Mirror Match

Story by Zumiumi on SoFurry

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Wow, I already wrote another one. Who coulda seen that coming? I hope nobody grew too attached to Garrett from my 1st story because this time it's his balls in the firing line.

Contains harsh ballbusting and castration. Read at your own risk!


NAME: Garrett

SPECIES: Mightyena




NAME: Mikayla

SPECIES: Mightyena




"Mirror Mondays? That's really the gimmick they're going with?" Garrett sighed, looking at the info sheet detailing his next match. He on a bench in the locker room, legs splayed to either side, giving his hefty hangers some room to breathe.

"Hehe, stupid right? Apparently some big-shot in charge of organizing figured it would be a good way to drum up some some interest on the off days." His friend Carrie, a delcatty, stood in front of him, fiddling around with something in his locker and inadvertently batting his tail into the canine's chest. "I don't know how that's supposed to work, but it's something new. A true battle of the sexes- same species, same movesets, a totally even playing field." He turned and grinned to his companion. "Except one of you has balls, and the other one's gonna be trying to make you... uh, not have them."

The kitty's never had a way with words, but the sentiment was true enough. It would be a pretty even match with the exception of what either fighter had between their legs, and no doubt that would be a pretty big factor in who came out on top. Garrett wasn't prone to pre-fight jitters, but he had to admit to himself the whole thing wasn't an enticing prospect. Still, it was another payout, and that's pretty hard to turn down...

"Hmmph. Whatever." Garrett grunted and folded the slip of paper up, tucking it into his locker and heading for the showers. "How hard can it be to beat myself?"


Evidently, it was pretty hard.

"Fuck!" Garrett's normally low and rumbly voice jumped up a pitch as he narrowly avoided another Chomp aimed right at his swollen sack, only to be rewarded with his opponent's skull thwacking it hard on the follow-through. He tumbled halfway over and then recovered his footing, dropping to a knee and staring down his opponent as she wheeled around and dropped into a low stance, simply staring down her opponent with a devious glint in her eyes.

It was Garrett's first chance to look her over since the bell was rung, and if there was any consolation to the beating he was taking it was that it was being done by a pretty sexy 'Mon. Unlike the sturdy, broad-shouldered male Mightyena, Mikayla was short and lean, her scruffy fur creating the appearance of size that wasn't really there. Her chest wasn't anything special, but was distracting enough for any poor guy who found himself opposite her in the ring, and her finely muscled legs contained a lot more power behind them than one would expect at first glance. Garrett's swollen sack could attest to that first hand.

The fight had started like any other for the gruff dark-type; he stanced up and waited for his opponent to make their first move, and when they did he would counter-attack and put an end to it in a few quick strikes. Practicing day in and day out on landing Assurance's with his training partner had paid its dividends in his other fights, but Mikayla soon proved to be another beast entirely. She moved remarkably quickly for a Mightyena, and fought with all the aggression of a 'Mon twice her size. Garrett could hardly get his own strikes in, and the frantic female scored 2 blows to his ballbag for every one he may have glanced off her abdomen. It was a sort of death by a thousand blows type of strategy that he wasn't prepared for, and after Arceus-knows how many minutes of it that fat black-furred nutsack was starting to feel more like a boxer's speed-bag than anything else.

As he caught his breath, still down on his knees, his junk swung low and plapped against his thigh. Mikayla's eyes narrowed, her lips curled into a savage grin, and she broke her stance without warning to lunge for the male once more. Though Garrett was ready for an attack, she once more moved far too quickly, his eyes following but his body lagging too far behind to react in time. So, he could only watch in horror as the wirey female dropped into a slide, her footpaw coming soaring in at mach 5 aimed direct between his legs-


It was a perfect hit. The smaller mightyena slid clear through Garrett's legs, her footpaw smashing like a missile into his swaying nads, distorting them under the force of the blow and then sending them swinging back with such force they smacked against the mightyena's behind, producing a devastating 1-2 punch of agony that made Garrett squeal like a poochyena. By the time he slumped over to the floor, the crowd was on their feet, roaring in applause for the female who was already back up and looking down at her opponent with that same villainous glare.

"Nngh, those things are feeling awfully ~squishy~." She cooed, stalking closer to the downed dog as he rolled onto his back and tried to scramble away from her, doing his best to ignore the intense pain radiating out from his bloated eggs. Fortunately (or perhaps unfortunately) for him, Mikayla seemed in no hurry to finish the job. She just continued to approach at a slow and measured pace, those deep red eyes glued to the battered balls bouncing around in that droopy sack. It was the kind of look that Garrett, as a mightyena himself, knew all too well. It was that of a predator staring down their prey, a predator who wouldn't be deterred until they got exactly what they wanted. Which in this case, would be turning those swollen plums into goo.

Garrett knew he had to react quickly, and so fighting harder through the pain he pulled himself back to his feet, adopting the best semblance of a combat stance he could under these circumstances. Mikayla paused, crossing her arms under her chest and flicking her eyes up to meet his, shooting a glare that made even the hardy canine shiver.

"Mmm, attaboy. It's so much more fun when they fight back." She snickered, running a hand through her scruffy fur to distract from the subtle change in her stance. She pivoted on her right foot and set her left leg back a touch, her muscles tensing ever so slightly as she readied her next attack. And by the time poor Garrett started to wonder why she wasn't getting, she was on him.


In the blink of an eye, the female had lunged forward and delivered a brutal sucker punch to his hanging 'nads, her fist impacting his right testicle head on. The rubbery sphere compressed into her fist, flattening out wafer-thin before flying free, his sack bouncing once more like a speed-bag. Garret couldn't shake the mental image even as a fresh wave of pain surged through his body. All he could conjure up in his agony-shrouded thoughts was a picture of his own bruised ballbag hanging there, taking a beating from a hundred fists at once and bouncing obscenely the entire time. It was rather unpleasant, but at the very least it distracted him somewhat from the pulsing pain inflicted by her fist. It didn't help him when she punched again though.


No sooner had his fuzzy pouch flopped back to a neutral position than Mikayla's other fist came soaring in, meeting his left teste head on and utterly obliterating it in the process. Mr. Lefty may have been the bigger nut, but in the Underground League that just means you're a bigger target, and even moving as fast as she was, Mikayla was deadly accurate. It didn't stand a chance. That squishy spunk-sphere seemed almost to vanish into nothingness, her punch carrying clear through his leg and sending his now partially deflated sack swinging free to the side, weighed down still by his severely swollen right ball.

A howl escaped Garrett's throat that was so high pitched he couldn't even tell it was coming from himself, and he collapsed in a heap on the floor. Mikayla raised her fist triumphantly, the very same fist that just left Garrett half a man, and basked in the adoration of the crowd. There was nothing that quite got the crowd going like a proper nutting, and though Mikayla had only managed to talk one of them out, she was plenty pleased with her performance. Now all that was left was to enjoy the attention from the audience some more, wait for Garrett to get whisked off to the pokécenter, and collect her winnings. Another easy win for-


A hush fell over the crowd, and Mikayla's eyes snapped to the right, settling on the other Mightyena's prone form. Perhaps the microphones just picked up a strange moan from the crowd? He didn't seem to be moving at-

"Mmguh... my nuts..."

No, that was *definitely* Garrett. Mikayla's smile turned to a maniacally grin as she watched him roll to his side, legs held together and eyes still shut as his body worked through the pain.

"Fuuuck... you broke... my nut..." He mewled, cradling his lop-sided ballbag while Mikayla approached.

"Yeah, I did, didn't I? Popped it like an Arceus-damned balloon." She let out a grunt that sounded a bit too much like a moan. "Shoulda seen the thing! Just fuckin' there one second and gone the next. Wonder what it feels like having half a sack of mush? Not that I'd ever know." She snickered, and kicked his one leg aside, making the canine yip and exposed his nethers again.

"And you wanna know what's funny? You coulda kept the other one if you just stayed down. Hell, maybe you would've had enough chunks left in there for a nurse to squish it all back into one piece!" She kneeled down, her footpaw coming dangerously close to that lone babymaker. "But you woke back up. Which means... I get to do this." She grinned, Garrett frowned, and he watched her fist come thundering in a third time-






B-Rank Blues

FIGHTER CARD NAME: Micah SPECIES: Torracat WIN LOSS RECORD: 9/3 SIGNATURE MOVE: Flare Blitz FIGHTER RANK: B NAME: Jenni SPECIES: Gogoat WIN LOSS RECORD: 15/0 SIGNATURE MOVE: Bulldoze FIGHTER RANK: B+ Micah could hardly believe he had...

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