Down the Rabbit Hole: Chapter 2

Story by Graymouse on SoFurry

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#2 of Down the Rabbit Hole

Anonymous commission. Judy gets involved in a love affair with a shady wolf, who has big plans for her and Zootopia

With the windows rolled down, the air breezed through Coal's fur, his paw hanging lazily out the edge out on the streets of Central Zootopia. It was a warm, lazy summer afternoon, but the balmy day belied the turbulence of the past few weeks.

"Sheesh, you'd think someone could at least jaywalk or something," Judy suggested, sitting behind the wheel of her patrol car, one paw draped idly over the top. She hardly looked the part of an officer behind the wheel with her tiny stature and her seat and pedals having to be adjusted for it, but she was the officer in the end. Coal was just tagging along.

"You're not looking for an excuse to arrest someone, are you? Just because you were bored?" Coal admonished her.

"No, no, of course not," Judy backpedaled. "At least seeing it would be something to point out."

Coal didn't quite respond to the comment. The blue wolf knew she was just as fed up with things as he was. But he supposed it would take longer for her to unlearn her training. Although on that front, things were already off to a strong start.

It was only a matter of time after their repeated hookups before Judy broke. Her job wasn't all it was cracked up to be, but her secret lover was more than she bargained for. When given the choice between loyalty to him or her job, it was no wonder she had picked him. And since then, a little over two weeks ago, Judy had been slowly working from within the ZPD to accommodate Coal and his work.

The first move was to delete information from his P.R.E.D. file, making him appear to be barely a threat at all. With so many predators under surveillance, no one noticed the missing files. The second move was to get him access to the ZPD database. That had been as easy as swiping Nick Wilde's account and password, which would put a little more distance between his activities and Judy than if he just used her account. It didn't hurt that Nick was also a predator, and had quite the rap sheet pre-Riots.

The last move was a bit more tricky, but all went according to Coal's plan. After being located and "arrested" by Judy as a suspicious individual, Chief Bogo found nothing in Coal's file. So when it was suggested that he accompany Judy as a form of "rehabilitation," Bogo was curious, but allowed it. Bogo had always thought it was better to have predators working for them than against them, so Coal was quickly hired on as Judy's temporary partner. Not a full cop, of course. But he was still asked to ride with her in her squad car, if only to provide a predator's presence when she made arrests or whatnot.

But she hadn't made many arrests in the last two weeks. Although, there were a lot of times where she called in to report investigating suspicious activity at a place of business. There was that potential salt den in the Alpine Motel. Money laundering at the Lakeshore Motel. Responding to a noise violation at Arabian Nights Motel, which turned out to just be a severely squeaky bed. And then there was that predator without proper papers who slipped into a gas station bathroom for an hour or so, only to elude her, but not without leaving DNA evidence all over the bathroom stall.

Judy knew she should have felt conflicted about betraying her co-workers, her oaths, and lying to everyone now that she was effectively a double-agent. But she couldn't deny that the last two weeks had been some of the best two weeks of her life. No difficult arrests or tough cases, no tedious grunt work, and a lot less moral ambiguity to sort through. And even when she was assigned to boring beats, like today in downtown Central where there was almost a guarantee of nothing happening, she could always count on slipping away someplace quiet to kill a few hours by getting her holes stuffed by the hunky wolf in the passenger seat.

She looked over at him, but he was still staring out the window. He cleaned up a bit more for the job, wearing a tie to go with his shirt, but he was still the same plain-looking wolf, at least on the outside. She knew that beneath his inoffensive exterior lay a powerful predator with a natural physicality and enough meat to make a pornstar jealous. And she also knew that, on days like today, it was only a matter of time before he would get bored. And when he got bored, he got horny.

As a rabbit, it was hard for Judy not to think about. Most of the time, she tried to hide how massive her sex drive really was, since most animals could barely keep up with it. But in the past two weeks, she had been getting more dick than she ever had before in her life, and she couldn't deny how happy it made her. She finally felt like she could be herself and be open about her desires. She had no shame in fantasizing about Coal taking her to another nice locale - maybe that love hotel in Sahara Square that had that tribal motif - but she didn't want to just ask Coal if they could leave to fuck already. She knew that he was actually doing work on these ride-alongs, whatever his work was, and that if he was in the mood, he would let her know. He certainly wasn't afraid to take charge. They'd had sex every day they worked together since he'd been on her watch. Always on duty, and sometimes more than once.

Right now though, he was lazily swiping through his phone, checking through surveillance cameras with a flat expression. He broke the silence finally, saying, "Sheesh, they've got a camera pointed right at the Salmon Ladder Apartments."

Judy's ears perked up and she asked, "So? Isn't that kind of a dangerous area?"

"It's all carnivores that live there, mostly bears. It's only dangerous because the cops will pull you over in a heartbeat for no reason, so the crime rates stay high." Coal seemed to focus in on something intently before a smirk grew over his face. "It would be a shame if someone were to delete the last week of this footage, wouldn't it?"

Judy couldn't help but laugh. "Bogo's been trying to get a warrant for a bust there for like a month! He'd blow his top if all his evidence went missing!"

"That's why it would be such a shame," Coal said. Then, with the press of a button, he said, "Oops."

Judy felt a thrill race through her heart. "Coal, you're so bad," she said, leaning over to wrap her paws around his arm. She knew it was a little cheesy to say, but she couldn't help it. Knowing he had just obstructed justice and was about to get away with it was way cooler than anything she'd ever done. And as an added bonus, it made her terribly wet, too.

Coal just chuckled. "You know, most mammals just go to scary movies when they want an adrenaline rush."

Judy let go of him, slouching in her seat a bit, even kicking her footpaws up and resting them on the wheel, something she never would have done before meeting him. "Eh, we didn't have a movie theater in Bunnyburrow. Hard to take the family out to a movie when one family can fill an entire theater. I can never sit still long enough for movies."

"You're missing out," Coal said. "It's a whole art form. It's like saying you don't read, or watch TV, or listen to music."

Judy just shrugged. "So what do you do for fun then, mister cinephile?"

"Besides screwing tight little bunnies?" he replied with a fanged grin. "I'm a pretty normal guy. TV. Video games. Sometimes I go to the gym. What did you expect?"

"Really?" she asked. "You can't really be that boring."

"Oh yeah? And you go skydiving every weekend, I take it?" he retorted.

"I go rock climbing, mostly," she answered. "It's all the fun of being really high up. But I also like white-water kayaking, snowboarding, you know. Fun stuff?"

Coal smirked at her. "You're a little adventure rabbit, huh? And what do you do when it's raining?"

"Hmm..." Judy said. "I like concerts. Plays and shows hold my interests. Laser tag at the arcade. Sometimes I even go to male strip clubs."

"I get it," Coal said, his grin growing the slightest bit savage as his fangs flashed white. "You're a little adrenaline junkie, aren't you?"

Judy folded her arms and rolled her eyes. "I just like to stay active, that's all. And occasionally live a little?"

"But it doesn't interest you if it doesn't get the blood pumping," Coal pointed out. Then his eyes drifted lower, down her body, resting between her thighs. "In more ways than one."

Judy blushed a bit, but answered, "Nothing wrong with that, right? And lots of rabbits go to strip clubs. They're a birthday staple in Bunnyburrow."

Coal was leaning closer, his hot breath washing over her face, and it was hard not to notice how sharp his teeth were. "You're a thrill seeker, Judy," he said, almost growling it like a threat. "That's why you're doing any of this. It's why you can't stop. Now that the thrill of being the first bunny cop has worn off, you're looking for the next high. And you've found it."

The rabbit gulped. He had her pegged and she didn't even realize it. But she wasn't about to deny it. "What are you going to do about it, big guy?" she said, her voice a mixture of challenge and tease.

Coal leaned back in his seat. "Drive. I'll tell you where to go."

The engine roared to life and Judy started to move down the road. Her blood was racing. She didn't know exactly what Coal had planned for her, but she knew what that aggressive, commanding voice meant. She could already feel the rickety mattress underneath her naked body as she bit into the cheap pillows to keep from screaming.

But Coal didn't direct her to a motel. Instead, rather suddenly, only a few blocks away from their beat, he said, "Turn into that parking lot."

Judy obliged, but as she parked and looked around, all she saw was a laundromat, a convenience store, and what looked like an abandoned antique shop. There were no other cars in the lot either. "What's this? I don't see anything."

Coal grinned his big, savage grin. "We're going to do it right here," he told her. "Right in the patrol car."

A surge of panic and excitement raced through Judy. "What? Coal, no! We can't do it in the car! What if someone sees us?"

"Then we better make it quick before someone else comes along," Coal said. Already he was unbuttoning his top and tie, his blue fur and muscular chest suddenly exposed in the middle of the afternoon light.

Judy was already short of breath, and her panties were soaked through. "Coal, stop, are you crazy?" she asked, but she was betrayed by her grin as she reached over to try and close his shirt, only to grope his chest in the process.

"Come on, where's your sense of adventure?" Coal asked her. And Judy knew she didn't want to refuse him. So after a moment of silence, he just ordered her, "Get those pants down. And that top, too. Now." At that, her paws were flying to undo buttons, unhook clasps, and slide her panties off her toned thighs as Coal did the very same.

As soon as Judy's pussy was exposed, Coal could see the wetness coating her lips and staining the fabric of her underwear. Things were just getting started, but she was already so turned on, it was clear she had been anticipating this every since he had stepped into the car. Her eyes were riveted on his sheath, perched above his plump balls, knowing exactly the beast that lay beneath that pouch of flesh.

But Coal brought her eyes back to him, turning up her chin with one hand and saying, "So wet already? Now how did that happen, I wonder?" he teased.

A part of Judy didn't want to let him win so easily, even though she always loved it when he won anyway. She shrunk back away from his touch, feigning resistance as she looked over his powerful body, feeling another wave of heat wash over her that she knew she couldn't resist for long. "Call it classic conditioning? After all, we do this every day," she teased back.

Coal smirked. "Maybe. Soon, you'll be soaking wet at the sight of me," he said. He reached over, his bigger paw having no trouble slipping between her thighs and making contact with her burning, sticky lips. He stroked the labia, feeling the incredibly soft fur and flesh on the outside, the juices coming in waves as he dragged one digit up the slot until he found her hardened clit at the top.

Judy was already biting her lip to stifle a moan. "Nnng... It might be too late for that already," she huffed back. She reached over to try and return the favor, her tiny paws working over Coal's sheath. Where Coal's touch was measured and deliberate, Judy's pumping of the wolf's sheath was eager, quick, and needy for the prize within. The stimulation spread through his crotch, and he could feel himself coming to bear, the black tip of his cock emerging with her efforts.

Coal didn't stop there, though. After giving a few slow, heavy strokes to her pussy, he suddenly inserted his middle finger inside with a loud squelch, earning a gasp from Judy as he felt her tight, needy rabbit hole clench around him, the heat pouring off of her. He couldn't help from chuckle. "Listen to that," he said as he began to pump his finger into her, the wet sounds almost deafening when trapped inside the small patrol car. "You would have gone nuts if I just let you sit there. You can't resist those slutty rabbit urges," he said.

"Why should I with a wolf as hung as you?" Judy replied almost breathlessly. She leaned over farther, spreading her thighs to give Coal better access to her cunt as she pressed her lips to the head of his cock and dragged her tongue all around the emerging length, coating every inch with her tongue as it came to her, and it was clear how much she really did love Coal's cock.

But it was getting harder for her to focus as Coal's mere touch filled her with pleasure. The simple pumping of his finger inside of her left her nipples feeling achingly hard and the car seat partially soaked. And by the time he was trying to squeeze two digits inside of her, Judy's head was swimming. The going was tight, and Coal could barely fit his fingers inside her sopping wet, burning cunt, but when he did, Judy just gasped, gripping his thighs as her needy, moaning breath washed over his cock. When Judy recovered, she only redoubled his efforts on his cock, stroking it with both paws, slurping all over the shaft until the knot emerged, where she immediately bathed it with her saliva and attention.

Coal fingered her harder and faster, ramping up the tension, but not letting her cum just yet, even as he clawed at her g-spot like he had a map to her pussy, her eyes swimming and her vision blurring as he dialed up the tension even higher. Judy could hardly stand it. "Coal... Coal! Please!" she begged.

"Please what?" he asked. He wasn't about to let up. He started to pound her, earning a few squirts of juice over the leather seats and filling the car with the musky smell of Judy's heated arousal as he did so.

Judy felt like he really was driving her crazy. She could barely form words, so her best response was to press her face into his crotch, licking, stroking, sucking, and slobbering on everything he could; his cocktip, his knot, his shaft, even his balls were coated with her saliva as she fed her muffled screams of need into his sack before popping her lips right back onto one of his heavy orbs, her paws pumping desperately above, making his cock throb with stiff need. Finally, she found an answer, screaming, "Take me! Make me yours! Make me your prey!" she begged him.

It was exactly what Coal was looking for. Without any warning, Coal withdrew his fingers from her pussy before grabbing at her hip and shoulder with his strong paws. Judy's small size made her easy to manhandle, and with her bottoms around her ankles, Coal slung her legs over his shoulders, letting her hang from the back of his neck. Her belly faced upward, her pussy poised right by his chin like a feeding bag. Meanwhile, Judy was left to hang upside down, her lips perfectly poised at Coal's cock. With Coal's big paws at her hips, it was easy for him to hold her up in perfect position to feast on her.

Judy would have returned the favor, but the feeling of Coal's broad, warm tongue emerging to lap at her pussy left her whole body shivering with ecstatic tingles. Even if it wasn't as precise as other parts of him, his tongue stroked up her cunt with a rapid pace, gathering every droplet of hot, salty, tangy juices her pussy had to offer, all the while flicking at her burning clit with warm, wet relief. Her eyes crossed with delight, the blood rushing to her head, her whole body pounding as her thighs tensed tight.

That tongue never seemed to stop, cleaning out her slot and taking her higher. Judy felt herself reaching her peak fast. In a dazed voice, she groaned to him, "Coal... Yes...! Yes! Ohh, fuck, I'm cumming...!" Her fingers gripped onto his thighs as her body seized before jerking and releasing all her pent-up, horny tension as orgasm ripped through her. But Coal hardly stopped his frantic pace, simply continuing to lap up her fresh juices, toying with her clit, circling his tongue around it while teasing the outer folds, her wetness and his saliva leaving her cunt frothing with his efforts.

One orgasm would never have satisfied her or Coal's ego, though. Once he had earned one, he knew it was time to take things to the next step. Withdrawing his tongue to take a deep breath, steadying himself, Judy looked up at him in wonder at the break. But then her eyes widened when she realized what he was about to do.

All at once, Coal plunged his long canine tongue inside her cunt, splitting it wide and shoving his tongue several inches inside of her. He started to pump it quickly, tongue-fucking her hard and fast, his soft, slick appendage dragging along her g-spot and giving her a slick, wriggly feeling of fullness that was unmatched.

Judy had barely recovered from the first climax before she already felt herself revving up for a second. "Coal! Coal, fuck, yes! Eat me, Coal! Devour my little rabbit pussy!" she begged. That tongue pounded her just as good as any cock, rocking her body, forcing her breath from her as her core wound up in a tight knot ready to burst. She was desperately clawing at Coal, the chair, the dashboard, trying to find any kind of purchase for the orgasm that was about to rip through her body, her mouth hanging open in a long, continuous stream of ecstatic cries before it transformed into a sharp scream.

Coal hammered the broad tip of his tongue against her g-spot, knowing the precise moment to take her over the edge, and Judy's entire body rocked with the impact of her climax, his saliva and her juices running down her stomach and asscrack. Her legs kicked and spasmed on his shoulders as her shaky breaths left her light-headed, her voice straining to not break with the intensity of the pleasure Coal gave her.

But Coal wasn't exactly the generous type when it came to Judy. As she came down, he withdrew his tongue with a wet, sloppy slurp and said, "You just gonna admire that big wolf dick, or are you going to repay all my hard work up here?" he asked.

Judy just nodded frantically as she grabbed his throbbing cock and angled it toward her mouth. At the position she was in, it wasn't quite as easy to fit down her throat as usual, but she satisfied herself with more slobbery, stroking, sucking foreplay as she bathed his big wolf cock completely before he pulled her up on his body enough for her to find the right angle. Then, with her mouth hanging open, all that was left was to drop her on top.

With a wet gag, Coal's cock plunged deep into Judy's throat, and he could even see the girth of his shaft stretching her neck as her lips suckled at the base of his cock above his knot, her tongue swirling around the shaft, her throat squeezing the tip, and her paws groping at his balls and knot with relish. "Hope you're a good swimmer. Let's see how long you can hold your breath," Coal said.

He let his own tongue hang out of his head as he resumed his work, tongue-fucking Judy harder and deeper than before. With his paws on her hips, pulling her up and down on his body, he had the advantage of burying his tongue into her all the more forcefully as he nailed her sweet spots. Meanwhile, Judy's mouth and throat were being used like a toy as she gripped, stroked, slurped, and sucked on the thick wolfcock she loved so much. Even as her lungs started to burn, she wouldn't have wanted it any other way. All she wanted was to be a good little bunny for Coal.

She couldn't tell if it was the pleasure of another rough, impending orgasm or the lack of oxygen, but Judy's vision was starting to blur again. She wouldn't let that stop her, though. She made sure every touch and lick was nothing but pure worship as she fed pleasure into Coal's cock. Ultimately, though, she had little control over more than her own mouth. Coal lifted her and crammed her back down onto his meat, facefucking her upside down in her own patrol car. Occasionally, Judy could see outside, but she almost wanted to see another mammal out there, just so the world could finally know that Judy Hopps was so addicted to wolf cock she would choke for it.

Coal could tell Judy was fighting for air, possibly on the verge of passing out, but he just grunted to her, "I'm getting close... Don't stop now, little bunny slut," before returning back to her cunt, encouraging her with further tongue-fucking, even getting all the way back to her cervix as he spread her thighs wide around his muzzle. The wet sounds of Judy gagging and slobbering on Coal's cock, plus his tongue pounding into her juicy pussy filled the patrol car, leaving Judy wet from top to bottom as her throat-saliva smeared over her own face as she desperately sucked Coal off as best as she could. Just a little longer, she told herself. The burning in her lungs and womb would all be worth it when he came.

Finally, with a savage growl rising in his throat, Coal could feel it starting as Judy's expert tongue dragged around the base of his knot. Ramming her down all the way, he shoved his tongue as deep as it could go into her, splitting her wide open as Judy desperately worked his dick with her last breaths. Coal could see her eyes swimming, rolling upward, but even on the verge of unconsciousness, she chose his cock over air.

With a howling roar, Judy came from a blissful combination of pleasure and breathlessness that left her feeling high while Coal came hard, blasting hot wolf cum down her upside-down neck all at once. Judy gulped it all down gratefully, her moans stuffed back by his solid, throbbing dick in her neck, but in her position, she couldn't keep it all down. She could taste his cum flowing back down her throat as his knot expanded before her eyes and in her hands, and soon, fighting black at the edge of her vision, Judy felt that steaming, salty wolf jizz pouring out her nose and through her sinuses, making it feel like her was cumming directly into her brain. All Judy could do was continue to lick and suck, swallowing gratefully as she caressed Coal's balls, her pussy clenching in final climactic delight.

Right when she was sure she'd pass out, Coal withdrew his tongue and pulled her off his cock, letting the last few ropes of hot cum splatter over her face as he exhaled. Judy stroked him to finish with both of her paws, still focused on his pleasure even as she coughed and spluttered, fighting for air as so much of her felt utterly stuffed full of his spunk. But when Coal had at last come down, he flipped her right-side up and deposited her in her seat where she crumped, a thoroughly-fucked but very full and happy rabbit. Both were sweaty and breathing hard, and Judy was fighting light-headed tingles. But when they looked out the windshield, there were no signs anyone had seen them.

"That... was..." Judy started.

"Risky?" Coal finished with a breathless smirk.

"Amazing..." she said.

Coal just reached over to pat her shoulder and fondle her nipples a bit in warm comfort. "I'll keep that in mind. Although at this point, I think I could do just about anything to you and you'd love it. Admit it, you're a broken wolf-slut at this point."

"I'm happy," Judy said. "That's all that matters. I like being a wolf-slut."

Coal just looked over at her with a raised brow. "You make a much better slut than a cop."

Judy just groaned. "I still have the rest of my patrol to do..."

Coal just leaned back, seemingly not concerned about still being naked. "Come on. We should get some work done today."

Judy knew that tone in his voice. Turning to him, her ears perking up, her face still splattered with cum, she said, "When you say 'work,' do you mean...?"

Coal just nodded to the wheel. "I'll show you. I think it's time."

Judy wasn't sure how much deeper things could go with Coal, but as she pulled her clothes back into place and started the engine, the stray wolf jizz still drying on her fur, she had a sinking, clawing notion she could feel deep in her instincts and her pussy that Coal was only just getting started with her.