On Good Boys, Malleable Minds, and fairly kinky sexual practices.

Story by Evil Betty on SoFurry

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Darren was long gone. He insisted that entering the nightclub shamelessly inebriated was conducive to a good time. For all I knew, he was off having one. Me, I was sitting at the bar, very afraid of even trying to stand up. The last time I checked my once well-kept orange fur, I was starting to look a bit ragged. I didn't want to imagine what I looked like now.

I stared into the crystals of my mostly untouched Sea Breeze (which tasted awful, by the way) for what couldn't have been more than a few minutes, before I felt a large, warm paw on my back. I wanted to turn around, but my body was frozen.

The paw started to move south on my back, and I felt hot breath in my ear. A deep voice softly growled "You drunk, kitty?"

I looked the wolf in his eyes. They glowed, reflecting the club's cheap lights back at me. His overpowering musk made me shiver. "Yeah. Pretty badly." I responded breathlessly.

He leaned in and kissed me. His tongue only waited a few seconds before pushing itself into my mouth and rubbing hard against mine. I only noticed my raging erection when he pulled himself away and slipped his strong paw into my boxers.

"Why did you come here, kitty?" His paw ran up and down my cock; squeezing my glans, tracing my quickly thickening shaft and fondling my balls.

I squirmed and breathed his scent sharply through my nose. "Wanted...to get laid. Been lonely..."

A toothy wolfish grin, and he moved his paw faster. "Good, I like it when a boy is honest. Good boys are always honest."

"Good boys are always honest." I agreed under my breath, finding my eyes lost in silly things like the wet fur around his muzzle. The fur that had been in my mouth.

A paw pad spread my precum down my shaft. I started to buck into his paw, slick with my fluids, and that's about the time I felt the heavy, sweaty cock push into my mouth.

I was no longer at the bar. As it appeared, I was on my knees, wearing only what could barely be considered a thong which my erection strained against. Anything past that was irrelevant. Dick in my mouth.

Running my tongue across the veiny cock told me something peculiar - this did not belong to a canine. The tip felt strangely bumpy. Sure enough, I looked up to see the wonderful abs of a lean, heavily panting panther.

Sticking my tongue out of my muzzle just a little bit, I let the panther's cock slide further and further back into me with each bob of my neck. Something felt bizarre here - didn't I have a terrible gag reflex? The thick, barbed cock was teasing the back of my throat, and I was suddenly able to take it all in like a pro?

Before I could think any more, I found myself able to take in just enough of the big cat's manhood where my outstretched tongue could tease his black fuzzy balls. The panther moaned and squealed as my tongue tickled him. He pulled out very quickly, and I was left lolling my tongue out, a bridge of spit connecting me to the tip of his cock.

I didn't understand many of the words spoken around me, but the panther seemed to be arguing with someone in silhouette. A big, wolfish silhouette. The wolf leaned in close to the panther, who stopped arguing and let a lazy smile drift over his face.

Heavy arms guided me, wobbling erection and all, to lie on a mattress in the small, hot room. My thong was pulled off slowly, letting my aching cock smack my white belly fur. The wolf was on all fours, proudly standing over my nude body. I thought I saw two faces licking his cock from between his legs, but they withdrew quickly.

I managed to regain enough focus to ask, "Are you gonna...in my ass? I've never -"

The wolf laid himself down on top of me, hard nipples and furry pecs against my own fuzzy chest. He wrapped a paw around my muzzle, and I helplessly inhaled more of his musk, and whatever doubts I had about that wonderful cock melted away.

He growled something at me, and I agreed, smiling, "Good boys always do what they're told."

I remember hearing a blissful feline cry as the wolf's gorgeous cock slowly pushed into my anal ring. My tongue lolled out, letting his godly smell invade me and take me.

When I could pull my eyes away from the wolf's thrusting body, I started to take notice of the other men in the room. Dogs, some cats, a raccoon over here and a stallion over there. Why did I distinctly remember the taste of all those exposed cocks? They all rubbed themselves, panting, not taking their eyes off of our union.

The wolf hunched over me, thrusting faster and more vigorously. Some of his drool landed on my chest. His face sent me an abundantly clear message: I was nothing more than his property now. His whore, to squeal, sweat and cum for him and him alone.

My eyes rolled back and I gripped my cock as I realized this. I had been drooling pre, and I my frantic rubbing produced a few blessed squirts.

The wolf shoved the whole of his cock in me once more, twice more, and then with a great howl his hot seed burst into me. I wrapped my arms around him as rope after rope of wolf cum filled up my insides. His thick seed ran out of me, down his still rock-hard erection, and I let out a bestial cry as he pounded my wet, furry ass with a beautiful and lustful fury.

His jets eventually died down, and he pulled out, letting his seed spill out of me and on to the mattress. Feeling his seed drain from me was enough to keep me entranced, but only a few breaths passed before I heard a muffled commotion and I was helped up to my knees again.

I looked up and I saw the panther. He looked so happy, throwing his head back as he masturbated faster and faster. I opened my mouth, and felt a few squirts of his cum splash against my tongue. Closing my mouth to savor the panther's salty seed, he laid his cock atop my nose and let the rest of his semen drip down the sides of my muzzle.

The panther stepped back into the darkness, and in his place came a muscular brown horse and a short dalmatian. Pumping his long, splotched member, the horse gritted his teeth and let loose an unbelievably forceful blast of cum on my furry chest.

The dalmatian moaned as he watched the horse's hot seed drip down to my stomach, and practically lunged at me as soon as the equine had finished. He pushed me onto my back and planted his butt on the wet patch of horse cum on my chest. His fat red cock less than an inch away from my mouth, he wriggled in the fresh seed and bucked hard into his paw, letting his own milky offerings splatter over my open mouth and face.

More and more men stepped forward to use me. I was posed according to their frantic whims: one minute I would be on my knees, suckling and pumping; the next I would be on all fours, exposing my used ass and needy genitals to more hot, sticky gifts.

I didn't know when it happened, but every man in the room was eventually sated. My brain felt too foggy and spacey to try and count how many had just turned my body into the beautiful, slutty mess I had become.

My face was almost completely covered. I was certain that only a small amount of the liquid that drooled from my mouth was saliva. Thick loads weighed down my ears and glistened serenely on my arms and torso.

Words indistinguishable from one another came out of the haze and into my brain. Despite not quite understanding on the surface, I felt happy and grateful, and my sticky hand reached out to my still erect member.

...Oh my god.

The moan that came out of me as my paws grasped my cock, slick with Akita cum. The moan that made the wolf chuckle to himself, the moan that was a long, ecstatic feline yowl I didn't think I was capable of. I would have been embarrassed if I had felt anything more than my wet pads sliding across my red length and the eyes of so many hot voyeurs on me.

Patient as it had been, my cock now pulsed with a deep, almost painful need. With one of my slimy pads caressing its bulged underside, my other paw slid across my fuzzy white balls towards my ass. I was still leaking some of the wolf's cum, and it eased my fingers' entry into my passage. Pumping them in and out, I wriggled and grunted as my other hand only increased its pace. The steady drool of precum began to jump from my cocktip, and as my ass clenched around my fingers, I felt a strong beat rise, and rise, and--

I fell on my back just as the first hot rope of cum painted over my wet chest. As I squeezed and pumped every ounce of my load to blissful freedom, as I bucked and moaned and squealed on that wet mattress, I understood. This is how good boys feel. Covered from head to toe in hot, musky semen; not having a single thought or care in the world as you caress your balls and milk your shaft in front of who knows how many strangers; this is how it feels to obey.

The wolf knelt next to me as I basked, mouth agape, in my afterglow. All around me, the men kneeled and watched as the wolf dragged his long, pink tongue up my belly and over my nipple. Lifting his dripping tongue from my breast, he hungrily kissed me, flooding my mouth with more delicious juices.

When he broke the kiss and stood, letting me swallow his oral gifts and breathe in the heavy, musky air, I looked to the crowd of men surrounding me. The dalmatian caught my eye, on his knees and nude like all the others. A word floated to the surface of my mind, a word that seemed to once have meaning. Darren. What's Darren? Darren, Darren...I don't know what it means. Good boys don't need to think.

The wolf backed away from me, and I heard the hot, sweaty crowd move in on me, all at once. Tongues teased, fingers explored and lips dragged across the wet inches of my fur. The dalmatian had taken my cock in his mouth, bobbing his head back and forth, swallowing the seed that had once covered it.

As the tide of men slowly overtook me, I looked to the wolf one more time. He had been saying things to me, and I had been saying things to him. I didn't understand anymore, but good boys don't need to understand. Good boys simply obey. Good boys come to the bar every monday night. And good boys must bring their friends...