There Can Be Only One

Story by lukesnowcat on SoFurry

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#1 of There Can Be Only One

Beep, beep, beep, beep...

Frosty groaned as he rolled over, his paw fumbling over the bed to reach for the alarm clock. He slapped at the edge of the mattress with an unintelligible mutter, but he couldn't reach his nightstand. The chirping continued as he reluctantly slid over, reaching for the annoyance once more. His paw groped for the clock, knocking several items off the top of the nightstand in the process. He finally found what he was looking for, slapping his paw down on the snooze button.

Beep, beep, beep...

Frosty slapped the clock again, then several more times when it refused to cease. Frustrated, he sat up in bed and yanked the alarm clock off the desk. He was mostly awake now, fumbling over the clock to get the infernal contraption to cease. He switched the alarm on and off several times, hit the snooze button, but nothing seemed to turn it off.

It took several seconds of tinkering to realize that the alarm clock wasn't the source of noise. In fact, it wasn't coming from his bedroom at all. He went pale in the face when he realized that it was his living room's smoke alarm.


If Frosty wasn't awake before, he certainly was now. He threw off the sheets and leapt out of bed naked, not bothering to get dressed as he burst out of the bedroom. He was immediately greeted by the acrid stench of burnt electronics, a white haze hanging in his living room. Nothing seemed to be on fire, at first glance. The smoke alarm was chirping angrily, alerting him to the situation.

The white cheetah threw open his patio door to air out the living room, then proceeded to seek the source of the offensive smoke. It didn't take long, his eyes spotting wisps of grey smoke curling upward from his entertainment center. A crackle, followed by several sparks drew Frosty's attention to his surround sound receiver.

Startled, and paranoid that the malfunctioning unit might start an actual fire, he quickly reached behind the entertainment center and yanked out the power block. It was perhaps a bit reckless, but he was more concerned about the immediate problem. He reached through the opening at the back to unplug everything, removing the unit from the entertainment stand. He regretted the decision immediately.

Frosty yelped and dropped it on the floor, shaking his paws rapidly. The unit was burning hot where he'd tried to grab it, and still smoldering. He quickly grabbed a pair of potholders from the kitchen and dropped the unit on the concrete patio, shattering the plastic in several places and sending bits of plastic shrapnel over the surface of the deck. He stepped back inside, sighing at the heavy stench of burnt plastic that lingered in the air. The smoke alarm was still chirping, prompting him to retrieve a roll of duct tape and slap a square over the noisy contraption to muffle it.

Frosty returned to his bedroom, leaving the patio door open to allow his house to air out. He flopped back into bed, pulling the sheets over himself with mild agitation. He sighed heavily, willing himself to calm down so that he could go back to sleep.

"I hope there's still a warranty on that," he muttered to himself before falling asleep...

* * * * * * * * * *

Frosty tapped a paw on the side of his car as he waited for the stoplight to change. His mind lingered on what seemed to be the morning from hell. His expensive receiver had gone nuclear, he'd accidentally turned off his alarm when he was fumbling with it and missed an important job interview as a result, and his car's gas tank had been empty because he'd forgotten to fill it up the previous evening. All in all, it had been a fairly crappy day so far. He did have something to look forward to, though. His master was going to be in town for a business meeting, which meant nightly visits, and the sex that came with those.

The white cheetah idly reached up to run a paw over his neck, then sighed when he realized that he wasn't wearing his collar. He'd been given explicit instructions by his master to only remove it when bathing. Otherwise, he was supposed to wear it at all times. He would have to remember to put it on as soon as he got home.

Frosty's ears perked as he heard the shriek of skidding tires behind him. He glanced up just in time to see a large vehicle's grille looming in his rear-view mirror. A split second later, his car lurched forward as the vehicle collided with his back bumper. A heavy thud and the snap of shattering auto glass filled his ears as he was thrown back into his seat.

Another shriek snapped Frosty out of a momentary daze. He lifted his head, his paws firmly grasping the steering wheel as he watched the vehicle wedged against his car back up abruptly.

"Oh, hell no!" he shouted, throwing his door open and moving to step out.

A large, black SUV swerved abruptly to the left and peeled away, shooting through the intersection. Frosty tried to get a glimpse of the vehicle's license plate as it sped away, but the glare from the sun made it impossible. He took a deep breath to keep himself calm, knowing it wouldn't do any good to lose his temper.

His tail bristling, Frosty turned and stepped back to inspect the damage. A knot formed in his throat when he got a good look at the back of his car. The back window had been blown out by the impact, and the trunk of his car was messily crumpled and folded toward the middle of the vehicle. The rear bumper was lying on the ground, completely detached from the vehicle.

Frosty took another deep breath, trying to keep himself calm and fend off the panic that was setting in. He reached down, slipping a paw into his pocket so he could call his master. His pocket, however, was empty. Whimpering, he ducked back into the open door of his car, checking the usual places that he kept his cell phone while driving. They were all unoccupied.

"No, not now. Don't tell me I left it home," he breathed.

He pulled open the glove compartment, shuffling through the papers inside, then slammed it shut. He tugged at the seats to peek down the sides, then punched the driver's seat roughly. It bounced noisily from the motion as Frosty stood upright, letting out a frustrated growl. He slammed the door shut, his ears perking as he heard a police siren chirp. He looked over his shoulder as an officer pulled through the intersection and flipped around to stop behind him.

"Looks like you could use some assistance," a dark feline commented as he stepped out.

"I could use a drink," Frosty muttered, his eyes surveying the damage. "What a shitty day..."

* * * * * * * * * *

"Just take a deep breath, hun. Everything will be okay," the white fox whispered.

Frosty sniffled quietly, his face buried against his owner's shoulder. The fox's white fur was damp where Frosty had been crying, the cheetah's slender body curled up against the male. All of Frosty's emotions over the unusually bad day had come boiling up at once. He was glad to at least have someone around to comfort him.

"It's just a nasty streak of bad luck, hun. It'll pass," Surge cooed to him.

Frosty nodded gently, rubbing his cheek against the fox's fur. He nuzzled upward along his owner's neck, giving him an affectionate kiss. The white fox gave him a reassuring hug in return, embracing the cheetah firmly against his body.

"Now, is my kitty going to smile for me, or am I going to have to tickle it out of him?"

"N-no, I'll be fine," Frosty chirped back immediately.

This wasn't good enough for the fox. Frosty tensed up and sat upright as the fox's fingers prodded at his sides. He squirmed to the side, trying to avoid the teasing pokes as he giggled. His owner was quick to follow the spotted feline's motions, continuing to tickle the cheetah.

"Think you can escape your master, huh?" the fox grinned.

Frosty flailed as he was assaulted by tickling. He exploded into fits of laughter and giggling, trying to push away from his master's paws. Surge lunged forward, pinning Frosty onto his back and continuing his ruthless assault. The spotted feline writhed on the bed, desperately attempting to protect himself.

A surprised yelp escaped Frosty's muzzle when the white fox snatched his wrists and lifted them, pinning them above the cheetah's head. He gazed up at the fox with a surprised mewl, panting lightly as he recovered from the tickling.

"I caught a cheetah," Surge said with chuckle.

Frosty blushed lightly as he wiggled, rubbing himself up against his master in the process. "And what are you gonna do with him?"

"Think I'll eat him," the fox said with a smirk, his bushy white tail wagging back and forth.

The cat squeaked in surprise as the fox lunged over him with a gaping maw, intent on tucking his pet into "bed" as he'd done many times before...

* * * * * * * * * *

Frosty blinked as he was awakened by his cell phone. He groggily reached over, fumbling over the nightstand for several seconds before he found it. He took a deep breath as he slowly sat up, flipping the phone open to answer it.

"Frosty, I hope you have a good reason for standing your master up."

Frosty blinked rapidly at this. "What?"

There was a heavy sigh from the other end. "Don't tell me you forgot."

"Forgot...what?" His confusion only grew. Was this some sort of joke?

"We were supposed to get dinner last night. I even asked you in person!"

Frosty's brow furrowed at this. He hadn't even left the house the previous day. He'd spent the better part of it cleaning his house, and working on various projects on his computer. He couldn't even leave the house on his own, due to his car being wrecked.

"I...didn't leave the house," Frosty finally replied. "I was home all day, tidying my apartment."

There was another heavy sigh from the fox. "Sweetie, if you're going to lie to me, at least come up with something convincing."

There was a click, followed by a chirp indicating that the call had ended. Frosty fumbled the phone in his paws to call back, whimpering to himself. What was going on? Why would Surge accuse him of lying like that? The phone rang several times, before a computerized voice announced to leave a message. He attempted a second time, with the same result.

Frustrated, he flung the cell phone across his room. It struck the wall with a crack, shattering into several pieces. He regretted this immediately, rushing out of bed to gather up the pieces of his cell phone. He sighed heavily as he dumped the remains onto his nightstand, flopping back into bed. A gust of wind against his bedroom window prompted him to get back out of bed and peek outside.

Frosty tugged the blinds down and peeked through, watching the trees outside bend angrily as another gust of wind whipped through them. The sky was an ominous grey as thick clouds rolled in, signaling an oncoming storm. A low rumble in the distance drew a sigh from the cheetah, stepping away from his blinds. His window rattled with another heavy gust as he returned to his bed, pulling the blankets over himself.

The cheetah didn't have long to relax. The distinct crash of shattering glass filled his ears, sending him flying out of bed. He rushed into the living room and flicked on the lights, his tail bushed out and heart pounding from the startle. His living room looked like a disaster area, which wasn't far from the truth.

Shattered glass was scattered across the carpet, the blinds were torn down and lying in the middle of the living room floor and an enormous mass of green leaves was protruding through the broken window. The wind was howling through the broken window, scattering leaves through his living room and kitchen.

Frosty growled with frustration, staring at the portion of a tree that was invading his living room. How was he supposed to clean this up? As if to spite him, another gust of wind rushed through the branches, bringing rainwater in with it.

"When it rains, it pours," he sighed, referring to his situation more than the literal storm outside.

Adding insult to injury, the lights in the apartment flickered after an ominous rumble of thunder. Frosty glanced up with a growl, his eyes focusing on the fixture. There was an intense flash of lightning that lit up the apartment, followed immediately by a thunder crack that plunged the apartment into darkness, save for the dim sunlight filtering through the storm.

Frosty clenched his fists at his waist and threw his head back. "FUUUUUUUU-"

* * * * * * * * * *

Frosty perked up as he heard a heavy knock on the door. He pulled himself away from his dying laptop, a candle flickering to provide light. He rose out of bed, stumbling lightly as the room spun around him from the abrupt shift. An empty glass lingered on his nightstand, smelling faintly of amaretto. He pulled on a shirt to make himself somewhat decent, adding to the cotton pajamas that he was wearing already. He tugged the front door open, a familiar white fox looking quite relieved to see him.

"Oh good, you're not dead."

Frosty tipped his head to the side at this. "What?"

"I couldn't reach you on your phone, and you haven't been online, so I was worried something might have happened," Surge replied.

The cheetah huffed at this, stepping back to gesture to his living room. "I have a tree in my living room. I'd say it's safe to say something happened."

The white fox frowned, catching the scent of almonds on the cheetah's breath. "You've been drinking, haven't you?"

"Nothing better to do," the cheetah growled. "The power's out, there's a tree in my house, my car is wrecked, and my cell phone is broken."

Surge sighed heavily. "You're not planning on staying here, are you?"

"Where else am I going to go?" the cheetah snapped. "All my friends are out of town for some furry convention that's going on."

Frosty's master sighed again, shaking his head. "Hun, I think you could stand a vacation of your own. You're letting all of this stress get to you."

"With what money?" Frosty grumbled. If you haven't noticed, I've got some more pressing issues to worry about.

"Just let me take care of that," Surge reassured, slipping both arms around Frosty and hugging him close. "For now, pack yourself a suitcase. You're coming with me."

Frosty nodded and eventually ran back to his bedroom. He pulled a suitcase out of the closet and tossed a couple pairs of clothing into it, as well as a few of his belongings. He tossed in his laptop for good measure, his ears perking as he heard the fox talking in the living room. He peeked his head out of his bedroom, eavesdropping on the conversation.

"The next available flight, yes. Yes, that's fine."

Frosty sighed quietly. He hated when his master spent money on him, but he wasn't going to fight it. He finished packing his suitcase, then returned to the living room with it in tow. He approached as the fox was finishing, curious as to what he'd just arranged.

"Hope you've got your suitcase packed for a trip. You're on the next plane out, later today."

Frosty tipped his head to the side. "To where?"

The fox reached down, patting his rump softly. "The convention, hun. You've been brooding about not being able to go for weeks now. I figured I'd give you something nice, to help you unwind. Just make sure you bring back something for your master. And I want you to keep in touch with me, while you're out there."

"B-but...I broke my phone," Frosty said quietly.

The fox nodded, nuzzling the white cheetah between the ears. "Would explain why you weren't answering. Well, let's get that taken care of right now for you, hun. Come on."

The fox snatched the suitcase from the cheetah's paw, carrying it for him as the pair stepped outside, locking up the apartment behind them. Frosty glanced to his right as they stepped toward the fox's car, spying the large tree that normally was planted there. It was resting on its side now, uprooted by the wind. Much to his annoyance, his apartment was the only one that had been damaged by the fallen behemoth...

* * * * * * * * * *

"Frosty! There you are!"

Frosty nearly jumped out of his fur at the outburst. He turned in time to see a short hyena scurrying quickly toward him. He was nearly knocked off his feet as the male wrapped him up in a tight hug, rushing into him. He scrambled to maintain his vertical position, almost toppling more than once. He eventually wrapped his arms around the hyena once he was stable, chuckling.

"I didn't think you were gonna make it!"

Frosty chuckled, his tail flicking back and forth. "It was a last minute decision, Retna. Glad that I managed to track you down, though."

"Good to see you too, spottybutt! Now come on, you hafta meet everyone!" the hyena grinned.

Frosty was nearly tugged off his feet when the hyena took his paw and dragged him along. He mostly kept his eyes focused ahead of himself, watching where they were going. Occasionally he glanced around the surrounding area, looking at the furs that had were migrating from place to place. About every species imaginable was present; socializing, hugging, showing off, etc. Sadly, none of them seemed familiar to him, despite how many friends he had online.

Frosty blinked rapidly as his eyes fell briefly on a white feline. The cat had grayish spots covering his body, much in the same way that Frosty did. He tried to stop to get a better look, but he was tugged abruptly toward the elevators. Was he just seeing things, or had he actually spied another white cheetah?

Retna bounced up and down a few times with excitement when they stepped into an elevator, throwing his arms around Frosty again and hugging him. Frosty blushed, a silver wolf chuckling at the display. He tried to pry the hyena off, though it was nearly impossible.

"You're not going to try to molest me, are you?" Frosty inquired, rubbing his paws along the hyena's waist.

"Not right now," the spotted hyena replied with a grin. "Too public."

A muffled chuckle from a stranger made Frosty blush deeper, reminding himself that he had to watch what he said. He tried to hide himself, though the hyena's short stature made that especially difficult.

"This is our floor," Retna announced, leading Frosty out of the elevator.

The cheetah timidly waved to the other occupants of the elevator as he followed behind the hyena. His tail waved back and forth through the air as the pair headed quickly toward a nearby room. Retna produced a keycard and swiped it in the door, pushing it open and pulling Frosty in. Surprisingly, the room was empty. Frosty glanced around in confusion, his ears perked.

"Thought we were coming up here to meet people," he inquired.

"I guess everyone went down to check out the dealer's room or something," the hyena replied, smirking knowingly. "Suppose we should make the best of it, though."

"You knew this room was going to be empty, didn't you?" Frosty challenged.

Retna stuck his tongue out at the cheetah. "That was just a convenient excuse to get you up here."

Frosty chuckled. "Oh? And what do you intend on doing, now that I'm up here?"

The hyena smirked, gazing up at Frosty as he directed him away from the doorway and toward the large bed. "Actions speak louder than words."

The white feline chuckled at the hyena's reply, but shrieked when he was pounced onto the large hotel bed. The bed bounced as the two landed on it, creaking noisily. Retna grinned, perching over Frosty on his hands and knees. He leaned down to nuzzle into the cheetah's soft fur, followed by a slow lick upward along Frosty's chin.

Frosty attempted to reach up to caress the hyena's ears, but his wrists were immediately snatched and pinned to the bed. This left him in a very compromising position, his arms stretched above his head. He squirmed and tried to wiggle himself out of Retna's firm grasp, but the hyena had the advantage.

"Oh, quit acting like you're struggling," Retna chuckled, sticking his tongue out at the cheetah. "We both know you're enjoying this."

"I...uh..." Frosty stumbled over himself as he tried to think of something to retort with. He blushed softly and turned his head to the side, his ears pinning back.

"Yeah, that's what I thought," the hyena purred.

Retna stretched out a bit, letting his knees slide down the bed until he was comfortably rested on top of the cheetah. He nosed into the spotted cat's neck, then bit down gently on the side of Frosty's neck, just above his collarbone. The cheetah tensed and let out a shaky gasp upon being bitten, his head tipping to the side to expose his neck.

Releasing the firm clamp on Frosty's neck, the hyena gently began to lick the tender spot. His soft tongue lapped over the cheetah's spotted fur, sending shivers through the cat's body. Retna lifted his hips, and then gently ground down against the cheetah's lap. The spotted cat's hips rose up to meet him, a content sigh escaping Frosty's lips.

"Let's get you out of those clothes, hmm?" Retna cooed.

Frosty blushed, but nodded gently. The spotted hyena sat upright, perched on Frosty's thighs as he reached down. He slipped his fingers beneath the cheetah's shirt, causing the feline to shiver and let out a cute whimper. He stroked softly along the cat's slender waist, sifting dull claws through the cheetah's short fur.

The white feline lifted his back off the bed a little as Retna began to pull up his shirt, letting it slip free. He kept his arms above his head to allow it to come off unhindered, purring softly once his slender torso was properly exposed. He smiled shyly to the hyena, his cheeks and the tips of his ears glowing with a steady pink blush.

"Butt up, kitty," Retna instructed, rubbing his paws rhythmically up and down the cheetah's waist. Each time he moved a bit lower, until his fingers were dancing along the waistline of Frosty's shorts.

Frosty nodded, raising his hips as the hyena's fingers undid his shorts. He glanced down to watch intently as Retna tugged his shorts down several inches. He wiggled his hips to help ease them down, feeling a little flustered that he wasn't wearing anything under those shorts. The spotted hyena grinned when the cheetah's perky white sheath was exposed, petting a teasing paw over it before he continued to remove Frosty's shorts.

"Naughty kitty, not wearing anything underneath," Retna observed with a wink. "It's like you're asking to be someone's plaything."

Warmth spread over the cheetah's body as his arousal grew. By the time Retna had his shorts completely removed, a reddish-pink tip was already poking out of his sheath. The hyena dropped the spotted feline's shorts on the floor beside the bed, sitting up to admire the naked cheetah that was sprawled out on his bed.

"Such a needy cheetah, all stretched out like that," he cooed, rubbing his paws slowly up the cheetah's waist. "You look good enough to eat."

Frosty blushed a bit deeper, squirming over the surface of the bed as Retna's paws teased him. "What?"

Retna grinned as he leaned down over the cheetah, resting his paws on either side of the cheetah's head. "I bet a cute, slinky kitty like you would slide down so nicely. You'd feel nice, curled up in my belly like a good prey kitty."

Frosty whimpered at the teasing words, his muzzle going a noticeable crimson hue. His ears pinned flat against his head as he tried to wiggle away. Despite the supposed unwillingness, though, his length was quickly slipping free of his sheath.

"B-but...cheetahs aren't hyena food," Frosty whined under his breath.

"Oh, nonsense. I bet you'd make a perfect meal. But not just yet. Have to make sure some needs get taken care of, first."

Retna reached down, rubbing a paw gently over the cheetah's emerging shaft. The soft touch made Frosty gasp, pushing his hips into the hyena's fingers. Retna grinned, sitting up and undoing his pants as he diligently stroked back and forth over the cat's length. He pulled them down a few inches, wiggling them off his hips and exposing a growing shaft.

"Now then, where should we put this, hmm?" Retna purred.

Frosty's hips rhythmically pushed back and forth to match Retna's kneading, cooing with need to the hyena. "Mmmh, w-wherever you want, Retna."

Retna chuckled at the cheetah's reply. He slid forward until he was straddling Frosty's hips, gently lifting the cheetah's erect shaft so it pressed against his own. He squeezed the two together and softly rubbed back and forth, rolling his hips to grind himself against the cheetah. A bead of warm pre formed at the tip of Retna's length, oozing up before dripping down his shaft. He smeared it over the warm, pulsing flesh, groaning softly.

Frosty's head lifted when he felt Retna shifting. He watched the hyena scoot back a few inches and sit up, admiring the erect length that Retna gently cradled in his fingers. The hyena was easily several inches larger than himself, and had quite a bit more girth. Of course, Frosty preferred it that way.

Nudging Frosty's hips gently, the hyena grinned. "On your belly, spottycat."

The cheetah nodded, bringing his arms down to push himself up into a partially seated position. He twisted around and rolled over, stretching out on his stomach and resting his chin on his arms. He wiggled his hips invitingly at Retna, his tail slowly flicking from side to side. Purring at the sight, Retna clutched the base of the cheetah's tail, lifting it out of the way and squeezing gently. He slid forward, aiming the tip of his shaft at the warm rump that was offered to him.

Retna paused once the tip of his length was comfortably nestled between the cheetah's fuzzy cheeks. He leaned down and kissed him between the ears, then licked over his soft fur several times. Frosty wagged his hips again to encourage the hyena to continue, feeling the heat radiating from that erect shaft. The spotted male was all too eager to oblige that invitation, grinding his dripping tip into Frosty's pink flesh.

The cheetah shuddered as he felt the tip probing against him, his body resisting the motions at first. Retna didn't let up, though. He continued to increase the pressure until his slickened, dribbling tip squeezed into the cheetah's tight passage. The slow penetration drew a satisfied growl from the hyena's throat, as well as a soft whimper of desire from the partially pinned cheetah.

Holding his position for a moment, Retna allowed the cheetah to relax and accommodate his thick girth. Frosty's body trembled as he bit his lip, his ears pinning back as he submitted to the hyena. He lightly rocked his hips over that thick girth, willing himself to relax and allow Retna to continue. The hyena softly ground back and forth, slowly squeezing himself deeper once the cat loosened a bit.

A soft, pleasured whine rose from the cat as Retna slowly eased his thick length inside. He resisted the urge to ram himself into the cheetah's tight rump, letting his shaft ease in inch by inch. The gradual penetration made Frosty squirm with anxious need, almost begging to be filled. Retna chuckled to himself at the cheetah's blatant wants, lowering his head to nuzzle the cat's scruff.

"Think you can handle this, spottybutt?" Retna inquired, pausing when nearly half of his length was tucked into the warm passage.

Frosty whined softly as the hyena hesitated, grinding his hips back against the pulsing shaft. His own firm length rubbed into the soft bed sheets as he moved, sending a delicious shiver of pleasure through his body. He didn't say anything in response, but his movements spoke clearly to the hyena.

Retna's lips parted, biting down softly on the cheetah's scruff. He tugged gently as his paws squeezed Frosty's hips, his fingers sinking into the supple curves a bit. His hips lifted somewhat as he shifted his weight forward, rocking the remainder his pulsing erection into Frosty's rump with a steady push. Frosty gripped tightly at the bedding, gasping loudly as he felt the throbbing shaft sink deep into his body. The hyena's hips pushed forward until they met the cheetah's curved butt, grinding himself against it gently.

"S-so big," Frosty gasped, his fingers kneading over the sheets as he trembled.

Retna growled softly and tugged on the cheetah's scruff, pulling his head back as he pushed firmly against the cat's bowels. The deep prod made Frosty moan loudly, his body clenching around the hyena's shaft. He rolled his hips back against Retna, encouraging the hyena to thrust. Retna muffled a lust-filled groan at the feline's motions, but he slowly drew his hips back. He eased back until he nearly pulled free of the cat's rump, then slowly thrust himself back in.

Frosty's ears perked as he heard a muffled beep. Another motion of the hyena's hips pushed it from his mind, though. He reached out to grab a pillow, tugging it toward himself. He buried his face into the pillow, muffling a loud moan when Retna added a bit of extra force to his thrust. His own erect length was pushed down into the sheets by the motion, the soft fabric caressing his shaft and coaxing out a spurt of warm pre.

A series of digital beeps, followed by an unexpected pulse of light interrupted the moment. There was a distinct snap of a camera shutter that made Frosty's body suddenly go cold. He felt the hyena's arms suddenly shoot around his waist, hugging him tightly and practically hiding the cheetah's nakedness with his body.

"That's one for the scrapbooks," a voice chuckled.

Frosty didn't dare lift his head. He kept his face buried in the pillow, his cheeks and ears burning intensely in horrified embarrassment. The hyena remained tightly hugged up against him, his length buried deep inside of the cheetah's body still. Retna peered over his shoulder slowly, his own face burning. His eyes fell upon a chuckling otter, holding a camera in his paws with a smug expression.

"Thanks for the photo-op, Retna" the otter chuckled, winking to the hyena.

Retna pressed his cheek against the cheetah's neck, still hugged somewhat possessively against him. He did reach down, though, tugging the sheets toward himself and throwing them over the pair, hiding their nakedness. The otter frowned at this, sticking his tongue out at Retna.

"Aw, and I was gonna grab another photo. Oh well. Guess I'll leave you be, and let you two finish."

The otter smirked and winked, then turned. He pulled the door open and disappeared, leaving the two in awkward silence. Retna could feel his length retreating from the cheetah's rump due to the unexpected walk-in. He tipped his head up and nuzzled the cheetah between the ears, giving him a tender lick. The cheetah whined quietly, his ears pinning back.

"You okay, hun?" Retna asked softly.

"I...uh...think I'm just going to curl up on the corner of the bed and cry for a while..."

* * * * * * * * * *

Frosty hummed quietly as he strolled up and down the rows of artists. Some were busy doodling or working on projects, while others were casually talking amongst themselves. As much as he wanted to get something for himself or his owner, however, he hadn't thought to purchase a sketchbook. He wasn't interested in getting anything really expensive, even though his master had left him with plenty of spending cash and a credit card.

The cheetah's ears perked up when he heard a voice call out to him. He glanced over his shoulder, spotting a hyena and otter waving to him. He made his way down the aisle of tables, approaching the pair. Retna threw his arms around Frosty, giving him a hug while the otter gave him a cheeky grin.

"Hey, we're gonna be grabbing dinner in a bit with some friends. Do you wanna tag along, Frosty?"

He shook his head lightly. "No, I think I'm gonna wander around a bit and see if I run into anyone else that I recognize."

"Sure thing, Frosty. Just give me a poke if you want to hang out."

"Catch you later, spottybutt," the otter chirped, waving as he and Retna made their way to the exit.

Frosty blushed, left to wonder whether the otter was just being cute, or if he referred to the earlier walk-in. His tail flicked slowly as he gazed down the rows of artists. The aisles were fairly crowded with convention-goers, milling about from one place to the next. He debated whether he should find someone to commission, or head up to his room. The desire to nap was quite strong, though. He would find someone later.

Turning abruptly, Frosty began to move in the direction of the exit. As he did, though, he nearly ran over a feline that was standing at a nearby table. He stopped mere inches from the cat, who didn't look at all startled by the fact that he was almost bowled over. Frosty's head lifted to apologize to the cat, but couldn't find the words when his eyes fell upon the feline.

Frosty was standing face-to-face with what appeared to be a mirror image. The white cheetah gazed back at him with familiar blue eyes, the cat's tail flicking back and forth. An unsettling grin spread over the cat's muzzle, scanning Frosty quickly. He winked at Frosty and turned, scurrying away quickly toward the exit.

"Hey, wait!" Frosty called out.

Perplexed by the twin cheetah, Frosty decided to pursue him. He hurried away from the table to keep up with the feline, ducking through the crowds to avoid running anyone over. The anonymous cat ducked through the exit doors and padded quickly down the open corridor, followed closely by the other feline. The cheetah in the lead peered over his shoulder briefly, checking to see if he was being followed. He grinned that Frosty was in close pursuit, hopping over a barricade at the top of a set of escalators.

Frosty paused for a moment at the escalators. They lead down into the underground tunnel of the convention center, which connected the main hall to the hotel and parking garage. It was closed for the convention, and lit only by emergency lights. He hesitated, knowing that the area was off-limits to convention goers. His curiosity got the better of him, however. He peered around quickly to make sure he wasn't seen, then leapt over the barricade and rushed down the unmoving escalator.

Gazing down the dimly lit corridor, Frosty spotted the white cheetah. The cat had paused about halfway down the long passageway, leaned up against the wall as if waiting for the other cheetah to approach. When he saw Frosty standing at the bottom of the escalator, he smirked and ducked into an alcove, disappearing from view.

"Hey, wait!" Frosty called out.

Grumbling to himself, Frosty padded swiftly down the long corridor. It was fairly featureless for the most part, save for the occasional side corridors that lead to various maintenance areas. Steam hissed quietly through pipes that followed the underground tunnel. He paused at the corner where the cheetah had disappeared, then stepped into the side corridor.

A startled shriek echoed down the hall as Frosty was grabbed and pushed back against the wall. Firm paws gripped his wrists, pinning them against the wall at Frosty's sides. The white feline pressed up against Frosty, purring softly to him. The cat's slender frame met the fellow cheetah's, rubbing gently back and forth.

"I caught a kitty," the feline grinned, gazing into Frosty's eyes.

Frosty blushed, trying to free his hands. The white cheetah was surprisingly strong for his build, however. The cat's hips pushed firmly into his own, grinding lewdly as he smirked. Frosty tried to squirm out of the cat's clutches, but he was pinned against the wall. To make matters worse, he was still quite pent up from his interrupted fling with Retna.

"Who are you?" Frosty inquired.

"Oh, nobody of importance," the cheetah grinned. "For simplicity's sake, though, you can just call me Doppel."

Frosty nodded lightly, still half-heartedly squirming to work himself free. The cheetah's grip on him was firm, though. It appeared that the feline had no intention of letting him go. A steady grinding motion against his body reinforced this suspicion. He could feel the cheetah's shaft growing against his hip, making the cat's intentions clearly known.

"And, uh, what do you intend to do, now that you've caught a kitty?"

The white cheetah smirked, gazing into Frosty's eyes as he leaned in to lick over his muzzle. "I intend to fuck him."

Frosty's muzzle darkened as the skin beneath his fur flushed a deep crimson. He tugged against the cat's paws, attempting to free his wrists again as the cheetah's rough tongue slurped over his muzzle. He couldn't deny his body's reaction, though, his own member rising up. Doppel smirked when he realized it, finally letting go of Frosty's paws. He reached down to squeeze Frosty's hips, kneading his fingers into them as he pushed his erection against the other feline's growing length.

Doppel reached down and unzipped his pants, popping the button open and letting an erect pink shaft spring out. Slick pre was dripping from the tip and down the underside, leaving a glistening trail. A paw moved away from Frosty's hip to wrap around that erect length, stroking steadily over it to spread that slickness.

"Such an eager cat," the cheetah cooed, watching Frosty's eyes drift down to his pulsing length. "I bet you'd love to be fucked right here, huh?"

Frosty gulped softly at the lewd observation. "" He shuffled nervously, his tail thumping against the wall.

"What's the matter, kitty? Cat got your tongue?" Dopple chuckled. "We can loosen that tongue of yours easily enough. I bet you'll be moaning like a slut by the time we're done."

Frosty opened his mouth to protest, but was silenced when the other cheetah leaned in. The cat's lips pushed firmly against his own, muffling a surprised chirp. Frosty was too distracted with the kiss to realize that the cheetah's paw had moved away from his erect length, and was once again resting on his hip. In a swift motion, Frosty found himself being hefted upward, pushed firmly against the wall. Doppel's paws were squeezing his hips firmly, supporting his weight. He instinctively squeezed his thighs around the other cheetah's waist, helping to support his weight. Doppel's ears perked up at this, easing back from the kiss with a smug grin.

"Ooh, you really want this, don't you?"

Frosty's blush persisted, but he didn't say anything to challenge the other cheetah's claim. He reached up when the cheetah slid closer, his arms draping around the cat's shoulders to steady himself. With his position against the wall, he was completely exposed to the other cat. The only trouble was that he was still wearing his shorts. This didn't stop the cheetah from grinding his erection against Frosty's rump, however. He rubbed back and forth, crooning softly as the fabric teased his erection.

"Seems like we have a little issue. Kitty needs to get his shorts off," the cheetah observed.

Frosty nodded, rocking his hips gently against the cheetah's shaft. He carefully reached down, letting the other cheetah support his weight as he undid his shorts. He lifted his hips a little, giving himself enough room to ease his shorts down. He wiggled his hips to slide them downward, until his pants were bunched up around his thighs. The other white cheetah grinned as he watched, pushing up against Frosty once the cat's arms returned to his shoulders.

The cheetah's hips pushed forward until the dripping tip of his shaft met Frosty's fuzzy rump. He wiggled softly as he eased forward, letting his tip nestle itself between the fuzzy cheeks. Frosty's hips squeezed the other feline's waist as a bead of slick pre smeared over his warm pucker, coaxing the cheetah to continue. Doppel was eager to accommodate his wishes, applying pressure as another spurt of pre greeted the warm ring.

Frosty's body tensed when the cheetah's tapered head glided smoothly into his bowels. His backside squeezed firmly around the invading flesh, a mew of pleasure escaping Frosty's lips. The identical cat growled softly as he pushed deeper, feeling that clenching flesh yielding to his advances. A dripping flow of pre lubricated his way as he sank his length into Frosty's body, leaning down to bite the feline's neck.

The two shared a mutual groan of pleasure when the cheetah's shaft settled deep into Frosty's rump. Doppel's hips pushed firmly against the curvy butt, burying himself to the hilt. He bit down on Frosty's neck, causing the cheetah to squirm over his pulsing length. He drew his hips back after a moment, leaving only the tip nestled inside before he firmly thrust back inside. The quick motion made Frosty gasp, squeezing the cheetah's shoulders.

"That's right, kitty. Moan for me like a good slut," Doppel growled.

Frosty dug his feet gently into the cheetah's lower back, coaxing the feline to continue thrusting. The male growled at the needy tug, pulling back and roughly thrusting inside again. He didn't pause this time, working himself into a steady rhythm. Frosty's body bounced with each motion, pleasured groans encouraging Doppel to thrust harder. Frosty always enjoyed sex, but something about being claimed by a cat that looked exactly like himself was especially erotic.

As tempted as he was to draw things out and enjoy the passion, Doppel's desire to simply plow the cat was too great. He slammed forward, causing Frosty to cry out loudly. His pleasured outburst echoed down the corridor, though they were fortunate that nobody was within earshot. Doppel angled his thrusts into Frosty's bowels, mashing the tip of his shaft into the cheetah's prostate. Frosty squirmed and whimpered, hugging the cheetah's shoulders tightly.

"Such a perfect ass," the cheetah growled. "Hope you don't mind if I cum in it."

Doppel felt a noticeable clench around his shaft when he finished speaking. He'd apparently found one of Frosty's soft spots. He squeezed the cheetah's hips tightly between his paws, rolling the cat's rump in his fingers and squeezing the fuzzy cheeks together. His shaft made lewd slapping noises each time he rammed into Frosty's tight passage, the pleasure building rapidly. The firm clenching around his length only added to the pleasure, that slick flesh kneading and rubbing over Doppel's length.

Frosty's muzzle hung open in uncontrollable moaning as the other cat's hips hammered into him. His paws kneaded blindly over Doppel's shoulders and back, squeezing and grabbing whatever he could get his fingers around. His body was brimming over with pleasure, his length throbbing between the pair. Spurts of slick pre landed on his belly and dripped down the shaft, leaving his lap moist with musky arousal.

Doppel leaned in and latched on to the side of Frosty's neck, biting down in a dominant gesture. He was quickly nearing his peak, his body trembling as he panted heavily. The flow of pre increased considerably, accompanying each powerful thrust with a wet slurp. His thrusts grew to a rapid flurry of motion, biting down a bit harder on Frosty's neck. The cheetah pinned against the wall was reduced to a squirming mass of pleasure by Doppel's rapid pace, his body burning with passion.

Doppel growled deeply around his mouthful of neck, slamming his hips forward each time he thrust into the cheetah's slick passage. His shaft throbbed as he made a series of quick, short thrusts, bringing himself swiftly to his climax. He squeezed Frosty's rump almost painfully as he erupted with hot seed, burying the full length of his shaft deep in the cheetah's bowels. Frosty clenched tightly around him, grinding and flexing his hips against that nestled shaft.

The pair became serenely quiet as the cheetah's pace finally halted, save for the sounds of heavy panting. Doppel chewed lightly on Frosty's neck, traveling downward over the cheetah's shoulder as he filled his lover with his sticky load. Frosty's arms draped over Doppel's shoulders, the cheetah's fingers kneading softly between the other cat's shoulder blades. His length throbbed between his legs in time with his rapid heartbeat, slick with pre, though he hadn't reached his peak. Doppel had no intention of remedying this, though.

"I think I could get used to hitting that ass," the cheetah chuckled. "Shame that it's the only chance I'll get."

"Oh, I don't...mmh...think it'll be the only chance you'll get, hun," Frosty replied, his breathing slowly returning to normal. "I'll be here the entire convention, and there's always next year."

The cheetah grinned at Frosty. "No, there won't be a next year. Not for you, anyway."

"What do you mean?" Frosty replied, a touch of concern in his voice. "Who are you really?"

The cheetah's smirk grew at this. "I am you. As far as anyone else is concerned, my name is Frosty. I look like you, I act like you, and I can fuck like you."

Frosty furrowed his brow with a baffled look. "I know you look like me, but...what? You can't possibly BE me. Tell me who you really are, right now!"

The cheetah's paws reached up, removing Frosty's arms from his shoulders. He gripped the cheetah's wrists and pinned them back against the wall, ensuring that Frosty wouldn't be able to pull himself free.

"You really want to know, do you?" the cat chuckled. "I've already told you who I am. But if you want specifics, then I'll tell you. I am a Doppelganger; a shape-shifter. I go from place to place, seeking out creatures that I find interesting. Once I've found one, I take on their physical appearance, personality, memories; everything that makes up their individuality. After I've done that, I make their life my own, until I get bored with it."

Frosty wanted to believe that the cat was lying, but the look in his eyes said otherwise. "And...what exactly do you mean by 'make their life my own?'"

The white cheetah smirked. "Two beings cannot live the same life. Things would become too confusing, and people would grow suspicious. To avoid this, I remove my intended target."

Frosty gulped, tugging his wrists gently, but the cheetah had a firm grip on them. "Remove"

The white cheetah leaned forward, gazing deep into Frosty's eyes. "I eliminate them, and anyone aware of their existence is none the wiser."

"Why me, though?" Frosty asked, his chest becoming tight. His head was swimming now, hoping that the cheetah was just playing a cruel joke.

"You live such a simple, pampered life, my dear cat. I intend to change that. I want to stir things up a bit, and see what happens. I'm especially interested to see what happens when your precious master finds his sweet, innocent little pet to be...less than cooperative."

Frosty's eyes went wide, and he struggled violently against the cat to pull himself free. "You stay away from Surge!"

The cheetah growled as he squeezed Frosty's wrists painfully, forcing them down to the cat's sides. He pushed himself firmly against Frosty to keep the cheetah pinned against the wall, leaving him without room to escape. The semi-erect length still buried in Frosty's bowels made struggling especially difficult.

"I'm going to have so much fun," the cat cackled. "I think I'll pay some of your friends a visit before the convention is over, and see what trouble I can get into."

Frostyquickly took a deep breath, convinced that this cheetah was a raving lunatic. "HEL-"

As soon as Frosty began to call out, the cheetah's jaws snapped over his muzzle, clamping it firmly shut and muffling his plea. Frosty tugged his muzzle abruptly backward, attempting to pull it free. He only succeeded in knocking his head roughly against the wall, jarring his head and leaving himself somewhat stunned. The doppelganger held his grip on the cheetah's wrists, taking advantage of the brief confusion to push his jaws farther over the cheetah's head.

The doppelganger's tongue lapped over Frosty's muzzle, slurping wetly and leaving his fur matted with drool. He growled hungrily as he nibbled forward, his teeth scraping gently over the top of the cheetah's skull. He paused a moment to adjust Frosty's position, hunching over the unfortunate cheetah. His jaws gaped wider as he resumed his intended meal, forcing the cheetah's ears flat against his skull as his jaws crept over them.

The meal paused for a moment when Frosty's nose reached the back of the doppelganger's maw. He felt his muzzle poke against a soft, fleshy barrier, which quivered lightly at the touch. The hungry feline adjusted his hips, letting his slick, flaccid length slide free of Frosty's rump. It popped out with a crude slurp, a trickle of slick seed dripping from the abused pucker.

With Frosty freed, the doppelganger swallowed. That soft flesh spread open and slurped over the cheetah's muzzle, tugging him into the darkness with an abrupt motion. The predator's jaws eased down over Frosty's neck, the cheetah still struggling to free his arms. With the cheetah's head squeezing down into his throat, though, the doppelganger had an easier time controlling him.

The doppelganger twisted his head to the side to stuff one of Frosty's shoulders into his jaws, drooling copiously over the feline's chest. His cheek stretched as he gaped wider, easing the other shoulder inside as well. By now, Frosty's entire head was wedged in the doppelganger's rippling throat, the flesh kneading over him possessively to tug him deeper. The stretching flesh outlined the cheetah's head, slowly disappearing downward into the other feline's chest.

Frosty's mind raced as he felt the other cat's jaws pushing down over his chest. He squirmed and protested, trying to tug himself free, but he couldn't find any leverage. With his back pinned against the wall, and his feet lifted from the floor, he was almost entirely helpless. The doppelganger growled over his catch, the approval loud in Frosty's ears.

The cheetah's throat gaped open as Frosty's shoulders squeezed inside, a heavy swallow jerking the slender feline downward. The predator's heart pounded in his ears, accompanied by the various sounds of slurping and gurgling. The doppelganger gulped heavily as the cheetah's slender waist pushed into his jaws, pulling the cheetah's hips toward his mouth. Frosty's arms were pinned against his sides, allowing the doppelganger to release his wrists finally.

The determined predator pushed against Frosty's butt, tipping his head up. He lifted the cheetah over his head, straightening his body out to make ingestion simpler. The cat's legs kicked helplessly in the air, his spotted white tail lashing back and forth.

Frosty could do nothing to halt his descent now, the doppelganger's slick throat kneading his body toward the awaiting stomach. He was in full blown panic, his heart pounding in his head, almost hyperventilating. With his upended position, he could feel the blood rushing to his head. The combination of everything made it difficult to think. He focused only on the fact that this creature was devouring him, and he knew that the male had no intention of releasing him.

The doppelganger crooned loudly around his meal when he reached the cheetah's supple hips. His tongue greeted the feline's lap, guiding a semi-erect shaft into his jaws. The taste of musk was heavy here, encouraging him to explore a bit. The rough tongue against his sensitive flesh made Frosty squirm and shudder, whimpering despite his situation. His shaft quickly rose to full erection, pulsing against the cheetah's tongue. The predator's paws squeezed Frosty's thighs together, keeping the cheetah's legs under control as his hips squeezed down into the rippling gullet.

Frosty's feet kicked lightly, his toes curling as the ravenous creature's throat tugged at him. His head was pushed up against a tight, fleshy barrier, halting his progress for a moment. The barrier slowly spread open before it admitted Frosty's face into the doppelganger's belly. He was greeted with a wave of acrid heat, the stench of the feline's gut stinging his nose. He whimpered, hoping that the feline would eventually spit him up, much like his master did.

The doppelganger growled, flicking his tongue between the cheetah's thighs as they descended into his throat. He paused a moment when the cheetah's bunched up shorts pushed against his lips. He reached up to quickly tug the shorts off, dropping them on the floor in a heap. He purred as he tipped his head back once more, resuming the meal hungrily.

With the cheetah's upper body beginning to fill out his gut, the rest of the meal was effortless. He reached up, pushing his fingers against Frosty's paws to stuff them toward his awaiting jaws. In his gut, Frosty was forced to curl forward, the walls stretching and conforming to his body to accommodate him.

Within moments, Frosty's paws began to slide into the doppelganger's maw. A flick of the feline's tongue over his feet made him spasm unexpectedly, being rather ticklish. With his feet in the cheetah's maw, his upper body was completely tucked into the predator's gut. He pushed his arms firmly against the walls around him, trying to prevent himself from sliding any deeper. The attempt was futile, though. The doppelganger tipped his head up, tucking the cheetah's feet into his throat with a wet gulp.

The creature licked over his lips with a wet smack, sighing happily as a few well-timed swallows squeezed his meal the rest of the way into his gut. His belly sagged over his lap as he leaned forward, propping himself up against the wall. A deep sigh escaped his lips, reaching up to knead over his bloated gut. He felt the cheetah's paws pushing against him as he rubbed over the cat's outline, admiring the shapely bulge that his unfortunate meal left.

"And that is how I eliminate someone that I copy," the doppelganger chuckled, his belly gurgling softly around the trapped cheetah.

"Please, don't do this," Frosty whimpered, trying to stretch out. He pushed his paws firmly outward, creating noticeable feline paw prints in the white belly.

The doppelganger ignored Frosty's plea as he turned, resting his back against the wall. He slowly slid down until he was seated, his stomach spilling over his thighs. He caressed fondly over the top of his swollen stomach, shifting a little as his filling meal struggled.

Frosty hoped blindly that the doppelganger's gut would be as safe as his master's. The acrid smell, as well as a steadily growing tingle over his body indicated otherwise, however. The walls of the predator's gut were slippery and hot, squeezing over his body and rubbing the secretions into his fur. His knees were pulled up to his chest in a fetal position, giving the cheetah an even greater sense of helplessness.

"You just settle down in there, kitty. You're mine now," the doppelganger chuckled.

Frosty wanted to reply, but the lack of fresh air in the predator's gut was making it increasingly difficult to remain awake. To make matters worse, a rumbling belch rattled the doppelganger's stomach. The slick walls compressed almost uncomfortably around Frosty's body, pinning his arms against his chest and leaving him completely motionless. He was now entirely at the doppelganger's mercy, and considering what the male had told him already, he knew his fate was sealed.

The doppelganger groaned softly as he felt Frosty wiggle, though the cheetah's struggles were rapidly diminishing. He could feel the feline gradually slipping away, succumbing to the lack of breathable air. His belly gurgled softly as more of the tingling acid dripped from the slick walls, coating the feline's body.

Frosty's head was growing fuzzy, barely noticing the uncomfortable burning sensation that was spreading over the majority of his body. He struggled to remain conscious, but eventually his body gave up. He made a final struggle before he slipped away, falling into deep unconsciousness and submitting to the cheetah's gut.

The doppelganger grinned as he felt the cheetah fall still, rubbing his paws over the cat's outline. He urped quietly again, listening to the soft gurgles of his stomach as his body set itself to digesting its occupant. His paws pressed and squeezed over the victim, his chest rumbling softly as he began to purr. His tail draped out next to him as he yawned, the meal leaving him rather tired.

"Think a nap is in order," the doppelganger chuckled. "You just sleep well in there, kitty. You'll be nothing more than a soft belly when I wake up."

The doppelganger leaned over, curling up comfortably around his enormous gut. He cradled it in his arms as he yawned again, resting his back against the wall. He closed his eyes and sighed heavily, his tail draping over his stomach as he allowed himself to drift off to sleep in the quiet corridor...

* * * * * * * * * *

The feline stirred some time later, yawning widely as his eyes fluttered open. His stomach gurgled softly, significantly reduced from when he'd gone to sleep. He stretched out with a soft growl, arching his back. He pushed himself up into a sitting position, rubbing a paw idly over his soft belly. The meal was fairly indistinct now, showing no indication of any recognizable shape. It appeared as if he'd just enjoyed an unusually large meal. While it wasn't far from the truth, it wouldn't raise any suspicion.

The doppelganger's ears perked when he heard Frosty's pants ringing. He reached down and plucked them from the ground, fishing into the pocket. He withdrew the cheetah's phone, glancing at the screen. The phone indicated that Retna was calling. The doppelganger opened the phone and held it up to his ear, resting a paw on his gut.


"Frosty! About time you answered. I've been trying to get ahold of you for over an hour," the hyena's voice scolded.

"Uh, sorry about that. He''ve been distracted," the doppelganger replied. "What's up?"

"I was just curious if you wanted to hang out for a bit," Retna inquired.

The doppelganger's eyes drifted down to his gradually shrinking gut, rubbing a paw softly back and forth. "That sounds great, Retna. Maybe we could sneak back up to your room, and give things another go."

There was a muffled giggle from the phone. "We'll see, Frosty. Meet me in front of the dealer's room."

"Sure thing, Retna. Seeya soon."

The cheetah flipped the phone shut, tucking it into his pocket. He tossed Frosty's shorts over an arm, purring quietly as he made his way into the main corridor, strolling casually toward the escalators. His belly gurgled softly as he grinned to himself. Perhaps he could pick things up where Frosty and Retna had left off earlier that day. If nothing else, he'd be hungry again soon enough, and the hyena would be a nice addition to his spotted meal. His tail waved slowly as he made his way up the escalator, hopping over the barricade at the top.

"I think I'm going to have fun with this," he chuckled. "I hope you don't mind, Frosty. Not that you have any say in things now..."