Predator's Playground, Ch 2

Story by Eirene Crimsonpelt on SoFurry

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NOTE: This story is a RP done between myself and Pontanius. Alex, the displacer kitty and Thy the Fox is copyright to him, Menx the squirrel is copyright to me. There will be other stories with his predatory teens and other predators and my prey. Posted with permission from my RP partner.

Menx was out playing in the woods, her young body just hitting her first heat, the scent attracting many who wanted her, but she would just ignore them all. She wanted things her way. Her ears, small in comparison to other furs, were more acute than other creatures' ears. She heard things they didn't, and today was no different. She could hear the predators coming, though they were silent, the scent of her heat drawing them in, but soon enough, she heard a soft rustling of the dead leaves in the woods and took off running. She didn't feel like dealing with anyone.

Alex nudges Thy, and the two predators chase off after the young squirrel in heat, splitting up, moving into flanking positions as they chase after her, trying to herd her along as they please, having scouted the area before coming after her.

She heard two after her, and she was having trouble finding ways to avoid them both. She kept running, hearing a noise on one side and heading the other way, then hearing something that way and turning back. Soon, she was in a blind cave, no exit from it, though she didn't know it. She tried hiding in the cave, her scent leading them to her.

Alex stops outside the cave, panting, this being their first dead-end. If she'd avoided it, they'd have herded her to a ravine, and if that failed, a cliff. They grin at each other and start undressing, leaving their clothes and tools outside the cave before moving to the entrance, the displacer taking a deep breath before roaring into the cave.

She tried to keep her frightened scream inside her, but it still came out, telling them that she was in it. But she hid as deep as she could inside the cave, not wanting them to do anything to her. So she ducked and got as small as she could in the cave, hoping they wouldn't see her grey-brown coat of fur.

Alex stalks into the cave, the fox right behind him, both growling deep in their throats, the displacer calling out when they're halfway into the cave, "Come to us, little prey. You're never gonna see the sun again if you keep hiding in here. Come to us and we'll take you outside to see the sun set."

Menx trembles and stays in her hiding spot, not believing a word they were saying. They even smelled different than the normal predators from here. Her scent, her heat, drew them closer to where she was hiding. If they found her, she knew she'd never see the sun, rising or setting or at its zenith, again. What did it matter if she came out of hiding now? She would only be embracing whatever they were going to do to her, and now, she was delaying it, maybe she could get out of here before they raped or killed her.

Alex gestures to the fox and he stalks off into the darkness of the cave, coming around to flank her hiding spot, then sneaks up until he's within a few feet before yipping and growling at her, trying to scare her into fleeing, knowing the displacer has taken up position at the end of her escape route.

She jumps and squeals back at the fox, racing through the cave, but veering slightly, avoiding the displacer beast.

Alex twists and lashes out, snarling as a tentacle wraps around her leg, "We told you, you would never see the sun if you kept hiding, Prey."

Menx squeals as the tentacle brought her down, landing hard on her paws and knees. "And why should I have trusted you? I don't know you!"

Alex snarls, "Yes, you do..", as he slowly reels her in. "We are the creatures that stalk your kind in the night and under the warmth of the sun. We are your fate. Your purpose are with us. You are born to serve us. To warm our cocks. To be a receptacle for our cum. And your flesh, ours to feast on."

She struggles the entire way to him, beating on his tentacle with her paws and free hind paw. "Then you're breaking the law!! You're not supposed to hunt unwilling prey. And I think I classify as unwilling."

Alex reels her in until he can press a big foot paw down on her spine. Leaning down, his paws fondle her body as he searches her supple young body for hidden weapons. "Who's going to tell the police on us? You are going to die out here. Disappear forever down our throats. Only we will know what really happened to you out here, little prey-slut."

Menx struggles, even after his foot paw lands on her back, pinning her to the ground. "My parents will know I was illegally hunted. They know I don't want to die."

Alex keeps her pinned while Thy moves in, paws sliding under her hips to pull the zipper down on her daisy duke shorts, the button sluttily left unbuttoned. Soon as the zipper is yanked down, the fox yanks her daisy dukes down her shapely legs to expose her panties, both males hoping for something just as slutty as her shorts.

She squeals and slaps at the fox as he pulls down her shorts, revealing her tiny g-string red panties under her shorts. Her shirt was the only other article of clothing she wore.

Alex presses his foot down harder on her back with a growl as she tries to twist and slap the fox. "Behave, unless you want your death to be slow and filled with torture and pain." The fox just laughs and dodges her kicking legs, diving to land on her ass, his cock poking between her ass cheeks.

She squeals "At least I won't be just giving in," she spat angrily, bucking as the fox landed on her ass, his hard cock prodding against her tail hole. "Fuck you both!" she spat in fury at them.

Alex snarls, "I'm getting tired of that foul, slutty mouth. Rip her tail off." Thy murrs and sits back, then snarls, "Gladly," scooting down so he's straddling her legs, immobilizing them while grabbing hold of her tail and pulling it taut. From what she's heard, having your tail removed would be the most painful thing she could ever experience. Thy tells her as he holds her tail, "And afterwards, if you still complain, we'll do even worse."

Menx squealed, her paws going back to the base of her tail and grabbing hold, planning on holding her tail on her while the fox was going to try to pull it off. Her tail was her pride and joy. "Not my tail... Please... leave my tail alone..."

Alex grins wide, asking, "So you will behave?" The fox backs off for now, moving to stand as the kitty steps off her.

She nods, looking away. It doesn't matter that it was just her tail. Her tail was what kept her on her feet, perfectly balanced, and she took care to groom it nightly, so the fur shone with an intensity that wasn't found often in squirrel tails.

Alex snarls, "Get on your knees and tell us what you are." Thy grabs his cock and openly starts to stroke himself, watching her.

She rises to her knees, still looking down, her shirt and panties still on her, though she knew now that they wouldn't be for long. She dropped her voice and said, "Prey-slut," though she was almost too quiet to hear.

Alex roars down at her, his hot breath washing over her, "Louder! What are you?"

Menx trembles, flinching at the loud tone, and says a little louder, but not much, "Prey-slut."

Alex jerks a little as his tentacle lashes out to strike her across her cheek, "A whole sentence, little cunt!"

Menx squeals and turns her head with the blow. "I'm a prey-slut, a little cunt."

Thy leans in and growls in her ear, "Who do you belong to?"

She turns her head slightly "Both of you."

Alex gives her a light tap on the cheek, a warning that he's ready to slap her again, "All of it, cunt! Say all of it now!"

She looks down at the ground, saying softly, though loud enough for both of them to hear her, "I'm your little prey-slut, your little cunt.."

Alex steps in, closer to her. "Good. Now, no biting," he growls before lightly slapping her muzzle with his hard cock. To the side, Thy reaches down and grabs her arm, forcing her small paw to his hard, needy cock, closing her fingers around it. Alex grabs the back of her head and pulls her muzzle towards his cock while Thy forces her fingers closed around his cock and forces her to paw him off slowly, the warm, slick flesh stroking through her padded paw palm.

Menx gives a faint struggle as Alex pulls her towards his cock, her muzzle parting as she cried out softly, giving him the chance to push his cock into her maw. Her paw, wrapped around Thy's cock, stroked slowly as he forced her to give him pleasure, the feel of his cock sending a small shiver through her body.

Alex groans deeply as he grabs her ears and makes slow, bobbing motions, slow enough that she can make the movements on her own. But if she doesn't, the painful tugging on her ears will be her punishment for not being eager enough to please them.

Thy groans softly and slowly releases her paw, his paws moving to rest on his hips as he watches her, moaning, "Good little slut. Very nice. Just continue like that. And change cocks once in a while. Use your other paw on the kitty."

She bobbed up and down, her maw sliding over the kitty's cock, while her paw stroked the fox's. After a few strokes, the squirrel-girl's maw moved from one cock to the other, her free paw coming up to stroke the kitty's length while she sucked the fox's shaft.

Thy moves in a little closer, the two predators standing at an angle to each other, almost on different sides of her, soft growls and yips of pleasure filling the cave as she, more or less consensually, sucks and paws them off, their warm precum drooling over her fingers or onto her tongue, giving her a naughty taste of the pair.

She shudders as the two males, the two predators, drool their precum into her maw, coating her tongue before sliding down her throat. She stroked whichever cock wasn't in her maw, despising them for making her do this.

Alex huffs loudly as he rapidly nears his climax, a tentacle wrapping around her waist, another curling around her hips and under her ass from behind, rubbing at her soft, young, virgin folds.

Thy groans loudly, bucking his hips every time his cock is slid into the warm, wet muzzle, so enjoying the attention of the little squirrel, their little fuck-toy, their little meal-to-be.

She quivers as she feels the displacer's tentacle rubbing her virgin sex, her muzzle and paws stroking the two males off still. She didn't know males could last this long, she'd heard from friends of hers how quickly their males got off.

Alex doesn't let her wait much longer as he holds his breath and just as she shifts from Thy's cock to his, he releases his breath in a soft snarl, his body relaxing and then jerking hard as pulse after pulse of thick cum suddenly floods her muzzle, the warmth and taste of it overwhelming.

Thy watches, then shudders as well, giving a jerk of his hips, his cock stroking through her fingers before warm, thick robes of foxcum splatters her cheek, painting her.

The squirrel gagged as the kitty flooded her maw with his seed, and then the fox covered her cheek in his. Soon enough, the kitty's seed slid down her throat and into her stomach.

Alex growls softly as she suckles down his cum, pulling back before she can get it all, the rest splattering on her face before Thy grabs her hair and forces her muzzle to his spurting cock. Some of his warm foxcum hitting her face as well before he thrusts between her lips, the warm, slick flesh pushing into her muzzle to deposit the last of his climax inside the warm, moist depths.

The squirrel flinched as the kitty's seed as well as the fox's cover the front of her face before the fox's spasming cock was pushed into her mouth to give her a taste of his seed as well. After they were done, she knelt there for a moment, giving herself a second to catch her breath, then she bolted from the cave, racing for her life. She didn't care that she had nothing on below her waist, she just ran.

Alex actually has less trouble catching her than she had hoped for. One tentacle was still coiled around her waist and the other simply slipped up her tummy and around her thigh, catching her in a firm grip, her escape attempt ending before it even got started. Though now, as the two tentacles tighten, the one between her thighs puts an unbearable pressure on her young folds, like a bondage rope.

The squirrel squealed and thrashed against the tentacles of the displacer, her body trembling as he pressed higher against her slit. "Leave me alone!" she cried out, thrashing wildly.

The displacer beast lifts her effortlessly off the floor by the tentacles and tightens his grip, squeezing the life out of her as he snarls at her, "You've been a bad girl." He turns her around, her back to him, Thy stepping in to grasp her around her throat, growling, "A very bad girl. You remember what happens to bad little girls?" The kitty grabs the base of her tail.

Menx struggled and wiggled, begging softly, "No.. please... not my tail"

Alex snarls behind her, "You were warned!" He then wrenches her tail, yanking it this way and that, twisting it until a loud snap is heard, accompanied by unimaginable pain.

She screamed as Alex yanked her tail, twisting it back and forth until she heard her tail snap, and she screamed louder, her body bucking hard as the pain filled her, her hind paws kicking at them in reaction to the pain.

Alex growls deeply as he grabs firm hold of her broken tail, two paws going to her ass, pushing as he pulls, a stretching, tearing sensation following along with more pain until her body jerks in his grip and he shows her dismembered tail to her just moments later. "Are you going to cause more trouble, cunt?"

She screamed even louder as her tail was ripped from her, her young body jerking as he moved in front of her and showed her, her bloody, removed tail, and she screamed again. She felt her blood loss and went limp in their arms, unconscious.

The kitty holds the little squirrel-girl while Thy grabs her discarded shorts, ripping strips off and tying it tight around the tail stump, cutting off the blood. They then take turns slapping the poor girl to wake her up.

After they got in a few good hard slaps across her face, she woke up, spluttering and lightheaded from the blood loss.

Alex has her turned towards him by now, snarling in her face, "Are you going to apologize, cunt?" He has a paw presently fondling her folds when she wakes up, the fox rubbing his cock into the soft cleft of her ass, hurting her every time he strafes her tail stump.

She leaned forward and bit the displacer beast's nose as hard as she could. "Fuck you! Fuck you both! I'm not apologizing for anything, assholes!"

Alex snarls loudly as she bites him and Thy pulls back from her, just in time as the displacer grabs her head and smashes her muzzle into the cave wall. He then pulls back and does it again, and again, until her teeth come loose, and again, continuing until she has no teeth left.

Each time her muzzle was smashed into the wall, she screamed at them, soon spitting out her teeth as he keeps smashing her face against it. "Fuck you," she screams, spitting blood out all over the wall in front of her.

Alex twists her around and snarls, "Good.. Good idea, cunt!" He slams her against the wall and presses in tight, rubbing his hard, wet cock against her tummy, panting, "You should have behaved, cunt. Made it easy on yourself. But now. Every time you piss me off, I'm going to bite something of yours off." He holds her in his tentacles and three of his four arms, the last slipping down to grasp his cock, stuffing it into her warm little virgin sex.

She screamed as he stuffed his thick hard cock into her tight virgin cunt, tearing through her virginity with careless ease. Her body bucked against him and she screamed, "Fuck you, bassard!"

The large kitty smirks, "Bad cunt!" He snarls something to Thy, and the fox moves in, sliding between her and the wall, his hard cock pressing up under her tail stump, the pain, as he presses against the stump, ripping through her. He takes one of her arms from Alex and holds it as the displacer forces her paw to his lips, blood loss and injury making her too weak to resist him. He straightens out her pinkie and suckles it into his mouth, suckling on it while Thy presses forward, his hard cock starting to force it's way mercilessly into her body, both males giving a hard, rough thrust, sheathing themselves inside her before the kitty bites down, and swallows.

The squirrel screams in pain, her body bucking between them as the kitty bites her pinkie off, her movements driving one, then the other deep into her abused body. "Fuck you bof! It wouldn't haf mattered if I'd done asss you ssay. You would haf ssstill eaten me!"

Alex moans as he thrusts into her bucking body, then simply sinks his teeth into her paw, chewing. Thy moaning into her ear, "But it would have been a lot less painful." He nuzzles her shoulder, then bites in, ripping a piece of her flesh free, chewing messily against her ear as they rape her hard.

The squirrel screams, her body thrashing between them as they bite into her, ripping parts of her off, raping her, her movements aiding them in their mission to rape her. Finally, she had enough and screamed loudly, "FUCK YOU!! JUST KILL ME ALREADY!!"

Alex snarls in annoyance, his ears plastered to his skull. He leans in and forces a rough kiss to her lips, tongue pressing to her tongue, wrestling with her without the fear of her teeth. Then, as she pushes back, trying to remove his tongue, he pulls it back and bites down on her tongue as it slips past his lips. He tugs, then snaps his jaws forward, stretching her tongue, and then bites it off, swallowing it down while the fox strips more of her tasty flesh from her shoulder. The two males moan muffledly around their meals, getting close to cumming.

The squirrel screamed wordlessly, her tongue ripped from her maw by the large kitty as the fox tears into her shoulder, both males eating her as they raped her. She struggled, her body bucking and thrashing between them.

Alex thrusts harder and harder, the foxie doing the same, finally growling into her ear, "We will kill you. If you stop struggling and give Alex a hug. If not. Well..."

All it would take to end her suffering was a hug? To the beast that yanked her tail off her, bit her pinkie off her hand, then ate half her hand, not to mention beat her muzzle against the wall until she was bloody and toothless then ripped her tongue out with his teeth? There was no way she was going to hug him, but she found she couldn't control her body, her arms going around Alex, smearing her blood over his fur.

The displacer nuzzles her cheek gently, whispering into her ear, "There-there, little one. Go on. Cry. It's alright. We'll make it better." The two predators snuggle her against them in a parody of a hug. It would be genuine and cute if not for the preceding torture and their hard cocks sheathed deep inside her cunt and ass.

The squirrel trembled, her body in excruciating pain from all the torture and abuse she'd gone through, mostly at the kitty's hands, and her inner dam broke, tears spilling from her eyes as she gasped for air, trying to keep from getting hysterical.

Alex pets her hair gently and soothingly, the kitty whispering soft words into her left ear, the fox into your right. Both males comforting her until she starts to get things under control. Then she feels it, the sharp teeth sinking into her throat, the displacer delivering the death blow to her body as his teeth rip into her throat.

The squirrel bucked against them, her death triggering her first, and only, orgasm as the two predators are still balls deep in her ass and cunt. Her earlier blood loss making it less of a mess in here as her body slumped between them, her heart still beating, but too weak to hold herself up.

The kitty groans loudly as she thrashes between them, her squeezing, shuddering cunt triggering his own and Thy's climaxes, the two males flooding her crotch with their hot, thick cum, heating her blood-starved and cold body from within while she slumped against them. They hump a little into her tight, dying body before Thy yanks her head back painfully, then starts gnawing at her throat, Alex joining in, their teeth scraping against bones until they simply snap her spine, letting her head fall to the floor.

The two predators keep playing with her dead body, eating her slowly until there is, indeed, nothing left for anyone to find.