Hollow Knight: Gruz Mother

Story by Axel Silverwolf on SoFurry

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#2 of Hollow Knight: Fucking Through Hallownest

The knight continues with his journey, only to encounter a huge swarm of gruzzers. Running away with only one mask away from dying, he manages to find safety, but trapped himself with the gruz mother, who has plans for him.

As the knight continued from where he left off, he eventually found himself descending deeper and deeper into the forgotten crossroads, he had managed to find himself encountering gruzzers... So many gruzzers for some reason. It was like an infestation from how many there were, getting rid of some of the gruzzers.

"..." The knight swatted and struck the crazed gruzzers as he tried to get away from them, but soon there were too many that they completely blocked off the way back while he wasn't looking.

The knight waddled away, striking any gruzzers that got too close to him, trying to find his way to safety, or at least a brief respite to focus and recover his health before one of those things killed him.

A few had managed to hit him as he jumped and ducked through many of them, weaving past the swarm as he tried to find a temporary safe haven for him.

He dropped down and tried to go to the left, only to see it was blocked off by a swarm of gruzzers, he looked back up to see that the gruzzers from earlier were still on his tail.

If he didn't try to find a way out soon, he wouldn't be able to find out why he was heading here in the first place, or even save anybody that he would encounter like the maggot he had saved... Plus he did promise that he'd come back safely, so coming back was not an option.

With no other choice, he went to the right and jumped into the next room, one of the maggots an inch from him as a gate saved him from being killed, closing off the entrance from behind him.

Unfortunately the exit to the room also had a gate closed, and it looked like he had to fight someone.

Seeing the very being he was supposed to fight, it was unexpected... Figure.

The boss was a gruz mother, who had woken up as the gates closed, and then giving a seductive look as she looked at the knight who had stumbled upon her trap.

The gruz mother had motherly wide hips, a bit of a belly, and big breasts to boast her status as a mother, her body was bare for him to see, making the knight inwardly find it ridiculous how she could survive in this environment in the first place considering her seemingly careless lack of preparation and safety in this place.

"Fufufufu, I never knew a knight like you would ever come here, it's been a long time since I've bred with someone. Like a moth to a flame, you've come right into my trap little one~" The gruz mother said as her womanly body got up to face him, towering over him as her pussy dripped with juices.

The knight prepared his nail, although he was one hit away from being wiped out, he wasn't going to lose, not with the promise he made at least.

The gruz mother leaped into his direction, with him jumping up and avoiding her as she crashed into the wall.

"Don't fight it, you're not fit to survive this environment, and I'd rather have you fresh, we'll overrun Hallownest with your seed~" The gruz mother said as she lunged for him again.

"..." The knight jumped again and bopped her head with his nail, causing her to get angry as she tried to hold her head with one of her many hands.

"Hmph... You're no gentleman at all... I like you, you're rough... Which means I don't have to be rough on you as well~" The gruz mother concluded as she got ready to attack again.

"...?" The knight was confused until she started jumping, using her body to slam herself vertically up and down the ceiling and floor, slowly closing in on him as he realized that he was gonna get cornered, pressing himself up against the wall.

"Fufufu... You're not escaping by pressing yourself against the wall, silly knight~" The gruz mother said as she slammed herself up and down the room.

"...!" The knight knew she was right, and as she slammed herself up the ceiling, he knew that this was his last chance, waddling away and out of the corner he trapped himself in before she could crush him.

The gruz mother was getting fed up at this point, and grew more frantic as she started to slam herself even more frantically.

"Hold... Still!" The gruz mother said as she tried to catch him.

The knight barely dodged her as he tried to get away, seeing from the corner of his eye that she had stopped slamming herself onto the ceiling and made a beeline for him, going as fast as she could to crush him on the gate.

Jumping up, he managed to avoid her one last time before she crashed into the gate, causing her to get dazed.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the knight started focusing, healing himself with the soul he had generated hitting the gruzzers and her earlier.

"You... That hurt! Why you... I'll spare you if you just give up now-" The gruz mother turned around only for the knight to leap and start hitting her with the nail repeatedly.

The gruz mother cried out in pain as she fell onto the ground, with the knight following after her and hitting her again and again.

"Owwww!!! N-Noooooo!!! S-stooooooop!!!" The gruz mother cried out as she tried to beg him.

The knight didn't stop however and kept hitting her, but before he could deliver the final blow, he saw what had made him see that she wasn't infected like the others... She was crying.

The gruz mother was crying as she looked at him with fear now, replacing the lust and desire in her eyes earlier, and remembering how the maggot had begged him not to kill her.

"Y-You're... S-So mean... *sniff*.... I only wanted to get a new insect horde... I-Is that even too much to ask...?" The gruz mother cried.

The knight stayed his nail, before dropping it, questioning himself if he had gotten carried away.

The gates opened, the gruzzers didn't seem intent on entering as their mother cried.

"G-Go... Y-You're not welcome here anymore... You're... You won't even be fit to be a father with how abusive you are..." The gruz mother said, making the knight even more guilty.

The knight, feeling bad about what he had done, even though he was doing it out of pure need for survival, decided he would at least try to make her feel that he was sorry, leaving his nail behind so he wouldn't fear her and got on top of the gruz mother before hugging her.

The gruz mother continued to cry, as she tightened her hold on him... Too tight.

"...!" The knight squirmed as he realized he was being held in her grip, trying to escape as he looked at her face again, looking in horror as her face went from being horrified to lustful once again.

"Fufufufufu... You really are a naive little one aren't you? A few tears and you let your guard down, and leaving your nail too, how generous~" The gruz mother gloated as she took the knight's cloak off and leaving him naked, and then using her thicc thighs, she started to give him a thighjob.

"...!!!" The knight flailed around, trying his best to escape her, but the several hands wrapped around his body prevented him from escaping. His squirming wasn't helping either as he unintentionally thrusted between the soft thighs of the gruz mother, causing him to precum.

"Fufufu, keep squirming, I love to see cute little bugs like you go insane with my body, those were the golden days. Imagine my delight when after all these years, a sane male has come upon my lair~" The gruz mother said, continuing to grind his cock on her thighs as she watched him writhe and wriggle underneath her.

The knight was beginning to be overtaken by the lust he could feel, feeling his cock continue to get stimulated by the motherly figure as his resistance fell short and he started to thrust into her thighs willingly.

"Fufufufu... Just like all males from before, none can resist my body, including you~" The gruz mother said as she finally let him go, with him thrusting in the air as she held him by the head with one hand.

"..." The knight needed to fuck! He was being blue balled by this bitch and he was slowly becoming soft as he tried to fuck her, but his cock was out of reach.

"Oh? Now you want to fuck me? Well what makes you think that I'd let you now that YOU want it hm?" The gruz mother asked him as she held him.

The knight was borderline going to cry at this point, and the gruz mother, seeing how cute he looked, decided to spare him, putting him down as his cock stood up in the air.

The knight struggled as he tried to get up, he wanted to pin her down and fuck her, breed her like she had wanted earlier, but was pinned down by her weight as she lowered herself near his cock, rubbing her pussy up against it, teasing him as she grew excited.

The gruz mother's pussy didn't look like any other pussy too, from where he could see below her, her cunt had several nubs that were specifically made for massaging cocks.

The knight thrusted up in hopes of driving his cock in, only for her to keep rubbing up against it.

"Mmm... It's been so long... I've almost became insane... Can you imagine it? Fufufufu, of course you can't... My babies may have gotten infected, but they haven't harmed me, they were the perfect guards... But I've resolved myself to make more, to make pure gruzzers and flourish in Hallownest once more... And this cock of yours will help me~" The gruz mother said before suddenly slamming herself onto his cock.

"...!!!" The knight tensed up from the sudden spike in pleasure, grabbing her thighs and flailing his head around from the sudden weight and pleasure he was suddenly feeling, the experienced pussy of the gruz mother was practically trying to suck the cum out of his cock, the pussy walls massaging it expertly as the nubs rubbed up against the sides of his cock.

The gruz mother was delighted to see his reaction, thrusting her pussy up and down as she lowered her upper half closer to him, bending down and making him touch her tits.

The knight eagerly did so, squeezing her tits and kneading them in his stubby hands, loving the way his hands got buried into them as he squeezed.

"Hah... What an eager and horny male... Reminds me of the good old days... I wonder how many more males are willing to breed me~" The gruz mother wondered, before taking his hands and making him grab her ass.

The knight gripped her ass tightly, wanting to cum inside her as he used his hands to slam her pussy down harder each time she slammed herself, and even shaking her hips and trying to find a good angle to have him poke her g-spot.

"Ngh... You're thrusting really hard... You're enjoying this aren't you? Don't you just wanna make me a mommy?~" The gruz mother teased him.

The knight's eyes shined for a bit, overpowering the gruz mother as he pressed her up against a wall and started thrusting against her, causing her to wrap her small arms against him as she loved how a small male was being dominant with her.

"Yes! Give me... Give me your babies... Impregnate me... Make me yours... You'd like that won't you?... Huff... Impregnating me over and over...?" The gruz mother barely said as she panted, watching the knight go ham on her cunt.

The knight couldn't think of anything else, there was nothing more important now than to impregnate her, teach her a lesson on tricking him despite the mercy he showed her earlier.

The knight looked up at her, pulling out for a second and using his small hands to reach over to her shoulders and making her lean down for a sweet tongue kiss.

The gruz mother was surprised, despite her elongated snout, nobody had kissed her before, causing her eyes to turn into hearts as she had never been passionately kissed before.

The knight's cock twitched against her chubby belly as he parted their tongues, a long, thin strand of saliva connecting the two before the knight shoved his cock inside again, causing gruz mother to give off a high pitched moan as the knight continued to fuck her again.

"N-No fair... You... You took my first kiss and end it just like that!? Come here... I... You better take responsibility!" The gruz mother said as she used her long tongue to shove it into his mouth again.

The knight happily obliged, squeezing one of her tits in one hand, and holding her hand in another as he sucked on her tongue, gyrating his hips as he drilled into her.

The romantic gesture of kissing was too much for the gruz mother as she got closer and closer to cumming, she never knew having any sort of romantic caresses and kisses on her body would enhance the feeling of intercourse so much... It was an addictive feeling for her.

"No... I... I'm gonna cum... Hah... Don't you dare cum outside or I'll crush you~" The gruz mother threatened.

"..." The knight was not going to intend to do that, releasing her from their kiss before burying his head into her soft, chubby belly as he began driving his cock in harder and faster.

"Here... Here it comes... A-AHHHHHHHHHHHNNN!!!" The gruz mother cried out, letting her cries of pleasure ring out as the gruzzers buzzed to see what the noise was.

The knight pulled out of the gruz mother's cunt as cum oozed out of her like a waterfall, looking dreamily at him.

"At last... At least my species will be saved... Thank you noble knight... Even if I tricked you, you've given my species a chance, a chance of being uninfected... I tried to convince anybody that I met that I wasn't infected but they wouldn't listen to me... But you did... Thank you... You may go now, I won't forget what you've done. I will let my babies know of you, even if they remain fatherless... Huff..." The gruz mother said, making the knight feel an aura that only a mother could have.

But was abandoning her in this place really a good option? Especially when she was pregnant? The knight thought about this before tugging on one of the gruz mother's hand.

"Oh? You want to stay here for longer?~" The gruz mother said in her seductive tone again.

The knight shook his head and pulled on her hand again.

"Oh! You want to take me to your nest? How generous... You've fallen in love with me haven't you? I suppose I could entertain the idea... You can take me every night from now on if that's what you like <3. Very well, take me, take me to our new home~" The gruz mother assumed the knight was proposing marriage or something, but the knight shook it off, as long as she remained safe he was fine with it.

As he left with the gruzz mother, the gruzzers seemed to follow, although infected, they were docile, and didn't seem to intend to kill him like earlier, in fact, it felt like they were guarding them. The knight didn't mind as long as they never had any killing intent, and went on their way to dirtmouth.


"Hoh! Now these are a lot of guests! Unfortunately I can't fit them in the houses, but I do know of some nearby dens here in dirtmouth, they'll be safe there. Come come, I have plenty of honey stocked in one of the dens" Elderbug said, feeling suspicious of some of the gruzzers being infected... But as long as they didn't harm anyone, he was fine with that.

The gruz mother turned toward the knight with gratitude.

"Thank you dear knight, now let us go to our new home, and commence our true love making~" The gruz mother said gratefully, although with a sultry tone.

"..." The knight shook his head, although he blushed inwardly.

"What...? Oh I get it, you want to become strong to protect me aren't you?" The gruz mother assumed.

"..." The knight nodded, taking that as a good enough excuse so he could go back to exploring the forgotten crossroads.

"Very well then, but don't you dare talk to that... That Salubra! She'll seduce you! And force you to impregnate them! Just... Just don't have sex with anybody. You are mine after all, and we'll have many gruzzers to come~" The gruz mother said, before leaving to claim her place in one of the dens.

The knight sweatdropped at the thought of how hypocritical the gruz mother was, considering she had tried to do the very same thing to him earlier. Although he started shivering at the thought of several gruzzers calling him daddy, he wasn't ready for a responsibility like that.

He didn't know who this Salubra was, but he would probably find out soon enough, and jumped back into the forgotten crossroads.

Next on the list will probably be Elder Baldurs next time. I think I'll give the Elder Baldur a bully personality, not sure yet.

Hollow Knight: False Knight

In wilds beyond they speak your name with reverence and longing, For none could tame our lustful souls yet you the challenge met, Under the palest watch, you taught, we changed, base instincts were redeemed, A world you gave to bug and beast as they...

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