Ombra Nove Chapter 1 and 2
Suddenly a nord tries to strangle him but ombra got out a knife out and stabbed the nord in the thigh. "you have special talents i see, see if you can put up a good fight!" the nord said.
The Spark
Folcwine growled as he bashed a fellow nord in the face with his shield from his left he heard 'you'll make a fine rug, cat!'
The Stormcloaks have found victory across the land
This is what every true nord lives for!' 'yes, but in the meantime, let's say we get some rest?' 'a good idea, after you love.' he replied when they got inside, they simply lay down on their bedroll and were asleep in moments.
The Elder Scrolls V : Skyrim Chapter 3
Ralof, being a nord native of skyrim, was used to the cold as he confidently pushed forward, seeming both very calm at ease strolling through an empty cave.
TotK - Forums - The Nord and the Khajiit
Forum - the nord and the khajiit i am a proud nord of skyrim and have never had much use for khajiits. i always felt they were nothing but a bunch of lowlife theives, and those trading caravans were just a way of selling their illegal wares.
Skyrim Saga: A Nord and a Khajiit walk into an Inn
You don't disrespect a woman, and you don't insult your guests - it's not the nord way.' 'guests?' s'fara frowned 'that's what you out-landers are, guests.
Slave of Alduin Chapter 1
A legendary dragon, how humans called them. he was thinking so much that he didn't half of their dialogue.
A proposal, a Dovah and a Daedra
Folcwine began but then a large nord man wearing the armour of a bandit charged past, brandishing a great-sword he and s'fara watched in awe as the stranger battled the dragon and with one final strike, felled it.
ch 2
Not only that but it was a a color none of the nord ledgends spoke of. the beasts hide was a light amber!" the nords walked away one saying "hes crazy". i prodded the couriers mind and said _"where did you see this dragon?"
I lift my head, gazing back at the nord. "home?" i reply, the heaviness of the cold air filling my lungs. he nods. "do you not have a home, khajiit?" he questions, an oddly genuine tone in his voice. "my home is this plane.
Of blood and silver
Folcwine stood awkwardly before Jarl Ulfric, who despite casually reclining on his throne gave off an aura of intense energy. 'So, you are Folcwine of Falkreath, Thane Beorns' son?' 'As he was, lord, yes.' 'Yes, "Jarl" Siddgier has much...
Shadow of the Clouds Prologue
The khajiit nodded at the nord and streaked to the left in a great arc, the nord continued straight and then began to zig-zag to the right causing a few pursuers to break off.