Sibling x Girlfriend 2 - First Date

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#2 of Three-Peaks

Dane and Gemini go on their first date, and do a little catching up in more ways than one. And Johanna finally has her wish fulfilled...after the siblings lay out their tentative rules for the bedroom.


Well with a reception like Chapter 1 got, I can't very well leave this story as an April Fool's one-off now, can I? ^_~ Thank you to everyone, for the warm welcome the first chapter of this story received.

If you enjoy my stories, consider buying me a coffee!

First Date

He awoke to the faint scent of cinnamon and sugar. For a moment Dane thought Johanna had gotten up ahead of him again and was making cinnamon rolls. That was a nice thought. But it occurred to him that they'd never bought cinnamon rolls, and Johanna was still in bed with him. He could feel the weight and the warmth of her, one arm resting lightly across his neck.

The doorbell rang again. That was what woke him up in the first place, though he didn't really notice until the second time. Who the heck would be at the door at this hour? What hour was it, even? He reluctantly opened his eyes, fishing around with one hand for his phone on the nightstand. That was when he realized that at some point in the night, Johanna had managed to completely reverse her position in the bed, and what he thought was an arm was actually her tail laying across his neck. And the sweet scent of cinnamon was actually coming from beneath it. His nose twitched experimentally, just to be sure. "...Seriously?" he chuckled, both at the absurd lengths she had apparently gone to yesterday and the idea that he was sniffing his sister's butt.

His phone chimed about the same time as his hand found it. The screen displayed 8:10 a.m., and below it a text:

<<Gemi: You're laaaaate. *pout* Can I at least wait inside? [8:10a]>>

"The wuff?" he muttered, extricating the half of him that was underneath Johanna and crawling out of bed to go answer the door, grabbing Johanna's phone off the table on the way and silencing the alarm going off on it. Sure enough, Gemini was standing on the other side, dressed in khaki hiking shorts and a neon-pink tee-shirt bright enough to make the sun squint at her. She also had a small day-pack slung over her shoulders.

The Doberman looked him over in his disheveled state with a mix of amusement and disbelief. "Seriously? I said to be ready by eight. Did you forget our date already?"

He blinked at her a couple of times. "Er, sorry. I thought you meant the other eight. Um...where are we going?"

She blinked back...then laughed. "Okay, that was my bad. I thought we'd take a hike...literally!" she beamed, pulling on the straps of her pack before shoving passed him into the living room. "So go get dressed. And eat. You're going to need your energy today," she warned with a wink.

"Uh...sure! Sure, just give me few minutes." He returned to his room quickly, suddenly feeling much more awake, and pulled open his drawers to dig out some things suitable for exercise on a warm day. Tossing some shorts and a shirt onto the desk, he was about to close the door when a voice from the bed said, "Leave it."

Johanna was sitting up in the bed, the blankets still around her shoulders and her eyes closed. But she was apparently awake enough to understand what he was doing on one side of the room. Dragging herself out of the bed, she yawned and ran fingers through her long hair, dragging it out of her face. "Y'should leave it op'n, like I do," she told him in passing, heading across the hall to her own room...where she paused and turned her head from side to side as though looking for something through her closed eyelids.

Gemini poked her head into the frame of his door, looking from Dane to Johanna and back. "Was she...?" the Doberman asked quietly, curiously. It would have been embarrassing, perhaps even a little frightening, if Gemini hadn't already known about his sister's feelings for him...and his acceptance of them.

"It's not what you're imagining," Dane chuckled, "You really wore her out yesterday." Gemini snapped her fingers with a disappointed look, making him chuckle again. He pulled his pajama shirt over his head and tossed it onto the bed, followed by the pants. Standing in the middle of his room, in just his boxers, with his girlfriend peeking in from the door, he couldn't quite suppress a blush as he reached for his shorts.

"Can you lose those, too?" Gemi interrupted from the door, now leaning fully against the frame and gesturing to his boxers with one hand, trying her best to look innocent in her suggestion.

"You mean go commando? On a hike?" Dane gave her a sideways look.

She just shrugged, tugging one side of her shorts down as far as the snug belt would allow, exposing nothing but fur. "Why not? I do."

"Do you see my phone?" Johanna interrupted before Dane could answer. Her brother quickly fished it out of the pocket of his pajamas, tossing it to Gemini, who carried it across the hall to Johanna. Forcing one eye open for just a second, the female Dalmatian glanced at the time on the display. "Oh wuff," she sighed, and began reluctantly dragging a set of clothes out of her closet as well.

Gemini giggled, and turned back toward Dane...just in time to see him pull his shorts up over his thick pelvic fur, minus any hint of underpants. He winked at her as she gave him a mildly disappointed look. "Oh, if that's the game you want to play, I'll teach you a whole new set of rules for teasing, honeybear," the Doberman promised.

Dane pointed at something behind her, and Gemini turned around to see Johanna pulling her panties up into place, her naked breasts reflected in her dressing mirror. Gemi's cheeks turned red and her tongue poked out one corner of her mouth before she caught herself, and turned back around to find a fully dressed Dane standing right at her shoulder. "Wuff, I'm going to get whiplash standing here," she muttered, rubbing the back of her neck and joining him as he went to make a quick breakfast.

Not thirty minutes later Johanna was sequestered in her room with the door closed, checking in on her various design, development, and security projects, her stocks and investments, the local news, and anything else she found valuable or interesting. Gemini and Dane were making their way to the nearest trolly stop for inexpensive (if somewhat slow) transportation to the Masked-Fox Lodge at the foot of Witch-Mountain.

"So you still like hiking?" Dane asked as they took up a bench on the near-empty trolly.

The Doberman shrugged in ambivalence. "It's not really my thing, but it's inexpensive and good exercise. Some of us have to work at keeping a figure like this," she explained, highlighting her own breasts with her hands, "Unlike your sister, who seems to send pounds fleeing in terror through sheer apathy."

That made Dane laugh. True, Johanna didn't tend to make a big fuss over meals or portions, but he knew that in the back of her head she was quietly calculating exactly what she would have to do to counter every measurement of calories that made it onto her plate, and balanced it against any other nutritional elements in the food. That was just the way she worked. "Yeah, I can't say I enjoy it as much as I used to, either," Dane nodded, "Still, you're right, it has its perks."

"Oh?" the Doberman sat upright, looking a little surprised, "I kind of led with it because I thought you'd still be into it. You and Ares used to go all the time," she reminded him, looking over his still very athletic figure. "When did you stop?"

"When a sore loser cracked my ankle, ended my soccer career and scholarship in one blow, and left it prone to twisting for the rest of my life," Dane chuckled with a roll of his eyes.

He felt bad a moment later, as Gemini gave him a look of genuine pity, with maybe a touch of guilt. "I'm sorry. Kind of bitter about that, huh?" she winced.

"No, no," he tried to reassure her quickly, "I mean, he was a sore loser, even if it was a regional championship. But the odds are stacked against players anyway. It could just as easily have been a misstep on a muddy field as a jerk with an inferiority complex, so I don't have any grudges. But I have to be careful on hikes now," he brought the conversation back to the original topic, "Or it'll be a much longer trail out than it was going in."

Gemi grabbed his arm and pulled herself close to him, nesting it between her breasts as she practically moved into the same dent in the seat he occupied. "Got it," she smiled brightly, "We'll stick to the paved trails, then, until you feel confident risking roots and rocks again." She gave him a wink, and Dane answered with a grateful smile and kiss on her cheek. "You know what I do like about hiking?" she asked more quietly.

"What?" he also lowered his voice, conspiratorially.

"The 'open air privacy' you can only find in the woods on a mountain," she grinned, squeezing her thighs briefly around his hand, where he'd been forced to tuck it when she pulled him in close.

They enjoyed a little quiet closeness for the rest of the trip, to avoid disturbing the driver. Gemini practically bounced onto the sidewalk when they arrived, taking the lead up the little hill beside the lodge to (probably very deliberately) give Dane a chance to appreciate the sway of her tight tush in those snug shorts. She paused to wait for him at the top of the hill, and didn't complain when he gave it a light swat on catching up.

Then they hit the trail proper...and any anxiety, sexual or otherwise, was promptly blown away by the warm spring sunshine, the smell of the mountain breeze, and Gemi's natural, loud cheerfulness. Suddenly it was like old times again, over spring break, except it was just him and Gemini, and he wondered briefly why he'd ever thought it was a good idea to get away from his hometown. They talked as they walked, about what college was like for that one year he attended, and what some of their old classmates were doing around town.

He was surprised to hear that Gemi and her brother had also moved out on their own, though their fortunes were not nearly as good as Johanna's. Instead of an apartment, they were making payments on a little camper parked on a largely undeveloped plot of land. Dane had to considerably re-imagine Johanna's reference to "the world's tiniest spa" the previous day. Ares apparently spent his days gaming, but managed to eek out a living from it by streaming his matches online. Gemini admitted, half in jest, that she got by mainly through the good graces of whatever boyfriend she had at the time. "For Johanna's sake, I won't be milking you the way I usually do with boys. She told me yesterday about how much she can lay down for 'dancing and dining' each week, so I promise to keep it under that."

"You can't find work, either?" Dane arched a brow, honestly surprised. With her outgoing personality and beaming smile, he figured she could make a killing as a waitress without even trying, and that was assuming she didn't charm her way into something better.

But she just shrugged her shoulders, clinging to his arm again. "It's a different world for girls, you know. Guys lift and push and carve things, girls motivate them to do it and make them feel appreciated when it's done." She laughed at her own words. "I know that sounds like horribly dated thinking these days, but it's worked out for me, and I think it's nice to recognize a boy's glances as something positive."

Well, he definitely appreciated that part. "Is that why I've never heard of you being without a boyfriend since we started high school?"

"Yep!" she smiled unabashedly.

"Is that why you were so willing to jump over to me when Johanna asked?" He regretted the question as soon as it left his lips, realizing it sounded faintly accusatory, even suspicious, when he meant neither.

Fortunately, his girlfriend was an outgoing and confident woman, who understood men even better than some men. "Some," she answered honestly, "I definitely want you to stay motivated and feel appreciated, for her sake as well as your own. She is my BFF, and you're not far from it, after all. I don't think she needed my help with that, though." Gemini paused, leaning up against a tree beside the trail and hiding her hands behind her back. From there she gave him the most sincere, heart-warming smile he'd ever seen on a girl. "With you, and with her, I think I'm looking at something more long-term. Boyfriends are nice, but I can't keep those forever, almost by definition. You..." She paused there, as if not quite sure how to say the next part...or not sure she should. Finally she shrugged, and practically flung herself around his shoulders. "Well, let's just see how the short-term goes for now. I don't think it'll take too long for all of us to make our decisions."

Dane looked at her with a new appreciation...and maybe just a hint of fear. "Did all the girls in town turn as shrewd as you two in the year I was away?"

Gemini giggled. "Probably not. But we're in deep territory here. I want to go back to the shallows for a minute," she grinned, claiming one of his arms to hug as they resumed walking and raising her lips to his ear, "Did you two do it yet?" She gave him a sly grin when he gave her a blank stare. "You know what I mean. You said it wasn't what I was thinking when she came out of your room this morning, but what about Saturday? You had the apartment to yourselves for the whoooole day after I left. Did she get her way at all, or just tempt you?"

Her boyfriend's blush told her something had happened, and she made it clear she would continue to hold his arm hostage until he spilled the beans. "Well...we didn't do anything...'romantic'," he winced, wishing he could just say they were taking it slow or some such thing. But there was no telling what Johanna would share with Gemi, and when, and the last thing he wanted was for either of them to think him dishonest, even for supposedly good reasons. "We just...I...said something stupid, and she took it as a challenge."

"Ooh?" the Doberman prompted, her bobbed tail making light, rapid pats on her hips as she anticipated something delightfully naughty, "What did you get her to do?"

Dane gnashed his teeth, then sighed, realizing there was simply no tactful way to put it. "Eat my tail-hole...until I came."

Gemi stopped dead in her tracks, eyes wide and mouth slack, and almost got pulled onto her face by her own grip on his arm as he failed to stop quite as quickly. Whatever she might have been thinking, she clearly hadn't expected that. "She WHAT?! Well who's idea was that?"

He held out a hand in front of her face, signaling she could stop that line of thought right there. "It was a stupid, snide remark I didn't even think about. I did not ask her to do it, or expect her to take it seriously, much less follow through. If I could rewind time, I'd keep my snarky mouth shut."

His girlfriend looked at him every bit as blankly as Johanna usually did. "Was...was it not good?" she asked curiously as they started walking again.

Dane felt like tearing his ears off his head and stuffing them in his pockets. "It was stupid good. I said I came, right? It was humiliating and erotic. I feel ashamed, and I kind of want to do it again, but like watching through an out-of-body experience," he huffed. "I really don't know what to think. I don't want to like it, I don't like thinking I put her through it, but I did, and I do, and it was clearly hot."

"...Wow," Gemi said quietly after a while, "She set the bar high straight out of the gate."

"Huh?" her boyfriend blinked at her. "What do you mean?"

The Doberman smirked at his confusion. "We're besties, more like partners than competitors in this, but we kind of decided yesterday that we're going to have a little friendly rivalry over you. Who's going to give you the best orgasm, specifically. There won't be any hard feelings, win or lose...but we're both going to play to win," Gemi declared with a fist punched into her open palm, "She took a huge march, though! Day one, before I can even get in on it, she literally blew your mind so good you feel bad about it! And from a handicap, no less..." Noticing (and misinterpreting) his dumbfounded look, she explained, "No offense, but it's hard to be enthusiastic about tongue-to-tail. I flavor mine, and most guys still won't even touch it, must less tongue it."

Dane felt his balance do a cartwheel inside his head, and had to lean against a tree while it sorted itself out. "No. Stop right there," he insisted, "I can't...completely disregarding the part that sounds like a plot for a really bad smut story...anything crazier than that night will probably scar my psyche, you know? It's flattering, and my ego really wants to run away with the possibilities right now, but can you two...not?"

Gemi tilted her head and tapped her chin thoughtfully with a blank expression, doing an absolutely flawless impression of Johanna. "...Nope!" she grinned, breaking the imitation completely, "Sorry, honeybear, but you haven't even dreamed of the kind of crazy I can get up to." With a sigh, her grin softened into a genuine smile. "Ah, wuff, now I'm all worked up. Come over this way," she insisted, moving off the paved trail into the trees. Dane followed, half in a daze, until they were well out of sight of the trail and in the shelter of a large oak trunk.

"I usually make boys wait at least a date-week for this, you know," she started to say, shrugging off her pack and hanging it on a branch of the tree.

"A date-week?" Dane arched a brow.

"Seven dates. Since I usually have them take me out just once or twice a week, they spend half a season or more working up to it. It's a good milestone for them," she continued, pulling a small picnic blanket out of the pack and laying it, still folded, on the ground. She gave him a sly grin before getting down on both knees on the cloth pad. "But if I counted all the times we've gone places together, hung out, had fun and shared serious talks before...well, we've probably got closer to a date-year under our belts. You're overdue. Now come here," she insisted, running her tongue over her lips and staring hungrily at the front of his shorts.

" Now?" Dane blinked, suddenly catching on to her intent.

"Open. Air. Privacy," the Doberman reiterated, gesturing to the trees surrounding them and the warm, puffy clouds above. There wasn't a sound or sign of other people around, and they were well-hidden from the trail (assuming some other randy couple didn't get the same idea at about the same place). "You're not a howler, are you? I won't go overboard, so just keep it quiet and let your girlfriend treat you." Resting her butt on her heels, she opened her mouth loosely and waited expectantly for him, bobbed tail wagging happily behind her.

Part of him still said he should refuse, for various reasons. Some of them she might take as insulting, though. And some of them were point-blank lies, even if the intent was good. In the end...he decided to indulge both her and himself, and unzipped his shorts. She beamed a winning smile at him and opened her mouth again, reaching out to cling to the sides of his shorts as he stepped up to her and happily wrapped her muzzle around his bone, taking almost all of him in at the first gulp. "Oh, whoa," he sighed, grabbing two hands full of her hair before he caught himself. It didn't seem to bother her, as Gemi closed her eyes and began bobbing back and forth, one hand sliding into the front of her own shorts and making obvious strokes inside. "Don't," he urged her, tapping the shoulder of the hand she was using to play with herself. "I taste you...too," he panted as she swirled her tongue around the tip of his bone teasingly.

"Hmm-mm," she shook her head slowly, wagging the member in her mouth before sucking the whole shaft in again. She tried to say something else, the vibration of her throat sending little tingles through him as she mock-spoke with her lips sealed around him. Rolling his eyes, Dane placed two fingers in the middle of her forehead and pushed her all the way back until he popped free of her mouth. "Seriously, weren't you taught not to talk with your mouth full?"

Gemi giggled up at him, her free hand moving to stroke his bone while she explained in a conspiratorial whisper. "I said it's too risky. I am a howler. This," she licked the tip of him, "Is to muffle me. Don't worry, you'll get my full six-course meal eventually, but right now just hold off until I'm done. Then," she licked him again, "Wuff my face," another lick, "Like you're rolling," and another, "My muffin." She sucked him back into her mouth, sliding her spare hand under his balls to tease and scratch them soothingly while she went down on him again. Dane hissed wordless appreciation for her technique, resting both hands on the tree at her back.

It was going to be a close race. She was good, he had to admit, and he was pent up from near constant suggestion from both her and Johanna. He started panting, and even struggling against her, well before she started moaning around him. As the pressure built, he reached down and gathered a handful of hair on either side of her head, just behind her ears, seizing control of the pace. The Doberman looked up at him briefly in mild surprise...then closed them again, leaning back against the tree and her free hand, and doubled the pace of the fingers in her shorts. Her boyfriend planted his feet a little wider and closer to her, using both hands and hips to draw her in to deep, hard thrusts that touched the back of her throat and a little beyond. He heard her start to whine, felt her start swallowing between thrusts, but she never moved her hands to push him back, or tensed her neck to resist him, so he continued stuffing her mouth right up to the knot.

Her jaw worked, widening and closing with great care to keep her teeth off his tender skin. So close to the precipice, she opened her mouth about as wide as it could go, a needy, distinct whine escaping around the edges. Dane pushed deep into her, muffling her cry with his bone in her throat, until she had enough sense back to seal her lips around him again. The shuddering breaths being drawn desperately through her nose said she'd hit her climax, and a moment later her hand had moved up into the leg of his shorts to squeeze his bare rump under the cloth and encourage him to resume thrusting. He could feel the slick dampness still on her fingertips as she caressed the soft curve of him, squeezing gently as Johanna had a couple nights before, and likewise working subtly toward the cleft at the center.

Dane grit his teeth and bit down on the howl rising in his throat well before she got anywhere close to his backdoor. She cooed appreciatively as his climax shot across her tongue, sucking and swallowing alternatively, like he was a straw dipped in a smooth milkshake.

"Oh wuff," she panted desperately for a good full lung of air when he finally stopped pulsing and could withdraw without making a mess of her shirt, "That's so should it more often..."

"You started it," Dane chuckled, zipping up his pants and offering her a hand to her feet.

Gemi took another minute to get her breathing steady before accepting it. "That's what I mean," she said as he pulled her up, "You're one of those nice, respectful boys who never takes the initiative. You wait for the girl, so you know she really wants it when she comes to you." She grabbed his shirt and pulled him forward into a firm kiss, surprising him. He could still taste his own pleasure in her mouth as her tongue swept forward along his. At least he could honestly say he didn't think it was bad. "It's sweet, but it means you lack confidence. Or trust. least you really lean into it once you start. It'll be nice when you're comfortable making your own move. I'll expect some nice surprises then," she grinned, letting go of him long enough to retrieve her blanket and daypack.

Dane ran his fingers through his hair, smiling in mild embarrassment. "Yeah, but that feels a little...I mean, you and Johanna are both very encouraging."

"You mean aggressive," she corrected with a wink as she shrugged the straps onto her shoulders.

"Uh...yeah. So I don't imagine having much chance to even feel neglected before one of you decides you're in the mood," he admitted.

Gemini nodded, taking his hand and giving him a warm smile before planting another light kiss on his cheek. "That's true, we're certainly not going to give you reason to wander, but it's nice when the boy is assertive, too. It's work coaxing a respectful one into breaking. We get to relax a little when he takes charge for himself."

Dane tilted his head, not quite sure what to say to that. On one hand, it seemed to go against just about everything they had learned about social interaction, and specifically gender roles, growing up. On the seemed true. Or at least as likely to be true as not. Especially in their case.

"I'll...keep that in mind," he promised, squeezing her hand and taking the lead back to the trail. Gemini smiled and followed with a spring in her step. "Also...I have to ask: how the wuff do you 'flavor' that?"

She giggled again. "Lotion, mostly. Scent controls the majority of taste. I make my own just so I can decide the flavor, and add other benefits," the Doberman grinned, "You'll have to tell me one you'd like to try!"

Dane stuck his tongue out through his teeth. "I'm a little sorry I asked..."

It was a little on the late side when he dropped her off at her camper. She didn't invite him in, for reasons obvious enough to him, but they did share a long, deep, genuinely romantic kiss on her front step, and promised to meet again on Friday for their next date. Dane's pick, this time.

He was happily (if a little tiredly) stepping through his own door a little over half an hour after that. "Welcome home," Johanna greeted him from the little kitchen table, idly flicking through tabs on her phone as usual. She was still dressed, so she probably only got off from work a few minutes ago. "Did you have a good date?"

Dane answered by striding over to where she sat, gently turning her face away from the phone, and leaning down to plant a solid kiss on her lips. His sister blinked in surprise. "I did forget to get dinner on the way home," Dane added with an apologetic smile immediately after.

With a shrug, Johanna returned her attention to the glow of the screen. "I guess it's cereal dinner tonight, then. I'm glad you and Gemi had fun, though. You seem relaxed again."

He quirked a brow at her as he got out bowls and poured some of her favorite cereal into them. "Have I been tense?"

"Every single minute since Saturday morning," she replied mercilessly, though there was no particular accusation in her tone either. Dane imagined he probably had, and she probably didn't blame him. "What did you talk about?"

Sliding the bowl in front of her and sitting down with his own, Dane chuckled over the first spoon. "Oh, the usual 'lots of stuff'. Mostly the town and old classmates, and how she and Ares are getting on. You might have told me they live on their own now."

"It never came up," she answered, still reading something as she freed up one hand to bring the spoon to her mouth, "What happened that made you come home in such a good mood?"

She probably suspected something in the general vein of what actually happened, even if she hadn't guessed the details. Knowing his sister, though, she probably also didn't care about that part...unless it really was the whole reason for his change in attitude from the previous day. "She told me I should be more assertive. Tactfully, that it will be more work for you two if I continue to be sweet and respectful. What do you think? Does that sound about right to you?"

Johanna nodded, no hesitation, crunching a mouthful of cereal. "Mmm...I think she is assertive enough for you both. I might be, too. If you are also assertive, very little of anything productive is going to happen in this apartment for a while." Leaning back in her chair briefly, she contemplated the ceiling and tapped her chin thoughtfully with the spoon. "Should I put in for some leave time? We could swing about three weeks with our current funds, if we keep inside the usual budget."

He tried not to laugh with a mouthful of food, but had to swallow it quickly to avoid choking. "You know, it's a little embarrassing that your first thought is how to accommodate me if I become distracting. You ought to be reminding me not to be distracting."

She tilted her head to look at him. "If I thought you were that unreasonable, I would. But I would like to see you be a little more unreasonable, so I'm willing to make an opportunity for that."

Dane put another spoonful in his mouth, chewing deliberately and thoughtfully, trying to keep a smile and not gnash his teeth. He managed it, eventually. "I think I have a very unreasonably kind sister and girlfriend both. I'm not sure I like it...I feel like I shouldn't...but I'll take it to heart," he said quietly to no one in particular, though Johanna hung on every word. "Okay," he told her as he put their bowls in the sink a few quiet minutes later, "I'm going to get a shower. Wou--come with me." It was so natural to ask the question, and let her choose whether or not to decline. It felt rude to just declare it, and trust that she would refuse if she did not desire it. It occurred to him that Gemini might be more right than he realized: he suffered from a subtle trust issue. Or lack of confidence. He had no clear way to tell which.

But it was encouraging to see her set her phone down on the table, almost immediately, and her tail wag briefly behind her as she followed him down the hall without complaint. He paused at the bathroom door, gesturing for her to go in ahead, then closed the door behind them after joining her. "To keep the heat in," he explained, though she didn't ask for one, "I hate getting out of a hot shower to a cold room."

Johanna nodded silently, already pulling her shirt over her head and turning her back to him as she did so. "Help me with this," she pointed to the strap of her bra, quickly and loosely folding the shirt in her hand and unfastening her pants. Dane obliged (and even managed it without any embarrassing struggle), then backed up a step to give her room to bend over comfortably, quietly enjoying the show as she removed her pants and panties all at once with her upturned tush towards him. He started to reach out and pat it, but she stood up too quickly, bringing her pants up in her hands and practically tossing them into a fold in midair. She paused then, with the pants folded over her arm, and looked back at him with a blank stare, as if she could not understand either why he was here or why he had not finished the motion he'd started. Dane decided it was the second that needed clearing up, and reached out once more, this time gently but fully patting the soft swell of her buttock. It was remarkably softer than he expected, having only ever felt it through pants or jeans before, and not often at that.

Apparently satisfied, his sister laid the pants on top of her shirt on the counter...then quickly caught his hands as he started to pull up his own shirt. "I'd like to," was all the explanation she gave before taking the hem of his shirt in her own fingers. Dane obligingly lifted his arms to let her pull it over his head. Like her own things, she somehow managed to fold it neatly, if loosely, between her hands without ever putting it down. Handling his shirt took a shade more time than her own, probably due to her admiring his muscle-toned chest the entire time instead of looking at what she was doing. Despite not having actually played soccer in over a year now, Dane's body seemed determined to remember the shape of the athlete he had almost been. It probably helped that he walked or ran everywhere we went, unless he needed the trolly to get him across town or out into the park.

Setting his shirt on top of the growing pile of discarded clothes, she next went to unfasten his belt...which proved stubborn due to being pulled snug. Any other day (if he could imagine another day in which she was innocently unfastening his belt) he might have teased her about how it's supposed to be guys having trouble with bras, not this. But he was trying not to be flippant about this new...thing...they were getting into for the first time, which would be plenty embarrassing enough without thoughtless words. Also, he couldn't deny the reason his belt was so tight was due to his bone already being mostly out of the sheath--a fact which she obviously recognized, judging by how carefully she was avoiding pressing her hands below the buckle. Sucking in his belly a little gave her the slack she needed to free the pin and get the belt loose. The button and zipper were a snap by comparison. Johanna got down on her knees before taking the cuff of his shorts and the boxers underneath and pulling them smoothly as one down his legs. His erection fell out almost immediately, landing square on her nose before he could react. She blinked, but didn't flinch away--Dane did, though, blurting out an apology as he did. He really hadn't meant for that to happen, and she understood that well enough. Still on her knees, Johanna just gestured for him to come back and resume his previous stance. With just a slight blush, Dane made himself return to his station, feet apart, bone shamelessly hanging out directly in front of her eyes, despite knowing she'd gotten a pretty good view of it before.

To his surprise, the female Dalmatian gently lifted his bone and laid it back across her nose, almost exactly where it had fallen the moment before. Looking up at him with it balanced there, eyes full of more curiosity than shame, she asked quietly, "Did you want to get clean first, or dirty?" He twitched, almost falling off of her, but she adjusted her muzzle to maintain his perch directly between her eyes.

"Clean," he forced himself to say aloud, "Definitely clean. It's been a long, warm day and I'm sweaty." Among other things, though he didn't think he needed to mention that at the moment. Taking his answer, Johanna got back to her feet and turned on the shower, waiting for it to warm before leading him in by the hand and sliding the frosted glass shut.

The water was pleasantly warm, yet somehow he felt strangely cold, standing there naked and facing his naked sister as she idly rubbed shampoo between her hands, preparing from there to run them over his body completely unrestrained. That last bit might just be his nerves talking, but he was pretty sure they weren't far off the mark. She tilted her head as she looked at him. "You are very uncomfortable with this," she observed, reaching forward to start innocently enough with his neck and shoulders.

"I am very uncomfortable with almost everything that has gone through my head since Saturday," he admitted, and she nodded understandingly, "But the only way I'm going to get comfortable with any of it is to suck up and do it. I know that's clumsy. Like smashing ice instead of breaking it cleanly. I don't seem to have the nerve to do it right. But you trusted me enough to take a big risk...and I don't want you to ever regret that. I want to answer you with the same love you confessed to me."

She stepped in closer, effectively hugging him as her hands worked the shampoo into his back, and he could feel her breasts pressed into his chest and her thighs hugging his left leg, his boner riding the edge of her hip. "I appreciate what you're trying to do. Just tell me when you need to give it a rest. I'd be happier...and you, too, I think...if you come into it naturally, even if that's more work for me. It's better than forcing yourself to do something you don't like for the sake of my insecurities."

He laughed, openly, without quite meaning to. What she'd just said was that absurd to him. "I'm sorry," he apologized, sincerely, resting hands on her shoulders and pushing her back enough to look him in the face so she could see he was earnest, "But seriously, sis, have you ever felt insecure about anything? You've always..." He stopped mid sentence. He'd made a terrible mistake. Though her expression was as placid as ever, he could see it in her eyes, suddenly turning glossy with a moisture that did not belong to the shower. "It...was Dad, wasn't it?" he asked quietly.

"He never hit me. I was just always afraid he would," she admitted, putting her arms around her brother again, this time solely for the hug. "He always had a short fuse. I only ever felt safe when you were around, because I knew if he snapped, he'd probably...I am so sorry, Dane." She buried her head against his chest, heedless of the shampoo running down over it and washing against her face from his shoulders. Dane honestly could not remember ever seeing his sister cry before. It left him...stunned, and the embrace he returned to her felt weak to himself, though she seemed to find it reassuring. The teary spell didn't last long. After a moment she turned her back to him to wash the shampoo from her face before it could get into her eyes.

"Hey," Dane said softly as she turned back toward him, laying his hands on her shoulders, "Nothing that happened to me--nothing he did--was your fault. You said yourself he had a short fuse. I was just always quicker to light it."

She nodded, accepting his consolation, and resumed rubbing the shampoo into his fur, this time on his chest. "After you left, I never really felt safe again. Even after I moved out. It's like rowing a canoe down a river you know is full of crocodiles. You're mostly safe, but every ripple in the water is unnerving, and you hate every second the paddle is dipped below the surface. Gods forgotten, I was so glad when you moved back," she sighed, running her hands up and down his arms now, "I am sure there is some deep, psychological link between...all that...and my very unacceptable attraction to you. I won't deny it. But even if it could be diagnosed, and a cure found, I would not want it. "

Getting down on her knees, she kissed his belly as she knelt, lathering up her hands with fresh shampoo to rub into his thighs. "Oh wuff, I do not want that man here, in my head. Not now. Please, let's go back to what we were doing before. What do you want me to do with this?" she asked, nuzzling the side of his bone...which had actually begun to shrink, as he was distracted by his sister's psychological needs over his physical wants.

He couldn't even begin to think of it right now. "Just...stop," he said gently, taking her hands from his legs and pulling her back up to her feet. Careful of the slippery floor, he backed her against the wall below the shower-head, and leaned in close to press his forehead against hers. "Johanna, I love you."

It was the first time he'd ever said it like that. Not as to family, but as to one cherished. He kissed her before she could answer, adding physical conviction to the words, letting her taste the truth of it on his tongue and feel it in the way his hands held her shoulders to his chest and her hips to his.

"...Thank you," she sighed breathlessly when they finally broke, several minutes later, "I didn't mean to ruin the mood. Will you let me finish?" she asked, her hands moving down his back to rub firmly, needfully, over his buttocks, despite the lack of shampoo.

He chuckled, kissing the side of her neck, and whispered in her ear, "Will you let me?" He left it to her imagination to determine what sort of "finish" he referred to.

An excited tremble ran through Johanna's body. "Yes, brother." She kissed his cheek, squeezed a fresh helping of shampoo from the bottle, and knelt down again to finish lathering his legs and rump.

Dane watched her go down with a slight grimace. "Do you really like calling me that?"

"Yes," she answered without even having to think, "Like some subs enjoy calling their partner 'Master'. It feels similar to me." She glanced up at him. "Do you not like it? Does it remind you that we're being...improper?"

"A little," he admitted, leaning back against the wall and letting her put her hands where she would without complaint, "But now that you've said that...I don't mind, I guess."

As usual, she simply nodded, whether in understanding or sympathy or mere acceptance of fact. "Pardon my hands," she warned him before sliding up between his legs, following a line from the back of his sac up through the cleft of his rump, gently and shamelessly washing his back door as thoroughly as the rest of him. Dane set his jaw firmly and braced a hand on top of her head, bending one knee to spread himself a little wider for her.

At last she was done, standing and rinsing her hands in the spray before taking the shower-head down and running over every inch of him that still showed bubbles. As she sprayed down the back of his legs, Dane lathered up his own hands. "My turn," he declared, turning to face her again. Johanna responded by turning her back to him and leaning it against his chest, inviting him to wash her front first by wrapping his arms around her. Dane kissed the side of her neck as he embraced her, starting with her shoulders...and moving quickly down to her breasts. "I don't trust myself to draw proper limits, when it comes to asserting myself," he admitted to her quietly as his hands slid up underneath her breasts. She laid her head back on his shoulder, listening with eyes closed and relishing the shameless touches he was finally sharing with her. "I think most guys fantasize about situations they'd never actually tolerate in reality. What's erotic isn't necessarily what's right."

"I'm familiar with the concept," she assured him quietly, tensing briefly as he (very lightly) pinched her nipples. Dane's hands continued slowly down her tummy, pausing at her waist-line and doubling back to get her arms thoroughly.

"I'm also not quite comfortable wuffing my sister yet. So...I'm going to pretend, very hard, that we are not siblings, just play-acting as it. I will tell you everything that I am about to do to you, or would like to see you do, before I actually start to do it." His hands slid from her wrists back onto her hips, where they hesitated for only a moment before cupping the area between her legs, fingers working the shampoo into the thick, soft fur of her pubic...and making one quick pass between the lips to brush over her pearl. She inhaled sharply, her hands clinging to the sides of his thighs, and made no effort to stop him. "Then you can play along...or not, and that will tell me that particular game is over. I promise not to be disappointed at anything you refuse. I know it sounds a little...formal...but humor me for a bit while I get it through my head real."

She nodded, and moved her feet and hips forward a little, opening up enough space between them for him to slide his hands from her front around to the back without actually changing positions. He could adequately reach everything except her shoulders from here, and she was not particularly concerned about her legs. "I have a question," she sighed, "But before that I need to tell you the one and only rule I insist on for our love-making." Her breathing was interrupted briefly as he lathered her rump, squeezing it a little less-than-tenderly and inadvertently tickling the underside of the curve. "Oh, and leave that alone just this once," she added quickly, as he started to repay her the favor of washing his back door, "Please trust me that it is still clean, and I have a surprise there to share with you."

Dane blinked, tilting his head to look at her more clearly. "You mean the cinnamon-sugar smell? Did you flavor it, too?"

She opened her eyes to give him a surprised look. "When did you notice that?"

Her brother chuckled. "You kind of had your butt in my face this morning. I thought you were making breakfast. Then Gemi happened to mention that she 'flavors' hers, and since you guys went all-out yesterday I figured..."

"Oh. Curse my restless sleeping habits," Johanna sighed, resting her head back on his shoulders and wiggling her rump to encourage him to continue, "Yes, I wanted to give you a pleasant surprise to go with my rule: since you're already pretending, continue with the fantasy, and I'll reinforce whatever you say, but make absolutely sure that whenever you wuff me it is under the tail. We cannot risk a pregnancy. I am not on a preventative, for various reasons. And I don't entirely trust condoms. 99.9% effectiveness still leaves a 0.1% rate of failure, and that's more than we can risk."

Dane crinkled his nose a little. "I understand. Are you sure you're okay with that, though? It's not going to be nearly as nice as rolling your muffin, if you can even get off that way at all."

Johanna's ear twitched. "You've adopted Gemi's euphemism. That's cute. Yes, we'll have to take extra steps to bring me to orgasm, but that's a price I'm willing to pay if you are." She cupped a hand against his cheek as his hands moved on up her back, scratching and lightly massaging as they went. The hot water was starting to run out. "Promise. I won't forbid you anything except this."

He nodded against her cheek. "I promise to only wuff your tail. Now, you had a question?"

"...Do you want me to enjoy it?" she asked, echoing the first night they had been genuinely (if uncomfortably) intimate with each other. The association caused Dane to shudder just a little.

"I want the same thing I wanted the last time you asked that," he reassured her.

Johanna nodded understanding, but went on to elaborate: "I don't express emotions very well. I don't really care about most things enough to have much of a reaction, either positive or negative. Part of the reason I'm so hung up on you is because you're about the only thing I do feel very strongly about...and I don't want to lose that anchor." She finally turned to face him again, resting her arms on his shoulders as he rested his hands on her hips. "Since we're already 'play-acting', and I don't much care one way or another, I can act like I really enjoy it...or am really embarrassed by it...or even frightened. It's not something I could keep up all day...I expect it to be exhausting, honestly...but if anything would make it easier or more exciting for you in the bedroom, I will do that."

It was tempting to tell her to act more ashamed. Then he might not feel so ridiculous. But that would also probably discourage him from becoming comfortable in the relationship, too. "Be the usual you," he told her at last, rubbing his cheek against hers, "I love that unphasable you. Maybe act satisfied when I orgasm. Only do that for your own if you really are satisfied."

She quietly considered that for a moment, then nodded and reached out to turn off the water. "Alright. Are we starting the game now?" she asked as she leaned forward against the wall, resting both her hands and breasts against the cool fiberglass and lifting her tail. Dane's bone practically jumped to attention, and he had to swallow his base instincts.

"No," he said reluctantly, "We're going to start in the bedroom, after we are dry. And you're going to put on pajamas first, because I like your casual-comfort style and the thought of taking it off you."

"Top or bottom?" she asked, straightening up with a thoughtful tap on her chin. He almost asked what she meant, but something in the suggestion made him realize she only ever seemed to wear a shirt over panties or pants under a bra for sleepwear, never both under and over-garments.

"" he suggested, not entirely sure which label went with which pairing. As usual, his sister simply nodded acceptance, then spent the next several minutes with the blow-dryer, alternating between her fur and his. When they were both dry and their fur practically shining, she gathered her things from the day and headed for her room, with Dane doing likewise.

Johanna showed up at his door a minute later, hiding whichever pair of panties she'd selected beneath the low hem of an over-sized shirt that hung to mid-thigh on her. Dane had just slid into the same flannel pants he'd worn the previous night, over a pair of striped boxers. "I, um, didn't even ask if you had a preference in pajamas," he admitted, already feeling selfish and uncertain.

His sister shrugged. "I like you bare-chested. It's nice when I catch you in just your boxers, but I think it would be fun to know you're going commando even when you're hiding it with pants," she advised as she sat down on the edge of his bed. She crossed her legs with an almost magical elegance that still kept her panties hidden beneath the loose folds of her shirt despite the sheer amount of leg she was showing.

He chuckled, remembering Gemini's request that morning. Something else they had in common, apparently. "Thank you," he said sincerely, then sat down beside her, looking into her eyes. "I'm going to kiss you now. Like I've loved you from the day I was born. After that I'm going to lay you on the bed, and touch everything I've ever wanted to touch on a girl. If you want to go first, push my head down when you're ready and I'll know what to do. Otherwise, when you roll your panties down, I'm going to put your knees over your shoulders and...wuff you. In the tail-hole." He wanted to say something a bit more romantic, or at least euphemistic, but it was sounding weirder and weirder the more he said out loud, and he couldn't come up with fresh words anymore.

"Gently, with this," she added, nonplussed by his choice of words, and untucked a small tube of lubricating jelly from the hip of her panties. Drawing her legs up onto the bed, she turned so that he could push her down comfortably on to the pillow when the time came. "A thick coat, or I'm never going to be able to get that knot in without actually hurting myself. I dated Gemi, but I'm still very much a virgin. Especially there. Break me in gently, please."

"Right," he agreed, heart fluttering in his chest as she handed him the tube and her trust. He somehow found it hard to believe she'd managed an entire season with Gemini and had no sexual contact...but maybe they were just using different definitions. In the end, it didn't matter one way or another; he definitely was not going to be rough with her...on purpose. "I'll be as gentle as I can. Um...but please forgive the rest. This really is my first time, too." She nodded, waiting patiently, with her shirt tucked in under the legs. It would be easy to misread her expression as fear as he climbed onto the bed in front of her, eyes wide and taking in his every move, except that she did not retreat when he leaned in close and touched his lips to hers. With a brief, contented exhale, she closed those wide, bright eyes of hers and melted under him.

He didn't so much push as lean against her, and she obligingly rolled back onto the pillow, never breaking contact with his lips. Her knees were half-curled, aimed at the ceiling, and held loosely together while her feet braced themselves apart beside his thighs. Dane situated himself close to her, looming over her upper body with his chest while his left hand sought out the hem of her shirt where it had fallen around her waist. He found her bare thigh, laying his hand on it lightly, and followed it down to the slack folds of cloth. Sliding his hand underneath, he pushed it up her tummy, over the soft mounds of her breasts, to lay in a bundle under her chin. Then his hand moved down again, cupping one of those exposed breasts, fingers tracing a full circle around it before cupping his palm squarely over the top. The fit was nice. The texture was soothingly soft. He pressed his palm against the pert nipple, then carefully rolled his thumb over the top, feeling a little bad for the squeeze he'd given it in the shower...

"Pinch it," she told him, breaking their kiss just enough to speak with her lips brushing over his. Dipping one brow, Dane obeyed, giving the pink nub a somewhat gentler squeeze than he had in the shower. "Harder," she prompted, then again even the second time.

She yelped at the third pinch, and he immediately released her, looking increasingly concerned. "Do you actually like that?" he asked, uncertainly.

"No," was the immediate reply, as she pulled short, stung breaths through her teeth and let him massage the ache away, "But I want to know how it feels...not to be dreaming this time."

He blinked at her a couple of times. "Oh, sis..." He silenced her again with another kiss, firmer this time, and refused to let her break it as he moved his attention to her not abused breast, then on down her tummy. He reached the hem of her panties...and slid two fingers underneath. She responded by spreading her thighs a little wider, her breath growing shorter and more excited. He could smell her arousal before his fingers found it. He'd barely spread her lips, however, when she freed her hands from the sheets and rolled her panties up her thighs to her knees.

"Please," she said through hard breaths, "You go first. I want you inside me. I want to be full of you the first time you make me cum," she insisted, tucking her knees up and hugging them to her breasts with one arm. Dane nodded his understanding, moving to reposition himself below her up-turned rump. With an amused smile, he caught her wagging tail and held it until she could force it to be still, then pushed his pants down around his own knees.

Leaning down close, he pressed his nose against the small, exposed portion of her muffin, breathing the sweet scent of her desire. Then, to her surprise, he lowered his head still more, likewise pressing his nose against her back door and breathing deeply of the sugary scent of cinnamon that lingered there. The tip of his tongue peeked out from between his lips, hovering for a moment...then he sat up. "I'm sorry," he grimaced, "I just...can't..."

Johanna nodded, fully understanding, and reached out to pat the side of his nose (which was as far as she could reach). "You don't have to. I don't expect you to."

He looked a little disappointed in himself. "You went to a lot of trouble, though. And you already licked mine, without even...prepping."

Another nod. "And I'll do it again, every night if you like." Her hand reached down to find the shaft of his bone, lifting it gently and laying the tip under the base of her tail. "Tonight, I just want you to knot me."

It was going to take a long time to get used to hearing that sort of talk from her. He might never manage it. But it turned him on terribly, as evidenced by the growing girth of his bone. She probably talked like that specifically because she knew the effect it would have. He almost forgot to add the jelly. She watched him run his hands up and down his own shaft several times, spreading the transparent gel until his bone was glass-glossy from the tip all the way to the back of the knot. "Put your hands around that again," she requested, and he obliged, framing his hands around the thick knot. As she had noticed, he couldn't fully close either of them around it. "Oh gods forgotten," she sighed, laying her head back and closing her eyes as she used her free hand to pull one cheek aside invitingly, "A little around me, too, please."

He ran a thick line of the stuff down his fingers and used them to spread it around either side of her back door. Dane refused to be hesitant or bashful with his touches this time, having already embarrassed himself once. When she was thoroughly slick, he added a dollop to the end of one finger and gently pressed it inside her. Never opening her eyes, Johanna responded with an encouraging coo, as though enjoying the tease...and looking forward to what was to follow.

As prepared as he was ever going to get, Dane leaned over her tucked legs, bracing his hands against the back of her knees, and gave her the most adoring smile he could manage as the tip of his bone slipped through her rim. He kissed her uplifted foot (since her lips were well out of reach), and eased a little further in, then withdrew before returning, just a little deeper than the previous time. Johanna chewed her lip, peeking one eye open to watch him kissing her feet, taking long, slow breaths and forcing herself to relax each time he penetrated her. Her expression slowly changed from pleased, maybe even amused, to something more like her usual indifference, to a sort of nervousness. "Ooh...there it is," she sighed at last, feeling the sudden swell of his knot nudging against her stretched rim.

"Are you ready?" he asked in genuine concern. He could feel how tight she much she'd already stretched to accommodate him up to this point. Going any further wasn't really necessary: he was quite confident he could get himself off in her with just this much. In fact, he was already beginning to throb with the growing pressure. But he somehow suspected this was one of those things she wanted to follow all the way through on for reasons that mattered mostly to her.

She flexed her toes, exhaled slowly, and nodded her head. He rocked against her, gently, not really attempting to get through but to let her body finish getting used to the girth of his bone up to that point. He rocked again, kissing her foot and watching her chew her lips with eyes closed, trusting him to get her through the hard part. Once he started, he didn't dare stop, and he knew it. He rocked against her again, a little more firmly, and she took the cue, hugging her legs tight to her breasts and unclenching as much of everything in her body as she could. Dane rolled a little further over her, changing his angle, and pressed into her with most of his body weight...

"Aaaaugh!" she squealed as her walls strained around him, and he grit his teeth against the tightness, before it released so suddenly it caused them both to gasp. "Ah...hah...," Johanna panted, her face flushed red and a smile turning up the corners of her mouth, despite a tear creeping onto her cheek, "There it goes...first try...we did it."

Dane was still gritting his teeth, withdrawing no longer a viable option, as she seemed to squeeze the entire length of him at once, including the extremely sensitive skin at the back of his knot. "Oh...Johanna...," he started to whisper, but she already seemed to know, wiggling her hips against him.

"Don't hold back, brother," she urged, her tail slapping the side of his knees twice before she restrained it, "Let it all last."

He gasped for breath, nodding, and carefully rocked back and forth, more adjusting than thrusting inside her. He groaned, and stopped almost immediately. He didn't need to move anymore. He could feel the dam bursting, and squeezed the backs of her legs as it broke through the length of him and poured out the river of his pleasure inside her as a low howl drew the last of his breath out of his lungs.

"Mmm...mmm," his sister grunted with each surging pulse, alternating between smiling and wincing as he filled her. Her free hand reached up to scratch his chin with the tips of her fingers, reassuring him that she was genuinely enjoying the experience. As the strength of his pulse weakened, she breathed a somewhat relieved sigh. "I am so wet right now," she whispered, laying her head back again, "Think you have the energy to finish me, once you catch your breath?" she asked, running her tongue around her lips as though savoring the very thought.

"I...uh...just knotted you," he reminded her between panted breaths, carefully easing his hips back once to test the seal, "We're tied...for a while..."

Johanna blinked her eyes opened, all expression evaporating almost instantly, replaced by a subtle mix of curiosity and surprise. "Oh," she looked down her side to her spread cheeks, "I almost forgot that part. Are you going to be comfortable there?" He gave her a mildly disbelieving look as she let go of her knees, pressing carefully against him and helping him pull himself upright while moving his hips as little as possible. Once he was straight enough to rest his weight on his heels, she rested her feet on the front of his shoulders and braced her arms between her tummy and thighs, setting up an effortless counter-balance that they could probably maintain for quite a while.

He took a few good, deep breaths. "I'll be fine. Are you okay?" he asked, tenderly patting her stuffed rump.

The female Dalmatian nodded easily. "I'm cozy, and pretty satisfied right now. It hurt at first, but now I just feel very...full. I like it. I'm also horny enough it'll only take a lick or two to do the job even after waiting for you to calm down, so don't rush yourself."

Dane arched a brow at her answer. "Not quite what I was, just how much of that was an act?"

She tapped her chin thoughtfully, gazing at the ceiling for a moment. "The squeal I made when your knot went in: that was real. That was nice. A little touch-and-go for a second, but nice. The toy I've been practicing with isn't nearly big enough."

He was honestly impressed, if also slightly disappointed. "So basically all of it. I think you missed your calling in theater, sis."

Johanna tilted her head to one side, seeming to sense that undercurrent he was trying to hide. For someone who laid down so little, she was remarkably good at picking up on others' emotions. "We talked about this. I'm not really expressive, but you looked like you enjoyed what I did." Carefully opening her thighs just a little, she slid one hand down to draw his attention to the glossy wet folds and large patch of damp fur around her muffin. "And this is not an act."

He looked down, really seeing that part of her for the first time...and blushed, but didn't look away. Instead he smiled. "Yeah," he agreed, "That is definitely real." Reaching between her thighs, he ran a finger down her exposed slit, pausing only when she laid her hand over his.

"Touch everything you like," she told him softly, "But I'm really looking forward to feeling your tongue." She took her hand back, laying it between her own breasts and leaving him to interpret her request as he would and decide whether to abide by it or not.

Gratefully, Dane traced a finger down the length of her, spreading her just enough to gently rub the lips of her sex between thumb and forefinger, surprised by exactly how wet and slick she really was. " have a toy?"

She nodded without hesitation. "Of course. Don't you?" The way his brow dipped was answer enough for her. "Oh. Don't let Gemini find out," she warned, surprisingly, then continued, "It's a plug that I estimated might be close to the size of your knot. I was trying to be ready for this night. But I've never really had a good look at you before Saturday, and my guess was way off," she admitted, earning a chuckle from her brother.

"I think that was a compliment, so thanks. You really do like tail-play, don't you? I guess that's convenient, given the reasons behind your rule," he admitted, squeezing her rump gently and testing the strength of their seal once more. She drew a sharp breath, and he felt the squeeze, telling them it wasn't quite time yet.

"Not especially," the female Dalmatian admitted, "When I decided I was going to confess, and attempt to seduce you, I knew I would have to get comfortable with tail sex. So I looked up safety and sanitation, got a toy for practice, and watched more videos than I'd like to admit to get over the obvious mental hurdles. I think I succeeded, based on Saturday." While she explained, she idly reached down to play with the other half of her vulva, beside his hand. "I'd love to let you 'roll my muffin'. I'd bear your children, if I could. Since that's off-limits, I want you to be comfortable doing anything else you can imagine with me, and know that I'm comfortable with all of it."

He grit his teeth, giving her thigh a little squeeze and covering the hand between her legs with his own. "If you keep saying things like that, I am never going to be able to pull out," he chuckled. She nodded her understanding, then pressed two fingers to her lips in an exaggerated kiss and stretched out her arm to press those same fingers against his lips. He blinked, then kissed them gently with a smile. "Okay, that was cute," he praised her, turning his head to apply a kiss to her ankles as well. "The natural you is definitely the best you."

She brought his kiss back to her own lips, then closed her eyes and laid her head back with arms crossed above her head. "Should I go over the current values of our budget spreadsheet? Or tell you the limit on how much you're allowed to spend on Gemini each week?"

"Ah...that actually does sound like something I should know," he admitted.

"Yeah," she agreed, but didn't follow up with anything else. Instead something on the ceiling suddenly seemed intensely interesting to her, to the point that Dane actually leaned back on his hands and looked up, too, trying to find what she was staring at. When his shoulders shifted back, she lowered her feet onto his thighs...and after a couple of seconds, surprised him by pushing off firmly, lifting her rump into the air. There was a squishy pop, and they both groaned with a last, sharp rush of pleasure that bordered on pain.

Before she could relax and let her hips back down, Dane sat forward again, catching her with both palms under her rump and practically smashing his mouth into her muffin. Johanna's eyes widened in genuine surprise. "Oh wuff, no," she gasped, laying a palm on his head to push him back, "Too sOoOWOO!" Her protest turned into a squeaky howl, and the hand on his head grasped his hair to pull him deeper in as his tongue ran roughly up through her cleft and across the sensitive button at the top. The violent speed of the turn-around surprised him almost as much as it had her, but Dane kept enough presence of mind to gently lick around her clit more than across it while her body clenched and convulsed with an even stronger orgasm than he'd enjoyed.

"Ohhh," she sighed a moment later, coming down off the high, "Oh, I wanted to kiss you first, and let you finger me. Mmm..." She didn't seem disappointed much, closing her eyes and running her fingers through his hair as he carefully lowered her onto the bed and scooted around to lay beside her.

"Consider it payback," he chuckled, rewarding her with an actual kiss and pulling her shirt back down over her body before laying his arm over her possessively. "I love you, Johanna."

"I love you too, Dane," she answered softly, curling her back against him.

He kissed the back of her head, burying his nose in her long hair and smelling the lingering scent of waffles mixed with their shampoo. "...Will you show me those videos you watched to...'get over the mental hurdles'?" His cheeks put on a fresh blush as he asked it, but she didn't turn around to see.

She shook her head. "I will reenact them for you. It's better than watching," she countered, clasping his hand in hers, between her breasts. He could feel the flutter of her heart in her chest through his fingertips.

Dane shook his head in return, gathering a handful of her shirt. "I'm trying to get to where I could agree to that. Watch them with me. And let me touch you."

"...Yes, brother," she answered, seeming content, and laid very still until she actually fell asleep.