Golden Boy (Part 8)

Story by C-PRIME on SoFurry

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#14 of Golden Boy

In this episode, Belinda finally gets the one thing she's wanted for many have Bobby provide her with the gift of life.

Belinda's Angel

At the end of another day inside the house, and after his time with Gypsy, Bobby got to spend some time alone with Vanessa. The two of them got together in the large family room, sitting on one of the three couches there, with Vanessa on her mate's lap. However, sex wasn't on Bobby's mind at that moment. He was still resting after mating with Gypsy. Instead, he chose to spend the time with Vanessa as his lover and the mother of his future sons and daughters.

He held Vanessa against him, putting his hands down around her belly while starting to lick her face in a loving manner. Vanessa's belly was a little swollen from the life she had been injected with from Bobby, but she still had a long way to go in her pregnancy. Nonetheless, the attention that Bobby gave Vanessa made the shiny eevee fem feel appreciated and happy. This behavior didn't go unnoticed, however, as Belinda happened to observe the two of them when walking by.

Belinda noticed the way Bobby was kissing Vanessa while his hand brushed along her belly, seeing the blushing shiny eevee with a large smile on her face and her ears trembling. It made Belinda think back in time to a little more than 18 years ago. Back then, she was the pregnant female eevee, with Bobby growing inside her womb and with Robert by her side.

Robert did the exact same thing to Belinda as their son was now doing to Vanessa, showing his everlasting affection for his mate and the son the two of them made together. Making Belinda feel as if she had found a love that would last a lifetime. It made Belinda happy to see that her son was treating Vanessa the same way his father treated her when she was a college-age eevee and a first-time mother. However, Belinda also had some other thoughts as well.

Her eyes soon went down to the small, but noticeable belly bulge Vanessa had, and the way Bobby was touching it, rubbing it gently. She remembered back to how swollen she felt when Bobby was growing in her womb, feeling her lively son moving around inside her body, growing and getting stronger before he would be ready to come into the world. It made the female sylveon sigh as a ribbon went down to her currently flat belly. "I miss that feeling", she thought to herself, starting to regret not being able to have more eevees when she was still young.

"I want to have more babies, and I don't want to wait any longer!", she thought to herself, deciding that if she was going to get pregnant again, she wanted to do it sooner rather than later. "Tomorrow, I'm going to have Bobby fill me with his seed", she mentioned in thought, knowing that Bobby would be available all day. For now though, Belinda decided not to interrupt Bobby's happiness, she simply observed how affectionate he was to Vanessa and had pleasant thoughts about Bobby's father.

The next day...

After spending a night resting with Vanessa, Bobby was feeling a lot better and made his way into the kitchen to grab something to eat. His mom or one of his aunts usually prepared breakfast, but he didn't feel like bothering them. He went to one of the cupboards where the cereal was stored and grabbed a box, getting ready to make some before his mother walked in.

"Hi there, sweetheart!", Belinda called in a sweet tone, her ribbons waving a little as her tail wagged.

Bobby turned towards his mother and smiled. "Oh, hi Mom! I didn't want to bother you or the others, so I figured I'd just make some...", Bobby began to reply before Belinda walked over to her son and touched his cheek with one of her ribbons.

"Sweetie, that's nice of you. However, I don't mind making breakfast for you...especially since you need all the energy you can for us", Belinda sweetly told Bobby before kissing his nose. "I'd like to have a talk with you after breakfast in Aunt Lily's Garden. For now though, why don't you go relax and I'll make you some pancakes, bacon, and eggs", she added.

"Mom, that's sweet of you to offer, but I don't really want to put you through...", he mentioned before Belinda kissed him again, this time on his mouth.

"Sweetheart, trust me!", Belinda replied, touching his cheeks with her hands now. "Momma knows best for her pride and joy", she mentioned sweetly. "Now, go do as I asked and I'll let you know when breakfast is ready, OK?", she added, still acting warm and sweet to him.

He trusted his mother and eventually agreed, allowing her to make breakfast. He still felt a little guilty about having her cook for him, but since she insisted, he decided to let her do as she wished.

Once Bobby was out of the kitchen, Belinda immediately went to work making breakfast for him. As she prepared the pancake mix, she included the same stimulant that Gypsy used to make the waffles Bobby had before their previous mating session. "Mmm...gotta make sure my Bobby is as potent as possible", she thought to herself, pouring in the flavorless liquid into the batter, along with some added fresh blueberries as an extra special bonus. Belinda's tail wagged rapidly during this time, showing her eagerness and anticipation. "I feel just like I did on the day Robert and I made him! I hope that my Bobby is as eager to put his eevees in me as his father was", she added a few moments later, finishing with the pancake batter and beginning to make the pancakes themselves.

Meanwhile, Bobby waited in the dining room, curious to know why his mom was so eager to cook for him, as well as what she wanted to talk to him about after breakfast. He waited for several more minutes before Belinda brought his breakfast to him. She placed the pancakes, bacon, and eggs at his spot at the table, giving him a loving kiss on the cheek afterward. "Eat up, sweetheart!", she lovingly told him as Bobby looked at the meal, wagged his tail and started eating, all while Belinda stayed near her son.

A little later, Bobby and Belinda went out into Lily's garden, walking hand-in-hand through the flowers. The honeybees from a nearby hive were out, gathering pollen from the flowers that grew there, all while pollenating them at the same time. During the walk, Belinda took some time to speak to Bobby.

"Bobby, have I told you that you're the most important thing in my life?", Belinda commented as she and her son held hands, standing amongst the pretty flowers.

"Of course, Mom. You've told me that lots of times", he promptly replied, remembering how often she would say things like this to him. Belinda looked at her son and touched his cheek with one of her hands.

"Well, that's because you mean everything to me, honey. I remember back to when your father and I made you and how he made me feel as you were growing inside my belly. It felt so good when I'd feel his hand on my pregnant belly while I got to feel you moving around in there", Belinda mentioned in a loving tone, now touching Bobby's other cheek with one of her ribbons.

"Seeing you with Vanessa makes me think back to those days, making me want to feel like I did when I was younger", she added before leaning in to kiss Bobby on the lips. It seemed like Bobby was starting to get the message as he began to blush a little while his foxhood began to poke out of his sheath, growing longer as he was touched by his mother.

"I don't have a lot of time left to experience the same feeling as I did when you were growing in me, so I want to make the most of the time I've got left to become a mother", Belinda commented before she let Bobby look down at her belly, making sure he noticed the "Safe Breeding Scroll" she placed down there. Then, she tilted his head back up towards her face as she touched her nose to his.

"Honey, there is no other male on this planet that I would rather be with right now than you. If I'm going to receive the gift of life from someone, I would like it to be the same male that I gave the gift of life to some 18 years ago", Belinda commented, clearly stating her intentions to Bobby.

His foxhood grew erect faster, emerging from his sheath and starting to touch against his mom as they remained close. She helped him along by rubbing a ribbon along it, causing Bobby to blush and pant a little from his growing arousal.

"Ahh...Mom...I don't know what to say!", he commented in an excited manner, still growing horny, seeming to be interested in having sex with his fertile mother.

She kissed his lips again and then nuzzled the side of his face. "Tell me that you'll do it for me, honey. Tell me that you'll make me feel like your father did when we made you", she coaxed while nuzzling him, starting to feel his member brush along her outer vaginal lips as it became fully erect.

"Ahh...yes...yes Mom!", he answered, feeling his member begin to pulse a bit, sensing the warmth radiating from his mother's vaginal folds.

Belinda seemed happy with Bobby's reply and gave him another kiss before embracing him. "I want you to do it the same way your father did when we made you. That's why I brought you out here", she mentioned, catching Bobby by surprise.

"You and Dad made me in Lily's garden?!!", he replied, causing Belinda to chuckle sweetly.

"Well, he wanted our first time breeding together to be in a special place, and Lily seemed to be willing to help us out", she replied. "So, I figured this was the best place for us to have reproductive sex for the first time", she soon added.

Bobby blushed some as his foxhood caressed his mom's outer lips, still throbbing with arousal and dripping with precum while she held him against her body. "Are you ready to do this, sweetie? Because my 'oven' is all warmed up. All I need from you is to put the buns in", Belinda playfully told her son as she moved two of her ribbons to his back, rubbing along it a little while she held him.

Bobby, feeling all worked up and in need to relief, looked at his mother and managed to poke his tip against Belinda's vaginal opening. "Ahh...yes, Mom!", he replied, attempting to put it in her. However, Belinda wanted the full experience, she wanted to be joined with Bobby while they made their pups.

"Hold on, sweetheart! If we're going to do this, let's do it the right way", Belinda mentioned in a loving tone before kissing him once again on the lips. She then released her grip around Bobby and quickly got onto her hands and knees in front of him, raising her rump and her tail. "I don't think I need to tell you what to do next", she playfully commented while presenting to him, waiting to feel his warm and throbbing foxhood in her eager sylveon passage.

Sure enough, Bobby took his mom's hint right away, getting down to his knees and placing his member back at her vaginal opening. He let his tip probe against his mom's fertile passage before it slid inside, with Bobby grabbing onto her hips as he did so. "Ohhhh...this feels even better than before!", he commented happily, sensing how much warmer, wetter, and tighter she seemed to be around him.

Belinda gleefully chuckled as she felt her son's pulsing maleness push into her vaginal canal, giving it a loving squeeze. "That's because I want your pups, honey. I'm so excited about getting to make pups with my pride and joy that my body is doing everything it can to milk as much seed from you", Belinda replied as she soon felt his knot kiss her outer lips while Bobby covered her. "Don't worry about holding anything back from me, sweetheart. Just follow your instincts and mate with me", she soon added, assuring Bobby that she was willing to take his load whenever he felt ready to cum.

Bobby started to hump his mother, moving at a moderate pace as his member pulsed with life, being massaged by her tightness. He could feel her walls contracting and expanding around his pole during this time, periodically giving it a harder squeeze before easing back, with her pores providing plenty of sauce for him to be able to move through easily. His tail soon started to wag as he enjoyed himself, blushing a little as he started thinking about what it would be like to breed his mother.

Meanwhile, Belinda took his length in her, feeling it rubbing along her vaginal walls and warming them, sensing each pulsation and twitch along his shaft while he enjoyed her. She reached back with a couple of her ribbons, rubbing his back some more while passing on a warm fairy aura to him. "Mmm...that's my boy! Make your momma feel all warm and full again!", she thought to herself, already thinking ahead a bit to having a pregnant belly with Bobby at her side rubbing it.

Bobby enjoyed how hot and tight his mom's passage was, feeling her fairy essence pass onto him through the ribbons and her vaginal walls. It made him feel warm and aroused, working to enhance his sex drive even further, getting his balls to churn with life as they made large quantities of semen. He clutched his mother's hips firmly and humped her at a decent pace, bumping his bulb against her folds and already starting to move from side-to-side a bit as he did so.

" my big and horny boy enjoying his momma's fertile fairy pussy?", Belinda called to Bobby sweetly, feeling his plump foxhood rubbing against her vaginal walls and his knot grinding against her, throbbing strongly as he moved through her.

"Ahh...yeah!", Bobby replied to his mother's comment, still moving through her at a decent clip, feeling his balls making new sperm at a rapid pace. They started to feel heavy, bumping against Belinda a little as they grew in size from before. Belinda decided to further coax her son by using a couple more ribbons to play with them, gently stroking and massaging the balls as they became large and heavy with seed. "Mmm...quite honestly, I don't know how long I'll be able to hold back, Mom", he soon replied, already feeling his orgasm nearing.

She leaned back towards him, pressing her outer lips against his throbbing bulb. "Go ahead and let it out when you're ready, honey. I'm eager to feel your seed in me", she lovingly coaxed.

Bobby continued to hump her vigorously, pressing his throbbing knot against her insides while feeling the load he made for her getting closer to being released. He held onto her as tightly as possible, leaning over her body while starting to feel his bulb pushing into his mother's tight sylveon passage. She responded by squeezing him tighter, especially around the knot as it pushed into her, giving his maleness a warm hug as she felt it become thick and hot.

Soon, Bobby had his knot inside her completely, beginning to grow larger against Belinda's vaginal passage while she kept tightening around it, making sure he would stay inside until he was done. The combination of his mother's warmth, her tightness, and her current condition were enough to bring Bobby to climax. He moaned excitedly as he let his payload burst forth into the very same womb he came out of, with the cream launching into Belinda in a continuous stream.

Belinda savored the warm feeling of Bobby's load starting to pool and spread throughout her uterus, with her continuing to massage his balls a bit with her ribbons during his orgasm. "Mmm...I love you, sweetie!", Belinda happily called to Bobby as he continued to fill her at a rapid pace, still basking in the pleasure he felt with his climax. It would take him about a minute or so to relax enough for him to answer.

"Mmm, I love you too, Mom", he replied as his knot became fully inflated, firmly locked inside Belinda while his orgasm slowed to short periodic spurts. It was here when Belinda moved her ribbons away from Bobby's testicles so that he could complete the union between them by turning the tie.

Over the next half-hour, Bobby and Belinda were joined in the traditional canid union, with Bobby slowly adding more sperm to his mother's fertile body. His semen pooled against the inside of her uterus, feeling warm and sticky as it entered, with a noticeable tingle from all the seed that it carried. From the way it felt, Belinda was sure that it wouldn't be long before her son's sperm met with the eggs she released, giving her the gift of life once again.

Slowly, Bobby began to relax as the churning inside his balls came to a stop, and his knot started to deflate. His mother's tight vaginal passage kept him stuck within her a bit longer though, as it seemed like she wasn't quite ready to feel him pull out. However, it was only natural for the union to come to an end eventually.

After a few more moments, Bobby's knot pulled free from his mother, followed soon after by the rest of his foxhood. As it left Belinda's warmth, a gush of cum oozed from her vaginal opening, making the female sylveon wag her tail excitedly. " feels so good when you fill me like this, sweetie!", she called to him happily, still basking in the afterglow of their mating.

Bobby was quick to go over to his mother and rub his cheek up against hers while she was still on all-fours. "I can do it some more if you want me to. Just give me a chance to rest a bit and we can go again", he quickly offered, seeming to want to spend more time mating with his mother.

Belinda responded by reaching towards his sheath with one of her ribbons, giving it a gentle stroke, then kissing her son on his lips. "Mmm...I'd like that. In fact, feel free to fill my womb as much as you'd like today. After all, we want to make sure that your eevees are in there by the time we're done", she sweetly mentioned, causing Bobby to blush.

After this, mother and son remained in the garden together for a few more minutes before getting up and heading back inside to clean up after their first mating. Bobby would get a break to recharge and reload while Belinda relaxed a bit, still feeling the sticky warmth of his cum deep in her womb, with the tingle of his sperm now reaching further into her uterus. "It shouldn't be long now", she thought to herself, using one of her ribbons to rub her flat belly a little, confident that it won't stay flat for much longer.

A few hours later...

Following a break and some lunch, Belinda went back to Bobby's room to see if he was ready to go another round with her. At the time, Vanessa was busy working with Rena and Gypsy, going over the footage from the previous day's shoot, so Bobby was relaxing in bed on his own. By now, Bobby's sperm was starting to enter Belinda's tubes, nearing the eggs she released previously. Of course, she wasn't aware of this, and she still had a strong craving to breed, so she was determined to have Bobby fill her until she knew for sure that she was pregnant once again.

"Hi there, sweetheart! How are you feeling?", Belinda asked in a sweet tone, her tail wagging and her ribbons moving around a bit as she did so.

Bobby turned towards his mother and started to smile, his foxhood beginning to poke out of his sheath a little. "I think I'm feeling better now", he mentioned, looking down at his mother's vaginal folds with considerable interest. Belinda was quick to notice this as she moved over to Bobby and sat next to him on the bed. While doing so, she placed one of her ribbons down on the emerging tip of his foxhood and gently tickled it, causing it to come out faster.

"Want to come to my room and do it some more? Because my womb is still calling for your seed", Belinda mentioned in a sweet tone, still playing with Bobby's foxhood with her ribbon.

The eager golden eevee started to lick his lips, wanting his mother's warm sylveon pussy around his member once again. "Mmm...sure!", he promptly answered to Belinda's delight, making her tail wag faster.

"Mmm...good boy!", she replied before getting up and heading back to the doorway. "Come with me, hon. Momma wants to play with her pride and joy some more!", she then mentioned, spreading her butt cheeks apart to give Bobby a look at her pussy lips, showing that they seemed wet and puffy once again. Bobby was quick to accept her invitation and sprang forth from the bed, following his mother to her bedroom.

A few moments later, a horny and eager Bobby was with his mother in her bedroom as his maleness twitched with delight, beading with precum at the tip. Belinda was happy to see Bobby in such a playful mood and was more than willing to have him back inside her. "So, how do you want to do it, Mom? Foxy-style on the floor?", Bobby asked excitedly, thinking that maybe he and his mom could be joined in another copulatory tie while he slowly filled her a second time.

Belinda chuckled a little, then touched Bobby's cheek. "Actually, I have something else in mind for us", Belinda sweetly told her son before reaching in further to kiss his lips briefly. "Why don't you relax on my bed, and I'll show you what I want to do", she soon added.

Curiously, Bobby did as his mother mentioned, getting onto her bed and resting his head on the soft pillows. Belinda's bed felt warm and soft, with the mattress being replaced not too long ago. It felt comfortable to Bobby as he relaxed, waiting to see what his mother wanted to do. His foxhood stood straight up as he relaxed, still throbbing and still beading with precum, making Belinda's blue sylveon eyes glimmer.

" Bobby looks so stiff and thick. I can hardly wait to feel him back in me!", she thought to herself before making her way over to the bed, climbing onto it and over her son's crotch. Belinda pressed her pussy lips along the underside of Bobby's shaft before using two of her ribbons to embrace his legs, gripping them firmly. "Go ahead and put your hands on my hips, honey", she softly told Bobby while the warmth of her sylveon folds caressed his sensitive maleness.

Bobby did as he was told and placed his hands down on his mother's hips, feeling her warm pussy grind a little against his horny foxhood while he did so. "Good boy! Now, you go ahead and relax while Momma takes you for a ride", Belinda mentioned sweetly as another of her ribbons reached down to his shaft and grabbed onto it, beginning to tilt it up so that his tip could reach her entrance.

Bobby relaxed and watched as his mother got ready to ride his pole, his member still pulsing with excitement and his balls already churning with new life. "Ohhh...Momma!", he mentioned just before his tip met her entrance.

"Now don't be stingy with the cum, honey. Momma is still trying to get pregnant from you, so tell me when you're about to climax and I'll take your knot in me", she instructed in a soft and loving voice as she felt a spurt of precum go into her vagina as his tip was just inside her passage. Bobby promised that he'd let her know when he was ready and soon after began to feel the warmth and tightness of his mother's folds surround his member once again.

With a load of cum still in her from earlier, Belinda was still in a heightened sexual state. She felt both warmer and tighter than normal as she slowly lowered herself onto Bobby's shaft, taking it in until she felt his bulb kiss her outer lips. Once she had it in, Belinda playfully squeezed Bobby's length briefly, coaxing a moan of pleasure from her son and a nice burst of precum that reached her cervix. She then placed her hands on Bobby's chest and began to ride him, moving at a modest pace to begin with, feeling the thick and throbbing member rub along her tight and aroused sylveon folds. His shaft radiated with warmth, enhanced by Belinda's current condition, showing that he had a decent payload of cum in his balls.

"Mmm...I can hardly wait to feel his seed gush inside me again!", Belinda thought to herself while enjoying his foxhood, moving up and down along it in a playful manner. The two ribbons around his legs held onto him tightly while the other two freely waved around while Belinda's tail wagged from side-to-side. She was quite thrilled to be joined with her son and was becoming even more excited about bearing his eevees.

Meanwhile, Bobby held onto his mom's hips and watched her bounce on his pole, watching as she would press down against his knot briefly before moving back up until only his tip was in her. The massage was vigorous, and it made his balls churn for her, growing more active as he began to lick his lips a little. He also got a chance to watch his mother's breasts move up and down with her, seeing how bouncy they were with the nipples puffing out quite a bit. They made Bobby think about how it would feel to suckle on them once again, maybe even get a taste of his mother's milk once she was pregnant. However, at the moment, he was more interested in enjoying their current union.

Belinda, growing more eager to be inseminated again, started to increase her pace, moving up and down on Bobby's member more rapidly and letting her warm pussy lips push and grind along his bulb even more each time she pressed down on it. This made Bobby's foxhood thicken and become more sensitive, being squeezed by his mother's tightness as a fresh gush of sylveon nectar washed over it. His balls churned strongly, and his hands held her hips more tightly, feeling another batch of his seed getting ready to leave his balls and spurt into his mother's womb.

She tightened her grip a little with her ribbons, making sure that they were able to maintain the close contact as she looked down at her son and felt his throbbing dick rubbing along her hot pussy walls. " feels like you want to cum inside Momma again...don't you, sweetie?", she coaxed in a sweet tone, continuing to move up and down on Bobby's shaft at a rapid pace.

He kept clinging to her as the churning in his balls intensified while his knot began to throb strongly, wanting to go in his mother's opening. "Ahh...yes, Momma!", he answered, doing his best to hold off on his climax until he was knotted to her again.

Belinda giggled a little to Bobby's response and continued to ride him vigorously. "Do you enjoy thinking about filling me with seed and giving me a nice round belly?", she added in a cheery tone, grinding more against his knot as she prepared to let it in.

"Ahh...yes, Momma! I want to cum inside you and give you a preggy belly!", he answered, still fighting his urge to cum for Belinda, wanting to be knotted to her before doing so.

With that, Belinda pressed down hard on his shaft until the knot passed into her entrance, becoming surrounded by her warmth and tightness. "Go for it, honey! Momma wants to feel more of your seed in my fertile womb!", she lovingly coaxed, clamping down tightly around Bobby's growing bulb.

Bobby was quick to follow his instincts after this, letting out a loud growl and then a moan as his sperm began to rocket from his tip, going up into the same womb he came out of. Much of his cum passed through her cervix, adding to the pool of cum that was inside her from their first mating, though some of it washed back down through her vaginal passage. Belinda did everything she could to get as much sperm to her uterus as she could, clamping down firmly on Bobby's member and tugging on it. This helped to bring the sperm closer to her womb, and also helped to coax more cum out of Bobby at the same time.

After a few moments, Belinda released the grip she had on Bobby's legs and leaned in towards him, with the couple now joined by his swollen knot and her tight vaginal passage. She kissed Bobby on his lips, putting her tongue into his mouth while two of her ribbons brushed along his arms. He felt a warm and gentle aura wash over his body during this time, with Belinda sharing some of her fairy essence with him.

Bobby soon joined his mother in the kiss, enjoying his time with her as he kept injecting more cum into her reproductive tract. Each time his member pulsed against her insides, Belinda would give it a squeeze and a tug, doing everything she could to get Bobby to fill her. She was delighted to feel so much of her son's essence in her womb and vagina, feeling the tingle of his seed from near her vaginal opening to her tubes. "It shouldn't be long now", she thought to herself while engaged with Bobby in a deep kiss, already thinking about having a round belly once more with Bobby at her side.

The union between mother and son lasted several minutes...not quite as long as it did when Bobby was tied to Belinda, but long enough to leave another healthy dose of cum behind. Gradually, his knot shrunk and her grip around his length eased. However, Belinda remained on top of Bobby during this time.

"Bobby, sweetheart, do you think you could do me a favor?", she asked sweetly, letting one of her ribbons caress his cheek.

"Sure, Momma. What do you need?", he responded a moment later, feeling both relaxed and satisfied after their mating.

Belinda kept touching Bobby's cheek then touched her nose to his while pressing her warm body against his own, all while she waited for his shrinking bulb to pop free from her passage. "I want you to spend the night here with my bed. I figure since you and I are going to be mated to each other, we should start sleeping together more often", Belinda replied softly.

Bobby looked up at his mother while blushing a little, liking the idea of being in bed with her. However, there also seemed to be a bit of a conflict of interest. "But, what about Vanessa? She's carrying my eevees too and I love her", he replied before Belinda softly kissed Bobby's lips and put his mind at ease.

"She can join us. The bed is big enough for three and I see how you are around Vanessa. It reminds me a lot of how your father was to me when you were growing in my belly", Belinda replied in a loving tone, caressing her son's face gently. "In fact, why don't the two of you move into my bedroom permanently. I'd love to have you both join me here", Belinda added sweetly, just as she felt Bobby's knot pop free from her vaginal opening.

Bobby blushed slightly as he felt the rest of his foxhood slip free from Belinda's well-filled vagina, leaving behind a dripping creampie as it did so. "Well, OK...I'll talk to Vanessa and see if she wants to move in with you", Bobby replied before Belinda chuckled and nuzzled her son.

"You don't have to, sweetie. I already talked to Vanessa about this while you were resting after our first mating", Belinda replied sweetly, kissing her son on his lips soon after. "Besides, you're not the only one around here who is in love with Vanessa", she added, blushing slightly after doing so, getting Bobby to murr a bit at the thought of seeing his mother and Vanessa getting together...or better yet, being in the middle of the two females.

"However, before we let Vanessa join us, there's a little something that I'd still like to have you do for me", Belinda commented, tracing her finger on Bobby's cheek in a heart-shape. "After you've had a little time to rest, I want you to mate with me one more time we did in Lily's garden", Belinda mentioned in a playful tone, wagging her tail a bit. "Not only am I still in need of your sperm, I also want to be joined in the same union we shared when you filled me earlier today", Belinda replied as Bobby smiled a little.

"Yes, Momma", he soon answered before Belinda cuddled close to Bobby, letting her ribbons trace along his arms some, letting her fairy essence flow into Bobby. It warmed and relaxed him, also working down into his testicles, coaxing them to start making more sperm at a faster pace. Belinda was still quite horny, and she wanted to make sure she got the most out of Bobby while she was receptive.

Later that evening, the mother/son couple mated for a third time, with Bobby planting more of his seed into his mother. By now, Belinda's eggs had already been fertilized from the earlier load, but she was unaware of it at the time. She would remain in her receptive state until the freshly fertilized eggs implanted in her womb, which would likely take another day or so. After the mating, Bobby, Belinda, and Vanessa all settled into bed for the night, with Bobby being in between his already pregnant mate and his soon-to-be pregnant mother. The two females cuddled close to their shared mate, both of them happy to be with him and both of them happy to receive the gift of life from the golden male eevee.

End of Episode 8.