Dropping the soap
When the puma boy made her drop the soap she had just used to coat and wash his throbbing manhood she actually didn't mind picking it up. Nevertheless it wasn't an easy task as the bar slid away from her probing paw so she had to turn around to grab it near the drain. He hissed hoarsely beholding her bending over all the way to the ground, supporting herself with one arm, grabbing the soap with the other. His strained penis dangled so preciously close to her rear it wasn't easy to resist. Eventually he failed to.
Her cry of surprise caught her off guard and she barely managed not to topple over as the puma raked his claws over her buttocks, running his fingers through her neatly trimmed fur, soaked with water and shampoo. She bit her lower lip as he commanded her to stand tight, fingers exploring her pussy lips, spreading them to reveal her pink flesh to his sight. Probing fingers all over her ass crack, her pussy and tail base. Circling around her anus his interest finally settled towards penetrating her back entry. She listened to his simply stated remark that he would fuck her ass all while she maintained the straining position all while the warm water ran down her frame. She felt his hands stroke up the muscular tights while she sensed him move into position, standing on the sides of the shower tup. When she felt his tip push onto her tight passage she instinctively pushed back while relaxing her anus as best as she could.
Damn, she was tight he mused as he pressed onto and finally into her. He was glad he had avoided the still pouring stream of water so there was still plenty of soap foam covering his cock. Given enough time he would have preferred better lubrication but there was only room for so much reason given this tease of cheetah girl who had surprised him in the shower earlier. After all she had to know the risks... he would teach her. He grinned hearing her moans getting louder as he pushed past her tight muscle ring.
It had been a matter of moments until she came to savour the slight release of him being buried deep within her bowels, her ass hole felt so strained and she knew she would be sore later either by the friction or the soap, possibly by both. She heard him reaching for the shower cabin's sides to support himself paws pressed onto the semi opague acrylic glass. Then he moved. It felt so good, she mused as he pulled out, slowly reducing her discomfort just until his hips surged forward again and her lips escaped a muffled moan of lust. Soon there was more moaning and surging as the cougar began to fuck the cheetah with long powerful strokes.
They didn't regard the outlines of the fox jacking off on the other side of the shower cabin until much later.