Old Acquaintances

Story by Lannius Drasec on SoFurry

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#4 of Lann

Old Acquaintances

by Lannius Drasec

I look up at the sky, the big blue beautiful sky in all it's vast wonders. Being a creature of the sky gives you a bit more understanding than grounded species. Instinct tells me when the sky is about to pick me up or drop me down, almost as if the wind itself is full of emotion. I stare up to the heavens as I flap my wings in a reverse pattern, my back to the ground as I almost float. I'm interrupted as Tide flies up next to me, something in his hand.

" Hey, smart guy, your pack's unzipped. "

I look down to my pants, thinking that's what he meant.

" No, your other pack, the one on your back, things are falling out. "

I quickly reach around and zip my pack back up. Tide tosses me the thing in his hand. It's the tube of lubricant we bought soon after leaving the Hotel. " Don't want to loose that, do you? "

" Nope, we might need it. "

" Might? "

I smirk and slip the lube back into my pack. " Where are we right now? "

Tide looks around his surroundings. " We're directly over the Grand Canyon. "

" Directly over? "

" Yeah, why? " I start to brace myself, taking deep breaths and more powerful strokes with my wings to stretch them out. " Lann! Why do you want to know? "

The sound of the wind canceled him out a bit, but I heard him the second time. I looked over to him and smiled. " Follow me! " I turned and folded into a dive for ground. It was a good five thousand feet before I hit ground level, and the Grand Canyon after that should make for the fastest dive I've ever attempted. Tide was close behind me after a while. We just hooted and hollered as we dove straight into the canyon, the air becoming a lot dustier, but still bearable.

We fell a couple hundred feet before we spread our wings almost simultaneously. We caught some air and angled straight again. Adrenaline was pumping through my system faster than I could breath. I saw a sharp ledge coming up and dodged it swiftly. The inside of the canyon was dangerous to fly in, that was obvious, but I took risks, that's just who I am.

I kept maneuvering around the inside of the canyon, and it was getting a little tight. Me and Tide were almost to the point of flying Single File. " Should we go back up, it's getting really tight. "

" Just a little longer, I'm having a great time. " I kept flying, Tide still by my side. We maneuvered through a little bit more and took a corner to a dead end, all except for a cave to the left. Tide grabbed me as quick as he could and we swerved into the cave, just missing the jagged wall that could have easily been fatal. We roll for a good while, stopping about thirty feet into the big empty cave.

I'm laughing uncontrollably and Tide looks down in concern. " You okay? " I stare back at him in silent seriousness, but crack back into a light laugh.

" You should have seen your face. " I made a fine impression of what he looked like. He laughed and kissed me on the lips. I received the kiss and then we parted.

" You know, we're pretty alone down here. " Tide said with a dreamy look in his literally blazing hot eyes.

" I've noticed. " He starts to caress my crotch with his paw and I start to reach my paw up to grab his ass when I feel a sharp pain. I flinch and shift a little. " Wait, I think I'm hurt."

Tide looks down and moves off of me gently. " Where at? "

" My Paw, something doesn't feel right. " He inspects it and nods his head.

" It seems a little sprained. You should be fine in about a nights sleep, judging it's seriousness. A couple cuts that I need to clean up as well. " I nod at what he's saying, he paid a little more attention that me and Jennifer in Health Class. " I'll have to clean it and wrap it up, it's a little dusty, it could get infected. "

" Whatever you say Doc. " I said playfully, I could be about to die in a horrible accident and still try to find humor, a little annoying at most times, but still just what I do. We go out of the cave and he takes me in his arms, flying me to the top of the canyon, which, surprisingly, wasn't very far up. We make it to the top and we rest there. " I don't think I can make it to the Rest Area from here. "

" Not flying, but maybe gliding you could. " True, gliding didn't require any strength on my part, just him picking me up and letting me go about half a mile up and letting my wings carry me in that direction. " You feel okay for that? "

" Yeah, let's do that. " He grabbed me around my chest again and started to lift me. We got about the right height and he let me go, I fell a good ten feet to catch an Air Pocket and glided my way to the Rest Area in the distance.

I looked down and noticed my paw loosing a bit more blood than usual due to the high altitude and I started to feel feint. I looked at the ground and concentrated on the moving objects below me. I sang a soft, soothing song in my head and kept the little voice stable. Eventually, the little voice stopped, the objects below me started to spin, and my eyes lost the world around me.

I slam my eyes open and I'm still flying on my own wings. I look down and I'm a little too high to make it to the Rest Area. Tide is beside me, I couldn't hear him, my mind was just an echo inside. I look down at the rest area and it's right below me. I only had the strength to do one daring act. Daring acts were going to kill me and I wouldn't doubt if this was the day.

I folded my wings and just let my body free fall two hundred feet to the roof of the rest area. The entire fall I noticed something, a little voice in my head that wasn't my own. I just scarcely heard it's words, so feint that it made me listen intensely until I finally could make out the words. " Don't worry, you'll make it. " It was like a guardian angel had been falling right next to me. Whispering to me at all times, saving me from yet another situation.

I make a subconscious nod to the voice in my head and flip my body around into a skydive position. I spread my wings and catch a down draft to soften my approach, using all my strength. Yes, I was right over the target, direct roof entrance to the Medical wing of the rest area. The down draft caught me at an awkward position and shifted me in the air, no longer was I over the entrance, but the glass roof of the med. center. The still feint voice of my guardian angel was now overcome with an even bigger voice that was my own, and it said one thing and one thing only, and I agreed with it so much that I had to say it out loud. " Shit. "

The room was filled with very cheery people for a medical center, not much really happened there. There were a newlywed couple there that got hit by a rock a couple teenagers threw, probably them wolf brothers that hung around here all the time. There was a Mother and her child, looks about five, cute little panther too. An then there was me, the only fox dumb enough to take a nursing job at the one place where not a damn thing happens. I could have been a stage actor at one time, I'm beautiful, talented, but no, my grades showed my potential for doctoring. Now, I'm stuck at this dead end boring as hell-

The young vixens thoughts were interrupted when the toddler panther pointed to the roof and said, " Look Mommy. " The mother looks up and grabs her son, running away from the roof. Suddenly, the entire glass roof shatters and in falls a Red Dragon, landing on one knee and his right fist, his red wings spread about, catching the sun light. His left hand was under his chest, bleeding profusely. He looked up and I was immediately captivated. His deep Draconic eyes were sexy and somehow familiar.

I stare at him and he stares back at me. I then see his eyes become empty and stare into nothingness. His eye lids shut and his body hits the ground. I run and grab his back, leaning him up onto my lap and trying to keep his eyes open. " Get a Chair now! " I call to one of the honeymooners and the husband brings me a chair. I sit it down and put the Dragons legs on top of it. I wait for the bleeding to slow and one of the doctors comes in and puts him on a stretcher.

" He's lost a lot of blood, put him in room 132. " The doctor nods and runs out of the room. She watches after him. Suddenly, a red streak of flame comes in through the entrance and runs up to the vixen.

" Where is he? " the phoenix yelled out to her. He sounds panicked.

" The red dragon that just came in? "

" Yes, that's him. "

" He's on his way to recovery, he'll be fine. " That didn't seem to be enough for the phoenix, he was very persistent for this dragon.

" I need to be there with him, where is he? " I wanted to calm him down and comfort him but I couldn't get too close to him.

" You'll have to wait, he's trying to recover quickly, the less he is hassled the quicker

the- "

" I don't care! " His flame suddenly ran wild and shot higher than usual, luckily the emergency room was fireproofed for phoenix's but everyone backed up from the lethal flame. " Where is he?! " He started to approach the vixen and she stammered back.

" Sir, please calm down! "

" WHERE!!!!? " his flame suddenly lost control and a small part of it caught the vixen on the arm. A small portion of her fur was shortened and she fell back to the ground. She screamed and he backed up, suddenly his flame seemed to almost disappear as he realized what he had just done. " Oh my god, I'm so sorry. "

" It's okay, no skin damage, just a little fur. "

" I didn't think, I was just worried about him. "

" That's okay, please have a seat and I promise to tell you his room number. "

He was guided to one of their fireproof seats and he sat down. He waited there and she pulled up a seat across from him. " Okay, he's in room 132 right now, he's getting stitches and blood is being put back in. Now, I need to give you some paperwork later, what's your relation to the patient? "

" Lann. "

" Excuse me? "

" His name is Lann. "

" Oh, okay then, what's your relation to Lann? "

" I'm his Boyfriend. " A hammer was dropped in the Vixen's heart, he was involved, and even so wouldn't find her attractive.

" Okay, do you have insurance? "

:: Two hours later ::

I opened my eyes with a head ache that could only be described as traveling through the tenth level of hell. I looked around the room and saw the usual equipment you would see. I sat up, surprisingly most of my strength was back.

" Hey sleepy. " I look to my side and see the young hot Vixen Nurse. She is in a not too tight, not too loose outfit and has a beautiful face. Her eyes are deep, and somehow familiar. " You took quite a fall in, you might need to pay for that. "

" Really? Damn. " She seemed to perk up and come to a realization. She looked me over. I looked back at her with confusion. She came closer to me.

" Lanny? " I froze dead, the only two people I let call me that was Jennifer and a young girl, a young vixen now that I think of it, that I met at a Film Makers Convention a few years back. I look her dead in the eye.

" Lina? " She squealed and jumped, she gave me a hug, gently, thank god, and released.

" Was up, I haven't seen you since Baltimore. "

" I've been doing good. I'm stuck here though. "

" Here doesn't look so bad."

" So, what have you been doing, and what led you here? "

" Me and my friend are going to Hollywood. " I suddenly remember Tide and get a little worried. " Is he here? "

" Your boyfriend? " there was a hint of regret at the word. " He's here, gave us all a bit of a scare earlier. "

" He didn't get out of control did he? "

" Just a little, he calmed down though, so how long have you guys been going out? "

" Heh, we...uh...we aren't going out, really, we're just...how do I say this? "

" You guys just got a little too close during travels and found out your real feelings of eachother? "

" Yeah, that about sums it up. " I give a little bit of a nervous laugh. " But we aren't going out. "

She seemed to brighten up. I'm guessing she still remembered our little encounter. She confirmed that when she said her next words.

" Do you still think about the old days? "

" You mean do I still remember that time in the Filming Lounge? "

She giggled and nodded, biting her lip cutely.

" Well, I might need someone to properly illustrate it for me again. "

" Well, it was around when we were 17, we met at a filming convention in Baltimore City, we had 24 hours to make a movie and, well, we got a little sidetracked. " I listened to her description of the scene and replayed it in my mind.

It had been a long day, nothing but running around the main part of the city, trying to make a movie above all others. I had my crew, my star, Tide, and his costar, a young vixen named Lina. We had just met, but we worked pretty cooperatively. Tide was off with the crew doing some last minute editing before the film had to be submitted, hopefully they would do a good job on the slow motion scenes, and the audience would get the full effect of the action sequences. I sat in the filmers lounge, resting my aching feet and wings.

I hear the door open, I'm a little off put, no one else was finished yet, who could it be? I see Lina come through and nod to her, at least no one else finished quite as fast as we did. Lina winked back and came over, sitting on the opposite side of the couch.

" So how do you think it'll turn out? " Lina said, hopeful for praise on her performance.

" Not Tide's best acting, but in the short time I think we've accomplished more than anyone else will. Especially you. " I wasn't usually this flirtatious, but I was doing a decent job considering I could see her blush through her fur.

" So, what are you going to do after you win? "

" Heh, take a shower and go to bed " We both laugh, obviously sharing the same plan. She moves a bit closer, using her laugh to cover it up.

" Is that all? "

" That's about the gist of it. "

" There wouldn't be any time for something to eat? While we were filming I saw this place down by- " I cut her short, I didn't want to betray Jennifer, I loved her and she's the only girl for me.

" Listen, Lina, I'm flattered, but I'm involved. I don't want any complications, and this would open the door for a few. I'm sorry. " She looked a little disappointed. She just shrugged it off.

" Well, if you ever change your mind, you know where I'm staying tonight. " I nodded and she got up to leave. I sighed to myself, I felt a bit of regret for turning down something that sexy, but it would all be worth while when I see my Jennifer again. I started to miss her and got my cell phone.

I dialed her cell phone and let it ring a few times until it answered. " Hello? " It wasn't her voice, I started to get a bit worried.

" Who is this? "

" Who is this? " The man on the other end said, a little rudely.

" This is Lann, where's Jen? "

" Jen's asleep right now. "

" Well, who are you? "

" I'm just a friend of hers, wanted me to come over for a while. "

Jen's asleep with company over? That doesn't sound like her. Why was this guy being so avoiding?

" Can I take a message? "

" Yeah, tell her that her Boyfriend misses her and will be back to see her tomorrow morning. " He suddenly got very skittish and hurried the conversation along quickly.

" Oh, uhh...sure, I'll be glad to tell her, bye. " The phone was hung up in a hurry. Paranoia started to kick in as I started playing out the possibility that she was cheating on me. I was always a bit dramatic, so it came as no surprise to me when a tear rolled down my scaled cheek and dripped off. I had been great to her, wasn't I enough? What did she need that I wasn't giving?

" To hell with it. " I said out loud, I wasn't going to sit in Baltimore and let a perfectly good opportunity pass me by. I had my motive, and now all I needed to do was execute my logic. An eye for an eye. I would go out on that date and if things progressed to a sexual content, so be it. If it turns out she wasn't cheating on me, she'll never know, if she did, then we're even.

Thinking about pay back was just too sweet. I felt such a rush from putting the scheme together, it was hard to resist. I go out the doors and look up to the sky. I feel the cool breeze against my scales as the wind picks up, a perfect down draft. I spread my wings and the wind literally sweeps me off the ground.

I soar peacefully through the buildings and skyscrapers of the bright city. Looking down ad recalling scenes I had just shot hours ago. I see my apartment building and fly over the roof. I land and think about it, deeming it too time consuming to go to my room through the building. Always with the dramatics. I jump off the side of the building and keep my wings tucked. I reach me and Tide's balcony and spread my wings, catching an air pocket and slowing down to a crawl. I land my feet on my balcony railing and skip onto solid patio. I knock on the door and Tide answers.

" Where the hell did you come from? " Tide said, looking around the balcony.

" Filmers lounge, I got a date tonight. " Tide looks at me, a little shocked.

" Jen is in town? "

" No. " Tide shakes his head and moves aside.

" That ain't right dude. "

" What? We're in different area codes. "

He laughs and just gives in.

" Well, the official screening is in three hours, be ready. "

" I will be, don't worry. " I pat him on the back and go into my room. I had brought my ROTC Dress Uniform for the premier, it's the best suit I have, and about the only matching one. I slip my wings through the back slits of the Uniform shirt and button it up. I put my pants on, I hate these pants, and button them up as well, zipping and buckling. I tie the tie and slip it around my neck. I check the alignment of the shirt and the buckle of the pants before throwing my Dress Jacket on. The sleek navy blue jacket with about fifteen solid ribbons on it and a black and silver military chord around the shoulder, plus my Rocket Club badge and top it off with Cadet First Lieutenant ranks and you've got one sexy dragon.

I look at myself in the mirror and catch the reflection of Tide glancing in once or twice, what was that all about? I shrug it off and Tie up my black leather shoes and check my full uniform in the mirror, god bless the Air Force. I travel down about three floors to the suite Lina is in. I knock on the door, she answers, in her clothes from the movie. I smile and wink at her.

" Hey, thought we could go get something to eat.. "

She just pulls me in and softly shuts the door. " I've already made dinner, come and join me Fly boy. " I shake my head. I follow her to the table and she offers me a seat, I take it and she goes into the kitchen. This was going a bit faster than I expected it to. She brought out two plates, not much on them, just a little spaghetti. I looked around and saw a bunch of books on Medicine. I pointed towards them.

" You wanna be a nurse? "

" Just a little hobby. "

I nod and start to eat. I notice that not once does she take her eyes off me. I smirk and just put my fork and spoon down.

" You don't feel any different knowing I have a girlfriend, do you. " She just shakes her head and stares seductively at me.

" I have a boyfriend. " I'm a little taken aback, but turned on all the same.

" You don't seem like the faithful type. "

" I'm not, and neither is he, he's probably got some tramp in his bed right now. "

" I know how you feel. "

" Do you? "

" Yeah, I called my girlfriend and some guy answered. "

" I'm sorry to hear, and now your down here. Trying to get a little pay back are you? " She takes a small swig of the Chardonnay opened not too long ago.

" Pay back isn't usually my thing, but I'm starting to like it. "

" You have no idea. "

With that I took the bottle of wine and took a long chug, not faltering once. She took the table and tipped it to an angle, everything fell off and she put it back down. I put the wine on the table again and she crawled quickly over to me, I smoothly took my jacket off and she started to unbutton my shirt. She gets it fully unbuttoned, but doesn't take it off. She presses her still clothed body against my bear chest. We lock muzzles in a passionate kiss. I slip my serpentine tongue into her hot maw and our tongues have a tango.

She guides my hand to her zipper and I unfasten her dress, letting it slip lightly off her body. Her bare chest presses against my own, scales to fur, silky smoothness to slick hardness. I flex my wings apart and she breaks the kiss. " Have you ever taken it rough with a girl? "

I quickly processed what she wanted and got into character. I pushed her hardly to her back on the table. " How about you never ask me that again. " I gave her no time to respond, I just pressed my tongue down her throat, playing with every inch of her mouth. She moaned at the shift of control, obviously turned on by the display of dominance. This was going to be a wild one. She wanted it rough, and until me, she didn't know what rough was. Besides her dress, she only wore a pair of silk line panties and I quickly removed them. I unzipped my dress pants, thankful to slide them off and achieve full comfort. My dragon dick sprung forth and I didn't even let her see it, I just plunged it straight in to the hilt. She screamed and the sound of it drove me wild with dominating lust.

" Ooooohhh, give it to me fast...uuuhh, yea, I want it.....hard, harder. Keep- " I stopped my movements all together and looked her in the eyes, slits forming in my pupils.

" Listen, I'm not taking requests here, you will have what I give, and there's only one speed, and that's my speed. Got it? " She nods to me and I pick up again. " Good, and not another fucking word unless it's a moan or scream. " She moans in response to my words. " That's better. You love it when you have no control, don't you. " She moans a yes and I pick up speed. " Well, you better be in for a long night, I'm not leaving until you're filled to the brim with my cum. " She just kept moaning in response to my words and I kept dirty and tough talking her. In my mind, I was giving her what she wanted, and what she wanted was for me to tell her what she wanted.

I slammed into her mercilessly and she took it willingly. I led her through her first orgasm and she screamed out my name as I stabbed her G spot repeatedly. After the first orgasm of hers I hunched over her and turned around, bringing her to the top. I let her go her own speed for a while and grabbed the still standing bottle of wine, drinking it down as she rode my cock. She stared at the bottle and I waved it in front of her. " Would you like some? " She moaned a yes and I took another quick swig. " I don't recall me cumming, do you recall me cumming? " She just moaned a little in want and I shook my head. " You ain't getting a drop of wine until you make me orgasm, so if you really want it, I suggest you hurry, before I finish it all. "

With that, she did something no other girl has ever made me do, she literally forced the orgasm out of me. I was about to take another taunting swig and she suddenly increased her speed times ten and clenched harder around my cock than ever. She rode me furiously and I slammed the bottle of wine down on the table. She furthered the sexual high by taking one of her big breasts and lowering her tongue down to her nipple. She licked at it and then reached down to the bottle of wine. She brought it to her lips and just before she put it to her lips I shot a powerful load so deep that it hit her womb and settled. She just kept milking me and riding me. She didn't let any of my cum escape her pussy as she just massaged my cock dry and slammed down for her own orgasm so hard that the table gave out and I landed on my back, the feeling of falling adding to the pleasure and making my orgasm spike.

We fucked intensely until each of us was too tired to even cum anymore and we laid on the broken wood, she collapsed on top of me the now empty bottle rolling out of her grip. She settled into my arms and I folded my wings over her, forgetting my dominating state. We just shared breaths and heartbeats. Our bodies giving into unconsciousness.

" Ohh, uuuhh... oh god... yea." I said as the hot vixen nurse was once again on top of me, putting my dick inside her again and again, gliding it back and forth, massaging it from tip to hilt. Her wet insides slickened by my pre and her own cum, the tightness keeping me at the edge of ecstasy. She bent her shirtless body over me, and I gripped her tight little white skirt as I pounded her pussy through her panties. " Oh...fuck me nurse...make me feel...uuuuhh...better. "

" You like it when your nurse fucks you right on your hospital bed, don't you? "

" Yea, I love it...go faster. " She did just that and we kept fucking each other hard. Finally I felt myself building up, a climax to match that of that night so long ago. I lowered her tits to my mouth and started to lick at them. I trailed my tongue from her tits to her neck and bit down softly, tasting her fur and skin as I finally feel myself shoot another load into her willing pussy. " AAAAHH, yea...fuck me dry. "

" Your such a slut Lann. " She continued to ride my orgasming cock, getting all the sticky strands of semen I had for her. MY dragonhood spasmed inside her for a long while until everything stopped and we both calmed down. Her pussy leaking out both our cum. In the afterglow I feel the temperature in the room heighten, I look around and see a fire, a blazing red fire that is Tide.

He looks at me and I look at him, then he looks at the nurse and a tear comes out of his eye, falling a few inches before becoming steam on his cheek. He runs out of the room and I call for him. " Wait! "

to be continued...