Which Fox Finishes First?

Story by Diamondog16 on SoFurry

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Nick convinces Finnick to try something new, a per a request from Judy. Finnick isn't on board at first, until his pride is put into question that is...


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"This is stupid..." Finnick whined.

"Gonna chicken out?" Nick asked him, wearing a smug look.

In the back of Finnick's van, the two foxes were very close and without any clothes, making the smaller one feel rather awkward. Of course it wasn't the first time that he saw Nick naked, but having their cocks out and even touching was something new.

It was a strange thing in itself, to jerk off with his friend. They hadn't done anything to each other. Rather the two of them always had a new video of some chick they hooked up with. When showing it, the two of them would naturally get hard and needed to take care of things. For the most part, the focus was put on the video and the girls, talking about how hot they were or bragging about making them scream their name.

But today was something different, something that he had suggested from an outside source. She had found these videos on Nick's phone. He expected her to be mad, as they were in a relationship now. But instead she was curious about it. After looking at a few she agreed to drop it if Nick could make another video. Of course, he was expecting the video to be the two of them, but the suggestion given was surprising but intriguing.

Nick knew that Finnick would back out the moment he brought it up, so he put a spin on it, in a fashion that the fennec couldn't refuse. He turned into a bet, a game of chicken. He brought with him some money and agreed that the first to cum got to have it.

With his ears lowering and his eyes locked with Nick's, the smaller fox agreed to go ahead with it. This was the first time the two of them got a good look at their cocks and despite their differences in size, their lengths were pretty much the same size. Putting his awe at Finnick aside, Nick got things ready. He lubed the toy well and then leaned over to make sure his set up phone would record it all.

With some lube drizzled over their erections, they were ready to start. Record was pressed and the soft toy was touched to their tips, slowly easing down. The soft and slick lining enveloped their cocks. Easing down further made the both of them grunt and moan softly.

"D-damn... It's even tighter than usual..." Nick pointed out.

Finnick said nothing in response, but he couldn't deny that the toy was wrapping his cock with a snug hold, pressing the underside against the other male's. More small sounds came from him until they were fully inside, both of their tips poked out of the top, now glistening from the clear fluid.

"And here..." Nick paused and winked at his friend, gripping the toy even tighter. "...we go."

The phone was recording now, getting a full view of the two foxes way too close, linked by the toy that kept their shafts grinding together. Nick began to pump up and down. It was expected to start out slow and pick up gradually, but the red fox started out by jerking his paw up and down at a brisk pace. Finnick's eyes went wide from the silicone stroking him, a moan escaping on its own. At least Nick was moaning as well, just letting them out on his end.

"You could have...fuck...warned me, Wilde," Finnick growled through grit teeth.

"You didn't ask for any details," Nick panted in response.

The pace was steady, sliding up and down their lengths, kept tight by the two of them and Nick keeping a firm grip. The bigger fox was openly panting and groaning while Finnick was just doing his best to endure. He didn't really have any expectations but this was wildly different compared to doing something like this on his own. Even when the two of them jerked off side by side, their focus was on the screen.

There was nothing to distract Finnick from the noises. His large ears picked up every sigh and gasp that came from them. But for some reason, hearing Nick's voice... He growled to himself. This was the time to focus. Not only was this for money, but he was being recorded as well. But as the time dragged on the bigger male's moans were getting louder and his own cock was suddenly pulsing harder whenever that happened.

There was also a timer, going off every few minutes. When it did go off, the pumping of the toy would cease and the two of them would take a short break to collect themselves. Though he remained quiet, Finnick was grateful when the timer sounded again. His cock was pulsing hard, oozing a thick line of precum from his tip. In the time afforded, he managed to control his breathing and that aching feeling eased out. Soon the toy was moving again, slurping over their dicks.

Nick spared his friend any teasing about being close. His own cock had been twitching and leaking as well. In truth he was trying his hardest to not think about the camera recording them. It was his assumption that there was something about this that Judy was going to like and the idea of her being turned on by it.... A part of him just wanted to give up the money and cum already. But he pressed on. Rather than Finnick, who was looking around, keeping his gaze away from their erections, Nick gazed at them, smushed together by a sleeve of clear silicone. Every pulse and drip of warm precum sent shivers down his spine...

The breaks were getting shorter as the contest between them dragged out. By this point, the two of them were in a state of near desperation. When the toy stopped moving, their cocks were throbbing hard and their undersides were slathered in a thick mix of each other's precum. Neither could deny how good it felt, being so warm, slick, and tight. Finnick had been waiting for the breaks to come but now he wished that they didn't come. In a way, the risk of blowing his load from another stroke was worse than the strong aching that came from his cock being cut off from stimulation, being so close to a release that wouldn't come. All it could do was spurt out precum, making a warm and sticky mess that worked against them, bringing the toy added heat and slickness. He could feel the excess clinging to his balls, stimulating them as well.

The two of them held out for as long as they could. How long had they been at this, neither of them could tell at this point. They only focused on the pleasure, trying to control it, to think of other things. But it was so hard. Their bodies were urging them to finish the job. A heavy pulsing was coming from Nick's balls and Finnick couldn't help but buck his hips from time to time, giving a deep growl that told how pent up, how desperate he was to cum.

"Fuck... Mmmmph!"

Nick was moaning aloud now. He was panting hard, his tongue lolling as pleasure raced through his body. Never doing anything like this before, he was experiencing so many new sensations for the first time. He could feel his body begging him to just release it all. So close, the bigger fox was on the cusp of relief, the utter bliss of just letting it all go.

"S-shit... Grrrr!"

Finnick was no better, growling deeply and blushing hard as he took notice of their cocks sliding together, being squeezed and caressed by the sopping toy. He wanted nothing more than just to rock his hips and pound into the toy, finally shooting his load. But something more than money was keeping that desire at bay. It was his own pride. He was issued a challenge and was determined to show that he could last longer than Nick. There were signs of him having the advantage, with all of Nick's loud moans and whimpers.

But Finnick's cock pulsed hard as kept his eyes on their cocks, there was something about it that was just...hot. He closed his eyes and shook his head. Never in his life and he thought in this way and the only reason he agreed this was because of money. But there was just something about it... He dared to open his eyes and was met with the sight of precum shooting from Nick's straining cock.

It was clear that the two of them were at their limits, moaning and whimpering with a desperate need. Nick was panting harder and could feel that he was about to lose, every stroke was like lightning shooting through his body. He needed something to distract himself and decided to play to his strengths.

"Hey, Finn. You gotta admit. Isn't this a little gay?" Nick asked him, starting to smirk.

"N-no!" the fennec immediately said, a blush returning to his muzzle.

"We're sharing a t-toy...our dicks pressed so close...our precum is dripping everywhere...y-yours and mine..." Nick pressed.

"This isn't..."

"Come on, Finn. This is p-pretty gay, huh? Should I...say 'no homo' or s-something?" Nick teased.

Finnick looked at their swollen and slathered cocks. He lost focus and another pump made his muzzle hang open. It was too late, being already pushed past the point of no return. There were no words that he could say before a sudden moan came out of him, more pitched than any he ever made before. His embarrassment fell away the moment the blinding pleasure struck him. Eyes rolling and his tongue bouncing from his muzzle, Finnick then unleashed ropes of pent up cum. It shot out of him with force and splattered first onto Nick's chest and then onto his face, catching the red fox when his mouth was open.

Finnick was still shooting when Nick was pushed over the edge as well, cumming harder than he ever had before. He couldn't get Finnick back, his own load splattered onto his own pelt as well, getting him messy with their combined loads. But he rose out his own climax, wearing an expression of pure ecstasy as his cum was pumped from his aching balls. The camera caught it all from start to finish.

When the two of them came down from their orgasmic high, Finnick was still blushing. Nick was panting hard, looking down as his messy chest and stomach matted with fox cum.

"Heh. Like you said, Wilde. No homo, right?" Finnick asked him, being the one to smirk this time. Nick didn't answer right away, having more than a few things to think about...