Little Tarnished

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Dense fog obscures your vision as you wander through the rows of trees looming high overhead. It's quiet, almost too quiet. Threats loom just about anywhere in these woods, hiding in the veil of mist that clouds the forest floor. Every sound and shadow is enough to make your hair stand on end. The Runebears and Demi-humans you'd heard about from Kale are nowhere to be found, thankfully. Best not push your luck and stick around.

You haven't seen the guidance of grace since you've arrived at the Lands Between. Perhaps it's why you seem less threatening to others as you journey through this strange place. Maybe your weak choice of clothing didn't help either. Could it be a blessing that you've not encountered anyone who remembers you so far? At any rate you've made it to the woods that the merchant had mentioned armed with the knowledge of a simple finger snap. Surely it had to do something, right?

Kale mentioned something about some ruins somewhere nearby. Every boulder you encounter on your way gives you the impression of them, but soon ends in disappointment. They have to be taller than some rock stuck fast in the dirt, at least you hope. Most of the other ruins you've passed on the way here were. Some could even pass as an old church, which you were sure one was at some point.

Up ahead you spot a silhouette in the distance. A tower, or column of some sort rises almost into the treetops. More of the structure reveals itself as you creep closer to it. Moss-covered bricks strewn about and a vine-wrapped wall gradually emerges from the mist. This must be it. A deep bellow stops you in your tracks. What was that?

Somewhere within these ruins you hear the sound of something-- snoring? Careful as to not disturb the underbrush you slowly work your way around the wall and into a ruined corridor. It's not far, in fact, it could be right next to you...

As you peer through the doorway at the end of the corridor your stomach suddenly sinks. A bear much larger than any you've ever seen slumbers only feet from you. Its massive paws could easily tear you to shreds! The dark walnut coloring of its fur would have been the perfect trap if you had come from the other direction. Thankfully it faces away from you, but the sight of it causes you to hold your breath and sneak back out of the structure as silently as possible.

The merchant's tip hangs over your head. Do you risk waking the beast to chase something you aren't even sure is true? The howling he'd mentioned was nowhere to be heard, though there's plenty of sleep-induced growls and snorts. You think for a moment. Kale said that you might hit it off well and you didn't have a reason not to trust him at the time-- even if he did have a strange look in his eye as he told you.

Traveling alone in this strange land is dangerous enough. Without any proper fighting experience or let alone the gall to face down what could be lurking here, having a friend isn't such a bad thought. Besides, what is the branch you found going to do against someone with a sword anyway?

After some thought you decide to take the risk. It's a simple snap of the fingers, the bear surely can't hear this. Before doing so you pause for a moment. The howling still hasn't happened. Are you certain this is the right place? You continue to wait. Crickets and frogs pierce the silence, but no sign of a wolf. This can't be the place.

Another minute passes and your patience grows thin. Just as you turn to leave however you hear it. The shrill howl of a wolf that you've been waiting for, and it is very close. Kale was right. You waste no time as you raise your hand high in the air and respond with a snap as loud as your fingers allow. Silence. This time though something seems amiss.


Something heavy lands in the corridor just beyond the wall in front of you. The mist is too thick for you to see what it was but you know what you heard. Your hair once again stands on edge and your stomach flutters. This wasn't what you were expecting at all. Did you accidentally wake the bear? Did the howling wake it? You've come too far to run away now. Those walls won't hold back a monster like what you're hoping is still sleeping beyond them.

Just as before you creep up to the wall and put your back to it. Your racing mind plays out every scenario that can end in your demise. It takes a moment but you find the courage to peek around and see what is there. Suddenly your eyes grow wide.

"Who goes there?" A voice calls out.

You emerge from your hiding place with your pitiful weapon in your hand. Standing by the wall in front of you is a half-wolf. He towers over you by at least a couple feet. The fur cloak on his back blows in the breeze as he observes your much smaller figure cautiously making your way into the open. His brilliant purple eyes hold no hostility as he continues to watch you nearly stumble over a stray brick. Rather, his expression is one that puts you at ease.

The giant sword on his back stays put despite you brandishing a stick at him. His non-threatening posture invites you to lower your own weapon, putting your frantic mind at ease. He didn't seem threatening. As massive as he is you can tell he doesn't have any intention of fighting you or to drive you away.

"Kale sent you, did he? Ever the bloody busybody."

Ouch. He didn't seem that bad when you'd talked to him. Why the harsh response?

"Hmm, maybe to him you don't seem so strange."

In your mind it may have been the other way around. You still can't forget that strange smirk he had when he'd told you about these ruins. It's like he knew something you didn't. Maybe it was a little weird that he'd referred to you as "little tarnished," whatever that meant.

"The name's Blaidd," he says.

Blaidd, you like that name. It's fitting-- somehow. You introduce yourself as well, though having to look almost straight up to talk to him makes you feel as though you're a child introducing yourself to a new teacher. He mentions that he's looking for someone named Darriwil and offers you a reward if you tell him his whereabouts before he finds him. It's not someone you've ever heard of. Judging by the disdain in his voice as he mentions that he needs a "fitting end to his tale," you aren't sure it's someone you want to encounter at all.

His brow furrows.

"Why-- why are you looking at me like that?" Blaidd questions.

Your curiosity of him is written all over your face. He must think you really are little with how awestruck you are by him. Deep down you feel like you've finally found a friend in this unforgiving world. Although you won't admit it you wish that you could tag along with him, for protection, of course. The words themselves never come out but your questions and silly observations about everything weave the tale for you.

He doesn't seem the type for idle chatting, however. Whatever quest he is on is important enough for him to put the conversation on hold for now. Somehow though you can't help but feel like he was giving you instructions rather than a request. Perhaps you've always been the obedient one. It's just who you are. Whoever this Darriwil is, you'll find him, one way or another.

A day passes and you find yourself on the banks of Agheel Lake once more. You do your best to avoid the wandering soldiers and occasional caravan being pulled along by giants with stakes through their chests. By now you've established an unspoken rule between you and everyone else. If you keep your distance, they will keep theirs. It's worked so far even with the most aggressive of the lot. You aren't much of a threat anyway with a stick in your hand.

The hills of Limgrave yield nothing in your search for Blaidd's supposed nemesis. Your search isn't going as planned but at least the beautiful views of rolling hills and mysterious golden trees make the journey worthwhile. The lake is murky which you find a shame somewhat, but it's not like you were planning on wading through it anyway.

Most of your afternoon is spent searching in any place you would think someone would hide. You've checked behind trees, in bushes, under the large stone ruins that litter the landscape, yet you still turn up empty-handed. You shift your attention to the cobbled road running past the lake. For some reason you'd never thought to actually follow it until now. One end runs to Gatefront. The other-- you may as well find out.

Something catches your eye as you round the hill's crest. It's off the road a ways but the strange glow emanating from the top is too much for your curiosity to pass up. As you make your way up a steeper hill a number of strange worm-like creatures craning up like spotlights greets you. How could a thing that consists of nothing but stone spheres hold itself together like that? Is magic actually real in this world?

They pay you no mind as you wander amongst them in the direction their glowing heads are pointing. Their purpose seems to be pretty basic as far as you can tell. Living lamps, nothing more. You aren't brave enough to try and touch one, so it's the best answer you've got.

The mysterious lamp-worm creatures appear to have their gaze fixed on a stone circle set into the ground. Ornate carvings of celtic-braids and runes call to you as you descend its sloped side towards a smaller circle in the middle. A faint blue glow can be seen illuminating an equally meticulous carving of a tree similar to the colossal one standing tall over the land in the distance. Faint whispers breeze through your ears as you place one foot onto the center circle. Something tells you that this isn't a good idea. You ignore the nagging thoughts in your head telling you to turn back and place your other foot into it.

You watch in horror as the world around you begins to vanish in a brilliant blue haze. The glow beneath your feet is blindingly bright as it swallows you whole. Objects as close as only a few yards away suddenly vanish as your eyes are assaulted with light from all around you. The whispers are unbearable. Screams, shouts of triumph, and ghostly voices from beyond fill your ears even as you fight to cover them with your palms. You fall to your knees screaming in agony as the world around you turns black.

As quickly as it all happened you find yourself in nothing but deathly silence. Your quiet whimpering is the only sound in this now desolate patch of reality. Where did everything go? As you get to your feet the only thing you can see beyond the circle is a dense blackness. This remaining patch of the world remains lit by a sun you can't see. Where are you?

Just outside the circle you notice a similar blue glow rising from the earth. It trickles like a waterfall in reverse even though you can still see through it. Whips of light dance around the source in graceful patterns, almost as though they are beckoning something from beyond.

A figure begins to materialize in the glow before you. A wickedly pointed helmet appears followed by shoulders hunched forward like a wild animal. In one hand it carries a large jagged blade curved in two places. The other hand pulls the rest of its body into reality with its sickle-like claws. Its prone stance is extremely unusual and all the more terrifying. You look down at the gnarled branch in your hand. What are you going to do against this thing? Your choice of weapon will only annoy it at best.

Your breath wavers as you stand in a staring match with this unnatural warrior. This thing is a crime against nature and is hell bent on spilling blood. Tears form in your eyes as you continue to stare in horror at the atrocity that has just materialized in front of you. With your branch at the ready you quietly beg for it not to attack you. The warrior cocks his head like a confused dog. Did it even understand what you said? The quiet begs turn to faint crying as you try to figure out its first move.

In an instant the warrior disappears in a puff of smoke. You hear scurrying somewhere nearby before being blindsided and knocked off your feet. Your back slams the ground and you roll in a heap. Winded and in pain you scramble to get away from this unholy monster. It notices the stick you've dropped and lets out a sound that you can only assume is him laughing at you. Suddenly he leaps high into the air, rolls himself over to ready its weapon. His blade slices into the dirt directly where you were laying. Your quick wits allow you to avoid one attack with a well-timed roll but your luck can still run out.

You clamber to your feet and clutch your aching side as you run away. Another quick swipe barely misses your back. The outside air brushes your skin through the new opening in your shirt as you fight the pain in your side to run faster. Another leap puts it directly in front of you this time. Its claws are at the ready in anticipation of you running straight into it. Thankfully you manage to throw yourself sideways at the last minute.

As this twisted being begins to approach your injured body sprawled out near him a familiar voice suddenly rings out from the middle of the arena.


It's Blaidd! Not a moment too soon! With the warrior's attention now focused on him you crawl away as quickly as you can. The pain in your core is too much causing you to collapse. Helpless and exposed you can only watch as the two go face to face with one another.

Blaidd's strategy against this thing is masterfully crafted. Whichever way Darriwill moves he knows how to counter it even with a weapon as large as his. The vanishing trick rarely works and at one point earns him a swift blow to the legs from Blaidd's sword. The two trade blows a couple of times but it's never enough to even touch Blaidd at all. His dodges are well timed, and his counter attacks almost always hit their mark.

Darriwil's final mistake is trying to leap once more. Thinking that he had the upper hand when Blaidd's exhaustion started to show he launched himself in another attempt to flip and slice. He saw this coming though and slammed Darriwil out of the air with such force that it caused him to somersault backwards as he crashed back down.

His right is visibly broken from the impact and he can't get himself back to his prone stance. The battle is over. You turn away as Blaidd finishes his search with one final, hefty swing of his sword. The warrior's lifeless body begins to fade into dust and carries with the breeze.

As the world returns from the obscuring darkness that surrounded you Blaidd notices you lying on the ground. You're badly wounded but you've survived. He asks if you're alright but you can barely hear him as you fade in and out of consciousness. Those brilliant purple eyes of his are the last thing you see before the world around you goes dark. The last thing you hear echoing through your mind is his frantic attempts to keep you awake to no avail.

A cold breeze sweeps over your face as you slowly come to. Something heavy keeps you warm from the outside air, and as you open your eyes you realize that it's the fur cloak that Blaidd wore on his armor. The table underneath you isn't the most comfortable thing to lay on but it's better than being dead in a field somewhere. Your back and sides still ache from being thrown to the ground but it's bearable enough for you to sit up. His cloak is surprisingly soft. If you have it though, where is he?

As you get up from the table you find yourself in what looks to be in a small castle of sorts. No, it can't be that, it's much smaller than any you've ever seen. A bookcase is built into the far wall indicating that it must be a study of sorts. None of the books are in a language you can understand but it's nice to know there's some sort of intelligence here. You hold your hands up to a nearby torch to warm them as you try to figure out where you are. The various brazen trinkets and astrolabes aren't much help, even if they're nice to look at.

You wander down a set of stairs towards the entrance of this unknown structure. Another couple bookcases have books with similarly undecipherable titles lining the shelves. A steel boot stepping onto the tile floor causes you to drop the book you were holding.

"Nice to see you're finally awake. Lady Ranni told me you would be alright, just as I had hoped."

Blaidd's sudden entrance is most welcome. Without a second thought you hug his midsection like someone's child greeting them as they walk in the door. You thank him for saving you and apologize for being too weak to fend for yourself. His tender expression once again puts your mind at ease when he kneels down and tells you that it's alright. Without you he wouldn't have found the man he was looking for, if you could even call Darriwil that.

"Perhaps you should stay out of trouble from now on, hm? It's a dangerous world out there. We wouldn't want you to get hurt even worse, would we?." Blaidd advises as he moves your hand to check your side.

You blush a little as you rub the fur on his hands. Hopefully he didn't notice, but they're just so soft. His gentle demeanor helps you to feel proud for helping him finish his mission. The bubbly feelings welling up inside you are once again written all over your face. He smiles and ruffles your hair before helping you sit down to relieve the soreness still burning in your core.

It's no secret that you aren't from this world. Your memories are fuzzy at best which doesn't help when trying to answer his question about where you had come from. Your world is much different than his. Swords and armor are things you've only ever seen in museum displays. It's somewhat shocking to him, but he seems to understand. He gladly lets you hold his sword in your lap with some help to show you that it's real. If a weapon can be a work of art this one is a great example. The gems set into it are captivating and its weight easily pins you to your seat. The torches in the room shine through its near-perfect surface. It must be difficult maintaining such an armament like this.

Blaidd is eager to tell you about the Lands Between when you ask. All of the questions you'd had since your first meeting at the ruins spill out as you do your best to listen. You learn that the towering tree in the distance is called the Erdtree. It's an odd name but you accept it either way. It's a holy staple of the land with entire bands of people who praise and worship it. At least that's what you think he said. He'd mentioned a queen named Marika but his explanation of her was too confusing for you to follow. A queen, a holy tree, it was good enough for you.

The burning question that stands out in your mind is whether or not magic is real. You'd always been told all your life that it isn't. After your encounter with Darriwil though, you can't be so sure anymore. Blaidd grows silent, then with a sly grin ushers you to follow him.

"Come, I'll show you," he beckons.

Forgetting about your injuries you try to get up from the chair. He can sense the pain you're in and carefully picks you up and holds you in his arms against his chest. Your eyes are dinner plates and your stomach is swarming with butterflies. It's so easy for him to carry you. It's- you don't know how to describe it. Physically you look the same but inside you feel like you've shrunk down to a toddler. You feel no pain as he places a hand on your back to support you. His touch is so gentle that you can't help but melt into him as he leads you through the rise. It's like he knows what gets to you and is seizing the opportunity. No, you must be overthinking this.

Still in Blaidd's arms you ascend an elevator just past the room you woke up in. The platform came to life in a faint flash of blue light before rising on its own. After Limgrave you really aren't a fan of mysterious glowing objects. Blaidd pats your back and tells you that it's not an Evergaol. So that's what the circle in the hill is called. You ask what it is and he tells you that it traps bad things that have no place in the world.

As the elevator reaches its destination the light fades. If you hadn't seen it for yourself you would never have known it was an elevator in the first place. Blaidd carries through the doorway to a set of stairs exposed to the outside. The lack of any railing makes you nervous but once again he eases your nerves by hiding your face in his shoulder and telling you not to look down. He has to be reading you somehow. Everything he says hits exactly the right mark. Did Kale tell him something after calling you a "little tarnished?"

"Well, this is an unexpected surprise," a woman's voice says from behind you.

Blaidd sets you down, careful to not injure you further. You turn to see a four-armed doll with a white pointed hat. The brim is like an umbrella on her head. Despite the doll's porcelain appearance it looks to be very much alive. It's not the doll that draws your focus though, but rather the ghostly silhouette of a woman with an identical face sharing her right eye. In any other situation you would have turned and run away, but somehow you know that Blaidd wouldn't let anything happen to you.

The doll folds her bottom hands in her lap as she looks up at him. Though her expressions are simple due to her composition you can still tell that she is as confused as you are. She points at you and asks him, "Who might this be that you hath brought before me?"

Her question is cold but Blaidd's jovial response sits well with her. He explains the encounter with Darriwl, but you can tell that there's something else he wants to say behind it. The wording he uses is masking something else. He looks down at you frequently as he retells the story and explains that he'd brought you here to recover away from any danger. When asked where his cloak went he explains that he put it over you so that you wouldn't freeze. The doll witch notices you start to blush but doesn't say anything. Even though Blaidd explained the story it felt as though another unspoken conversation was happening.

"Very interesting," the doll responds.

Her gaze shifts to you and she asks you your name. You tell her before going silent once and waiting for your turn to speak once more. She notices that you look down at the floor in shyness while your hands hide themselves behind your back.

"A polite one. Something rare to find these days. I am Ranni the Witch. It would seem as though you've found companionship in my half-wolf, Blaidd. It is not hard to see."

Her observation rocks you to your core. Does she know something, too? Why are you starting to feel as though you're a part of some secret only you don't know? Perhaps it's the brighter shade of red your cheeks turned when she mentioned your new found "companionship." It's news to you, even if it takes you a moment to realize that it shouldn't be.

You ask her what she means to which she asks how you cannot see it yourself. The longer she studies you the more you begin to feel that same shrinking feeling as before. Her lips curl into a subtle grin. Whatever this feeling is of yours, she feels it too, and you can't help but think that Blaidd knows too. Ranni continues to study you for a while longer. No words need to be said. Your presence in her chamber is enough to spill any secrets even you aren't aware of.

"A little tarnished such as yourself should count themselves lucky that they've made it this far. The Lands Between are not known for their hospitality, especially towards the likes of you."

There it is again! First Kale, now her? What's going on here?

"Little tarnished?" You ask.

Ranni chuckles knowingly. In the short amount of time you've seen her she's already figured you out. It worries you that she's not telling you anything. She looks back to Blaidd and nods approvingly. What does she know? You're bothered by the secrecy. What big secret are they keeping from you? Blaidd puts his hand on your shoulder and asks you if you remember how you got to the Lands Between. You'd had this conversation with him before but this time his tone is almost parental in nature.

Once again you try to recall how you ended up there. Same as before your memory fails to recall any details. Only faint memories of where you came from form in your mind, but even they are starting to fade as well. Ranni nods.

"It is not uncommon for memories of long ago to dwindle into nothing. There is little use for them here. However, a piece of you from that time still remains. Perhaps it is why you find security in the authority of another."

No way. Even Ranni can see it. Though you don't want to admit it, Blaidd is your security and comfort. He knows more than you about this place, is bigger and stronger than you, and even watches out for you. You feel like a child compared to him. A child who is lost and scared in an unfamiliar place and looking for someone to keep them safe.

"I assume your silence is that of correctness, is it not?"

You nod out of reflex. What else is there to say? She isn't wrong and you know it. With a sigh you finally open up about it all. It started with Kale after a conversation about how talking to him helped you feel less alone. You had told him your fears about this place so far and that's when he'd pointed you to Mistwood and told you to snap your fingers when you had reached the ruins. The mentioning of "little tarnished" twice now makes you feel something, but you haven't been sure what up to this point. You know you're not the strongest or quickest of wit, especially with a weapon. After recapping everything that had happened since Darriwil you mention that everything feels like a big secret.

With everything out in the open you slump your shoulders in defeat. You feel so vulnerable and helpless now that everything that's been on your mind has been said. The aching in your core still gnaws at you even in your lowest point.

"Ah, your injuries," Ranni observes.

It's nothing, you don't want to appear weak after all of that. You try to convince them that you're fine but the pain in your side forces you to sit on the floor. Yet another blow to your dignity. It eases the pain only slightly but you can't keep the embarrassment off of your face. Blaidd kneels down next to you and puts his arm around your shoulder. His sympathetic gaze nearly causes you to cry, but you choke back your tears with some effort.

You hadn't noticed that Ranni had been busy casting a spell. She asks Blaidd to help you to your feet as she aims a small blue orb in your direction. It glides calmly through the air before easing itself into your chest. A cooling sensation ripples through your body as the soreness in your core begins to subside. Your ribs feel much cooler in a few concentrated areas. They must have been broken from the impact you took. When the spell begins to wear off you can stand without help again. The pain is completely gone!

The display was amazing. How could that little blue orb heal you like that? Is magic real? You certainly think so after that. Still in awe at what you'd witnessed you manage to stammer out your thanks before turning your attention to Blaidd once more. Something feels different, though. As you do something within you starts to stir. As you look at him your mind feels like it's swimming. You sit back down on the floor while staring at the floor.

"Are you alright, little guy?" Blaidd asks as he once again kneels down to keep you from falling over.

You want to say yes but your head is spinning. It's difficult to make sense of anything. Visions of a full moon suddenly flash through your mind. They flash faster and faster before eventually everything you see in front of you suddenly changes. You're no longer on the floor of Ranni's chamber. A full moon so close you could almost jump up and touch it hangs low in the sky. Ranni stands patiently in front as she waits for you to come to whatever senses you have left.

As you get to your feet you notice that you are significantly shorter than before! You stand there dressed in pajamas with prints of little dragons on them. Still she waits for you to get your bearings before speaking directly to you.

"Little tarnished, this is no place for your like. Thy confessions are that of truth, even if they pain thee to admit. Blaidd wishes not to see thy life go to waste. Thou art a refreshing sight in a world plagued with madness and depravity. I do thee a kindness with hopes that thou whilst repay my favor in kind."

Unsure of how you'd be of any use to her you ask what it is that she wants you to do.

"Give Blaidd thy obedience and good-will. His is a hard lot. A little one such as thee would serve thee both well. I sense thy bond to him, longing for one to show care toward'st thee."

The anxious thoughts and fears you once had now feel like a distant memory. Ranni's words shape your mind in ways you can't explain, but rather know are right. There's no need to question it. You want to make Blaidd proud.

"Is this something I can entrust to thee?"

Without thinking you proudly exclaim that you'll be good! It's all you care about, to be on your best behavior. Your promise rings out like informing a new babysitter that you want to be the best they've ever watched.

Ranni smiles. Though you can't fully see her face you can tell that she's pleased. You bounce with excitement at the thought of getting to spend time with your new caretaker. The excitement in your heart is practically spilling out. As suddenly as everything changed you awake once more. Lying on the floor of Ranni's chamber you see that she hasn't moved from her chair. Blaidd strokes your hair as you return from the vision you had. Suddenly you feel the urge to call him something else.

Before you have the chance to say something Blaidd looks up as Ranni speaks.

"It appears thou hath found someone to take under thy wing."

Blaidd's gentle gaze shifts down to you. You've returned to your normal body yet still feel as you did in Ranni's vision. He thanks Ranni for her help before scooping you up in his arms and carrying you back to the elevator. There's a new happiness brewing within you as he praises you for being so good during all of that. You giggle and hug him as the lift lowers itself to the bottom floor.

A couple days have passed since your first meeting with Ranni the Witch. Playtime in the wilds has been the most fun you've had in a long time. You've learned so much about the creatures you've encountered, the land itself, so much that you don't think you can remember it all! Blaidd even helped you pet a deer and loved watching your excitement when it let you. He's done a great job of letting you have fun while keeping an eye on you.

Blaidd had set out on a journey with you in tow. There is someone he needed to see about something, though at the time he didn't say what it was. You didn't care either way. The journey wasn't without its quirks, however. There were multiple instances of Blaidd having to help you to relieve yourself when you struggled to get your pants down. It's something you'd done for so long yet now it's become a difficult task for you.

"We'll have to work on that, won't we?" Blaidd would always say.

Even your aim has gotten worse. A few close calls with your leg or hand was all it took for Blaidd to start helping you go altogether. The problem grew worse as you got to Liurnia. Water seems to be a trigger for you; something he had to figure out very quickly when you'd nearly wet yourself when walking by a stream. No matter what he still took it in stride. You just have to learn, that's all.

You finally reach your destination after a long journey through the lakes. Their shallowness made them easy to trek through at least. Now the person of interest is just up the hill past another set of unfamiliar ruins. The sounds of clanking metal and muttering means that you must be close. Blaidd tells you to stay close so that you don't get lost as he takes your hand.

Just beyond a ruined archway a giant with a helmet made of mirrors hammers away at something, checking a book every so often. Even as he sits at the anvil he towers over you and your half-wolf partner. He sets his hammer down upon noticing you both approaching.

"Ah, Iji, well met," Blaidd announces as he takes you in his arms.

The giant returns the greeting and notices you sucking on your fingers in his arms.

"I see you've found a friend," Iji notes.

Blaidd laughs and replies, "he's certainly a rambunctious little guy."

The two converse about something you don't understand. Your focus is on something else: a lizard. It slithers its way under a nearby rock which you try to move. It's too heavy but you're determined to catch that lizard hiding underneath. You try everything to get that rock to move. Any stick you try to use for leverage snaps in two. Hitting it with another rock is just as useless. There's no way you're strong enough to roll it. Even if you were, you didn't want to risk hurting your potential new friend.

Blaidd sees that you're starting to wander off and beckons for you to come back. As you turn to heed his request something happens that leaves everyone stunned.

"Uh oh," Iji remarks.

"I had a feeling that would happen sooner or later," Blaidd adds.

You stand frozen in place, legs spread, as a warm spot begins to spread in the middle of your pants. Pee runs down your pant leg before dribbling onto the dirt beneath you. This can't be happening! You look on in shame as the last of your bladder empties itself into your crotch. This little accident of yours cuts the conversation short as Blaidd figures out what to do. Iji then mentions that he'd seen a merchant somewhere that may be able to help with your "problem."

He recalls the conversation as being a little odd at first before realizing that he may have known about you and Blaidd somehow. The merchant described himself as one who knew a lot about "taking care of others," yet never said where he hailed from or where this experience came from either. His choice of clothes was similar to a perfumer of the royal capitol which seemed out of place for a profession like his.

When asked where to find this merchant Iji pointed him in the opposite direction you'd come. The directions were vague at best, but the merchant wasn't exactly clear himself. Regardless, it was another stop to make if it meant helping fix the mess you've made.

True to his word the merchant is almost exactly where Iji had described. Up the road a ways is a rock protruding from the ground. According to his directions the merchant will have a camp set up which is easy to spot from the direction you and Blaidd are heading. The light of a campfire glistened through a bush. The smell of smoke grows stronger as you both approach this mysterious salesman.

"Ah, good, you've finally come I see," the merchant proclaims as he sees you both round the bush.

The wet spot on your pants grabs his attention.

"Someone's had an accident, have they?" He asks, pointing towards it.

Embarrassed by this observation you slowly nod your head before hanging it out of shame. Blaidd mentions what Iji had told him about his peculiar experience and the merchant happily obliges. As mysterious as he is, his wares somehow manage to outdo him. He retrieves something from a nearby box and hands it to Blaidd. He then looks over at you and asks him if he's ever changed you before.

The realization hits him as his eyes light up. It's been a long time but the concept is not unfamiliar to him. Even more interesting to him is that these diapers didn't need to be laundered after use. The merchant then ushers him over to another section of his makeshift shop. Clothes sit folded and stacked neatly in boxes just near the supply of diapers he carries.

"You don't want to be walking around in wet clothes all the time, do you?" The merchant asks you as he ushers you over as well.

Blaidd comments that these aren't like anything he's ever seen. To you though they're very familiar. He is visibly confused at first when retrieving a onesie and holding it up for you to see. The horses on it are intriguing and you take it from him for a closer look. The merchant explains what's in your hand much to Blaidd's interest. A shirt that can help keep your diaper on as well? It's a wonderful idea! There are other options for you to pick from which you waste no time in deciding which ones are your favorite. After some deciding you produce three that are your favorite: dragons, knights, and wolf pups.

He laughs as you proudly hold them up for him. Of course you'd choose one with wolves on it. The merchant gets a kick out of it as well and offers it for free after seeing the enthusiasm on your face. You don't care as much about pants, leaving Blaidd to figure that out for you. Picking out shirts for you is a joint task. You're proud of your new matching dragon shirt though. The plainly colored ones were too boring for your exquisite tastes anyway.

Before paying for your new things the merchant has one more item that he stresses is essential for you. He retrieves a bag with a shoulder sling and explains that it can hold not only your diapers but a few changes of clothes as well. He is also kind enough to include some other essentials as well such as a bottle, a few bibs, and a couple of pacifiers as well. It doesn't take long for Blaidd to put two and two together.

The merchant offers a brief tutorial on diapering you with a demonstration. As instructed you lay on a mat that he retrieves from the bag. He lifts your legs and slides a diaper with cartoon animals on it underneath you. As he pulls it up over your crotch he explains the best way to tape it: bottom first, then the top, making sure that everything is even so that it fits properly. It's so much easier than cloth that Blaidd needs no convincing that this is a great choice for you.

Once your diaper is taped he helps you slide your new wolf pup onesie over your head and explains how to snap it closed. Simple as can be. After it's snapped firmly between your legs Blaidd lifts you to your feet. He ruffles your hair as you proudly crinkle around in your new attire. The merchant is equally as pleased with how cute you look pretending to be a wolf yourself and giving your best howl.

"Alright pup, come on now. We should get back to Ranni. She may have some important business for us to take care of."

He lifts you up and sets you on his shoulders before thanking the merchant for everything. As you leave he also mentions that, through some effort, other merchants around will also have some things in stock in case you need to resupply. You're happy as can be and couldn't care less that you had no other clothes on. You let out one more howl as you and Blaidd head back to the rise once more.

That night Blaidd asks for your help to set up a small camp. After a quick bath in the lake he gets you changed and into a pair of pajamas you didn't know he'd also bought. You can't help but admire the big puppy that adorns the front of your shirt. Once you get settled down he puts your favorite matching wolf-themed pacifier in before taking time to explain some rules with you.

He isn't as strict as you'd thought he'd be. At sundown you're to come back for your bath and story time. Bedtime is always the same time: after your story. The reason for visiting Iji is revealed to you as he shows you a leather collar he had made. Its enchantment will help him find you if you ever go missing for any reason. The collar fits comfortably around your neck as he fastens a small lock in the back. His explanation for the lock is so that you don't try to take it off without his permission. When asked if you understand you nod happily.

Even if it isn't necessary he adds that you will ask to be changed. You aren't to do it yourself until you're housebroken again. It's not something that feels important to you now but you agree all the same. He mentions that he will try to feed you at the same time once you have a routine. Even if he forgets though you won't go hungry. To sweeten the deal he's even prepared a bottle of juice for you as a bedtime treat.

You understand his rules and give him a hug to show you it. The long day takes its toll as your eyes begin to droop. He pulls you close and swaps the pacifier in your mouth for the bottle of juice. Nearly forgetting about your new clothes though he quickly gets a bib fastened to prevent any more messes. Before he puts the bottle back in you tell him you're sorry for wetting your pants earlier that day. With a chuckle he strokes your head and tells you that it's okay. It's why you have all of your new things, after all. Considering their unknown origins he expresses concern that he may not be able to find anything like them again, but for now he savors the moment as you happily drink your bedtime juice.

After telling you a story from when he was growing up he lays you down on his cloak and wraps it around you. He lays your diaper bag under your head and gently rubs your back. It's not long before his gentle rhythm works its magic. Your eyes fall closed and soon you are fast asleep under the starry night sky.

Ranni is pleased to see the both of you as you arrive back at her rise the next morning. You could have sworn it took longer to get from there to Liurnia, but Blaidd once again asks you if magic is real. The thought of him teleporting you somehow is the most exciting thing. When you asked him to do it again he could only laugh and reply that it's not as easy to do as you think. A disappointing answer, but he knows best!

As you enter her chamber she looks up as though she has just reanimated. Though the meeting with Iji was cut short she finds the story behind it amusing to say the least. Your new clothes are cute as ever and you beam with excitement as the stories you want to tell boil in your brain. It was the best camping trip ever! You can't wait to tell her about all of the animals you saw and show her your new clothes. Blaidd pops your pacifier in before that happens though. Ranni is a bit more serious about things than he is and makes a note to himself to teach you that as well. You cross your arms and pout, but it's for the best. Blaidd knows what's best for you, which doesn't leave you mad long.

The meeting with Ranni was brief. You weren't sure what they were talking about. All that mattered to you was the attention you were getting in the form of shoulder pats and head strokes. Thankfully the timing of your next accident was convenient enough to be afterward. His rules were clear. You tug on his arm and point downward. Wet again, and this was a big one. Once downstairs he lays you out on the floor for your change and explains that you're going on another adventure today.

You listen to every word as he tells you about where you're going. The names are completely unknown to you but the way he tells you makes it sound like a lot of fun. Your stomach begins to rumble as he finishes taping you up. Lucky for you he has something new for you to try! After fastening the snaps on your onesie you're propped up on the table with your bib as he unwraps a piece of seasoned meat. It's a delicacy in some places he tells you.

Breakfast goes quickly as you scarf down this new food he's given you. It's delicious and like nothing you've ever had before! Its herbal hints roll nicely off your tongue and the spice gives it a great kick. You eat it so fast that Blaidd worried you would choke.

"Maybe let me feed you from now on, pup," he suggests as you stuff the last bit of food into your face.

After cleaning up the nightmare you've left on your face from breakfast he helps you get dressed for the day. It's hard for you to choose with so many options. Eventually Blaidd settles on your dragon-print t-shirt and a pair of tan colored pants. He pops your back in and clips it to your shirt once he's finished doing your fly.

The day awaits. Eagerly you wait for him at the rise entrance. Your bubbly attitude lifts his spirits too and he scoops you up in his arms. He takes out your pacifier and asks, "where are we going today?"

"On an adventure!" you exclaim.

"And what are you going to be?"

You giggle and respond, "a good pup!"

"And who are you going to be a good pup for?"

Your face beams as you ready your response. Your hands fly into the air as you should with all the glee in the world, "daddy!"

You happily accept your rewarded back pats and ask him for uppies onto his shoulders. He returns your pacifier to your mouth and happily obliges. Like a knight with his steed you're ready to set off on your next adventure. Even though you break a rule you quickly free your mouth and let out one last howl, just like Blaidd. Your laughter brightens the day as he responds with his own howl. With your pacifier back where it belongs you set out for what the day has in store. Just he and his good little tarnished pup.