Final Eggnancy VII: Epilogue

Story by Tremerre on SoFurry

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Sepiroth has been defeated in this 4th installment of our hero's journey. But what comes after for a pair of Lovers who saved the world? Thanks again to Wolfbird47 for the inspiration!

It was a Month after Cloud's unanimous win at the Glamorous Hen Show, and also a couple of weeks after Tifa was lifetime banned from Chocobo racing due to the use of "performance enhancers". Tifa remained bitter about this while brooding the eggs they had laid to date, a clutch of 5. "Its not fair, Cloud! The buck chocobo said, normally perfectly suited to egg sitting duties, which they both shared and enjoyed. But lately Tifa had been on edge. "TIFAA!!" a call came from the farmhouse, and Tifa Eeped, looking at Cloud as he ate breakfast. "Mind taking over, Love?" She said, with more than usual dread in her voice.

Cloud looked hurt. "You have another hen or something?" He said after swallowing his feed genuinely contrite. "Oh No Baby, no! I love sitting on our eggs as much as I love sitting on you!" She winked before Marlene called much closer, the human female who now ran the ranch they lived on for the most part. "Milking time TiFA: You can't hide forever!" Tifa stood up, her head looking for a way out just as the far electric door closed, meaning there was but one way out, now blocked by a dusky woman with what looked like a sex toy in one hand.

Tifa was one of the Champions that beat Sepiroth, and physically Marlene was no match for the Buck Chocobo that Tifa had become. But Marlene was clever, and knew her friend from years of running the ranch together. As she advanced down the isle Tifa squeaked and jumped straight up, her legs quivering as she had one leg each on a rafter overhead, her talons made for running, not grasping, her body fortuitously mostly hidden by hay bales. Cloud sighed, moving over the nest, and nudging the eggs, settled down, the familiar comfort of brooding taking over as Marlene's head poked around the stall's entrance.

"Good Morning!" Cloud said trilling, a sound that pleased the feral part of his mind, a sound that Chocobos made, and it just felt good to act like the hen he was now. "Good Morning, Cloud, how's the eggs?" Cloud's head feathers puffed up a bit as he gave another trill of happiness. "Won't be long I think, they are moving in the shell, but not pecking yet." Cloud said, as one of his chicks demonstrated this, felt under him as a source of joy. Few Human mothers could be gestating 5 kids at once, but here he was, feeling each egg wobble a bit, as if to reassure their mother of their health.

"Great! Chocobo eggs do tend to hatch all at once, despite there sometimes being a week between the first and last laid, so don't be surprised as they all hatch within a hour." Marlene said, thoughtfully. "By the way, you seen Tifa?" She said with an all too innocent look that said far more than what she actually said. But above Cloud, Tifa was doing her best to keep a balance in a pose that a human gymnast would have trouble keeping, her legs out at almost right angles, unable to keep herself perfectly still as a single feather dropped from her chest, she made a stab at catching it, but it dislodged another, and it fell, not in a hurry as feathers do, but totally giving away her position.

Marlene noticed the Green feather, and looked up, and the gig was up. "AHA! There you are!" And for all that Tifa was a hero, and the most buff Chocobo on the farm, she squeaked like a little girl. "Time for milking, TiFA: " The large, green Chocobo simply shook her head, unwilling to come down. "Come on, we have tried the mounting block, and tried the other Male's seed. Yours and Yuffie's is the only ones that work." Cloud shook his head, knowing there was more than "Milking" involved. "Hey, what's up?" Cloud said, unwilling to see Tifa so upset. "Cloud, we have made a copy of the Materia that Aeris gave us. Yuffie was kind enough to abstain from sex a few days and allow her mate to lay unfertile eggs to be experimented on." She paused, "You might as well come down, TiFA: " She called out, exasperated, before looking back to Cloud "The copies have a flaw though, the transformation is not permanent for one, and it needs two ingredients to activate, eggshell from the female.." Marlene said before being interrupted "And Semen from a male!" Tifa squeaked, yet unwilling to come down.

Marlene just nodded her head "It has to come from a Male who was transformed by Aeris's orbs too." Cloud nodded, looking up at his buff mate. "So, how do you milk her?" He asked, and Marlene produced the onahole, a representation of a Chocobo's cloaca and colon. There was a plastic condom wrapped around the end, and stuffed inside. "That does not look very attractive to me either" Cloud said. "I'm open to suggestions" Marlene said, and from above "How about leaving me alone?" Tifa said in a desperate voice.

Marlene sighed, putting down the sex toy. "Cloud, Tifa, I want you to see something, mind if I put the eggs in the warmer for just a bit?" Cloud nodded, and they shifted all 5 carefully, and Marlene smiled as one rocked in her hands as she placed it gently in the incubator. Cloud moved out of the way as his mate hopped down, legs a little shaky yet as Tifa moved between the toy and its owner, tempted to take it and relocate to another time zone at a very rapid rate.

Marlene just sighed, and beckoned the two to follow, making a hand gesture to be quiet as they moved atop of a large pile of hay, which shifted slightly under the trio's weight, but settled once they stopped, giving them a view over a wall, where one of Red's kits and Baretto were happily engaged with the other, Baretto sucking off the Kit, both grown males. Cloud whispered "When I layed a egg in his lap, he did not even have a erection, I had my suspicions there, but what does this have to do with us?" Cloud whispered. "Wait" Was all Marlene said watching as they turned around, and it was the Kit doing the sucking as Baretto poured some dirt on himself from a pouch, rubbing it on his face and into his chest as he started to grow feathers. He came as he transformed, changing into a female Chocobo as Cloud had done, and Red's kit licked his muzzle as he moved to mount the newly minted female.

"See?" Marlene looked over at her friends, confident they had seen what she wanted, only to find Tifa mounted on Cloud "What, was kinda hot?" Cloud said as his mate said not a word, happy to be in the hole she wanted to be. Marlene sighed, them remembered she had a extra condom handy "Here, we really need this, let me put it on you, Tifa, Pleeese?" She said with the best puppy dog eyes she could give her longtime friend. Tifa sighed and pulled out, and in a flash, the rubber was on, and Tifa parted Cloud's Cloaca, hesitant at first, then settling down to a steady fuck as Marlene's hands went to her crotch, hands inside her pants as she pleasured herself, drunk on the smell of her friends (and son's) randy Avian scent.

Cloud panted as he was fucked, but had thought to say "Why? Why do you need this?" As he felt the condom inflate inside him, as Tifa bit the back of his neck, holding his feathers in her own feral moment as she came. Marlene smiled as she took her fingers out of her pants, wet with her juices. "What Baretto rubbed on himself was from where you have been using the WC, Cloud. You and Tifa have been sexually active enough that most of the yard serves to activate the new materia, but for far less time than Tifa's donation does, fresh from the source." And she looked down at the two gay lovers, as the Canid one knotted and panted as he filled his lover as He shifted back to human, still knotted as the Canine rotated so they were butt to butt as Baretto was filled, audibly moaning in bliss.

Cloud looked back at his lover "Only once?" Which prompted another possessive pull on his neck as she fucked another half liter of cum into the condom, now pressing the inside of Cloud's rectum very pleasureably, any more and its removal might trigger his laying instincts, which was worth exploring later, but for now, he rested his head on his lover's neck as she breathed hard, coming off the second orgasm. Marlene smiled, patting her friend "Guess you don't mind Cloud doing the milking, huh?"

Tifa let go of Cloud's neck and dropping her lower jaw for what passed for a grin for the Transformed replied "I heartily approve, condom or no." She whispered as the lovers below parted, with a audible "Schlorp" as they cuddled in the afterglow, Baretto pulling a stable blanket over the two as they spooned. As Tifa pulled out as well, Marlene had to move fast, as the condom's head had inflated considerably, and Marlene had to catch it, or it would have pulled off the Avian's cock. She hefted her prize as they descended the bales gingerly. Marlene said as they walked back to Cloud's stall "There! You have it, what every trans person wants, and you have a near monopoly on its source! This is far bigger than winning at the track, or even being Hen of the year!" She exclaimed, waving the bag around in her excitement, the cum sloshing around within the condom.

As Marlene moved the eggs back into the nest, Tifa and Cloud discussed what this meant. They were indeed the first trans, interspecies couple after all. "I don't think this should be too available, but there is in my mind, no way I'd change back." Tifa said, nuzzling a rocking egg as she moved to sit on them. "Hold on a second, Tifa" Marlene said, then grinned as she stuck her hand into the mixture, her arm growing feathers. "Marlene!" Tifa exclaimed as Marlene smiled and showed off her earring, made of Chocobo Eggshell materia. "Wasn't just for my son, after all" She said, tying the condom just before her arms changed.

Marlene smiled just before her face changed, then stood up "The Transformation lasts a day, the first time, more if you have eggs to sit." The newly minted Black Chocobo, whose feathers would make any Raven jealous for years stood up. "Time to race, boss, winner gets round two on the hen." She said, winking at Cloud. Tifa grinned, Cloud's mine, and it'd be round three, but who's counting, slowpoke!" The two buff males continued to chat as they exited the barn, friends as close as sisters. Cloud settled on the nest, feeling the chicks settle, as his heartbeat was comforting to them, no doubt.

A few minutes later Baretto stuck his head in the stall, looking around "Seen Mom?" He asked. "She and Tifa left this." He pointed with his beak to the condom "Oh? Thanks Cloud!" He said, blowing him a kiss as he took the bag and ran off, making Cloud a bit confused, but happy to have been a help as he heard and felt a peck at an eggshell, then another. Cloud dared not move, as small chips of the eggshell were breached, and flaked off. He heard the first breaths of his chick as it stuck its beak outside of the hole it made, then proceeded to enlarge it as its neighboring egg started to peck. Soon all 5 eggs were in the process of hatching as Tifa and Marlene cruised in "Time to pay up, lover!" Tifa smiled, having beaten the temporary Chocobo. Cloud looked up at his lover, before reaching under him, pulling out a shard of eggshell as a quiet peeping could just be heard from the disturbed chick yet damp from hatching. Tifa's eyes went large as she hopped from one foot to the other before running off, yelling at full volume before moving out of range of the Materia embedded in her harness, hanging beside their nest. Tifa continued, warking excitedly at whoever and whatever she came across. "Does she realize.." Marlene said, wonder in her posture as the peeping increased in volume. "Does it matter?" Cloud said, as in awe as Tifa was, and just as happy.

Final Eggnancy VII: Hero's Destiny!

This is a story inspired by Wolfbird47's story about Chocobo Cloud. Hope you all have enjoyed reading it as much as I have enjoyed writing it! Tifa ran down the road on legs she was not born with. See seen through eyes that worked far better than...

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Final Eggnancy VII: The Angel Rises!

Part two for the request of Wolfbird47, thanks for the inspiration for this, and loving the characters makes it easier to write! Cheers! Cloud listened to the other Chocobo hens laying their eggs, and nestled closer to his own egg, freshly laid as...

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Final Eggnancy VII: Cloud's Chocobo Reckoning!

This Story was in response to Wolfbird47's request for my take on Cloud being a Chocobo hen. Thanks for the inspiration! Cloud Strife knew he was in trouble. The 7 feet of Sepiroth's sword embedded in his shoulder was not the first tell, but it...

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