Down the Rabbit Hole: Chapter 7

Story by Graymouse on SoFurry

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#7 of Down the Rabbit Hole

Anonymous commission. Judy gets involved in a love affair with a shady wolf, who has big plans for her and Zootopia

"Oh my god! Oh my god, yes! Yes!!!"

It was all too common: the sight of a bunny girl splayed out on the bed, her legs spread wide, looking up with dizzy eyes, her hands stretched above her head gripping onto the sheets and pillows for dear life, her voice rising in unstoppable screams of bliss that she never could have imagined were even possible as her tight, virgin pussy was thoroughly plowed by Coal's thick, black, canine cock until his knot slammed into her, his hefty balls dumped their creamy payload into her depths, and her body convulsed with nothing short of a back-arching, mind-numbing, toe-curling, blinding-white orgasm.

Even when it was over, she couldn't stop herself from twitching, trying to regain her vision and control of her limbs, her lungs struggling with shaky, shallow breaths as tremors of ecstasy charged through her system with every throb of Coal's hard cock still buried inside of her. He too was left sweaty and winded, but the steady supply of carrot lube ensured he wasn't spent yet. With a satisfied grin above her, he reached over to the bedside table and offered the girl impaled on his knot a single red rose. "Congratulations. You have officially been deflowered," he said. The young bunny's eyelids fluttered as the thrill of the acknowledgement raced hot through her veins.

The deflowering package was actually Nick's idea. He was the next employee to be hired to the Red Riding Burrow after the first three, having followed Judy and quickly discovered what she and Coal's next move was. When he told Coal that he had made up his mind to follow Judy, no matter where it led him or what their relationship ended up like, Coal was initially against it. The last thing he needed was some lovesick second-fiddle hanging all over Judy. But the more he and Nick talked, the more he realized that Nick's attachment to Judy wasn't necessarily romantic or even sexual. They were friends, close friends even, and Nick didn't need anything more than that. It didn't hurt his chances either when he admitted that he couldn't stop thinking about how hot it was to watch Coal and Judy fuck like they did back at the skate park that one morning. It was just as well; now that he was the accounting manager of Red Riding Burrow, he got to watch Coal and Judy screw all the time.

But for Coal, being the sole male carnivore worker at the brothel, he was getting a lot more rabbity tail than just Judy's, hence the deflowering package the brothel offered: a discounted rate for anyone who wanted Coal to take their virginity, and a fresh rose as the finishing touch. The package had certainly been popular, and with Bunnyburrow's population and Coal's exotic carnivore status, after just six months of operation and several deflowerings each day, Coal estimated he had taken over a thousand virginities by now, and with dozens of clients a day on average just for himself, Coal had serviced thousands of bunnies already, and his waiting list just continued to grow.

The amount of sex he was having was almost too much for Coal - almost. If he was awake, he was having sex and working, or having sex with Judy or the various other carry-ons that had joined his orbit or his employ. When he wasn't having sex, he was usually sleeping. But there was something fulfilling about it, and the sheer amount of ass he was landing only made him feel it more. He'd read that sex boosted a male's testosterone levels, and he suspected that was the culprit; he felt stronger, more confident, a bit more aggressive, and his appetite for sex had only grown to match what his body was capable of. He had grown into a true stud, and the biggest stud in all of Bunnyburrow, hands down.

When he managed to dislodge his knot from his latest conquest and send her on her way with a swat of her rump, he dressed back in his black and red elastic boxer briefs that hugged his strong thighs and generous package nicely, grabbing a water bottle from the drawer before heading back out to the front. Walking through the main hall of the Red Riding Burrow was a symphony to Coal's ears.

"Yes! Yes! Give me your big, fat knot!"


"Nnnng, fuck, I'm gonna cum!"

Each door he passed by contained one of his lapine workers and one of their clients going at it, and with Bonnie's special carrot-based male enhancement products offered for a small added charge, the clients had more than enough drive and stamina for an experience second-to-none. He wouldn't leave the workers out to dry either; Judy and Nick's past connections made it easy to smuggle some more illicit substances into the establishment as well, which kept all of them performing well. Howl, a weaker version of Nick's favorite, was popular, and it had become a Friday night ritual for the bunny girls on staff to snort a line off of Coal's cock before sundown. Even now, Coal could feel the surreal enhancements of the drug in his system, like he could pick out every moan, smack, squelch, gasp, and scream from the rooms beyond one by one.

"Yeah, you like that dick don't you bunny boy?"

"God, sir! Fuck my tight bunny butthole!"

"Mmm, yeah, I like seeing you jizz all over yourself like that, ya little runt..."

Of course, not all of Coal's employees were bunny girls. After realizing there was quite an interest in bunny boys as well, Coal had "interviewed" several candidates, and finding them just as good at what they did as the girls, had brought them on to fill out the empty beds. The response from the gay market was strong, but Coal was surprised at how many faces from Zootopia's conservative political party he saw as well. Coal never confronted them, but some of them had been caught up in scandals at the Red Riding Burrow, with candid photos and video of them balls-deep in some tight bunny boy butt surfacing shortly after they'd announced plans to reinstate and strengthen the ZPD, crack down on drug use, or ranting against homosexuality. It was very unfortunate for them, but the free publicity had been very good for Coal.

To say the Red Riding Burrow was successful would be an understatement; carnivores came from all around - especially Zootopia - to experience the only bunny brothel around for hundreds of miles, and the bunnies of the local community shelled out top dollar just for the chance to ride Coal's dick. Coal's cock alone raked in thousands a night in profit, and it felt good to know that he probably had the most valuable penis in the country right between his very thighs. Even after paying off the Burrow's mortgage and giving a generous cut to each of his workers, Coal quickly amassed more money than he knew what to do with. Visions of a lavish house in central Zootopia's richest neighborhood, a chain of high-end skate parks in every urban center in the country, or a wild sex-tour around the world filled Coal's imagination at night, but he'd decided not to make any rash decisions with the money just yet. Mostly, he had reinvested into the community that had done right by him. A few expansions to the brothel had allowed him to hire a hundred new prostitutes, which then meant cleaning staff for all the rooms, hospitality services for guests staying at the brothel overnight, and even a small team of legal and marketing professionals to protect and spread the brothel's brand. As a business alone, the Red Riding Burrow was one of the top employers in Bunnyburrow, and if that was all, the citizens would have nothing but good to say for it. But Coal had also made several sizeable donations to the city as well, rebuilding the local schoolhouse that Judy had attended as a girl, building a homeless shelter, and funding several ambitious expansions to the local library and community center. In a short town, Bunnyburrow had grown from a small farming backwater to a thriving small town expanding on the back of its thriving sex industry with sex shops, condom factories, and even a porn studio showing interest in coming to the area.

It felt good for Coal. It felt good to revitalize Judy's hometown. It felt good to be the owner of one of the most successful sex businesses in the country. And it felt good to have more sex in a day than most males had in a year. Life felt good for Coal.

Nick kept his post near the front of the house so that he could keep his eyes and ears on everything, but his office was just behind the entry foyer. The brothel had really come a long way; while they had still kept the silky red motif, they had injected a lot more class into it with dark mahogany floors and chandeliers with silk drapes hanging from the ends and dim wall lights to set the mood. Coal didn't bother knocking on the fox's sturdy door before entering.

Nick himself now dressed in a neat, dark suit and tie that fitted his role as the bookkeeper for the establishment. His office was an organized mess of ledgers and receipts surrounding his lived-in computer desk piled high with coffee cups. He wheeled around to greet the half-naked Coal without so much as a hint of surprise on his smirking face. "Another satisfied customer boss man?" he asked.

Coal just gave his own satisfied, affirmative hum. "Mmm. Who's next on my schedule?"

The fox rubbed the back of his neck as his smirk turned into a grimace. "Yeah, that's the bad news... Probably going to have to move some things around because there's someone here to see you, and I don't think he's going to wait."

Coal scoffed. "What, some jealous husband or dad or something? If he's threatening us, call security or even the cops if you have to," he waved his paw.

"Well, that's the problem," Nick replied. "It's Chief Bogo."

Coal paused to look Nick square in the face. "You're sure?"

"Like I could forget that ugly mug," Nick said with an eye roll. "He remembered me though. And he knows Judy's here too. I don't know what else he knows, but he said he wanted to see you now or he'll start poking around. I bought you an hour to finish up with your client, but if you don't go talk to him, he's going to start snooping around and I legally can't stop him. He's got a warrant for drugs."

Coal pinched the bridge of his brow and growled. "Ugh, just what I needed... Okay, I'll handle it. Send him back to my room alone."

Nick just hopped out of his chair with a flat frown and said, "Sure, sure... I just hope you know what you're doing, boss."

Coal headed back to his room, sorting himself out on the way, preparing himself. Bogo was still chief of police in Zootopia after everything that had happened, and while he had come under a lot of public scrutiny in the wake of recent events, especially with the number of cops that had been caught in the Red Riding Burrow, he still wielded a lot of power. Coal figured that he hoped apprehending the one behind all of his latest troubles would exonerate him and restore the police's good public image after so many tabloids featured cops and bunny whores on the front page in the past few months.

Not long after Coal sat himself on the bed did Bogo barge into the room. The cape buffalo was truly massive in all aspects, tall and broad and burly, his barrel jutting out from beneath his denim uniform and his giant horns curling over his wide shoulders. He scowled at Coal, but even his anger couldn't be deterred by the sight of the wolf in his underwear, only his eyes darting for a split second before he jabbed a finger toward Coal, closing the door behind him. "You're Coal?"

"I am," Coal identified himself. "Can I help you, chief?" he asked sardonically.

"You've got a lot of nerve," Bogo growled in his deep voice, storming up right in front of Coal and glowering down at him. "Poaching officer Hopps and officer Wilde, inciting riots, making illegal sex tapes of my men-"

Coal interrupted him, holding his paws up defensively. "Woah, woah, woah, chief, I didn't make any sex tapes of your men in my establishment," he said. "And if you're here because you're angry about your boys screwing hookers behind your back, maybe you shouldn't hire so many pigs."

Bogo bristled with barely-restrained fury, but he knew he couldn't hit Coal or else he'd have a lawsuit on his hands, and with Coal's money, he might not be able to make it go away. "I know you're behind this. All of it. And I know you're behind the tabloids too, tricking my men or luring them here to smear them. I'll have you charged with everything on the book if you don't-"

Coal wasn't about to let Bogo have a word in edgewise. He knew that Bogo was trying to intimidate him into ceasing his operations or confessing to something, but he also knew that Bogo was lying. He could say he had evidence, but he wouldn't be here with a warrant looking for evidence if he had anything incriminating. And if Nick was worth anything, he'd have the entire brothel spotless within an hour. Coal just needed to buy time. "I haven't done anything illegal here, and we both know it," he said. "The Red Riding Burrow is a certified brothel operating completely within the bounds of Bunnyburrow municipal law. Maybe prostitution is illegal in Zootopia, and maybe it doesn't look good for your boys to come all the way out here to get their rocks off when they're busting brothels on your own streets, but that's not my problem. Hell, if they're working for you, I can't say I blame them."

Bogo was starting to see red he was so angry. "And who the fuck do you think you are?"

Coal stood up, his full height not quite that of Bogo's, but tall enough to match his furious gaze. "I think I know your type exactly. I know everything about you cops, from the kinds of homes and schools you were in as a kid to what gets you off as adults. And I know you're not just here to serve a warrant," he said with a smirk.

Bogo held his ground, but there was the slightest twinge of hesitation. "You don't know shit," he spat back.

But Coal just smirked at him. "Oh yeah? There were probably hearings and meetings about the tabloids. Maybe even a deposition or two? I bet your boys told you all sorts of juicy details about this place. I mean, a warrant to search one little country brothel and they send the big-city chief of police? How stupid do you think I am?" Coal folded his arms. "Can you really not trust a single officer on your force to stick their dicks into my girls? Or were you curious if bunny pussy was really as tight as they said it was? After working with Judy, and hearing she was here, I bet you even wondered if you could finally score with her now that she's no longer your subordinate."

"Shut the fuck up!" Bogo roared, losing his temper.

Coal knew he'd hit a nerve, but there was more. He could sense it. "Or maybe you didn't come here to get your dick wet? Maybe you came looking for something else?" he asked. Then, with a devilish grin, he aimed for the bullseye. "Maybe you really did come here for little ole' me after all."

Jackpot. Bogo froze, his eyes wide and his pupils like pinpricks. He stammered, but he was utterly speechless.

So Coal continued. "You must have heard the stories. Your intel tell you that I do guys, too? How I blow their minds? How good a prostate orgasm feels? Or maybe they told you how big my dick was and you couldn't resist seeing if the rumors were true?" Bogo seemed to be shrinking with every word, and Coal just kept on the attack. "I bet you were planning to strip-search me, eh? Maybe check and see if I have drugs in my sheath or something? Make me get big and hard for you?"

"N-no..." Bogo said weakly. "I... I'm not..."

Coal knew he absolutely was. "I'll tell you what's going to happen now. You're going to agree to go back home and say that you served the warrant and found no evidence of wrongdoing. Then you're going to strip down, get on the bed on all fours, and lift your tail. And then you're going to let me have my way with you. Got it?"

Bogo didn't nod. He seemed frozen, his eyes searching around the red room for a way out, but all that stood before him was the near-naked Coal, the wolf's fit body and hefty package offering so much promise. With a gulp, his mouth dry, he replied, "I... I already searched the place while you were busy with your last client and..." he swallowed. "I didn't... find anything."

Coal smiled. "Good boy."

With trembling fingers, Bogo began to undo the buttons on his uniform, taking off his shirt and dropping his trousers next as he clambered on the bed. His body was more muscular and powerful than it looked under the uniform, but he also boasted a toned bubble butt and a thick, albeit modest dick that was quickly getting hard above a set of fat, heavy, saggy balls between his sturdy thighs. With deep, steadying breaths, Bogo got on his hands and knees on the bed. He exhaled, and then he lifted his tail.

Coal didn't have to say anything. He could read the entire story written on Bogo's face; the internal battle between obedience to authority and the desire for the taboo that had raged all his life, the submission to the norm and suppressed lust, and the bubbling excitement presented to him by the stories surrounding this anarchist stud wolf who broke males like him on his huge knot. All Coal had to do was present him just a single opportunity to make his deepest, darkest fantasy come true and Bogo couldn't resist.

As Coal climbed the bed behind him, his paw slick with another dollop of carrot lube, massaging it into his hardening black shaft, Bogo softly uttered, "Please..."

"Hm?" Coal said, lining himself up behind the bull's big, meaty ass.

"Please..." Bogo repeated. "...Don't go easy on me."

Coal smirked. With a stinging spank on Bogo's ass, he thrust into him all at once. Bogo grunted, his fingers digging into the sheets as his teeth clenched at the sudden invasion of his asshole, the first time anything had gone back there before. But Coal gave him no mercy, and immediately began pounding into the bigger, stronger male, laying another spank down on his ass.

Soon, Bogo was groaning and whimpering in pure bliss, his cock flopping between his thighs and drooling precum onto the sheets below. "Oh god... Ohhhhh god...!"

Coal obeyed Bogo's wishes; he didn't go easy on him. With the bull's tail firmly in his grip and his savage knot slowly working Bogo's tight, muscled rump, the bed rocked and meaty smacks filled the room as the wolf gave it everything he had. Bogo was a lot bigger than Coal, and so Coal didn't have to hold back at all, brutally pounding the beefy male's ass into the mattress until he couldn't hold on anymore.

When that knot impaled him, the swollen bulb stretching him out and slamming into his prostate with more intense pressure than he could have ever imagined, Bogo couldn't hold on anymore. "Ohhh! Ohhh fuck!" he cursed as he started to cum, his cock spewing ropes of seed wildly as he writhed in orgasm, reaching out for purchase, but unable to escape Coal's brutal buttfucking, still thrusting, popping his knot in and out of Bogo's ass like it was nothing, forcing his body to reshape around Coal's big, fat dick as he dumped load after boiling hot load of thick wolf jizz into Bogo's guts.

When Coal was finally sated, he yanked himself out of Bogo, sitting himself on the side of the bed as he retrieved a cigarette and water bottle from the nightstand. Bogo could barely see straight, slumped onto the sheets in a sweaty, well-fucked mess, but the grin on his face was irresistible. "You're free to go, officer," Coal said.

Bogo nodded weakly, gulping as he gasped for air, trying to collect himself as he struggled to replace his uniform, but it was clear that his mind had been utterly blown and he was struggling to process all that had just happened. When he stood and tried to walk to the door, his gait was wide and his legs swung out with every step, the stride of a man who just had his ass thoroughly wrecked by a huge wolf knot.

As he opened the door, Coal called out to him. "Come again, officer," he said with a smirk. "I assure you that the Red Riding Burrow has a lot more to offer a man of your particular... tastes."

Bogo turned his head, and with a sheepish but excited glance, he replied, "...I will."

Coal watched him leave, relief flooding through him now that he knew the brothel wouldn't have to worry about the law anymore. Although he still felt a great amount of tension as well; Bonnie's carrot lube was as potent as ever. So, replacing his underwear, Coal decided to go inform Nick that they were in the clear.

It seemed the fox had seen Bogo leaving and had just sat down in his office chair with relief when Coal entered and closed the door. Nick grinned up at Coal and said, "I don't know how you did it, boss, but well done."

Coal just shrugged as he approached Nick from behind his chair. "It's simple. Everyone wants my cock," he joked.

Nick laughed back. "Well, I can't say I blame him. That dick of yours practically prints money. It's hard to resist."

"Is that so?"

Nick raised an eyebrow, but before he could turn his head and ask, Coal picked him up by the collar of his shirt and lifted him out of his chair before sitting down in it himself. He placed his hands on his desk, but felt Coal's other paw already reaching around him to unbuckle his belt and tug his pants down. "I-I mean, the numbers don't lie..." Nick stammered with nervous excitement.

Coal yanked down Nick's bottoms, exposing the fox's soft, slender butt, along with the tight coinpurse between his thighs, his slender fox cock already emerging from his sheath. Suddenly, he was twisted around to face Coal, who grinned fiercely above him. "That's good," Coal replied. "I guess you can consider this a treat then."

Nick yelped into Coal's muzzle when the bigger wolf suddenly leaned forward to kiss him firmly, their lips meeting before Coal's tongue coaxed Nick's out to play. At the same time, Coal start to push the tip of his still-hard, still-slick cock into his tight little pucker, shivering and groaning as inch after inch after inch impaled deep into him. "Mmmf! Mmmhmm..." the fox whimpered into Coal's mouth as the full size of the big shaft began to fill him, reaching up to caress the wolf's face as he kissed him back harder with the growing heat between them.

Eventually, Coal released the kiss as he enjoyed the sight of Nick arousal throbbing between them. "Bounce," he commanded.

Nick bit his lip, but didn't hesitate, gripping the arms of the chair and bouncing his soft, lithe fox ass in Coal's lap, riding that fat wolf cock as his own smaller shaft began to twitch and ooze as well, drooling precum down his length.

"Fuck... Ohh god, that's good..." Nick groaned.

"That's what I like to hear," Coal praised as he watched his thick rod split the tight fox open wide and plunge deep into his depths, each drop of his hips making the little fox shudder and groan, a grin of bliss spreading across his sly face. Coal kissed him again, and Nick didn't fight him, riding the big wolf, making out harder to match the pace of his rump slamming onto Coal's cock again and again.

Of course, not every waking minute of Coal's new life was spent stuffing someone's holes. A wolf had to eat after all, and in Bunnyburrow, there was no better way for a carnivore to score a meal than fishing.

Coal could have afforded a fancy boat, but he preferred using an old one Judy's dad kept around and had taken her brothers on. He and Judy often went out to the lake together, whether it was fishing, camping, or shooting, and it was the perfect time for he and Judy to get away from the business and spend intimate time together.

But now that they were in her hometown, Judy was ecstatic to introduce Coal to her family. It felt like every week he was meeting new cousins or siblings as they joined them on their outdoor excursions, and it seemed all of them were very eager to meet Coal, especially after the reputation he managed to build so quickly.

This week they were rejoined by Judy's brother Pepper, who was indeed a black-and-white spotted bunny, and her first cousin Ivy, who was almost white as snow. The boys shared one bench in her father's old motorboat and the girls in the other, facing away from each other as their lines bobbed on the water. Coal had spent time with them before, and was more than comfortable with them; Pepper was an outgoing and sociable guy who was very active in Bunnyburrow's community theater, and Ivy was on break from college where she was studying botany. They, like most everyone in town, knew well that Coal ran the local brothel that employed a sizeable chunk of Judy's family.

They were very entertained by Coal's story about Chief Bogo. "Wait, so he just... took it?" Pepper asked. The smaller male was dressed in a simple white tank top and jeans, looking like any other country guy, but his big, bright eyes betrayed his interest.

"Well, as well as he could," Coal replied. With a chuckle, he added, "He was definitely walking funny on his way out."

Ivy smirked at that and said, "Serves him right, if you ask me. I don't know what some big-city cop thinks, coming into our town and trying to start trouble with one of our own."

Coal and Judy turned their heads to look at each other, the boat still on the placid waters of the lake at sunset, both acknowledging the significance of Ivy's words. Judy said nothing, but Coal replied, "A wolf as a Bunnyburrow member? What's the world coming to?"

Ivy just scoffed, rolling her eyes, her floral sundress stirring with only the slightest breeze over the water. "Oh, don't you start. You've done a lot for us here already. Hell, I've never seen Jude here happier." Then, with a smirk, she added, "But I suppose a heapin' helping of wolf dick on the daily will do that to ya."

Judy gave Ivy an appreciative smile as she replied, "It's not just for me, ya know." Then, looking out over the lake, toward the shore, she added, "But I do like working at the brothel a lot more than being a cop. I feel like I'm actually helping people. They always leave with a smile on their face, you know?"

"I just never knew you did dudes too, Coal," Pepper blurted out. He realized what he said before snapping his mouth shut and looking up at Coal sheepishly, laying his ears flat.

Coal just smirked down at him. "Oh? Why, are you interested?"

"I mean..." Pepper replied with a nervous grin. "If you're offering... and not charging..."

"How could I charge Judy's own brother?" he replied, patting Pepper heavily on the back. The smaller male's nerves began to grow into a wide smile as he realized what was happening.

"Hey, if you're fixin' to start something, I want in!" Ivy insisted.

Coal gave a chuckle. "The more the merrier, of course."

Ivy turned to Judy. "You want in on this, Cuz?"

Judy turned to offer a serene smile to Coal before shaking her head. "I'll have him all to myself later. I'll watch your lines. You guys have fun."

Pepper was already taking his shirt off while Ivy was reaching for the zipper of her dress. This was one of the most surprising things about Bunnyburrow to Coal: sex was just a part of bunny life. He knew it was a serious stereotype that a lot of rabbits hated, but he supposed every stereotype had a grain of truth or two. He had overwhelming evidence of the powerful sex drives of rabbits, and in Bunnyburrow, they wove sex into the fabric of their daily lives seamlessly. Sex was a daily occurrence for most rabbits, and twice daily for most couples, first thing in the morning and last thing before bed. Sex was considered a good way to test the compatibility of a prospective new partner, and most rabbits used sex to establish the foundations of a new romantic relationship, so sex on the first date was very much the norm instead of a stigma. Sex was also an extremely common recreational activity for rabbits, even for friends, and getting together "to play" often meant hanging out together, getting a meal, and taking a break to have sex, even if it was a group activity. Sex just wasn't a huge taboo for bunnies; sure, they weren't screwing in the streets, but if you went off the main paths, you could easily peek behind a bush or into a parked car and find bunnies having sex. Bunnies didn't concern themselves too much with closing their curtains, and if you walked down the residential neighborhoods past sundown, you could look through bedroom windows and see bunnies having intimate, passionate sex. In most public buildings, bunnies could duck into an empty "play room," not to be confused with the kids' room at such places, and have some quick sex before going back to their business, and no one batted an eye. In the parks past sundown, around the glowing bonfires, bunnies would drink and tell stories and get naked and have sex under the stars. Sex wasn't the most important part of a bunny's day or the most important aspect of their friendships, but almost every relationship included it, and Bunnyburrow was a place abounding in intimacy and fun for it.

Seeing what Bunnyburrow was really like had given Coal a whole new perspective on Judy. She was definitely from this culture, of it, and one with it. She laughed so hard when she had to explain to him that all the invitations he was getting for "play parties" were almost definitely invitations to orgies, or that sex was considered an appropriate birthday gift for an adult when one didn't know what else to get. All the times that she had so eagerly spread her legs for him now seemed less like her merely having a kink for carnivores, and more like Judy wanting to connect to him, to feel him, in the most intimate and honest way a bunny knew. And now he could see Judy for who she really was deep down: she was truly a bright and honest spirit, generous with her heart and her body, who wanted to give everyone a chance, and was truly and genuinely fun, in everything she did. Sex was a form of play for bunnies, and Judy always made sure everyone was enjoying themselves.

So Coal didn't feel denied at all when Judy opted to bow out that evening in the boat, and he wasn't terribly worried that some wandering bunny might spot their humping silhouettes on the water and recognize who they were or what was happening. Like the rest of Bunnyburrow, they were filling the air with playful moans and cries of orgasmic delight that signaled true enjoyment, and Judy wanted Coal to have the chance to play with her relatives and get to know them on his own terms, without her interference.

Coal simply stood, removing his own top and handing it to Judy while the rest of the clothes came off and she collected them for the group. The boat wobbled as Ivy turned around and clambered over to Coal, but Coal was the heaviest and kept things steady as their naked bodies met the warm night air. Ivy was a bit curvy and terribly busty for a rabbit, and Pepper was practically the perfect twink, lithe and slender, his little pink cock rock hard and twitching eagerly with anticipation. Their smiles were infectious.

Ivy climbed into Coal's lap, her heavy chest rubbing against his broad one as she reached up to kiss him. Her feet straddled his hips as she had to stand up for her lips to meet his, and his paws groped her soft ass in one and her warm breast in the other, her nipple getting hard already as he stroked the pert nub with his thumb, his tongue trading slowly with hers. Pepper was eager to get to goods, and Coal soon felt him tonguing his balls and massaging his sheath, coaxing his erection out into the air, suckling on the tip to earn a firm stiffness.

The tip teased at Ivy's plump little pussy, and that familiar rabbit heat engulfed the top of Coal's shaft as she moaned into his maw. "Mmm, ready already?" she said, leaning away from him to gaze into his eyes. "You really are a professional."

He ground the black tip of cock expertly against her folds, tracing up the slot and prodding her entrance without pushing inside as he hissed in delight. "I don't like to think of this as work," he answered her. "I just want to get to know Judy's family. The bunny way." He leaned forward and began to nibble at her neck, his breath hot on her body and sending a shiver down her spine.

Pepper groaned a bit beneath them. "Mmm, you've got my approval," he said, taking a moment to suckle at Coal's balls before removing his head from between their thighs to pat Coal's side. "Any carnivore who can keep up with a bunny's sex drive has to be good for something."

"Just wait until he shoves that big thing into you. Then you'll see what he's good for," Judy said over her shoulder, fishing pole still in hand.

Coal gave another kiss to Ivy, but said in a rare moment of total honesty, "It's an honor to have your approval. I care about Judy a lot, and if you guys can accept me, her cousin, her own brother..." He looked down to Pepper and leaned down.

Pepper, a bit flushed, eagerly leaned up to let his tongue exchange with Coal's in a hot kiss before answering, "Hey c'mon, after everything you've done for this town... You're practically a Hopps already, as far as I'm concerned." With a smirk, he added, "You definitely know how to play like a bunny."

Coal nodded with a sincere smile. "Shall we play then?" he asked. "Who's first?"

"I think that honor goes to the ladies," Ivy said with a playful nibble at Coal's jaw, her paw groping his chest and her hips grinding down against his tip. "How do you want me?" she asked.

Coal thought for a moment before standing up, the sudden motion rocking the boat again, Judy warning him to be careful, but the group got a good chuckle out of Ivy's sudden yelp from being scooped up so high on the tipping water. Coal simply laid her down on her back, swinging a leg over to straddle the bench seat, taking her ankles in his paws and positioning himself above her, his heavy black cock hanging above her tight, eager snatch.

Coal leaned forward again, the boat rocking a little more to exchange a heavier, sloppier makeout with Ivy, revving her up for the show to come. He slowly, carefully pushed his hips forward, sawing his cock between her lips and collecting her moisture, testing how much he rocked the boat with each of his movements. She sighed for him, and it only made her want to fuck her more. "Mmm, you ready for me?" he asked her, leaning up to nibble at the base of her ear.

"Ohh yeah. Let's see what all the fuss is about, mister wolf," Ivy replied.

Coal didn't wait a second longer. Angling his hips upward, he found her hole, and with another firm press of his lips to hers, he pushed downward, impaling his solid rod into her and shoving deep into her depths. Coal hissed air through his teeth as he groaned, "God, you bunnies are all so tight..."

"Don't stop, big guy," Ivy encouraged him. "Gimme all of that wolf dick..."

Coal took her encouragement and shoved deeper into her until his bulbous knot was pushing at the entrance to her pussy, and then he quickly settled into a steady rhythm, pumping his hips at a downward angle to keep the boat steady, fucking Ivy good and hard, the claps of his hips against her ass ringing out over the water, her ankles gripped tight in his hands while she stretched hers above her head to hang onto the edge of the boat. Out of the corner of his eye, he thought he saw Judy wave someone on the shore, but he couldn't sure if anyone was actually watching them. He didn't mind either way. The squeeze of her hot little snatch on his cock was as heavenly as ever, and Coal felt cool relief wash over him as he settled into this act that was so familiar and comfortable by now. Coal had always been a drifter, but now, plowing a tight little bunny pussy with his fat wolf cock, the idyllic, happy little town around him and beyond, the sounds of idle conversation and droning late-summer insects welcoming the moans and growls and sharp, fleshy accents of the hot sex he was having into their midst - Coal was truly home here.

Pepper contented himself to sit next to Judy, facing opposite of her as he casually masturbated his eager little prick as he watched the show while Judy watched the bobbers on the water. "Hard to believe you can take all of that, Jude," he said to his sister.

Ivy gasped and moaned beneath Coal's pumping hips, but she managed to add, "I can see why you'd want to! Oh god, don't let up on me, Coal...!"

Coal gave another snarl, leaning down to bite at her ear while he pounded her, and Judy just gave a grin. "Takes a lot of practice to take a knot that big. Maybe you guys can handle it after a few more fishing trips; I'll show you how it's done next time."

Pepper looked transfixed at the pistoning shaft with that bulbous black knot slapping hard into Ivy's wet folds beneath those heavy, swinging balls. "I'd... I'd like that..." he answered softly, biting his lip as he stroked himself faster.

Judy looked over and down at his crotch and nudged him with an elbow. "I feel like I'm sixteen again and I caught you with all my magazines."

Pepper chuckled a bit. "I couldn't help it! Yours had guys in them and I was curious!"

Judy just rolled her eyes. "I guess I didn't mind sharing then, so why should I now?" she quipped. Pepper gave a sheepish but grateful grin to his older sister as they reminisced about their own personal bond, but Judy turned her head to look at Coal and asked, "You getting close, hon? I don't think she's going to last much longer."

Coal gave a lustful snarl. "Nnnnngg-! I could go all night!" He redoubled his efforts, spreading Ivy's thighs apart wider and standing up tall while he jackhammered himself down into her, giving her the full length of his cock and even threatening to split her open with that knot.

But Judy's assessment of her cousin was spot on. Her eyes started to roll and her limbs trembled in the telltale signs of impending climax as she cried out in the rocking boat. "Ohh, yes! Just a little more, a little harder! ...Ohhhhhnnngg!" In a process that was second nature to Coal, Ivy's body began to writhe and convulse as he forced the orgasm through her system, not slowing down on her for a second as he ground the top of his knot into her clit at the end, making her nearly double over before she fell back, gasping for air.

Coal withdrew his wet, hard cock with a slimy stroke as he pulled out of Ivy, his black shaft popping back up, fully hard and bobbing in the air. Pepper's face lit up at the sight of it. Coal chuckled at him and said, "Eager for your turn, are we?"

Pepper nodded quickly. "Yes sir," he said simply.

Ivy fought to catch her breath as she laid out over the bench, turning her head to look at Pepper. "Careful, sug. He's bigger than he looks."

Pepper gulped, but if anything, he only grew more excited. "Well he looks... awfully big..."

Judy just reached over to bend and flick her brother's dick. "Go get him, bro."

Coal sat back down on the bench, and Pepper hopped up to join him, his own rabbit dick throbbing and twitching eagerly with every beat of his heart. Coal leaned down, grabbing the smaller male's cheek in his paw before planting another firm kiss on his lips. "You sure you don't want to just sixty-nine or something?"

Pepper shivered just from the kiss alone. "I want it," he answered quickly. But then with an averted glance and smile, he added, "Just... go a little easy on me? I've never tried anything that big before..."

"We'll see," Coal teased. Pepper just shivered again at his toothy grin.

Judy intercepted them, reaching her hand back to offer a tiny bottle of clear liquid. "Lube," she said curtly, like a mother might.

Coal just took it with a chuckle, applying a dollop to his paw as he began to massage it over his shaft, Pepper's gaze transfixed as he watched that black cock throb for him. Ivy just leaned over to look at the scene. "Your funeral, Pepper," she said.

The prospect only made Pepper's cock twitch with arousal again. "Your turn," Coal said when he was finished. Before Pepper could even move, he spun him around and had the little black and white bunny bent over Judy's bench, the wolf's paw exploring his slim, slender butt before prodding and massaging a dollop of cold, slick lube into his tight little pucker.

"Oohhhhh god..." Pepper moaned out loudly.

Judy just smirked at him. "You holding up alright, little brother?"

He gave a reassuring nod. "Yeah, yeah! I got this, no worries," he replied. But he soon yelped out, "Fuck!" when Coal pushed his thumb into his asshole a bit, and Judy and Ivy snickered at his reaction.

Coal could tell that while Ivy just wanted a good solid fuck, Pepper was much more excited about the prospect of something rougher; when confronted with the chance to play with the bigger male, Pepper wanted to push things to the limits and have Coal utterly destroy him. So once he was confident that Pepper's butt was as ready as it would ever be for him, he simply scooped up the smaller male into his arms and placed him on his lap, his thighs spread wide and straddling the bench he was sitting on, facing out over the water. He sat Pepper down, Coal's cock reaching up past Pepper's tight little balls and even up past the length of his twitching pink shaft, showing just how deep this thing was about to plunge into him. Pepper couldn't stop shaking in his grip, but Coal made sure to hold him steady, reaching down to grip the rabbit's thighs in his paws, allowing him to lift and control him as he pleased. Instinctively, Pepper reached up, his lean body stretching upward to wrap his paws around Coal's neck for support.

Coal raised the bunny's rump, poising his lubed-up tip against his slick, tight butthole. "Last chance to back out," he said to Pepper as the two of them looked down at what was about to happen.

Pepper just shook his head, his prick twitching like mad. "No way," he said. "Give it to me."

Coal nodded. He leaned down to grip his teeth on Pepper's neck, making the rabbit tense up before his body relaxed with his exhaled moan. At that moment, Coal dropped him down and thrust upward, spearing his cock deep into Pepper's ass.

"Fffffuck!" he cried out, his paws gripping tight around Coal's neck as Coal began to work him, pumping upward with his hips while manhandling Pepper's body completely, the rabbit's legs spread wide as his ass was shoved down to take Coal's thick wolf cock all the way to the knot. "Oh my god, Coal!" he groaned, his eyes already swimming in bliss as precum dribbled down his bobbing shaft.

The girls turned toward the scene with concern. "You okay, sug?" Ivy asked him.

"Yeah, are you sure you can handle it, little bro?" Judy asked.

Between grunts and his bit lip, Pepper managed to reply, "Yeah! I got this! It's just- Oooooohhh! - really, really, really fucking biiiiig...!" he moaned.

"Told ya," Ivy said with a smirk.

But Coal could feel Pepper relaxing around his shaft, his asshole spreading wider more easily to accommodate his girth while he plunged into the hilt of his knot with less resistance on each thrust. Pepper's tight, slender butt was a real treat on his throbbing cock, the squeeze of his ring and the heat of his insides combined with how badly he wanted this unlike even the girls whenever Coal did anal with them. Pepper's body responded differently than the girls, loving the aggression and male dominance Coal displayed, not wanting him to be smooth and sexy like Judy or Ivy did, but wanting him to be hard and rough with him. Coal really did feel like he was understanding this little male he was reaming better with every thrust, and it only made him feel more at home in Bunnyburrow.

But he knew that even if it would be harder to pull off than even with Ivy, Pepper definitely wanted Coal's knot. So as he felt Pepper's tight little booty adjust to the giant rod impaling him, Coal started to ramp up the pace and pressure, growling and snarling as he started to pound his knot against the smaller male's backdoor, trying to barge in at the first sign of weakness it gave him. The sounds of clapping flesh once again filled the air as golden twilight began to shift to violet above, and Pepper's more masculine cries replaced Ivy's sharper moans. "Oh fuck! Fuck! Goooooodddd, Coal! Yes!"

Pepper's little body was like a toy to him, and it felt good to have so much power over another male, whether he was as big as Bogo or as small as Judy's younger brother, but unlike Bogo, Pepper wasn't ashamed at all to want Coal's cock, to spread his legs wide and offer as much of his ass as he could to Coal, wanting the bigger wolf to pound his prostate into a fine paste by the end of it. Sweat beaded at their brows and bodies, Pepper's cock oozing precum down both of their balls in a thick stream as his shaft bobbed and flung the occasional dribble onto the boat beneath them. His eyes swam in their sockets, and the two were certain that they were truly enjoying themselves.

Even Coal couldn't resist his own moans. "Fuck, that's a good little bunny butt you got, Pepper," he growled. "Nnnngg, you want my knot, yeah? My big, fat, fucking wolf knot?"

Pepper's whole body clenched around Coal's pounding shaft at the mere tease. "Please! I thought you'd never ask!" he managed to quip, and Coal couldn't help but chuckle. Even at its hottest and hardest, the element of play in the air was omnipresent.

Coal was starting to feel some give too, just tiny amounts of his knot starting to push up into Pepper's ass a little further with each thrust, and the extra squeeze around his throbbing, swollen knot was starting to send Coal over the edge. "Ohh, you're gonna get it. Fuck, I can feel it..." he growled.

Pepper could only offer breathless moans in response. "Fuck, I'm getting close too, Coal!"

Both males found their eyes crossing and their vision getting blurry, their shafts twitching and throbbing harder as Coal's grip on Pepper's thighs grew tighter. The smacking, fucking sounds grew louder and louder as Coal could only think of forcing his knot into Pepper's tight little ass, whether he could take it or not, knowing that the finish line was coming up fast, and that he didn't have much time left to plant himself balls-deep inside the black bunny's rump before the big finish.

"Nnnng... Nnnng! Fuck...!" Coal growled, his knot slamming as hard as he could into Pepper's ass, his cock impaling him to the depths with every thrust that rocked the young rabbit's entire body, just a little more of the hard, black bulb working its way inside.

"C'mon Coal! Ooooohhhhh, almost there...!" Pepper cried out.

It all happened so fast. Judy saw a bobber dip below the water and jumped suddenly. "Coal, your rod!" she cried out.

Coal's powerful hips just kept slamming harder and harder into Pepper's spread ass. "I know! I'm almost in!"

"No, you have a bite!" Judy said, scrambling to reach for the rod. She started to reel in the fish as fast as she could, the boat rocking with all the sudden commotion mixed with Coal's powerful thrusting.

Pepper's fingers dug into the fur on Coal's neck as he squeezed tight. "Coal! Coal! I'm right there!" he cried out, his cock twitching and throbbing like mad, his balls drawing up tight against his body.

Judy looked over at the rutting males, their bodies facing out across the water, and with wide eyes, realized what was about to happen. "No don't! I don't have him on the hook! You'll-"

With an audible pop, Coal's knot slammed into Pepper's well-fucked ass all at once. Coal's fangs mashed together, his eyes crossing while Pepper utterly melted into a spasming mess in Coal's paws. Coal's own balls drew upward, pumping gouts of hot wolf spunk directly into his body while that knot inflated and squeezed Pepper's eager little prostate like a vice. An orgasm unlike any he'd ever felt before or even imagined was possible exploded from deep within the bunny's body until he lost control completely, his voice a gurgle of haggard moans.

His little bunny cock gave a powerful, hearty throb. Then his tight little balls fired off several rounds of fresh rabbit cum in long ropes that soared over the water before plopping into the lake, out near the bobber. Before the second one even landed, Judy could see the shadow of the fish fleeing.

"...Scare him away..." Judy finished.

When Coal and Pepper came down from their climaxes, they breathlessly looked out at the lake and saw what Judy meant. "Oh..." Pepper said between heavy gulps of air. "Whoops..."

Ivy started laughing. And then she didn't stop laughing. Even if she was still naked, it didn't deter her funny bone from being tickled, the good mood in the boat leaving her helpless as she doubled over, holding her stomach, her heavy breasts shaking with the laugher. "Talk- Talka- Oh god - Talk about the one that got away! Ahahahahahaha!" she managed to say before succumbing to another fit, slapping the bench in hysterics.

Judy just smirked up at Coal, and her look said it all. But Coal didn't mind. Even with Pepper still impaled on his knot, he just reached down for his rod, pulled in his bobber, and recast as he said, "Well, since we're stuck like this, might as well keep fishing. Not like we can do anything else but just sit here and wait for it to go down, eh?"

But Judy just smiled up at Coal. "I guess it's good you found an activity to do while knotted," she said as she picked up her own rod again.

Pepper gave a shuddering moan, "Yeah, it does work out pretty well... We should do this again next time we go fishing," he joked.

Coal nodded, stroking Pepper's softening cock before giving him a kiss on the cheek. "I'd like that."

But after a few moments, the frenzy of clapping flesh and orgasmic moans was resumed by the peaceful silence of the lake, the sunset, and the Bunnyburrow residents on the shore. Everyone was spent and happy, and each lungful of air felt warm, refreshing, loving.

Judy leaned over, resting her head against Coal's shoulder. "This is so nice..." she said softly.

Coal nodded slowly back to her, watching his line out over the water, Pepper relaxing on his knot in his lap and Ivy resting her back against his. "Yeah..." he replied back, softly. "It really is."