The bear growls, just before hooking my leg and sitting me down on my side.

"Wha-?" Before I know what's happened my legs thrown over the bears shoulders and I'm laying completely exposed for him. Fuck, I never thought of this. Not a single horn cuts into the mattress under me even as John gets right up behind me on his knees. Caught off-guard my ass puckers only to have the heat of skin on skin contact when the bears length presses into it.

"Shit, I should have lubed up first for this. Give me a sec." I can feel John backing away but I can't let him. Not now when I'm this close. Seeing what he's going for, my mind instinctively reaches out for it and pulls the lube dispenser off the wall. This time I get to catch the bear off-guard as he eyes off the floating lube container. "Handy talent that boy. If you insist though."

Pumping his large paw full of the stuff, he slaps it down over my ass. "Hey-o!" I protest as I cringe back from the chilled lube swamping my ass only for it to die as a smooth claw shoves past my spasming ring with a gasp.

"My, my aren't you a tight little boy. I can barely get my finger in and you want to take a bear's cock? I'll have to get three fingers in here before I even try getting my dick in." Damn, I heard that guys need to adjust to this but the bear just rams it in and I love it. I've fingered my own ass over the years a lot but having someone else do it is on a whole new level.

I'm just starting to really get into that fat finger digging at my hole when I arch back and cry out. Having a second finger literally stuffed up my tailhole was not something I was expecting to happen just like that. "Fuck, you really don't take it easy on a guy do you John?"

"Hmph! You telling me I'm going to rough on your delicate butt and I'll ease off boy. Won't be as much fun for me but I'll get by."

Damn bastard. He's just making my horns glow red. "Didn't say that Sir. I'm loving your treatment of me. Just making conversation."

How, I don't know. With two fingers swirling away I should be a drooling mess. I'm not far off that either when he picks up the pace. With a curl up, I shout as my dick shoots a small wad of pre to land onto my leg from having my prostate jabbed. Relentless the bear chuckles even as he makes me do it again almost crushing that pleasure nob under his fingers with each thrust.

"Oh, shit Sir, I'm about tooo-" I can feel my balls tensing with my seed... "FUCK!" All that gets ripped from me as a third finger rams past my ring and my orgasm dies with the pain.

"Naughty boy. No cumming til I'm balls deep in your ass you hear."

"Ow." I whine but damn do I hear him as it seems I have little choice in the matter. Spread wider than I've ever been on those three fingers the excessive lube makes his job easy to loosen me up. "Could you hurry up with that then please? I'm close to busting again anyway."

"Needy bitch. All but begging for cock in his ass." The slurp of lube and a loosened ass accompany his words. John gives his cock a quick stroke in full view for me to watch him before he lines the thick shaft up under my tail. My eyes have gone wide as when I look down three fingers don't even reach the whole way across that shaft. Petting my leg he croons, "Shh, just relax pup. It'll all be over real soon then the fun can start for me."

Shit! I barely register his words before that leg of mine gets tugged on and I screech. "Fuck! Take it out! Takeitouttakeitout!" Slammed in he went balls deep on that first thrust and I can't help the screams.

"Aww, too much boy?" John taunts as he pulls back and I can breath again for just a moment. "Well too bad." And he slams in, hips crashing into my pelvis and I groan and instinctively try to pull away. There isn't anywhere to go as he crushes my thigh in a bear hug only to use it to hump away at my hungry ass.

Pleasantries done with, John doesn't wait for me to adjust in the slightest. "Sh-Harder. Fuck me harder Sir." I shout through the pain because I want it. Pain morphs into a seductive pleasure that I have yearned for, for so long. John's hip shattering thrusts ram that fat cock into me at a frenzied pace and I love every damned second of it.

"Fuck yea, boy you're so fucking tight. I love it. Shit!"

"Not tight, you're just a monster." I moan right back at the bear because he damned well is. I'm no doubt tight but devils is he ramming a bottle up my ass or something? The wet slaps of a well lubed ass and cock echo in that small room filling it with the sounds of rough panting sex. My whole body tingles with the feeling as if that cock is jolting me full of electricity out to the very tips of my wings.

"Come on boy clench that hole on me. Fucking cum and clench pup." John growls through gritted teeth and when his paw touches my aching rod I have no say in the matter. Cum surges as my balls pull up into my stomach and with a great heaving cry I scream for the whole floor to hear.

"ARRGGGHHHHH!" Eyes closed my orgasm hits, blinding me in the pleasure of getting fucked. Hard and throbbing, the bears meat grinds through my hole as if nothing at all is happening to me turning the sharp clear pleasure into an incessant buzz. A buzz that has me squinting and crying as my balls empty themselves with forceful hits to my pleasure button.

"Bet that feels so wrong doesn't it boy? You'll know for next time slut. Don't cum til the tops ready to cum or all that pleasure just gets taken away."

"Arrg! Fuck, come on please Sir?" I beg, knowing just how right he is. After the moment of blinding pleasure that was my orgasm, it all died, replaced with a stinging sensation in my nuts. It isn't truly painful but it isn't the pleasure I imagined this to be as my whole body lies limply under the bear while he pounds away at my hole.

"What? You want me to stop fucking you or something boy?" Eyes wide in fear I manage to find the strength to shake my head. "Then shut it and learn to take it like a bitch. Might be a while. Not used to fucking such a tight slut boy." He doesn't say any of that jokingly and as he pumps away faster and faster at my ass I'm left lying there to take his too thick a dick just like a bitch.

The wet slaps don't end and even hugging my leg John has a hard time keeping up the punishing pace of his thrusts. Slowing down, that bear meat changes directions in me rolling this way and that which has me moaning again. Not aiming for my prostate, he only swipes at it infrequently but I can make out what he's doing as my ring strains to accommodate him. "Still tight boy, maybe too tight for me to cum in you tonight."

"What? Fuck I thought I felt loose after that Sir." His words leave a hole in my chest as I really wanted this. But still, the frantic pace and now how he's twisting inside me, I really thought I'd loosened right up.

"Oh you have boy. Far looser than when we started but that ring is still tight as all shit. I'm used to loose sluts. I'm really not very practised with virgins. Even if they're the sexiest guy I've ever laid eyes on, my cock doesn't like being in something so tight. Still I think seeing a big guy like you riding my dick might give me a chance. What do you say boy? Want to ride the big ol' bear to try and earn your cream filling?"

Pulling out, my ass feels fucking empty for the first time in what seems like hours. John smirks as he sits back against the wall. Shite-eating grin in place, he strokes that fat cock as he watches me lying there. Oh, fuck him. It's another one of his games and he's leading me right on. He just wants me to give in and ride his cock.

Growling, I crawl over in my submission to that knowledge. He knows I'd do anything for his 'cream filling' right now so with my ass dripping lube I stand up, legs either side of the bears hips and try to squat down.

"Say 'Thank you Sir for letting me ride your big cock' boy."

Fuck I can feel the heat of that shaft pressed up into my balls, John having pulled it back so I can't slide down on it. The need that rushes through me, even as the humiliation of having to beg hits has the room glowing a violent mix of purples and reds. There really isn't a choice and I love that. Pride dying within me, I beg, "Thank you Sir for letting me ride your huge cock to try and earn my prize."

Slapping my ass I jolt up only to get pulled down and cry out as his cock tears me a literal new one. Fuck he was right about me still being tight. "Better get to work then slut. Dick's don't milk themselves when you're around so get those hips moving."

Gone is the purple haze of lust, replaced by a fiery red as I blush to being called a slut again. When my hips start up, the purple begins to come back but I'm still blushing when I start to ride him and acknowledge just what I am. "Yes, Sir." I'm a tight assed slut that needs a bear to loosen him up.

And fuck he does a good job of that. I've barely started and I'm moaning as this position has him pushing into my prostate every time. Hands on his shoulders to steady myself I cry up at the ceiling again. "Damn, you're cock is huge John." I tell him even as I crash back down onto his lap.

"Yeah, well keep that up boy and you're really gonna feel it. Fuck, you've still got a tight ass." Up and down my hips go and soon enough my wings join in to help my aching legs so I can keep riding John's bear meat. It's all getting to be so much and my own shaft is dripping again as it slaps between the bear's firm chest and my abdomen.

"Frrr-Fuck, boy I'm so close. So fucking close." John growls even as his hips buck into mine. "Fruck. Just need a push. Shit, I need a push boy to get me over. Ughhh!"

Shit, John's going feral under me now. Bucking, grinding and growling into me. Teeth tear at my nipples and I howl to the ceiling but he just doesn't get there. I can feel how close he is and at this rate he's gonna petter out. But what can I do that I'm not already? I really am too tight for him to... fuck.

Wait he enjoyed it when I... Grabbing hold of my aching cock I stroke it once and John goes rigid under me. "Shit boy, you're gonna crush my cock if you do tha-ohh!" Still rigid his head hits the wall as he moans and I know this is right. It's gonna suck for me but I want him to enjoy this.

Two jerks as I jump up and down on that cock filling my ass and my own dick throbs when my balls shrivel up again. A single line shoots as my ass bottoms out going right up the wall over our heads only for me to bounce up. Ring spasming in the throes of orgasm, John grabs my hips with those meaty paws and slams me down. "ARRROOOOARRRR!"

Full beyond the brim with cock, my ass clenches and that first spurt of bear butter shoots directly into my pleasure centre. Numb to everything after that my own dying orgasm hits home like never before as the sensation of my ass getting filled burns to life within me.

That cock was already too much for my tight ass to handle and with the cum added, my guts explode with the added tension. Nowhere to go but deeper, his cum surges up my intestines and I cramp up only to love the feeling of getting filled. I'm so deep into the sensations that I barely register when my own cock finishes spurting it's thick load as all my focus is on what's painting my ass walls white.

Gripping my hips, John's blunted claws dig mercilessly into my skin until he's finished depositing his seed in my ass. Paws wipe up the sweat that I've produced from getting fucked for the first time only to have it shoved right into my snout. "Now you smell like a proper bitch boy. Piss, sweat and cum. You fucking reek of it just like you wanted."

Inhaling the scent trapped in the fur of his paw I blush from how true that statement is. "Damn, you smell good Sir." I tell the bear, for that musk goes right to my head and I could go all over again.

"Yeah well you stink and I'm not cuddling a stinky slut." Pushed up and off that dick of his, my feelings actually get hurt by how he says that. "Come down to the showers and I might think about cuddling you afterwards if we go someplace quiet." His smile mends the hurt as I realize he was joking.

"Like I said, anything for you Sir." Thinking back I laugh at what got this all started. "Oh and Sir, I worked out my preference."

"What?" John asks as he opens the door all confused.

"The type of guy I like Sir." I clarify. "It's bears. Definitely big burly dominant grizzly bears."

"Hmmph, I like loose guys boy." Once more John kills the mood for a moment. "Guess we'll have to work on loosening you up then."

"Yes Sir." I say even as the aforementioned bear begins leading the way to the showers.