Were and Tear: Part Three

Story by roadkill on SoFurry

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#3 of Were and Tear

Were and Tear

Chapter 3

I couldn't believe how bad my head hurt. It was hard to breath. My lungs are on fire.


My eyes were closed, I couldn't tell who was talking. I was only sure it was a guy.

"Jake? Jake can you hear me? Nurse! Nurse! He's waking up!"

Moaning I opened my eyes, immediately slamming them shut again from the bright light.

"Please... bright, it's." cough "It's too bright" I croaked.

The light dimmed and I cracked my eyelids open again. Not as wide as before, just in case. Slowly my vision cleared and I was able to see through the fog in the room. Looking around I could tell I was in a hospital room. Blinking to further clear my eyes I saw a female human nurse clad in white looking down on me with a warm smile.

"Mr. Duel?" She had a very gentle voice.

"Where am I?" I groaned.

"Mr. Duel your at Catherine Mary's Hospital. Do you understand me Mr. Duel?" The nurse replied.

Blinking I nodded my head and tried to sit up. Grrrrrraaaaaaaooo! Sudden wrenching pain wrapped itself around my chest. The burning in my lungs intensified until I fell back on the soft pillows.

"Here sweetie take these." The nurse said. "They will help with the pain."

I took the tiny pills and the small paper cup of water she handed me and tossed the pain killers in my muzzle but I crushed the cup in my paws spilling the water on my chest. Damn human made stuff, too small! She reached for another cup and this time I got it right.

"I will be right back with the Doctor Mr. Duel, stay put and try not to sit up." She smiled warmly again, stood up and headed out of the room.

I nearly pissed myself when I finally noticed the dark furred figure that had been hidden behind the nurse.

"Who the hell are you?" I demanded.

"It's ok Jake, it's me. Duke." The figure said in a scratchy deep voice.

Panic set in and I could feel my heart suddenly race. The adrenalin kicked in as the looming figure lurched for me. Pain struck me again as I rolled off the bed clattering to the floor. I tried to get up, to scurry to the door, as I heard the bed get shoved out of the way. My vision split and blurred from the pain in my chest. The beast grabbed me by the wrist and spun me on my back.

"Come on baby, dontcha wana fuck?" The voice was overwhelmingly deep and echoed in my head.

"No please," I begged. "God please don't! Please!"

I awoke with a start, throwing my sheets off. Panic shook my damp achy body. Breathing heavily I looked around my room. It was dark save for the light emitting from the clock on the dresser. I was home in my own bed. The clock said it was 10:29pm. Had all this been a dream? I threw my legs over the edge of the bed and sat there for several minutes trying to sort out what I could remember before it all slipped away. Finally I stood and headed to the bathroom. Slowly my eyes adjusted to the light and I rinsed my face in some cool water. When I looked up I nearly stumbled backwards on my ass!

"woah-ly FUCK!" I yelped.

I couldn't believe what I saw. No longer was I white with black spots. I now sported a solid midnight black coat of fur. Everything except for the huge claw marks going across my chest, which was a little greyer than the rest of me, was completely black. I stood there, mouth agape for some time before I accepted my appearance in the mirror as reality. This just can't be real...

The clock said 11:14pm when I stepped from the bathroom. I flicked on the light in my room revealing my disheveled bed, clothes haphazardly thrown around the floor. I turned for the hallway flicking the light back off. Walking down the dark hallway towards the living room I could see a small sliver of light on the wall. It was coming from the door. Slowly I reached for it and saw that the lock was all busted up. Fucking great.

Coming out of my stupor I listened intently for an intruder. Nothing. Just a gentle whistle of wind out side, a door opening and closing downstairs. Nothing in here. Deep breath and I hit the living room light switch with a deep growl. No one. Come on Jake, they took off when you yelled in the bathroom.

Turning to the door I opened it slightly. A cool breeze washed over my stressed body, It felt lovely.

"Hi Jaaake...?"

Aw crap! I slammed the door on the little human kid from downstairs. I wasn't wearing anything! God I'm gonna hear about that later...

Walking to the couch with a nice cold soda from the fridge in paw I noticed something stuck to the TV. It was a note.


I'm sorry I put you through this. I want you to know it's nothing personal. You were just at the wrong place at the wrong time. I will contact you in a few weeks, for the time being, I need to lay low. Sorry about your door.


Well at least I hadn't been robbed.

More to come just building story here folks! Let me know what you think. Comment welcome. -R.K.