Around the Bend Part II

Story by Kay Kitten on SoFurry

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#2 of Around the Bend

The residents of room 415 enjoyed static on all three hundred channels they had. The TV cut off at the press of a button by a female squirrel named Michelle. She was a bit shorter than most, but her bushy tail made up for that. Her fur was light brown, with two thin streaks of chocolate brown that ran from her nose to the tip of her tail. She was wearing a pair of pajama pants with a long white T-shirt stating nothing more than Peace. Her white head fur was long enough to be kept parted at the top of her left eye, letting it fall into her face. She slumped back in the couch and looked over at her room mate, a male skunk. "Devin, will you please fix this?" She pleaded, her tail twitching in agitation. The skunk sighed and made to stand up.

"I told you before Michelle, I can't do anything about it. Damn rain is fuckin' with it." Devin stood up finally and stretched. He was tall and fit, muscles showing clearly through his sleek, black fur and dual white stripes. He was just wearing a pair of baggy jeans, not having any reason to cover his torso and since his large tail didn't like to play nice with most clothing. His head fur was long and unkempt for the most part as it just kinda sat there and a tuft of fur on his chin created a gruff look. He walked into the kitchen which was located behind the couch in the living room and started pouring a glass of coffee. Michelle turned around, resting her head on the back of the couch. "Coffee? This late? No wonder you never sleep."

"Sleep?" Devin started to laugh as he walked back into the living room and sipped from his cup. "Remind what that is again." He quickly ducked, making sure not to spill his coffee, as a pillow aimed at his head came flying from the couch. Suddenly a knock came from the front door. The two looked at each other for a second, then back at the door when another knock came.

"Who could that be? Especially at this hour?" Michelle asked, looking over at Devin. The skunk just shrugged and walked over to the door. He looked out the peephole and found an otter looking around, like someone was going to jump out and attack him at any moment. Devin looked back at Michelle. "It's an otter. Looks paranoid too. Want me to answer it?" Michelle shrugged.

"Why're you asking me? I don't care. Maybe he's looking for his dealer or something." She got up from the couch and stepped over next to Devin. "Maybe we could get some green from him." Devin looked at her and shook his head. "You and your drugs." Another knock from the door got their attention. Devin opened the door to find the otter readjusting the strap on the messenger bag, repeatedly. It took the otter a moment to realize the door had been opened.

"Oh... Hello." the otter said with a slight English accent, stopping his adjusting and standing up straight. Devin and Michelle looked at each other, then back at the otter. Devin spoke first.

"Can we help you?" Devin asked not so politely. The otter noticed this.

"Y-yes. My name is Otter. I'm here to be your new roommate... Sir." the otter said, standing up straighter.

"Otter? Don't you have a real name?" Devin asked. The otter shook his head.

"No sir. I've always been called Otter. I don't remember ever having another name." the otter shuffled his feet. Devin looked at Michelle and shrugged. Michelle punched him playfully.

"Idiot. Come on in Otter, all your stuff arrived earlier this morning. You'll be in the same room as Devin here." she stepped to the side to let Otter through. Devin stepped back as well, then he snapped is fingers.

"Oh yeah! We got a letter about you. I completely forgot." Devin smiled at remembering this. Michelle just shook her head and offered to take Otter's cloak.

"Oh, no thank you. I can get it myself." and with that, Otter removed his cloak. He was of medium build, a few inches shorter than six foot with a very lean body and wore a black, slim fit t-shirt that showed his torso all to well. He wore faded black jeans and multiple gel bracelets and charms littered his wrists along with rings on each hand. A dull gray chain holding a small medallion with a star on it sat around his neck. His fur was otherwise a normal chestnut brown, but his left arm, from the elbow down, was charcoal black. He hung up his cloak on the coat rack next to the door. He turned around and began to fidget with his paws. Devin stepped next to Otter.

"Well I'm Devin, and this is Michelle." Devin pointed at himself and Michelle respectively, then extended a paw to the otter, which Otter shook with a trembling paw. "You OK man? Cold or something?" Otter shook his head.

"N-no sir. I just need a cigarette... Can I smoke in here?" Otter had already pulled out a pack of knock off cigarettes.

"Yeah, but Michelle really doesn't-" Before Devin could finish the sentence, Otter had already lit one and was inhaling it. His eyes closed as almost a fifth of the cigarette was burnt. He let his paw drop down and slowly exhaled the smoke through his nose. Soon the trembling in his paws stopped and he sighed. Michelle coughed a bit and waved the smoke away from her face.

"Can... *Cough*.. You keep that in your room or something? *Cough* I don't like cigarette smoke to much..." Michelle turned away and walked to the other side of the room. Devin chuckled and looked over at Otter.

"Can I get one man? She hasn't let me have one in here since I moved in." Otter smiled a bit and handed one over. Devin let Otter light it for him and inhaled just as much as Otter did. Devin punched Otter playfully. "You're alright man. Come on. I'll show you your room. And don't call me sir." Otter nodded and followed Devin into the spare room, careful not to blow smoke in Michelle's direction. Michelle just coughed again and walked into her room.

The rain kept pouring with no indication as to when it would stop. The residents of room 415 went their separate ways, Devin and Otter to their shared room and Michelle to her own. But Michelle decided to stay up a bit. She had one more thing to do before she slept.

Michelle sat at her computer desk and powered it on. While she waited, she grabbed a stuffed animal she kept next to her computer monitor. She opened a small slit she had cut at the neck and pulled out a small bag of pot. She didn't smoke often, maybe once or twice every other week or so and on special occasions. And tonight was one of those special nights. Tonight was the night she waited for every month. The night where she and her friend got on video chat, and got rid of some pent up tension. She had finished packing her bowl as her video chat program loaded up. She hit it once before she was invited by her friend. Michelle accepted of course, and hit the bowl again.

"Hey there Michelle." the voice came from the computer speakers. "I see you're loosening up."

"Of course Zahna. I need to. Today was crazy." Michelle looked at her friend on the monitor. She was a rare breed, an otter with jet black fur. She was skinny, but still had a figure to show off when she wanted. She, like Michelle, was wearing her pajamas. A simple T-shirt was all that could be seen, but Michelle knew she wasn't wearing anything else, a thought that excited the squirrel. Michelle hit the bowl one more time, then set it down next to her keyboard.

"How come? Something bad happen?" Zahna questioned the squirrel with a look of worry after hitting her own pipe. Michelle waved her paw dismissively.

"Nah. Our roommate got here tonight." Michelle hit her pipe again.

"Oh really? What's he like?" Zahna leaned in closer, curiosity in her eyes now. She smiled lustily. "Is he cute?" Michelle almost coughed on the smoke she was inhaling. It took her a minute to recover.

"I.. *Cough* I wouldn't know! He's not a squirrel. He's an otter. And you know I don't prefer men." Michelle coughed again, then went to inhale some more smoke. Zahna's face lit up.

"Oh really? Tell me about him!" Zahna was starting to get excited. Michelle exhaled before answering.

"I don't know much. Just that he looks kinda girly and paranoid. I think he's gay." she dumped the ash out of her bowl and set it down on her desk. She watched Zahna take another hit of hers. "And he smokes cigarettes. Nasty things."

"Yet you smoke weed." Zahna giggled at the look Michelle gave her and put her own pipe away. "Well even if he turns out to be a great guy, he still couldn't compare to you." Zahna smiled as Michelle blushed. "Well I don't know if you're ready, but I am." Zahna leaned back, her paws disappearing below what the camera could see. Michelle giggled and leaned back as well, adjusting the web cam so Zahna could see almost all of her.

"I bet you are." Michelle started to pull off her pajama pants. "Wait, have you started already?" Michelle leaned forward. Zahna just nodded, her eyes closed. Michelle poked the screen. "Zahna!" Zahna opened her eyes and looked around. "You know the rules, no starting until we're both ready. Plus, I can't see all of you."

"Oh... Sorry dear." Zahna smiled and readjusted the camera to show more of her. It came to no surprise to Michelle that she wasn't wearing pants. Or panties for that matter. Zahna's sex was exposed and already wet from her touch, arousing Michelle from just the sight. Zahna leaned back again, her paw going back down to lightly rub her lips. "Better?"

"Much, thank you." Michelle leaned back, smiling at the sight. She then decided to remove her panties slowly knowing Zahna liked it when she did. Zahna just watched, her paw rubbing faster. Michelle got her panties off but kept her legs closed.

"Hey!" Zahna whined. Michelle just wagged her finger.

"Uh-uh. Not until my shirt's off." Michelle leaned closer to the screen. "But I don't want to be the only nude one either." Zahna grinned sheepishly, clearly stoned. She brought her paw up from her slit and licked it. Michelle wiggled in the chair. She couldn't take much more arousal. Her pussy was already soaking and Zahna wasn't helping her stay calm. Michelle started to lift her shirt off faster than Zahna would have liked, wanting nothing more than sweet release. Zahna took the hint and threw her shirt off as well. Neither of them had been wearing bras, as both knew it would just take more time to get naked. Both of them had about average sized breasts, Michelle being a size smaller than Zahna.

Michelle threw one of her legs over the arm rest of her chair to give Zahna a better view of the show. Zahna just leaned back and started to rub herself again, her other paw venturing to one of her breasts. Michelle followed suit, her paws starting to bring her pleasure. She managed to keep her eyes open for a few minutes, watching her otter friend pleasure herself to her. She watched Zahna close her eyes, her paw moving faster, slight moans escaping the otter's muzzle. Michelle couldn't take any more. She slipped two fingers into her, the amount of fluid making it easy. She began to pump them in and out at a steady pace. Quiet moans slipped out from her lips, driving Zahna to new speeds. Zahna was now moaning loud enough to be heard clearly throughout Michelle's room, getting closer to her peak. Michelle found new energy in hearing this, slipping a third digit into her and pumping faster. Her fingers made a sloshing noise every time they went in, her paw now soaked to the wrist in her own juice. She started to feel something deep within her. A feeling all to familiar to the squirrel. She could hear Zahna yipp every now and again, enticing Michelle to look. Zahna had her head back, her paws working furiously to make her climax. Michelle found she couldn't close her eyes anymore, but instead watch with eyes half closed in lust. Her breath was becoming labored and she was bucking against her paw. She was so close.

Suddenly Zahna let out a loud moan, and Michelle watched Zahna's climax finally hit her. Zahna arched her back as her paw was covered in her cum. It leaked out from her sex, her paw completely covered in sticky fluid. This threw Michelle over the edge. She arched her back like Zahna and let out a muffled moan, not wishing to wake her roommates. Her walls clamped around her paw as cum was squirted out, covering her paw and her keyboard in the slick fluid. Michelle kept humping her paw trying to get the most out of this amazing feeling. When she finally came down she opened her lids to see Zahna watching, panting heavily just as Michelle was. They both smiled and giggled.

"Wanna come over and clean up for me?" Zahna asked, regaining her energy first but still panting. She started to suck on her paw, making sure to tease Michelle as much as she could. Michelle laughed and shook her head.

"I would if I lived closer than two states away." Michelle did what Zahna was doing, but for other reasons than to tease her friend. The girls said their goodnights and promises to talk tomorrow, then they leaned up to the webcams they had and kissed the lens' at the same time. Michelle waved sweetly as Zahna cut off the chat. She sighed. She always loved these nights, but they always left her wanting more. She wanted to be with Zahna. Have her hold her. But she knew it couldn't be. At least, not yet anyway. She shut down her computer and stood up, feeling something drip down. She looked at her legs to she she was still covered in her juice. She looked at the chair and slumped over in annoyance. There was a small puddle on the chair, and a bigger one on the floor beneath it. She glanced at her computer stand and huffed a huge sigh.

"This is the only thing I hate about these nights. The clean up is always a pain." She grabbed a towel and started to clean, tasting the sweet mess every now and again.