Down the Rabbit Hole: Chapter 4

Story by Graymouse on SoFurry

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#4 of Down the Rabbit Hole

Anonymous commission. Judy gets involved in a love affair with a shady wolf, who has big plans for her and Zootopia

"God, Coal! Yes! Yes! Knot me! I'm cumming again!" Judy wailed, her voice filling the squad car as she rode the wolf's cock, making the frame rock and bounce as Coal thrust his hips upward into the tight little bunny pussy he had shoved himself into.

"Fuck yeah, take that knot you slutty bunny!" Coal bellowed back. With a groan and gritted fangs, he ground his swollen flesh against her tight little lips until he popped inside. The two let out wails of ecstatic relief as they began to cum, Coal stuffing Judy full of his hot, steaming wolf cum.

When it was over, Judy could only slump onto his chest while Coal held her tight, his claws lightly digging into her back, his breath heavy as he tried to come down from the high. For a long time, there was only an easy, satisfied silence in the dark.

"It's hot in here," Judy remarked. "Maybe we should roll the window down..."

"And let the smell out? I don't think so," he answered with a smile. "Besides, you might tip off your mark."

"The point of a sting is to be covert," Judy answered, sitting up to look at him with a smirk of her own, still lodged on his knot. "I think everyone in a three-block radius could tell what we were doing." She wiggled her hips, grinding her ass and her pussy against Coal's crotch, earning another hiss of pleasure from him as she rode his dick.

With a chuckle, he said, "Looks like you'll have to ask Bogo for another night on the beat."

Judy just groaned though, laying her head on the wolf's chest. "God, I don't even want to think about him. The way the department treats predators under him... I mean, who cares if the mongoose I'm tailing sells drugs? It's not like locking him up is going to help anyone."

Coal raised an eyebrow. "You could always quit," he suggested.

Judy raised an eyebrow back, looking up at him. "I thought you liked having access to the inside of the force," she replied, wiggling her butt on his dick again, earning another wince of pleasure.

"Sure, but I've got just about everything I need. You don't have to stay there for my sake anymore." With his claws shifting down to her ass, he gave it a squeeze and growled, "You could be my full-time bunny slut."

Judy let out an exhale of arousal. "That does sound nice... But the idea of just handing in my resignation tomorrow seems so sudden. Uneventful, even."

"Oh, you're not just going to walk out," Coal said. "There is one more thing I need you to do for me."

Judy knew Coal was using her on some level. But she had decided long ago that she liked being used. If anything, it just made the sex hotter. "Oh yeah? What is it, big guy?"

Coal just gave her a simple smile. "I want you to get me access to Bogo's computer. There's some classified info I need from it. Once I have that, you can walk, and I'll take care of you from there."

"Espionage, huh?" Judy asked, cocking an eyebrow at him. "I think we could make that work... On one condition," she said, her nose twitching mischievously.

"And what's that?" Coal replied.

"You're not getting access to that computer unless you fuck me in Bogo's office. On his desk. With all the pictures of his wife and family up and everything. You're going to fuck the absolute hell out of me. One last goodbye."

Coal grinned, his fangs gleaming. He loved the way Judy's mind worked. "I think we can make that happen... And I know just how to make it extra special." With his knot still lodged tightly into Judy's pussy, their naked bodies tied together, Coal rolled down the window to greet a passing mongoose in a hoodie. "Hey, pal... You got anything good for us?"

The mongoose's eyes went wide as he looked at the squad car and the naked couple inside. He couldn't see everything, but it was clear what was happening. "What the fuck is this?"

"Calm down," Coal reassured him. "I've got the cop under control here. You selling or what?"

The mongoose looked around as he approached the car, his eyes hungrily running up Judy's body. "Well, uh... what are you looking for?"

Coal grinned at him. "You got any bunnyheat?"

The mongoose grinned back. "Oh yeah."

With the deal complete, Coal rolled the window back up as Judy gave him a bright, excited grin of disbelief. "I can't believe you just did that!"

"You wanted it extra special," he replied. "And I think this will make it a night to remember. How does that make you feel?"

Judy narrowed her eyes at him. Placing her paws on his shoulders, she answered, "Really turned on..."

With a tug and a pop, Judy gasped as she lifted her hips and pulled Coal's knot out of her with a splatter of cum. Before he could even groan, Judy started bouncing her hips in Coal's lap, filling the car with wet slaps of her ass riding his thick wolf dick, and the car started to rock and bounce again as the next round began, not the first, and certainly not the last of that night...

The next evening, Judy led Coal into the station. It wasn't the first time he had been inside the station. With his relationship to Judy, he had practically been deputized, so he really only needed Judy to unlock the doors. This late at night, the police station wasn't empty, but the reception area was, and the other areas they would be hitting up likely would be too.

Once they were in the back, Judy was more cautious in the hallway. Someone might say something if they saw her lead Coal into a room he wasn't supposed to be in, but late in the evening, hardly anyone was around the station. Most would be in the break room or the jail area dealing with drunks. Luckily, the unlit hallway was empty, letting Judy and Coal quickly sneak down it until they were outside Bogo's office.

It was locked, but getting the key from the chief earlier that day was a piece of cake. No one second-guessed the motives of the cute little bunny cop. Of course, Bogo wasn't there at night, as he preferred the cushier day shift for himself.

His office was fairly plain. He had a few filing cabinets in the corners with old records, a safe under his desk with some personal equipment, and of course, his giant redwood desk with his big leather chair; the perks of being chief. On that desk was his somewhat outdated computer terminal that he preferred over the sleek, modern monitors.

As the door closed behind them, Coal groaned. "Finally," he said.

"What, worried I was gonna turn you in?" Judy quipped.

"You're way too addicted to my dick for that," Coal replied. He handed her a flash drive and said, "Stick that in his computer for me while I get the goods ready."

Judy was already shivering at the thought of it. After she found the back of his computer and inserted the drive, the screen lit up, but nothing obvious was happening, although she knew all of Bogo's files were being copied and downloaded. When she turned around Coal already had his pants down, and was massaging a strong, carrot-scented oil onto his cock, which quickly emerged and hardened, looking bigger and throbbing stronger than ever. "What is that?" Judy asked with strong curiosity.

"Some special stuff for me this evening, courtesy of your friend Bonnie," Coal answered. Once he was feeling too hard for comfort, he took of his shirt and jacket, but not before withdrawing the baggie of pink powder and shaking it for Judy. "Your turn."

Judy nodded, twitching with nervousness and excitement. "God, I've never done hard drugs before..." she said. But she eagerly took the bag and dumped out the contents as best she could into a line. Looking up a Coal, who just nodded at her, his cock oozing precum as it gleamed in the dim light, she said, "Well... here it goes..."

In one pull, she snorted up the line of bunnyheat and exhaled as the strange rush began to flow into her system.

"Get undressed," Coal ordered her, picking her up easily and setting her on Bogo's desk. She just nodded, unbuttoning her uniform as warmth began to spread through her. Coal was already hissing as he felt Bonnie's special oil soak into his flesh and take its effect. The hard-on was almost painful, and he swore the erection was so massive from the oil that it added at least an extra inch in length, not to mention his thickness. Throbbing, harder and angrier than ever, his knot already bulging, he removed the rest of his clothes and glared down at Judy. "Fuck yeah, that's it..." he exhaled, a growl at the back of his voice. He could see Judy was shivering as well. "So? How is it?"

No sooner had Judy stripped out of her underwear did she feel a wave of burning heat pass through her system. "Oh god... Coal, fuck..." she groaned. It felt like every inch of her was on fire, waves of heat radiating from her pussy throughout her tiny little body. She was shaking she was so horny. Her nipples were already rock solid, and she gripped onto Bogo's desk, leaning forward, trying to get stable, but she could feel her pussy throbbing between her soft little thighs, dripping and oozing uncontrollably. She could watch strands of clear, sticky juices trickle down through the air, landing on the office tile below, before another glob of wetness began to drool down and take its place, the tide never seeming to end. "Wh... What is this?" she moaned.

"Bunnyheat?" Coal asked with a cocky grin. "It's a sex drug, if you couldn't tell. Mostly used for mammals with low libidos, like pandas. They say it's supposed to give you a rabbit's sex drive."

Judy could hardly breathe she felt so hot and horny. "So... when you use it on a rabbit...?"

Coal just let his paws trace down her back, but even that slight touch of his claws on her spine made her gasp and moan, another wave of pussy juice soaking into her thighs and lips. "You're not supposed to use it on rabbits. They say it's too dangerous, even for a street drug. Just wait until it really kicks in."

Judy's eyes opened wide. "Wait, what do you- Ohhh!" she started, but was cut off when she felt another wave of heat, hotter and more intense than anything she'd felt yet. She didn't think the bunnyheat could get worse, but it doubled her over, her pussy leaking profusely, a faucet of boiling hot need, her womb aching, her lips burning. She couldn't think straight. She could barely speak. There was only one thing on her mind. "Cock! I need your cock, Coal! Please!!!"

Coal couldn't resist the sound of Judy begging for him like that. With a simple push, he laid her out onto Bogo's desk and easily twisted her around on her back. Immediately, instinctively, she looked up at him, her mouth hanging open and tongue panting out, gasping for air, her thighs spreading wide and her ankles shooting up, presenting her leaking cunt for Coal's fat, throbbing dick.

"As you wish," he said simply. Then, he pushed forward. But he didn't split open her tight bunny snatch and give her the relief she wanted just yet. Instead, he slapped down his cock on top of her body. Both were amazed at the sight. With his naturally large endowment, the size difference of their species, and the slight enhancements of the super-boner from Bonnie's oil, The length and thickness of Coal's dark cock nearly spanned the entire length of Judy's torso. They both knew she could take it all - she had before, plenty of times - but looking down and seeing how much of her body would be ravaged by that dick sent a predatory thrill through Coal's body. And looking up and seeing that massive slab of cock dominate nearly her whole body, her little face staring at the throbbing tip, only made Judy hunger for it more.

She couldn't stop herself. Every feral instinct in her body screamed for that cock. Judy wrapped her hands around the thick flesh as best as she could, her feet reaching out to massage at the knot, and her tongue shot out to slaver at the throbbing meat. She was desperate for it, her tongue coating every last inch of the shaft, mind numb to everything except the burning in her loins and Coal's fat cock.

Coal eagerly watched Judy devour his meat as if she was the predator, her body acting on its own, the drugs and her rabbit sex drive taking over as slobbered on his cock before shoving the tip into her mouth, moaning like it was a life-saving antidote as she tried to choke it down, feeding it into her throat. Coal could only bite his lip as he felt Judy take more and more of it, any discomfort she felt completely ignored as her neck began to bulge with his girth. "That's a good girl," he growled above her. "Worship that big wolf cock."

Judy barely heard the command. Worshiping Coal's cock was all she lived for now. Even if it wasn't inside of her, just acting on her sexual impulses was enough to stave off the edge from her heated, oozing lips as she frantically sucked down that twitching shaft. The carrot oil heightened the sensations for Coal as well, and Judy's throat had never felt tighter, her tongue never more eager, each taste bud like an electric node as it swiped along the underside of his shaft, traveling down lower and lower toward his knot as she fed herself deeper.

The oil was definitely working its magic, though. Fooling around with Bonnie while on the oil was one thing, but Judy's eager desperation and horny, youthful vigor at the height of her breeding years was something else entirely. Coal had never had his dick sucked so ravenously before. It was as if Judy would rather choke on his cock than give it up for air. And he was already hissing in pleasure as he felt his first of many climaxes beginning. "Here it comes... Open wide..." he growled at her.

Judy's ears fell flat, her eyes rolling back with fluttering lids, and her mouth opened as wide as possible as she felt Coal's cock throbbing in her throat, his knot swelling before her eyes, preparing to unload into her. She groaned long and loud when she felt that first salty blast of wolf cum fill her belly, warm and sweet, everything her belly had been aching for. But on the carrot oil, there was simply too much cum for her to swallow, try as her throat might, stroking his shaft all the while.

Coal grunted, thrusting his hips forward, mashing her face into his knot, feeling her throat clench around his dick, but as his climax continued, he watched his cum bubble up out of the edges of her mouth, running down her cheeks and neck, oozing out of her nose from her sinuses. After several more moments, he felt her throat clamp down on him. His cum was blocking every one of her airways, not to mention his fat dick too. There was no way she could breathe. Yet she didn't move, the rabbit just trembling as her pussy leaked profusely onto Bogo's desk below, refusing to pull off of his cock until she had swallowed every last drop.

He did her a favor and pulled away, letting her fall back with a gasping cough mixed with a needy moan. Judy couldn't have stopped her fingers from quickly plunging into her cunt, beating at her clit while she relished the taste of thick wolf seed in her mouth. But Coal's orgasm was still ongoing, fed by the heavy throbbing from the oil, and he grinned above her as he hosed her down with his cock, each pulse of his shaft spurting a rope of warm, white cream across the rabbit's little body, coating her belly, oozing between her masturbating fingers over her cunt, soaking her breasts, and striping her face with a messy glaze of his jizz. Judy just moaned louder, massaging the cum into her fur, caking it on, bathing in it, basking in Coal's climax as the waves of bunnyheat only grew stronger.

With a ragged voice, Judy could only beg. "Coal! Dick me! Fuck me! Knot me! Breed me!" Coal had never seen Judy so desperate. She was writhing in horny agony, rolling in the pool of his cum, furiously masturbating as she pinched her nipple, groaning in pain as the only thing that could satisfy her burning need was Coal's fat cock in her. But with Bonnie's special oil only making each climax burn harder in his own cock, he was all too happy to oblige.

Stepping forward again, Coal grabbed Judy by the neck and pinned her body down, making sure she would be still enough to line up. But once his tip brushed against her entrance, parting her sweet folds, feeling waves of intense heat and profusely leaking bunny juice washing over the head of his cock, he couldn't resist her any more than she could resist him. He simply plunged forward, burying the length of his cock into her all at once with a wet slurp until he was up to the knot in her, stretching her wide, claiming her.

Judy gasped, her back arching as her eyes opened wide, finally feeling that sweet, sweet relief her body had been craving. At last, she was full of big wolf dick. At last, she could breathe, but thought was still useless to her. Her legs spread wide on their own, her body lurching forward, trying to hump and impale herself more onto Coal's fat cock. Coal likewise felt the comforting squeeze of Judy's tight pussy clamp around him at last. The heat in her body was incredible, and she had never felt so wet before, but it made it all too easy to start to grind forward, pumping his hips into her, fucking her without abandon right from the get-go. Already, Bogo's desk was rattling as the wolf's powerful body surged, claiming his best officer right on his own desk.

Every thrust was immensely satisfying for Coal, from the juices that squelched around his cock as he pounded into Judy's tight little pussy to the squeeze of her deepest regions on his shaft to the burning heat that fueled his lust to even greater heights. Judy's eyes could hardly focus, her mind unable to form words, only left spluttering and crying out in broken moans as the feeling of huge wolf cock ravaging her entire body ravaged every nerve ending she had. And yet it still didn't feel like enough. The heat that burned in her pussy felt unquenchable, and even as she was fucked over the edge to climax, her body shaking violently as she squirted all over Coal's knot and crotch, she still thrust herself forward, wanting his knot, wanting him to fuck her harder, wishing he could impregnate her and claim every last part of her body just to satisfy the infernal need deep within her womb. She didn't care if the entire force saw her panting and begging for wolf cock, if all of Zootopia saw her moaning like a bunny slut for this big predator dick, all she wanted was more of it.

Once her orgasm started, it felt as if it never ended, the tremors in her body and the force and volume of her squirting, spasming, clenching pussy redoubling with fresh waves of powerful climax, leaving Judy breathless and listless, impaled on Coal's cock. She was in utter heaven, and Coal could tell. There was an instinctive power that coursed through his veins with every thrust, the power of utterly dominating such a small mammal, a helpless prey species female gasping and mewling for his cock. It made his blood boil, his claws dig into her neck, his fangs bare, and his balls tighten, his cock screaming with each pulse. With a snarl, his climax gripped him again, and he felt a roar well up in his throat as his cum emptied into Judy's tight, hot little body once again. He shoved his knot into her, stretching her wide as she yelped and howled with desperate delight, dousing her insides with seed until it leaked out of the seal even, filling her completely and staining the table.

Coal's hunger for her wasn't slaked, though. It only intensified, consuming more of him. With a rough yank, he pulled his knot free from her pussy with a pop. Normally the rough release would have hurt Judy, but the burst of sensation just left her moaning, sending a jolt down her spine. Then, with just as much grace, Coal jabbed the head of his cock into Judy's tight, puckered asshole. He hissed with delight when he felt her body start to give for him, that tight heat stretching around his mast while he plunged into her, eased by the carrot oil and the slop of their various fluids that covered Judy's body. Judy could hardly differentiate between the new sensations, only feeling the aching relief of a fat cock plunging into her and wanting more of it, whimpering and groaning as it filled her body more and more, stretching her asshole wide around Coal's fat dick. Eventually, with a loud moan of satisfaction from both, Coal sank his knot into her eager little butt.

Without missing a beat, Coal was back to fucking Judy, ravaging her as he tugged his knot out of her tight, perky butt only to slam it back in, growling with delight. The desk shook and rattled beneath him, each thrust of his knot inside of her knocking the wind out of her as he only grew rougher and more aggressive. His claws dug into her neck, but the sharp points only further heightened Judy's sensation of being fucked raw and hard, pounded into a paste by the big wolf utterly dominating her. Likewise, the feeling of knot-fucking the little rabbit's ass was the most relief Coal could possibly squeeze out of Judy's body in his state of overwhelming arousal. But unlike Judy, his mind was intact, and he was free to enjoy her nonsensical babbling, her mindless desperation for cock as she writhed and begged for him, climaxes wracking her body one after the other.

"That bunnyheat's good stuff, eh?" Coal said with a smirk as he continued to pin Judy down, fucking her ass wantonly with his engorged knot. "You can't even find the words to beg for my dick." He hissed in delight once more, biting his lip as he felt the tingles of another orgasm in his balls, the rattles of the desk becoming louder as they mixed with the pops of his knot in Judy's butthole and her wailing cries of orgasmic bliss. "Fuck, you're going crazy. They say rabbits can get addicted to this shit. The high is so good, it just makes them want to fuck constantly, even after it wears off. They stop going to work and seeing friends and family. All they want is the biggest cocks they can get their holes around. But I think you'd like that, wouldn't you?" he taunted, dragging another claw along Judy's nipple, the slight new sensation causing another howling scream to rip from her throat as her pussy gushed over Coal's belly, her own body, and the desk below, Bogo's office starting to become a mess of their mixed fluids as Coal buried his knot inside Judy's ass once more, dumping his steaming cumshot deep inside her body, grunting and growling with his own satisfaction.

With as much ceremony as before, Coal yanked his knot out of Judy's ass with a pop that wracked her spine as she arched her back, unable to feel pain, only pure ecstasy. And then, Coal simply shoved himself back into her pussy, humming with cool relief as he felt the comparatively easy slide into her sloppy, ravaged lips, until his knot popped back into her, the tip of his cock kissing her cervix once more.

But with his sharp ears, he couldn't escape the sounds of the world around him. There was nothing inside the station, no threat of being discovered, especially this late at night. But there were voices outside. Shouts. Orders. Broken glass. Coal grinned.

"It's starting," he told Judy.

Picking her up, it was easy to position her on her stomach. It was even easier to carry her suspended only by his cock lodged so deep in her, barely having to steady her with a hand until they reached the window behind Bogo's desk. Coal yanked up the blinds and pressed Judy's face into the glass, where her hands rested on the sill. Coal didn't need to hold her up with anything else. Her legs dangled in midair, her arms held her up as she stared out the window, and his cock continued to pump into her pussy, keeping her ass angled high while he slammed his knot into her again and again. Through the doubling and redoubling orgasms, Judy's eyes caught glimpses of what was happening outside. Predators were on the loose. Riots. Overturned cars. Fights with cops. Torched police cruisers. It was big, organized. Something was happening.

"This is the last piece of the puzzle," Coal said to her. "Getting this data from Bogo's computer, and all the weapons we're gonna loot on our way out, are just what the predators need to finally fight back after being treated like monsters for so long." He watched just as she did, his hips slamming into her as roughly as ever, relishing the adrenaline of fucking a small prey animal senseless while the riots raged outside. "The predators are finally going to get what we deserve, and the prey are going to listen and follow instead of pushing us around. And you were how it all happened, Judy. If it weren't for you, this never could have come true."

Judy couldn't tell if it was a rare moment of shocked clarity, or if she was actually reaching new heights of being high as hell, but she listened and understood. She saw the violence raging outside, the lawless anarchy, and everything clicked into place. Coal had seduced her so that all of this could come to pass. Her lust for predator cock would lead to the downfall of Zootopia as she knew it, and the predators would take over as the new masters. And certainly, other prey species just like her would be forced to submit and obey. And it was all her fault.

She saw predators approaching the station grounds, climbing over the fences as they moved toward their goals. They hadn't seen her yet, but honestly she wouldn't care if they did. This would be her legacy. She was once the hero of the Night Howler Crisis, and the face of justice in Zootopia. Now, she would likely only be remembered as the rabbit whore whose addiction to wolf cock caused her to betray her own people. If she ever got caught, that was.

"What do you think?" Coal asked, continuing to slam his knot into her, wracking her body with a lifetime's worth of pleasure with each thrust that seemed to reshape her around his massive, perfect dick.

Judy stared on at the developing riot outside, but she didn't hesitate on her answer. She knew it was the only answer she could give. That this all was inevitable. There was only one path for a bunny like her.

"I love it!" she cried out. "I don't care what happens out there, Coal! Just don't stop fucking me! Make me into your little rabbit slut! Your predator-cock whore! I'll do anything you ask! Just as long as I can ride your dick for the rest of my life!!!" she wailed. And with the final, full admission of that, Judy felt free at last. No more pretenses. No more secrets. No more barriers. She didn't want to be a cop. She didn't want to be a hero. All she wanted was to serve predator cock.

The climax that overwhelmed her body was truly mind-breaking. Her tongue hung out of her mouth, her eyes rolling in their sockets, her body visibly squirting and spurting her juices all over Coal and the office behind her. She didn't care if the predators outside saw. She almost wanted them to. If it turned them on, if it was another way she could serve the predators and be their slutty bunny, she wanted to do it. Soon, her vision was overtaken by blasts of stars as she felt Coal start to cum in her as well. He didn't stop slamming her into the glass, his knot pumping into her all the while his oozing, gooey seed started to fill her up, leaking out of her stretched and abused pussy, Bogo's office truly trashed as evidence of the couple's wild, rabid, raunchy sex stained nearly every surface.

Coal wasn't nearly done with her yet. There was still a long night ahead for both of them. He had done most of his job, and he had promised Judy the opportunity for a hot and heavy farewell. He wanted to make sure she got it. One last chance to say goodbye to her old life as Zootopia's star cop before she started her new life with him. He aimed to savor it.

Judy, however, was riding on the high of her life. Not just from the drugs. There was something more. A drug that had entered into her system and made her an addict for life. And as the riots raged outside, she knew she would be getting overdoses on this new drug every day for the rest of her life. Zootopia would never be the same. And it was all because she was hopelessly, completely, and shamelessly addicted to wolf cock. She didn't care what happened to the other prey animals she used to protect. She would do anything if it meant Coal would fuck her slutty rabbit brains out for the rest of her days.

The riots only grew more intense outside, with sound of conflict, smashing metal, shouts of violence reaching the fucking pair inside the station. But as the night wore on, the sounds of their roars of dominance and shrieks of orgasmic submission could reach those outside as well, mixing into a perfect cacophony that would define what was to come.

When Judy recovered, it was from Coal yanking his knot out of her, fishing his pants back up, still holding her aloft. "C'mon, get your stuff together. It's high time we got the hell out of here." He did grin though as he waggled his dick at her, still hard, before stuffing it in his pants. "You can finish this up at our new place together."

Judy just nodded. She didn't care where Coal was leading her. She would follow him anywhere. Looking around at Bogo's office, she couldn't help but smile at how utterly trashed it was: lamp knocked over, desk out of place, chair tipped, blinds disheveled, and splatters her squirt and semen covered everything like a bomb had went off, puddles dripping off the desk and onto the floor below. If this was the kind of chaos Coal was going to bring into her life, she only wanted more of it.

Half-dressed, the two made quick work of the station: Bogo's safe, the armory, and the evidence room were all that was left untouched, and were quickly cleaned out. Guns, ammo, drugs, and other evidence were all loaded into bags. And apart from the copious amounts of DNA left behind, the couple left just as quickly and inconspicuously as they came.

Judy didn't look back. Behind her, the riots were approaching the station. She could hear breaking glass. Shouts of fire. But the only burning she felt was in her loins, eager for round two with Coal's big, hungering cock. And her eyes were locked upward, staring up at the face of the man she would set the city ablaze for.