Gaining Lost Time- Chapter Four

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#5 of Gaining Lost Time

Chapter Four

"School Daze"


Furry Sith Lord

The next few days flew by as we were getting ready to be sent to Bearly Academy. Once everything was packed and ready we were sent. Oziah remained at home so my father was left to the care of the limo driver who drove him to school.

I, on the other paw, was a slave and forced to sit inside the delvery truck so I coould not bother the movers. I was fine with it because it gave me a chance to draw up some initial plans on the device I was supposed to build.

My thoughts drifted to the rest of my family and wondered what it would be like to meet my dad, Leggo, or Uncle Jon. They would have no clue who I was but if they were there then I'd know absolutely that I had somehow managed to time travel. Even though I was skeptical I hoped it might give me some actual answers.

The main problem that I thought of was that 'if' I had traveled back in time then I needed to be very careful. I could change the past in ways that could vastly alter the future. I could stop my birth adults from meeting and make it so that I'll never be born. Or maybe stop my father and dad from falling in love and completely change how my life is.

I remembered watching some special features from a movie series I liked called 'Fur To The Future' where an expert said otherwise. His hypothesis was that time is a fixed continuum and even if you traveled back and changed something the future would not change because how things are mapped out are already determined and they are unalterable. So in theory if I went back in time and stepped on a plant that could cure cancer nothing in the future would change because it was already predetermined that I would go back and step on the plant.

I was not fully sure how I felt on the spectrum but I was hoping for more of a compatibilist worldview. That way I could at least feel like I could change things enough so that my father isn't killed by the hairless apes. I just have trouble believing a deterministic view that everything is set and that I can't change it. Although I don't completely understand the opposing concepts.

When we arrived, the movers opened the doors to the back of the truck where I was. I woke up with a start and needed to use my paw to help block the light as my eyes adjusted. The movers ignored me as they began to unload the truck and I made my way over to Lou's side. We both wore the school uniform upon Oziah's instructions that we look professional, ewven if I was a slave, whjen we arrived.

We saw other students arrive in the same manner, which is different then when my brother and myself arrive at school and everyone is still in their street clothes. I looked around and did not see a single fur that I recognized.

"Do you know where the feline dorms are?" Lou asked me as he seemed uninterested in me as he looked around as if searching for someone in particular.

"You look nervous," I remarked and his head snapped in my direction as he glared at me. "Looking for someone special?"

"A faculty member. I had heard a rumor they retired and wondered if it was true. I would usually see them by now, so that confirms the hypothesis." Lou said grimly.

"Maybe," I replied only half listening as I looked to see if my dad or Uncle Jon might walk by. For a second, I had hoped that that was who he was looking for too.

"Well?" Lou asked and I had been so lost in thought I hadn't heard him.


"Do you KNOW where the feline dorms are?!" He repeated angrily.

"Yeah, over there." I pointed. I was still looking for my dad and uncle and did not did not pay attention to his reaction. I heard him mumbling as he walked away but paid him no mind. I made my way to the feline dorms to find out which room I was in.

I started feeling homesick as I thought about Phil and Hooper. They were the roommates of Lyon and myself. Phil was a large black panther but was as gentle as a pussycat. Hooper was an actual house cat but he was extremely lazy and usually stole from us and left messes that we had to bully him to clean. Phil had moved out of our dorm room so that Benyamin could move in and be with me.

Ben and I had been dating for awhile but what got us the most attention was that we were both white tigers. Ben was just a little older than me and sometimes I felt like he treated me like a cub because of that. It wasn't that he was being mean but it made things awkward because we're supposed to be dating but it sometimes felt like he was a big brother rather than an actual boyfriend.

I felt another pang of guilt as I realized that Lyon and I are about the age that we could learn how to drive. Father planned to teach us over the summer because he wanted us to be safe. Dad was too reckless and father feared we'd get into an accident if he taught us how to drive. That was the plan except now that father was murdered, I had no idea what would happen. Also providing I find a way home.

I made my way to the entrance of the feline dorm and I stopped as I saw a large lion holding a tiger on the ground. I saw the tiger struggling but I could see he was not giving it his all. I wasn't sure if they were playing or what. I walked closer to listen in on the lion speaking to his prey, it seemed.

"You are a disgrace to felines everywhere, an embarrassment. Such low class filth like you should be exterminated to prevent you from fouling up the evolutionary pool." The lion said. I saw that the tiger's face became red but if it was from shame, embarrassment, or anger I didn't know.

I ran over and pushed the lion off him and had the fur of my heckles sticking straight out. I really didn't care about the tiger but something deep inside told me to protect my feline brother. Plus I knew my dad would do the same!

"What the fuck you little miscreent!" The lion yelled at me.He had been thrown off and rolled a few feet away then sat up and stared at me. The other tiger looked at me in surprise and crawled away like a crab on his back with the look of horror on his face.

"What is your name, slave?" The lion asked as he rose and thought to intimidate me because he was slightly larger. I revealed my fangs and narrowed my blue eyes just to make my feelings clear.

"Back the fuck off, that's what you can call me." I replied and a sudden thought hit me. "Wait a minute, your names not Roni, is it?" I asked and he blinked.

"Do I know you slave?" He asked and took a step back as I started pointing and laughing at him.

"Yeah, I guess you might seem pretty intimidating when you're picking on a cub.... Just remember that I'm not a cub and you and I have some business to rectify. You picked on someone very dear to me and you're gonna pay for what you did." I replied. He just looked at me blankly as if trying to figure out what I was talking about.

Truth was I had learned that my brother Lyon's adult was named Roni. He had tortured and abused my brother emotionally and even though he was not guilty...yet. I was gonna make him pay for what he will do. He can pick on a cub but I ain't a cub no longer and lets see how he handles a real fur!

"I won't forget this!" He said as he adjusted himself and tried to clean himself off.

"Don't worry I won't let you. After I get done you'll never be able to look in the mirror again without seeing my face." I said quoting an old line from a movie Ben and I saw one night. Roni grunted and walked away as I watched him carefully.

"Thanks, but are you outta your mind?!" The tiger asked me.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Do you have any idea how rich his family is and you, a slave, just challenged him. Do you know what your master is gonna do when he finds out?" I chuckled as I reached up and gripped my collar.

"Yeah, this is decoration. You can't believe everything you see." I replied and he stared at me questioningly.

"Who are you?"

"My name is Tyger but the 'i' is spelled with a 'y' instead." I said.

"My name's Larri and I'm not rich or anything so although I thank you for stepping in, you may have just made things more difficult for me."

"Then you have the advantage. If word got out that a poor nobody beat up one of the rich elite their entire family would be shamed. They wouldn't want that to happen so they'll back off. Just consider that before you allow yourself to become a victim." I said then I walked away and made my way inside. I felt the glare from other students as they watched me and whispered to themselves what to make of me.

I ignored most of the remarks because it was about my coloring and I was used to it. I found an RD in the main lobby and approached to find which room I was going to be in.

"Hello," She said politely and waited for me to tell her my name. She was a small jaguar and I found her spots to be very attractive

"Tyger Panthera-T," I replied.

"Tyger, right. Let me check... Is this your first time here?" She asked.

"Yes," I replied after thinking about it for a minute. I had to be careful because if I told the truth then there would be a lot of confusion. How could I have been here before if there is no record of me ever attending. How could I explain time travel when I'm not completely sure that was what happened. Especially since this could all be a dream.

"You're... in... room........110." She said and we smiled at each other as she gave me my key pass then I left to go to my room.

I saw my new roommates getting themselves settled and the three of them stopped and stared at me. I lowered my ears and waited to see if anyone would greet me. I finally decided to break the uncomfortable silence.

"Hi..... My name is Tyger." I said and I watched them hesitate until a serval stepped forward to shake my paw.

"Greetings, my name is Obi." he said to me and we shook paws while the other two stepped forward after him.

"Hello, my name is Adnan." a Jungle Cat said next.

"I am Rinh." The final one said as I shook his paw. He was a Cloud Leopard that had a beautiful gray color to his fur.

"Nice to meet you." We all said awkwardly to each other. It was clear I was not what they expected in a new roommate. They were obviously foreign and hoped for someone from their own areas.

"I guess I'm not what you were expecting." I replied and they politely chuckled.

"Always a mystery around here. Our past quest just graduated and it can be difficult to meet a new face." Adnan said and the others mumbled agreement. I nodded my head and kinda understood what they were saying. When Phil. the black panther left our room so Ben could move in, it did feel awkward when it happened.

Even though my boyfriend was the replacement it was still hard at first because we had become attached to Phil and everything he did for us. So I could understand their feelings and hoped in time we would be comfortable with each other.

"Which room is mine?" I asked and Rinh pointed politely and I made my way inside to begin unpacking. My stuff had been placed in here the day before so that the movers could bend to my father's every whim as they loaded his belongings into his room. Today was supposed to be his day to feel pampered unlike the rest of us.

I had very little to do because the only things I had were the clothing Oziah bought me. I had to place them in the dresser and drawers under the bed. I then had to use the folded sheets on top of the mattress to make up the bed. I got lucky in that the maid had already folded and pressed my clothes so it was easy to put them away.

Once everything was arranged I left the dorm to go to the main center and pick up my student packet. This would have the usual stuff like my class schedule and any information the school thought I should know.

The packet had the usual nonsense as I skimmed through it trying to find my schedule. Classes were to begin tomorrow but luckily I knew where they were. It would be easy to get to them once I picked up my school supplies in the bookstore because Oziah had prepaid for everything in advance.

I saw two familiar sights at the bookstore and this brought an immediate smile to my maw. I saw a gray wolf and a Golden Retriever waiting in line to buy their books. The Golden Retriever was busy talking up a storm as the wolf stood there silently brooding. They were the last ones in line so I moved to stand behind them.

"So he wants to know my major and I'm like, I have no idea," Jon said and my dad just grunted but he seemed uninterested. It was odd to see him so quiet when usually he is so highly animated. I vaguely remember being told he was very closed off when he was younger and that my father had helped him come out of his shell.

"Excuse me," I interjected to the brief lull in Uncle Jon talking. I hoped to catch them before he started back up again.

"Holy shit! Someone drop a bucket of paint on you?" Jon said as he stared at me then I saw my dad turn and observe me as he narrowed his eyes.

"I was born with rare white fur," I replied and Uncle Jon looked like he had just swallowed a cough drop whole. Dad just watched me silently as if not sure what to make of me. Then again he may be wondering why I was interrupting, it was difficult to say because he had one hell of a poker face. It amazed me how much of a 180 my dad did after he fell in love with my father.

"Something you want?" dad asked after I took too long hesitating.

"Are you guys Jon and Leggo?" I asked shyly.

"Do... we know you?" Jon asked.

"Check out his neck. He's a slave." Leggo said as he slowly reached out and grabbed my collar. I started to panic as his large paws attached themselves to the collar and his knuckles were pressed against my throat. I started choking and he quickly withdrew them as I took deep breaths.

"Well, yeah, I mean what else would you do with a rare white fur creature?" Jon remarked.

"Creature?" I asked as I readjusted my collar. I eyes him with a sneer on my maw then turned my gaze towards my dad to see his reaction.

"You know what I mean," Jon replied apologetically. I saw Leggo give him a stern look and Jon began to panic slightly.

"Look sorry but there is nothing else to do with... species like you. You can only be slaves." Jon said and I saw Leggo punch his arm to get him to stop.

"Anyway... why again are you bothering us?" Leggo asked.

"Oh! I heard a couple of guys say that Leggo and Jon were pretty chill so I thought we could be friends."

"Pretty chill? What the fuck does thsat mean?" Jon asked and I stared at him. Leggo looked away as if uninterested.

"It means you guys are cool, awesome, really nice guys to know." I replied. Jon looked sat me skeptically.

"So they said that, huh? Jon asked and the look on my dad's face said they knew I was lying. I sighed deeply.

"Can you blame a fur for being the new fur on campus and trying to find a friend or two?" I asked and They dismissed my fibbing but my dad seemed to dismiss me altogether.

"See you around." my dad said dismissively and Uncle Jon nodded then they turned away. I still had trouble reminding myself that they were not the way they would one day become. I still thought of them as my dad and uncle but they weren't... yet and that kept throwing me off.

"Then do you guys know a deer named Lou?' I asked and they stared as if I threw a cobra at them.

"Best to stay away from him." Jon muttered.

"If you want a friend then he is not the most sociable of species to start with." Leggo said and this surprised me considering what I knew.

"Speak of the species," Jon remarked and they averted their gaze as I saw my father enter and look around. He saw me and the look of hatred was displayed then he rushed over and pulled me aside.

"What are you doing?" He quietly asked me.

"Just talking," I said weakly.

"If you're looking for others, like you, there are better ones to be around." He remarked.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Jon asked and Lou ignored him. Leggo used his paw to push Jon away from us

"Is he yours?" Leggo asked and I understood his questioning to mean was I Lou's slave. I really hate this time travel stuff because it's so annoying that no one knows who I am yet.

"He is of no concern to you. My father has taken a strange interest in him, though I can't see why. I am forced to cubsit him temporarily to keep my father in good humor."

"What?" Jon asked, scratching his head.

"Cretin," Lou muttered under his breath.

"That's a laugh, you can't even speak properly and you think I'm the cretin." Jon remarked. A quick look from Leggo silenced Jon.

"He mentioned us by name. How did he know our names? Have you mentioned us to him?" Leggo asked.

"We found him in our yard. He claims he lost his memory but he seems to know more than he lets on. Claims his parents adopted him and set him free from being a slave." Lou said as he gave another cold hard stare at me. I lowered my ears as I looked at my feet because I was not in the mood to get into a debate at the moment.

"Why's he still wearing a collar them?" Jon asked.

"He made a deal and lost." Lou started.

"Won actually," I interrupted, then fell silent as all of them glared at me.

"He agreed to be my father's slave and work to pay off the cost of tuition and supplies to come here. It seems his anixia tells him he came to school here but he can't remember anything else."

"Considering what he is, I think if we knew him, then we would remember him because it's not like white tigers walk around this place frequently." Jon said. Lou glared at Leggo as he saw Leggo staring at him. Leggo quickly averted his gaze but I knew what I saw.

"Either way I have no time to cubsit you." Lou said as he grabbed my ear anI cried out in pain.

"Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow,"

"Did you get your stuff?" He asked.

"Yes, sir." I cried.

"Get your things and return to your dorm!" He ordered me and I went to gather my bags but I overheard him talking to them. "I will try and keep him under better control in the future."

"He's not so bad." Leggo remarked and Lou narrowed his eyes as he watched the wolf shift uncomfortably.

"He's a slave, he needs to learn his place." Lou remarked sourly.

"Maybe, but because he's not as rich as you doesn't mean you get to be an ass to him." Leggo remarked. Jon backed away determined to not get involved with their argument. Judging by his actions I guessed this kind of thing had happened before.

It was amazing that the two of them would one day get their paws tied and their lives would change forever. Here they seemed to hate each other but I was the only one that knew the truth.

"You two fight like an old married couple." I remarked to see how they would react to each other. Call it a bit of an experiment, but I was dying to know how they really felt about each other. I hoped the remark would reveal their true nature.

"Yeah right," Leggo replied.

"As if." Lou replied, rolling his eyes.

"I dunno," I said innocently then saw both of them glare at me. I realized I might be trying to rush things and needed to back off and let them fall in love on their own. Last thing I needed was to interfere in their relationship.

I had other things to worry about because this confirmed that I had somehow time traveled. If the machine I was going to build for Oziah was going to send me back in time then perhaps I would need it to go home again. I, unfortunately, had no idea how it worked but according to my grandfather's letter, I was the one that created it.

The only clue was string theory, whatever that is. The trouble is that there is no internet or cell phones here so I was going to have to do this the old fashioned way. This was something I had no idea how to do. This seemed akin to working with stone knives and animal skins.

I had little time to think things over as Lou grabbed my ear again and pulled me away. He gave me a stern warning about associating with them and that I needs to be among slaves of my own levelk, whatever that is. He also told me that slaves have a curfew on campus and it is strickly enforced. I was glad he told me because I had no idea because nothing of the sort was enforced in the future. This was going to make things much more difficult.

To Be Continued...