Solis Chapter 3

Story by FurryExperiment on SoFurry

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#3 of Solis

Chapter 3 of Solis, please leave your feedback on the story. Every bit helps!

A lustrous sunset of blazing oranges and reds set over a eastward Leda sea. Islands poked out from the sea, all of which volcanic and tropical in nature. Vex looked out to it, feeling the soft sand beneath his paws. Not exactly enjoying the feel of it in his fur, knowing that somehow later some of it will track back onto the ship. Pumping music pulsed and curved its way through the air, laughing and conversations could be heard from hundreds of feet away. Vex felt a pit in his stomach meeting up like this though, even though he enjoyed parties it was almost always more so for the drinks and food than the people. He could easily socialize, he had to for work. But he never enjoyed it by any means. Always more of a requirement than a hobby.

Deciding it was time, he walked up to the beachfront. It was mostly a series of platforms built onto the beach and water. Lights of all manner of colors echoed off the tiled look, as greys and woods danced about the structure. Breaking up the monotony of what would be plain white. Palms grew out of the center, with flowers deep in rich color were planted in specific areas. Mostly on the edge leading into the platforms. White dotted lights glittered the bottom edge. Guiding every possible pathway.

Before Vex could reach the main walk, he was stopped by a human man. Towering over the leopard, built up and tanned skin. Crossed his arms to look down at him. "Name?" He asked calmly, tapping a finger on his bicep.

"Vex Kader. " He waited patiently as the bouncer pulled out a holopad to check his name, typing away and checking. With a nod he steps aside to let Vex through, "Welcome Mr. Kader. Food and Drinks are by the far pier."

Vex nodded his head to the bouncer, departing straight to the bar. Past faces he could barely recognize, but a few stares catching him off guard. It was so odd to be at such an informal party, not discussing affairs or possible jobs. Just people here to socialize. No matter, if anything maybe a little alcohol could loosen the tongue. Or perhaps get him just drunk enough to look like he's been there long enough. Bright and saturated neon lights of all colors bounced off his grey-teal fur, off the skin and fur of others, off the plants swaying gently in the tropical breeze. People danced as the music thumped, by this time Vex was over the water on the pier. Waking along the side toward the bar, as he sat down on the stool. The human bar tender of fair skin looked at him, polishing a glass.

"Alright watcha need?" He asks in a moderate tone, setting the glass in front of Vex with a clink.

Pinching his fingers in front of the tender, Vex asks for shot whiskey. "Having fun here?" He asks him, as he pours the shot into the glass. The smell of the alcohol gracing Vex's wide nose, satisfied with what he had before him. He takes a quick sip of the liquid, going down smoothly only with a slight burn. Hardly reacting to it. "Just got here."

The human nods and starts to polish another glass, not looking to the feline. "Fair enough, you need another drink lemme know. Seems like you got some catching up to do."

"Don't worry I plan to. Only thing parties are good for." He calmly says not paying attention to his surroundings as he took a sip.

"Vex! Haha shit you made it!" A booming voice bounced throughout the pier, Vex's ears lowered displeasure from someone interrupting his drink. Turning to see a very orange burly tiger, stripes criss-crossing over his white and orange face. Wearing long pants and a tight t shirt over his massive frame. "Zev.. its been a while." Vex says, ready to go back to his drink. But instead Zev sat next to him, placing his large feline paws on Vex's slimmer shoulder. A huge grin crossing the tiger's muzzle. "Man I'm surprised you made it, happy you did. Been years!"

"Yes well, that's what happens when people graduate. Go their separate ways."

"Come on, don't be a downer. Where ya been?" Zev asks, listening intently to Vex who at this point couldn't care. "All over really. Here, Earth, Mars, beyond to a few moons."

The tigers golden eyes widened as he tuned in. Intrigued as if he was a child listening to adventure fantasies. "Yeah? What were ya doing? Not everyone travels like that, and honestly. You pretty much dropped off the map, especially right after high." The tiger continued, with a paw leveled to his chest. Waving about as he talked. "Lot of us got worried, had to do a lot of digging to get ahold of ya. Glad I did."

He was almost amazed at the effort that was put into finding him. Why? This type of care wasn't shown before, but suppose people do grow out of that. "Hm.. well I guess it isn't terrible being here. But what have you been up to now Zev?"

Leaning back at the question, Zev smiled a bit. Ready to talk about his career of choice. "I'm now a production leader for Monts Mons Rapid-rail. We've been working on new magnetic rail lines from end to end on Ishtar, and hopefully soon other parts of Venus. But for now we have seas in the way of that."

Listening in Vex nodded as he listened to the tiger. Almost boasting about the companies achievements. "We've got the fastest passenger line on Venus, and debated in the system outside of the one in Cascadia. It touches every major town out of Ishtar City, and is looking to expand to possible settlement locations."

"You ever use it before?" He asks Vex, passionately waiting for an answer from him. "Uhh, no actually I just mostly use my ship to get around." Zev's ears lowered, almost a bit disappointed but understanding of Vex's answer. "Well, if you ever want or need to. I'll make sure first trip is on me. Really a very nice project."

"Thanks Zev.. I'll keep that in mind." Vex sipped on the whiskey, as the tiger talked about the rail line. Mostly for passenger usage, but some good transport as well. " He went on and on, as Vex tried to at least seem interested. In truth he couldn't care about the rail line, or magnets for that matter. As long as the drinks kept flowing however, Vex would be there at the bar. Listening to Zev. "Now you'd think about how we'd have to avoid lightening, especially in the summer time. With all the magnets and metal-"

Zev stops which gives Vex a brief moment of respite, breathing out and drinking heavily as the tiger looked to his side. "Vex! Vex Vex Vex-, this is my wife- Kaari." He says with a massive grin on his face, another tiger came up, large and feminine in build. Dressed in clothing meant to compliment her stripes and glowing amber eyes. Swishing her tail finishing up a conversation with the lass besides her. A shorter coyote, brown and tan in fur, with cinnamon like coloring on her muzzle, a supple form. Piercing Vex with her icy blue eyes. "Vex good to meet you!" The tigress says in a light and friendly tone, sticking a paw out for a handshake. Which Vex shakes with a slight reluctance, more focused on the canine next to her. "Guessing you went to school with Zev and Friday here?" She asks him. So that was her name, Friday, he thought that coyote looked familiar.

"Vex!" A shocked voice came from Friday, barely audible above the blasting music. With her eyes lighting up as the memories came back of the shy feline. "Vaguely remember you-" She seemed eager to catch up with the feline. Even if he wasn't sure of it himself. "Where have you been all these years?" Asking him as she seats herself on the stool next to him, fixing her Zev on his other end. "Mostly err.. freelance work, taking contracts around here and Earth. Mostly for either protection jobs or retrieval." Her ears perked and tilted, as she quickly tuned in. Like she was listening to an old friend, but the two hardly spoke before. He didn't expect this from much of anyone.

"So that includes..." With a inquisitive look, and a pivot of a barstool. Friday faced Vex to listen to him talk, wanting to her about his adventures as much as Zev did. Wondering what life was like just beyond Venus and traveling. "Mostly as of late I've been on retrieval, say some rich fop looses or needs something from a dangerous area... like say around Maxwell Mons. I'll get sent in to get it for em. I get a good payoff, they get what they need." He sat there casually explaining a few of the more simple jobs he's had, all the while the coyote listened in.

"So that's what you've been doing all these years?" She added in, Vex nods taking a swift drink of the whiskey. "Mhm.." He clears his throat of the liquor. "Been doing it for about six or seven so years now."

Propping her chin up with a paw, elbow supporting it all on the table. Her attention was laser focused, wanting to ask more but feeling enough restraint. "Interesting..." Almost in a plotting way, "I'll keep that in mind."

Before Vex could prod her on what she meant, Zev butted in, "So THATS what you're doing, merc work." Nodding, Vex wasn't keen on talking about every job he had to deal with. Especially those beyond the asteroid belt. "That where you got your lil cut from?" Zev asked Vex, pointing to the bandaging Vex thought was hidden from view. Sheepishly answering the two that now had eyes on the Slasher wound. "Ahh, yeah. It was.. was really nothing. Just got it not to long ago in the jungle."

"Really, just the jungle did that?" He could see intrigue in her eyes, even Zev's and Kaari's. Wanting to know every little thing they could, which it never occurred to Vex that he lived such an interesting life. Suppose giving in this once won't kill him. Hopefully. "It was a Slasher, got into it with a few young ones while out on a little expedition. Faired a lot better than they did." Shock, awe, and a general sense of mystery crossed them. Only seeing a Slasher in a zoo or documentary. The trails here on Venus never allowing for such a wild and dangerous encounter.

"Very interesting." Friday says with allure and a general interest in Vex, growing as she hers more. Something he couldn't understand why, not like they were uncommon or fights with them weren't. But his words had them all gripped, as he told a few more stories. Mostly focusing on the things he'd seen or a few achievements. The forested coasts of Elysium, Mars, the cloudy and mountainous jungles of Tethus Isles here on Venus. Fights, abandoned ships, beautiful vistas of the solar system. Feeling a bit full of himself by the end of it.

Before long another human came up and whispered into the ear of Zev, with a slight look of disappointment. Sighed and got up from the stool, smoothing the winkles from his khaki pants. "Well, as much as I wanna hear more. I gotta check something out." Turning to his wife he held out a paw which she gracefully took. Standing up to his side and leaning in. "I'll catch you two later, how's that sound?"

"Fine by me." Friday says with a smile to the couple. "Nice meeting you Vex." Kaari says, matching Friday's smile as she waved to them in a quick motion.

Trodding off into the rest of the party, Friday waving goodbye back to them quickly, and with a single paw. As Vex turns to the bartender, setting the icy glass on the counter, wiping a dewy paw on his pants. Leaving half damp paw pad marks. The human nods, giving him another shot of whiskey and fresh ice to go with it.

"Well, don't ignore me~" Friday says in a playful tone, getting a gentle scoff from Vex and another slow sip. "Ignore you how?" He asks, turning back to the coyote. Her tail swished on it's end, wanting to coax any bit of information he had out of him. "Come on Vex, no one's seen or heard from you in years. Gotta be something interesting to it."

With an uneasy groan, shifting in his seat as the cushion squeaked under his weight. "Hmm.. not sure you can call what I do interesting." She rolled her icy eyes at this, leaning in. "I'm not stupid Vex, you got a story to tell and I'm all ears."

"Funny thing to say for a.." He turns, sipping again. "I'm not gonna finish that line." With a tsk she slaps his shoulder gently, easing up on the counter. "How much of that stuff have you had anyways?" Vex gazes down to his drink, swishing it around making the ice sphere skate around the dark brown liquid. "This? Maybe... Three.. four.. wasn't keeping track."

"How can you drink that much of it?" Vex could hear the stool scrap against the cold floor, knowing she got a bit closer. "Smells awful really."

"You get used to it. Besides, not all of it tastes like shite anyways." Vex wasn't in the mood to discuss his drinking, even if it had gotten heavier over the years. "At least this kind doesn't." It would take more than a few things of whiskey to put him on his arse. "Can't say I've really enjoyed any of what I'm given." Her words gave him an idea, a minor smile crossing his muzzle as he hatched his hastily made plan. Waving the tired bar tender over to the pair.

"What's up?" The young human asks, almost looking annoyed of serving the cat. Though, he wasn't told about any limits so he didn't feel like baby sitting the amount he drank. Leaning in in with his right ear to Vex, between the two. Nodding shallowly and slowly, understanding his request and turning away. Grabbing all sorts of alcoholic mixtures from the counter.

"Vex?" Friday inquisitively asks, raising her chocolate colored fuzzy brow. H turned with a brazen look. "Just wait." Soon before her was a bright blue drink, almost glowing with the reflection of a thousand stars in the middle. Hazing orange dots scattered throughout. Taking the drink in paw, she sipped it gently. Greeted by the taste of tingly sweet berries, following by a bursting sense of citrus as the orange stars followed suit in the drink.

Setting it down she nodded a bit, carefully wiping her lip to get the numbing feeling off as the alcohol set in. "Mhnf.. not too bad." Almost surprised by its taste, she couldn't help but sip again. Getting the same flavors, rushing the senses. "What is this?" She asked him.

"Elysium Night-" Vex starts, trying to talk over the music. "Pretty much what I drank when I couldn't stand the taste of this stuff." With a wave of the glass he referred to. "Careful though, a few of those and you won't be walking home in a straight line."

Bobbing her head, she pondered the drink. Strong but she could barely taste even a hint of alcohol in it. "Good to know, I'm not exactly a heavy drinker." Though she couldn't help but drink more of the luscious concoction. As the alcohol flowed, their lips slowly losened, revealing more of their lives after school.

"Pretty much, as soon as I graduated I went to working with my parents." She held another Elysium Night in paw, swishing it around a bit more. Having a rough focus on Vex, as he leaned back on the counter. Finally having the drink in him to relax, even feeling a bit wobbly. "You know the ship makers? SBD?" With a proud hint in her voice, she sipped again. This time giving a little lick to get the alcohol off her lips.

Nodding a bit, Vex gently took the glass in his paws. Rimming the edge with a finger. "I have, only been on those ships a few times though." Leaning her head forward, she tunes into what Vex had to say. Her drink being set down with a gentle clink on the surface of the granite counter.

"Sooooo? What did you think?" An inquisitive tone sets her mood, she squinted her almond eyes slightly. Waving a tail waiting for an answer. "They're... Alright. Far more utilitarian for my tastes."

Giving the cat an irked huff, she leaned back once more. Picking the drink back up for another sip, turning her eyes to Vex with an icy fierceness . "And what do you like in your ships huh?" She rims the glass, twirling her fingers around. "A bar, mini fridge, nice big TV? No work ships for the ol' mercenary cat?" Every bit of her words dripping with a tease, Vex couldn't help but give an annoyed laugh. She wasn't too far from the truth.

"If you're so interested in ships," Vex met her eyes with an equal intensity, watching her cross her legs in a playful curiosity. "Why don't you, come back to mine for a bit of a tour."

A cautiously curious brow raised from Friday, as she took a final small sip from her drink. "And what might entail this.. private tour of your ship? Because if you're-" Cutting her off, he set his own drink down. Waving a paw. "No no, but if you're so interested in the make up of my ship. I can show you, catch up for a bit."

Uncrossing her legs, shifting on the bar stool. She ran a paw through her hair, drink still in the former. "Fine, I'll bite." She hoisted herself out of the chair, ever so wobbly on the paws. Quickly Vex helped her from his own seat, making sure she was firmly on the ground before standing up himself. Even if the alcohol got to him as well. Tilting back and forth next to her, barely able to keep their heads straight. Gazing at Friday, laughing gently then looking down the boardwalk. "Ah, gonna have a bit of a long walk for both of us huh?" Laughing nervously.

"Wouldn't rather take a taxi?" She asks, leaning against the counter. The world around the two of them slightly molding together. "Mhnn... I think we'll be fine. The spaceports aren't far from here." Ever so pleasantly he placed his arm around Friday. Steadying her.

With a quick a breath he looks down at her. "You don't drink much do ya?" He questions her, barely able to hold herself up only after a few. Even if he could hardly himself.

"Not really no." Leaning on Vex to keep herself steady, Friday let out a slight sigh. Looking to the party around her. "First time in a while I've.. I've had this much." With a little hiccup coming from Friday, Vex helped her to her paws. Steadying himself in the process. "I've... never fully liked drinking a whole lot, but I guess tonight was the exception." She looked back up at Vex with what he found to be an alluring look, "Whoops."